San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
23 May 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
May 23 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 8 Friday, May 23 1913

Marriage Licenses

Clayton D. CARUS, aged 25 and Vallance ARNOTT, aged 26, both of Palo Alto.
George GULDBRANDSEN, aged 55, and Pauline F. CUNNINGHAM, aged 64, both of Burlingame.
Ralph G. DUNN, aged 25, and Emma L. LINQUEST, aged 21, both of San Francisco.
Raymond J. WHITE, aged 31, and Lillian M. RILEY, aged 25, both of Menlo Park.
William A. MEDHURST, aged 31, and Rose Jane SMITH, aged 23, San Mateo.
James D. DUNKENSON, aged 32, and Kathryn McDONALD; aged 29, both of Sacramento.
George T. HOFFMAN, aged 27, Santa Barbara, and Maybell J. SARGENT, aged 19, Redwood City.
William Martin EDWARDS, aged 28, and Nellie PADGETT, aged 24, both of San Francisco.
Donald J. BRUCE, aged 28, and Elizabeth C. PULLIA, aged 28, both of San Francisco.


New Building Contracts
S. McCLURE agrees to erect for Ralph C. MacARTHUR in 90 days a one-story frame residence at Burlingame for $2497.
William F. DREYER agrees to erect for Otto BRAUS and wife in 60 days a two-story building in Daly City on lot 16 block 14 for $4960.
George HOLDING agrees to erect for Mary F. MANGAN in 70 days a one and one-half story frame dwelling, fence and an out building at Burlingame for $2700.
F.L. HANSEN agrees to erect for the Beresford Country Club in 150 days a two story club house on the property of the club at Beresford for $55,000.
R.C. STICKLE agrees to erect for C. HATLER by August 14, 1913, a one-story frame residence at Huntington Park for $1435.
Superior Court

The divorce proceeding commenced some time ago by A.L. ACKERMAN against his wife, Emilie ACKERMAN have been dismissed. The notice of dismissal was filed in the county clerk’s office last Tuesday.

Judge BUCK has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Vera B. Castle from her husband, Wellia P. CASTLE on the ground of willful neglect and desertion. The plaintiff was permitted to resume her maiden name, Vera Blanch Sweet.

James T. O’KEEFE, as guardian of the estate of Bertha L. Bradley (also known as and called Bertha L. WINKLER,) an incompetent person, has filed his first annual account and report, which shows that upon assuming his duties as such guardian he received the sum of $5000, belonging to the estate, and has since collected property and cash belonging to the incompetent in the sum of $8,072.48, and has paid out the sum of $170, leaving a balance on hand of $7092.48.

The Tacoma Mill Company has brought suit against Henry N. Howe, et al, to quiet title to all the property belonging to the mill company in Redwood City.

Levy Bros. have commenced an action again H.G. PLYMIRE, as administrator of the estate of Thomas WHITE, deceased, and others to quiet title to a quarter of Section 32, Township 7, Range 4 West, M.D.B. and M. containing 160 acres.

District Attorney Franklin SWART has brought suit against the Spring Valley Water Company to compel the company to remove a flume from the surface of the road at San Bruno. The case will be bitterly fought as the defendant claims the right of way through its franchise. The people of San Bruno have for years been fighting to have the flume removed.

Joseph STEFFEN has commenced an action against Emma STEFFEN to have a decree of homestead to a quarter section of land in San Louis Obispo county in favor of defendant set aside.

The Peterson-Kartschoke Brick Company has commenced an action against J.D. GRANT and others to recover the sum of $291.90. The complaint alleges that Grant is the owner of certain property at Burlingame on which he erected a dwelling last year. That the plaintiff furnished brick to J.M. White Company who had the contract to do the terra cotta work and failed to pay them.

Geo. O. RICH has commenced suit against R.H. STEWART to recover the sum of $840.81 for building material sold and delivered said defendant during the past four years.

Maggie Sullivan GERBER has brought suit against J.W. HORN to quiet title to lot 26, block 7, Vista Grande.


Died in Colma, May 13, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clelia PRATT, Mrs. Jane Jessie HUDSON, aged 85 years. The deceased was well known and highly respected.

