San Mateo County History
Colma Record
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Colma Record
October 7 1910

Location: Colma Record
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 27 Friday, October 7, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

John BOSKQUE’s child died suddenly Wednesday morning.

Mrs. W. BELL of Alameda is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. BEHRE this week.

Mrs. Madison RAE of Colma has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks.

M. WIGGURICK of Stickles avenue, has returned from a month’s vacation at Santa Cruz.

Mrs. Bert COON on Vista Grande left Wednesday for her future home in Sacramento.

Mrs. J.W. WILLISON of San Francisco has moved to 9027 Hanover street, Crocker Tract.

Mrs. G. HARRISON’s sister, Mrs. F. SOUTHERN, is visiting her from Grass Valley this week.

Mrs. F. McCRELLIS and niece of 9080 Hayes street, San Francisco, visited Mrs. H.F. HOWARD.

Mrs. J.W. SHELDON of Colma gave birth to a fine boy one day last week. Mother and child doing well.

Mrs. Henry BURGH, 1127 Brunswick gave a luncheon to a number of her friends Wednesday afternoon.

J. RAMICHOTTI has moved to his new building on the boulevard, near Mt. Olivet Cemetery, and is nicely situated.

Mrs. W.H. ROBERT, a former resident of Vista Grande, is in the Mercy Hospital, at Canton, Ohio, to undergo an operation.

A party composed of Mrs. And Dr. W.G. BETTIE, Mrs. and Phil FAHY, Mrs. and Wm. FAHY and son, spent Sunday at Black Diamond.

Dr. P.D. ROWLAND has rented his beautiful cottage, 117 Peoria street and will on November 1st move to 15 Wellington avenue, the residence of F.B> WOODHOUSE, where he will also have his office, instead of in the Knowles building.

Oscar, the infant son of Gust and May JOHNSON, died last Friday morning and the following day was interred at Cypress Lawn. The bereaved parents wish the Record to extend their sincere thanks to friends for floral tribute and for other kindnesses.

As Ellis C. JOHNSON, Republican candidate for Justice of the Peace, was leaving Colma Hall last Saturday evening after attending the Protestant S.S. entertainment, he sprained his ankle badly while boarding a car by stepping on a small round stone. The sprain proved so bad that he was confined to his bed for several days, but is now improving and will soon be able to continue in his campaign work.

Colma Record
October 14 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 28 Friday, October 14, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Robt. La FONTAINE is on the sick list this week.

Jim CALLAN, who has been quite sick, is recovering.

Miss Nellie BYRON of Bryon Springs is visiting her brother here, Richard BRYON.

Mrs. W. EHLERT, 404 Los Angeles Ave., gave birth to a 11-pound baby girl Wednesday.

Mrs. Ben HAUBRICH and little daughter, Sylvia, will return this evening from their outing at Moss Beach.

Mrs. Thomas HURD’s daughter, Mrs.Olive NELLER, returned Sunday with her infant baby, to her home at Hanford, Kings Co.

Mrs and Frank SMACK returned on Monday evening from Los Angeles, where they have been spending a couple of weeks.

The funeral of Detective CODY, who was killed Sunday by a collision with a street car on San Jose avenue, took place Tuesday and was largely attended.

The Jewish congregation of Vista Grande made due observance to the Jewish holidays this week, including the fasting from 6 p.m. Wednesday to 7 p.m. Thursday.

The Panama-Pacific post card week has been well observed in Vista Grande. Postmaster JOHNSON says that between five and ten thousand cards have been mailed from his office.

While at the fire Saturday evening, Ruddie CRAMER of Vista Grande hung his coat upon a fence to help fight the flames and when he returned for it found that $25 had been stolen from one of the pockets.

Hon. Henry Ward BROWN, of Colma, the Republican candidate for the Assembly, makes his announcement in this issue of the Record. Mr. BROWN Has served in the Legislature and proven himself to be thoroughly competent for the position.

G. RAMICHOITTI of Colma, while in the city Monday with his team and wagon, left them a few moments and on his return found them gone. He reported the matter to the police who recovered the team and wagon that evening, minus a supply of groceries purchased by RAMICHOITTI for his store. The thieves were not apprehended.

Thursday evening, October 6, Rev. David RALSTON Held a reception at the church for the local ministers and their families. Revs. REED, ROUNDS and MOTRAM were the speakers of the evening and each gave a very interesting and helpful address. Solos and recitation by home talent completed the program. When they retired to the home of Mr. CAIRNS, where a nice supper was served.

About 2 o’clock Sunday morning the Colma Bakery, at Colma, was discovered to be on fire, having caught from the oven, and the building was soon a mass of flames. An adjoining dwelling was also destroyed in spite of the efforts of many willing people. A small insurance was carried on both buildings, but not in any way sufficient to cover the loss, which is approximately about $2000.

Saturday evening about 8 o’clock, there was quite a fire on Hillcrest Drive, resulting in the complete destruction of four dwellings. The fire originated in the attic of J. SILVERMAN’s house, the cause of which is unknown. This house was insured, but on the other three dwellings there was no insurance and the owners sustained complete losses as follows: Andy MAKAY, $350; H.M. GORTON, $1200; A. PICKET, $600. The fire had gained such headway when discovered that all efforts to check the flames were unavailing.

