San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
December 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 7, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 36

[Note: masthead states that this is the December 14th edition followed immediately by another December 14th edition with different layout.]

HAND-BOOK ALMANAC FOR THE PACIFIC STATE. We have received a copy of the above work, just published and for sale by H.H. BANCROFT & Co., Publishers Booksellers and Stationers; No. 609 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.  The books contains a complete list of the National, State, and County Officers, with a list of officers in the U.S. Army, together with a list of Postmasters, Newspapers, table of distances, etc., with other valuable information, and may be had by addressing H.H. BANCROFT & Co., who have on hand, and are constantly receiving large supplies of books, stationery, etc., of all kinds, which they offer on reasonable terms.

THE LAST NIGHT. We have been requested to notice the fact that Mr. A.L. HAM, will have singing in the Court Room in this place, on Monday evening, next.

FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF THE LAST COL. BAKER. The funeral obsequies of the late Colonel BAKER will take place on Wednesday next, and the demonstration on the occasion will doubtless be a most impressive one, as the authorities of San Francisco, and many citizens of the interior cities and towns, have signified their intention to be present, and participate in the ceremonies.

A shadow hangs over the city to-day.  The flags droop heavily at half-mast.  The dead body of BAKER is in our midst.  He who but a short time since went from amongst us, crowned with honors, and buoyant with hope, laid down his life for his country.  The only consolations guaranteed to us are that he died as the hero dieth, and that all of him which is mortal will be laid in the heart of his adopted home.

The steamer Golden Gate, as the clock struck four this morning, fired her signal gun off North Point.  After the bustle and confusion of disembarkation of passengers and luggage, at 9 o clock, the joint reception Committees of Oregon and California repaired to the wharf to receive the body of Colonel BAKER.

This Committee consisted of Messrs.  STEVENSON, COBB and FARWELL, of this city, Messrs. RECTOR, CORBITT and MORTON, of Oregon, Messrs. STEVENS and HOPKINS, son-in-law of deceased, who were also present to participate in the solemn ceremony of reception.  Shortly after the arrival of the Committee accompanying the remains from New York, composed of Col. HARASZTHY, Abel GUY, and Mr. DREW, of Oregon, duly delivered the body to the former, whereupon it was conveyed to the house of mourning, where the bereaved family reside.  It is understood that the corpse will remain there until Saturday next, when it will be removed to the City Hall, where it will lie in state, until the day of the obsequies and final interment.

WOODSIDE, Dec. 3, 1861

Editors Gazette As it has been a long time since any has appeared in you columns, from the pens of your former correspondents of Woodside, it may not be amiss for a new hand to take up the cudgel.  Since the late rains began, and stopped the usual business, almost everybody seems disposed to take a little recreation, judging from the two social parties lately given, at Temperance Hall.

The former surpassed anything of the kind ever gotten up in this place, in point of good things to eat, as would naturally be expected, from the fact that the party was under the superintendence of Mrs. TRIPP, under whose admirable management the party passed off, in a manner gratifying and pleasant to all concerned.

The latter, given by Mrs. M. McDONALD, and others, was truly a social party, and reflected great credit on the managers.

 FATAL AFFRAY. The Yreka Journal of November 27th, has the following particulars of a fatal difficulty  A difficulty occurred Monday forenoon, near CALLAHAN's ranch, between two mines named James COLWELL and Dennis O BRIEN, in which the latter was badly cut.  O BRIEN had COLWELL down, when COLWELL cut O BRIEN with a pocket knife, after which O BRIEN fired his pistol at COLWELL without effect.  O BRIEN has since died of his wounds.  The difficulty originated about using water from a ditch.  COLWELL, who is said to have acted entirely on the defensive, was arrested Monday evening for preliminary examination before the Justice of the Peace and discharged.

TWO MEN DROWNED. Red Bluff, Dec. 3d  Two men, by name George R. HILL and Jack FOX, residents of Scott river, Siskiyou county were drowned at the crossing of Pitt river, on the Sacramento river road, as they were on their way from Yreka to Red Bluff.  The stage could not cross the rive on account of high water, and they took a canoe and started across the river a short distance above the ferry.  The current was so strong they were carried down under the rope stretched across which they caught.  The canoe upsetting, the rope was cut by men on the bank, thinking they could hold on and be carried around out of the current, but they lost their hold and went under.  One of them had about $3000 on his person.  The bodies are not recovered yet. Telegram to Marysville Appeal.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 14, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 37

GENERAL SHIELDS. We learn that yesterday Brevet-Major General James SHIELDS accepted his commission, took the oath of office, and will leave on the steamer Golden Gate to-day, to report himself at Washington for duty. S.F. Herald, 11th

TEMPERANCE. Rev. Geo. B. TAYLOR, Grand Lecturer of the Sons of Temperance, will speak at the Court House, Redwood City, Tuesday evening next.  Mr. TAYLOR is an eloquent speaker, and we bespeak for him a full house.


