San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
April-May 1906
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

April 21, 1906
April 28, 1906
May 05, 1906
May 12, 1906

Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday, April 21, 1906 Vol. XXXXVIII No. 2
D.E. O’Keefe – Editor and Proprietor

Emile Stelnbach, a native of Switzerland, aged 45 years, was killed at Jas. Josselyn’s place near Woodside from a falling chimney during the earthquake shock.  The body was brought to Redwood City for burial.

Geo. Barker Dead
George Barker, County Auditor, died last night in this city after a long illness.  Funeral to-morrow (Sunday) at 2:30 p.m.

The numerous friends of Mrs. Mary Swift learned with sincere sorrow her death last Saturday at the family home on Tenth street.  After a long life of self-sacrifice this noble soul has passed away in peace and honor, leaving to her children the priceless treasure of a good name and noble example.

Mrs. Swift was a resident of San Mateo county since 1856 and was in her 80th year.  She outlived all her old-time acquaintances.  Her husband, Myer Swift, died some 10 years ago.  She leaves to mourn her a brother, Mr. Mathew Hedge, two daughters, Rose and Elizabeth, and two sons, Jas. V. and Maurice A. Swift.  Mrs. Swift had a truly eventful history.  In 1854 during the yellow fever epidemic at New Orleans, she in company with a sister responded to the call for help and volunteered as a nurse when people were dying by thousands.  Her sister was stricken by the fever while on duty with her, and doctors, nurses and attendants were swept away while she remained and became the heroine of the hour.

This issue of the Times-Gazette is published to comply with legal requirements.  The Times-Gazette building, office and type has been wrecked by this week’s earthquake and the supply of printing material has been cut-off owing to the serious calamity that has overtaken San Francisco and paralyzed its trade and transportation for the time being.  The edition is limited; and the indulgence of our patrons is requested in view of all the circumstances.

It Came With Terrible Haste and Fury, Leaving Trail of Destruction to Show its Mastery.

The Feeling Is of Thankfulness that Life Remains

The great calamity which has overtaken our fair State fell with withering blight upon San Mateo county also, yet its people are not discouraged.  With harsh ruins on all sides to bear witness to nature’s mighty upheaval, the work of clearing away the wreck has already begun and new homes and public building and activities will ultimately obliterate the old and relegate that dread 18th day of April, 1906, to its place in history.  So far as known, loss of life was slight in San Mateo county, although miraculous escapes were numerous.  For this providential deliverance there is widespread and open acknowledgement that this overshadows all else and that in this, San Mateo county has been truly blessed.

New Court House, in ruins except dome.
Sequoia High School, ruined to basement
Carnegie Library, walls ruined
First National Bank, front gone, side wall damaged
Redwood City Commercial Bank, in ruins
Alhambra, badly wrenched
Wahl building, front gone
Fitzpatrick office building, front and rear gone
Dr. Ross building, front gone
Congregational church, rear settled to sills
St. Peter’s church, damaged some
Methodist church, stood up well
Catholic church considerably damaged
Times-Gazette office, contents scattered
Funning building, front gone, walls shattered
Democrat office, dame to machinery and material
Judge Hannon’s court, walls of building torn
Old Court House, wrecked and useless
H__ler’s old corner, still standing
Tremont House, damage slight
St. Charles Hotel, minimal damage
Redwood City House, nominal damage
Del Monte Hotel, slight damage
Plump’s brick store, badly wrecked
John Offermann brick store, badly racked
Mezes brick store building, badly torn
Barret & Fitzpatrick stores, plastered walls badly shaken, but stores safe and in demand
P.P. Chamberlain’s store, walls damaged
Stafford’s store, glass front shattered
Residence districts – West of county road, several houses down; east of the county road, damage not so great; north end of town, damaged some, Stambaugh and Phelps streets, and easterly, damage moderate.

St. Patrick’s Seminary, convent, and Duff & Doyle store damaged beyond repair.  No lives lost or injuries.  No other damage of importance.  All wealth residence here with their friends and are camping on their home grounds.

Catholic church almost a total wreck
Methodist church injured slightly
School house unsafe, will have to be rebuilt.
New bridge over Pescadero creek, bulkhead cracked
Small buildings damaged more or less
William’s store more severely
Light house at Pigeon Point did not suffer much damage
In several places the ground opened and
 ____ issued in large quantities.

Great destruction.  Following buildings destroyed: Pitcher’s, Debenedetti’s
__w Bank.  All brick buildings injured beyond repair.  Three persons killed.  It is reported that Father Sullivan met his death in San Francisco.

Palo Alto yester morning sent two wagon loads of food to the affected city and wagons were sent along the road to pick up the needy and bring them to the __ege city where plenty awaits them.  In town proper all brick building more or less damaged, several total wrecks, but taken as a whole the town stood the shock well.

Latest Report from San Francisco
1 P.M. Saturday
Pacific Heights district, saved
Panhandle district, saved
Haight street district, from Octavia west saved
From Dolores street west, saved
North Beach district, burning Friday night
To-day north beach water front district under control.
No disorder – conditions Saturday considered very favorable.

Our greatest danger now is fire.  The people are hereby notified to use as little water as possible.  No watering of gardens will be allowed.  See that all hydrants on grounds are turned off.  Any violators will be severely dealt with.
Persons will refrain from starting fire in stove until chimney has been thoroughly inspected.
Chief Redwood Fire Dept.

