San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
25 April 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
April 25 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 4 Friday, April 25, 1913

Marriage Licenses Issued
Frank GOSTING, aged 38 and Katie PARKE, aged 29, both of San Francisco
Burton B. BASSETT, 22, San Jose and Clarence BROOKS, 26, San Francisco
Carl GOHLIN, 47, San Francisco and Army G. MEAD, 49, Montara
James MALLEY, 42, and Mary REGAN, 27, both of San Mateo
E.W. MORTON, 29 and Rose SILVA, 18, both of South San Francisco
John Joseph MANNING, 21, and Louise L. CORANADO, 19, both of Vallejo
William D. COLLINS, 41, Stockton, and L___an SCHULZE, 41, Los Angeles
Dr. CARL GOHLIN and Mrs. Amy Genevieve MEAD were married by Reverend HOSKINSON at Montara April 16th. Dr. GOHLIN is of Swedish nationality; is a graduate of Upsala University; practiced medicine successfully in New York City for many years having a private sanitarium there. He is also a scientist and mineralogist, is the discoverer of the first tungsten ore found in American. He has been doing mineral researce (sic) work since coming to this coast, but has now returned to the medical profession and established a sanitarium at Sebastopol with offices in San Francisco.
The bride is a member of a prominent New York City family, came to California for a change of climate. After two years’ special work in the State University and three years spent in Europe with her daughter, came to the Coast Side and attracted by the natural beauties of Montara built a bungalow there and has been active in plans for improving the place.
Mrs. M. MEYERS of Sacramento visited Mrs. Margaret KOSS Sunday.
The families of Peter Keller and C. HOUSTEN spent Sunday on the ocean beach.
Mrs. HAUPTLI, who resides in Hillcrest, gave birth to a baby girl last Friday.
Mrs. J.H. PARKER left Thursday for San Jose for a few days visit with her mother.
Mrs. John NICHOLS and son, Fred, of Amador City, visited Mrs. Richard HARRIS Sunday evening.
Chas. LEFEBRE is putting up a modern bungalow on his E street property, Colma, the second he has built in five weeks, and will build more shortly.
J. SCOBLE has greatly improved his home with a coat of paint. Mr. SCOBLE is a mining engineer in Nevada and left for there Sunday after a few weeks visit at home.
Ollie J. PARKER of Daly City, the newly appointed jailer under Sheriff Mansfield, seems to fit nicely in his new position. Ollie’s duties are of hospitality and he is willing to entertain all comers.
Hon. R.S. THORNTON, the grand old pioneer of Colma, has been quite ill, but is now reported to be convalescent. The old gentleman contracted a cold in attending the last good roads meeting in Daly City, at which he made a very interesting and strong plea in favor of the bonds.
Oscar ROTHMANN, a familiar character around Daly City, who was better known as “Little Jeff,” died at the German Hospital last Friday of liver trouble, aged 40 years, 8 months, 8 days. The funeral took place Sunday conducted by Colma Vista Grande Aerie, 1848, F.O.E.
Applies For Letters
Emilie HEISENBUTTEL has applied in the Superior Court for letters of administration upon the estate of George HEISENBUTTEL, who died in San Mateo April 12, The estate consists of a lease of the Union Hotel in this city and personal property therein consisting of household furniture, bar fixtures and a stock of liquors. The real estate consists of a lot in San Mateo. The value of the estate does not exceed $4000.
Porter E. LAMB of Burlingame has applied for letters of guardianship upon the estate of Kate MOTZ, who was committed to Agnews Insane for Burlingame March 31, last. She is 50 years of age and has no relatives in this country. The estate consists of real property in Burlingame and San Francisco valued at about $5000.
Lillian G. NEARY has applied for letters testamentary upon the estate of Lemuel T. CARTER, who died at Chelsea, Mass., December 27, 1912. The estate consists of a lot and improvements at Burlingame valued at $900 and the entire value to the estate does not exceed $1200. Mrs. Lillian G. NEARY of Burlingame is one of the devisees of the will that was filed with the petition for letters.
Superior Court
Lincoln C.J. PERRY has commenced action against Johanna OHLSON as administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Perry, to quiet title to lot 1, block G, Wooster, Whitton and Montgomery subdivision Redwood City.
C. BARBIERI has commenced an action against Adolfo SCHENONI for a accounting of their partnership. The parties to the suit entered a copartnership at Colma, December 1, 1910 for the purpose of raising ferns for the market. Plaintiff ways that no accounting of the business has been made since that time and alleges that the firm made a profit of $5000. He asks that he be awarded half that amount and that the copartnership be dissolved and that a receiver be appointed.
A.D. McLELLAN and others have brought an action to enjoin the Spring Valley Water Company from turning off the water now being used by plaintiffs. For 25 years the McLELLANS have been consumers of the company’s water at Beresford, and recently the company notified the plaintiffs that the water supply would be cut off for the reason that they were using too much. Plaintiffs recently rented a tract of land at Beresford to a company of Japs who have planted it in gardens and are therefore using great quantities of the water and the water company is unable to furnish it.
