San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
09 May 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
May 9 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 6 Friday, May 9, 1913


Mrs. Morris HERCHKOWICH was taken suddenly ill with stomach trouble Wednesday.

Mrs. E> FORSELL of Los Olivos avenue, was visited Sunday by her sister, Mrs. Ed NELSON of San Francisco.

Miss Lilla HARRIS leaves this week for a few weeks’ visit to her aunt and uncle at Jackson, Amador county.

Mrs. Fred A. HANSEN was visited last week by her mother and sister, Mrs. ALMQUIST and daughter, Ethel, of Oakland. They returned home Sunday evening.

A.S. ERWIN, an employee at Mount Olivet was stricken with paralysis while at work Monday. His home is on the boulevard near Wullich’s Lochven Gardens.

Miss Clara SHIELDS, the accomplished daughter of Under Sheriff SHIELDS of San Mateo county, was elected queen of the Redwood City Carnival which is being held this week.

Morgan J. MULLINS, a brother of T.J. MULLINS, of Daly City, died in San Francisco Saturday after a brief illness from typhoid fever, aged 31 years, 10 months, 14 days. He left a wife and three children. The funeral took place Tuesday and the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross.


New Probate Applications

W.M. HODGKINS has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Anna MASSEN, who died in this county April 24, 1913. The estate consists of certain personal property and real estate in Daly City and San Louis Obispo county, valued about $2000. The heirs at law are Joseph MASSEN residing in Guatamala, a son, and Jos. HERRERA, Wilhemina and Anita HERRERA, living in this county, grandchildren of deceased. Their mother is dead, and their father is in Guatamala. W.M. HODGKINS has been appointed their guardian. He is an old friend of Mrs. MASSEN and the family.

Arthur L. WILSON has petitioned to have George A. KERTELL appointed guardian of the person and estate of his wife, Josephine H. WILSON, an incompetent person. A son of the petitioner, Arthur L. WILSON Jr., was appointed guardian of his mother last December but failed to qualify. The estate consists of income property which needs care.

Guardianship proceeding were begun by Mrs. Laura MOZART who seeks to secure the custody of her grandson Carl Edwin SCHILLING, whose father is a son of A. SCHILLING, the millionaire who some time ago bought the Preston place at Portola. A bitter fight is being waged for the custody of the child. The trial was begun last Friday but postponed to May 16. The mother of the child died last June and SCHILLING was married recently to a young society girl. Since last March the boy has been in the custody of the father, who lives in San Mateo.

Mrs. Helen P. SCARPA, mother of Mrs. Joseph DEBENEDETTI, died at the home of her daughter in Half Moon Bay one day the early part of this week. The deceased leaves four daughters and two sons to mourn her loss. At the time of her death she was 83 years of age and first came to the Coast Side of San Mateo county in 1850 and is held in the highest esteem by all the pioneers as well as the new arrivals.
Probate Court Orders

Estate of V. SEMINOFF, deceased. Petition to sell real property granted
Estate of Lendal M. GRAY, deceased. Return on sale of personal property continued to May 3
Estate of George HEISENBUTTEL, deceased. Mrs. Emily HEISENBUTTEL granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $5000.
Estate of Jonas MARTIN, deceased. Petition to set aside property of the estate to the widow granted.
Estate of Kate C. CHAMBERLAIN, deceased. Final account allowed and settled.
Estate and guardianship of Jennie CHAMBERLAIN, a minor. First and final account allowed and settled and petition for discharge granted.

Marriage Licenses

Joseph LYDAY, aged 26, Durant, Oklahoma, and Theresa OBITZ, aged 23, San Francisco.
Howard C. HIGGINS, aged 21, Los Angeles, and Agnes P. Meeker, aged 18, Berkeley
Axel ENGSTROM, aged 33, and Matilda WEYRANTHER, aged 26, both of San Francisco.
F.B. HOBSON, aged 22, and Marguerite BROWN, aged 19, both of San Jose.
Alfred J. GIAMELLI, aged 31 and Hattie May Jenkins, aged 18, both of Murphy, Calaveras county.
Alfred C. MAART, aged 42, and Anna T. MASTON, aged 47, both of San Francisco.
John Lawrence BARRY, aged 22 and Helen K. OLSEN, aged 21, both of Oakland.

