San Mateo County History
Colma Record
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Colma Record
April 8 1910

Location: Colma Record
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 1 Friday, April 8, 1910

J.L. Brown Editor and Proprietor, Issued every Friday. Serving the Vista Grande, Crocker Tract, Hillcrest and Mission Tract

(Transcriber Note: First page damaged, dark and difficult to read – these are the readable items.)

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

It is with sincere appreciation that the Record editor acknowledges receipt of a congratulatory note from Wm. Clay Silver Jr. Containing these words: “Being the first anniversary of the Colma Record, I desire to extend my hearty congratulations and wishes for the Record’s rapid progress and unlimited financial career.”

Chas. P. Lambert, the monumental worker, is an expert at his profession and makes a specialty of letter-cutting on monuments in cemeteries – gilded if desired. Shop and residence near Mt. Olivet and the Italian cemeteries.”

Last Friday evening at the close of the meeting of the Royal Neighbors a surprise birthday reception was given to Mrs. Jess Redding, under the management of Mrs. W. White and Mrs. H.E. Duffy, including an elegant lunch at Mrs. Duffy’s home.

Miss Dora Lagormassino, who recently came from Modesto to accept a position in the Hogan dairy, is the champion milkmaid, her record being twenty cows in one hour and four minutes, with an aggregate production of thirty-nine gallons.

Mrs. Jim Doyle of Sausalito visited her aunt, Mrs. Lottie White, one day last week.

Mrs. Wm. Penzelli arrived home from the St. Joseph hospital Monday having fully recovered from an operation.

Philip O’Malley, the Colma pioneer, who lost his home by fire December ___ is rebuilding at a cost of about ____

The H.H. Smith Lumber Yards

The rapidly increasing business of the Vista Grande Lumber Yard, conducted by H.H. Smith at 409 Los Angeles avenue, is necessitating the installation of many new facilities for handling the trade, including a first-class plant for up-to-date mill work.

Free Dental Work For School Children

Having made arrangements with the School Trustees of the Jefferson School District, I am prepared to devote the hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, to Free Dental Work for School Children. Those desiring to take advantage of this offer can procure cards from Prof. Savage.
L.B. Holmes, Colma
Cor. Price St., and Mission Road

Sociable Joe Nash

County Clerk Joseph H. Nash has started his petition for the Republican nomination for the office of County Clerk, which office he has filled for the past three years. Mr. Nash is the first to start a petition of a County office in this county under the new law and gives as his reason that owing to the great amount of work coming into his office, and the extra duties imposed upon him under the new primary law, he wished to have his petition completed and filed, that he may give his entire attention to his work as County Clerk. He reports receiving flattering encouragement from all part of the county and from all parties. “It is generally conceded that Joe will have no opposition at the coming election, as he has proven himself an efficient, fearless and conscientious official. – Times-Gazette.

Green Star Saloon and Hotel
Mission Road, Colma, near Italian Cemetari
W. Passaglia & Co
Practical Horseshoer and General Jobbing Blacksmith
Mission Road, Colma
Hillcrest Bar
Fahey Bros, Props
Junction Mission Road and San Jose Ave.
Terminus of Owl Car Line
Hillcrest, California
Physician and Surgeon
Office and Residence, San Pedro Avenue
Colma Phone, Colma, Cal.
Experienced 17 years
608 Melrose St., near Vista Ave., Vista Grande

Colma Record
April 15 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 2 Friday, April 15, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mr. Cairns is very ill with appendicitis.
Mrs. Waldron, who has been quite ill is recovering.
Mrs. Mae Smith is improving rapidly after a serve case of la grippe.
The new sidewalks on Mission in Vista Grande will soon be completed.
Rev. Rawlston will preach next Sunday at the Vista Grande M.E. Church.
Mrs. M.A. Johnson’s new ‘phone at the Vista Grande postoffice is Mission 6606
Mrs. Dempsey of San Francisco visited with Mrs. C.A. Kirkpatrick Tuesday.
W.H. Almon, the real estate man, went to Los Angeles last Sunday on a week’s business trip.
Mrs. B.W. Haubrich and little daughter, Sylvia are visiting her mother at San Bruno for a few weeks.
Mrs. W.G. Beattie entertained some of her Crocker Tract friends with a musical last Sunday evening.
While cutting wood, A. Varni, of Hillcrest met with a painful accident that required three stitches to close the wound.
A C. Griffin has about recovered from an attack of scarlatina, and Health Officer, Dr. Beattie, has raised the quarantine.
John Gegax, who lives on Vista avenue, near Garden street, returned this week from a two months’ sojourn in Los Angeles.
The popular, genial Professor Savage made quite a hit with the young ladies at the entertainment and dance Saturday evening.
Superintendent Jensen of Mt. Olivet Cemetery is making decided improvements along the boulevard frontage of the cemetery.
Ed Rauer and wife, Master Freddie and Miss Tillie Kunze left Wednesday for a two weeks’ visit and sightseeing trip in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Wm. Pengalley of Colma underwent an operation at Triinty (sic) Hospital last week and is doing nicely under the care of Dr. Beattie.
The charming daughters of Supervisor Casey were given a serenade Sunday evening by some of the prominent Colma musicians.
The stork arrived early Sunday morning at the home of M. Lynch, leaving a bouncing nine-pound boy. Mother and baby doing well.
A. Bocci has moved into his new home, erected by Mr. Ottiboni, where he has an elegant view and is comfortably situated in every way.

The First Grand Ball of El Camelo Parlor, No. 181, N.D.G.W., is announced to take place at Colma Hall Saturday evening, May 14th. Tickets 25 cents.

H.L. Carmichael has made a big improvement in the Mission Tract Grocery that he recently purchased, adding a new stock of clean goods at the lowest prices.

Mickey Griffin informs us that he will leave shortly for the East to look after an estate of a deceased relative and expects to visit Ireland before returning to California.

Harry Matham, who fell from a building at Home of Peace Cemetery and sustained a fracture of the left arm, is reported as doing nicely under the treatment of Dr. Beattie.

Mrs. Tina Flaherty, the talented lady who conducted the Record so nicely during the editor’s recent illness, is now proving herself equally efficient in beautifying the surrounding of her new bungalow.

The census enumerators in the Colma district are C.A. Kirkpatrick for the first and second precincts of Vista Grande, and Herman Frank for the first and second precinct of Colma. They begin their work today, April 15.

The city election in South San Francisco Monday resulted as follows: Trustees, Dan McSweeney, Dr. McGovern, Thomas Hickey, M.F. Healey and Fred Cunningham; clerk, W.J. Smith; marshal, Henry Kneese; treasurer, L. Kauffman.

LOST at Colma hall, on Saturday at Knowles’ Hall Saturday evening April 2, a purse containing change and key. (Penn latch key No. 358,422), key the most valuable. Finder please return the key to Mrs. McLean, 817 Bellevue, Station L, San Francisco, Crocker Tract

Information Wanted – On July 19, 1907, a northbound San Mateo suburban car, on Mission road, in front of the Fuse Works, collided with a Beacon Storage wagon, upon which two boys, Louis and Ralph Barnes, were riding, injuring them so badly that Louis had his leg amputated, while Ralph’s face was badly lacerated. Any person who witnessed the accident will confer a great favor upon the boys and their parents by communicating with Henry S. Barnes, 711Myrtle street, Vista Grand.


Answer All Questions Asked of You by Census Taker

Washington – On Friday, the 15th instant, a host of 70,000 interrogators, men and women, white and colored, were turned loose in pursuit of the people of the United States. On that day Uncle Sam began the numbering of his children in preparation for the thirteenth census. He estimates that he has a family of about 90,000,000 men, women and children, and he has employed and put to work a body of enumerators considerably larger than the standing army. The enumeration will cover all of the ’45 States and two Territories of the Union proper, and also Hawaii and Porto Rico (sic). Alaska, the Philippine Islands and Guam will not be included. The President has issued a proclamation calling on all citizens to co-operated in the census and assuring them that it has nothing to do with taxation, army or jury service, compulsory school attendance, regulation of immigration or enforcement of any law, and that no one can be injured by answering the inquiries.

Carpenter Starts Blaze Because He Wants Watchman’s Place

San Rafael – Because he wished to be appointed watchman in the neighborhood, Edward Eden, son of the late Edward Eden, pioneer and former coroner and public administrator of Marin county, twice set fire to the residence of Maxtone Graham in Grand avenue, endangering the lives of a score of people and some of the finest residences in the city.