Gerda BENSEN vs Carl BENSEN. Motion for a change of venue dropped from calendar.
J.M. HUDDART vs M. FLEISHACKER. Trail dropped from calendar.
Emma R. GRAHAM vs I. GRAHAM. Divorce denied
Bear Gulch Water Co. vs August Taylor. Judgment ordered for plaintiff
South San Francisco Mill and Lumber Co. vs. C. BIANCHI. Judgment ordered for defendant.
E.W. McGRAW vs Rogers Development C. Case dismissed
P.P.CHAMBERLAIN vs G.L. PEABODY. Trail dropped from calendar.
A.D. McLellan, et al vs Spring Valley Water Company. Order to show cause continued to Apirl 23.
D. DAVID vs Frank MARSH. Order made giving judgment to defendant.
F.J. WIENKE vs C.B. SMITH et al. Trail continued to April 24.
John M. WILSON vs. E. DANELUZ, et al. Demurrer continued to May 1st.
Lester BLANCHARD vs. Catherine KELLY as administratrix. Demurrer continued to May 1st.
Georgia A. LEWIS vs Arthur T. LEWIS. Order to show cause continued to May 1st.
Frances S. ARNOLD vs Richard S. ARNOLD. Motion for Alimony etc. continued to April 24th.
The Barber Asphalt Paving Co. vs A.J. GASSENBERG et al. Trial continued to May 1.
Geo. W. GINGHAM vs E.D. CONNOLLY. Notice of motion to set cause dropped from calendar.
Frank E. KNOWLES vs Phillip DELLER. Judgment Ordered for defendant.
Esther YOUNG vs. W.S. YOUNG. Plaintiff granted an interlocutory decree of divorce.
East San Mateo Land Co. vs Southern Pacific R.R. Co. Motion to elect judgment continued to May 1st.
A.L. ACKERMAN vs Emilie ACKERMAN. Demurrer continued to April 24th.
South San Francisco Mill and Lumber Co. vs C. BIANCHI. Case submitted.
Mary A. TOBIN et al. vs. A. RICCI, et. Al. Order to show cause continue to May 29.
Geo. W. McGINN vs. D.S. DORN. Demurrer to amend complaint over-ruled.
Ord. SMITH’s family have taken a cottage at Seal Cove and will remain throughout the summer.
Claude B. RICH and bride are home (Moss Beach) after a week wedding tour of Central California.
Mrs. Joseph M. FRANCIS and Mrs. Ralph HERSEY of Half Moon Bay were city visitors last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs Henry W. LATERWASSER of San Francisco visited Tom and Mrs. QUINLAN at Miramar Sunday.
J.R. WEBB of San Francisco has accepted a position as engineer with the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Co.
Mrs. RUSSELL of San Francisco spent the week at the Highland bungalow, Moss Beach, with her sister, Mrs. C.B. BAKER.
The School children of Half Moon Bay will hold their annual picnic on the Marine View Beach, May Day.
Mrs. F.H. BALDWIN has returned from Bakersfield to her home at Marine View. Mrs. Baldwin’s father accompanied her and will remain for several weeks.
G. PATRONI of the Patroni Café at Princeton, reports that 375 feet of the Princeton wharf has been completed and that work on the balance of 125 feet will be commenced shortly.
Geo. H. CHIOSSI of San Francisco was on the Coast Side Sunday in company with D. DAVID of the same city. Mr. CHIOSSI is looking for acreage suitable for the future growing of artichokes.
W.M. ABBOTT has the contract for the remodeling of C.M. JOHNSON’s house on 2nd Street and work is well under way. The building will be made into 2 up-to-date flats with all the latest improvements.
Mark WYGANT of Marine View was in San Mateo Monday selling vegetables grown on his 11-acre farm at that place. Mr. WEYGANT has sold over $1600 worth of his products during the last year at San Mateo. (Note the two spellings of WYGANT/WEYGANT)
Supervisor Joseph M. FRANCES has a large force of men grading the streets in Half Moon Bay. Kelly avenue from the center of town to the depot has been macadamized. Joe is doing some good work and has the thanks of the town’s population.
Mr and Mrs. Chas. DOBLER, Mr and Mrs. J. HERRIN, Miss M. HELM, Miss E. SCHWEILER, Mrs W. LUSBY, C.W. CALDWELL and Master Dobler CORKILL from San Francisco spent the week end in Moss Beach as guests of J.E. HERRIN and wife, who have leased a cottage for week end parties.
The plumbers and carpenters are making rapid progress with the AMOSS residence on Firth street. Mr. AMOSS, who hails from Napa, has been a great booster for the Coast Side ever since his first visit here last summer. He not only talks Farallone, but shows his faith by building here. We need more like him.
Mr. SKOMO, the head carpenter for Mr. KENNEDY at the Marine View Hotel, is doing some splendid inside finishing work. Mr. SKOMO comes from Yreka and was considered one of the best workmen in that city. Material was received this week to do the balance of the outside stone work, cement steps and plastering work for which is in the hands of Frank RICHARDSON of Moss Beach.