Orders in Superior Court
E.W. McLELLAN vs Spring Valley Water Company. Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
A PUCCINELLI vs A. INTASCHI et al. Judgment ordered fro plaintiff
Estate and guardianship of Kate MATZ, an incompetent person. Petition for letters of guardianship continued to May 15.
A.L. ACKERMAN vs Emilie ACKERMAN. Demurrer dropped from calendar
Georgia A. LEWIS vs Arthur T. LEWIS. Order to show cause continued to May 15. Notice of motion for a change of place of trial continued to May 15.
Julia Petersen vs Lewis Petersen. Notice of motion continued to May 15.
J.F. WIENKE vs C.B. SMITH. Trial continue to May 29.
Thomas J. MULLINS vs.Elizabeth E. MULLINS. Order to show cause continued to May 15.
John W. WILSON vs. E. DANELUZ, Demurrer continued to May 15.
Mary E. GLYNN vs D.H. HUGHES, et al.
Barber Asphalt Co. vs H.A. J. BRASSENBERG. Trial continued to May 15.
Lester BLANCHARD vs Catherine Kelly as administratrix. Motion to strike out continued to May 15.
F.H. Poor vs. W.P. Fuller Co. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer.
John Meller vs H. PARTMAN, et al. Demurrer dropped from calendar.

Superior Court

J. Noble JONES has brought suit against William GOLDMAN to have a deed to 1 t 7, blk 34 Reese subdivision, Redwood City declared to be a mortgage. The complaint alleges that the property in question is worth $4000, that on August 30, 1912 plaintiff gave a deed to the realty to defendant for a loan of $1500 with the understanding that the property should revert to JONES on returning the money with interest. In fact it was agreed that the amount was to be paid by December 6, 1912. JONES asks that the deed be declared to be a mortgage and that he be given possession of the realty.

Louisa N. OSTWALD has commenced an action again E.F. FIZPATRICK as executor of the last will and testament of Charles G. OSTWALD, deceased, to quiet title to certain property of the estate located at Millbrae and San Francisco.

Dr. J.L. ROSS has commenced an action again W. Parker LYON and Edward HILDERBRAND to recover the sum of $718.90 for professional services and costs of suit. Some months ago Edward HILDERBRAND in coming to Redwood City from his home at Woodside was run down by LYON’s automobile and was badly injured, being confined to the Huling sanitarium for a long time. HILDERBRAND was laid up for several months and has not yet fully recovered from his injuries. In view of the fact that LYON was responsible, through carelessness, HILDERBRAND feels that he should pay all the doctor bills and other expenses attending his illness. The claim of Dr. ROSS amounts to $267,50, Dr. TAGGART $50, Dr. WILLIAMS of Palo Alto $300, A.D. WALSH Co. $8.50, P.A. RYAN $5.40 and the Huling sanitarium $87.50. All the claims have been assigned to the plaintiff. Mr. LYON, is a multi-millionaire who recently sold his home at Woodside to Walker GRAVES. He is now traveling in Europe. It is just possible that Mr. HILDERBRAND will bring a suit against LYON for damages for a large amount for the injuries he sustained through the alleged carelessness in running the machine down the Woodside grade at a high rate of speed.

Coast Side of San Mateo Co.

John NORTON of Sacramento visited his parents of Moss Beach over Sunday.

Mrs. C.F. OEHLER of Sacramento has moved into her cottage here for the summer.

Thomas STEELE is in the Sacramento valley looking after extensive property interests.

Born to Mr and Mrs. M. SIMONI at Half Moon Bay, on Friday April 28, 1913 – a son.

Andrew J. RICH and bride of San Francisco were numbered among the visitors on the beach Sunday.

Mrs. Frank Baldwin and her father returned to Bakersfield Tuesday after a two weeks’ visit at Marine.

Alvin S. HATCH of Half Moon Bay went to South City Monday in his auto. He was accompanied by his wife’s mother Mrs. Fred WILSON.

J.T. MABEY, proprietor of the North Granada Hotel, returned to Granada Tuesday after a two day’s business trip to San Francisco and Berkeley.

Albert KNUTZEN of Moss Beach was in Redwood City Tuesday, where he took the examination to become a citizen of the United State. Albert passed this examination with flying colors.

The artichoke shipments from Half Moon Bay during the past two weeks has been estimated at 70 car loads, 50 of which were shipped direct to New York City, the balance to San Francisco and other Pacific Coast markets.

Visit to the County Farm

Tuesday afternoon Supervisors MacBain, Francis, Balckburn and Casey made a trip of inspection to the county farm and by invitation the editor of the San Mateo Index and Daly City Record accompanied them.
Superintendent J.P. EUBANKS was found shortly after our arrival and although the visit was unexpected everything was found to be in perfect order, indicating the efficiency both of Mr. Eubanks and his estimable wife and it was also noticeable that the inmates had the utmost respect for them.

New Building Contracts

Croop and Keegan agree to erect for Raymond O’GRADY and Elizabeth O’GRADY in 85 working days a two story frame dwelling and basement at San Mateo for $5625.
Fred LEFFLER agrees to do certain grading, cleaning, etc. for Ansel M. EASTON on the 1030 acre tract near Hillsborough, the home place of the owner. All the powder, lumber, etc., is to be furnished by the owner. The contract is to working on a basis of 10 per cent and the cost of the work is to be $5000. The Blanchard-Brown Company is to do the excavating, etc., at a cost of $4000.
F.H. BORING agrees to erect for Nellie S. MANNING in 60 days a bungalow on lot 23, block 3, Burlingame Terrace for $2470.
B.F. RICHARDS agrees to erect for Christina S. BOWMAN in 60 days a one story bungalow in Fair Oaks Acres for $3000.
William L. GOTT agrees to erect for the Burlingame school district on or before September 15, 1913, a one-story and basement frame school building for $31,665. The trustees have also given a contract to the Pacific Blower and heating Company to install the hearing system and ventilation in the same building by September 15 for $3985.


