San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
04 April 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
April 4 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 1 Friday, April 4, 1913


Mrs. F.B. WOODHOUSE is recovering from an attack of rheumatism.
Dr. F. BUSH, Daly City’s modest ___, visited at Niles Sunday.
Robert RICHARDS, who resides in the Crocker Tract, has been on the sick list for two weeks.
Henry BOOTHBY, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry FREDRICKS at 511 Green avenue.
Mrs. Fortuna CLEMENTI, who ruptured a vein in her leg last week and was treated by D. G.L. MARION, is improving rapidly.
Mrs. H. PRENTISS, who resides at 614 Green avenue, was operated on for a cancer this week, and is reported to be in a dangerous condition.
Mrs. Willard L. McKAY has been suffering from a very sore hand, caused by running a needle through the fleshy part near the little finger.
Mrs. Frank NELLIST of Eureka and her little son, Leland, visited in San Mateo a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Jennette MEACHAM.
Dr. F. BUSH’s dental office is No. 420 Mission Road, Office hours 10:30 to 5:30 p.m. except Wednesdays. Evenings by appointment. Sundays 10 to 12.
John CAIRNES, who recently moved to Pescadero, visited Daly City Tuesday. Shortly after moving to Pescadero, his little boy, John Jr., fell and broke his arm.
L. TIENER, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who has been visiting friends and relatives in Daly City after a sight-seeing tour all over California, left for his home this week.
County Clerk Jos. H. NASH is busy these days preparing for the road bond election to take place on April 8.
Chas. LEFEBERE, a recent arrival in Colma, is certainly wide-awake and enterprising. He bought a place on E street, east of Colma Hotel, that he has fixed up in first-class shape, making it one of the neatest bungalows in Colma, where he will reside with his charming wife.
Orders in Superior Court
Ira M. COVE vs J. HAYDEN, et al. Trial continued to April 3d
East San Mateo Land Co., vs Southern Pacific Co. Motion to elect judgment continued to April 3d.
In the matter of the Cupertino Wine Co. asking for a dissolution of the corporation. Granted as prayed for.
John F. BOULBARD vs Crocker Estate Co. Action dropped from calendar.
Leroy PADGET, et al, vs E.A. HARDY, et al. Demurrer submitted and plaintiff allowed 10 days to amend complaint.
A.L. ACKERMAN vs Emilie ACKERMAN. Demurrer set for hearing for April 3d.
Theresa CZAMPERT vs Emilie RADULOVIES, et al. Order made quieting title to lots 7 and 8, block 14, Vista Grande.
J.F. WIENKE vs C.B.SMITH, et al. Demurrer sustained and plaintiff given 15 days to amend complaint.
J.F. PANCKEWICZ vs Clara A. JESS, et al. Demurrer to amend complaint submitted.
M. GOULARTE vs Loren COBURN. Demurrer submitted.
Alfred M. SMITH vs John ELGI, et. Al. Decree granted.
Marriage Licenses Issued
The County Clerk issued the following marriage licenses during the week:
Fred KNUDSEN, aged 42, Alameda, and Margaret NEILSON, aged 41, San Francisco
Claud B. RICH, 21, Moss Beach, and Hertha M. SIEGEL, 20, Montara
Walter Ernest DODDS, 36, and Marguerita LAMBERT, 40, both of San Jose.
Robert Larence SHELTON, 45, South San Francisco, and Mary Margaret McKENZIE, 44, Colma
Pietro VIANINIO, 28, and Louisa TRAINI, 16, both of Menlo Park.
Harvey W. BALDWIN, 23, and Anna ELY, 18, both of San Mateo.
Frederick H. COULTURE, 21, and Anna O. WARD, both of Oakland.
Probate Court Orders
Estate of Thomas J. KELLY, deceased. First account of administratrix allowed and settled as presented.
Estate of Ellen S. McGOWAN, deceased. Will admitted to probate and Edward P. HARRISON granted letters testamentary with bond fixed at $40,000.
Estate of Mary BILLESBACH, deceased. John BILLESBACH granted letters of administration to serve without bonds.
Estate of William CLUFF, deceased. First account allowed and settled as presented. Petition for partial distribution granted.
Estate of Elna A. SELBY, deceased. Petition for attorney fees submitted.
Colma, Cal., April 4, 1913
Editor, J.L. Brown, Daly City Record
Dear Sir: Being invited by you to give a review of the surrounding of the northwest corner of San Mateo county, in which Daly City and Colma are located, I will endeavor to comply with your request, to the best of my ability.
