San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
16 May 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
May 16 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 7 Friday, May 16, 1913

Marriage Licenses

Henry L. WILCOX aged 30 and Nellie Viola BURDICK, aged 22, both of Woodland.
Theodore L. ROGERS, aged 45 and Elizabeth J. KIRK, aged 44, both of Oakland.
James F. MORAN, aged 28 and Violet A. SEYBOLD, aged 18, both of San Francisco.
Philip D. HAMBLY, aged 35, and Viola CHRISTENSEN, aged 38, both of San Francisco.
Alexander J. TAYLOR, aged 25, San Francisco, and Ruth Edwards, aged 18, Berkeley.
Robert E. O’DEA, aged 21, and Viola LIVERSON, aged 19, both of San Francisco.

Superior Court

Annie E. TUSKA has commenced an action against her husband, Otto TUSKA, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of failure to provide. The couple were married at St. Louis December 5, 1886. Mrs. TUSKA asks for the custody of the minor child, Walter J. TUSKA, aged 17 years. Plaintiff also asks for $15 alimony during the pendency of the suit, attorney fees in the sum of $25, costs $10. She asks that she be given permanent alimony in the sum of $25 a month and possession of the home at San Bruno and her share of the property located in San Francisco. TUSKA says in her complaint that her husband earns $100 a month.
W.J. MARTIN has commenced an action against Joseph A. ROBERTS and Julia A. ROBERTS to recover $1500 on a promissory note executed at South San Francisco on May 1909. The note was given in favor of the South San Francisco Mill and Lumber Company and assigned by the company to the plaintiff. Martin also asks for interest and costs of suit.
George O. RICH has commenced an action against the Moss Beach Realty Company to recover commission in the sum of $3000. RICH has also brought suit against C.B. SMITH and the Moss Beach Realty Company to recover commission in the sum of $6000.
E.P. DIMOND has brought suit against the Portola Investment Company to restrain the latter from diverting the water from the Dennis Martin creek at Portola. DIMOND, who recently purchased the John GUERIN place of 45 acres at Portola complains that the company is diverting the natural flow of the stream by means of dams, headgates and other obstruction to the detriment of plaintiff. He asks that the defendant be perpetually enjoined from diverting the water of the stream. He has been given a temporary restraining order.
James Harden CAUGHEY and Annie Isabelle CAUGHEY have commenced an action against William H. BIAS and Edgar SHAW, executors of the last will and testament of Charles BRADLEY, deceased, to quiet title to 11 acres of land located near Pescadero.
Mary E. GLYNN vs D. HUGHES et al. Judgment ordered for plaintiff quieting title to certain property in Menlo Park.
Louise M. OSTWALD vs E.F. FITZPATRICK as executor of the last will and testament of Chas. OSTWALD, deceased. Trial set for May 15.
Theodosia B.CONNOR vs Hans STURZENEGGER. Judgment given to the plaintiff quieting title to lots 6, 7, block 3, University Heights.
East San Mateo Land Co. vs Southern Pacifica Railroad Co. Motion to elect judgment continued to May 15.
In the matter of the death of R.F. HAFFORD. Petition to vest homestead property continued to May 10.
Frank CONVERY vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Demurrer continued to May 15.


Clara, the little daughter of Jimmie POKET, fell from their porch Saturday and sustained a badly bruised eye and knee.

Chester PRATT of Colma is at Oroville this week as a delegate from El Camino Parlor to the Grand Parlor, N.S.G.W.

Miss Nora WILSON, the teacher of the fourth grade of the Vista Grande school, visited Golden Gate Park Tuesday with her 47 pupils.

Miss Lilla HARRIS left Saturday morning to visit her uncle and aunt at Jackson, Amador county. She expects to be gone about a month.

Mrs. Catherine ROWLAND, widow of the late Dr. P.D. ROWLAND, has been very sick for the past seven weeks and was operated on at the German Hospital last week.

Misses Mary SAVAGE and Muriel SEIDL, teachers in the fourth and fifth grades of the Crocker Tract school, spent Wednesday with their classes at the park and beach.

John Ignatius HOGAN, a well known and respected citizen of Colma, died in San Francisco on Thursday of last week, aged 39 years and 25 days. The funeral took place Saturday and a requiem high mass was celebrated for the repose of his soul at St. Ann’s Church, Colma, at 9:30 a.m. after which the remains were followed to Holy Cross by a very large circle of friends and relatives.