Anglo California Trust Co. to Celia ROTHMAN, lot 45, blk 4, Hillcrest
Frank P. O’TOOLE to Isabella SHERIN, lot 25, blk 2, Vista Grande.
Ansel M. EASTON and wife to H.E. LOWE, lots 7, 8, 11, 12, blk 17, Lomita Park.
Pulgus Land co. to W.R. CABLE, lot 62, Gray Tract
L. MARTINELLI to P. MARTINELLI, lot 10, blk 8, San Buno Park
The Moxey Realty Co. to R.B. TEDFORD, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 2, Central Park
Oaks Co. to R. GRANT, lot 37, blk 66, Dumbarton Oaks
E. FRENETTE and wife to D.J. FRENETTE, lot 10, blk 2, Hd. Addition, Redwood; lots 31, 32 Reese sub.
E.L. REESE to Oscar F. LIEUAU, lot 1, Reese tract
Gertrude M. HAWKES to Ella F. BROWN lot 1, blk 33, Easton Addition
S.E. WEAVER and wife to H.A. MEEK; north 50 feet lot 22, blk 9. Woodland Place
A.B. COSTIGAN and wife to W.D. GRADY, lot 31, blk 1, Burlingame Park
Andrew Peterson and wife to J. McGRAW, et. Al, lot 11 blk 22, lot 12, blk 22, Marine View
Boston Investment Co. to L.C. SANCHEZ, lots 23, 23 (sic) blk 40, Lyon & Hoag sub, Burlingame
M. BENKELMAN to N. DeVAUX, lot 14, blk 14, Burlingame Park
Ira M. COBE and wife to B.E. KIOSE, lot 9, blk 11, Burlingame Terrace
Cutoff Land Co. to C.E. WARREN, lot 38, blk 9, Dumbarton
Oaks Co. to Jess W. CITRON, lot 30, blk 56, Dumbarton Oaks
P. ARRIEU and wife to D.A. McCOLGAN, north half lot 22, blk 124, South San Francisco
F.A. BAILEY and husband to H.W. DESSEN, lot 8, blk 2, Burlingame Land Company
W.H. COFFINBURY to South S.F. Mill and Lumber Co., lots 13, 14, blk 11, and lots 27, 18, blk 6, San Bruno Park.
South S.F. Mill and Lumber Co. to Bank of South San Francisco, same as above.
C.A. Hooper & Co. to E.E. WEGNER, lot 7 blk 1, Jefferson avenue Addition Redwood City
Ansel M. EASTON and wife to A.E. THOMAS. Lot 22. b;l 11. Eastpm Addotopm
Frank P. BROPHY and wife to K.D. FUNK, lots 15, 16, and several others in Princeton by the Sea
C.A. Hooper & Co. to Eula E. WEGNER, lot 7, blk 1, Jefferson avenue Addition, Redwood City
Hensley Green Co. to R. PRICE, lot 70 blk 4, San Bruno Park.
J.A. BOYD and wife to M. EHRET, east half lot 6, blk J, Boyd & Kent Addition Redwood
Ira M. COBE and wife to E.H. HARDY, lots 19, 20, blk 20, Burlingame Terrace.
Burlingame Grove Co. to Eva M. LYONS and husband, lot 12, blk 12, Burlingame Grove tract
South S.F. Land and Impmnt Co. to J.W. JONES, lot 38, blk 101, South San Francisco
Chas. H. JENKINS, et al, to E.W. McLELLAN Co., lot 7, blk 27, Lyon & Hoag, sub Burlingame
Halfmoon Bay Realty Co. to A.W. SCHMITT, lot 7, blk 2, Ocean Shore Tet.
Ocean Shore Development Co. to R. CUNNINGHAM, lot 17 blk 5, Marine View Terrace.

Ansel M. Easton and wife to F.E. GILLESPIE, lot 23, blk 28, Easton Addition
Same to Arthur L. GILL, lot 23, blk 19, Easton Addition
Harr WAGNER and wife to A.P. RUSSELL, lot 42, blk 8, Montara.
G. GARCIA and wife to J.B.L. CARRERE, north 26 feet six inches lot 7 and south 20 feet lot 8 blk 7, Hancock Addition, Redwood
Sylvester S. BATEIN to Gesala J. BATTIN, lot 10, San Mateo Park.
Hensley Green Co. to E.A. HOOPER, lots 24, 25, blk F. San Bruno Park.

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last updated: 21 May 2005