The funeral obsequies of Col. Baker which took place in San Francisco, on Wednesday last is said to have been one of the most imposing demonstrations of the kind which has ever been witnessed on the Pacific Coast.  Mr. Edward STANLEY, the orator of the day delivered an eloquent eulogy on the occasion, in which he set forth the brightness of Col. BAKERS life, the important public services he had rendered to his country, and the dauntless bravery which had laid him in the tomb.  The oration throughout was not only a brief recapitulation of the life and public services of the illustrious deceased, but also a well deserved eulogy on the charter of the man in whose death the country has lost one of its noblest defenders, and the profession one of its brightest ornaments.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 21, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 38

THE PEOPLE VS. GATEWOOD. -  This case occupied the Dist. Court from Monday morning until Thursday evening, when the jury brought in a verdict of guilt of murder in the second degree, with a recommendation to mercy.  Tuesday next at 10 o clock A.M. was set for the pronouncing of judgment.

HAIR DRESSING SALOON. It will be noticed by reference to advertisement that W.H. CADMUS has recently opened and fitted up in good style, a Fashionable shaving, and Hair-Dressing Saloon, in this city, where he will be pleased to wait upon all who may favor him with their patronage.  The fact of his long experience, and proficiency in his business, will of itself commend him to the patronage and well wishes of all who may give him a call, and will probably receive nothing further for us to add, in the way of recommendation.

Sheriff Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of Twelfth Judicial District in and for the County of San Mateo, in favor of Rob t O. TRIPP and M.A. PARKHURST Plaintiffs, and against John GREER and Maria Louisa GREER Defendants, for a the judgment duly rendered in said Court, in favor of said Plaintiffs and against said Defendants, on the Nineteenth day of August A.D. 1861 duly tested on the twelfth day of December  A.D. 1861 and to me directed and delivered, by which I am commanded to make the sum of Two hundred and fifty Dollars damages and thirty-nine 76-100th Dollars cost of suit, together with interest and all accruing costs, I have levied on the following described real estate to wit  All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in said county of San Mateo, and being known and described as the Rancho Canada de Raymundo bordering towards the west on the Sierra Morena, to the east on the Rancho de las Pulgas, to the south on the Rancho of Maximo MARTINEZ, and to the north on the Great Lagoon, and being more particularly described in a Patent from the United States of America to Maria Louis GREER and Manuella COPPINGER duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of said county in Liber one of Patent, pages 27 and 33 inclusive, and notice is hereby given that on Monday, the Sixth day of January A.D. 1862, at 2 o clock, P.M. at the front door of the Court house in Redwood City in said County, I will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, all the right title and interest of the said Defendants or of either of them, in and to the lands and premises aforesaid, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution and all costs.

Sheriff San Mateo County
By G.W. Fox, Under Sheriff
Dated, December 12, 1861

Notice !!
Having bought the interest of H.C. BIDWELL, in the late firm of BIDWELL & McCABE, I wish to notify all persons indebted to the late firm to call at my office, pay their accounts, and get receipts from me for same, on, or before the 8th day of January next.  By doing so, they will save me a great deal of unpleasantness, and themselves trouble.  To the former patrons of the firm I beg to return thanks for past favors, and I assure them if they call at the old stand they will always find me ready to serve them with goods in my line as cheap as any other store in the county.

Notice of Transfer

I have leased my wharves and Lumber yards to J.Q. A. THURBER, Esq., possession to be given on the first of January nest, at which time all the posts, shingle and fire wood lying thereon and hitherto in my charge, will be placed in charge of Mr. THURBER, unless other arrangements are made by the owners thereof.

After the said first day of January next I will not be held responsible upon any receipts now outstanding for property of any kind which may have been placed upon said wharves and Lumber yards.

Redwood City, Dec. 12, 1861

 Notice to Creditors

Estate of A.L. SANFORD deceased.

Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the above named estate to the creditors and all persons having claims against A.L. SANFORD deceased. To exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months from the firs publication of this notice, to the undersigned, by delivering to him personally or leaving the same at the office of C.N. Fox, Esq., at Redwood City in the county in the county of San Mateo and State of California.

R.A. RANKIN, Administrator of the
Estate of A.L. SANFORD deceased.
Dated December 12, 1861

Patent Notice

All persons are hereby notified that the Patent issued by the Governor of the State of California for 158  47-100 acres of land in section 15, Township 6, South range 5 west will be exhibited before the 12th District Court, San Mateo county at the Court house in Redwood City on Monday the 16th day of December 1861 for the purpose of obtaining an order of said Court declaring it genuine.