The Board of Supervisors met at 10:30 a.m. Monday, April 16th, all the members being present.
 Application of A.G. Stoll for franchise to lay mains and operate water works at Halfmoon Bay was laid over for one month.
 The following claims were allowed and ordered paid:
M. Sheehan   23.55
A.D. Walsh    105.27
W.O. Booth   11.75
Andrew Daly   58.00
United Gas & E. Co 1.00
V. Quincey   2.00
San Mateo Lumber Co.   2.00
Redwood City Water Works   21.65
H. Gaerdes   38.60
Sunset Tel & Tel. Co.    8.15
Times-Gazette    62.25
T.M. Sullivan   12.00
Steiger Terra C. & P. W.    2.24
M. Whalen   150.00
J.F. Johnston   100.00
United Gas & E. Co.  2.00
M. Sheehan   9.75
Jas. F. Kerr   5.25
C.S. Green  4.00
Antone Tiente    11.00
Russell & Salteau   4.00
W.H. Lipp   30.00
E.E. Cunningham  12.75
H.G. Plymire   63.70
Geo. S. Mitchell   5.00
Sunset Tel & Tel Co.    22.65
J.V. Swift   35.95
Redwood City Water Works  2.00
George Elkdrenkotter  64.00
H.L. Good       54.80
Jas. Brazil       27.00
Jas. Cronk         55.55
L. Langley           3.92
J.H. Mansfield     486.75
Fred A. Simmons      19.00
Sunset Tel & Tel Co.  19.05
Geo. W. Lovie     5.00
Wm. Bement       2.00
J.W. Stobener     75.00
Times-Gazette     195.67

In the Superior Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California.
In the matter of the Estate of MARY BURTON HARRISON, deceased.

A copy of the will of Mary Burton Harrison, deceased, and of the probate thereof in the Surrogates’ Court of the County of New York, State of New York, duly authenticated having been produced and filed in the above entitled Court by the executors named it said will, and it appearing that said will has been duly proved allowed and admitted to probate in said Surrogates’ Court above named, and Francis Burton Harrison and Henry T. Scott, the executors of said will, having filed and presented their petition that said will be admitted to probate in the above entitled Court, and letters testamentary thereon by issued to them:

OTICE is hereby given that FRIDAY, the 27th day of April, A.D. 1906, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, and at the Court room of said Superior Court at the Court House in Redwood City County of San Mateo, State of California have been appointed as the day, time and place for the admission of said will to probate and for hearing the application of said Francis Burton Harrison and Henry T. Scott for letters testamentary of said will.
Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 6th day of April, 1906.
Morrison & Cope and Geor. C. Ross
Attorneys for Executors

Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday, April 28, 1906 Vol. XXXXVIII No. 3

Death of Gerald Kirkpatrick.
Gerald Kirkpatrick, son of Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick of this city, was killed by a falling building during the earthquake at San Francisco.

Thomas O’Toole Meets Death
Thomas O’Toole, brother of Mr. O’Toole of Menlo Park, was killed at San Jose by the earthquake.

Death of May Britt
May Britt, sister of Jimmy Britt, died of consumption at San Mateo Tuesday.

Removal Notice
William Bebent has temporary headquarters in the large barn near P.P. Chamberlain’s store.  He will move into his new shop near the Mourot laundry next week.

An Epitome of County Seat Happenings Gathered by the Reportorial Staff
Governor Pardee has declared all days up to and including April 30th legal holidays.
Carl Muller has established quarters in the Hadler block.
Died – In Santa Clara County, March 18, 1906, James A. Stafford.
Judge Buck is holding court in the Odd Fellows’ building.
Dr. Ross may be seen at night at room 21, Del Monte Hotel.
The two local bands will resume business when the city banks open.
County Clerk Schaberg has issued six marriage licenses since the earthquake.
Sequoia Union High School will open in the Grammar school building Monday.
The Savings and Trust Company has moved to the Barret-Fitzgerald building.
W.H. Kinne has stored all his furniture in the Hynding building.  The furniture is for sale.
W.Z. Price, whose restaurant was destroyed by the San Francisco fire, is at the St. Charles.
Hind & Langley have taken temporary quarters at their old stand on Bridge street.
Robert Brown and George Winter, the inspectors, have condemned several buildings that will have to come down.
James Prendergast, a former resident of Redwood City, is here.  He lost $40,000 in the conflagration at San Francisco.
Dr. Stuttmeisier will occupy one of the front offices of the Wahl building and be ready for business within a week.
E.P. Heise, T.P. Maloney and Geo. W. Lovie have moved from Germania Hall  block to the Barret & Fitzpatrick building.
The part to whom Mrs. W.H. Kinne gave her gold watch during the earthquake is request to return the timepiece.
All the county officers here fitted up offices in the gymnasium.  A large brick vault is being erected outside the building for the records.
Dr. Maine’s office is at his residence near the Tacoma Mill Co.’s yards, where he can be found until repairs to the Wahl building have been made.
The postoffice has been moved to the Lon Cook building on Main street.  The business of the office was resumed the day after the earthquake.
All the local lines of the Sunset Telephone Company have been repaired, but will be some time before communication can be had with San Francisco.
Quarterly conference in the Methodist church will be held this (Saturday) evening at 7:45 o’clock.  All members of the official board are requested to be present.
Rev. Thos. A. Atkinson will preach in the Methodist church both morning and evening to-morrow (Sunday).  A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to be present.
Mr. Stanley of New Hampshire suffered a fracture of his leg by the falling of walls of the Capitol Hotel during the earthquake.  This is the only serious accident occurred.
The Times-Gazette will move to its new building to-day, where proper facilities are at its command to get out an up-to-date paper.  The office will be ready to resume business early next week.
The San Mateo County Building and Loan Association has moved into the Barret-Fitzpatrick building.  The Association is already making loans.  The finance committee visited the wrecked buildings yesterday.  Loans will be made at once to repair these buildings.
The conservative estimate of the loss of property by the earthquake in Redwood City is $300,000.  All the building will be rebuilt at once.  There will be a modern City of Redwood more beautiful than before.  The citizens are cheerful of the future of the county seat.
Dr. Ross will repair his building on Bridge street and build an addition to the rear, joining it to the Barret building facing on Main street.  In the upper story he will establish an up-to-date hospital.  The doctor has confidence in the future of Redwood City.

Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, From the Village of Beautiful Homes
St. Patrick’s Seminary and Sacred Heart Convent will be rebuilt.
All hotels are crowded and all vacant houses rented at big rentals.
Strawberries are selling at a sacrifice there being no San Francisco market.
This town has been in darkness since the earthquake.  It is about time we had light.
Wednesday and Thursday of this week 600 telegrams from all parts of the world were received here by local residents.
Jas. D. O’Kane has moved down from the city.  He lost heavily by the fire.  His residence on Haight street was saved.
Attorney Linforth lost heavily by the San Francisco fire.  He has erected a tent on his property opposite Flood’s mansion.
Frank Maloney fell from a bicycle Thursday while in pursuit of a runaway team and as a result his head is twice its normal size.
All is peaceful in this community, although there are many people here from the burnt district.  No disturbances of any kind.
The estimate of the loss of property in town is fixed at $10,000.  The outside losses will be upwards of a quarter of a million.
Charles Meyer has rented the Duff & Doyle cottage on Railroad avenue and will move his family from Mayfield very soon.  He has closed the Mayfield hotel.
The Oak Grove Villa was badly wrecked by the earthquake.  A force of men are engaged in preparing the building so that it will be in good condition in a few days.
Miss Kearney of San Mateo was thrown from a buggy here Thursday and was severely injured.  She is a daughter of Denis Kearney, the well-known sandlot agitator.
Among the heavy losers by the San Francisco fire are James Flood, Mrs. Selby, J.B. Coryell, C.W. Smith, C.N. Felton, C. Reiss, J.A. Donahoe, John T. Doyle, S.E. Slade, Mr. Wier.
Among the residences in this county that suffered more or less damage were the Eyre residence, Taylor’s, Mr. Mason’s two cottages, the parochial residence of Father Lyons, and Mrs. Fife’s new residence.  All the buildings are being repaired.
One of the warehouses being erected in San Francisco by John MacBain for C.N. Felton remained intact.  The Bell Theatre also being built by him is in good condition.  It will be the first playhouse in the city to open.  This is speaking volumes for Mr. MacBain as a contractor.
At a citizens’ meeting held Tuesday and presided over by C.N. Felton the following were appointed to inspect the chimneys, flues and buildings of the town: F.P. Roach, John MacBain, Chas. Brady, W.J. Murray, Harry R. Morey.  They have been working hard ever since and have condemned several chimneys.

Official Business Transacted by the Supervisors at Its Meeting This Week
The Supervisors held a short meeting at the St. Charles Monday.  All saloons ordered closed for an indefinite period.  The gymnasium was rented for a temporary courthouse and Supervisor MacBain was authorized to place same in condition.  EIkerenkotter and the Health officer were authorized to quarantine all suspicious cases of sickness.  The board will meet again on May 7th.

Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday, May 5, 1906

Death of Mrs. Ellen Moran.

Mrs. Ellen Moran, relict of the late Patrick Moran, died at her home in Homestead this city, at about 10 o'clock yesterday morning.  She was a native of Ireland and aged 80 years.  She died of general break down.

Mrs. Moran came to America at an early age and her long and useful life was spent in San Mateo.  She was a most estimable woman and was held in high esteem by all who knew her.  Her surviving children are Mrs. David Bolinger of San Jose, Mrs. Ellen  aine of San Francisco, Misses Maggie and Clara, John and Michael Moran.  She was a sister of Peter, Michael, John and P.B. Casey and Bryan Farrell is her nephew.

The funeral will take place at St. John's cemetery at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, after services at the Roman Catholic church. - San Mateo Times

Marriage Licenses

The following marriage licenses were issued from the county clerk's office during the week.  Owing to the fact that the marriage license office in San Francisco has been closed since the earthquake Mr. Schaberg has been doing a rushing business:
James H. Morrissey and Malvina Schell, both of San Francisco
Clement Loveder and Elizabeth O. Jessiman, both of San Francisco
George Arlo Starbird and Irene Anna Hopps, both of San Francisco
Emanuel Miller and Mary D. Amaral, both of Halfmoon Bay
John Lawrence Bush and Cecelia Margaret McKenzie, both of San Francisco
Edward Valentine Moody and Clara Margeruite C. Bernardo, both of San Francisco
John Griffin and Elizabeth Collins, both of San Francisco
Edward Oakes and Gertrude Pierce, both of Colma
William D. Keating and Nellie Bowman, both of San Francisco
Harvey Wendell Lascelle and Marga Elizabeth Dunn, both of San Francisco
Bruice Clarke O'Brien of San Jose and Luvicia Marion Shay, Milpitas
David John Stollery and Endora Winifred Smith, both of San Mateo.