The School Trustees and Contractor Z.J. MONTGOMERY have signed up the contacts for the building of the Vista Grande and Crocker Tract school buildings and work will proceed with all possible speed, so the Record is informed by Mr. Montgomery.

Ocean View Furniture Company, 2926 San Jose Avenue, Ocean View
The Best Credit System on the Pacific Coast. Leave your patronage in your own town and trade where you are sure of honest treatment and a fair, square deal. Furniture of all kinds bought and sold. J.J. PAYNES, Manage, Phone Mission 7897

A nice party that concluded with an elegant supper took place Friday evening at the home of P.H. MOLLER, Mission road and Ford street. The following guests were present: E.A. WILSON, Lucy RAE, Mattie WATERMAN, Mrs and Geo. W. STEELE, Mrs and Charles P. LAMBERT, Mrs and E.A. MAXWELL, Mrs. E.H. THOMPSON, Mae WILSON, Fred G. LAMBERT, Mrs. BURNETT, Mrs and P.H. MOLLER, Lillian MOLLER, Dorothy WILSON, Blanche MOLLER, H.H. WATERMAN, Willard HILLIS, Jack PERRY, Milton NIELSEN, Maxwell RAE, Gordon BURNETT.

A Day of Pleasure and Happiness
Near the close of school, before the summer vacation, the teacher of the graduating class of our school, W.J. SAVAGE, promised that if all of them were successful he would be pleased to entertain them with a day of pleasure. As a whole the class was a good one and through working hard everyone was successful. They won the prize, but not until last Saturday were all things propitious. On that day the weather was delightful, the right kind of play was on at the Alcazar and time was at the disposal of all, except the two boys who could not go. So in the morning the following were ready:
Tessie FUCHS, Rose BELLI, Adelina MORESCHO, Ruth TALBOTT, Josephine LINDSAY, Gladys FABER, Josephine LOGAMARSINO, Anna KLUGE and Emma WITT. …

Much Credit Due Our Schools

At the recent institute at Redwood City, Jefferson School received much complimentary notice. It was recognized as the leader in the teaching of penmanship and the following pupils were selected and taken to the institute to show how writing may be taught: Norma BELLI, Martha CRUCHOFF; and Hazel BUCHIGNANI, from the eighth grade; Elise RESKE, Violet KRAMER, Katie GOTELLI and Rose HELLER from the seventh grade; and Reta GASS from the sixth grade.

Colma Record
October 21 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 29 Friday, October 21, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

W.N. FLAHERTY is on the sick list.

Mrs. E.C. STEINWAY gave birth to an 8 lb baby girl Tuesday.

Mrs. Mary SHAVER of Vista Grande is visiting her daughter in Santa Rosa.

Mrs. Thomas HURD of Vista Grande visited friends in Alameda Thursday.

Mrs. H. CEQUIO of Vista Grande has returned after visiting her daughter at Willets.

Ducks for Sale – H. STRUM, 530 Mission Road, has about two dozen fine ducks for sale.

Ben NEWMAN of Vista Grande will make a six months’ visit to Mexico and Central America.

Mrs. MUTH’s friends, H. PATIE and son, are here from Wisconsin. If suited, they will remain here.

L. BOCCI, who badly bruised his hand with a block of granite on the 12th inst., is getting along fine.

Will HILDRETH, accompanied his sister, Mrs. Olive NAILER, to her home in Hanford, where he will spend a week.

Mrs. LaMar GREEN from San Francisco visited Ethel HARRIS Tuesday and favored the Record with a pleasant call.

Miss Alice POWERS of Calistoga returned to her home Wednesday, after a few months’ visit with her aunt, Mrs. J.W. WHITE.

The many friends of Miss “Tilly” WRIGHT will be glad to learn that she has recovered from her recent severe illness and again assumed her position in Mrs. E.C. JOHNSON’s postoffice store.

W. J. SWEENEY has purchased the Cottage Saloon, corner Mission Road and Lake Ave., from Geo. SMITH, and will conduct the place in a first-class manner and will be please to have his many friends come and see him.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. T.J. REESE. First prizes were son by Mrs. T.J. REESE and Peter BENASSINI; second, Mrs. A.J. SPRING and J. SIMMONS. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Anna SWEENEY, 3718 Twentieth St.

A pleasant party was given Saturday evening at the home of E.MAXWELL on San Jose Ave. The following were present: Mrs. C.P. LAMBERT and Fred LAMBERT, Mrs. WILSON and family, Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. BURNETT, Mr and Mrs. RAY, MRS. LUCAS, P.H. MOLLER and family, Mr and Mrs. SPEERS, Mr and Mrs ATCHISON, Mr and Mrs. MORRISON, Leslie WILLIAMS and others. Music was furnished by Mrs. LAMBERT and son and appreciated. Supper was served.