Across the avenue, and but 200 feet from the house young Eden twice fired, is the Dominican convent, where 100 young women were sleeping at the time the fires were started. Had the blaze got under headway and swept across the street, carried by a stiff breeze, the loss of life might have been great.

Eden, who is a carpenter, was lodged in jail after an inquiry instituted by Fire Chief Daniel Schnieder, and a few question, broke down his defense and he made a written confession of arson.

The young man was formerly a watchman in the neighborhood and it was to obtain the position again that he fired the building and then notified the authorities.

Colma Record
April 22 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 3 Friday, April 22, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Dr. W.G. Beattie has been reappointed health officer for another year.

Mrs. Gettings of Vista Grande, who has had a severe attack of heart trouble, is improving.

Monday evening – there was a musicale at the home of D. Rae and an enjoyable time was had.

Our census enumerators, Herman Frank and C.A. Kirkpatrick, are about the busiest men to be found.

Mr. Harry Lambert of Napa is visiting his parents, Mrs and C.P. Lambert near Mt. Olivet and the Italian cemeteries

A surprise party was given, T.J. Reece at his residence, 144 Manchester, Monday evening, to celebrate his 33d birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Bell and Children of Alameda spent a few days this week with their mother, Mrs. Behre, 119 Theata avenue, Vista Grande.

Mrs. S.P. Penbrook and Mrs. Clara Wirts are staying at G.W. White’s house while they are attending the G.A.R. convention at Oakland this week.

Mrs. Hettie Oswald, who so efficiently conducted the “Mrs. Busby’s Pink Tea” at Knowles Hall, April 9th, is contemplating another entertainment, the “District Skule.”

H.L. Carmichael has made a big improvement in the Mission Tract Grocery that he recently purchased, adding a new stock of clean goods at the lowest prices.

Miss Minnie Rae, in playing with some children at Mrs. K. Wright’s was struck with a heavy swing and rendered unconscious. She was badly bruised, but is recovering.

Casey’s Meat Market in Vista Grande is to be opened on May 1st, and will be conducted in a first-class manner, will be thoroughly union and no diseased meats will be sold. ‘Tis certainly needed, and will no doubt receive liberal patronage.

Mrs. Hanah Willman of Vista Grande was awarded $6 a month each for her three children by the Supervisors Monday. This is certainly a worth case, and Supervisory Casey is deserving of much praise for his careful investigation and timely assistance.

The granite and marble dealers of Colma and San Francisco have formed a protective association to encourage and promote a higher grade of work and general good-fellowship. The meet every two weeks at Twenty-fourth and Mission streets.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. Antone Strula, and enjoyed themselves very much. The first prizes went to Mrs. Alice Smith and A,J. Spring; second, Mrs. W.J. Sweeney and J.L. Brown. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Peter Benassini, May 4th.

Jefferson School Graduating Class

The graduating class of the Jefferson School is preparing an entertainment under the efficient management of Miss Hazel Garcelon, teacher of the Sixth Grade, to be held in Colma Hall, Friday evening, April 29th. The main feature will be a pretty little farce entititled “Crowned Before Dawn,” that will be rendered by the following students: Josephine Lindsay, Emma Witt, Josephine Lagomarsino, Anna Kluge, Tessie Fuches, Ruth Talbott, Gladys Faber, Reta and Bently Gass, Adelina Moresco and Rose Belli. Following the farce will be a dance. Everyone invited.


Dr. F.J. H. Bush, Dentist

Dr. F.J.H. Bush opened up his Dental Parlors in the Knowles Building, Monday, March 14, 1910 with office hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on week days and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public.

The Hillcrest Boys’ Club

A.J. Bodleu has accepted the managership of the Hillcrest Boys’ Club. The regular officers of the club are Hyman W. Rosenberg, president; Frank Helms, vice president; James S. Gerard, secretary; Al Staples, treasurer. The club held its first handicap race April 17th with the following entries: Vernon Sherrah, James Gerard, Frank Helms, Hyman and Morris Rosenberg, Will Smith, Herald Hendrickson, Ben Newman, Leslie Power and Al Wright. The start was at Millett’s training quarters and the finish at Raven’s café, Hillcrest. Hyman Rosenberg won first place, Frank Helms second; Harold Hendrickson, third.

Judge Superior Court – G.H. Buck
Treasurer – P.P. Chamberlain
Tax Collector – C.L. McCracken
District Attorney – J.J. Bullock
Assessor – C.D. Hayward
County Clerk – Joseph H. Nash
County Recorder – John F. Johnston
Sheriff - Robert Chatham
Auditor – Henry Underhill
Superintendent of Schools – Roy Cloud
Coroner and Public Administrator – Dr. H.G. Plymire
Surveyor – James B. Neuman
Health Officer – W.G. Beattie, M.D.

Officials – First Township
Supervisor – James T. Casey
Justice of the Peace – A. McSweeney
Constable – Bob Carroll
Postmaster – B.S. Greene

Advertisement – MISSION ROADHOUSE SALOON At Mission Road and Vista Avenue
First-class Fanily (sic) Groceries, Wines and Liquors
Formerly Mrs. Christina Renner

Colma Record
April 29 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 4 Friday, April 29, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. W. White attended the G.A.R. convention at Oakland last week.
G.W. White left Monday for a two or three weeks stay at the Springs for his health.
Amelio Scramaglia, who is reported to have been quite sick with la grippe, is improving nicely.
While working on a building Tuesday, Guy Coon had quite a fall, resulting in the injuring of his foot.
The children of Messrs. B. Crudda and B. Coon, both residing on Theta avenue, are sick with whooping cough.
A. Mrs. Kilntin of San Francisco, is opening an ice cream parlor in the room recently vacated by Angelo Selmi.

Mrs. John Bianchi, of Colma, by advice of her physician, has gone to Italy for a year, accompanied by her children.

A pleasant musicale was held at Mrs. Katie Wight’s, near Mt. Olivet, Monday evening. Miss Annie Burnes presided at the piano.

Miss Frances Behre entertained a number of her friends Wednesday evening in celebration of a beautiful new piano, a present from her mother.

Neil Huddy, formerly of Vista Grande, while rescuing a party of young ladies from drowning at El Campo, Sunday, came near losing his own life.

Dr. P.D. Rowland of the German Hospital has office hours in the Knowles building Hillcrest from 7 to 8 p.m. Residence 117 Peoria street, Crocker Tract.

Robby Woolly, the boy who was kicked in the face by a horse recently, is getting along fine under the treatment of Dr. Rowland, and there will scarcely be a scar.

Mrs. Julia McSweeney, of Hillcrest, died Monday, April 25, of a complication of diseases. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from the Ocean View Catholic Church.

Chas. Behre, of 119 Theta avenue, left Monday for Eureka, Calif., where he enters the employ of the U.S. Government, in the erection of fortifications at Humbolt Harbor.

The man Nelson, who was run down by a car while riding a motor cycle on Mission road, near Vista avenue, recently, and was reported to have died from his injuries, is alive and well, and is now investigating the case.

Last Thursday afternoon, just after the Record had gone to press, the residence of Henry S. Barnes, at 711 Myrtle street, Vista Grande, was completely destroyed by fire at a loss of about $2,500. A small insurance was carried by not sufficient to in any way compensate Mr. Barnes. About all the contents of the house were save except a chest of tools, valued at $200, that was in the room where the fire stated. A defective electric wire was the cause of the fire. Mr. Barnes will likely build upon a lot that he owns on the hill.


A Golden Wedding.

Last week the Record accidentally omitted mention of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quirey, parents of Mrs. Chas A. Johnson, of 130 Irvington St. Those present were three children, two daughters and one son, and their families, and quite a number of friends, one son being East and unable to attend. The ceremony was performed in a beautiful and impressive manner by Revs. F.S. Ford and F>E. Bowen, after which the aged couple were showered with rice as had been down fifty years ago. The center of the golden cake contained the figures “50” and around them was a circle containing $50 in gold, presented by the children. A large number of letters of congratulations were read from friends and relatives in the East.

The MacMillen Lawn Party

A most enjoyable law party was given Monday evening at the residence of R.S.K. MacMillen, 108 Irvington street. The affair was arranged by Mrs. Wm. Rosenberg, Mrs. Hetty Oswald, Mrs. Robert Fine and others, representative of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, as a surprise to the Crocker Tract Improvement Club, whose members were invited at their meeting that evening. The beautiful home and lawn were elegantly arranged by the pleasant hostess, and “Mac,” who is pretty near as good as his wife, certainly did himself proud in building the temporary dance platform and for his genial welcome to the large number of guests. Sweet music was furnished by W.C. Boight, of 1322 Brunswick street, and the sumptuous refreshments by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. A glad MacMillen night.

