San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
18 April 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
April 18 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 3 Friday, April 18, 1913

The RAE boys who live on F street, Colma, are making a lawn tennis court.
Mrs. A. SAMSTEITER, who lives on Melrose street, has been very ill, but is now on the road to recovery.
Mrs. J.L. BROWN and Baby Ralph are spending the week with relatives in Sacramento and expect to return Sunday evening.
LOST – A gold “Tattler” club pin; shield shaped; small “T” set in red and white enamel. Return to C.M. COGHLAN, 119 Theta avenue. Reward.
Died in Colma April 9, Peter, beloved husband of Hannah GADINI, native of Italy aged 73 years. Mr. GADINI, who lived opposite Home of Peace cemetery was well known and highly respected.
FOWLER, the artist photographer at 3126 Sixteenth street, near Valencia, is the best place in San Francisco to get first-class photography, any kind, any size, any price, any time. Also backgrounds for photo galleries, show windows, etc.
F. BANO, who lives on the boulevard north of Mount Olivet cemetery, having resided there for twenty-five years, says that when he came there were only five vegetable gardens at Colma and two near Holy Cross. Now it is estimated that there are about two thousand.
Charles P. LAMBERT, the monumental worker, whose shop on F street, near the entrance of Mount Olivet, is turning out some nice work and those in need of service will do well to give him a call. He has a new Lucido marble that will not take dampness and is therefore everlasting.
Percy Q. RICHARDS, a son of Mrs. Dell ARGANBRIGHT, of Daly City, an employee of the Standard Oil Company at Point Richmond, a few days ago fell into a pan containing hot oil and was so badly burned about the feet and legs that he will likely be disabled for many moths, and skin grafting will be essential. Later - it is reported that the young man is like to lose one or both of his legs.
A genuine Stradivari violin which is valued at $10,000 is owned by a brother of Mrs. Charles P. Lambert, of Colma, Prof. L.W.FORD, who is a very efficient leader of orchestra, called on Mrs. LAMBERT, Sunday with the violin while on his way to Reno and speaking of the instrument, says he purchased it several years ago at a mere trifle and only learned of its great value recently when he was offered $2,000 for it.
Funeral of Mrs. Rose ROGERS
The funeral of Mrs. Rose ROGERS Wednesday was one of the largest ever held in Colma. It took place at St. Ann’s church, which was filled to its utmost limit, and a large number of sincere friends were compelled to remain outside.
The deceased was an aged lady, widow of the late Michael ROGERS, and mother of John E., Hugh C. and Eugene A. ROGERS and Mrs. Ed. R. RAY. She was a native of the parish of Clonmany, County, Donegal, Ireland. After the requiem mass the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross cemetery.
Prominent Hotel Man Dead
The death of Geo. Heisenbuttel, proprietor of the Union Hotel in San Mateo, was a great shock to everyone. He had been attending to his duties during the morning in apparent good health, and then retired to his room for a rest, to be called at eleven o’clock, and at that hour he was found dead, the result of heart failure.
The deceased leaves a wife and one daughter besides a great man friends to mourn his untimely death. He was a faithful member of the Moose and of the Eagles, and those order conducted the funeral Monday at 2 o’clock and the remains were laid to rest in Cypress Lawn, via funeral car.
The Trustees of Daly City
Saloon license renewals were granted to I. POKET, Caesar EHLERS, Enrico BIGGIO, Geo. PANAGATORIOUS, Conrade MUNDELIUS, A. VIRENO, F.A. SMACK
CALLI Bros. seem to have a barking dog that was complained of.
Fire Commissioners H.H. SMITH, H.F. SECOR and F.A. SMACK tendered their resignation. FREYER Moved to decline, saying the gentlemen have performed their duties in a most satisfactory manner and the city could not spare them. Motion prevailed.
Jas. J. SULLIVAN tendered his resignation as pound master. Accepted, No appointment.
