San Mateo County History
Colma Record
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Colma Record
July 1 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 13 Friday, July 1, 1910

F. CARRIS is moving to Los Angeles.

Ed RAILTON is home after a two years’ absence.

Mrs. J.W. REDDING is visiting her sister in Berkeley.

J.W. CAMPBELL, Hillcrest, left for Chico Monday evening.

Mrs. J.W. White has some baby chicks for sale. Price, 10c.

F. HOPPER, has purchased the PROBERT residence in Vista Grande.

Mrs. R. NEUMAN and daughter, Myrtle, left for Reno Saturday morning.

Miss Celia BARNES, Vista Grande, is spending the week with friends in the city.

Miss Bonnie SMITH has a position with the Syndicate Drug Co., at Fifth and Market.

Mrs. A.B. CLARK is arranging to leave to join her husband at Fort George, Alaska.

Mrs. J.M. CINNAMON, of the Crocker Tract, visited Mrs. W.J. WHITE< Vista Grande, Monday.

Mrs. G.W. SAVAGE of Hillcrest Drive gave birth to a fine 8 pound baby girl Saturday morning.

Arthur BROOKS, the blacksmith at Home of Peace Cemetery, has sold out and will move to a ranch.

Rev. Frank E. BOVEN and son, Paul, of Vacaville, are visiting at C.A. JOHNSON’s, 130 Irvington street.

The fine residence that M.E. FREYER is building on the west end of Los Angeles avenue is nearly completed.

Mr. and Mrs. Antone STURLA are away on a ten days’ outing at Calistoga, Livermore and other places.

H.C. BURTON of Portland, Oregon, arrived Sunday on a visit to C.P. LAMBERT, and will likely remain in San Francisco.

Sheriff Bob CHATHAM was here Sunday shaking hands with his many friends and ordered his announcement in the Record.

The friends of Hon. Geo. A. TRACY are urging him to again enter the race for Congressman against “Red” HAYES.

Mrs. La FOUNTAIN pertinently remarks that every one should clean up their yards before the Fourth as a precaution against fire.

Kenneth M. GREEN, of San Mateo, while in town Monday looking after his political fences, called at the Record office and ordered his announcement as a candidate for District Attorney.

William H. ALMON, popularly known throughout the East and West as the “Mayor of Colma,” famed as an orator, wit and politician, has surprised his constituents by aspiring for judicial office. He has announced his candidacy for Justice of the Peace of the first township of San Mateo county at the Democratic primary. – Examiner.

Vista Grande Circle, No. 253, Ladies of the Forest, will hold a public installation at Knowles Hall, July 12, The following is the list of officers to be installed; Chief Commander, Mrs. K. GREEN; Sub-Chief, Mrs. E. TALBOTT; Treasurer, Mrs. R. NEUMAN; Financial Secretary, Mrs. M. PARKRE; Recording Secretary, Mrs. M. BEHRE; Right Guide, Mrs. C. FRANKEL; Left Guide, Mrs. M. BUTER; Inner Guard, Mrs. L. SMITH.

The Hillcrest Boys Club elected officers at their last meeting as follows: President, Jas. S. GERARD; vice-president, Albert WRIGHT; secretary, Clifford PETTIGREW; treasurer, Morris ROSENBERG, manager, Hyman ROSENBERG; sergeant at arms, Fred GIANNINI; finance committee, Vernon SHEAR, Francis BRACKN, Ed QUILLINAN, Fred GIANNINI.


Death of Dr. C.L. McCRACKEN

The funeral of the late Dr. C.L. McCRACKEN took place from his residence in Redwood City Sunday and the remains were laid to rest in Cypress Lawn. Quite a number from the Colma district attended the burial ceremonies, that were conducted by the Masonic fraternity.

Colma Record
July 8 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 14 Friday, July 8, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Harry GREGORY is very sick with scarlet fever.

G.W. PROBERT of Vista Grande, left Monday for Ohio.

Cale COAKLEY went to Reno and saw the JOHNSON-JEFFRIES fight.

Mrs. Gus KOSS spent the Fourth with her sister at San Rafael.

Christina DUFFY, 517 Melrose, had a birthday party, Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Adolph FREY and Gus KOSS fished for fish at Halfmoon Bay Sunday.

W.N. FLAHERTY has laid the foundation for the completion of his bungalow.

The children of G. WILLIS, Vista Grande are quite sick with typhoid fever.

Florence BEHRE, Mrs. LOGIE and her daughter, Grace, went to Vallejo Wednesday.

Mrs. N. MEETH and family, M. LOBLAWS, F. JOHNSON and A. PEARLY spent Sunday at Mill Valley.

M. PURLEY, after a few days’ visit to his home in Vista Grande, has returned to his work in Sacramento.

Roy W. CLOUD, the efficient Superintendent of Public Schools, is in the field for re-election, and his announcement will be found in this issue.

D.H. LOVELAND is out for re-nomination for Railroad Commissioner, subject to Republican primary and has thus announced himself in this issue of the Record.

News has been received from Sacramento of the death of Mrs. T. THOMPSON, the lady who lost her home by fire last October in Mission Tract. Her little baby died June 20.