El Camino Reil (sic) Bell Rang at Colma

El Camino Real Bell – what a beautiful and appropriate tribute to the pioneer mission builders in California. The ceremony in dedicating the one in the Colma plaza Sunday was both impressive and instructive. Mrs. Spellman of the Foresters, presided and the affair consisted of a number of interesting addresses, including a few words from that grand old Colma pioneer, Hon. R.S. Thornton, whose venerable presence added pathos to the beautifully conducted affair as nothing else could have done. Mr. Thornton is 93 years of age and has resided in Colma over 60 years. The unveiling and ringing of the bell was done by Father Lane and Supervisor Casey made a nice acceptance address in behalf of the people of Colma.

Colma Record
May 5 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 5 Friday, May 5, 1910

As Others See the Colma Record

The May issue of the Pacific Printer, a high-grade magazine published in San Francisco, contains the following nice works of the Colma Record:
“The Colma Record has entered upon the second year of its career. Mr. J.L . Brown, the editor and proprietor, is a pleasing writer and a newspaper man of many years’ experience on the Pacific Coast, having come from Missouri in 1886, and established the Star of Idaho, at Moscow, that at once became at once became the leading paper in Idaho Territory. This eminence was maintained all during the struggle for Statehood, the establishment of the new County of Latah, with Moscow as the county seat, and finally the location of the University of Idaho in that little city of which Mr. Brown was one of the first regents. In 1900 he came to San Francisco. About a year ago he identified himself with the Record, that has already become one of the best and most prosperous country papers in California, and, beginning with its second year, a fine job printing department has been added, the strictly modern and first-class material of which was purchased from the American Type Foundry. The rapid success of the Record is certainly remarkable and shown what energy and ceaseless endeavor will accomplish.

Death of Dr. L. HOMLES

Late last Thursday evening the people of Colma were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Dr. Lyle B. HOLMES, the dentist. He was ill, but a few hours and died with heart failure about 7 o’clock. Dr. HOLMES was a California pioneer in dentistry and had a large circle of friends in his profession as well as of everyone who knew him. He was 73 years old and leaves a wife and two grown sons, Victor and Fred, to mourn his loss. A short service was held at the residence Saturday afternoon followed by incineration at Cypress Lawn.

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Walter WHITE on Theta avenue is very ill.
Guy COON has gone to Live Oakes to work for two or three weeks.
Mrs. HAUPTIL has a fine new baby girl. Mother and child doing we…
Mrs. Charlie CAIRNS and son Bur???, are visiting Palo Alto this week.
Mrs. COON, of Theta avenue is adding some improvements to her home.
Mrs. G.W. WHITE and son Glen will visit in Napa Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. J. NOISOT, gave birth to a fine baby girl last Sunday. Both are doing fine.
A 4 inch water main is being installed in all the main avenues of the Italian Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire HOUSTON left yesterday for a six months’ visit in Atchison, Kansas.
Mrs. Dan MILLER, wife of the affable tonsorial artist, is improving nicely after a long siege of illness.
The home of Warren VANDORN, Colma was made happy by the arrival of a fine baby boy.
H. WITT, of Crocker Tract, is arranging to build two stores with a dance hall above, on his property.
Mrs. M.A. JOHNSON is looking for a good location at the top of the hill in which to move her dry goods store.
B. WILLIAMS and wife, touring from Los Angeles to Seattle, spent Saturday in Vista Grande, visiting their cousin, Mrs. Lottie WHITE.
C.W. BUTLER’s little girl, Margaret, who has been quite ill and threatened with pneumonia, is reported to be improving.
The enterprising Billy RAVEN, the proprietor of the beautiful Raven cage, has moved his family from San Jose, locating at 112 Beta street, Vista Grande.

A. MALERBI, of Colma, who met with a painful accident about ten days ago, by running a harrow tooth in his leg, is improving. Dr. BEATTIE is attending him.

For Sale – The furniture and carpets of the late Dr. L.B. HOLMES. Call at the residence, on Price street, corner of Mission road, and opposite School street.

Miss Helen SCHOIDA, an interesting and accomplished young lady, a recent arrival from Germany, is visiting her friend, Mrs. W.J. SWEENEY, at 215 Crocker Boulevard.

Mr. and Dr. W.G. BEATTIE, of Colma, went to Burlingame Sunday and attended a reception given by H. SCHATH, a former Colma resident, at his beautiful home.

PAPKE will train at MILLETT’s for his bout with Thomas on May 14, at Coffroth’s Colma arena. “Sunny Jim” is making every effort to pull off a fine contest on that date.

Gus FARBER of Colma, is on a business trip to New York and other large cities, and will likely visit his boyhood home, Detroit, Michigan before returning to California.

The San Bruno Banner comes out in a new dress and is printed on a fine quality of book paper. The Banner is certainly a creditable little paper and has the Record’s best wishes.

Dr. WYLLIS, director of the Deaconess Home on Haight street, will preach this (Friday) evening at the Vista Grande M.E. Church. Dr. WYLLIS is said to be a fine talker and his sermon will no doubt be a real treat.

F.S. KNOWLES – our own “Frank,” who has and is doing so much for the advancement of Hillcrest, Vista Grande and the hill in general, was a contributor to the tune of $2500 toward the Panama-Pacific Exposition fund.

John BISHOP, formerly of Colma, an uncle of Mrs. Geo. C. LUCE, died April 27, at Livermore, and was buried at Oakland on the 29th, ult under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity. Mrs. F. PRATT and Mrs. W.G. BEATTLE of Colma attended the funeral.

On April 23, the parlor of Mrs. A.J. FABOR’s was a bower of ferns, roses and orange blossoms, when Miss Ada WILCOX, of Woodstock, Ill., became the bride of W. CRONK of San Francisco. Sweet music and an elegant luncheon followed the impressive ceremony which was performed by Rev. C.W. WELTS of San Francisco.

Saturday evening a surprise party was given to Francis BRACKEN by the Jolly Six Social Club with the following present: Lizzie BRACKEN, Mrs. J. BRACKEN, Mrs. Nellie BRACKEN, Rosie SPADONI, Vivian SOCHT, Lizzie HAUGAARD, Ruth STENBERG, Violet KRAMMEN, Sadie BRACKEN, Hazel BUCHIGNANI, Ida BOIDO, Mrs. F. SMACK, Mrs. P. LOFTUS, Martha LOFTUS, Miss MADDEN, Olivia PETERSON, Chris PETERSON, Joe SPADON, Willie BRACKEN, Joe MARLO, Al BUCHIGNANI, Angelo BENENDETTI, Kid POP, Jack BRACKEN, Walter PETERSON, Alfredo GRANNINI, George TIEDMANN and Wm. BRACKEN.

Colma Record
May 13 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 6 Friday, May 13, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Harry LAMBERT made a business trip to San Jose Sunday.

The Butchers are to have a picnic at Biggio Park Sunday.

Miss Frances BEHRE, visited her sister, in Alameda last week.

Miss Ethel BROWN, of 509 Melrose street, is visiting in San Jose.

C.J. ZULK, who has been quite ill, is reported as improving rapidly.

Jack LESLIE has moved into the A. B. CLARK house on Myrtle street.

Mrs. A.J. SPRING and son, Arthur, visited her sister in Martinez Sunday.

Wm. Williams, of Vista Grande, will spend the summer in Nevada seeking health.

Hon. John Daly was circulating around among his friends on the hill Wednesday.

Those wishing to register can do so by calling on Phil FAHY, at White House, Colma.

Mr and Mrs. J. CIMANOND, Crocker Tract, have gone to Fruitvale for a month’s vacation.

Ed. BENECKE, an old-time typographical friend of the Record editor, made a pleasant call Monday.

The Ladies’ Aid will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. CAIRNS, on Los Angeles avenue.

Williard and Williford CHRISTENSEN with their friend Paul SCHULTZ spent Sunday with Mrs. DUFFY, 517 Knowles street.

An automobile, said to belong to Tex RICKARD, took fire Sunday afternoon near Vista Grande and was completely destroyed.

L. BOCCI has begun the erection of a fine reinforced concrete building opposite the Colma Hotel. San Francisco is growing this way.