An Epitome of County Seat Happenings Gathered by the Reportorial Staff
Miss Ethel and Miss Myrtle Rossetter of Fruitvale are visiting are visiting friends in this city.
W.J. Dingee will commence to rebuild his residence that was partly wrecked by the quake.
John Di-t-ann   is erecting an office building for James T. O'Keefe adjoining the Bridge street Bakery.
Both local banks resumed business Monday and are paying depositors small amounts to tide over the present monitary stringency.
Dr. Dresbach, osteopathist, who opened an office here last summer was married to Miss Winifred Wood of Palo Alto last Sunday.
George Wentworth has been appointed day watchman of the courthouse in the gymnasium and Thomas Stafford night watchman.
The Franck Tanning company and the Berger tannery are working at full force and are receiving large orders for leather from the east.
Anyone having cottages to rent would to well to communicate with the Redwood City Realty company who has many inquiries for houses.
There will be Holy Communion services in St. Peter's Episcopal church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.  Prayers and sermon in the evening at 7:30
People are gradually assuming a normal condition and e'er long the terrible calamity of two weeks ago will be almost forgotten.
Many of the monuments and head stones in Union cemetery were thrown down by the earthquake, but quite a percentage of the marble and granite stones can be replaced at very little cost.

The remains of Gerald Kirkpatrick, who was killed by a falling building during the earthquake in San Francisco, were buried along side the grave of his uncle Det-Kirkpatrick in Union cemetery Thursday.

George Underhill wish to announce that he will resume his fruit and confectionery business when he can erect a new building.  He expects to have a very large stock when he opens his store.

Mass will be celebrated at Portola Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.  The church was considerably damaged, but will be repaired when the parishioners are finished with the work of repairing their homes which suffered from the earthquake.

Martin Kuck is repairing the damages done on the Germania Hall block.  Mr. A. Killner is superintending the work.  He put up the building thirty four years ago and hearing that it was wrecked by the earthquake came from San Francisco to restore the structure which he erected in his youth.  He is now well advanced in years.

Thus far the name of Henry Underhill is the only one mentioned for auditor to fill the unexpired term of Geo. Barker.  Mr. Underhill was a candidate on the Republican ticket at the last election for the office and was defeated by Mr. Barker by 84 votes.  Mr. Underhill would make a good officer if appointed.  The large vote he received throughout the county gives him big prestige to start with.

Mr. Levy, owner of the Capitol hotel was here with an architect Tuesday. He decided to tear the beautiful structure down to the first story.  A. Hess was given a contract to do the work.  The Capitol was erected by W.Z. Price in 1890 at a cost of $60,000.  It has always been the pride of Redwood City to which our citizens pointed to with enthusiasm.  The structure could possibly be saved, but Mr. Levy having been a heavy loser by the San Francisco fire he felt he could not expend any money in repairing the Capitol.  This will be a matter of deep regret by the people of Redwood City.

San Mateo County's Loss

The losses in San Mateo county resulting from the recent earthquake can never be even approximately estimated.  It is known that practically every building in the county suffered some damage to chimneys, plaster, broken furniture or crockery.  Here as elsewhere brick and stone buildings suffered most.  Fortunately there was no loss of life.

The greatest loss of life in proportion to population, as the result of the latest and most lamented earthquake, was at Santa Rosa, 54 dead discovered up to date, out of a population of some ten thousand, a city about the size of Santa Cruz.

W.H. Crocker, who has lost several millions by earthquake and fire, says: "Within five years you will see a finer and better San Francisco than ever - the most beautiful city in the world."  That is the kind of talk that wins.

Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, From the Village of Beautiful Homes
Edgar Pringle will be home Monday from the east.
Saloons are now open until 8 o'clock every evening.
The train schedule has been restored to its normal condition.
All chimneys thrown down by earthquake are again in position.
Every available house in town has been rented.  There are numerous strangers in town.
Henry Midley has resumed his messenger business between here and San Francisco.  If you want his services ring him up.
Harvey Bassett and pretty bride are here with the former's parents.  They were married shortly after the earthquake.
Charles Josselyn, whose home at Woodside was wrecked by the earthquake has rented one of S.T. Britton's buildings at Fair Oaks.
G.F. Vincent announces that he is prepared to do painting and paperhanging.

Estimates given and plans figured on all work.  Ring up Menlo, 206. Archbishop Riordan was at St. Patrick's Seminary during the week.  The institution will be ready for the reception of students by September: Charles Bradley is superintending clearing the wrecked buildings.

William H. Casey, Sr., while coming from J.J. Moore's place Wednesday fell from a wagon and dislocated his collar bone.  He was seated in a chair in the rear end of the vehicle when a sudden jar threw him out.  He will be laid up for some time.

A large percentage of the marble and granite shafts in Holy Cross cemetery were thrown down by the quake.  Many cannot be repaired, others can be placed in position at a small cost.

P.J. Kiley, for several years superintendent of the Fair Oaks Golf links has resigned and moved to Redwood City.  He gave entire satisfaction and was popular with all the members of the club who regretted to see him go. The funeral of Major Heber Tillen, who was shot by citizen patrols in San Francisco was held from Roller's Undertaking parlors in Palo Alto last Sunder under the auspices of Palo Alto Lodge No. 346 of the (rest of line too faint to read)

Chas. Holbrook was here during the week.  His company's stores were completely destroyed in San Francisco but Mr. Holbrook with the energy and courage of a youth is going to rebuild at once.  His beautiful city residence was unharmed by the fire.