Julia SAMPSON’s Birthday

On Thursday afternoon, May 15, 1913, Little Julia, daughter of Mrs. and Frank R. SAMPSON, 107 Santa Ana avenue, was given a party in honor of her ninth birthday, to which were invited her little friends of the sewing class, consisting of Hilda ELMERS, Doris ELMERS, Alice ELMERS, Christine MICHAELSEN, Elsie FORSELL, Gertrude MASON, Leta ROBERTSON, Aileen HUGHES, Master Harry ELMER and Frances SAMPSON.
The Birthday Cake was decorated with little dolls, and a doll was at each plate where an ice cream dish also sat in napkins folded as tulips. The whole table was beautifully decorated in other ways by Mrs. SAMPTON as a scene of beauty.
Of course the usual games and music followed, so that each of the guests enjoyed a happy afternoon.

San Mateo Items

Mr and Mrs. John Scott WILSON, Mr and Mrs Walter GREER and Miss Helen GREER have returned to Easton for the summer months.

Mr and Mrs. George A. POPE and Mr and Mrs Daniel T. MURPHY departed this week for an extended absence in Europe.

Mrs. George H. HOWARD has returned from an extended eastern trip and joined Mr. HOWARD at their country place in Hillsborough.

Mrs. Charles M. KEENEY is among the San Franciscans who have decided to summer at San Mateo. She has taken apartments at the Peninsula hotel.

Mr and Mrs. Arthur REDDINGTON Have leased their home in El Cerrito to the Robert Hayes SMITHs. Mrs. REDDINGTON and her children will spend a part of the summer at Santa Barbara.

Miss Clemence GARDEAU of St. Louis, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Theodore MURPHY, near Palo Alto, will be a guest for several days during her stay of Mrs. Eugene MURPHY in Burlingame.

William Mayo NEWHALL and family of San Francisco have taken possession of the old PONIATOWSKI place in the hills back of Burlingame, where they will be domiciled for the next six months.

Miss Margaret NICHOLS and Miss Helen GARRITT have returned from the Rancho Los Banos, east of Gilroy, where they were guests of Miss Beatrice NICKEL. They indulged in much horseback riding during their outing on the ranch.

Mr and Mrs. C.T. CROCKER and Mrs Malcolm D. WHITMAN have returned from a visit with Mr and Mrs. Samuel MORSE at Merced. Mrs. WHITMAN is spending much of her time with her grandmother, Mrs. A.M. EASTON, but is planning to return to New York in the near future.

Mrs. Frances GEORGE, a well known and much beloved resident of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. MITTON, in Burlingame, Sunday morning after a brief illness. Deceased was a native of Germany, aged 66 years. The funeral services were held Tuesday from St. Catherine’s church, Burlingame, where a mass was said for the repose of her soul. The interment took place in Holy Cross Cemetery, to which place the remains were conveyed by electric funeral car.


Over 200 carloads of artichokes have been shipped to Eastern markets the past season.

Joe. WISE of San Francisco was in Farallone this week and announced that he will build a five-room bungalow on his lots on Seventh street at once.

Mrs. Sophie S. AVERILL, wife of Shepard S. AVERILL of Halfmoon Bay, died in San Francisco May 2. Deceased was a native of San Francisco, aged 36 years. The interment took place at Cypress Lawn.

May 18th three years ago the Comet was launched on the sea of journalism at Moss Beach.

Interesting San Bruno Items

J.J. SMITH has just cut this third crop of hay for the season from his land.

On May 16th the history of a new San Bruno industry was begun. Joe YARO shipped the first carload of potatoes ever raised at San Bruno to Portland, Oregon. Mr. YARO will have 50 carloads to ship to the same point.

Our popular dairyman, Mr. LOMBARDY, had a lively runaway last week, outfooling the automobiles, treating the railroad gate crossings with contempt and refusing to be lasood by a cowboy.