Mrs. Jess REDDING, 513 Knowles street, entertained Mr. and Mrs. M.A. REDDING of Berkeley, and Mrs. Ira LESLIE, of Oakland, Sunday.

Peter STAMPANONI, of the firm of STAMPANONI Bros., Colma, who has been in poor health for several years, is very ill and not expected to live.

Supervisory CASY, wife and daughters, accompanied by Dr. BEATTIE and wife, will go to Halfmoon Bay Saturday to remain over Sunday on a picnic.

Esther, the little three-year-old daughter of John JOHNSON, Hillcrest, died Sunday of Pneumonia, and was buried at Mt. Olivet Tuesday afternoon.

Colma’s Jack BURKE sends greetings from Merced to the Record, saying he is having an enjoyable time and extends best wishes to all the boys at home.

Mrs. Joseph LEVERTON is away on a pleasure and business trip to Montana. Her husband is proprietor of the monumental works near Nine-mile House.

Do you know the genial J.V. BRINK, who resides at 705 Mission Road ? Well, his face is warped beyond recognition with laughing – it’s a ten-pound girl.

Daniel F. Mac DEVITT and Ray DIGGS, two of San Francisco’s most artistic printers, came out Sunday and joined the Record editor on a fishing trip to Mussel Rock.

For Sale – The furniture and carpets of the late Dr. L.B. HOLMES. Call at the residence on Price street, corner of Mission road, and opposite School street.

Dr. P.D. ROWLAND of the German Hospital has office hours in the Knowles building Hillcrest, from 7 to 8 p.m. Residence, 117 Peoria street, Crocker Tract.

Sam’l CERF, of Vista Grande, has succeeded in his efforts to obtain a situation with the United Railroads, and is now a full fledged conductor and is making good time.

Miss Stella ARWIN, a former deaconess of the Vista Grande M.E. church, is of the graduating class at the San Francisco Nation Training School, on June 6, at Grace Church.

Colma has her new postmaster at last. G.W. TAYLOR, the gentlemanly agent of the S.P. finally received his credentials, and took charge and moved the office to the depot last Sunday.

Cale COAKLEY’s road house was broken into Saturday night and two machines and the telephone box were broken open and rifled of their contents, amounting to in the neighborhood of $50. The damage done was at least $100.

A.E. KIRKPATRICK, of Princeton, Ind., who arrived about two weeks ago on a visit to his brother, C.A. KIRKPATRICK, is so well pleased with the situation here that he has decided to remain and engage in the real estate business with C.A.

Mrs. Louisa G. FALL, a native of Germany, and a resident of California since 1864, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. RITH, 334 Railroad Ave., Vista Grande, Monday, aged 73 years. The funeral took place Wednesday, conducted by Rev. RALSTON and the body was incinerated at Cypress Lawn.

The Fire Commissioners, Messrs, Frank SMACK, H.H. SMITH and Dennis QUILLINAN recently appointed by the Supervisors to form a fire district in the territory composed of Vista Grande, Mission Tract and Hillcrest, have organized and seem alert in their efforts to protect the residents from fire. They will require all dry grass removed from yards and chimney inspectors with badges will soon be appointed.

Help the Census Enumeration

Census Enumerators, C.A. Kirkpatrick and Herman Frank, will conclude the work during the coming week, an extension of time having been given in order that a full count can be obtained. Much difficulty has been experienced because of a seeming lack of interest, or neglect, on the part of the people, so that it is feared that the count will fall far short of what it should be. To assist in this matter, the enumerators have left blanks with families and individuals to be filled out and mailed to them, and this article is inspired for the purpose of uring that every person who has been thus served fill out their blanks at once and mail them to the Vista Grande or Colma postoffice, or if more convenient, they may be left at the Record office. This is a most important matter and everybody should interest themselves in assisting the Colma district to get its proper standing with regard to population.

U.R. Motorman Not to Blame

Another street car accident on Mission road, near Los Angeles avenue, Monday, in which car No. 1230, collided with a hack that was returning from a funeral. One wheel was struck by the car causing the hack to turn over and the occupants were badly bruised and lacerated by broken glass from the window. This is one time where the fault was not with the motorman, who blew his whistle and did his utmost to advert the accident, while the driver and the occupants of the hack, including the women, seemed well ginned up. The hack was on the wrong side of the street, and the driver did not seem to make any effort to get out of the way of the car.


San Francisco – John A. Benson, indicted in 1900 with Dr. Edward B. Perrin, for unlawful acquirement of public timber lands in Tehama county, and who was recently released after serving a term in the county jail dropped dead Sunday afternoon at a roadhouse on the San Ramon road, near Walnut creak, Contra Costa county. The death of Benson marks the closing chapter in a life that has been full of incidents. He began as a school teacher, became a land surveyor, land agent, and then land lawyer. For more than 20 years, Government agents, attempted to find him in irregularities. He was finally sentenced to one year’s imprisonment. His conviction cost the Government $400,000. Benson’s defense cost him $95,000 in cash and $250,000 in the canceling of land entries and suppression of title.

New Vista Grande Meat Market

The new Vista Grande Meat market opened up Wednesday and was greeted with a large crowd of citizens who are glad of the opportunity of obtaining strictly pure and sanitary U.S. Government inspected meat. This new market is equipped with modern fixtures in every particular and with the gentlemanly treatment of Messrs. Roman & Son, the gentlemen in charge, the service will be perfect.

Colma Record
May 20 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 7 Friday, May 20, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. D. GENINI of Vista Grande, has moved to the county line.

Mrs. Mm. RAE and daughter visited her son in Petaluma last Sunday.

H.E. DUFFY, 517 Melrose, is making some nice improvements on his home.

Ed BROWN, wife and children, visited friends in Vista Grande this week.

Mrs. J. MURPHY, residing at Lake and Mission road, has a fine baby girl.

E. BROCK and J. THOMPSON of Ocean View visited Vista Grande friends on Sunday.

Dr. M. BEASLY returned Monday from a several days’ business trip in Sacramento.

Mrs. G.W. WHITE has returned from Napa, where she has been visiting her sister.

Mrs. C.W. BUTLER and little daughter, Margaret, are spending a couple of weeks at Los Gatos.

The Protestant Sunday School of Colma meets every Sunday at 9:30. Mrs. H.W. BROWN is superintendent.

Mrs. M.E. LONG, of San Francisco, visited on the hill Monday and favored the Record office with a pleasant call.

Mrs. M. BEHERE and Mrs. R. NEWMAN, delegates of Vista Grande Circle are attending the convention at Golden Gate Commandery Hall.

There will be a House Party by the Protestant Ladies’ Aid of Colma at Mrs. Gus FARBER’s this evening. Music and refreshments. Admission 10 cents.

Daniel PLANSKY of New York, arrived last week on a visit to his brother’s family, Solomon PLANSKY, who reside on Los Angeles avenue, Mission Tract.

While playing with the Hillcrest baseball team Sunday in a contest with the Potrero team, Morris ROSENERG had his thumb broken and badly lacerated with the ball.

N.T. RONNING, the assistant agent at Colma, was taken to the S.P. Hospital last Monday with typhoid fever. Geo. WIGHT is assisting in the depot during Mr. RONNING’s illness.

At the last meeting of the Original Whist Club at A.A. HASINKS, that venerable pioneer, R.S. THORTON, lead in winning the first prize. Other prizes were son my Mrs. SUENDERMAN, C.H. LOUGHLIN and Arthur HASKINS.

Miss Josie MATTSON of Colma, an employe at the Kennedy laundry, met with quite a serious accident Tuesday afternoon. Her hand was caught in the mangle and drawn in nearly to her elbow, causing a very bad burn. Dr. BEATTIE dressed the hand and arm, and says the young lady will probably be laid up for six weeks. Fortunately no bones were broken.

Joseph SCRAMAGLIA, son of Giuseppe and Caterina SCRAMAGLIA, and brother of Louis, Emilio, Tony, Mary, Josie, Adelina, Virginia and Edith SCRAMAGLIA, died at his home, 111 Como Ave., Vista Grande, Tuesday, aged 27 years. Religious services were held at St. Ann’s Church, Colma, yesterday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross.

Wednesday evening was Comet Evening with the Knickerbocker Whist Club, entertained at BENASSINI’s by Miss Rene OLIVIERI. The party was pleasant and an elegant lunch was served. First prizes: Mrs. Peter BENASSINI and Dr. Du PUY; second, Peter BENASSINI and Arthur SPRING, Jr. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Alice SMITH June 1st.