About two o’clock Tuesday morning a small cottage on Colma street, Vista Grande, caught fire from the explosion of an oil stove and burned to the ground. Most of the contents were saved.

P.H. McEVOY, who for twelve years has been an efficient member of the Board of Supervisors, is in the field for the Democratic nomination for sheriff, as will be seen by the Record’s announcement column.

Mrs. T. HURD entertained the Royal Neighbors Camp last Friday evening in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Ida BALLINGER. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HILDRETH and Mrs. Edith EASLEY of San Francisco were present. A fine lunch was served and the party was beautifully entertained with musical selections and otherwise.

Last Monday the Supervisors selected John L. DEBENEDETTI, of South San Francisco, to fill the unexpired term of tax collector made vacant through the death of C.L. McCRACKN. Henry BUTTS and Jos. H. SMITH were both aspirants for the appointment, but Mr. DEBENEDETTI’s recent efficient service on the Grand Jury caused him to be the strongest man it seems.

While waiting for a car at Holy Cross Saturday evening, John NEGRI, who has for a long time been a faithful employee of Mat CALLAN, was struck by a suburban car and knocked down, sustaining ugly bruises and cuts about the face and head.

Ellis C. JOHNSON, of Vista Grande, and Matthew CALLAN, of Colma, were assistant marshals in the Redwood City parade. That grand old pioneer, Hon. R.S. THORTON, took in that celebration also and was in the parade.

Forbids Widow to Speculate
OAKLAND – Fearing that his widow might by unwise investments lose her inheritance, Thomas E. STIBBENS in his will forbids her to “speculate” or lend money except on first mortgages on realty, and then to an amount equal to one-third of the market value of the property.

Aged Counterfeiter Sentenced
San Francisco – Harry PERRY, whose specialty for years has been the manufacture of spurious 50-cent pieces, was sentenced to four years imprisonment at Leavenworth in addition to the payment of $500 fine. PERRY is 65 years of age.

Colma Record
July 15 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 15 Friday, July 15, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

W. McQUEER is moving to the city.

Mrs. B. PRATT of San Francisco visited Mrs. Tom HURD Wednesday.

Mrs. Alice SMITH of Colma is taking her outing at Elverano, near Santa Rosa.

Mrs. A. BOER and two children of San Francisco is visiting at C. REARDON’s.

Call at Jim CALLAN’s ranch for a good fat goose – money no object and then some.

Mrs. C.O. WOOLSEY of Colma, is visiting her mother at Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Mrs. Peter BENASSINI and children have returned from a few days’ visit at Petaluma.

Dick HARTMAN is improving his Irving street home with a new concrete foundation.

Mrs. C. DENK, Mission Tract, presented her husband with a fine six-pound baby girl last week.

Mrs. L. REGLI has returned to her Crocker Tract home after several weeks illness in the Trinity Hospital.

Mrs. C.A. JOHNSON and little Pauline are visiting in Saratoga, California, while Charley is having the house finished.

Arthur and Sidney HARRIS have returned to their Brunswick street home, having finished their contract at Menlo Park.

County Surveyor J.V. NEUMAN, candidate for Republican nomination for re-election was here Wednesday and favored the Record with an order for ___ cards.

Cale COAKLEY seems never to tire in making improvements on the Boulevard Roadhouse. He is now arranging and beautifying the lawn for the convenience of his patrons.

On Thursday evening of last week the Vista Grande Republican Club had a good old-time love fest in which Railroad Commissioner LOVELAND was the principal attraction.

Chas. W. DAVISON, whose announcement appears in this issue as a Republican candidate for Congress of the Firth District, in opposition to E.R. HAYES, was elected City Justice in San Jose in 1902 and re-elected in 1906. In 1908 he was elected Mayor of San Jose and in 1910 was re-elected by a greatly increased majority. Mr. DAVISON’s fitness for the honorable position of Congressman makes him a strong man in the race. The Fifth District includes all of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and a portion of San Francisco.

ELLIS C. JOHNSON for Justice of the Peace – Candidate for the Republican nomination at the August Primary.
JOS.J. BULLOCK (Incumbent) for District Attorney – Candidate for the Republican nomination at the August Primary.
C.D. HAYWARD (Incumbent) for Assessor – Candidate for the Republican nomination at the August Primary.
P.P. CHAMBERLAIN (Incumbent) for County Treasurer – Candidate for the Republican nomination at the August Primary.
H.O. HEINER for County Recorder – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary.
DR. H.G. PLYMIRE (Incumbent) for Coroner and Public Administrator – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
AMBROSE McSWEENEY for County Tax Collector – Candidate for the Republican nomination at the August Primary
THOMAS L. HICKEY – Assemblyman – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
JAMES V. NEUMAN (Incumbent) Surveyor – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
JOSEPH H. NASH (Incumbent) County Clerk – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
WM. H. ALMON – Justice of the Peace – Candidate for the Democratic Nomination at the August Primary.
HARRY EDWARDS – Justice of the Peace – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
ROBERL CARROLL (Incumbent) Constable – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
JAMES H. PARKER – Constable – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
E. DANERI – Constable – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
FELDON W. WAGGONER – Surveyor – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
ROBERT CHATHAM (Incumbent) Sheriff – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary.
W.H. UNDERHILL for Re-election to the office of Auditor. Subject to the Republican Primary, Tuesday, August 16, 1910
HENRY WARD BROWN Assemblyman – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary.
JAS. E. FITZGERALD – Recorder – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
KENNETH M. GREEN – District Attorney – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary.
P.H. McEVOY – Sheriff – Candidate for the Democratic Nomination at the August Primary
ROY W. CLOUD (Incumbent) County School Superintendent – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary.
H.D. LOVELAND (Incumbent) Railroad Commissioner – Candidate for the Republican Nomination at the August Primary
GEORGE W. SAVAGER – Constable First Township – Subject to the Republican Primary on the 16th day of August, 1910
CHAS. W. DAVISON (Mayor of San Jose) Republican Candidate for Congress Fifth District (Against E. A. HAYES) Primary Election, Tuesday, Aug. 16.