Miss Clara A. JESS tendered her resignation as city recorder, which was accepted. (As stated in a morning newspaper, Miss JESS resigned because of lack of proper support and she specifically stated that one of her main reasons was the Pankewicz case, who has sued her for $25,000 for false imprisonment. She also stated to the reporter that she had resigned from the Socialist party, that she was in sympathy with the general principles of Socialism “but did not like Socialists like these” - Ed.) No appointment.
Bill for $100 for costs and attorney fees of Miss JESS in the Pankewwiz case was laid over.
BEIBEL reported that Postmaster Fisk says no carrier service can be given Daly City unless there is a special substation established.
Merced avenue signs were ordered changed to Knowles avenue.
Jas. H. MORRIS of San Francisco was appointed city attorney. Clerk was authorized to notify him and also other municipalities.
Coast Side of San Mateo Co.
J.L. DEBENEDETTI of San Mateo visited his parents at Halfmoon bay Wednesday.
Will DEBENEDETTI has returned to Half Moon Bay after a week’s visit to Merced.
C.M. JOHNSON of Farallone City and George AZEVEDO of Half Moon, were the victorious candidates for high school trustees a week ago today.
The San Mateo Produce Company expects to have its vegetable cannery open for business within a month. The machinery arrived last week.
The health officer of San Mateo county, during the month of March, issued 3478 removal or disinterment, and issued 720 burial permits, for which he collected $9415.
Dr. E. SCHNELLER, of the Rockaway Beach Hotel and Amusement Co. has a large force of carpenters at work on the 100 room hotel which is being built at Rockaway Beach.
From two to four carloads of artichokes daily leave the Coast Side of San Mateo county for eastern markets. A like number for San Francisco and other Pacific Coast cities.
Joe Rue, the popular blacksmith was re-elected grammar school trustee of Half Moon Bay district at the school election held recently by a vote of 82 majority over his opponent.
John A. FLINK of Farallone; John E. HEALY and Alex BONZAGNI of Princeton; J.V. AZAVEDO of Half Moon Bay; D. DAMASCUS of Granada and John CLARKE of Miramar have applied to the Board of Supervisors for saloon licenses.
Frank ROMO, president of the Rockaway Beach Realty Company will build a beautiful cottage at Rockaway Beach during the next 30 days. Mr. ROMO says that work on six other cottages will be commenced within the next two months.
Mrs. T.J. KNUTZEN and children who have been residing in San Mateo for the past year, have returned to Marine View where she will spend the summer months. Mr. KNUTZEN will come over Sunday. He is engaged in the butcher business at San Mateo at present.
The new Boulevard to be built by San Mateo county runs through the following Coast Side towns; Salada Beach, Brighton, Vallemar, Rockaway Beach, Tobin, Montara, Farralone City, Moss Beach, Marine View, Riviera, Princeton, Granada, Miramar, Half Moon Bay, Purissima, Pescadero, etc.
Herman AMSLER, the newly elected Grammar School Trustee is a man of considerable business ability and will, without a doubt fill this new position with credit to himself and friends. Mr. G.W. WATTERS the retiring trustee is a young man with a large circle of friends and acquaintances and filled the office of clerk in a very proficient manner. Mr. WATTERS is the assistant lighthouse keeper at Point Montara.
P.F. GRAINGER of Half Moon Bay appealed to the police of San Francisco Monday night to find his 17 year old daughter, Edith GRAINGER, who disappeared from her home Sunday. According to GRAINGER, his daughter was seen Monday morning at Twentieth and Mission streets, talking to Ernest SPELGER, who works at 545 Van Ness avenue. Mr. GRAINGER said his wife was almost prostrated over the absence of the girl. It was afterwards learned that a marriage license had been issued in San Francisco to SPELGER and Miss GRAINGER.
Rich – Siegel Nuptials – Wedding
After a long intermission the mellow tones of the wedding march were heard again at Montara, when on Friday, April 4, at high noon, Mr. Claude B. RICH of Moss Beach and Miss Hertha M. SIEGEL of Montara, pledged their troth in the parlors of the Montara Hotel.