Judge McSWEENY for Tax Collector

Elsewhere in the Record will be found the announcement of Judge Ambrose McSWEENEY of South San Francisco, as a candidate for the office of county tax collector, subject to the action of the Republican party at the primary election on Aug. 16th. The Judge was in the Colma district last week in the interests of his candidacy and received much encouragement. Judge McSWEENEY was elected justice of the peace of the second township in 1906 and his popularity was attested by the fact that he received more votes than the combined strength of his two opponents. A term in office has shown him to be amply qualified to hold a public trust and discharge its duties faithfully and efficiently. He is a man of high character and unquestioned integrity.

For A United Fire District

A very interesting and important meeting was held with the Hillcrest Improvement Club Monday evening relative to the organization of the new fire district. Fire Commissioners, SMACK, SMITH, QUILLINAN were present, and representatives of the Independent Fire CO. The consensus of opinion was that the new fire district shall comprise all of the territory of Vista Grande, Mission Tract and Hillcrest, and a most encouraging sentiment of harmony prevailed on these lines.

New Judicial Township Wanted

Now seems an opportune time to establish a new Judicial Township, composed of the Colma District, the population of which is fully 6,500. We need a Justice of the Peace and Constable up here as a matter of protection and convenience and propose to have them. It is an injustice that we are compelled to drag all out legal difficulties to South San Francisco and would be the same for these people to come here, so a new Judicial Township must be established.

Colma Record
May 27 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 8 Friday, May 27, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Tom HEARD visited in Fruitvale Monday.

Born to the wife of John CALLAHAN, May 22d, a son.

Mrs. R. CASTLE attended the San Jose Rose Carnival last week.

Mrs. A.B. CLARK visited Mrs. BOR__ANO last week in Vista Grande.

Charley WEDMEYER of Hillcrest went to Cogguing, Alaska, last week.

Mrs. BRODERICK of Santa Ana avenue is visiting her sister in Los Angeles.

Glen WHITE has returned from his visit at Napa, where he went Saturday.

Mrs. P. WOODS has returned from a three weeks confinement to the hospital.

Mrs. A. NEUMAN and daughter, Myrtle, will spend six weeks at Camp Meeker.

A. FRANKEL of Vista Grande, who has been quite ill with la grippe, is improving.

Mrs. Walter WHITE and children will spend nest week with relative at Calistoga.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom ELLIOTT, of San Francisco, visited at Walter WHITE’s this week.

Mrs. Sam GOLDMAN and daughter visited Mrs. A. NEUMAN on Merced avenue this week.

A.P. RAY and family from the East are visiting his brother, C.R. RAY, of San Carlos avenue.

F. CASAIRO, wife and son, have returned to Vista Grande after a six month’s visit in Washington.

N.T. RONNIG, the assistant S.P. agent at Colma is still confined to the hospital, but is reported improving.

Peter STAMPINONI, of the firm of STAMPINONI Bros., who has been quite feeble, is reported as considerably improved.

The residents of Colma are talking about incorporating. During the last year that section has grown rapidly and it will be a good move to incorporate. – San Mateo Leader.

An organization was effected Monday evening of a Vista Grande band, with Chas. PAUSTIAN temporary leader and W.J. WHITE, secretary. Fourteen members were enrolled and a committee was appointed to secure instruments.

The new signs on the cars warning passengers not to get off until the car stops is all right, but one has to be a lively jumper to get off before it starts again in some cases. Saturday evening B. OTTIBONIE was thrown to the ground and sustained severe bruises and cuts about the face in this way.

As stated in the Record two weeks ago, Mr. COFFROTH is testing the validity of the law that is alleged to prohibit boxing contest. That this matter might be decided in the courts, a contest was arranged at the Colma arena last Monday between Jim HAGAN and Eddie FAGIN. The contestants were arrested, after which a writ of habeas corpus was issued, the hearing of which is set for 10 o’clock Saturday morning in Judge BUCK’s court in Redwood City.

The Ladies’ Aid House Party at Mrs. Gus FABER’s was a pleasant affair. The program consisted of songs by Elsie RAVEL and Ruth RALBOTT; concertina and guitar music, Mrs. C. P. LAMBERT and son Fred; Norman RAVEL, song; Frankie STURLA and Martin LAWRENCE, dialogue; Wilma RAVEL, song and recitation; Josephin LINDSAY, fancy dance; Geo. WIGHT Jr. and F. PRATT, songs. There were numerous other songs by those present.

For the convenience of its readers, the Record has compiled a Time Schedule, giving the departure of cars from Hillcrest (the 5-cent car limit) bound toward the city, via the three lines: “San Mateo Suburban,” “Cemeteries” and “Ocean View.” There are 238 cars each way, 476 in all, every 24 hours, besides the 30 minute owl-car service after midnight, and all these cars stop at the Record office. This schedule will be printed on business cards when desired, and appear from time to time in the paper.

Little Miss Pauline JOHNSON of 130 Irvington street, delightfully entertained a few of her friends at a pink tea party in honor of her fourth birthday, Monday afternoon, May 23. Those invited were: Mabel MARTIN, Carroll and Idalene THOMPSON, Milton WEHR, Jaenette OSWALD, Russell and Flora DAVIS, Ruth McLEAN, Inez GLENN, Nile ?INE, Allen and Harriett ROSENBERG, Arthur CAVE, Evelyn WEHR, Paul and Herbert BOREN, Elmer JOHNSON, Muriel SWEENEY, Daniel SWEENEY Jr., Winifred O’ROURKE, Pauline JOHNSON. Those helping Mrs. JOHNSON to receive were: Mrs. Chas. WEHR, Mrs. Chas. QUIREY, Mrs. A.J. MARTIN, Mrs. Frank L. THOMPSON.

The Hillcrest Boys’ Club certainly did fine in their first entertainment and everyone is loud in praise of the perfect management in producing so interesting a program. The music of the Columbia Park Boys Band added materially to the success, and the farce was one of those pleasant diversions that produce a funny gladness. The remaining portion of the entertainment consisted in very creditable vaudeville sketches by Alice BAKER, Dorothy and Baby SCOBLE, Geraldine ARNOLD, the CROCKERS, Grace BETRAM, Fonda and Myrtle and George DOUGLASS, and last but not least the “Jeffries-Johnson Boxing Match: that caused much laughter. The boys are to be congratulated upon their success and all our people have good cause to be proud of so worthy an organization.

Distinct School Meeting
In accordance with the provision of the political code, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the qualified electors of the Jefferson school district, county of San Mateo, State of California, will be held on the 3rd day of June 1910, between the hours of 8 o’clock p.m. and 12 o’clock p.m. at the Colma Hall, in said Jefferson School District, for the purpose of determining the site of two School Houses, to be erected in said District.
Trustees of Jefferson School District
Dated, May 23, 1910

Colma Record
June 3 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 9 Friday, June 3, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Dr. CASTLE and daughter, Clara returned last week from Gilroy.

T.F. WALL of Santiago avenue, Hillcrest, is building a nice cottage.

A pretty home is being built by L.E. JOHNSON on his Hillcrest property.

Little Harold WHITE, son of W.J. WHITE, is very ill with pneumonia.

Mrs. Lulu WILLIAMS left Friday for Tucson, Arizona, to join her husband.

O. FREY is having a big cistern dug, corner Santa Ana and Hillcrest drive.

Mrs. A. GRAVES of San Francisco visited a week with Mrs. Thos. HURD.

Mr. and Mrs. Antone ULLRICH, from the city, visited their son Eddie Sunday.

H. MEADOWS of Merced avenue, Vista Grande, has been quite ill with bronchitis.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom HURD, 517 Melrose street, spent Sunday at Santa Rosa.

Mr. L.E. SAUNDERS is building a home on his property on Los Carlos avenue.

Mr. J. DRESSER has about completed his home on Winter street, Vista Grande.

J. MORENO, or 214 San Juan avenue, is quite sick and under the care of Dr. ROWLAND.

Mr. I. BARNETT is building a pretty cottage on Los Angeles avenue, Mission Tract.

Little Miss Florence HURD will celebrate her fifth birthday with a party this afternoon.

Thos wishing to register can do so by call on Phil FAHY, at White House, Colma.

Mrs. C. FISH is making many improvements on her home on Los Olivos avenue.

F.S. KNOWLES is laid up with a severe cold at his residence, 1552 Sacramento street.

Mrs. James JOHNSON of Santa Barbara avenue of Hillcrest, is building a pretty cottage.