This section is of much more consequence now than it used to be. In early days the people of the county seat called us “sand hillers” for short and we accepted the name but retaliated by dubbing our neighbors of the county seat the “mud stickers.” But now they are out of the mud and we are out of the sand, so the terms have passed into history and the san hillers and mud stickers are cemented in the bonds of close friendship.
This county was organized out of San Francisco county in 1856. San Francisquito creek was the southern boundary and on the west the Pacific ocean and on the east San Francisco bay.
After organization the county was divided into three supervisor districts called townships. The first township extended from the San Francisco county line to Belmont. Halfmoon Bay comprised the second township and Redwood City was called the third.
I was elected supervisor of the first township in 1858 and under the law at that time one of the duties of a supervisor was to attend to the roads and highways and trails. The only public county road in those days was the one leading from San Francisco to San Jose, now known as El Camino Real.
Although I assisted in making many roads and trails for the early settlers without county funds, my only recourse for revenue was that derived from the collection of a poll tax of four dollars assessed against every able bodied man.
My road district extended from the southern boundary of San Francisco to Belmont and west to the Pacific ocean, while the bay formed the eastern boundary. During my four years’ service as road master I encountered many obstacles which might be called rough in those days. I used to smile at the task as I filled up mudholes with willow brush and took rails from settlers’ fences to pry stages out of the mire.
Taxation was light in those days and property cheap. There were very few people to pay taxes then, as the land was owned in big tracts and a few owned it all. The holdings are smaller now and there are more people to pay taxes, hence the rate is lower and a special tax for good roads should come easy.
Many non-resident people owning lands in this county will pay more taxes than those who reside here, hence the resident voters of our county should vote for bonds to build good roads. The big land holders of our county are for the road bond issue and I wish to state to our voters, if there are any who are skeptical, about how the bond funds will be expended. This is a matter govern by strict law. The Board of Supervisors, assisted by a commission, will see that every contractor who has a contact to do work on the roads, is made to do his work right or forfeit his pay. The Auditor of our county will put a stop to a void contract and out Board of Supervisors are honorable men and will soon put a bad contractor up a spout where he can’t collect the money on bad work. We all have to trust each other and confidence in our county officials is a great thing to assist them in doing the lawful business of the people.
In my second year as supervisor and ex-officio road master (1859) our board under the law could raise money for a road fund, so we levied a tax of eighteen hundred ($1800) dollars for the three road districts. At this time, Joseph Ames was elected supervisor from Halfmoon Bay, and Mr. Diller, who was chairman of the board inquired what we should do with the money.
Ames said “Mr. Chairman, I make the motion to third it.”
I answered “I concur on that motion,” which was carried and gave each supervisor $600 for road work.
I laid out mine in the sand hills from where Collopy’s saloon then stood, to the north side of I.G. Knowles’ land, which is now Daly City.
That little money relieved us very much. Although it could not be called a conscience job, every year I put the greater part of my money into the san hills until my road was out of mudholes and our present supervisor has made our old county road a grand highway, but he had a little more that $600 to do it with and he has fixed the coast roads better than any supervisor before him.
But what has been done is not sufficient for a first class road, therefore, if our good resident people will vote the bonds we will have some good roads.
There is some little jealousy existing among the people, some of whom are imbued with the idea that this road bond issue is solely for the benefits of automobilists. That is a wrong impression for when the roads are completed they will be for the use of all classes of vehicles that choose to use them. The automobiles are here for good and we should not borrow trouble about them. American always adopts the ingenuity of science and the ingenuity of our citizens is protected by our patent laws.
With due respect for the good citizens of San Mateo county, I hope you will back up the bond issue for good roads.
R.S. Thornton
Deputy Clerk Lowe Removed
A.L. LOWE, the deputy county clerk was relieved from his office Monday by County Clerk NASH. The cause of the rupture between Nash and his assistant is not known in detail except that there has been financial difficulties between the two.
Moeey Realty Co. to Jas Henderson, lots 14, 15, blk 1, Reese sub.
R.H. Smith to Howard M. Shaffer, lots 29, 30, blk 11, First Addition, San Bruno Park
W. Byrne and wife to J.T. McCarthy, 72 acres near Woodside.
Paul T. Carroll to Marion M. Ford, lot 3 blk 4, Burlingame Park
N.H. Welburn to C.O. G. Miller, lots 4, 6, blk 4, Burlingame Park
Shore Line Investment Co. to T. Gary and wife, lot 14, blk 40, Granada
Ocean View Land and Impmnt Co to W. Henderson, lot 27, Vista Grande
South S F Land and Impmnt Co to Hensley Green Go., lot 49, blk 1, lots 34, 35, 36, blk 9, lots 52 and 62, blk 10, San Bruno Park.
