San Mateo County History
Colma Record
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Colma Record
January 6 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 40 Friday, January 6, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. B. CINNAMON has tonsillitis.

Mrs. O’MALLEY, of Colma, is reported to be very sick.

Mrs. HARPER and Ida LEWIS went to Rocklin on a visit Monday.

Mrs. Ida BALLENGER left Wednesday for her home in Sacramento.

Mrs. M.E. REARDON, of Vista Grande, has recovered from her illness.

Mrs. H.F. HOWARD is out again after a serious illness from pneumonia.

John HALL, of Kansas City, Mo., spent Christmas with W.N. FLAHERTY.

Henry BUTTS has been selected by Sheriff MANSFIELD as one of deputies.

Leslie WHITE has accepted a position in a brokerage office of Bush street.

Mrs. N. DICKMAN, Della and Margaret CARLEY, of Amador, visited Mrs. __ MULLINS this week.

Little Bertha SMITH, the 5 year old girl who was run over by a wagon two weeks ago, is improving.

Little Ernest REDDING, who broke his arm last week by falling from a coaster, is getting along nicely.

Dr. B.H. BAUMEISTER has moved his office in his new residence (the Stork Nest), 263 –29th street, above the bridge.

A preliminary meeting was held Tuesday evening at Colma Hall to discuss the organization of a Native Sons Parlor.

El Carmelo Parlor, 181, D.D.G.W. will give their first grand anniversary ball at Colma Hall, Saturday evening, February 25, 1911.

E.E. DEVAN and wife of Campaseco, Calaveras County, visited Mrs. DEVAN’s sister, Mrs. T.J. MULLINS, on Santa Ana avenue, this week.

As the law provides, the Vista Grande Postoffice hours will on and after January 1, 1911 be from 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays, 8 to 10 a.m.

A South San Francisco car demolished a brewery wagon near Holy Cross last Friday. The driver was slightly buised, but the horses were unharmed.

Mrs and Frank A. SMACK have returned from Livermore, where they spent the holidays. Thanks to Mr. SMACK for copies of the “Echo” and “Herald,” the local newspapers of Livermore.

The case of W.H. ALMON and Robt. CARROLL to mandamus the Supervisors to issue certificates of election as Justice and Constable of the First Township, was decided adversely Saturday. An appeal may be taken.

Enrico BIGGIO is arranging to open a first-class Italian restaurant at the corner of Mission road and Merced avenue, Vista Grande, one block north of the Record corner. The building will be remodeled and improved in every way, with model dining rooms and bar. The liquor license was granted Tuesday, so nothing remains to hinder the opening of the restaurant, which will be conducted in a creditable manner. Mr. BIGGIO is a fine caterer and good citizen and will certainly please the public.

No attention whatever seems to be paid to the speed ordinance by automobile drivers and accidents are quite frequent. Sunday night a speeding car struck a horse near Mt. Olivet, killing the animal and throwing the occupants from the machine, one man having his arm broken.

The Hillcrest people’s trouble with regard to their water is in no better condition save that their water mains have been cut and they are given a chance to make some one hot for their actions.

Mrs. Natina FLAHERTY wishes the Record to announce that she has withdrawn from the Socialist, Local Vista Grande, for the reason, as she states it, that her conception of Socialism, is not in harmony with the ideas advanced by some members, tending toward free-loveism and that there is no God. She states that at the so-called Socialist Sunday School, the song books are all defaced by lines in ink being drawn through the word “God” wherever it appears.

At noon Tuesday Judge JOHNSON assumed his position as Justice of the Peace of the First Township, for the next four years. The court room in the new building north of the Postoffice is commodious, conveniently arranged and well furnished, and a credit to Vista Grande, for it is far superior to any other Justice Court in the county, or the State for that matter, excluding the cities. Constable Jas C. WALLACE was also present and commenced his official duties by appointing J.H. PARKER as deputy, which is surely a fine selection.

Civic Betterment League Election

The Civic Betterment League held its election of officers Tuesday evening for 1911, resulting as follows:
President – Wm. M. TALBOTT
Vice President – J.L. BROWN
Secretary - C.W. BUTLER
Treasurer – E. FREYER
Sergeant at Arms – Jas. CALLAN
Executive Board – Jas. S. O’BRIEN, T.J. MULLINS, Wm. J.C. GOLDKUHL, Gust JOHNSON, Jas. CALLAN, C.W. BUTLER

This Mission County Line Improvement Club, located in the West End Homestead, had a committee present consisting of L.C. RUPPEL, J.F. MALONEY and F. BARNER, seeking information regarding incorporation, saying they had learned of the movement through the Record. They were all well pleased with the situation and extended an invitation to the League to send a committee to meet the club this (Friday) evening at Booth’s Hall. The executive committee and such other members as desire will attend.

Supervisor Colman Retires and W.H. BROWN is installed – P.H. McEVOY is re-elected as Chairman of the Board
The voluntary retirement of Supervisor J.H. COLEMAN, after a most loyal service of twelve years as representative of the Second Township, and the installation of his worthy successor, W.H. BROWN, was particularly nice.

Saloon licenses were granter to Enreco BIGGIO, J. ROGERS, J. LYNE, I. PORET, J. MILLETT.