Last Saturday evening James L. Flood dismissed all the help employed on his grounds.  They are only temporarily laid off and will be put to work again when the money market adjusts itself.  All the discharged men have been given work by John MacBain.

A.S. Ferguson, town trustee of Palo Alto, and wife, will leave for the Hawaiian Islands in the course of a few days to be gone three months.  They will visit Hilo and the volcano, but will spend most of their time in Honolulu.

The remains of Mrs. Rooker, sister-in-law of Mrs. S.T. Britten, who died here shortly after the earthquake were taken to Chicago during the week and were accompanied by her husband and Mrs. Britten.  Mr. Britten has disposed of his house at Fair Oaks to Chas. Bliss and will shortly join his wife in the Windy City.  Mr. Britten was a heavy loser by the fire in San Francisco.

Elliott Selzer, eldest son of Mrs. M.E. Selzer, proprietor of the Menlo Pharmacy is now a full fledged pharmacist having passed a creditable examination before the state board of pharmacy during the week.  Mr. Selzer will continue his studies with a view of becoming a doctor.  He is a bright young man with a decided liking for the practice of medicine.  He undoubtedly would be successful in that profession.

St. Patrick's Seminary having been seriously damaged, Archbishop Riordan has leased the Coleman mansion for a year to be used until such time as St. Patrick's has been repaired.  The Seminary will reopen for studies on Thursday next, May 10.  The Archbishop request the student of the two departments - the Philosophical and the Theological - to present themselves on next Thursday morning at the temporary Seminary.

Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday, May 12, 1906

Marriage Licenses
The following marriage licenses were issued from the clerk's office during the week:
Robert J. Bowman and Francilla Cherrington, both of Palo Alto
Albert P. Redding and Katherine J. Clark, both of Menlo Park.
Frank Busso and Margaret Blake, both of San Jose.
Donald A. Urquhart and Mildred Bymons, both of San Francisco.

Death of An Estimable Lady
On Sunday evening Mrs. Ellen Boland, one of San Mateo's most respected pioneer ladies, passed away at the family home on D street.

She has been ill for some time from a complication of ailments, and despite all that could be done for her relief she gradually sank until the end came.

She was a native of Galway, Ireland, and was 65 years of age.  Her residence in San Mateo extended over a period of many years, and through her kindness of heart and many excellent qualities endeared herself to a large circle of acquaintances.

In addition to her bereaved husband, John Boland, she leaves a son, Maurice Boland, city marshal, and a daughter, Mrs. J.C. Ryan of San Francisco.

Died at the Poor Farm
Wesley Reynolds an old resident of La Honda who came to the county fifty years ago died at the poor farm last Monday morning of heart disease. Reynolds was 75 years of age.  He was well known character at La Honda for many years.

M.E. Price Dead
Dear sir:  I take this method of informing the relatives of one, M.E. Price, of Bolivar, Mo., that he was lost in the earthquake disaster in Santa Rosa on April 18th.  He told me that he had a brother and family residing there.  If you know nothing of them give this to the local paper for publication.
W.J. Garrison
Santa Rose, Cal., Route No. 6
Santa Rosa, Cal., May 6, 1906
Post Master, Redwood City, Cal

Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, From the Village of Beautiful Homes
The Native Sons have secured temporary quarters in the Kearney building.
Mr. Stearns of the firm of Levy Strauss has leased the E.L. Eyre place for the summer.
I. Harris has moved down from San Francisco to occupy his new residence at University Heights.
Supervisor John MacBain has been confined to his home since Tuesday by sciatic rheumatism.
Mrs. M.E. Selzer has secured the services of Mr. Edgar, a competent and obliging druggist of San Francisco.
Mrs. Tubbs is occupying her pretty house of Atherton avenue, having moved down from San Francisco during the week.
E.J. Crane, far famed as an angler, secured a string of 40 trout near La Honda last Sunday.  This has been the best catch this season.
Mrs. W.J. McDonald, whose husband is the proprietor of Gilroy Hot Springs was the guest of Mrs. John MacBain last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. P.H. McEvoy were at Auburn this week and were at the bedside of Florence Barry whose life is despaired of.
P.W. Selby has moved to Palo Alto were he has leased a furnished house. His home at Fair Oaks was badly wrecked by the earthquake.
The pupils of Sacred Heart Academy will resume studies at the convent of the Madames at Franklin St., San Francisco.  All the effects of the sisters were shipped to the city yesterday.
Charles Brady is superintendent of the work of tearing down the wrecked portions of St. Patrick's Seminary.  He will be employed for a long period of time.
Joseph A. Donahoe arrived in San Francisco yesterday from Europe.  He would have remained much longer abroad but for the earthquake.  His family are still in Europe.
Timothy Hopkins, with his family will occupy the lodge, now rented by Rev. Blodgett, in a few days.  Mr. Blodgett will secure apartments at the Menlo Park hotel for the present.
C.W. Smith has moved down from the city for the summer.  Though he was a very heavy loser by the San Francisco fire he is cheerful and hopeful of the city's future.
The residence of James O'Kane that has been undergoing repairs will soon be ready for occupancy.  Mr. O'Kane has decided to live in San Francisco and therefore the building will be for rent.
T.P. Andrews has moved down from San Francisco for the summer.  The Prior estate company, in which he is interested, is to erect several steel and iron buildings in the city at once.
Many of the professors at Stanford have not been discouraged by the recent disaster.  They are beginning to erect homes upon the hilly slope of the Bellvue tract back of the Callaghan home.  This picturesque site was purchased by them some time ago.  A contract was awarded to Frank Johnson during the week to grade roads, put in water mains and construct a large ditch to drain off the water that flows from the hills during the rainy season.