R.T. Hooper and wife to P.M. Rideout, blk 8, Menlo Oaks
N B Breensfelder to Co-operative Investors, lots 35 to 41, blk 4, Johnson ranch
R H Smith to Herman J Axt, lots 22, 23, blk 2, Huntington Park
Clara E. Linesba and husband to A J Tucker et al, lot 3, blk 1, Lomita Park
Harry Baker to Arthur Collins, lot 3, blk 27, Easton Addition Burlingame
Clara M. Jackson to J.H. Dennis, lots 39, 40, blk 3, 75 Lot Homestead Association
Viola A Madler to Anna L Carp, lots 19, 20 blk 21, Farallone City
JH Herbst and wife to Max Mamlock, portion blk 12, Western Addition, San Mateo
Anglo-Cal. Trust Co. to Mary Schulyer, lot 14, blk 13, Hillcrest
Hensley-Green Co. to Frances J. Peterson, lot 9, blk 16, San Bruno Park
Reviera Land Co. to Flora MacDonald, lot 8a, blk 4, El Mar Beach
Shore Line Investment Co. to ME Miller, lot 9, blk 88, lot 9, blk 58, Granada
Crocker Estate Co. to Wm. G. Munto and wife, lot 42, blk 5, Crocker tract
R H Smith to Mary A Shields, lots 36, 37, blk 21, Huntington Park
SW Kinney to Rose J Kinney, lot 2, blk 1, Francis Beach tract
Crocker Estate Co. to Jno. Picon, lots 1, 2, blk 23, Crocker tract.
P.M. Lansdale and wife to Mary G. Lansdale, portion lots 19, 20, San Mateo Rancho; portion lots 8, 9, Hillsborough
E.D. Connolly to M S Wilson, 40 acres, 160 acres, 165 acres, T 7 S, R 4 West
Jane Rogers to same, NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 of Sec. 25, T 7 S, R 4 W
Rockaway Beach Co. to J H Sandifer lot 21, blk 20, Rockaway Beach
Ocean View Land and Imprmnt Co. to Ida M Arnold, lots 39, 40, blk 3, Vista Grande
Ansel M Easton and wife to J D McKee; lots 1, 2, 6, blk 35, Easton Addition, Burlingame
M F Rose, et al to J T Meddock, lot 47, blk 17, San Bruno Park
G A Archer to same, lots 10, 11, blk 1, Brophy’s sub Miramontes tract
M M Murphy and husband to C Wolfert, lots 17, 18, blk 14, Hillcrest
C H Holbrook to B A Joost, lot 5, blk 169; lot 3, blk 212; lot 3, blk 213, NW 3-4 of lot 8, blk 197, Abbey Homestead.
E D Connolly to P A McGinness, lot 26, blk 13, Hillcrest
Kern-Neilan Co. to J Greenburg, lot 19, blk 4, $75 Lot Homestead Homestead Association
A J Tucker et al to San Bruno Lumber and Supply Co., lot 3, blk 1, Lomita Park
Arnold Hess and wife to H D McGarvey, lots 7, 8, blk 5, Wellesley Park, Sub. A
Farallone Home Realty Co. to A. Skinner, lot 19, blk 43, Farallone Hgts
C T Connolly to Hannah Schneider, lot 6, blk 102, South San Francisco
Hensley-Green Co. to Albert E. Williams, lot 49, blk 1, San Bruno Park
Alexander Jacobson to Anna Jacobson, lot 18, blk 18, Vista Grande
Patrick Gilligan to Beatrice A Gilligan, lot 3, blk 9, Crocker tract
Hensley-Green Co. to Jno. Ferguson and wife, lot 30, blk 29, San Bruno Park
Moxey Realty Co. to E.B. Walker, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Reese Sub
American Real Estate Co. to Jas. Hargrave, lot 8, blk 25, Visitacion
P Rossia and wife to E Rossia and wife, 2.10 acres, Pierce, Van Winkle & Patten Ranches
Rockaway Beach Co to Geo. H. Holmes, lot 43, blk 21, Rockaway Beach
Geo. F. Lyon and wife to S W McGarvey, lot 18, blk 2, Burlingame Park
S W McGarvey and wife to H W Regan, same as above
Helena Scarpa to M J Scarpa SW 1-4 of Section 4, and E 1-2 of SE 1-4 of Section 5, T 5 S, R 5 W. Portions lots 8, 9, Spanishtown
M J Scarpa to P F Grainger, SW 1-4 of Section 4 and E 1-2 of SF 1-4 of Sec. 5, T 5 S, R 4 W

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last updated: 21 May 2005