A. BONI, the enterprising Mission Road hardware man, has recently installed a new heating system in Mrs. FINK’s Mt. Olivet Nursery that is undoubtedly the finest circulating system for a hot house in California. The Mt. Olivet Nursery has three large hot houses and by this new heating plant they are all heated by one boiler is no ingenious and perfect a manner that the finest results have been obtained. “Jack” KENNEDY, who is now associated with Mr. BONI performed this fine work.

Colma Record
October 28 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 30 Friday, October 28, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

H.E. DUFFY is home on a visit from Los Angeles.

Herbert SMITH of Vista Grande, has returned from Napa.

Mrs. G. TOTH is erecting a fine home on Los Angeles avenue.

Mrs. Nellie La FONTAIN has accepted a situation in San Francisco.

Louis POKET’s new house on Los Angeles avenue, is about completed.

J. BARGER and family returned Saturday after a few months in the hop fields.

E. ELHERT’s little girl badly bruised her hand Saturday by the falling of a window.

K.O. WITSON, of St. Helena, a former resident of Vista Grande, is visiting here.

Mrs. John PETTIGREW of Hillcrest, left Monday for Los Angeles to visit her husband.

J.W. WHITE, the popular Theta avenue barber, is making substantial improvements on his house.

Mrs. B. BAND and little daughter, Bernice of San Francisco, visited her mother, Mrs. J. MARTIN, Monday.

J. NORRIS, of San Francisco, formerly of Vista Grande, died Tuesday of heart failure. He leaves a wife and little girl to mourn his loss.

Mrs. L. HOOPER entertained her daughter, Mrs. Hazel TAOBIN, of San Francisco; Mrs. O’TOOLE, Mrs. WAGNER and Mrs. DUFFY of Vista Grande Monday.

BROWN – HARRIS – We hope our Record friends will be as pleased with this surprise as we are. The happy event took place on October 10, when Miss Ethel HARRIS, of Hillcrest, became Mrs. J.L. BROWN.

With the repairing and lighting of San Mateo avenue and Mission road, all the way from San Francisco to San Bruno, will bring more traffic over this route than was ever dreamed of, and it will be but a matter of a short time before all the vacant property between here and San Francisco will be built on, thereby increasing property values all along the line. - San Bruno Banner

An Ellis C. JOHNSON Reception – Last Monday evening Enrico BIGGIO and wife and “Papa John” BIGGIO gave an elegant reception in honor of Ellis C. JOHNSON, candidate for Justice of the Peace, at which the following were present: Supervisory CASEY, wife and daughters, Elise and Margie; Ellis C. JOHNSON and wife, Dr. BEATTIE and wife, Professor SAVAGE, James DOWNEY, J.L. BROWN, editor of the Record and others. The dinner consisted of crab salads, abalone chowder, boiled crabs, fried abalone, raviolis, wines and all else needed to make one of those ideal Italian dinners such as can only be found at BIGGIO’s. After the dinner several hours were spent in dancing and a general joy feast reigned supreme.

Fritz and Christina ETTLEN, of the Mission Road House, are erecting a new building on the adjoining lot, north, consisting of a nice store room and three living rooms, that will be ready on or before November 5, For rent at a reasonable price.

“La Puerta Sola” – “The Only Gate” – The only gateway to San Francisco is the Mission Road at Daly’s Hill, just on the border line of the great city. Can anyone see otherwise than that the tide of progress must come our way? Certainly not, and we should be ready to meet the situation, and no other thing is so essential as incorporation.

The Royal Neighbor’s “Suffragette Entertainment” at Ryan’s Hall tomorrow evening will consist of a program of vocal and instrumental solos and duets and a laughable farce by all the Royal Neighbors. The participants consist of the following: Dorris MONTGOMERY, Frances BEHRE, Mrs. BODIE, Mrs. RAY, Vera KELLER, Christina DUFFY, Mrs. GREGORY, and last but not least, the “Vaudeville Pets of the West” Alma and Mildred BROWN, Vera and Mildred WHITE.

Colma Record
November 11 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 32 Friday, November 11, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. M. RAMPY of San Francisco called on Mrs. Jess REDDING Wednesday.

Rev. D. RALSTON will preach at the Vista Grande M.E. Church Sunday evening.

Mrs. H. STRUM of Vista Grande returned Sunday from a month’s visit in New York.

The infant daughter of Mrs. J. DINK of Hillcrest Drive is very sick with pneumonia.

John BIECHLE of the Colma Hotel sprained his ankle quite badly one evening last week, but is better.

Miss Florence E. DUNN and brother Arthur of San Francisco visited in Hillcrest and Vista Grande Sunday.

Richard Harris has greatly improved the looks of his Santa Ana avenue residence by having it nicely painted.

Mrs. R. CRAINER of Mission Tract, who has been ill for several weeks, was taken to Mt. Zion Hospital Tuesday.

Miss Ella PARKER, daughter of J.H. PARKER of Vista Grande, was married Sunday to Mr. Craver NORTH of San Francisco.

Mrs. A.G. RAMACCIOTTI of Colma had quite a painful experience with blood poisoning in her hand caused by the scratch of a pin, but is now better.

There is considerable complaint about the dangerous condition of the temporary bridge at College hill, where the new viaduct is being put in. Several wagons have been struck by cars and three men have been killed up to date.