A.P. Redding and Miss Katherine J. Clarke were united in marriage at the home of the groom at Fair Oaks last Wednesday.  The bride was handsomely gowned.  There were a number of guests present including the children of Mr. Redding.  The couple left on the evening train for Del Monte where the honey moon will be spent.  Mr. and Mrs. Redding have the best wishes of all for a happy wedded life.  The wedding was planned to take place Wednesday, May 2, at the home of Miss Clarke's mother on Clay street in San Francisco, and to be followed by an eastern tour, but on account of the fire the change in plans was made.  Mr. and Mrs. Redding will be at home in Menlo Park during the summer months.

James Hand, eldest son of Mrs. D. Hand, passed away at Fairfax, Placer county, Friday, of last week after a protracted illness.  The news of his death was a severe shock to his numerous friends here with whom he was extremely popular.  Deceased was the idol of his home surroundings and beloved by all who knew him for his manly qualities, generous ways and jovial disposition.  Those who knew him best liked him most.  His companion were always happy when he was in their midst.  Mr. Hand was born in Menlo Park 29 years ago and has always resided here.  He was a plumber by occupation.  He contracted a cold some time ago while employed at the University.  Last April he went to Placer county to shake off its effects but it had made inroads in his frail constitution and he finally succumbed.  The funeral took place from the home of his mother Tuesday and was largely attended by relatives and friends.  His brother William, arrived from Utah in time to attend the funeral.  Interment was in Holy Cross cemetery. John O'Kane, the well known pioneer and capitalist, passed to his final rest last Saturday evening.  He complained during the day of a slight cold and at night he grew worse.  Doctor Miller was called and diagnosed the case.  He found the patient suffering from a stroke of apoplexy and applied the usual remedies by could not save him for he was in a dying condition and passed away at 10 o'clock.  The end was peaceful.  Mr. O'Kane had been an invalid for four years during which time was devoted and tenderly cared for by his son James, who was constant in the ministration of his father's every want.  Deceased was prominent in business circles of San Francisco for years, having arrived there in 1854.  He was a man of sound judgment and possessed good business ability.  The latter quality was displayed in his administration of the large Donahue estate of which he had charge for
many years.  Through his business acumen the properties were kept intact and large additions made to them so that when the heirs, Mrs. Richard Burke, nee Mamie Donahue, and P.J. Donahue became of age, there were millions to distribute.

Mr. O'Kane was brother of Mrs. Donahue, whose husband was the original owner of the Union Iron Works and who amassed a large fortune in the early days of San Francisco.  Mr. O'Kane owned considerable property.  He was known for his robust honesty and sterling worth.  His word was his bond. Deceased was born in Tyrone, Ireland, 77 years ago.  After the earthquake he came here from San Francisco to live.  The funeral took place from his city residence Tuesday morning.  The remains were placed alongside those of his wife, who preceded him to the grave less than a year ago, in Holy Cross cemetery, Colma.  Only one son, James D. O'Kane, remains to mourn him.

An Epitome of County Seat Happenings Gathered by the Reportorial Staff
George A. Merrill, principal of the Lick and Wilmerding Industrial school of San Francisco, is erecting a residence in Wellesley Park.
Miss Virginia Foley and Miss E. Guichard of San Francisco were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Guichard of this city last Sunday.
A.D. Walsh has just received a fresh stock of films, paper and other photographic supplies direct from New York.
The legal holidays are still in effect.  Governor Pardee will notify county clerk Schaberg two or three days in advance when they will cease.
The town trustees of Palo Alto have adopted an ordinance postponing the penalty for delinquent payment of taxes until July 1st.
Gabe Einstein has a full line of shirt waists and men's and boy's clothes, also a full stock of dress patterns.  His store is safe and prices right.
T.P. Maloney, proprietor of the Capitol Market, has splendid quarters in the Barret-Fitzpatrick building where he dispenses choice meat at the usual
William Daley while employed on the Capitol hotel last week was struck with a falling window frame and rendered unconscious for a time.  His injuries
were not serious.
George W. Lovie, local agent for the Commercial Union Insurance company paid a $2000 policy to J. Caffey today.  Mr. Caffey's residence in the
Canyada was destroyed by fire as a result of the earthquake.  This is perhaps the first insurance paid by any company.
Miss Florence Barry, formerly of Redwood City, and whose childhood was spent here is critically ill at Auburn, Placer county.  The attending physicians says she cannot survive.  Her father was formerly district attorney of this county.
The Redwood City Realty Co. is still doing business on the same old stand in the Hadler block.  People having houses to rent, either furnished or unfurnished, list with them, as they have several applications for houses.
Notwithstanding the earthquake Geo. Weichering is still manufacturing the Purity and Golden Eagle cigars, the best ten cent smoke in town.  Mr. Weichering's factory is at the old stand next door to Fehrn's barbershop. He has enlarged same and is prepared to accommodate wholesale trade.
W.J. Dingee returned from New York Wednesday evening .  He departed for the east right after the earthquake to consult with New York financiers.  He says large investments of eastern capital will be made to San Francisco.
Men with means are eager and even anxious to invest in San Francisco realty.