Colma Record
July 22 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 16 Friday, July 22, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Eva REDDING is visiting her aunt in Berkeley.

G. FRIETA has leased his Garden street residence.

Mr. BARNES and family moved last Monday to Florin.

Cecil CARNES has returned from his visit to Santa Cruz.

Mrs. A. COLLINS is recovering from a heavy attack of la grippe.

Harry GREGORY, who was quite sick, is on the road to recovery.

Sidney, John and Arthur HARRIS left Sunday on a camping trip to Lake Tahoe.

Mr. and Mrs. W. CLINE of Vista Grande visited friends in San Leandro last week.

L. De VONEY and family of Vista Grande have sold out and gone to Summervale.

Mr. A. ROGERS and G.J. AMES have closed their grocery store, located on the Mission Road.

S. SEXTON of Vista Grande, who owns four lots on Vista avenue, is make preparation to build.

Mrs. W. BALANGER, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos HURD, returned to her home in Sacramento Monday.

The Board of Supervisors Monday raised the salary of Health Officer W.G. BEATTIE from $50 to $75 a month.

Mrs. H.E. DUFFEY and Mrs. J. REDDING are to entertain the junior class at Golden Gate Park Saturday afternoon.

KENNEDY’s laundry is closed down this week, for the installation of some new and more improved machinery.

Mrs. A.B. CLARK and Mrs. W.E. ELERT will leave this place next week to join their husbands in British Columbia.

Mrs. T.E. TYDINGS, of Hillcrest, left last week for Olympia, Wash., to wait on her daughter, Mrs. G.F. SCHOLLARD< who is very ill.

Miss Lilla HARRIS returned from Jackson, Amador county, where she has been spending her summer vacation with her aunt and uncle.

Mrs. C. ETTLIN of Mission Road, who was very sick, is able to be around again. She has purchased the lot next door and will continue in business.

Miss Florence B. DAWSON left Sunday evening for her home in Denver, Colorado, after a week’s visit to Mrs. H.F. HOWARD, 405 Wellington avenue.

Fred WOOD and bride gave a pleasant party Saturday evening to a number of friends here and from the city, at which refreshments were served and fine music rendered.

Mrs. J.V. WRIGHT, 119 Shakespeare street, Hillcrest, who suffered a Colie fracture of the right hand about six weeks ago and was treated by Dr. ROWLAND, had the splints removed on Monday. Good result.

Henry BAUER, Jack BURKE, Ed BAUER, Adolph, SCHENONI, Garissino LOMBARDI, and H. ROGERS, the Colma millionaires, after spending a few days in Hopland, picking hops, went to Lake county on ad deer hunt, and will be absent two weeks.

Mrs. R.S. THORNTON and granddaughter, Miss Josephine LINDSAY, have returned from a pleasure trip to Los Angeles. Mr. THORTON and daughter, Mrs. Josephine S. LINDSAY will leave Monday for a two weeks’ outing in the Yosemite Valley.

Little Fritzie BRITT, the 5 year-old boy of John BRITT, 312 Vista avenue, who fell from a fence about three weeks ago and sustained a complicated fracture in the elbow joint, was successfully operated on Saturday at the German Hospital by Dr. TOWLAND and will likely have a good arm.

Colma Record
July 29 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 17 Friday, July 29, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Miss E. MOONEY of Vista Grande left Tuesday to live in the city.

Robert La FONTAINE is visiting his aunt and uncle in Menlo Park.

Ben RAILTON of Vista Grande leave next week for Lincoln, Nebraska.

A. BONI has rented of F. SMACK the store room next to his hardware.

The Vista Grande Fire Department No. 3 has invested in a new fire bell.

Mrs. Richard HARRIS, of Hillcrest, called on a few friends in the city, Wednesday.

Mrs. Ben HAUBRICH and little daughter, Silvia, are spending a few days at Moss Beach.

Mrs. T. FIFY of Burlingame, spent a few days of this week with Mrs. BURGH of Crocker Tract.

Mrs. H. STRUM, 530 Mission road, was slightly injured one day last week by falling from a porch.

Louie RENNER went on his first hunting trip Sunday and brought home a chicken hawk and a squirrel.

Silvio BELLI and Mrs. E. BELLI are erecting a building 36 x 45 on the vacant lot south of the store in Colma.

Charles READRON of Crocker Tract left last Sunday for Yolo county, where he is spending some time with friends.

