San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
May 21, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 7.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 21, 1859, Vol. 1 No.7.

SUDDEN DEATH. - Wm. McNEIL, an old resident of the Redwoods, in this
county, died suddenly on Tuesday night last. He had retired to bed in the
evening, complaining of pain in the back and left side, with which he had
often been afflicted. About midnight, his wife was awakened by his
struggling and difficulty of breathing. Other occupants of the house were
immediately aroused, and a messenger dispatched for a physician, but the
sufferer died in a few moments, without speaking a work.
Corner McCLURE held an inquest on the body, and also made a post
mortem examination, when it was ascertained that death was caused by
disease of the heart. The jury rendered a verdict in accordance with those

The Sacramento papers mention several recent attempts to fire the
city. The citizens are urged to be on the alert.
By the arrival, on the 16th of the Senator, we have received Los
Angeles papers to the 14th instant. A company of men had left Los Angeles
prepared to thoroughly explore the San Gabriel mines. The news heretofore
received from there is encouraging.
At the Colorado mines, fourteen miles above Fort Yuma, about the
14th instant, a Mexican struck and knocked down an American by the name of
ROSS, and then robbed him of $375 in dust. There are only about five
Americans now engaged in the mines on the Colorado, and some seven or eight
on the Gila. Of Mexicans, there are about 350 on the two rivers engaged in
mining. They are making about $1.50 per day. About two week since some
two hundred Mexicans arrived at the mines, and reported many more on the way.
Their Royal high-nesses Victoria and Albert, so long expected,
arrived in San Francisco on Monday last, after a prolonged passage on one
hundred and fifteen days, and are now stopping at the Blackhawk stables.
They a____ to be "some elephant."
The great meteor seen in many portions of this State, in April, is
said to have fallen near Van Dusen's Fork Humbolt county, with such force
as to heavily shock the earth, producing a sound like that of the discharge
of a heavy gun or distant thunder.
The rates of fare upon the John L. Stephens were: first cabin $175
and $150; second cabin, $100; steerage, $50.
A collision took place at Benicia, 17th inst., between the steamer
Princess and the barge towed by the steamer Martin White. Very little
damage was done, but quite a row ensured, during which several shots were
fired by persons on board the Princess. No one was injured, however.
Two men who left Butte Creek, near Yreka, on a hunt, are supposed to
have been killed by the Indians, as their pack-mule returned a few days
after, with his pack on, and alone. The party of five who were killed
several days previously, near the same place, were attacked while lying in
bed, as was evident from their wounds. Two men were shot through the
heart; one cut in the head with an axe, and one shot and also stabbed in
the head. The fifth was burned, either alive or after have been killed
along with the others.
The proprietors of the Evening Bulletin have been prosecuted under the
late act of the Legislature relative to obscene publications for publishing
in their paper the confession of Mrs. SICKELES. They were convicted, and
sentences to pay of fine of $100 each.
The ceremony of formally opening the House of Refuge, San Francisco
was performed on Tuesday last. An address was delivered by J.B. Crockett,
The trial of Capt. Pendleton is progressing in the U.S. Court, at San
A telegraphic dispatch from Genoa, May 18th, to the S.F. Herald,
giving news from Salt Lake City says:
Great excitement exists in this city, and a collision is anticipated. The
Mormons have been drilling for weeks, and have got bodies of armed men out
in various directions throughout the country. The mountain hights (sic)
are prepared with signal fires, to telegraph at any moment. The Governor
has issued a proclamation for them to disperse; and, in case they should
not do it, the troops will doubtless have work to do. This is the only
news; in fact, it is the all-absorbing topic.
On the night of the 11th May, the house of Col. E. A. Stevenson, about
three miles from Red Bluff on the opposite side of the river, was burned to
the ground, consuming Mrs. Stevenson and three children and Mrs. Krouk,
with her two children. Mr. Krouk, Col. Stevenson's oversee, was in the
house, but by some means managed to escape, thongh (sic) so badly burned it
is doubtful about his recovery. Col. Stevenson was formerly Indian Agent
at Nome Lackee, and was absent at Tehama at the time of the fire. Mrs.
Stevenson had two brothers sleeping in a granary some distrance from the
dwelling-house that was burned; but they escaped, although not till after
the women and children were burned. It is generally supposed the fire was
the work of Indians. Fears are entertained that, if it is the work of
Indians, other places in that section may have shared the same fate. Mr.
Myers, who lives opposite Col. Stevenson's, and who conveyed Mr. Krouk to
his place, thinks if it is the work of Indians, they murdered the women and
children before the house was fired.
On the night of the 14th, the people of Red Bluff were alarmed by
seeing a fire on the opposite side of the river. A number of citizens
started immediately for the fire, and discovered it to be caused by the
burning of Mr. Seth HOOKER's house, situated about five miles from the
town. When the citizens arrived, the building was entirely destroyed. It
is believed to have been the work of Indians, as a Mr. Marshall, who was
sleeping in the house, and who is an old mountaineer, says positively that
he heard Indians immediately before the house was fired. The parties who
remained at the ruins till morning discovered bare feet and moccasin tracks
in the adjacent fields.