On motion of Supervisor CASEY the Board instructed District Attorney SWART to draw up a lease to John DALY and others for the point of land at the junction of Mission road and San Jose avenue, Hillcrest, the same to be dedicated and converted into a waiting station and drinking fountain, the expense of which is to borne by the said John DALY and others.
(As a matter of information, there is to be a beautiful fountain erected, upon which will be inscribed the historical facts commemorative of the importance of the particular point in all the early history of California. There will also be a substantial waiting station constructed – Editor)

San Mateo County Directory
Judge Superior Court – G.H. BUCK
District Attorney – Franklin SWART
Sheriff – Joseph H. MANSFIELD
Treasurer – P.P. CHAMBERLAIN
Auditor – Henry UNDERHILL
County Clerk – Joseph H. NASH
County Recorder – J.O. HEINER
Tax Collector – Ambrose McSWEENEY
Assessor – C.D. HAYWARD
Superintendent of Schools – Roy CLOUD
Surveyor – James B. NEUMAN
Coroner and Public Administrator – Dr. H.G. PLYMIRE
Health Officer – W.G. BEATTIE, M.D.

Officials – First Township
Supervisor – James T. CASEY
Justice of the Peace – Ellis C. JOHNSON
Constable – James C. WALLACE

Colma Record
January 13 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 41 Friday, January 13, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Miss Frances WOOLSEY, through improving is still quite ill.

Mrs. Sophia SHIBIG and daughter, Elaine, of Sacramento, are visiting Mrs. HURD.

Mrs. Richard HARRIS and daughter, Mrs. J.L. BROWN, made a business trip to Oakland Tuesday.

Mrs. John MURPHY and child, of Pizmo, is here on a visit to her sister-in-law, Mrs. A.J. SPRING.

W.H. KEEN, 835 Garden St., Vista Grande, has purchased, through the T.J. Mullins agency, two fine lots in Crocker Tract.

Colma Hall saloon was again broken into Monday night, and the slot machines rifled of their contents, amounting to about $7.50.

Supervisor CASEY’s efficient road work on the hill is manifest in the improved condition of the hill with regards to lack of mud at present, that is so different from former muddy spells.

The social given by Vista Grande Circle, 253, Tuesday evening was an enjoyable affair. The $5 gold piece was raffled with dice and won by Mrs. B. BLUMANEAU of 1967 Oak street, San Francisco. (Note correction published 1/20/1911- transcriber)

Francis Clyde, the 13 year-old son of Robt. CARROLL, who died at their home in South San Francisco, on Wednesday of last week, had been ill for a long time, and a great sufferer. He was a boy of beautiful character and was loved by all who knew him. The funeral took place Friday. Interment in Holy Cross.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club was entertained Wednesday by Mrs. SIMMONS at T.B. REESE’s , 144 Manchester. First prizes, Mrs. Antone STURLA and Pat TAYLOR; second, Mrs. Ellis C. JOHNSON and J.L. BROWN. The next meeting will be with Mrs. SMITH, January 25th.

The Crocker Tract Improvement Club met last Monday evening and held its annual election, resulting as follows: President, T. SHEEHAN; vice-president, C.H. LANGLEY; secretary, N. McDONALD; treasurer, R.S.K. MacMILLEN; sergeant at arms, W. MATHLAS. Next Monday evening the Ladies’ Auxilliary will elect its corps of officers.

New Mansion for Governor

Sacramento – On account of the generally dilapidated condition of the Governor’s mansion it is possible that a new residence may be built for the State’s chief executive.

Colma Record
January 20 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 42 Friday, January 20, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. Alice FREYER is quite ill with la grippe.

Adolph GEHRINGER is very sick with congestion of the lungs.

Mrs. J. SINNAMOND left yesterday for a visit to Calistoga.

An automobile garage is being built on the boulevard at Coakley’s.

Mrs. Jas. HEAD, of San Francisco visited Mrs. J.L. BROWN, Wednesday.

Miss Dora MONTGOMERY is able to be around again after an attack of la grippe.

Miss Harriett WEBER left Tuesday night for her home in Menominee, Wisconsin.

Mrs. Ida COON received word this week of the death of her sister in Salt Lake City.

Miss Ada TURNER has resigned her position in Ocean View and is with her sister, Mrs. Jess REDDING.

Little Ernest REDDING, who broke his arm Christmas week by falling from a coaster, will have the plaster cast removed next week.

Last week Frank RAILTON ran a splinter in his hand, and a slight case of blood poisoning set in before he had it attended to. He is improving now, however, and will soon be all right.

Mrs. BODE desires to thank everyone, including the Grandview Band to the smallest star, that so kindly rendered their talent to make the entertainment a success.

Rev. R. CROWN, who success Rec. RAWLSTON as pastor of the Vista Grande M.E. Church, seems an able minister who can likely improve the condition of the church.

The Record made a slight error last week in mentioning the $5 raffle as being decided with dice. The tickets were drawn by Miss Mildred WHITE and the lucky number was 90.

The public-spiritedness of Jos. F. PANKEWICZ in joining the incorporation Delegation to Redwood City, Monday, is certainly commendable. At first Mr. PANKEWICZ was opposed to incorporation, but after studying the question decided that he was wrong and was manly enough to admit his error.