Sunday was a beautiful day at Moss Beach and fully enjoyed by a small party consisting of Mrs. Joda NANCE and son Jimmie, of San Mateo, and Mrs. NANCE’s sister, Mrs. R.L. FLEMING and daughter, Helen, of St. Louis, who came to Daly City in the morning and were joined by the editor of the Record and his family on a trip over that marvelous path of scenic grandeur, the Ocean Shore Railroad. At Moss Beach Geo. E. Dunn of the Comet and Miss Annie Smith became very acceptable members of the party, adding much to the pleasure. A nice mess of mussels were obtained that were deliciously steamed by Brother Dunn and added to the bounteous lunch. There was bathing, romping on the beach, gathering the beautiful sea moss and the never-ending pleasure of rolling in the sand.
New Building Contracts

W.R. THOMPSON and J.R> LINDSAY agree to erect for Mrs. R.E. WRENN by July 5; a one and one-half story bungalow for $2445.
J.J. MALONEY and A.B. CAVANAUGH agree to erect a two-story frame building and basement in 90 days for Benjamin Rosenburg and Amelia Rosenburg at Daly City for $4587

J.H. WILSON agrees to erect for J.H. HATCH in 60 days, a reinforced concrete building in the City of Burlingame for $4400.
Healy & Bonzani of Princeton, John A. FLINK of Farallone and J.V. AZAVEDO of Half Moon Bay were granted liquor licenses at Monday’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The Board at the same meeting laid over the application of Charles C. DAMASCUS for a license until he erects a building costing $4000, which he stated he intended to construct. The application of John CLARK of Miramar was opposed by the Supervisors. FRANCIS stated that there were already five drinking places at Miramar, which were sufficient to supply the needs of that community. He had informed CLARK a year ago that he would not be permitted to conduct this business.
San Mateo Items

Mrs. John OUST has returned from Fresno where she has been visiting relative for several weeks.

Mrs. A. DAVIS left Sunday of this week for Los Angeles to attend the convention of Rebekahs in that city.

Peter THORSEN has gone to Los Angeles to attend the convention of the Eagles. There will no doubt be some high flying done by those birds.

Miss Alice MIDDLETON of San Francisco was a week end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leo DAVIS. They also entertained a group of friends at a dinner party on Sunday of this week.

John PALMER met with a painful accident last Saturday morning while helping to move a large safe at the freight depot. A plank he was using as a lever broke, and in trying to keep control of the heavy safe he was badly cut about the face with the splintered timber.

Miss Irene MORAN and Harry THOMPSON were quietly married in Marysville on the 5th of this month. The news of the marriage came as a great surprise to Miss Moran’s San Mateo friends. After a few week’s visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MORAN, Mr and Mrs THOMPSON will return to Sutter where they will make their future home.

John AHLERT, for the last 30 years a resident of San Mateo, dropped dead from heart disease Sunday morning at his home on D. street, this city. Mr. AHLERT was a native of Kentucky, and aged 59 years and 3 months. He leaves a widow and the following children: Mrs. W.W. OLIVER and Joseph, Frederick and Francis AHLERT. The funeral services were held at St. Catherine’s Catholic church, Burlingame, at 9:30 Tuesday morning. Interment at Holy Cross cemetery.

Mrs. J.F. GILLETT, wife of the B. street photographer, died Sunday last at the Red Cross Hospital and was buried Tuesday. The death of Mrs. GILLETT was unexpected and came as a severe shock to her bereaved husband and friends of the family. Her death was an extremely sad one, as three little children are left without a mother’s care. Mrs. GILLETT was taken ill suddenly last week and sent to the hospital, but no serious results were entertained by her family and friends.

Tuesday of last week Mrs. Walter MARCUS entertained a large number of friends at her beautiful home on Tilton avenue. Whist was played from 2:30 until 4, when refreshments were served in the dining room, which was made gorgeous with fragrant spring blossoms. Those who enjoyed this most pleasant affair were Mesdames Ben MEAD, John RUSSELL, Edward DOOLIN, L. SMITH, Charles HUTCHINGS, Henry THORSEN, A.A. ROYDEN, L.S. READING, C. TALBOT, H. CUMMINGS, Geo. STOLLERY, James MORAN, Joseph PATTISEN, C.C. CAVANAUGH, Rev and Mrs. Ross TURMAN and Rev. Walter CAMBRIDGE.