Frank GARDELLA, superintendent of Italian Cemetery, has built a sidewalk along F. street that required 3,000 feet of lumber.

The business of Mission Road House is improving. Mr. ETTLIN is home from work while his wife and children to the country to visit friends.

The many friends of N.T. BRONNING, the assistant S.P. agent at Colma, who has been very sick has sufficiently recovered so that he will assume his duties next Monday.

Monday evening a party was given at Colma Hotel in honor of the 45th birthday of the proprietor, John BLECHLE, that was beautifully enlivened by music and dancing until the wee small hours.

Sheriff CHATHAM made quite an important arrest Sunday – J.B. LEROY, the noted horse thief, who is wanted in many counties of California for various crimes. Sheriff CHATHAM captured his man near Tracy.

Mrs. Herbert SHAUR from Mendocino, who, with her children, has been visiting her parents, Mrs. And Dr. BEATTIE, for a couple of weeks, will soon join her husband at Eureka, where he is to take charge of a large mill.

Gladys, the 7-year old daughter of Mrs. And T.B. REESE, of Crocker Tract, underwent an operation at the Children’s Hospital about ten days ago for tonsillitis. For a time the little life was despaired of, but she is now improving rapidly.

John T. CASSIDY, the Native Son candidate for State Senator in the 22d District, San Francisco, was in Colma Wednesday. Mr. CASSIDY is an intelligent and social gentleman who will no doubt be an honor to his district if chosen as its representative at Sacramento.

Z.J. MONTGOMERY is now engaged in contracting. He is now engaged in remodeling the cottage of H. STRUM, 530 Mission road, by adding another story and greatly improving the appearance of the place. Mr. STRUM, who recently purchased the place, seems to be an enterprising gentleman and a valuable addition to the population of Vista Grande.

Z.J. MONTGOMERY has assumed the management of the Alden ANDERSON campaign in the North End of San Mateo county, and is arranging for the organization of an ANDERSON Club at Colma Hall, this Friday evening, July 29th.

Colma Record
August 5 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 18 Friday, August 5, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. A. COLLINS and baby left Vista Grande last week for Sunnyvale.

Mrs. F. PION of Grass Valley is visiting Mrs. M.E. JOHNSON this week.

Mrs. F.S. HARLOE of San Luis Obispo has been visiting Mrs. Fred WOOD this week.

Fresh Milk Cow Wanted – Inquire of George NICHOLAS at his Hillcrest Drive store.

Mrs. W. WILSON presented her husband with a bouncing 8 ½ pound girl Monday evening.

H.L. CARMICHAEL’s sister, Helen, is to be married to C. MORTON of San Francisco, Aug. 26.

Paul OLSEN, who has been running the Mt. Olivet car for a long time, has gone East on a vacation.

Geo. HAVENSTEIN of Vista Grande is making preparations for a fine building at Garden and Merced.

Mr. and Mrs. J. CAMBEL of Vista Grande have returned after a few weeks’ visit at Hardy, Cal.

R. STEDMAN has purchased a lot from Mr. H.H. SMITH on Los Angeles avenue and will build soon.

Ben NEUMAN of Vista Grande, who went to Eureka with the Columbia Park boys, returned Monday.

Martha and Catherine RAILTON of Vista Grande returned to Fruitvale Sunday where they are to attend school.

Mrs. W.E. FERGUSON of Fresno, a daughter of W.M. TALBOTT, is visiting in Vista Grande, accompanied by her husband.

The many friends of Miss “Tillie” WRIGHT, the little lady who has been assisting Mrs. M.E. JOHNSON in the post office store for a long time will regret to learn that she is very sick with typhoid fever.

Harry E. STYLES, of South San Francisco, who has been looking after his political fences up this way during the week, has placed his announcement in the Record. Harry says he is a sure winner for the office of District Attorney.

Prof. Savage returned Sunday from his trip to the Yosemite. Hon. R.S. THORNTON and daughter, Mrs. Josephine LINDSAY, who accompanied the Professor to the Valley, decided to remain another week, as the old gentleman feels greatly improved and is enjoying himself very much.

Joseph DEBENDETTI, of Halfmoon Bay, the Democratic candidate for Sheriff, places his announcement in the Record this week. Mr. DEBENEDETTI is an old resident of San Mateo county, having served the county several terms as a Supervisor in a most creditable manner, and with his large number of friends, will no doubt make a strong race.

The editor of the South City Enter-Price is splitting himself wide open yelling for the Republican party in order to catch all the “crumbs” possible. The writer remembers quite well when this alleged Republican was a candidate on the Democratic ticker for State Printer, and voted for him because of his alleged loyalty to the Democratic party.

Col. J.V. SWIFT, editor of the Redwood City Democrat, is to enter the race for County Treasurer. A most commendable ambition truly from so good a man, whose personality and general upright bearing during his long business career in San Mateo county is a particularly sufficient guarantee to his fitness for the responsible position to which he aspired.