Sheriff Sibley of Stockton has written County Clerk Schaberg for information concerning the divorce proceedings of A.N. McVicar from Emma McVicar.  The latter is soon to be tried in Stockton for the poisoning of McVicar, whose body she placed in a truck to be shipped to her home in Amador county.  She claims McVicar secured a divorce in this county.  Mr. Schaberg has investigated the records and finds that no such proceeding were ever commenced in the county.  Mrs. McVicar, alias Emma Le Doux was married to McVicar at Bisbee, Arizona, in Sept. 1st, 1902, and poisoned him at Stockton on March 24, last.  She was married several times.

….of any fire being built in any building in the Counties of San Francisco, Monterey, San Benito, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Mendocino or Humbolt unless and until after the chimneys have been carefully examined by an inspector duly appointed by the properly constituted local authorities of the district and a permit has been granted …. All insurance thereon shall at once cease and the policies stand cancelled as the result of such hazard.

Debenedetti announces that the arch bridge across Pilarcitos creek was injured by the earthquake and asked to have the county surveyor inspect same.

Sheriff Mansfield appeared before the board and stated that on the morning of the earthquake he was compelled to liberate thirty-two prisoners confined in jail for minor offenses.  He asked that the board approve of his action.  On motion of MacBain seconded by Debenedetti the sheriff's request was granted.

The clerk was instructed to write H.S. Crocker & Co, informing them their contract for furnishing the new court house with furniture had been cancelled by the board.

The following liquor dealers whose applications were read at the first meeting in April were granted licenses:
First township - Maude E. Earle, Mission road; Walter Jefferson, South San
Francisco; Nicholls & Warcup, South San Francisco; Ehlers & Frolderaux, Colma.

The following liquor dealers gave notice of intention to apply for licenses a month hence:
First township - J.B. Demartini, Colma; Dan McSweeney, South San Francisco;
John C. Clifford, Colma; D. Palany, South San Francisco.
Third township - J.M. Williamson, Woodside

PESCADERO, May 9. - Pescadero and vicinity, was fortunate in having no very serious damage done by the earthquake.  Williamson's store and stock were damaged about $300.  McCormick & Winkie's suffered about the same amount. The Catholic church is off its foundation and pretty badly wrecked.  The school house will need extensive repairs, possibly $2,000 or more before it is safe again.  The pupils are now being accommodated in the M.E. church and Odd Fellows hall.  The Methodist church had most of its plaster shaken off.  The feedmill was wrecked in the rear by a large water tank and windmill falling on the roof.  Nearly all brick chimneys were down and several residences needed underpinning repaired.  Slides of earth and rock are noticed on places along the road, the most serious being on the Thos. Enos place.  The first one occurred about 24 hours after the quake, when the road sank near the Cunha house for a distance of about 75 yards, to a depth of fifteen feet.  Another slide a week later occurred before daylight, right beside Mr. Enos' house and caused the family to move to Pescadero at 4:30 a.m.  The slide smashed one of Mr. Enos' chicken houses, burying it completely and killing nearly all the chickens in it.  A large stream of water gushed out at both side of slide and threatened to do damage to the dwelling house and barn until it was diverted by spouts in another direction.  The Enos' family have since reoccupied their home.  One of the strangest and most interesting phenomena in consequence of the earthquake was the gas wells in D.S. Jackson's field, just across the road from his house.  Soon after the quake a bubbling was heard and on investigation, water was seen coming up in several places.  It was of cool temperature; but appeared to be boiling.  Willis Jackson applied a lighted match to several places and flames immediately shot up to a height of from four or five feet, producing an intense heat.  At present writing the gas seems to have about all disappeared.  What is the more remarkable about the case is that no trace of either oil or gas or anything like it had ever been seen here before.  This matter is worth investigating by some scientific expert.

So far as reported all relatives and friends of Pescadero people that were in San Francisco during earthquake are safe.

Miss Ruth Gilman, who was teacher in the Wur school returned to her home in Portland, as her relatives there were very anxious about her.  This leaves Ware  district without a teacher.  (Wur/Ware as typeset)

Frank Blomquist and family of San Jose are soon to move over to their place near Harrison for the summer.

Blomquist Bros. are busy at present setting their mill in shape to cut lumber this summer.  They expect to be ready by July 1st.

W.H. Johnson, C. Broadwell and S.E. Thompson have just finished giving their apple a thorough spraying to prevent scab and the codlin moth.

Rev. S.P. Hotalling assumed charged of the Congregational church last Sunday, preaching morning and evening.  He is a man of pleasing address, and held a prominent place in the Baptist church work in Monterey.

The Germania hall structure has been rebuilt and painters are at work embellishing the outside.  It will be ready for occupancy next week. The Wahl building is assuming its former appearance and will be completed in a few days.

The debris of the First National Bank building has been cleared away and business in that institution goes on as if nothing had happened.  Geo. L. Ross' law office has been repaired and he receives his clients as before. Dr. Ross next door has repaired his structure and will back in a few days.

The Fitzpatrick building adjoining will soon be in readiness to receive its former tenants.

The wreck of the Savings and Trust Co's building has been cleared away and the lot fenced in.  A new building will be erected when the plans are prepared.
Chas. Josselyn has plans out for a hall in the Alhambra building.