The Colma (Cal.) Record is now housed in its own building. J.L. BROWN, the publisher, recently purchased a lot on Mission road and Theta avenue, and has erected thereon a two-story building for his exclusive use. Mrs. BROWN started the Record eighteen months ago, with but a small capital and a meager plant. During this time he has doubled the size of his plant, paid for it, purchased a good business lot, and practically paid for the new building. The postoffice address of the Record is Vista Grande, Cal., which is a community adjoining Colma. They are really one and the same town and a suburb of San Francisco. – American Bulletin

Election Results – Un-official Returns
The election Tuesday was undoubtedly one of the most interesting ever held in San Mateo county, and in importance it is hard to calculate the advantages that are surely gained by the selections made. Particularly is this the case in the election of Franklin SWART as District Attorney. He is in the first place; a man in every acceptation of the tern: kind, true and faithful, self-made, ambitious and deserving; one whose good judgment will surely redound to the good of our county. The election of J.H. MANSFIELD for Sheriff over CHATHAM, the incumbent, came as a surprise to some. The clean record of Mr. MANSFIELD while sheriff before had most to do with his election at this time, but was aided materially by Mr. CHATHAM himself, in his too much confidence, that caused him to overlook several important points in his canvass, including this locality. Another cause that injured his chances, was the unreasonable story circulated by his fool friends that MANSFIELD, who was Sheriff at the time of the great earthquake and fire, armed a squad of deputies and would not allow the refugees to enter Redwood City, and one incident was alleged that a poor woman in a delicate condition was compelled to remain outside the town where no medical aid could be obtained in her confinement. The whole world was full of sympathy at that time so that such inhumanity was impossible from any man of intelligence, and the story not doubt injured CHATHAM’s chances in the minds of a large number of people who despise mud clinging politics.

The re-election of Dr. BLACKBURN as supervisor of the Fifth is particularly gratifying, coming as it does, a vindication of his character and a repudiation of belief in the alleged graft scandal by his constituents, in which BLACKBURN was made the fall guy. His district is composed of Pescadero, Steele and San Gregoria, and re received a majority of 13 over his opponents, Herman FRYE, the Democratic nominee, and J. RALSTON, the Republican nominee.

Locally, the interest in the Justice of the Peace and Constable fight was most intense and every possible means was employed by the candidates and their friends. The election of Ellis C. JOHNSON is deemed quite a victory for Vista Grande and the hill, in that it will insure us a protection that has not been ours in the past. Mr. ALMON is a good man and would likely have made a good Justice, but the voters have elected Mr. JOHNSON and it is the duty of all good citizens to accept the will of the majority.

Colma Record
November 18 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 33 Friday, November 18, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. M.L. BRINGHAM of 1804 Turk street, San Francisco, visited friends in Vista Grande Sunday afternoon.

Supervisor CASEY has donated the use of his room next to BONI’s to the Vista Grande Fire Department for storing the chemical engine.

Mrs. LIGHTHALL of Puyallup, Wash., arrived this week and will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas HURD, 507 Melrose street.

House and Lot for Sale – Four room cottage and bath; hot and cold water at 216 San Juan Ave., Hillcrest. Price $1,300 - $150 cash, balance $10 a month. Enquire on premises.

District Attorney BULLOCK while crossing the S.P. near his Beresford home Monday evening ran into a ditch that had been dug by railway employees and left unprotected, and before he could get away, his automobile was struck by a train and completely demolished. It is said that the S.P. will buy Joe a new machine in settlement of the claim.

J.S. O’BRIEN of 515 Green avenue received the sad news Tuesday of the death of his mother in New York City, aged 76 years. Out of respect for the deceased a mass was celebrated at St. Michael’s Church, Ocean View, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, and was attended by a large number of sympathizing friends.

Colma Hall and Bar, and Villa Hotel and Bar for Sale – the Colma Hall and Bar, including License and Lease, and the Villa Hotel and Bar, including License and Lease, both in Colma, San Mateo County, California, are for sale. The Villa Hotel has fifteen (15) rooms. Hotel and Lodge rooms constantly rented. Must be sold to close estate. Apply to J.U. BIRD, Colma, San Mateo County, California, or CHOYNSKI & HUMPRHREYS, 110 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California.

Colma Record
November 25 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 34 Friday, November 25, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. James Pettigrew has returned from her visit in Los Angeles.

Rev. RAWLSTON preaches at Vista Grande M.E. Church Sunday morning.

The Firemen’s masquerade ball at Knowles Hall Monday evening was a grand success in every way.

Mrs. Will FRATER AND Mrs. Jas. HEAD of San Francisco visited Mrs. Richard HARRIS, 112 Santa avenue, Monday.

The Record is a day late this week caused by Thanksgiving coming our regular printing day, Thursday.

J.M. CINNAMON and wife of Crocker Tract took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. W.J. WHITE, 114 Theta avenue.

Mrs. ETTLEN has rented her new building to parties from San Jose, who will establish a cleaning and dyeing business.