Buy a $300 Home – Fine Opportunity
The GLUCKSMAN-LEVY Realty Co. represented by Theo. LOVENTHAL, 5824 Mission street, near Sickles avenue, have placed on the market, a most desirable tract of Bellevue avenue, just back of the Coffroth Arena, at the very cheap price of only $300. The terms are so easy. $5 down and $5 months, that there is no excuse for anyone to continue to pay rent, and the lots are so desirably situated in the matter of street car service and with such a beautiful land and marine view that they are certain to increase rapidly in value. When ready to build, the Company will assist by selling your lumber on easy months payments, so that there is no need to delay in taking advantage of this remarkable change at once. But 50 lots are left, so it stands you in hand to act quickly.


In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo
No. 3638
John C. BURKE, Thomas J.C. BURKE, Vina SHEEHAN and Mary PAYNE, Plaintiffs vs James P. BURKE Defendant
Dated: July 18th, 1910

Colma Record
August 12 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 19 Friday, August 12, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Miss Lena RERNER of Vista Grande has accepted a position in Colma.

Clifford PETTIGREW and Jim GINMINN went fishing Sunday and caught a nice mess.

Mrs. L. HORNERER and family of Alameda were visiting Mrs. Tom HURD this week.

Miss M.A. REDDING and M. CERRIE of Berkeley, visited Mrs. Jess REDDING this week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. DROOMEND and children from the city were visiting Mrs. E. HARRIS Sunday.

Louis CAVO and wife of Eureka are visiting his parents, A. CAVO, the Colma monumental man.

Arthur, Sydney and John Harris returned Wednesday, after a month’s camping trip to Lake Tahoe.

The Vista Grande M.E. Church on Saturday evening was the scene of the marriage of W. Weston, of Vista Grande, and Miss A> Hall, of San Francisco.


San Mateo County Candidates

The following is the list of candidates in San Mateo county, to be voted for at the primary election and their address. “D” indicates Democratic, and “R” Republican.

Assemblyman – J.F. DAVIS, D., Burlingame; Thos. L. HICKEY, R., S.S.F., H.W. BROWN, R., Colma; Joseph DEBENEDETTI, D., Halfmoon Bay
Sheriff - R.S. CHATHAM, R., Redwood; J.H. MANSFIELD, D., Redwood; P.H. McEVOY, D.; Menlo Park
District Attorney – Joseph J. BULLOCK, R., Beresford; Harry E. STYLES, R., S.S.F.; Franklin SWART, D., San Mateo; Archer KINCAID, D., Redwood; J.R. O’KEEFE, R., Menlo; A. MANSFIELD, D., Redwood; K.M. GREEN, R., San Mateo
Assessor – C.D. HAYWARD, R., San Carlos
Tax Collector – A. McSWEENEY, R., S.S.F.; H.F. BUTTS, D., Redwood City
County Clerk – J.H. NASH, R., Redwood
Auditor – W.H. UNDERHILL, R., San Mateo; H.C. OFFERMAN, R., Redwood; P.A. ROUSSEL, R., Belmont; Geo. W. BREAW, Easton
Recorder – H.O. HEINER, R., Redwood; Jas. E. FITZGERALD, R., Menlo Park
Supt of Schools – Roy W. CLOUD, R., Redwood
Surveyor – J.V. NEUMAN, R., Redwood; F.W. WAGGONER, R., Burlingame
Coroner – H.G. PLYMIRE, R., S.S.F.
Treasurer – P.P. CHAMBERLAIN, R., Redwood; F.W. LIPPMAN, R., San Carlos
First Township – J. of P. – Ellis C. JOHNSON, R., Vista Grande; W.H. ALMON, D., Colma; H.EDWARDS, R., S.S.F.
First Township – Constable – Robt. J. CARROLL, R., S.S.F.; Jas. H. PARKER, R., Hillcrest; E. DANERI, R., San Bruno; J.C. WALLACE, D., San Bruno; Geo. W. SAVAGE, R., Mission Tract.

Colma Record
August 19 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 20 Friday, August 19, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. N.A. KIZER, of Oskaloosa, Ia., is visiting friends in Vista Grande.

C.A. REARDON, of Crocker Tract, is improving his home at 18 Manchester street.

W.T. REARDON, a rancher of Madera, is visiting his father, C.F. REARDON, of Crocker Tract.

J.A. CAMPBELL, who is working at present at Eureka, came home Wednesday on a visit to his family.

Miss E. DEIGH, who has been spending a week at Leona Heights, has returned to her Crocker Tract home.

Frank REGLI, the three-year old son of Lewis REGLI of Crocker Tract, is improving after four weeks sickness.

Jess REDDING, While working on the new Belli building in Colma, Wednesday, fell from the scaffold and sprained his shoulder.

Colma Record
August 26 1910

Location: Colma Record
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 21 Friday, August 26, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. and Dr. P.D. ROWLAND left Monday for a two weeks vacation.

Mrs. O. NAYLOR, of Leinmore, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. HURD.

The infant baby of Mrs. W. WILSON, sickened and died Wednesday.

Mrs. and W.J. WHITE and Mrs. DUFFY visited in Point Richmond Tuesday.

Miss Lilla Harris visited in the city Sunday with her friend Miss Osbrey COPPER.

Mrs. H. PRENTISS and son, who reside in the East, are visiting friends in Vista Grande.

R.S. THORNTON, that Grand Old Man of Colma, who has been quite ill with a severe cold, is now greatly improved so that he is able to be around again.