San Bruno Items

Mrs. CHISHOLM of the Fourth Addition was visiting her sister in the city for a few days this week.

Ed PALLACI is working early and late improving his garden.

Our influential townsman, G.R. SNEATH Has purchased a new auto truck to meet the growing demand of his ice business.

Stanley DOYLE, the smiling representative of the Crumy Contracting Co. for the State Highway reports rapid progress in his department.

R. Mason SMITH of London, England, is looking over his San Bruno realty. He expects to soon to return to London.

San Bruno users of water complain that it is quite wet as well as sandy.

Our successful townsman Joe HUFF was a bad case of rheumatism.

Mrs. SPOTTSWOOD and friends of Huntington journeyed to San Mateo to see the carnival last week.

Hyde GREEN has taken quarters for the summer on the Ocean Boulevard.

R. MEEKS of Belle Air has a contract to build a San Bruno cottage to be completed by August 1.

Larry LOMBARDY has just recovered from a severe case of blood poisoning, thanks to Dr. SMITH.


Probate Court

Estate of Lendal M. GRAY, deceased. Sale of personal property confirmed.
Estate and guardianship of Frances E. McCLEES, an incompetent person. Petition to lease real property granted.
Estate of Charles J. SERVE, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to May 15.
Estate of Henry L. LIGHTNER, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to May15.
Estate of Alonzo WILBER, deceased. Return on sale of real estate continued to May 15.
Estate of L.T. CARTER, deceased. Partial hearing had and further hearing continued to May 29.
Estate of Bridget CULLEN, deceased. Petition to expend certain funds granted.
Margaret B. COX has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Alexander M.COX, who died in San Francisco on March 25, 1913, at the age of 62 years. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $62.96 and lot 40 and a portion of lot 41, block 19, valued at $2_5. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $290. The petitioner is the widow of the deceased.

Coast Side of San Mateo Co.

Mrs. IBE of Fruitvale visited her sister Mrs. Fred BROWN at Vallemar Sunday.

J.W. GILCREST has just completed the work of drilling two wells 70 and 60 feet deep for Joseph PERA at Half Moon Bay.

J.M. WINCHESTER a new comer to Half Moon Bay has decided to build a beautiful residence on his property at that place.

Alvin S. HATCH, the leading lumber merchant at Half Moon Bay transacted business in San Francisco the early part of the week.

Francisco GONZALES is at Santa Clara visiting his daughter, Mrs. Joe PIMENTIL, who will return to Half Moon Bay with him tomorrow.

Jack FRANCIS of Mountain View has leased the old GONZALES blacksmith shop at Half Moon Bay and is remodeling it into an up to-date garage.

Within a few days Jack BELKNAP, who recently lost his house at Miramar by fire will commence the erection of a new home at the same place.

County Clerk and Mrs. Jos. H. Nash of Redwood City arrived in Moss Beach today and are visiting Mrs. Nash’s parents, Mayor and Mrs. J.F. WIENKE.

The many friends in the Moss Beach section are glad to see the smiling face of Leon WILSON, driver of the meat wagon belonging to Flint Nelson Co. of Half Moon Bay.

Albert A. PYLE, Miss Gene GALVAN and Miss Norine BROOKEY of San Francisco visited friends in Moss Beach Sunday. Mr. PYLE is one of San Francisco’s promising young architects.

J.N. BLAKE and wife, J.E. HERRIN and wife of San Francisco spent the weekend at Moss Beach. Mr. HERRIN is the registrar of the Business Men’s Law College of San Francisco.

Mrs. Jennie G. KNEWING of Vallemar is away on an extended automobile trip through Lake County and the northern part of the state. She is accompanied by her cousin’s Mr. and Mrs. E.C. HASKELL and daughter, Miss Dolly of Los Angeles, who will return to L.A. by the coast route.

The many friends of Mrs. AVERILL, wife of our popular contractor and builder of Half Moon Bay, were shocked to hear of her death in San Francisco Friday of last week. Mrs. AVERILL was one of the best known and liked Coast Side residents and was a lady ever ready to give a helping hand to those in need. She will be missed by a host of friends who extend their heartfelt sympathy to Mr. AVERILL in his great bereavement.

Marine View Items

Mrs. J.C. MORTON arrived from New York Friday, where she was called two months ago on account of the serious illness of her sister.