The fencing up of the point at the junction of Mission Road and San Jose avenue by Mrs. Nelson, where the proposed drinking fountain will be erected, is a mistake and the fence will be removed. The point was deeded to San Mateo County many years ago by the CASTLE estate.

At the meeting of the Ladies; Auxiliary of the Crocker Tract Improvement Club, Monday evening. Mrs. R. MATTHIAS was elected president; Mrs. L.L. LANGLERY, vice-president; Mrs. W.V. McLEAN, secretary, and Time F. O’ROURK, treasurer. A nice lunch was served, and dancing with music by the Grandview Band.

It is stated on good authority that a movement is on foot for the widening of Mission Road ten feet at the top of the hill in case the town is incorporated. This will necessitate the removal of Mrs. MULLIN’s candy store and the restaurant will also have to be moved back. The widening of the street is to be done individually and no cost will be levied upon the Daly City for the valuable improvement.

Daly City Incorporation Delegation Meet the Supervisors – The Hearing Set for the 6th of Feb’y

Monday morning the petition for incorporation was presented to the Supervisors at Redwood City by the attorneys Harry E. STYLES and E.D. KNIGHT and a delegation consisting of C.W. BUTLER, Wm. M. TALBOTT, Thos. J. MULLINS, Wm. J.C. GOLDKUHL, Edw. FREYER, A.L. STOCKTON, Joseph F. PANKEWICZ, Z.L. MONTGOMERY and J.L. BROWN, each wearing a beautiful satin badge inscribed: “For Incorporation – Daly City.”

Man on Ferry Boat Killed By Explosion in Pocket
Mining Engineer is Killed Instantly and Another Man Fatally Injured

Oakland – An explosion due to some high explosive accidentally discharged in the pocket of John O. NORBOM, a mining engineer, residing in Berkeley, at 5:50 o’clock last Friday evening caused the immediate death of NORBOM and the injuring of two others severely and two slightly. A panic started after the explosion, but the prompt work of railroad officers and officers of the ferryboat quelled this, and the crowds of alarmed people were soon quieted.

A world-wide Tourist

“The California prune is the greatest tourist in the work”, remarked Brown, sitting at the family breakfast table and glancing enviously at his valise all covered with pasters of European hotels and steamship lines.

“California prunes were on the menu cards of the dining cars from Oakland Pier to New York, and on the cards of all the leading hotels of Chicago, Washington and New York. I had them every morning for breakfast on the big ocean liners all the way across the Atlantic, and when I breakfasted at the Cecil, in London, the first and most conspicuous thing on the bill of fare was ‘California Prunes.' "

Colma Record
January 27 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 43 Friday, January 27, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Sept. 7, 1909, bonds were voted for Colma Lighting District. 507 Days and no lights yet.

Mrs. Alice FREYE has recovered from her illness and able to be about.

Mrs. J.W. WHITE”s brother and wife, Mrs and Mrs. Fred STYER of Oakland, visited here Sunday.

Emelio SCRAMAGLIA has built a fence in front of his two lots on Mission, between Mrs. Dr. POKET’s and Enrico BIGGIO’s building.

Stanley KETCHEL’s slayers, W.A. DIPLEY and Goldie SMITH, were found guilty at Marshfield, Mo., Tuesday. The verdict is life imprisonment.

Mrs. H. BEHRE’s daughter, Mrs and Mr. I. BELL, leaves this week for Los Angeles, where they will stay for a while on account of the poor health of Mrs. BELL.

Dr. BUSH, who for nearly a year had his dental parlors in Knowles’ building, is now located at Clement street and Fourth avenue, San Francisco, where he has a nice place and doing well.

The residence of R. SEENEY, superintendent of Eternal Home Cemetery, narrowly escaped destruction by fire Monday evening. The fire caught back of the fire place and was burning rapidly but was extinguished before much damage was done.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. Alice SMITH. The first prizes went to Mrs. SIMMONS and Peter BENASSINI; second, Miss Rene OLIVERI and T.J. Reese. The next meeting will be with Mrs. A.J. SPRING, February 8.

The outrages perpetrated upon the people of Hillcrest with reference to their water still continues. Sunday the fire plugs were unlawfully removed, so that in case of fire, that section of our city would be utterly at the mercy of the flames.

Mrs. La FONTAIN will move to the city Monday and will reside at 320 Barlett street, and Robbie has resigned his position to attend school.

The San Bruno Banner quietly died without a warning or farewell, and last week a new paper called The Register made its bow.

Volunteer Firemen Did Good Work

The nice little cottage of Wm. SCHAUER’s on Los Angeles avenue was completely destroyed by fire at 8:3- Sunday evening, by the explosion of a Rochester lamp. The lamp was pulled off a table by the little child while the parents were in another room and they barely had time to escape with their lives, saving nothing except a coat that Mrs. S. threw around the baby. The loss was about $1500 , with $500 insurance. The fire burned fiercely and the fire ladies turned all their attention to the next cottage that belonged to the brother of Wm. SCHAUER. It caught fire several times and once there seemed not the slightest chance of saving it, when Company No. 3 arrived with their chemical engine and soon extinguished the fire that had already caught the entire side of the cottage and was burning fiercely. Company 3 and all the firemen did valient work, but were handicapped on account of a lack of water.

