San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
30 May 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
May 30 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 9 Friday, May 30, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Emmet Sarsfield COXE, aged 33 and Elinore R. Cooper, aged 26, both of San Francisco
Andel Rojas, aged 40, Millbrae and Carmen Echevrria, aged 38, San Juan
John Francisco POPE of Chicago, father of John D. POPE and Emilie D. POPE, minors and grand children of the late John R. DOYLE, who was at one time leader of the bar of this State, has petitioned the Superior Court of the county, asking that a citation be issued to John J. DOYLE and Edmund M. DOYLE to appear and show cause whey they have not filed an account as trustees of the estate of the minors. John R. DOYLE died on December 23, 1906, leaving a will by the terms of which a trust was created whereby the two POPE children were to receive their mother’s share of this estate. John J. DOYLE and Edmund M. DOYLE were named as trustees. They were to invest the money received by them and apply the income to the education of the minor children. The trust was to terminate when the boy reached the age of 25 and when the girl became 22. They were then to receive their inheritance together with the accumulations. The petition recites that the trustees have never filed a report. Judge BUCK issued a citation to the two trustees, compelling them to file their account within ten days. The two POPE children have been residing in Chicago with their father for many years. Their mother died at her father’s home in Menlo Park about twelve years ago. Mr. POPE is a prominent attorney of the Windy City. Mrs. Antonia DOYLE, grandmother of the minors, died in 1910, and her estate was distributed only recently.
Probate Court
Estate of George D. GREELEY, desettled (sic) and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Alvinza HAYWARD, deceased. Petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Margaret MADDEN, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to May 29th.
Estate of Charles HESSLER, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Anna MASSEN, deceased. W.M. HODGKINS granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate and guardianship of Kate METZ, an incompetent person. Petition for letters of guardianship continued to May 29.
Estate of Joseph HUTCHINGS, deceased. Sale of 320 acres land in Sutter county to S. SHANNON for $15,360 confirmed.
Estate and guardianship of Bertha L. BRADLEY, an incompetent person. First annual account of the guardian allowed and settled.
Estate and guardianship of Jos. H. WILSON, an incompetent person. Geo. A. KERTELL appointed guardian with bond fixed in the sum of $1000.
Estate of F.M. GRANGER, deceased. Petition for order of sale of real property granted. Administratix required to file additional bond of $5000.
M.A. DEROUX has applied in the Superior Court for letters of administration upon the estate of Richard H. GEGAX, who died in the County of Alameda in 1911. He was at that time a resident of Daly City. The estate consists of an interest in certain real property located in Sacramento county valued at $100. The heirs at law are the widow, Kate GEGAX and a son, Will GEGAX, residing at Daly City.
M.J. SCARPA of Mountain View has applied in the Superior Court for letters of administration upon the estate of Helena P. SCARPA, who died at Halfmoon Bay on April 28, 1913. The estate consists of money in various banks amounting to $1725 and the entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $2000. The heirs at law are, Mrs. Addie BLANCHARD residing at Menlo Park, Mrs. Teresa DEBENDETTI, living at Halfmoon Bay, Mrs. Mary MARTIN living at San Leandro, Mrs. Isabell KULL, San Francisco, Mrs. Julia MYRICK, Mayfield, Paul B. SCARPA, Mayfield, Joseph SCARPA, Mountain View and Michael SCARPA, Mountain View. District Attorney A.M. FREE of Santa Clara county is the petitioner’s attorney.
M.J. HYNES, public administrator of San Francisco and guardian of the person and estate of Loren COBURN, the aged Pescadero capitalist, has applied in the Superior Court for an order or permission to sell the standing and manufactured timber on the Gozos and Wadell Creeks to complete and execute a certain lease for the COBURN ranch of 10,000 acres land near King City Monterey county, to complete and execute a certain lease for the ranch of 10,000 acres located at Pescadero and to sell or give an option for sale of the King City ranch of 10,000 acres. The hearing on the petition will come up on June 20. The Supreme Court recently affirmed the decision of the lower court, declaring Loren COBURN incompetent. COBURN has made an application to the Federal Court to have the case reopened but that triburnal has not acted on the petition. In the mean time the guardian is preparing to dispose of some of the property of the big holdings of the estate.