FIRE - On Thursday night of last week, the dwelling house of Messrs.
COURTER and MARVIN situated in the San Andres valley, in this county, was
entirely consumed by fire. The fire broke out between twelve and one
o'clock, in the kitchen, and is supposed to have originated from the
stove-pipe (the almost universal California chimney) where it ran through
the roof. The house was made of redwood boards, cloth lined and papered,
in which the fire worked along so quietly, that it had almost reached the
inmates, all of whom were asleep, before they were aware of its existence;
and when made aware of it, they had barely time to escape with their lives,
without saving even the clothing which they had taken off on retiring.
There were five persons in the house, all grown, and so rapid was the
progress of the fire, that, we believe, but two of them succeeded in saving
sufficient to cover their nakedness, and these only saved parts of suits.
Mr. COURTER was driven out in his shirt and drawers, and at once found it
impossible to get more of his clothing; he hoped, however to save some
valuable articles of furniture standing near the door, but in the attempt
was severely burned and driven back. Mrs. COURTER, driven out in the cold
wind with her night-dress only, made a desperate effort to seize some
clothing through a window, and literally cut her right hands to pieces,
from which the blood flowed freely for several hours, until at length she
fainted from loss of blood.
The house itself, into which the family had but recently moved, was
comparatively valueless, but it was crammed full of furniture and property
of various kinds, all of which, with the exception of a part of a set of
harnesses, was a total loss. Mr. C. had just laid in a good stock of
provisions, and this, with his library and three watches, constituted a
part of the loss, the whole of which is estimated to be about twelve
hundred dollars. This loss falls very heavily on Messrs C. and M. who had
but recently commenced on a new place, and had in this house all their
worldly goods. The only thing recovered from the smoldering ruins on the
following morning was a small amount of money, which had been placed
between two beds, and came out as good as new.

LUMBER - This staple article of our local commerce is now coming in rapidly
from the hills, but it is nearly as rapidly shipped away again, very little
being left to accumulate upon the wharves.

HAYING - We notice that our farmers have now commenced their "haying" in
earnest. On every hand, the busy hum of the "machines" is heard, and
rapidly acre after acre of wild oats, and other material used for hay, is
falling and withering in the sun. The bright, moon-light nights of last
week, we observed, were also taken advantage of by some energetic
harvester, who extended their labors far into the late hours - thus
changing the adage, and in two senses, "making hay while the moon shines."
The crop will not be a heavy as was anticipated, nevertheless a goodly
supply will be gathered, not only for home consumption, but also for shipment.
Connecting, via Panama Railroad, with steamers of the U.S.
Mail Steamship Co., at Aspinwall,
The only Safe and Reliable Route !
The splendid Steamship
J.T. WATKINS ??.. Commander,
Will leave Folsom Street Warf, with the United States
Mails, Passengers and Treasure, for PANAMA,
ON MONDAY ??. June 6th 1859,
At 9 o'clock, A.M. Punctually.

Passengers by the P.M.S.S. Co.'s Line are landed on
Their arrival at Panama, upon the Wharf, at the Railroad
Terminus, by the Company's Steam Ferry Boar, and are
By the Panama Railroad Company

Immediately across the Isthmus to ASPINWALL, where
The steamers of the U.S.M.S. Company are expected to
Be in readiness to convey them to New York or New Orleans.
The Panama Railroad Company and the U.S. Mail
Steamship Company have authorized Agents to sell their
Tickets, if desired by holders of Pacific Tickers.
Treasure for shipment will be received on board the
Steamer until 12 o'clock midnight, previous to the day of sailing.
No merchandise freight will be received on board after 3
O'clock, P.M. of the day previous to sailing, and a written
Order must be procured at the Company's office for its shipment.

For Freight of Passage, apply to
Corner, Sacramento and Leidesdorff streets
San Francisco

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