Colma Record
February 3 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 43 Friday, February 3, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

A. LARSEN is quite ill.

Mrs. A.HENSELMAR of Vista Grande, visited in Napa this week.

Mrs. M. SEERY of Berkeley visited Mrs. Jess REDDING, Sunday.

Mrs. C.J. ZULK has recovered from a severe attack of nervous prostration.

Mrs. Sophia PHEBIG returned to her home in Sacramento after a three week’s visit to Mrs. Thos. HURD.

Miss Bessie RESSEQUIE, who is well known in Vista Grande, was married January 30 to Chas. TUTTLE of Pacific Grove

Colma Record
February 10 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 45 Friday, February 10, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Sept. 7, 1909 bonds were voted for Colma Lighting District, 521 Days and no lights yet.

Mrs. Chas. R. REY of Hillcrest is quite sick.

Two of Wm. J.C. GOLDKUHL’s children are quite sick.

Frank SMACK and wife are visiting friends at Livermore.

A letter was received at Vista Grande postoffice Wednesday addressed to “Daly City”

Charley SPELLMAN, the R.F.D. carrier, is away on a week’s vacation and is visiting in Los Angeles. George WIGHT, the ex-postmaster, is carrying the route.

The Civic Betterment League meeting Tuesday evening was unusually interesting, as many matters of public good were discussed. E. FREYER, J.S. O’BRIEN, Wm. J.C. GOLDKUHL, T.J. MULLINS, Gust JOHNSON, Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON and J.L. BROWN were appointed as a committee in charge of the incorporation campaign, with instructions to confer with other clubs and solicit their assistance and cooperation.

C.W. BUTLER left Thursday for the East where he will visit several important cities then go to Europe. His trip, that will last for about ten weeks, is for the purchase of goods for the toy department of the White House, of which he is the manager.

The Knickerbocker Whist Club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. A.J. SPRING at Holy Cross. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Alice SMITH and Peter BENASSINI; second, Mrs. T.J. REESE and Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON. The next meeting will be with Mrs. T.J. REESE on February 22.

Work commenced this week in remodeling the BIGGIO building and will likely be completed in two weeks when the long wished for Italian restaurant will become a reality. Enrico BIGGIO is one of the best Italian caterers in California, and with the assistance of his wife, will undoubtedly give Daly City a restaurant to be profound of.

The New Grand Jury
Judge Buck has selected the following grand jurymen for the term:
Second township – Frank W. MERRILL, E.W. HOWARD, E.D. BEYLARD, R.B. BAIN, Jr., Bart SHEEHAN, Jr., J.C. JENS, Wm. TTYAN, K.O. GRADY, W. ANDERSON and J.B. FALVEY
Fourth township – Wm. O’BRIEN and John KYNE
Fifth township – Chas. E. STEELE and B.C. MERRILL


Safebreaker Captured

A Everson, a teamster employed by the A.L. STOCKTON Lumber Co., in a desperate encounter Monday night, captured a safe-breaker named John WELCH. EVERSON and his wife returned from the city about midnight and seeing a light in the office proceeded to investigate and discovered the burglar. He at once went home and arming himself with a revolver returned to the scene just as the burglar was leaving and opened fire. The fellow ran and might have escaped had he not fallen. EVERSON, who had emptied his gun, stuck the fellow over the head with the butt of his revolver inflicting two ugly-looking wounds. Just then Mr. STOCKTON, who had been notified by Mrs. EVERSON, arrived and the two took the prisoner to Judge JOHNSON, who searched him and found keys and other articles that were identified by Mr. STOCKTON. Dr. ROWLAND was summoned, who found that the wounds were not serious and WELCH was taken to the Vista Grande jail where he was guarded by Deputy Constable PARKER, who prevented the prisoner from setting fire to the jail. On Tuesday morning WELCH was taken to Redwood and the preliminary hearing is set for Saturday at 10 a.m. before Judge JOHNSON. The bravery of Mr. EVERSON is certainly worthy of the highest praise, for he has evidently captured one who has turned many tricks around here.

Colma Record
February 17 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 46 Friday, February 17, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Melvin JULIAN, of Watsonville, is visiting John HARRIS this week.

Colonel Frank SAMPSON, of Santa Ana avenue, has illumined his home with electric lights.

Sidney HARRIS went to Sacramento Monday where he will remain three or four weeks on a tile-setting job.

Miss Lillian WIGHT, who came home from San Francisco a week ago suffering from ptomaine poisoning, is reported to be improving.

The preliminary examination of John WELCH, who was captured last week by A. EVERSON after he had burglarized the A.L. STOCKTON Lumber Company’s office, that was set for Saturday, was continued until Wednesday, when Judge JOHNSON held him in the sums of $4000 bonds or $2000 cash bail, in default of which he was taken back to the Redwood City jail.

Mrs. Marie KIM, who resides at 727 Coma street, Vista Grande, is the receipient of a neat bequest through the death of her sister in Germany, the late Frau zur Linda, nee Countess Rose Von Lepel. The many friends of Mrs. KIM will be pleased to learn of her good fortune.

The election for the ratification of the incorporation movement will be held Saturday, March 18, 1911.

