San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
May 28, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 8.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 28, 1859, Vol. 1 No.8.

In San Francisco, May 23d, by Benj. CARMAN J.P., Benj. GARDNER, of San
Mateo county to Mrs. Thodotia SHEPARD, of San Francisco.

The Democratic primary elections in San Francisco resulted in the
choice of delegates pledged to Nugent for Governor.
The delegates elected in Sacramento are pledged to Latham.
John WILSON, of the Lyceum, in San Francisco, has purchased the
elephants, with their paraphernalia, for $22,0000
An association, styling itself the California and Utah Camel
Association, have filed their certificate of corporation in the Secretary
of State's office. Their object is the introduction into this country of
the camel as a beast of burthen, and their principal office will be at
An extra of the Southern Vineyard informs us that the Pah-Utah Indians
had attacked a camp of five men attached to Lieut. Beal's part, and killed
one of them.
In the Red Bluff Beacon of May 19th we observe the following:
On Thursday last, while McELROY was going from Lost Camp to Hat Creek, on
his way to his bridge on Pitt river, a man in his employ, by the name of
Walls, who was driving a yoke of cattle a few yards in the rear of the
balance of the party, was shot at by Indians. McELROY's dog had three
arrows shot into him. The man escaped after having fired his rifle - he
believes with some effect in the direction of the savages.
In the case of Samuel J. BOOKSTAVER v. Robert GEDNEY, being an action
to recover $5000 for crim. Com. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for $5000. The action was tried in the Twelfth District Court.

It is estimated that ten thousand emigrants have already left the
different starting points on the Missouri river. A company is now
organizing in Kansas City for Arizona, under the superintendence of General
Clarkson, formerly postmaster here.

SAGE, on the issue as to the marriage of the said Phebe with John CUMMISKY,
deceased intestate, on trial before a jury, in the 12th District Court
yesterday, the jury, under the instructions of the Court, found that the
lady was the widow of the deceased, and entitled therefore to the
administration. The facts shown were, that although not formeally (sic)
married, they had lived together in that relation and had issue of one
child which he had recognized. The Court instructed the jury that
marriage, under the laws of this State, is a civil act, and does not
require a ceremony to make it valid - CALL.

UNUSUAL - On the occasion of the marriage of J.M. MANSFIELD, Esq and Miss
Nellie G. Eastabrook of Napa, last week, says the Sonoma County Journal, a
portion of the wedding cake offered was the same that graced the wedding of
the bride's parents, twenty-six years ago.


We have been for some time past endeavoring to get hold of some reliable
data relative to the several mills in our county, but have been, until now,
usable to do so. Nor have we been enabled to gather full statistics of
this character, but from the information thus far gained, derived from all
sources, we are enabled to make the following statement, which we think
will be found, in the main, correct. Should our estimate, however, prove
to be out of the way, in any instance, we shall be glad to receive the
According to our present information, there are in the county, eight
saw mills, all of which are run by steam power, with an aggregate capacity
of fifty-six thousand feet per day, and constructed at an aggregate cost of
ninety-four thousand dollars. It is but fair, however, to state that we
are satisfied these mills actually cost much more than this at the time
were originally erected. Our estimate of capacity is based upon the
reported actual daily performance of each mill, some of which run
twenty-four, and some only twelve hours per day.
At the head of this list of mills, stands the one commonly known as
the "gang" mill. This mill has a "gang" of twenty-six saws, which run
together, and may be so shifted as to cut lumber of any desired size. It
also has two "edgers," and a planning-machine attached. This mill was
constructed at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, and turns out daily
eighteen thousand feet of lumber.
Murphy& Chandler's mill was constructed at a cost of six thousand
dollars, runs a circular saw and an "edger," and turns out six thousand
feet per day.
Templeton's mills runs the same kind and number of saws, but is of
more expensive construction, and has a much greater power. It is estimated
to have cost ten thousand dollars, and turns out six thousand feet per day.
The Caldwell mill cost about twelve thousand dollars, runs a circular
and an upright say, and an "edger," and also furnishes daily six thousand
feet of lumber.
Martin's lower mill furnishes about six thousand feet of lumber per
day, cost about twelve thousand dollars, and we believe runs two upright
saws and an "edger."
The Mountain Home mill runs an upright saw and an "edger, turns out
three thousand feet of lumber per day, and cost about six thousand dollars.
Greer's mill runs a circular saw, cost about six thousand dollars, and
manufactures five thousand feet of lumber daily.
The Morey Smith mill cost about twelve thousand dollars, has a
circular saw and an "edger," and saws six thousand feet per day.
There may be one or two other saw-mills in the county, but if there
are, we have as yet heard nothing of them.
In addition to the others, there are two shingle mills, one, the
Jaggers mill, not now in operation; the other, known, as the Gilbert mill,
water power, is turning out twelve thousand shingles per day.
There is also one flour mill, situated near the Redwoods, known as
Martin's mill. This is a mater-mill, and unfortunately, for want of water
runs only part of the year.
Another flour mill is needed, and if located here, we think would
prove a profitable investment for the owners. This is an enterprise which
has already been mooted, and we hope at no distant day to see it
accomplished. We cannot see any good reason why a mill would not do as
well here as in San Francisco, particularly when we have an abundance of
grain to supply it, and it can be built and run cheaper here than it can
there. At present, all the grain is shipped to San Francisco, and then
much of it is brought back again as flour and feed - a state of things
which should not exist.

Slander Suit - Hon. Gilbert A. GRANT has commenced a suit in the Twelfth
District Court against C.O. GERBERDING and James W. SIMONTON for libel,
laying his damages at $50,000. This suit is based upon the ferocious
attacks made upon him in the Evening Bulletin for his course on the
bulk-head bill in the Senate, in April last.