Mrs. H. HARPER, 112 Theta avenue will have a birthday party Saturday evening, to which about forty fiends have been invited.

Mrs. Mary A. DUNBAR of San Francisco was here Sunday arranging for the building that is to be occupied by Judge Johnson’s justice court.

Mrs. C.A. REARDON, 18 Manchester street, gave a party Saturday evening in honor of her son, Charles’ 21st birthday, at which a large number of friends were present.

A lady patient of the Colma Sanitarium made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide by leaping from a window a few days ago, being prevented by the timely efforts of a nurse.

Another matrimonial surprise was the marriage Wednesday of Miss Alice CHRISTENSEN, a well and favorably known young lady of Vista Grande, and George FRYE of 535 Iowa street, San Francisco, who is interested in the Grandview Theater, and is a promising young man.

Postmaster TAYLOR says that considerable mail comes to the Colma office that should be addressed to Vista Grande or Station “L”. People should advise their friends and thus save a delay of at least 24 hours. Much trouble is also caused being address to Hillcrest, there being no such postoffice.

Judge JOHNSON went to South San Francisco Monday where he was sworn in as Justice of the Peace of the First Township, and Tuesday he had the same recorded at Redwood. The court will be held in a new building to be erected for the purpose, adjoining the Vista Grande postoffice, work upon which will commence Monday under the direction A.L. SHOUP.

Incorporation Meeting
The Crocker Tract Improvement Club, at the regular meeting Monday evening, thoroughly discussed the subject of incorporation and unanimously passed resolutions favoring same. Wishing to work in harmony with the Civic Betterment League, a committee consisting of F.B. WOODHOUSE, C.A. JOHNSON, G.J. DOERING and B.L. LARSON was appointed to confer with the League and on the following evening they did so.

Colma Record
December 2 1910

Location: Colma Record
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 35 Friday, December 2, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Antone STURLA of Colma is quite ill with la grippe.

Mrs. DELLER of Colma gave birth to a baby boy last Friday.

Mrs. F. BRICKADELL, 538 Brunswick gave birth to a 10 ½ pound girl, Friday.

Mrs. F.E. KENNEDY of Vista Grande gave birth to a fine baby boy Tuesday.

Mrs and Mrs. Bert PRATT of San Francisco visited Mrs. Thomas HURD Sunday.

J.F. CLIFFORD of Mission Heights fell from a car Tuesday night and fractured his collar bone.

Mrs. G. LUNDBERG, corner Price street and Mission Road, gave birth to a fine baby boy, last Friday.

H. GITTINGS, a well known resident of Vista Grande, died Sunday and was buried Monday at Mt. Olivet.

Quite a sensational shooting occurred Monday at San Pedro; in which Steve MORI, who resides near Colma and is well-known shot and killed W.H. FITZGERALD, a barber of San Francisco. MORI has been in charge of the lake at Salida and the trouble arose over the trespassing of FITZGERALD. After the shooting FITZGERALD was taken to Burlingame, where he died, and MORI surrendered himself to the authorities, claiming that he did the shooting in self defense.

The Vista Grande Circle, No. 253, “Companions of the Forest” entertained Mrs. Annie McQUILLAN, Supreme Chief Companion, and her Board of Deputies. After the meeting a nice supper was served at the home of Mrs. R. NEUMAN on Merced avenue. Mrs. McQUILLAN was presented with a beautiful hand-painted base by the Circle. Mrs. Ella WANDERLICH, Past Supreme Chief, was also remembered with a token on esteem.



A meeting is called for Monday, December 5, 8 p.m. sharp, at Bracken’s Hall, for the purpose of electing the fire chiefs of the Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department. All members must be present.
By order to the Fire Commissioners.
H.F. SECOR, Secretary

Colma Record
December 9 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 36 Friday, December 9, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Robbie La FONTAINE has a nice position in a photograph supply house in the city.

W.C. STICER and wife of Oakland visited his sister, Mrs. J.W. WHITE, Monday.

Mrs. Chas. P. LAMBERT has been suffering from a very severe cold, but is now much better.

Mrs. Geo. WAITE and Miss Violet LIGHTALL of Alameda visited Mrs. Thomas HURD, Wednesday.

Mrs. Jasen WIGHT entertained the Junior Whist Club last Thursday. P. JENSEN and Miss Lena JENSEN won the first prizes.

Word was received Monday by Mrs. Thomas HURD from Puyallup, Wash., announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. LIGHTALL, aged 69 years.

L. BOCCI and family moved to their beautiful new residence on Mission Road, opposite Colma Hotel, last week, where they are enjoying all the comforts of a modern home.

Z.J. MONTGOMERY is preparing plans for a good two-story building on the corner of Mission and Merced avenue, the lower floor to be used as a store and the second floor for offices and two flats.

Two aged ladies of Lomita, 80 and 85 years old, named DENECHAND, were assisted through the efforts of Supervisor CASEY this week and will in the future draw $8 a month each from the San Mateo County treasury.