The beautiful cottage belonging to John B. DROUILLARD and occupied by Wm. RAVEN, was completely destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning, supposed to have been caused by a lighted cigarette. The alarm was sounded and the fire ladies responded promptly and did excellent work, but were unable to cope with the flames because of a lack of facilities and the building was soon a mass of ruins. Mr. DROUILLARD’s loss is estimated in excess of $2000, with $1800 insurance. Mr. RAVEN’s loss on his beautiful furniture, including an elegant piano, was over $3000, with $700 insurance.


Rural District’s Mail Line

Redwood City – Residents of La Honda, Harrison, Pescadero and the outlying rural districts have formed the La Honda Stage Company, which will give the people of that part of the coastside daily distribution of mail. The advent of the Ocean Shore railroad caused the Knight stage line, running between Pescadero and Redwood City, to discontinue business last year. The washouts along the line of the Ocean Shore railroad deprived the residents of those sections, of all mail facilities.
Sub-Committees Appointed to Conduct Campaign of Education

The Incorporation Campaign Committee Wednesday evening was largely attended and enthusiastic throughout, there being a large number of interested citizens present that are not of the committee, but who joined in the hearty spirit of the vital question that is now before the people of this vicinity, helping to make the gathering the most important that has yet been held.

Jas. S. O’BRIEN was chosen chairman and Jess REDDING, secretary, after which Mr. O’BRIEN made an eloquent statement with regard to the advantage that will be derived with incorporation, followed by Messrs. GOLDKUHL, TALBOTT, KENNEDY, QUILLINAN, MURPHY, SMITH, FRYE, STOCKTON, PFUHL, REDDING, HACOBS, Judge JOHNSON, O’TOOL, PAUSTAIN, FORD and many others, each adding some new and comprehensive argument in favor of incorporation.

The purpose of the meeting was to form a permanent organization and plan of action, and the following gentlemen were selected to serve on the various sub-committees, as follows:
Publicity – J.L. BROWN, A.L. STOCKTON, Jas. S.O’BRIEN
Taxes – Judge E.C. HOHNSON, Gust JOHNSON
Annexation – Jas. S. O’BRIEN, W.J. C. GOLDKUHL, E. FREYER
Postoffice – P.A. PFUHL, Judge E.C. JOHNSON
Incorporation – Dennis QUILLINAN, Jas. S. O’BRIEN, Wm. H. TALBOTT
Fire Protection – H.F. SECOR, E.J. FORD, A.J. GREEN, H.H. SMITH
Street and Sidewalks – E.P. MURPHY, Jess REDDING, Wm. H. TALBOTT

Colma Record
February 24 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 47 Friday, February 24, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Eddie BAUER, one of the well respected citizens, is quite ill.

Mrs. E. OSBORNE, of San Francisco visited Mrs. J. DOHRMAN, Sunday.

Frank WAHL, of Vista Grande is building a cottage in Ocean View.

Mrs. H. BEHRE of Theta avenue is quite sick with inflammatory rheumatism.

Ben NEUMAN of Vista Grande is in New York and will sail for England next week.

Mrs. Alice SMITH, of Colma, who is quite ill with eczema and confined in the St. Joseph Hospital is reported to be improving.

Last Monday, Dr. ROWLAND successfully removed a tumor from above the right eye of Christina Christensen. The little girl is doing nicely.

Francis Ellis PIERCE, one of the pioneers of Colma and a most esteemed citizen, passed away Tuesday, aged 82 years, 8 months and 12 days. The funeral took place Thursday at 2 p.m. and the remains were laid to rest at Mt. Olivet.

Garret WELSH, who was convicted of conducting a gambling house at Visitacion, was fined $30. During the trial, District Attorney SWART testified that WELSH had offered him $400 a month to protect gambling.

Wm. H. ALMON and Robt. CARROLL have appealed their mandamus suit to compel the Supervisors to issue them certificates of election as Justice and Constable of the First Township, to the Supreme Court.

Dr. W.C. BAKER, of San Mateo, is slated for the position of County Physician, and would have been appointed last Monday, but for a technicality in the parliamentary rules that caused the matter to be deferred two weeks.

Since the announcement of the result of the recent official census, that entitles the First Township to two Justices of the Peace and two Constables, the matter has been carefully considered and the best legal advice obtained by Supervisor CASEY who presented the question to the Board last Monday. This discussion was spirited and interesting, but Jim CASEY had the right dope and finally gained his point and appointed John F. DAVIS of Easton as Justice and J.H. PARKER of Vista Grande as Constable. Judge DAVIS is a promising young attorney and especially fitted for the important position and Constable PARKER is also well qualified, having had many years’ experience in such service. Judge DAVIS will likely hold his court in San Bruno.

Colma Record
March 3 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 48 Friday, March 3, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Sept. 7, 1909, bonds were voted for Colma Lighting District. 542 Days and no lights yet.

Mrs. W. MOUNTAIN is visiting at W.J. WHITE’s this week.

Miss Ada Turner has resumed her position in the bakery at Ocean View.

John CARNES went to Siskiyou Co., last week where he has a job of carpentering.

G.H. LIGHTHALL of Alameda spent Sunday visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Hurd.

Mr. OTTIBONI is erecting a greenhouse next to his home that will take over a car load of glass.