A.A. BAERICKS and wife spent last week at Lytton, a summer resort on the Russian River.

Mrs. H. BARNEY of Vista Grande, presented her husband with a fine baby boy last week.

Dr. W.G. BEATTIE will move next week to the residence next door north of Supervisor CASEY’s residence.

G. ELLIOTT of Mission Tract has returned from Ft. George, Canada, where he has been for several months.

The Record office is adorned this week with another beautiful bouquet through the kindness of Mrs. Ben HAUBRICH and her little daughter, Sylvia.

The new building being erected by Silvio and Mrs. E. BELLI at Colma is for CASEY’s Market and will be the finest and best equipped market in San Mateo county.

A benefit dance to be given in San Bruno, September 17, to the family of Barney DELESO, the young man who was killed by being run over by an S.P. train at San Bruno, August 13. Barney was well-known and had many friends in Colma.

San Mateo Republican Convention

The Republican County Convention convened at Halfmoon Bay Thursday and was called to order by the chairman, C.G. CONNELLY. H.O. HEINER read the call for the convention and the list of delegates, after which the temporary organization was made with John MacBAIN as chairman and J.B. DUFFY secretary.

Committee on Credentials – (Five, one from each township) – was then appointed as follows: 1st, W.J. SMITH, chairman; 2d, L. HUCK; 3rd, H. STERABERGER; 4th, D.J. LYNCH; 5th, A MONTAVALDO

Committee on Platform – 1st, B.S. GREEN; 2d, E.J. SHEEAN; 3d, G.W. LOVIE, chairman; 4th, A.S. HATCH; 5th, L.H. WARD

Colma Record
September 2 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 22 Friday, September 2, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

S.J. BROWN of Vista Grande, is ill.

Mrs. J.W. WHITE spent Wednesday with her brother in Oakland.

Mrs. W.F. NOKES of Fresno visited Mrs. H.G. HOWARD last week.

R. LUDLOW of Vista Grande has accepted a position in Sacramento.

Clifford PETTIGREW and J. GENNINI, of Hillcrest, left Monday for the hopfields.

Gust JOHNSON is setting up the cigars in honor of a fine boy that arrived at his house last Saturday.

Hazel HAMMERSIMTH and brother, of San Jose, are spending their vacation with their mother, Mrs. S.J. BROWN.

Col. Ed. WALSH is taking a vacation and during his absence “Duck” Sullivan is in charge at the White House. The Colonel contemplates a trip to Honolulu.

Honorable Benjamin G. FENEHEMAN of Ingleside, who issued three or four copies of a sheet called the “Home Builders Review” over a year ago, is said to be contemplating its revival during the campaign.

Did you notice that barrel at W.J. SWEENEY’s blacksmith shop? Billy uses it to stick his head in and yell, “Dad, dad, dad,” on account of that 16 pound baby boy that arrived at his house last Friday morning. Mother and “Baby Bill” doing fine.

Colma Record
September 9 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 23 Friday, September 9, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

S. BROWN, who has been quite ill, is improving.

Mrs. P. MEETH is moving from Park avenue to Gasden street.

Gus KOSS and Adolph FREY went to Granada Sunday crab fishing.

Miss Odeat COOPER of San Francisco is visiting Miss Lilla HARRIS.

A. COLLINS of Vista Grande visited his family at Sunnyside Sunday.

H.E. DUFFY left Wednesday for Sacramento, where he has a situation.

Mrs. Flora OLIVIERI and daughters have moved from Colma to the city.

T.J. REESE and Sam BURGH have returned from a hunting trip near Granada.

Mrs. M.E. CARMICHAEL of San Francisco is visiting her son, H.L. of the Mission grocery.

Mrs. T.J. Reese and little daughter, Gladys, have returned from a few days outing at Larkspur.

R.A. TROYER and Miss Hattie BAKER of San Francisco, spent Sunday with Mrs. H.F. HOWARD.

Harry LAMBERT has gone to Los Angeles where he has engaged in the monumental business.

Mrs. A. CAVO has returned from Calistoga Springs where he has been treated for rheumatism.

H. DANIEL is moving to Sunnyside.

Miss Ethel HALQUEST of Oakland is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. HANSEN.

Mrs. Z.Z. MONTGOMERY and “Jack Jr.” left Saturday for a five weeks’ outing in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Mrs. C.A. JOHNSON and little daughter, Pauline, have returned from their trip to Saratoga, and report having had an enjoyable time.

Rev. RAWLSTON, of the Vista Grande M.E. Church gave his farewell sermon Sunday. The annual conference will be held at Pacific Grove.

Arthur YOUNG, one of Matt CALLAN’s men, met with the misfortune of having his fingers broken Monday, caused by a swill tub falling upon them.

Mrs. Thos. HURD was given a party Wednesday evening in honor of her birthday. A nice supper was served and Mrs. HURD received several fine presents.

J.H. MANSFIELD has filed a contest for the position on the Democratic ticket for Sheriff, against P.H. McEVOY, who won the nomination by two votes.

Willie R. BEATTIE went to the Leland Stanford Jr. University Thursday, where he will first take up the regular course, and later study art, as he has remarkable talent in that direction.