The hotel had been beautifully decorated for the glad occasion. Golden and white flowers were artistically intertwined among evergreens, and in the center of the bay window canopy above the heads of the bridal party was suspended a large wedding bell of evergreens and California poppies.
As the last strains of Lohengrin’s Bridal Song, to which the bridal party had marched into the parlor died away, Rev. W.A. MITTMAN began to read the beautiful and impressive marriage service of the Evangelical church. In a clear voice the bride and groom replied to the vows of fidelity and love after which they were pronounced husband and wife.
The bride was handsomely attired in a beautiful gown of white hand-embroidered marquisette. Her veil of tulle was becomingly held in place by lilies of the valley. A large shower bouquet of the same dainty flowers completed her costume.
The bridal party was attended by Mr. Francis KINE of MOSS BEACH, who was best man, and Miss Dora RICH, the bridesmaid. Miss RICH was daintily dressed in white and pink and carried a large bouquet of pink roses.
After the congratulations to the happy pair, the thirty-one guests adjourned to the dining room, which was decorated in pink and white, and with a large and beautiful hanging center bouquet of ladies’ slippers and fleur de lis. The sumptuous wedding dinner which awaited the guests here had been prepared under the supervision of the grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Hertha SEMLER, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Amid the showers of rice and good wishes the bridal pair departed immediately after the dinner for an extended honeymoon trip. On their return they will be at home to their many friends in their cozy and pretty cottage at Moss Beach.
Edith HENDERSON of Durham, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Chas B. SMITH at Moss Beach the early part of this week.
John MARCHALL of Lobitos has been granted a saloon license by the Board of Superviors.
Matthew CALLAN of Colma, who gives his occupation as a merchant and is known as the “King of the Hog Ranchers,” saloon owner and politician of San Mateo county endured three hours in the county jail in Redwood City Thursday. Then he paid a fine of $200 to keep from spending ninety days in jail for violating an ordinance regulating hog ranches.
School Trustees Elected
Following are the results of the school elections held in the various districts of San Mateo county last Friday.
Alpine, tie vote
Belmont, Jules GUERRA
Belmont, C.E. HAYDOCK
Bell, Jules GUERRA (transcriber note – as printed)
Burlingame, Harry PINKHAM
Greersburg, Joseph HALLETT
Hillsborough, R.L COLEMAN
Half Moon Bay, Jos. RUE
Higgins, returns not in
Jefferson, Edw. R. POOR
Laguna, M.V. SANTOS
Los Lomitas, Frank W. JOHNSON
Menlo Park, Jas. G. MASON
Millbrae, L.R. LAUER
Miramar, Ira MOSHER
Montara, Herman AMSLER
Pescadero, V. MATTEI
Pigeon Point, Geo. H. STEELE
Pilarcitos, F. CANADAS
Pomponio, Andrew C. ROY
Portola, returns not in
Purissima, F.F. SARCANDER
Ravenswood, M.F.X. KAVANAUGH
Redwood City, J.V. SWIFT
San Gregorio, Jos. LIMACHER
San Mateo, W.J. EVA
San Pedro, J.J. FAHEY
Seaside, T.E. ROE
South San Francisco, E.N. BROWN
Sunnyside, Henry W. BEECHER and E.H. BROADWELL