Mrs. S. WAGGONER of Mendocino Co., spent a few days this week visiting at Mrs. J.H. DOHRMAN’s.

S.H. PEARLY who on Winter street (sic), returned from Roseville where he has been employed for some time.

Mrs. F. BRUSH, Vista Grande, who recently had the misfortune of breaking her arm has sufficiently recovered so that she has resumed her position in the city.

T.J. REECE and Mr. CLINGINGTON have transferred their membership in the San Francisco Carpenters Union to Vista Grande Union, No. 1913.

C.N. ROBB, the collector for South San Francisco Light & Power Co., has moved into Dr. ROWLAND’s cottage, 117 Peoria street, Crocker Tract.

Mrs. W.J. WHITE, who attended the Grande Lodge of Royal Neighbors at Santa Rosa this week, as a delegate from Vista Grand, returned yesterday.

Feb. 19. Deputy Sheriff Anton QUILLA of San Mateo county died in the Red Cross hospital from injuries received when he jumped off a moving train at South San Francisco.

Sunday was an experience for San Francisco seldom seen in any climate. There was beautiful sunshine, making a warm balmy forenoon, followed by thunder, lighting, hail, snow and rain – the first snow storm in eight years.

Supervisor Joseph M. FRANCIS is doing some good work by filling in the washes with crushed rock. Mr. FRANCIS is to be commended on the condition of the roads in his district – Moss Beach Comet

A Boni & Co. have installed a large plant for turning out patent chimneys and all kinds of tin work.

Supervisor James CASEY has appointed George LOWENS in the First township to patrol the roads of that district. He will provide himself with a motorcycle and keep in check the enthusiastic motorists who come from the city. – Redwood City Times-Gazette.

Colma Native Sons Organize

The Native Sons of Colma organized a parlor Monday evening to be known as ElCarmelo, No. 256. The organizing team consisted of District Deputy A.S. LIGUORI and Jos. H. NASH, F.W. LIPPMAN and Albert MANSFIELD of Redwood City parlor, No. 66. The membership of ElCarmelo is 25 and the officers are as follows:
Past President – Peter CALLAN
President – Thos CALLAN
First V. Pres. – Albert SILICANI
Second V. Pres. Warren VanDORN
Third V. Pres – Wm. POPINO
Recording Sec’y – Wm. BRACKEN
Financial Sec’y – Chester PRATT
Treasurer – Robert SILICANI
Marshal – Wm. OTTOBONI
Inside Sentinel – Antone MORCHIO
Outside Sentinel – W.J. SAVAGE

Native Daughters’ Dance a Success

The dance given by ElCarmelo parlor, No. 181, N.D.G.W. at Colma hall last Saturday evening was another fine success such as the Daughters always have. The Reception Committee consisted of Mrs. Camile BENASSINI, Mrs. Ella SPRING, Mrs. HAUBAICH, Mrs. Julia STURLA, Mrs. LILLIAN REECE, Mrs. Hattie SIMMONS, and the Misses, Hattie Crawford, Margaret CALLAN and Tillie KUNZR. Mrs. Marginet JOHNSON was floor manager and Mrs. Mary REGLI and Mrs. QUISOLO of San Francisco, assistant floor managers.

Superior Court Jurymen

The following citizens of the First Township have been selected as eligible for jury duty in the Superior Court:


Eagles’ County Convention
A county convention of the Order of Eagles met in San Mateo Sunday to arrange for the participation of the San Mateo county Aeries in the grand street parade of the Grand Aerie, to be held in San Francisco, August 23. The county organization was effected with Z.J. Montgomery, president; A.L. LOWE, secretary; Julius EIKERENKOTTER, treasurer; C.E. KNIGHT, sergeant at arms. W.J. SAVAGE was made chairman of the executive committee. The next meeting at Colma, March 26.

Colma Record
March 10 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 49 Friday, March 10, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

For Sale Cheap – Four covered wagon and horse. Inquire of A. BONI

Mrs. Julia YATES of San Francisco, visited Mrs. J.L. BROWN on Thursday of last week.

Sydney HARRIS, returned home Saturday from Sacramento, where he has been employed.

A thief broke into the Jefferson School building at Colma Tuesday night and stole several gross of steel pens, and a quantity of pencils from the desks, valuated at about $10.

Mrs. Nellie La FONTAIN was married Wednesday at a church in San Francisco to Mr. Chas. MULLIN, of Pescadero. The Record extends congratulations and wishes of much joy.

Poultry for Sale. – 100 large pullets, white and black Leghorns, black Mrneka, white Rocks; also Pecan and Muscovia ducks for sale at a reasonable price. Apply H. STRUM, 530 Mission Road.

The jury in the case of Steve MORI, charged with killing W.H. FITZGERALD a San Francisco barber, failed to agree Saturday and were discharged by Judge BUCK. It is said that they stood 7 for conviction and 5 for acquittal.

Chas. P. LAMBERT, the monumental worker, is an expert at his profession and makes a specialty of letter-cutting on monuments in cemeteries – gilded if desired. Shop and residence near Mt. Olivet and the Italian cemeteries.

About 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, T.J. HOOPER’s cottage at 325 Los Angeles avenue, had a narrow escape from fire. Some paper and a curtain caught from the stove and the flames soon extended to the ceiling, but with a prompt response of the fire department the blaze was soon extinguished with a loss of probably $150.