RODINGERYOR, who is employed at Home of Peace Cemetery, had the fingers of his left hand mangled by a circular saw Tuesday afternoon. He was treated by Dr. BEATLIE (sic) and is doing fine.

Mrs. M.A. JOHNSON, 614 Mission Road, had added to her dry goods stock a line of ready to wear ladies shirtwaists and children’s dresses. Also Union made overalls for men and boys. Special prices this week.

“Sid” HURD, the negro veteran of the Civil war, who for many years resided in Colma, came in Wednesday from his present home in Yountville, to visit his many old friends. “Sid” is a centurian, having been born in 1810.

Mrs. and Dr. P.D. ROWLAND have returned from their outing trip near Willits. Mrs. ROWLAND is the heroine of an exciting deer hunt in which she succeeded in killing a fine forked-horn, and of course invited the editor to partake of a venison dinner.

The Kcickerbocker Whist Club was entertained Wednesday evening by Miss Rene OLIVIERI at the residence of Peter BENASSINI and had a very pleasant time. The first prizes went to Mrs. BENASSINI and T.J. REESE; second, Mrs. T.J. REESE and J.L. BROWN. The next meeting of the club will be at Mrs. Alice SMITH’s September 21.


Vista Grande Republican Club

The Vista Grande Republican Club held a meeting Wednesday evening at which about forty of its members were present. The resignation of Dennis QUILLINEN was accepted and H.H. TOFT was elected to succeed him as president. …. The new officers are as follows”
H.H. Toft, President; C. PETERSEN, Vice-President; F. SMACK, Treasurer; B. CLINITON, Secretary.
Executive Board: W. PETERSEN, J.J. BURNS, George SAVAGE, J.S. O’BRIEN, J.J. BRACKEN.
Next meeting, Wednesday, September 15, 7:30 p.m. at which all good Republicans are invited.

Colma Record
September 16 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 24 Friday, September 16, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Gust JOHNSON is home from a visit to Mill Valley.

Ethel and Lilla HARRIS visited with friends in the city Sunday.

Mrs. Joseph FRNACES (sic), of San Francisco, visited Mrs. FONT last Tuesday.

A. FRANKLE, who has been absent for a four month’s vacation, has returned home.

Mrs. And Mrs. O.A. TOOLE, of San Francisco, visited Mrs. H.F. HOWARD Tuesday.

Mrs. G.L. DAUGHER, of Vista Grande, gave birth to a baby girl Saturday morning.

Mrs. Nellie La FONTAINE will entertain the Royal Neighbors next Friday evening.

Crocker Tract Ladies’ Aid met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P.D. GLENN.

Mrs. W. NELSON, of Hillcrest, presented her husband with a ten-pound baby girl last Sunday.

Miss Joe RUSSI has returned from her trip to French Gulch, Shasta Co., where she spent five weeks.

W.N. FLAHERTY’s bungalow, that is now about completed, is certainly quite an ornament to Hillcrest Drive.

Mrs. Ben HAUBRICH and little daughter, Sylvia, and Miss Tillie KUNZE, have gone to Moss Beach for a month.

The Companions of the Forest raffled off a beautiful sofa cushion, which was won by Mrs. J.H. PARKER.

Mr. and Mrs. James BLAMEY, of Sacramento, visited their sister, Mrs. Richard HARRIS of Hillcrest, Wednesday.

W.N. TALBOTT’s residence is nearing completion and when accomplished his friends are promised a house-warming party.

The contest proceedings for the Democratic nomination for sheriff was decided Monday in favor of J.H. MANSFIELD, the recount giving him a majority of 6 votes over P.H. McDEVOY.

The new chemical engine purchased by Fire Company No. 3 has been received and will be tested Sunday. The engine is of the best quality and will no doubt be a great advantage in protecting property from loss by fire.

Matt CALLAH had a narrow escape from death about 2:30 last Monday morning. Owl car No. 1559, while running a very rapid speed, near the county life, struck his wagon, throwing him violently to the ground and so badly injuring one of his horses that the animal had to be killed. Mr. CALLAN’s escape was miraculous and as it was he was very badly bruised.

Supervisor Casey’s Work Deserves a lot of Praise
Paid off Big Debt Besides Making Great Improvements.

The commendable of the Coastside Comet for the upbuilding of Moss Beach are deserving of the greatest praise and the Record would gladly join the Coment in advocating the construction of a boulevard from Colma to the coast were such a luxury within the range of a possibility at the present time. What is first needed is a good road, that is, the San Pedro road should be widened and improved so that travel of all kinds can be accommodated. Supervisor CASEY is in harmony with this plan and already he has improved that road so that it is in better condition than for twenty-five years, and there is no doubt but that his good work will be continued.

Mr. CASEY’s road improvements are actually marvelous considering the fact that when he was elected his district was in debt over $15,000. This has been paid and the roads in every portion of his territory are in better condition than ever before. He is utilizing the funds at his disposal to the very best advantage and our coastside friends certainly have no cause to complain.

The Mission road from the San Francisco county line to the cemeteries is undoubtedly traveled more than all the other roads in San Mateo county combined. A year ago this important thoroughfare was an actual disgrace owing to the fact that Mr. CASEY had not a dollar at his disposal, but as soon as he did get funds to work with not a moment’s time was lost. He also induced the United Railroad to aid in the work and that company has distributed hundreds of cars of gravel under his direction, so that now the Mission road is in very good condition.