The Contra Costa Explosion - The Grand Jury on the 24th, ignored the bill
against N.W. BIRDSELL, engineer of the Contra Costa, for causing the late
explosion on that boat.

On Sunday last, our neighbors of San Francisco were thrown into a
state of wild excitement by the announcement that fourteen convicts, the
most daring and desperate in the State, had escaped from San Quentin.
Among them were STERRITT and ORLINSKI, so well known for their numerous and
daring robberies. The facts, as we gather them from the San Francisco
press, are as follows: About four o'clock on Sunday morning, one of the
guard had his suspicions aroused by seeing a plank in an unusual position,
leaning against an outer wall. He at once gave the alarm, when an
examination was had, which disclosed the fact that seven cells in the
second story of the new brick prison, each one, of which should have had
two occupants, had been suddenly vacated. The prisoners had cut a hole
though each of the six brick walls, about one foot thick, which divide the
several cells, and thereby all got into one cell. From this they cut
another hole through a two-feet stone wall, into the blacksmith-shop,
where, with the aid of the tools at hand, they relieved themselves of their
shackles, where not likely to prove agreeable traveling companions. They
then entered the machine-shop, and thence stole unperceived across the
outer wall, which they scaled by means of the plank and a rope made of
their blankets. How these men could have dug through these seven walls and
effected their escape unperceived, in a single night, is a mystery we will
not attempt to solve. It seems that they must have been engaged several
nights in breaking the walls, but if we credit that view of the case, then
the presumption of culpable carelessness on the part of officers becomes
still greater, and in either case, it appears to us that there must have
been "something rotten in Denmark." It seems hardly possible, that under a
proper system of management, so much labor could have been done, and so
many men could have scaled those walls unperceived.
It will be recollected that a change in the management has recently
taken place, the prison having just passed out of the hands of the State
into those of McCAULY, the former lessee. The prisoners have evidently
taken advantage of this change to make good their escape. However it may
have been effected, we regard it as one of the greatest calamities that
could have befallen the State. The turning loose of so many desperadoes
upon the community is but the signal for renewed activity in the line of
murders, robberies, and larceny. Not only will these men return with
renewed vigor to their old avocation, but every other person of the same
profession will extend his depredations to the utmost limit o his power,
knowing full well that every desperate act will be laid at the door of the
"escaped convicts," and that he will be thus, in a measure screened from
justice. The few hardened wretches who have heretofore escaped, singly and
alone, together with the other not a few, who have been liberated through
the extreme clemency of his Excellency, have renewed their practices of
bloodshed and rapine with such energy and perseverance, that the
announcement of this wholesale escape will strike terror and dread into the
whole community. Heretofore our people have felt neither their lives nor
their property were safe from these villains, who were known to be prowling
around throughout the State, and now they must feel still less secure. We
know of no remedy against this evil, except that every good citizen shall
constitute himself a special policemen, and resolve that these desperadoes
shall at once be secured, either alive or dead, whenever and wherever
recognized. These convicts are supposed to have escaped to the mountains
of Marin. A reward of one hundred dollars each is offered for their
apprehension. We append a description of them:
Thomas LYNCH, alias "Boston," native of Ireland, 24 years of age, sent
from Yuba county for 3 years; an old convict; 5 feet 10 inches high, light
complexion, light eyes, light hair, full features, and stoutly built; has a
bracelet in ink on each wrist.
Thomas LAWRANCE, Pennsylvania; 22 years of age, sailor, sent from
Stanislaus county for grand larceny, sentenced for 3 ½ years; 5 feet 7 ½
inches high, dark complexion, gray eyes, auburn hair.
Louis BOWMAN, German; age 22; sent from Sacramento county for false
personation; 5 years, 5 feet 4 inches high, light complexion, hazel eyes,
brown hair; his second escape.
James DOLAN, Louisiana; age 23, sent from Napa county for grand
larceny, for 6 years; 5 feet 6 ½ inches high, light complexion, blue eyes,
brown hair, sharp features.
John F. LIVINGSTON, New York, aged 30, sent from EL Dorado county for
grand larceny for five years; 5 feet 11 ½ inches, light complexion, blue
eyes, light hair, gull features, prominent nose, stoutly built. Was a
partner with BRACE and MARION, two noted and well-known criminals.
James GARVIN, Arkansas, age 22, sent from Del Norte county for
robbery, for 20 years; 5 feet 9 ½ inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark
hair, round face sharp nose, freckled face.
James CURRY, alias "Ivy," Tennessee, age 26, sent from Amador county
for grand larceny and breaking jail, for 7 years; 5 feet 11 ½ inches, dark
complexion, grey eyes, black hair, three moles on right side of face.
Alexander ORLINSKI, Poland, age 50, sent from San Francisco, for grand
larceny, etc., 15 years; 5 feet 7 inches, dark complexion, hazel eyes, dark
hair, large nose, moles on right side of face, under left eye, and on left
jaw. Nervous twitch in eyelids.
Thomas GALLAGHER, Ireland, age 25, sent from San Francisco, for
manslaughter, for 5 years; sailor, 5 feet 7 ½ inches, dark complexion,
hazel eyes, dark hair, ink marks all over his body.
Colin DOUGHLAS, alias "Scotty," Scotland, age 26, sent from Sacramento
county, for burglary, 5 years; 5 feet 7 ½ inches, light complexion, blue
eyes, dark hair, high check bones and large ears.
S.D. THOMPSON, Illinois, age 24, sent from Amador county, intent to
rob, for 10 years; 5 feet 10 ½ inches, light complexion, blue eyes, light
Three of the escaped convicts, STERRITT, SCOTT and THOMPSON, have been
arrested. Their description is therefore not given.

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