John C. PELTON, the pioneer school teacher, who founded the public school system in California in 1850, died at `0` Schiller Street, just across the line from Hillcrest, Sunday afternoon in extreme poverty and alone. He was 85 years old. The funeral took place Tuesday, after which the remains were taken to Los Angeles for burial.

The resignation of Dr. John BROOKS, county physician at the poor farm, to take effect April 1, was accepted Monday by the Supervisors and Dr. W.C. BAKER of San Mateo, was appointed to the position. The salary is $75 a month.

On account of the law providing for the appointment of Justices of the Peace and Constables in townships where the populations increases to exceed 7,500, requiring a petition of 40 per cent of the voters, District Attorney SWART decided that the appointment of John F. DAVIS and Jas. H. PARKER on Feb’y 20 by the Supervisors was irregular, so a petition was circulated resulting successfully, so on Monday last the Supervisors reaffirmed their former action. Judge DAVIS established his court at San Bruno Tuesday.

Last Thursday afternoon while the Record was on the press, Billy RAVEN discovered that he had been robed of $240. Suspicion fell upon Charles HOLLAND, who had hurriedly taken a car for San Mateo, and an application was made to Judge JOHNSON for a warrant. The authorities in San Mateo, were then phoned to, and when Holland arrived he was placed under arrest by Constable SHEEHAN. Later he was brought to Judge JOHNSON, who sent him to jail in default of $3000 bond. The Record is informed by Mr. RAVEN that $190 of the money had been found on HOLLAND, leaving his loss at $50. At the preliminary hearing Wednesday, HOLLAND was held to the Superior Court by Judge JOHNSON, same amount of bond.

About 11:30 Saturday night the building on Lake St., between Melrose and Myrtle, that has been used by the Grandview band, was burned to the ground, the fire having gained such headway that when the fire ladies arrived, it could not be saved. The building belonged to F.S. KNOWLES and valued at $250. The cause of the fire is unknown but supposed to be incendiary.

Colma Record
March 17 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 50 Friday, March 17, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. H.E. DUFFY visited in Elmhurst this week.

Geo. LIGHTHALL left last week for Alberta, Canada.

Mrs. John CARNES visited last week in South San Francisco.

Mr. Geo. WHITE has accepted a position as plasterer in Arbuckle, near Sacramento.

Mr. John HALL of Kansas City, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W.H. FLAHERTY.

A nine-pound baby boy came to the home of Mrs. and Mrs.(sic) L. BRODEK, of Hillcrest Sunday morning.

Mrs. Wm. POLLEY, of Wyoming, Ill., arrived Sunday and will remain two weeks visiting her brother, Jess REDDING.

Col. Frank SAMPSON came near losing his little home on Santa Ana avenue Sunday morning by fire that caught on the roof, supposedly by a spark from a chimney of an adjoining house. No great headway had been gained when it was discovered so that the prompt assistance of neighbors soon extinguished the blaze in which Sydney HARRIS one of the Volunteer Fire Co., distinguished himself as a brave fireman.

Chas. SUENDERMAN wishes the Record to announce that he is a candidate for re-election to the office of School Trustee of Jefferson School District, having given good satisfaction thus far, he wishes to finish the work that is so satisfactorily underway in the re-election of the beautiful new school buildings. The election will be on Friday, April 7.

Antone LARSEN of Vista Grande, who for some time has been in poor health, died at Lane’s Hospital at 12:20 Wednesday morning, aged 47 years, 8 months and 25 days. He leaves a wife and two children, Agnes E. and Benjamin. He was a member of the woodmen and carried $1,000 insurance. He was also a member of Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department, the members of which are getting up a fine floral tribute and will attend the burial service. The funeral takes place at Trumen chapel, 1919 Mission, near Sixteenth at 1:30 this afternoon (Friday) and the remains will be laid to rest in Cypress Lawn.

Wednesday morning another villainous outrage was perpetrated in Vista Grande by a teamster for the C.A. HUTTON flour Co, who deliberately drove a heavy truck loaded with flour for A. VOGLER, over half a block on the side-walk on Melrose street, north of Theta avenue, damaging the walk fully $50 and then across the corner at Melrose and Vista avenue, breaking the walk there. Do we need incorporation?


This makes the personnel of the candidates thus far in the field so far as the Record has been officially informed:
For Trustees – James S. O’BRIEN, T.J. MULLENS, P.D. GLENN, Edward FREYER, Martin C. OBERHAUS, and Al J. GREEN.
City Clerk – Walter J. WHITE, C.A. KIRKPATRICK, R.E. FINE, and E.A. PFUHL
Treasurer – T. SHEEHAN
Marshal – N. McDONALD and Fred J. HOOPER

Colma Record
March 24 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 51 Friday, March 24, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Mrs. H. MEETH and family went to Mussle Rock last Sunday.

Mrs. Ben HANSEN of Mission Tract, gave birth to a 9-pound boy Monday.

Mrs. Len HARRIS of Mission Tract gave birth to a 11-pound boy Monday.

Ed. Franke and wife arrived this week from Brownwood, Texas to remain a short-time on a visit.