Colma Record
September 23 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 25 Friday, September 23, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Bert COON left Monday to visit friends in Sacramento.

Alice POWER’s father, from San Jose, is visiting her this week.

Frank HARPER moved this week to a cottage of Theta avenue.

Mrs. W.J. WHITE’s two nieces, from Oakland, visited her this week.

Mrs. G.BLACK’s infant child died Wednesday at the home, 121 Merced avenue.

J.P. HOCKING, who has been suffering with an abscess in the jaw bone, is improving.

S. SMITH and wife, of Vista Grande, left Monday for Seattle to spend a couple of weeks.

“Jack” LAUDERS, wife and child, left Thursday morning for Visalia, where they expect to remain.

J.A. CAMPBELL, while crossing the road on Hillcrest drive Sunday slipped and sprained his ankle.

Mrs. G.R. HAMMER, of Vista Grande, presented her husband with a nine pound baby girl Monday.

Dennis QUILLINAN tendered his resignation as fire commissioner to the Supervisors Monday and F. SECORE was appointed in his stead.

Mat CALLAN, who was thrown from a wagon by a collision with an owl car last week and quite badly bruised is still confined to his bed, but is gradually improving.

I. POKET, while crossing Mission at 24th street, Tuesday afternoon, with a number of parcels in his arms fell and fractured his left ankle so badly that he had to be taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, where, because of his advanced age, he may be confined several months.

The new Record building on the lot recently purchased at the corner of Mission Road and Theta avenue will soon be a reality. Z.J. MONTGOMERY and Julius AZINGER are doing the work.

Colma Record
September 30 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 26 Friday, September 30, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Tom MULLINS is on the sick list, confined to his bed several days.

Mat CALLAN is the proud father of another girl, born last Saturday.

Mrs. Z.J. MONTGOMERY and little boy have returned from Santa Cruz.

Mrs. Bessie CINNAMON of Crocker Tract gave birth to a fine baby girl Sunday.

Mesdames Guss KOSS and W. GILMARTIN visited friends across the bay Sunday.

J.A. CAMPBELL went to Chico Monday to complete the work he has on hand there.

Henry VINCENT, wife and child, have returned from a few months sojourn at Sunnyvale.

Mrs. Olive NEILER, of Vista Grande, gave birth to a nine-pound baby girl last Saturday.

The M.E. Conference at Pacific Grove re-assigned Rev. David RALSTON to the Vista Grande church.

I. POKET, who was injured by a severe fall last week and taken to the hospital is much improved and was brought to his home Tuesday.

Mat CALLAN has recovered sufficiently from his injuries received by being thrown from his wagon by a collision with a street car, so that he is able to be around.

Messrs. Geo. W. BREAW, Democratic nominee for Auditor, and John F. DAVIS, Democratic candidate for Assemblyman, favored the Record with a pleasant call.

Olga Catharine, the sweet little child of Mr. and Mrs. NILSEN, died at their Hillcrest home Friday, aged 1 year, 3 months and 15 days. Funeral, Monday and the remains were laid to rest at Holy Cross.

Another bunch of Colma millionaires leave tomorrow evening, headed by Georgie CALLAN (Mat Jr.), for a hunting trip, and the Record editor is promised a mess of qual if he will not snitch on who they buy them from.

Catherine May McEVER, a five year old child living at the corner of Mission road and Green avenue fell down a stairway Monday and sustained quite a scalp wound. The child was cared for by Dr. ROWLAND and his efficient nurse, and is getting along fine.

Program of S.S. Entertainment.

The Protestant S.S. vaudeville entertainment at Colma Hall tomorrow evening, October 1, will consist of the following program:

Part I
Overture – Miss McCULLOUGH
Fan Drill and Burlesque – Theresa STAMPINONI, Lizzie GASS, Evelyn WITTMER, Wilma NEVILL, Nita WITT, Thelma STURLA, Myrtle HAUSTEIN, Winifred FROST,
Rita FASS, Edna MALERBI, Gussie KLING, Annie JOHNS, Norman RIVEL, Henry HAUSTEIN, Bobby GASS, Irving MILLET, Bently GASS, Rudolph FELDMAN, Allie WITT, Frank GERSTMAN, John WOHLERS
Ragtime songs – Norman RAIVEL
Recitation – Frank STURLA
Songs – Wilma NEVILLE
Recitation – Leonard FABER
Vocal solos – Elsie RAIVEL

Part II
Tableaux – Emma WITT, Ruth TALBOTT, Dottie PRATT, Josephine LINDSAY, Bertha HAUSTEIN, Lise RESKE, Gladys FABER, Evelyn WITTMER
The Flower Girl – Marjorie BROWN and Albert STURLA
Coming Through the Rye – Miss Hazel CARCELON, Miss RAIVEL and Mr. CLIFFORD
The Bachelor’s Dream – Lizzie GASS, Dottie PRATT, Gladys FABER, Anna KLUGE, Miss RAIVEL, Miss GARCELON and Mr. CLIFFORD

Part III

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