The Royal Neighbors met Tuesday evening and elected officers as follows:
Oracle, Mrs. Nellie La FONTAINE;
Recorder, Mrs. H.E. DUFFEY,
Receiver, Mrs. Dr. P.D. ROWLAND
Marshal, Mrs. Thomas HURD
Inner Sentinel, Mrs. GOTTFRIED
Outer Sentinel: Mrs. H.H. SMITH
Manager, Mrs. H.L. CARMICHEL
Past deputy, Mrs. J.W. WHITE

The Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department elected officers at the meeting Monday evening. Fire Commissioners SMACK, SMITH and SECORE were present and conducted the election that resulted in the selection of C.A. BRADTBURG, chief; Wm. J.C. GOLDKOHL and Ray SQUIRES, assistant chiefs.

The application of M.C. CALLAN for a saloon license for Colma Hall, was objected to by Supervisory CASEY, Monday, who stated as his reason that it would be unjust to the J.A. GILLAN estate to thus head off a renewal of their license. It is now rumored that Mr. CALLAN has bought the saloon from the GILLAN estate, and if that be true, then of course the CALLAN application can and most likely will be favorable considered.

W.H. ALMON and Robert J. CARROLL began an action before Judge BUCK, Monday, for a writ on mandate upon the Supervisors to compel them to order certificates of election to Mr. ALMON as Justice and Mr. CARROLL as Constable, on the grounds that the First Township has sufficient population to entitle it to two Justices and Constables. The hearing is set for December 14, when the question will be decided upon its legal merits, but in no event will the decision affect Ellis C. JOHNSON and Jas. C. WALLACE, the successful candidates at the election, November 8.

The Eagles Election of Officers
The Colma-Vista Grande Aerie held its annual election on Thursday evening, December 1, resulting as follows:
Past Worthy President – G.W. SAVAGE
Worthy President – W.J. SWEENEY
Worthy Vice-President – A.J. BODIEN
Worthy Chaplain – John DOYLE
Worthy Secretary – Antone STURLA
Worthy Treasurer – P.G.G. KUNZE
Inside Guard – Oscar PETERSON
Outside Guard – John FERRO
Physician – P.D. TOWLAND, M.D.

Colma Record
December 16 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 37 Friday, December 16, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Wm. RAVEN went to San Jose Monday on a visit to her parents.

Mrs. Chas. P. LAMBERT has been suffering from a very serve cold, but is now much better.

Mrs. M.E. JOHNSON’s Christmas window is attracting much attention because of its beautiful arrangement.

Hillcrest Poultry Yard – 143 San Gabriel ave. For sale, Ducks, Geese and Broilers, 25 cents and up. James A. McADOO.

Christmas Toys and Tree Ornaments – Mrs. B.E. DUNN, Colma, opposite Catholic Church, has a full line of Toys, Tree Ornaments and Post Cards.

A team that was being driven by Mike MURPHY last Thursday ran away on Mission Road and had a narrow escape from an electric car near the S.P. bridge.

It was reported Monday that J.S. O’BRIEN’s little child was sick with diphtheria, but Dr. ROWLAND gave the case a very careful microscopic examination , and informs the Records that it is only a case of tonsillitis.

The proceedings for a writ on mandate to compel the Supervisors to order certificates of election to Wm. H. ALMON and Robt. CARROLL, came up in Judge BUCK’s court Wednesday and was postponed until the 21st.

Through the kindness of Prof W.J. SAVAGE we learn that Mrs. C.O. WOOLSEY conducted a successful social at Colma Hall Monday evening in behalf of the Colma Ladies’ Aid. There was a fine quilt raffled, which was won by Miss Marjorie CASEY.

Mrs. Benedict ENGLER, daughter of that grand old veteran, J.V. HOHMAN of Colma, died at the St. Luke’s hospital on Thursday, December 8, aged 53. The funeral took place Sunday and the remains were laid to rest in Mt. Olivet, being attended by a very large number of friends.

The Vista Grande Fire Commissioners will soon have another 20,000 gallon tank at their disposal. It is situated near the Mission road opposite the Record corner. Within 60 days it is the calculation to have about 75 fire plugs installed, which will give us good fire protection.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club were entertained Wednesday by Miss Rene OLIVIERI at P. BENASSINI’s. The first prizes were won by Mrs. A. STURLA and A.J. SPRING; second, Mrs. BENASSINI and Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON. The next meeting of the club will be at T.J. REESE’s, 144 Manchester, on January 11, entertained by Mrs. J.H. SIMMONS.

Pioneer Camp, No. 9447, Modern Woodmen of America, at their last regular meeting elected their officers for the ensuing year as follows:
Past Consul, W.J. REDDING
Consul, G.W. HAMMER
Advisor, W.H. JACOBS
Banker, A.J. GREEN
Clerk, W.J. WHITE
Watchman, F.L. RAILTON
Sentry, W.J. REDDING
Manager, J. Van HEUESDEN

Sheriff CLATHAM has begun contest proceedings against J.H. MANSFIELD, charging that votes were incorrectly counted and that Mansfield violated the Penal Code by promising deputyships to John SHIELDS and John FRIEL of San Mateo; Manuel QUILLA of Redwood and Matt CALLAN of Colma, in case he was elected. The case will be heard by Judge BUCK December 20.