M. JOHNS, gardener in Home of Peace cemetery, is recovering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.

Mrs. William POLLEY, Jess REDDING’s sister, who recently came from the East, went to Oroville Wednesday on a visit.

George LOWEN’s, the recently appointed “motorcycle cop.” Has been doing some good work. As a result the drivers of automobiles are showing an inclination to pay some attention to the county speed regulations.

The Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department has endorsed the present fire commissioners, F.E. SMACK, H.H. SMITH and H.F. SECOR, for re-election. The Civic Betterment League has also made the same indorsement. (sic)

Mrs. Josephine JOHNSON, who lives with her son, Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON was stricken with paralysis Sunday and on account of her great age 84 years – her condition is so feeble that there is little change of recovery.

The attachment suit was begun Tuesday against J.W. BLOOM by O. JOHNSON for $80, involving certain lots occupied by BLOOM for water supply. This is the BLOOM the Hillcrest people have had so much trouble with regarding their water.

Free groceries at H.L. CARMICHAEL’s last Monday. When offered pay by customers, Hugh would say: “I’m a Dad. Call me papa and the world is your.” The little girl arrived about 9 o’clock Sunday evening, and like her mother, is doing fine.

The funeral of Antone LARSON, whose death was mentioned last week, occurred Friday and was largely attended by many sympathizing friends, including a delegation from the Vista Grande Volunteer Fire Department, consisting of Commissioner F.A. SMACK, W.J. C. GOLDKUHL, Al J. GREEN, George SCHAPPE, W.J. WHITE, F. STOBLE, B. RAILTON, F. RAILTON, A. SELMI, O. ROTHMAN, E. RYAN, J. PERADO, R. KRAMER, E. McDONALD and I. POKET.

The Official Vote
The following are the official election returns of the election held Saturday, March 18, 1911, for the incorporation of Daly City and of the officers elected, the personel of which is:
Clerk – Walter J. WHITE
Treasurer – T. SHEEHAN
Marshal – Fred J. HOOPER
Trustees – Edward EREYER(sic) (Mayor), Martin OBERHAUS, Al. J. GREEN, Thos. J. MULLINS and Dennis QUILLINAN

For Incorporation – 138
Against Incorporation – 136

Colma Record
March 31 1911

Location: Colma
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 2 No. 52 Friday, March 31, 1911

What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing During the Past Week

Sept 7, 1909, bonds were voted for Colma Lighting District. 563 Days and no lights yet.

Mrs. R.S. THORNTON is confined to the house on account of a fall she received.

Mrs. Thos. HURD and little daughter, Florence, returned this week from a months visit in Sacramento.

Misses Neita and Flo REGAN of San Francisco are visiting Mrs. Katie WIGHT at her nice little home near Colma

City Clerk Walter J. WHITE is having a nice sign painted for this office on Theta avenue, opposite the Record building.

Mrs and Harry Young, after a two months sojourn in San Francisco, have returned to their beautiful little bungalow in Colma.

Assistant Chief R. SQUIER, while on his way to the fire in Colma Wednesday night, bell on a barbed wire and cut an ugly gash in the knee.

The twenty-five day jail sentence of Jack Johnson, the pugilist, will not be regretted by some San Mateo county people, judging from the complaints that come to the Record of his speeding on Mission Road, when the motorcycle cop is not around.

Marshal Fred J. HOPPER was authorized to immediately assume his duties and enforce the state laws, pending the enactment of city ordinances.


Cowardly Assault on Charlie Rae

Has anybody seen Bloom? His cowardly attack on Charles R. RAE last Sunday in his own yard was resulting in a good licking for the irate water man, when two fly bobs from the city, who had been hiding behind RAE’s house, rushed out and struck Charlie a terrific blow on the head with a pair of handcuffs, inflicting a dangerous wound from which the blood flowed freely. Mr. VEACH came up at this time and protested against the outrage, and with REY (sic), was arrested and they were handcuffed together. About the same time Deputy Sheriff Van ORDEN, for whom the officers had a warrant for some trivial offense in the city, came along and he was arrested also and handcuffed. This done, they marched to the hill, where they were about to take a care to the city with the prisoners, when Deputy Constable Duck SULLIVAN appeared on the scene and demanded their authority. The warrant for Van ORDEN had not been certified to before a court in San Mateo county and was therefore inoperative and SULLIVAN took charge of the prisoners and conveyed them before Judge JOHNSON, who after an examination, discharged them. Later a warrant was sworn out by RAE against BLOOM and the same was served on him in the city by Deputy SULLIVAN and the hearing was set for this (Friday) morning, BLOOM being under bonds for his appearance.


Sheriff MANSFIELD, at the request of District Attorney SWART, last Saturday took possession of the county law library and office furniture in the possession of Ex-District Attorney J.J. BULLOCK. When BULLOCK relinquished the office of district attorney on January 1st he took with him the furniture and law books in question and has held possession of them until the sheriff stepping in and took the county property. – Burlingame Advance.


George LOWENS, the motorcycle cop of the First township, had a collision with another motorcyclist, Monday morning near the Twelve-Mile House. The stranger was on the wrong side of the road and neither saw the other of account of passing a sprinkling wagon. LOWNENS machine was slightly damaged and his knee was badly bruised. The other machine was badly damaged, one wheel being completely wrecked.

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