Shore Line Investment Co. to W.C. HICKMAN and wife, lot 14, blk 80, Granada
Union Saving Bank to Louisa E. CONRAD, lots 9, 10 blk P, Edgemar
R.H. SMITH to Anna J. LEACH, lots 11, 12 blk 3, Huntington Park
Same to M.T. BROWN, lot 18, blk 8, Huntington Park
Masson Investment Co. to Luigi SPINELLI, lot 9 blk 4, town of Baden, section west of railroad
L.A. SIMPTON and husband to E.LANG, lot 16, blk 40, Lyon & Hoag sub Burlingame
Marie HAAS to Mabel E. Van WERT, lots 3, 4, blk 2, Arleta Park
Hensley Green Co. to Albert N. CLEMENT and wife, lot 38, blk 28, San Bruno Park
Ravenswood Investment Co., to G. CAHALAN, lot 5, blk 1-, Woodland Place
E.L. REESE to Thos. SMITH, lot 51, Reese sub.
R.A. SMITH to E.S. CHENEY, lot F, blk A, San Mateo Heights
F.J. ROCHEX and wife to M. ADAMS, lot 11, Rochex sub, San Mateo Park
R.W. BARRETT and wife to M. ADAMS, lot 9, W.W. and M sub Redwood
Hensley-Green Co. to Edward LATTEN, lot 36, blk 9, San Bruno Park
Margaret M. DIAS and husband to D.W. DILLOD, lots 1, 2, Elverton Dias And. Pescadero
R.H. SMITH to Jas. S. FULLER and wife, lot 38, blk 6, Huntington Park
Chris Aker to Theo. Lindquist, lot 19 blk 13, Vista Grande
Hensley Realty Co. et al to L.B. ROSINE, lots 24, 25, blk 8, San Bruno Prk
D.A. McCOLGAN to Edw. VASQUEZ et al, 4.344 acres near Halfmoon Bay
Mary L. PWN and husband to A. LONGLEY, portion blk 13, Burlingame
W.W. Crocker to A.M. GUNTHER and husband, lot 13, blk 25, Dingee Park
Chronicle Publishing Co. to R.J. ADCOKE, lot 3, blk 30 Salada
J.A. CINNAMON and wife to C.H. TAYLOR, lot 30 blk 18, Crocker tract
West Redwood Land Co. to M.H. HYNES et al, lot 19, blk 1, West Redwood
Baily Realty Co. to Margaret ALMON portion lot 22 blk 3, School House Extension Land Assn.
Hensley Realty Co. et al to A.M. SHANNON, lot 53, blk 8, San Bruno Prk
Montara Realty Development Co. to Wm. BOLGER, lot 30, blk 1, Montara
Rockway Beach Co. to J.S. EMART, et al, lot 9, blk 12, Rockaway Beach
Same to G. INABNIT, lot 6, blk 25, same map
Same to A.C. CLARK, lots 23, 24, blk 13, same map
Same to Stella W. DUFFIE, lot 22, blk 20 same map
F.M. O’CONNOR to Frank W. ROECKNER, lot 100, San Mateo Park
L.G. VIDAL to E. RENARD, lots 5, 6, blk 2, Miramar tract
Van E. BRITTON et al to John A. BRITTON, lot 7, blk 142, Abbey Homestead
Crocker Estate Co. to Albert L. WHITNEY, lot 30, blk 3, Crocker tract
Jessie F. HUGHES to Geo. H.S. HALEY, lots 1, 2, blk 3, Burlingame Terrace
Ocean Shore Development Co. to Martha CARPENTER, lot 12, blk 5, Marine View Terrace
Richarn SCHELLENS and wife to Alberton Realty Co., lots 3, 5, 23, blk 2. W.W. and M. sub. Redwood
Oaks Co. to Edna E. Markle, lots 11, 12, blk 64, Dumbarton Oaks
Shore Line Investment Co. to S.W. Kennedy, lot 20, blk 62 Granada
Geo. O. RICH and wife to C.B. RICH et al, lot 19, and west half 18, blk 37, Moss Beach
C.E. SUDDEN to Margaret E. SUDDEN, lots 5, 6, and portion 7, blk D, San Mateo Heights
J.J. SULLIVAN was appointed deputy poundmaster for the first township for one month at a salary of $50.
..spatterinktum between Banker BEHRENS and County Clerk NASH over the misplacement of a number of county claims that had been assigned to Mr. BEHREN’s bank. He accused NASH of carlessness, which caused the latter to spill himself all over with accusations regarding the conduct of Mr. BEHRENS and specified that he had at one time order him from his office for taking claims out. BEHRENS said that it was a lie and NASH reiterated by saying that he didn’t have to be jacked up by the grand jury to learn his business. There were more sulphurious accusations but they were too schocking for the ears of a refined newspaper man.

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last updated: 21 May 2005