Hind & Langley have repaired their shop on Main street and moved back Thursday and doing business as if nothing happened.

Mr. G. Plump has cleared away the debris and will commence building at once.

Mrs. Offerman has had a force of men taking away the brick from her wrecked building and will commence the erection of a suitable structure in a few days.

Mrs. Gunning has her building in readiness for another story which she may build shortly.

The Frank Tannery is now running at full force which the Beeger has its full force of men employed.

Walter Anderson to Laura Taylor Cunningham - Part of lot 9 in block 1, Burlingame $10
John W. Wright et al to Felix B. Galindo - Lot 2 in block 17, Abbey homestead $10
Teresa Cooper to Thomas Silva - Lot 39 in block 101, South San Francisco $10
Geo. A. Hensley to Kate Aurich - Lot 22 in block 5, San Bruno Park $10
Paul L. Noisat to Jessie T. Noisat - Lot 3 in block 7 Hayward add to San Mateo, gift.
Wm. J. Morgah et al to ALber J. Martin et al - Lot 13 in block 4, Ocean Beach tract, Halfmoon Bay $10
Anna Page to Jane McDonald - Lot 95, San Mateo Park $10
Estate of Wm. H. Howard (by extr) to Boston Investment Co. - Property in Burlingame $150,000
John P. McCracken to Same - Lots 12 and 13 in block 26, Burlingame, quitclaim deed $1
Frederic M. Picering (trustee) to Same - Same
Boston Investment Co. to Mercantile Trust Co. of San Francisco - Property in Burlingame $10
Kittie Jordan et al to M. Mayer - Lots 50 and 51 in block 2, Newport terrace tract, Halfmoon Bay $10
Mercantile Trust Co. of San Francisco to Burlingame Realty Co. - 11.06 acres of land part of Burlingame ranch $10
Jos. Souza et al to Alfred E. Banks - Certain lot on North street, Pescadero $100
Ocean Shore Railway Co. to Geo. H. Steele - A strip of ground 60 feet through property of Steele $10
John Curran et al to Edward Mc Gary - Portion of Villa lot 19, Redwood City $10
Inter Nos. Building and Loan Asso. To Timothy Regan - W 1-2 of lot 13 in block 125 South San Francisco $10
Geo. A. Hensley et al to William T. Ryan - Lots 21 and 22 in block 1, San Bruno Park $10
Burlingame Realty Co. to W. Grett Jr. - 11.06 acres of land, part of Burlingame ranch $10
Antoine Borel et al to Henry S. Frahm - Lot 276 sub 3 San Mateo Park $10
Antoine Borel et al to J.A. Rutherford - Lot 251 sub 3, San Mateo park $10
John Bauman to Calvin D. Brown - 1.41 acres of land near Colma $10
Same to Emile B. Dehay - 1.41 acres of land near Colma $10
Wm. J. Morgan et al to W.B. Wilson - Lot 15 in block 4 Ocean Beach tract, Halfmoon Bay $10
Manuel J. Bernardo et al to Joseph Roza - Lots 50 and 51 in block 13 Bernardo station tract, Halfmoon Bay $10
Frank P. Brophy et al to J.C. Lloyd - Lot 17 in block 5 Brophy sub in Miramontes tract, Halfmoon Bay $10
John G. Moore, Jr. to Peninsular Railroad Co. - Portion of lot 68, San Mateo City, Homestead $10
Manuel Trinta to Same - Portion of lot 99 same
John A. Boyd et al to Elliott Gordan et al - Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block D
and lots 7 and 8 in block 1, Boyd ad Kent add, Redwood City $10
James A. Carpenter et al to Frederick Meyer - Lots 2 and 6 in block Abbey Homestead $10
Bowie Estate Co. to T. Hata - Lot 4 in block 45, Eastern add to San Mateo $10
Frank Daulton et al to Samuel Aftergut - Portion of Rancho Canada de Guadalupe Visitation Rodeo Viejo $10
Lillian L. Moore to John Breuner - 5.54 acres of land, Valparaiso Park near Menlo Park $10.

Joseph A. Plecarpo respectfully announces his candidacy for County Auditor of San Mateo county, subject to the action of the people at the Republican primaries and convention.

Tuesday E. Randolph Preston filed a petition in the Superior Court contesting the will of his father, the late Edgar F. Preston.  It was known for some time that a contest would be filed.

The will, which is olographic, and dated May 1900, is contested on the grounds, first that a will was made subsequent to the one probated, in which latter will a large sum was bequeathed to the contestant; second, of the unsoundness of mind of the deceased at the time of the execution of the will; third, of the undue influence exerted by Josephine E. Preston, the wife of the contestant's father.  It is further set forth ...that such was the influence of Josephine E. Preston that the will does not contain the wishes or testamentary desires of the deceased, but solely those of the wife …  Colonel Preston died April 16, 1905, leaving his entire estate,
valued at nearly a million dollars, to his wife, and she was named as executrix.

This will was filed April 25, 1905 and on May 11th of the same year was admitted to probate.  By his first wife Colonel Preston had two children, the contestant and a daughter, Isabel, now the wife of Len D. Owns of Aetna Springs.  About the year 1878 he divorced his first wife, and a little later married the wife who survived him.  Their children are Edith, now Mrs. Worthington Ames, and a son Frank, who is a student at Columbia College, New York.  The children by the second wife were not mentioned in their father's will either. ....

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