J.B. HICKEY from Fresno, who in conjunction with his brother owns three lots in Marine View Terrace, visited this town last Sunday and expressed himself as being highly pleased with the looks of the Coast Side.

Mrs. DUNHAM of Portland, Oregon, is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Wm. T. NICHOLS, who occupy to J.C. LITTLEPAGE bungalow which they have leased for six months.

Claude LITTLEPAGE was the host last Sunday for a private picnic party of some ten or twelve young people from Oakland. Those present were Leo BELDEN, Ross THOMPSON, Mrs. MALETON, Mrs. STEVENS, Miss Grace and Eva MALETON, Miss BELL and Miss THOMPSON. Swimming was indulgen in by a number of the party and a swimming race between Mr. BELDEN and Mr. LITTLEPAGE resulted in a victory by Mr. BELDEN, who is one of the crack swimmers of the Olympic Club.

The Trustees of Daly City

Celia BRACKEN applied for and was granted a renewal of her saloon license.
Frank KNOWLES seems determined to have another saloon in spite of the ordinance that says that one man cannot have two licenses. He applied for a renewal of H. BAUER’s license that became inoperative about four months ago when BAUER quit business. Two months ago KNOWLES had a prospective buyer for BAUERS’s and a transfer of license was refused. Marshal LUCY says KNOWLES put up the cash, which caused Trustee LANDINI to remark that he did not see what right KNOWLES had to two licenses. If it is legal to renew the license BAUER himself should run the place.


Hensley Green Co. to Francesca FARMIA, lots 11, 12, blk 21, San Bruno Park.
Shore Line Investment Co to F.C. BRODIE et al, lots 17, 18, blk 16, Marine View Terrace
W.S. WOLLNER to A.D. WOLLNER, lot 19, blk 44, Easton Addition, Burlingame.
Alfred GILBING to D.J. THEURR, lot 19, blk 32, Montara
Crocker Estate Co. to Jas. R. IRWIN, lot 4, blk 15, Crocker tract
C. MARTINI and wife to K. ANDERSON, lot 15, blk 28, Belle Air Park
Frank K. Mott Co. to H.N. TURRELL, lots 16 to 20, blk 4 Escondite tract.
R.H. SMITH to B. RAPSEY, lots 38 to 41 blk 5, Huntington Park
A.S. BARRON to Warranty Investment Co. 45.23 acres near San Mateo
Ansel E. Easton and wife to C. NYGREN, lots 3, 4, blk 2, Easton Addition, Burlingame
Same to same, lots 29, 30, blk 2, lot 9, blk 25 , same tract
Albert MEYER to C.S. BOWMAN, lots 23 to 27, blk A, Fair Oaks tract
P. DOOLAN to John LUICO, lot 16, blk 97, South San Francisco
P. De MARTINI to A DEMARTINI, lots 20 to 24, 26, Wellesley Park
S.E. ROWE to A.M. ZINNS, lot 6, W.W.&M sub, Redwood Farm
R.H. SMITH to S.T. COOKE, lot 7, blk C, Huntington Park
Ravenswood Investment Co. to A.E. GRAY, lot 29, blk 5, Woodland Place
Boston Investment Co. to L.R. McCORISON, lot 21, blk 46, Lyon & Hoag sub Burlingame.
F.J. RODGERS to S.C. DENSON, lots 27, 28, blk 27, Easton Addition, Burlingame
Hensley Green Co. to M.V. JACOBS, lot 22 blk 17, San Bruno Park
Crocker Estate Co. to C.O. CONNELL, lots 7, 8, blk 20, Crocker tract
Cora THORSEN and husband to W. POPINO, lot 22, blk 57, Santa Ynez Park
Hensley Green Co. to J.J. CALLEY, lots 35, 36, 37, blk 8, Sam Bruno Park
C.A. BEER to Florence M. BEER, et al, portion blk 7, Diller’s Addition, Redwood
R.L. CLARK to Ella HARRIS, lot 7, blk 10, Arleta Park, second addition
Hensley Green Co. to Jos. BOIDO, lots 50, 51, blk 31, San Bruno Park
R.H. SMITH to V. KOCH, lots 13, 14 blk 6, Huntington Park
Glucksman Levy Realty Co to M.J. LEVY, lot 36, blk 3, Concordia Land Co.
Same to Paul L. LEVY, lot 37, blk 3, same map
Same to Alice E. LEVY, lot 38, blk 3, same map.

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last updated: 21 May 2005