The children of J. JENKINS of Los Angeles avenue are very ill with whooping cough.

L. WEINGERTNER, the chief assistant and RAVEN’s Café, spent Sunday and Monday in San Jose.

Mrs. McLEOD came out from San Francisco last week and visited her sister, Mrs. Eddie ULLRICH.

Agnes LARSEN of Myrtle street has returned from the hospital, where she was operated on for tonsillitis.

Mrs. E. ULLRICH of Hillcrest received a beautiful piano as a birthday present from her husband this week.

N.T. RONNING, the assistant S.P. agent at Colma, is still confined to the hospital, but is reported improving.

It is estimated that the cars carried 35,000 people to the cemeteries Decoration Day, 2,325 of whom rode on the Mt. Olivet car.

Mrs. Grace MORRISON and her accomplished little daughter, Blanche MORRISON, the clever child actress, visited on the hill Monday.

Marguerite RINK of Hillcrest returned home this week from the hospital where she underwent an operation for throat trouble.

Mr. C.A. KORNBLUM of Los Olivos avenue, Mission Tract, is putting an addition and making many improvements on his residence.

R.S.K. MacMILLEN and wife and Mrs. Hetty OSWALD will go to Jersey Island, near Antioch, Saturday evening and remain over Sunday.

D.J. FERRITER of Garden street, Vista Grande, has just completed a handsome residence, which is certainly a credit to the community.

Col. W. H. ALMON of Colma has entered the race for Justice of the Peace and will present his claims to the Republican primary on August 16.

Andrew SEAHOLM is building a two-story building consisting of a store downstairs and flat above on the corner of Merced and Railroad avenue.

The CLINTON Ice Cream parlor at 718 Mission road makes a specialty of strictly pure cream. Those who are in doubt of this are invited to have it analyzed.

H.H. SMITH, the lumber man, is making improvements on some of his property on Los Angeles avenue, Mission Tract, which is to be occupied by his father and mother.

A. VOLGER of the Vista Grande bakery went to the hospital Tuesday for the purpose of having his arm amputated, as the result of the injury received last January in his bread mixing machine.

The “Childhood Days” dance given by the United Artisans at Knowles Hall Tuesday evening was a very nice affair indeed and quite interesting in its uniqueness. Mrs and T.R. REESE of Crocker Tract won the prize waltz.

C.L. McCRACKEN, who has made an excellent Tax Collector, announced himself as a candidate for renomination at the August primary by the Republican party. Mr. McCRACKEN is a genial gentleman and therefore has a host of friends to assist him in his aspirations.

Information was received yesterday that P.K. PAPPAS, who was indicted by the federal grand jury on Thursday of last week for fraudulent naturalization, was arrested and taken before United States Commissioner HADDOCK to be identified and was held on $3,000 bail for examination.

The many friends of Joseph SILICANI gave him a whooping surprise party Saturday evening, the occasion being his fifty-seventh birthday. Good-natured Joe treated all his guests royally, and his lady friends set a table of Italian dainties to which everyone did ample justice.

H.O. HEINER is out for the office of County Recorder and his announcement will be found in the Record’s candidate column. Mr. HEINER is a princely young man, well known and well liked, and would no doubt make an excellent official. His claims will be made in the Republican primary.

A surprise party was given at the H. PROPERTS, Vista Grande, Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Unice SAYER, on the eve of her departure to her home in Pasadena. Miss SAYER was the recipient of a beautiful Epworth League button from members of the M.E. church of which she is a deaconess.

P.P. CHAMBERLAIN, the present efficient County Treasurer, announces his desire for renomination by the Republican primaries. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN is a pleasant gentleman who has many staunch friends in the county, and his incumbency in the office has thoroughly demonstrated his efficiency and reliability.

Mrs. Edith LESLIE, who resides on Colma street, Vista Grande, had quite a serious accident Tuesday, Falling from a stair leading to the rear door of the house. She was removed to the German Hospital Wednesday, where an X-Ray examination located her injury as a bad fracture of the hip that will require several weeks’ careful attention.

Thomas W. HICKEY, the genial booster of South San Francisco, has announced his candidacy for Assemblyman, subject to the Republican primaries. Mr. HICKEY is surely an enterprising gentleman and few men are so well posted regarding the needs of san Mateo County, and especially of the North end.

The card of Dr. H.G. PLYMIRE, appears in our political column this week. Dr. PLYMIRE is candidate on the Republican ticket for renomination to the office of Coroner and Public Administrator, which he had held for the last four years. As a public official, the Doctor has performed his duties in the most creditable manner.

A Stranger Cuts His Throat

An old man, aged about 60 years, was found in the street at an early hour yesterday morning with his throat cut. He was taken into Fahey’s saloon, when it was found that he was alive, though unconscious. Stimulants were administered and the man said that he had done the deed with suicidal intent, but would not state the cause or give his name. In the meantime, Doctors PLYMIRE and BEATTIE had been summoned and on their arrival it was decided to take the poor fellow to the Central Emergency Hospital in the city. There he was more communicative and gave his name as Cole, and that he roomed at 336 Fourth street, San Francisco. His condition is critical but the hospital physician say he will likely recover.

Teachers Examination

The examination for diplomas begins throughout the county on June 3. The first part of the examination occupies two days. The applicants from the First Township will take the examination at South San Francisco. Superintendent CLOUD will give the questions at that place. Prof. W.J. SAVAGE will hold the examination at Redwood City. In the county there are about 180 applicants. From Jefferson school there are eleven and the Record wishes them all success.

Colma Record
June 10 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No.10 Friday, June 10, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Will FISHER is visiting in Los Gatos.

Mrs. C. A. KIRKPATRICK and daughter, Thais are visiting in Berkeley.

Mrs. I.B. BELL, of Alameda, visited her mother, Mrs. B. BEHRE, Sunday.

J. MEDO has purchased a lot in Hillcrest and will erect a cottage soon.

John OSION is building a cottage on his Santa Barbara avenue property.

Mrs. W.W. BALLENGER of Sausalito is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. HURD.

J.A. GILLAN is ill with lumbago and was taken to the Trinity hospital on Tuesday.

Fire Commissioner SMACK is arranging to burn grass in Vista Grande Sunday and otherwise clean up.

Mrs. G.W. and W.J. WHITE and daughter Mrs. J. CINNAMON, visited Mrs. J. DOYLE in Sausalito this week.

F.S. KNOWLES, after several weeks confinement to the house with la grippe, was on the streets Wednesday.

Mrs. James POKET presented her husband with a fine baby girl last Saturday evening. Mother and child doing well.

Miss Myrtle NEUMAN will be confirmed Monday at the California Street Temple and give her reception Sunday, June 19.

R.S.K.MacMILLEN has been awarded the contract for the building of the San Bruno school house, the price being $15,990.

Dr. W.G. BEATTIE’s mother, Mrs. Geo. BEATTIE, of Georgetown, Cal., is visiting him, accompanied by her daughter Annie.

Mrs. LESLIE, who fell and injured her hip and was taken to the German Hospital, is improving and will likely be home next week.

A cemetery car ran into a bakery wagon at School street Monday morning, killing one of the horses and damaging the wagon slightly.

Mrs. C.V. WRIGHT, of Hillcrest, fell Monday and broke her wrist. Dr. ROWLAND attended the case and reports the lady as improving.

A. VOGLER has returned from the hospital very much improved. The report that his hand would have to be amputated proved to be a mistake.

Mrs. Francesca ROSA, of Colma, died at St. Luke’s Hospital Sunday, aged 42. The funeral took place Wednesday and was largely attended at Holy Cross.

Duck SULLIVAN, that enterprising young business man of Salida Beach was on the hill Tuesday and became a member of the Civic Betterment League.

The man, W.P. COLE, who was found at Hillcrest last week with his throat cur, died at the City and County Hospital Sunday. He is supposed to have been insane.

Florence HURD celebrated her fifth birthday Friday. Her little friends present were Mildred WHITE, Olina and Mildred BROWN, Fay CROWLEY, Edith TURNER and Ray BROWN.

Sam CERF, who is playing second alto for the National Guard band, informs us that the band will take its annual camping trip next week. In the meantime, Mrs. CERF will visit her aunt in Petaluma.

The remains of an unknown man were found in Knowles gulch, west of Ocean Shore tract Saturday. At the inquest a hypodermic syringe was found on the body and it is supposed suicide had been the cause of death.