Tobin, Amory G. RICH
West Union, Mrs. Aileen J. FINKLER
Half Moon Bay High, C.N. KIRKBRIDE and J.C. ROBB
Sequoia High, L.P. BEHRENS and W.A. EMMETT
M.E. GLUCKSMAN to H.L. HAAKER, lot 24, blk 118 South San Francisco
Ira M. COBE et al to Edw J. Stanley, lot 26, blk 9, Burlingame Terrace
F.P. BROPHY and wife to Chas. M. CARY, lot 10, blk 8, Princeton
Same to C.H. BROWN, lot 16, blk 4, same map
Ravenswood Investment Co. to B. CORBET, 10 acres, Ravenwood
John F. MCNAMARN to Mary E. KEHOE, lots 1, 2, blk 56a, Santa Ynez Park
American Real Estate Co. to B. PEIRANO, lot 2, blk 20, Visitacion
Hensley Realty Co. et al to V. LAGUENS, lots 40, 41, blk 2, San Bruno Park
Otto J.F. KLUNG and wife to John BROOKS and wife, lot 6, blk 19, Lomita Park
H.A. COHHINS to C.M. SOLARI, lot 22, Valota Park
W.C. BROWN to Frank J. FORAN, lots 8, 9, blk 27, San Mateo
A FREED to Pacific Motor Supply Co., lot 10, blk 12, Hillcrest
Crocker Estate Co. to John J. McGUINN, lot 38, blk 9, Crocker tract
J.A. BOYD, et al to Frank COTTENFIELD, lots 11, 12, blk Sequoia tract
Shore Line Investment Co. to K.H. ATHERTON, lot 2, blk 66, Granada
Ravenswood Investment Co. to W.W. SANDERSON, lots 8, 9, 13 to 17, blk 5 Ravenswood
E.D. SWITT to Mae L. CONROY, lot 23, Mezes Ranch, near Belmont
F. TANI to P. CALLAN et al, lots 1 to 4, blk 15, $75 Lot Homestead
Jane RODGERS to M.S. WILSON, NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 sec 25, township 7 S, R 4 W
The San Mateo Land Assn to G.D. WATTERSON et al, lot 6, blk A, San Mateo Heights
H. SCHMIDT et al to Sarah CROYDON, lot, blk 23, Granada
C.B. SMITH, et al, to J.M. McNAMES, lot 17, 18, blk 68, Moss Beach
R.H. SMITH to Paul GERHART, lot 50 and NW 1-2 lot 51, blk 2, Huntington Park
Josephine A. PHELPS to San Carlos Park Syndicate, lot 7, blk 12, San Carlos Tract 2, with exceptions
G.A. WHITEHEAD and wife to G.M. HAWKES, lot 1, blk 33, Easton Addition
Mary E.B. PIKET to Anna POKET, lot 27, blk 1, Vista Grande
J.L. BEASLEY and wife to Geo. A. KREISS and wife, lot 11, blk 32, Eastern Addition, Redwood
G.A. KREISS and wife to J.L. BEASLEY and wife, portion lots 5, 6, blk 9 range B, Redwood
Glucksman Levy Realty Co. to C.A. KENNY, portion blk 5, Concordia Land Company
L.A. MORRIS to J.M. PACHECO, lots 27, 28, blk 8, University Heights
Shore Line Investment Co. to H.B. NORTON, lot 15, blk 81, Granada
Ocean Shore Land Co. to J. HETTLER et al, lot 31, blk 32, Salada Beach
Crocker Estate Co. to L.A. GIACOBBI, lot 34, blk 9, Crocker tract
Oaks Co. to H. GUSTADT, lots 6, 7, 10, blk 57, Dumbarton
C.B. SMITH et al to W.C. DEERING, lots 3, 4, blk 62, Moss Beach
W.I. SMITH to Fred R. PIERLHOP, lot 17, blk 12, Burlingame Park
F.L. WHITTON to J.I. WITNERS, lot 11, blk 29, Visitaction
Same to L.B. PHILLIPS, lot 12, blk 29, same map
Wisnom Co. to J.W. DECKER, lot 2, Wisnom Sub. San Mateo
Hensley Green co. to Jas. J. REILLY, lots 15, 16, blk 29, San Bruno Park
Ira M. COBE and wife to P.J. CONNOLLY, lots A.B., blk 10, Burlingame Terrace
Anglo-Cal. Trust Co. to Jas. D. Lee and wife, lot 5, blk 19. Hillcrest
Same to H.J. DESMOND and wife, lot 6, block 19, same map
Kiichi HIGUCHI to Nobuo HIGAKI et al. lot 11, Valota Park.

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last updated: 21 May 2005