Redwood City, Dec. 7th, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 28, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 39


In Redwood City, on Sunday, the 22nd inst., at 2 o clock P.M., the wife of Mr. B. LYON, of a son.


The following is the disposition of cases thus far made in the District Court at the present term.

People vs GATEWOOD Indictment for murder Tried, and convicted of murder in the second degree, and recommended to mercy Sentenced to imprisonment in the State Prison for fifteen years.

People vs CABANNAS and LATHROP Action of Appeal Bond Demurrer to complaint argued and submitted.

GREER vs WILLARD Demurrer to complaint overruled, with leave to answer in ten days, on payment of $20.

SUTHERLAND vs BYRNE et al, - Demurrer to complaint sustained, with leave to amend in ten days on usual terms.

EIKERENKOTTER vs MURPHY Notice to set aside default Argued and denied.

BURNS vs MARTIN settled and dismissed.

TEMPLEMAN vs WHITTIER Notice to set aside default Argued and denied.

HARRIS vs VAN WINKLE -  Demurrer to complaint over ruled Defendant declined to answer Judgment for Plaintiff ten days stay.

GARRIGAN vs Underwood Demurrer to answer sustained, and case goes over term, with leave to amend if defendant desires to do so.

TREADWELL vs AMES Demurrer to complaint overruled, with leave to answer on usual terms.

DAWLEY vs HOVIOUS, et al., - Trial commenced on Friday of last week, and still pending.
NOTARIAL. We notice that the Governor has commissioned Thomas W. LATHROP, Esq., our efficient Deputy County Clerk as a Notary public for this county.

MAGNIFICENT GIFT. At the festival of the pupils of the Pilgrim Sabbath School on Monday evening last, in San Francisco, the wife of Rev. T. STARR KING was presented with a Splendid diamond cross, valued at $700.


On Tuesday last, on calling the case of the People vs GATEWOOD for judgment, the Court after stating to the Defendant the crime for which he had been tired, and the conviction had thereunder, asked him if he had anything to say why judgment should not be pronounced.  The Defendant then by his counsel made a motion for a new trial and in arrest of judgment.  The motions were fully argued, and taken by the Court under advisement, and the pronouncing of judgment postponed until Thursday Morning, at 9 A.M.

On Thursday Morning, the Court denied both motions, and directing the defendant to stand up, said to him in substance

You have been indicted by the Grand Jury of this County for the crime of murder; to this indictment you plead not guilty, and upon that plea, you have had a full and fair trial before a jury of your county, and that jury, after a careful and patient investigation of the whole case, have brought you in guilty of murder in the second degree, and recommend you to the mercy of the Court.  I have taken that recommendations into consideration, and after carefully reviewing the whole case, have given it all the weight which I think it entitled to under the evidence.  It is sometimes thought, that punishment ought to be mitigated, in consideration of the intelligence of the defendant, and of the fact that he has hitherto held a fair position in the community, and been respectably connected, but to my mind, this is an aggravation, rather than a mitigation of the offence.  I think the punishment out to be more severe in the case of one, who has been brought up in an elevated social position, and who has had the opportunities of learning right from wrong, which you have enjoyed, than upon those who have had no opportunities to gain that knowledge which raises man above the brute.  In view of all the facts, and of the evidence in the case, the judgment of the Court is, that you be imprisoned in the State Prison of the State of California for the term of fifteen years.

Defendant moved the Court for admission to bail during pending of appeal.  The Court stated that he had fully reviewed all the evidence, and declined to admit to bail.  Defendant then moved the Court to fix a future day, for the commencement of the execution of the judgment, but his Honor though he had no power to do so.

Estray Notice

Came to the premises of the Undersigned.  At Belmont, San Mateo county, December 24th, a Roan Mare, the owner can have the same by proving property, and paying expenses.

Belmont, near Clark & Waltermire's store

COUNTERFEITER CAUGHT IN MARYSVILLE. The Police of Marysville have been for a long time after a gang of counterfeiters, who have been putting in circulation here and at San Francisco gold half and quarter eagles large quantities of both having been put out here; and last week they succeeded in fixing the business upon one Joseph ACKLIN, otherwise known as Texas KOSSUTH, a sharp rogue, whose place of occupation has been in the upper part of the city, near the catholic church.  Office DOEBLER arrested him, and on his premises were found implements, sufficient to justify suspicion.  He was examined in the Recorder's Court yesterday, and witnesses swore to his sending off packages, to seeing him finish up coin, etc.  He was accordingly placed under bonds for $2000 to appear at the next Court of Sessions, and in default, was committed to the County Jail. Marysville Appeal.

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