Court Colma, 83, F. of A., had their annual election of officers Tuesday evening and the result was as follows:
Chief Ranger, Jas. CALLAN
Sub. C.R., A. BERTIM
Sr. Woodward, C. BERTIM
R. Sec., Wm. SAVAGE
F. Sec., A. STURLA
Treas., T. HANSON
Sr. Beadle, Thos. CALLAN
Jr. Beadle, Thos. EGAN
Lecturer, H.L. -------- (as printed)
Trustee, J.N. DENNIS
Physician, Dr. G.L. SOBEY

DALY CITY – Petition Will Be Presented To The Supervisors January 16, 1911 – An Old Pioneer, Honorable John Daly, Is Justly Honored
The meeting Tuesday evening was enthusiastic and largely attended. Some objection was raised to the proposed name, but that did not prevent a sufficient number of signatures to the petition. In fact, the gentlemen who raised the objection signed the document.

“Daly City” appealed to them as most logical. Furthermore, “Daly City” in honor of that grand old pioneer, Honorable John Daly, whose name even now is used by the United Railroad in the signs on their cars, “Daly’s Hill.” In designation of this point, is a gentleman of unimpeachable character and public spirited in every possible way. His home on this hill was established over forty years ago, when not another building of any kind could be seen from here. He has always been progressive and charitable, and imbued with a most remarkable high sense of honor.

The boundary lines, approximately include Vista Grande, Mission, Hillcrest and Crocker tracts, extending from the San Francisco line south to School and Price streets, and from the boulevard on the west to the summit of the hills. The population is estimated to be 2900 and the incorporation will therefore be that of a sixth class city, and at that, will be the second town in size in San Mateo county

Colma Record
December 23 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 38 Friday, December 23, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. FONT is on the sick list.

Mrs. Geo. WIGHT is quite ill with an attack of lumbago.

Mrs. S.J. BROWN is suffering from an attack of the la grippe.

Mrs. Jason WIGHT made a business trip to Redwood City Monday.

Mrs. Dr. CASTLE and daughter, Clara, will spend Christmas at Gilroy.

Mrs. E. ANDERSON, of Vista Grande, gave birth to a fine girl Friday.

Cow and Two Goats for Sale. – Apply to Geo. Nick, 139 Hillcrest Drive.

Mrs. M.L. BRINGHAM of San Francisco, visited in Vista Grande Sunday.

Chickens and Geese For Sale. – Apply to H. STRUM, 530 Mission Road, Vista Grande

A. GERINGER of Vista Grande, who has been sick with pneumonia, is able to be about.

Protect yourselves and your interests in every way by boosting incorporation.

Mrs. C.P. LAMBERT, who has been quite ill with la grippe, is reported to be much improved.

Mrs. Ida BALLENGER of Sacramento is here to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Thos. HURD.

Miss Harriet WEBER leaves next week for her home in Minomonimee, Wis., where she will remain.

The application of Matt CALLAN for a saloon license for Colma Hall, was rejected Monday by the Supervisors.

Mrs. W.J. WHITE has been elected by the Royal Neighbors as a delegate to the State convention at Santa Rosa.

The gentlemanly representative of the celebrated “Rocky Ford” cigars, Frank TOUCHLER, was in Colma, Saturday.

Hillcrest Poultry Yard – 143 San Gabriel ave. For sale, Ducks, Geese and Broilers, 25 cents and up. James A. McADOO.

R.H. GEGAX, a former resident of Vista Grande, died Saturday at his home at Fruitvale, aged 53. Funeral Monday and burial at Oakland.

Bertha SCHMIDT, aged 6, residing at 327 Hillcrest Drive, was run down by an oil wagon Friday and one wheel ran over her leg, badly crushing it.

Mrs. Hanora GREENE, mother of Mrs. Robt. CARROLL and B.S. GREENE, died in South S.F. December 19, aged 76 years. Requiem High Mass Wednesday and interment at Holy Cross.

A grand masque ball will be given by the Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department, Co. No. 1, at Knowles’ Hall, Saturday evening, January 21, 1911. Union music. Tickets, 50 cents. Ladies free.

Philip Gallagher, who was shot Saturday night in a Turk street saloon by Chas. Long, a San Mateo Co. deputy sheriff, died at St. Mary’s Hospital Sunday. Long, who is charged with murder, alleges self-defense.

Chas. P. LAMBERT, the monumental worker, is an expert at his profession and makes a specialty of letter-cutting on monuments in cemeteries – gilded if desired. Shop and residence near Mt. Olivet and the Italian cemeteries.

Dr. ROWLAND is now comfortably settled in his most convenient new quarters, 15 Wellington avenue, Crocker Tract. His new arrangements afford him the convenience of a nurse. His hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone, day or night, Mission 4978.

Ocean View Furniture Company, 2926 San Jose Avenue, Ocean View – The Best Credit System on the Pacifica Coast. Leave your patronage in your own town and trade where you are sure of honest treatment and a fair, square deal. Furniture of all kinds bought and sold. J.J. PAYNE, Manager, Phone Mission 7897

Z.J. MONTGOMERY has completed plans for the new building, corner of Mission Road and Merced Avenue, for Antone CENACHIO of Redwood City, who will occupy the lower floor and basement with a first-class general merchandise store. The second story will be for offices and flats. Size of the building 26 x 64. The beautiful finish contemplated will make the structure quite ornamental. Work will be begun in January.