Hensley Green Co. to Giovanni A. PIZZO, lot 57, blk 29, lot 54, blk 30, San Bruno Park
R.H. SMITH to W.H. ARCHIBALD, lot 19 blk 5 Huntington Park
M.W. DOWELL to Louisa E. SMITH, lots 11, 12, blk G, Boyd & Kent Addition, Redwood
Geo. S. Fall and wife to E.D. COLEMAN et al, lots 8, 9, blk 20, Arleta Bark
Crocker Estate Co. to H. KLEEN et al, lot 15, blk 13, Crocker tract
C.A. HOOPER & Co. to Frances M. MADDEN, 35.32 acres Pulgus Rancho
Anglo-California Trust Co. to Alice STIMSON, lots 22, 23, blk 33, Belle Air Park
Pauline KROGER and husband to J.A. FOSTER, lot 21, Western Addition, San Mateo
T.W. WALSH, guardian etc. to Annie WALSH, lot 11, blk 22, San Mateo
Kate G. CHAMBERLAIN to Jennie CHAMBERLAIN, lot 29, blk 24, Western Addition, San Mateo
R.W. BARRETT and wife to HW HARMS et al, lot 14, blk 2, W.W&M sub Redwood
Same to Elmer L. HARMS, lots 12, 13, blk 2, same map
C.J. FARLESS to W.A. LUSE, lot 14, blk 1, Burlingame Park
E. CHRISTENSEN and wife to Otto BRAUSE and wife, lots 16, 17, blk 14, Crocker tract
F.A. CUNNINGHAM and wife to J. BRUNO, portion lots 1, 2, blk 128, South SF
Boston Investment Co. to City of Burlingame, lot 5, blk 19, Lyon & Hoag sub Burlingame
Theo. Field and wife to F.E. Eckhart, lot 5, blk 1, San Bruno Park
J. SLICK to Theo. FIELD portion lots 3, 4, blk 12, Lomita Park
Hensley Realty Co. to T. FIELD, lot 5, blk 1, San Bruno Park
L.P. BENRENS and wife to Mildred S. NOBS, lots 14, 15, blk 3, Wessesley Prk
Hensley-Green Co. and A. MEYER to Cora A. HANKS, lot 11, 12, blk 11, San Bruno Park
Oaks Co. to David LANE, lot 40, blk 59, Dumbarton Oaks
Ada M. WOOD et al to W.H. MOLLER et al, lot 25, blk 27, Easton Addition
Ansel M. EASTON and wife to A. PAULSON, lot 33, blk 44, Easton Addition, Burlingame
South S.F. Land and Impmnt Co. to J.J. CUSTER, lot 34, blk 191, South San Francisco
Rockaway Beach Co. to Peter TREIWEITER et al, lot 2, blk 7, lot 32, blk 18, Rockaway Beach
Hensley-Green Co. to Robert FITZGERALD, lots 40, 41, blk 9, San Bruno Park
Same to Hannah SHEEHAN, lot 19, blk 4, same map
Same to J.E. STEELE, lot 6, blk 1, same map
R.H. SMITH to K. ROSENBAUER, lot 5, blk 6, Huntington Park
R.H. SMITH to Sarah DREW, lots 58, 59, blk 4, Huntington Park
Redwood City Realty Co. et al to Jess Lee PIPKIN, lot 2, blk 4, Wellesley Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Kenneth McLeod and wife, lot 24, blk 1, Easton Addition
J.A. LONGLEY and wife to C.W. ELFVING, lot 11, blk K, San Mateo Heights
Emma F. POMARES to John W. HORN, lot 13, blk 10, Easton Addition

Union men and their friends do not patronize the following:
Campbell, electrician, Burlingame
R. La Rue, pluming contractor, San Bruno
Geo Beals, plasterer, San Mateo
Zwick, building contractor, Burlingame
L.P. Morberg, building contractor, Burlingame
Bradwick, contractor, Burlingame
John Vickerson, building contractor, Burlingame
Hanks, contractor, San Bruno
Fulton, building contractor, Burlingame
John Lee, building contractor, San Mateo
Rix, brick contractor, San Bruno
J.H. Rockingham, building contractor, Burlingame
King, Sign Painter, Belmont
McMahon, electrical contractor, Burlingame
Madden, plumber, Burlingame
Union men please take notice
Building Trades Council of San Mateo County

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last updated: 21 May 2005