Sam’l CERF made a trip to Redwood City Monday in the interest of the Eagles’ Souvenir Program, that is being printed at this office, and received liberal financial support for the book.

Dr. P.D. ROWLAND, Physician and Surgeon of the German Hospital, has office hours in the Knowles building, Hillcrest, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Hospital hours, 9:00 to 12 a.m.; phone Park 349, Residence, 117 Peoria street.

Death of Ella MULLOY

The beautiful California sky by day, and at night the starts shine from heaven and the moon sheds its mellow light o’er the grave of poor Ella MULLOY in Holy Cross, whose only fault was constancy and who virtues caused the admiration of all who knew her. In the prime of life and vigor, her death would have been a shock to her many Colma friends, but, when it is practically certain that her demise was the result of foul play, a feeling of horror and unusual regret pervades the mine. Ella went to the city a week ago Tuesday, and when she did not return as usual her friends became anxious and began an investigation, but not until Monday was word received of her, when it was learned that she was in the morgue. There is much mystery surrounding the matter and the police are investigating, but will not likely make much effort to ferret out the dastardly fiends who are responsible for the death. Ella MULLOY was 34 years of age, and was interested in the Boulevard Roadhouse, corner Mission road and School street, with Caleb COAKLEY. She also had other property interests amounting to several thousand dollars. She had resided in Colma since the fire, and was well known and respected, and no one can say that she ever conducted herself other – that a perfect lady. Sadness, let us drop a sincere tear of the grave of poor Ella MULLOY, for that grave is the resting place of a true friend.


Fourth of July at Vista Grande

The Vista Grande Fire Department Fourth of July celebration to be held at Vista Grande Park, is being arranged with great care and will no doubt be a grand success, both financially and in affording the greatest pleasure to those who attend. The celebration begins with a ball game at 10 a.m., followed by sumptuous refreshments, them will come dancing and all manner of interesting games and contests. Hon. Dennis Quillinan, Fire Commissioner, and other prominent speakers will address the crowd. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the Fire Department, a most laudable cause, certainly.



The Civic Betterment League is proving itself well worthy the name because of the progressive spirit manifest on all subjects. Its influence as much to do with the harmonious settlement of the school question and was stated in the Record last week, the League made the initial move for securing an additional justice of the peace and constable in this township, which will ultimately result in much good.

Incorporation is now regarded as the paramount issued by the League….This was received with enthusiasm and a general cheer of approbation followed by stirring and pointed addresses favoring the project by Messrs. Mathew CALLAN, C.W. BUTLER, Gus JOHNSON, J.S. O’BRIEN, W.N. TALBOT, and others.

Colma Record
June 17 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No.11 Friday, June 17, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. G.W. WHITE visited in Piedmont this week.

H.A. SMITH and McSWEENEY visited Burlingame Monday.

D.R. KNOWLES of San Jose was a visitor on the hill Monday.

Miss Frances HEHRE is spending the week with her sister in Alameda.

Mrs. A. NEUMAN and daughter, Myrtle, visited at Melrose this week.

Little Charlie DEHNE, who has been ill with bronchial pneumonia, is better.

A daughter was born to Mrs. W. GOLOLKUHL of Vista Grande Saturday morning.

Jess REDDING is improving his residence on Melrose street with an addition on the front.

Mrs. G. PRATT, of San Francisco, visited her friend, Mrs. Tom HURD, of Vista Grande, this week.

J.P. HAWKINS, of Merced Ave., who has been bery ill with an abscess on his face, is getting better.

Mrs. John LESLIE has returned home from the German Hospital and is on the rapid road to recovery.

Miss Louise ULLRIGE of San Francisco, visited her brother, Eddie ULLRIGE, of Hillcrest, this week.

Mrs. F. RAELTON, of Vista Grande, gave her Sunday school class a party at Golden Gate Park Tuesday.

B. BESSINA buried his 23 months-old baby girl, who died of pneumonia, at the Italian cemetery last Tuesday afternoon.

A man named SMITH attempted to board a rapidly running San Mateo car near Mt. Olivet Monday, and was thrown violently to the ground.

Mrs. T.J. REESE, of 144, Manchester street, is in Santa Barbara as a delegate in attendance at the Grand Parlor of the Native Daughters of the Golden West.

The Sheridan Grammar School of Ocean View gave their graduating exercises last Thursday. Miss Jennie ROSENBERG of Vista Grande was one of the graduates.

The Record welcomes the bright and newsy new paper, the Coast Side Comet, published at Moss Beach by G.E. Dunn, and whishes success to the new journalistic venture.

Mr. and Mrs. G.W. PROBERT, of Los Angeles Ave., who will leave for Canton, Ohio, the last of this week, gave the farewell party to her Sunday school class Tuesday evening.

James V. NEUMAN, the efficient County Surveyor of San Mateo, announces in this issue to the Record his candidacy for re-election. Mr. NEUMAN Has given excellent satisfaction.

Raven’s Café was entered by a burglar some time during Sunday night and obtained $5 from the till. The slot machines were not molested. An entrance was effected by breaking a back window.

Fieldon W. WAGGONER, candidate for the Republican nomination for County Surveyor, favors the Record with his announcement this week. Mr. WAGGONER is a civil engineer on considerable experience.

The announcement of Joe Nash, the genial, gentlemanly and very efficient Clerk of San Mateo County, will be found in this issue of the Record, subject to the Republican primary. Everybody known “Joe” to be all O.K.

W.H. ALMON, of Colma, announces in this issue his candidacy for Justice of the Peace of the First Township, subject to the Democratic primary. “Bill” is making an active canvass and states that he is a “sure winner” in November.

E. DANERI, candidate for the Republican nomination for Constable, makes his announcement in this issue of the Record. Mr. DANERI has acted in the capacity of Deputy Sheriff for a number of years and thoroughly understands the duties.

Harry EDWARDS, of South San Francisco, was in town Sunday and authorized the Record to make his announcement as a candidate for Justice of the Peace of the First Township. Mrs. Edwards is an intelligent gentleman and well qualified.

Ellis C. JOHNSON is out in the gladway, and says he is sure to win the Republican nomination for Justice of the Peace. The “Judge” is sure a live one and believes in printer’s ink, as manifested by his liberal support of the Record’s job department this week.

Jos. J. BULLOCK’s announcement for re-election to the office of District Attorney appears in the Record, and respectfully asks the favorable consideration of the Republican primary. Mr. BULLOCK is too well and favorably known to need any special introduction here.

Robert CARROLL, the present Constable of the first Township, called at the Record office Wednesday and authorized his announcement for reelection. Bob is a hale fellow, well met, and has a large number of friends all over the township, who think him the winner.


Death Of James A. GILLAN

“John A. GILLAN is dead.” Such was the shocking information Wednesday morning to the hundreds of friends of the deceased. As .was stated in the last issue of the Record, he was taken to the Trinity Hospital on Tuesday of last week, but his case was not thought to be serious. Monday, however, he became worse and gradually continued on the downward course until Tuesday night, when death relieved his suffering. He was 49 years of age, a native of Isle of Wight, where his parents reside. His only relative in this country was his nephew, “Jack” BIRD. Mr. GILLAN was proprietor of the Colma Hall in Colma, opposite Hills of Eternity cemetery. The funeral took place Thursday morning from the undertaking parlors at 924 Fillmore street, and his remains were laid to rest by the side of his wife, who died three years ago, in Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. He was a prominent member of the Redmen, Eagles and Royal Arch, and his funeral was largely attended by members of these orders and other friends. “Tis a great loss to a community to lose so good a citizen as “Jack” GILLAN, for his citizenship was the loyal and truthful kind.
(Transcriber note: The names John, James, Jack all appeared in this article)


In the matter of the Estate of Severin STEFFEN, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator with the Will and Codicil annexed, of the estate of said deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator, at the office of E.F. FITZPATRICK, No. 10, Broadway, Redwood City, California, the same being his place fro the transaction of the business of said estate in the said County of San Mateo, State of California.
Administrator with the Will and Codicil annexed of the estate of Severin STEFFEN, deceased.
Dated, Redwood City, Cal., June 11, 1910
Attorney for said Estate
July 15


The Record editor had the pleasure of attending the meeting of the Vista Grande Republican Club Wednesday evening and was very agreeably impressed with the harmony exhibited and the pleasant and intelligent remarks by the candidates present.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis QUILLINAN with a few pleasing remarks with reference to the Club and its purposes, the introduced the candidates in the order named, as follows: James J. O’KEIF, candidate for District Attorney; James V. NEUMAN and Fieldon W. WAGGONER, candidates for Surveyor; Joseph H. NASH, candidate for County Clerk; Ambrose McSWEENEY, candidate for Tax Collector; Dr. H.G. PLYMIRE, candidate for Coroner and Public Administrator; Robert J. CARROLL, James H. PARKER and E. DANERI, candidates for Constable; Hon. Henry Ward BROWN, candidate for the Assembly and H.O. HEINER, candidate for Recorder.