Petition for the Incorporation of “Daly City”

To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California

Dated at Vista Grande, San Mateo County, California, December 13, A.D. 1910
William Marshall TALBOTT
Walter J. WHITE
Thos. R. BOWIE
Abraham BLACK
William EHLERT
Johannes Gustaf JOHNSON
Lewis W. STARK
Gustav KOSS
Edward Richard POOR
Herman J. HEUER
Edward WEBER
Chas. M. SHOUP
Chas. R. RAY
Willard McKay
Adolph FREY
Herbert THOMAS
Henry E. POKET
State of California, County of San Mateo, ss.
T.J. MULLINS, William Marshall TALBOTT and Chas William BUTLER, being each severally first duly sworn; each for deposes and says: That he is one the signers of, and petitioners named in the foregoing petition: that he has read the said petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge expect as to the matters therein stated and purporting to be stated on information or belief; and that, as to these matters, he believes it to be true; and further, that he is familiar with said district and its boundaries, and is well acquainted with the inhabitants thereof, and personally acquainted with each and every of the above named Petitioners and their several signatures, and he actually saw each said Petition subscribe his name to said Petition, and he knows and therefore avers the fact to be that each said Petition is now, and he was at the time he signed said Petition, a qualified elector of said County and a bona fide resident within the limits proposed for said Municipal Corporation in said Petition; and that the portion of said County in said County in said Petition proposed to be incorporated contains within its limits less than three thousand (3,000) and more than twenty-five hundred (2,500) inhabitants.
William Marshall TALBOTT
Chas. William BUTLER
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of December 1910
John J. FITZGERALD, Notary Public.

Colma Record
December 30 1910

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 39 Friday, December 30, 1910

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. John CAIRNS is quite ill with la grippe.

Mrs. W. COLLINS and family have returned from Sunnyvale.

Mildred WHITE spent her Christmas with friends across the bay.

L. PENBROOK and wife of Napa spent Christmas with Mrs. W.J. WHITE.

Mrs. Ira LESLIE of Oroville spent Christmas with Mrs. Jess REDDING.

Miss Odette Cooper is visiting Miss Lilla HARRIS, at 147 Santa Ana Ave.

The infant child of Mrs. Carroll ANDERSON, died Tuesday of pneumonia.

Mrs. Ida BALLINGER of Sacramento is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. HURD.

Mrs. Mary PROBERT, who recently underwent an operation, is improving nicely.

Miss Eva REDDING is suffering with a very sore foot, caused by stepping on a nail.

Gust JOHNSON and family are being visited by his mother and sister from Meadville, Mo.

The wife of Frank BARSOTTI presented him with a fine Christmas gift, a baby girl.

Ernest, the 6-year-old child of Jess REDDING, fell from his new Santa Claus coaster Monday and broke his right arm.

The CHATHAM-MANSFIELD contest will be decided to-day. The ALMAN and CARROLL cases are also expected to be settled.

Harry LAMBERT of Los Angeles arrived on the S.S. Yale Saturday on a visit to his parents, Mrs and C.P. LAMBERT.

Willie PASSAGLIA has a new blacksmith helper – a big bouncing baby boy that arrived last week. Mother and baby doing well.

Those who want to avoid the noise and crush of the New Year’s Carnival should visit the Grand Masque Ball given at Knowles Hall by C.A. KIRKPATRICK, Saturday evening, Dec. 31.

Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON’s new court room, next to the Vista Grande post office, is complete and ready for his occupancy. It will be a great convenience to the people on the hill to have a justice of the peace so handy.

Hon. Franklin SWART, District Attorney elect, returned home Christmas Eve from his trip to Indiana and was here Wednesday evening shaking hands with many of his friends.

Some time Tuesday night burglars broke into Reski & Tiedeman’s saloon (Colma Hall) and secured the contents of the slot machines and cash register, amounting to about $36. The safe door had been left open and they forced an entrance into the lower compartment but secured nothing. Fortunately they did not molest the safe deposit drawers in the safe, two of which contained about $2,700.

At last the Colma Lighting District contract is signed. It is now stated (as it was stated months ago) that the Light Co. has ordered the material from the East and that the lighting system will be installed as soon as possible. Probably next summer some time when the lights will not be needed.

Infamous Hillcrest Water Co.
‘Tis an infamous outrage the way the people of the Hillcrest tract are treated by the Water Co., and if a good dose of tar and feathers were employed no decent person would object very much. There are no meters or individual cut-offs, and when one subscriber gets behind in the payments, all the water is shut off, thus depriving those who do pay from receiving the benefits due them. The main on Santa Anna avenue had been shut off four days last week, and on Sunday several men took the bull by the horns and turned the water on. For this, the water of the entire tract was shut off on Monday and has not been turned on since. With Incorporation such villainous companies could be made to act decent.

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