San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
May 14, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 6.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar, April 2005)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 14, 1859, Vol. 1 No.6.

At Martin's Landing (on the coast,) May 1st, Louisa, wife of Wm. TROTTER,
of a daughter.

       A new map of San Francisco has just made its appearance, which must
be a very great improvement on those heretofore in use.  It shows the exact
elevation of every part above the sea; the location of every house, fence,
road, field, slough, etc.  It represents an area extending one mile west of
the Plaza, and a half-mile south of the Mission.
       George D. BRUSH, Treasurer of Calaveras county, is reported to be a
defaulter to a large amount.  An order has been made that his bond be
prosecuted.  Upon the discovery of the dafalcation, it created considerable
feeling and much surprise, as up to that time Mr. BRUSH had enjoyed the
confidence of everyone.
       The steamships Golden Gate and Orizaba on the 5th inst., carried off
one thousand five hundred and fifty-six passengers, and two million four
hundred thousand dollars in treasure.
       Mrs. BILLMAN, tried in the Twelfth District Court for the murder of
her husband, was on the 6th inst., acquitted.  The verdict of not guilty
created considerable surprise.
       Richard F. RYAN, a surveyor of San Francisco, indicated as a
accessory to the abstraction of certain public records, has been tried and
       The indictments returned against the Supervisory of Sacrament to a
Grand Jury, have been quashed in the Court of Sessions.
       The Overland Mail of Monday last carried out one thousand seven
hundred and fifty letters.  A very great increase over former mails.
      A nolle prosequi has been entered in the case of James MAGNESS, who
was indicted with Mrs. BILLMAN, for the murder of BILLMAN.
       Five men are reported to have been killed by Indians at Klamath
Lake.  Thirty others have started from Jacksonville in pursuit.
       The new silver dollar, coined at the branch mint at San Francisco,
has made its appearance in that city.
       Chinese are beginning to arrive again in San Francisco in large
numbers, direct from the Celestial Empire.
       The last Overland Mail from St. Louis brought in sixteen hundred and
seventy-one letters.

DISCHARGED. _ Charles PECK, who was arrested in San Francisco on a charge
of grand larceny, in stealing a purse containing about two hundred and
fifty dollars from a family at Belmont, was on Monday last brought to this
place, and after a full investigation of the facts before Just CROOK, the
accused was discharged.

A daughter of John HANSON, of Mokelumne Hill, died a few days since, from
eating the phosphorous off from matches.  Accidents of this kind are of
frequent occurrence, and parents cannot be too careful of letting their
children play with matches.

Mr. John HANLEY has been appointed Deputy Road Commissioner for Township
No. 3.

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