Each of these gentlemen responded and made a good impression on the audience, after which Mr. O’KIEF again took the stand and suggested that the meeting then adjourn in respect to the late John A. GILLAN, whereupon motion was made to that effect and carried by a rising vote.

Colma Record
June 24 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 12 Friday, June 24, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mr. PRICE of Vista Grande, moved to the city, last week.

GEGAX and family moved to East Oakland last week.

FAHEY Brothers’ saloon was robbed again Sunday night.

H.E. DUFFEY went to Vallejo last week to accept a position in a bakery.

Mrs. E. ANDERSON, Vista Grande, gave birth baby girl Sunday.

Mrs. GILMARTIN and children are going to the country for a couple of weeks.

Mrs. DEGNER, 514 Garden street is home after a short absence in the country.

Mrs. BEHRE, Vista Grande, went to Alameda Tuesday on a visit to her daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. VINCENT, Hillcrest, will move to Sunnyvale next month, where they have bought a ranch.

Mrs. NEWMAN gave a reception last Sunday at her home in honor of her daughter, Myrtle’s, confirmation.

Mr. and Mrs. BARGER, and their nine children, of Mission Tract, have gone to the country for their vacation.

Miss Lilla HARRIS of Hillcrest is spending the vacation with her aunt and uncle at Jackson, Amador county.

Z.J. MONTGOMERY, the Colma architect, has completed plans for a $4000 residence to be erected by Mathew CALLAN.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club meets with Mrs. W.J. SWEENEY, 215 Crocker boulevard, next Wednesday evening.

Mrs. C.A. JOHNSON, 130 Irvington, leaves Monday with her little daughter, Pauline, for a month’s stay at Saratoga.

Mrs. Dr. POKET is arranging to give a dinner Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. And Herbert HARPER, on their return from Stockton.

Catherina and Martha RAYLTON are home on their vacation. Martha will spend a week with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. HINK in the country.

“Jack” LANDERS, wife and little daughter, Eva, arrived last week from Fresno and will remain here. Mrs. LANDERS is a sister of Mrs. W.N. FLAHERTY.

J.V. HOHMANN, that grand old veteran of Colma, left Monday for Calistoga, on a month’s sojourn, for his health. Upon his return he will retire from business.

Wednesday evening the marriage of Louis POCKET and Miss Anna BAXA, both of Vista Grande, took place at the Ocean View Catholic Church. After the ceremony the couple left for Stockton.

Peter STAMPINONI, of Colma, is dead, having breathed his last Monday evening after an illness of many months. The funeral took place Wednesday at the Corpus Christi Church when a requiem high mass was celebrated. The deceased was 37 years old. He had resided in Colma several years and had many warm friends who regret his untimely death.

Eliakin SQUIER, father of Elias G., Eugene and Herman G. SQUIER, of Vista Grande, died at 1:45 Wednesday morning at St. Joseph’s Hospital, aged 81 years. The funeral took place yesterday, and the remains were laid to rest in Woodlawn.

Mrs. Thos. SPELLMAN, one of the most prominent ladies in Colma society, has been very ill and was confined to the hospital. For a time her life was despaired of, but the Record is now pleased to state she is on the rapid road to recovery.

Louis T. COMPTON, an old friend of the Record editor, and a prominent member of the Typographical Union and an active worker in Unionism generally, is out in an announcement of his candidacy for State Senator from the 20th district in San Francisco.

Have you ever called in that beautiful little store, corner Mission and Los Angeles Ave., the Mission Tract Grocery, recently purchased by H.L CARMICHAEL? You will certainly be pleased if you give the place a trail, as the stock is pure and complete in every particular, and your patronage will be appreciated.

Miss Ethel Harris, the office assistant with the Record, is in full charge during the editor’s absence. Soliciting subscriptions, advertising and job printing, and gathering local news items are included in the lady’s duties and she is commended to the respectful consideration of all, as the Record’s duly authorized representative.

News was received Wednesday evening by Mrs. R.S.K. MacMILLEN of the death of her mother, Mrs. Samuel BUCHANAN, at Everett, Was., of pneumonia, aged 73. The funeral takes place Saturday and the remains will be laid to rest in the Snohomish cemetery. Mrs. MacMILLEN left for Everett Wednesday evening and was joined at Sacramento by her sister, Mrs. MURCHIE. The deceased had just returned home from a six month’s visit with Mrs. MacMILLEN.



Mr. A.L. STOCKTON, a lumberman of many years’ experience in the business, who thoroughly understands the needs of the builder and contractor, has completely stocked up the yards opposite the Crocker tract, corner of Mission road and Bismarck street, that was formerly known as the “Colma Lumber Company,” and now invites the general public to call and see him regarding any proposed building.

In an interview with Mr. STOCKTON on the Union question, the writer took pains to inquire if the gentleman was in full accord with Union principles, and he replied emphatically that he was, and that he was in no manner in sympathy with the former owner of that place, who actually had to quit business because of his antagonism to Union labor. Therefore the reopening of the yards by Mr. STOCKTON can be greeted with satisfaction by everybody in the positive assurance of his fairness to all Unions and Union principles.

Pursuant to a call of the Civic Betterment League, the preliminary mass meeting for the consideration of incorporation last Sunday, was largely attended by representative men from all over the Jefferson District.

Harry G. STYLES, of South San Francisco, was first called upon, and made excellent remarks regarding the success attained by incorporation in South San Francisco.

H.W. BROWN then made an argumentative and convincing plea favorable to incorporation, and pointed out fact and law that would seem positively certain to give us the power to incorporate if we go about it right. Mr. BROWN also replied to a question of T. SHEHAN, of Crocker Tract, asking if incorporation would in any way release real estate companies of the obligations of their contracts. “While I have not investigated this matter,” says Mr. BROWN, “common sense would most certainly say, No !”

Dennis QUILLINAN then addressed the meeting in an enthusiastic speech and congratulated the League in its initiative efforts toward securing this greatly needed self-government, and urged that the lines should include the entire Jefferson School District.

Hon. R.S. THORTON, that grand old pioneer of Colma, was enthusiastically in favor of the movement and urged that perfect harmony should exist in this grand cause, that we all get together as one good fighter, then failure would be impossible.

W.N. TALBOTT spoke of the location of the Panama-Pacifica at Lake Merced, and that such a condition would make this the most important district in the United States.

Frank SMACK concurred in the remarks of Mr. THORNTON fully and said he would do all in his power to secure incorporation.

Matt CALLAN made a few spirited and convincing remarks favorable to the cause and pledged his hearty support.

J.S. O’BRIEN spoke with much fervor on the question and suggested that about the only obstacle that might interfere would be the selection of the name. For himself, he had no choice and would be satisfied with any name,

Mr. THORTON gave a bit of history regarding the name Colma, saying that originally it was called “School House Station,” and that the agent was a dyspeptic who was always complaining of it being “cold” here, and from that word “cold” the name was changed by the railroad company unknown to anyone here, and even against the advice of the postal authorities, who objected on account of its similarity to Colusa and Coloma.

Committees were appointed as follows:
Finance: J.S. O’BRIEN, Matt CALLAH, R.S. THORNTON, R. SHEEHAN, Shoup and Gust JOHNSON.
Judiciary – H.W. BROWN and C.W. BUTLER
Boundary – Hon. R.S. THORTON and T.J. MULLINS
The meeting then adjourned to meet again in Colma Hall next Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Members of Vegetable Combine Indicted for Violating Cartwright Law.

San Francisco – Indictments for conspiracy to restrain trade have been voted against the vegetable trust and its directors by the Grand Jury. In the true bills filed with Judge Van NOSTRAND were named the Protective Society of Gardeners and Ranchers of San Francisco and San Mateo counties, as a corporation, and President Emanuel MAGGI, Vice-President, G. GERROGGIARO, L. SECCHINI, F. ARMENIO, D. GARASSINO, S. BOTTINI and G. ARIBALDI, the committee which fixes the prices at the Colombo market and disciplines members who attempt to undersell.

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