John H. GRADY, special administrator of the estate of Phoebe W. DAUGHADAY, deceased has filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from the order of Judge Buck made on May __ denying a new trial in the case of Josephine A. __________
(Can’t read the rest of the paragraph )
Last “Take” of a Pioneer Printer
A loyal friend, true and honest, is a fitting tribute to the sacred memory of the late William Henry MEACHAM, who died last Friday morning, May 23, 1913 at his home, 612 Prospect Row, aged 62 years, 1 month and 25 days.
He had worked Thursday and in the evening said he was feeling first rate, played with his little grandchild, Virginia COLLINS, and retired in good spirit. During the night he was taken with a pain in his stomach and the family were aroused; the trouble seemed to subside and they all retired at 4:20 a.m. At 6 o’clock Mrs. MEACHAM went to his room and called him, but no response came and she thought he was fooling her, even after she put her hand on his head which was still warm. Finally she saw his eyes and at once realized that he was no more. Dr. Morrison was called and responded promptly, but to no avail. At the inquest it was found through the autopsy that he died of acute dialiation of the heart.
Wm. H. LEE, of Santa Rose, a brother-in-law of Mrs. MEACHUM, was notified by wire and arrived about noon. By Mr. LEE’s advice it was arranged to take the remains to Santa Rosa, where the funeral took place Sunday.
The “Press-Democrat” and “Republican” of Santa Rosa each contained quite elaborate accounts of the death and funeral, from which we quote the following excepts:
“The remains of W.H. MEACHAM, a former resident of Santa Rosa, were tenderly laid to rest in the family plot in Rural cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the remains having been brought from San Mateo on the evening train Saturday.”
“The deceased had been engaged in newspaper work here for years, and after leaving here edited the Galt Gazette and was with other papers of this State. He was employed in the office of the San Mateo Index at the time of his death. “
“There was a large attendance of the relatives and friends of the deceased including a number from San Mateo, where he has resided of late years. There was a profusion of floral offerings, showing the respect in which he was held by many friends. The bearers were Editor J.L. Brown, of the San Mateo Index; Frank Woods, James Wood, C.C. GROVE, Thomas J. BUTTS and Charles E. LEE.
“Surviving the deceased are a widow, who was formerly Miss Katie CASTRO, two daughters, Mrs. Laura COLLINS and Miss Jaennette MEACHAM, and granddaughter, Miss Virginia COLLINS, all of San Mateo. A sister and two brothers, Mrs. CAMERON, of Meacham Station, George MEACHAM of Sparks, Nevada, and David of the old home place, who survive the deceased. Mr. MEACHAM was born in San Francisco April 18, 1851, and is believed to have been the first white child born in that city. He was a school mate of Attorney Thomas J. BUTTS, C.C> GROVE and a number of others who still reside in this section. The deceased was the son of the late Alonzo MEACHAM, one of the earliest pioneers of Sonoma county and the first postmaster of the original Santa Rosa, known then as Franklin.”
Mrs. E. GOODSPEED gave birth to a fine baby girl last week.
Harold HICKS, nephew of Mrs. H.F. HOWARD, has a badly sprained instep.
Peter KELLER and family attended the bakers picnic at Luchven garden Sunday.
George ARCHER has sold his property on Alpha avenue and expects to return to his old home in the East.
A pleasant birthday party was given Tuesday to little Edna MALE in celebration of her fourth birthday at the home of her parents, who reside on Winter street.
Will OTTOBONI, the delivery wagon driver for Casey’s Market, was thrown from his new motorcycle Sunday, sustaining a sprained ankle which will disable him for a few days.
A very pleasant surprise party was given to Mrs. Edward FREYER last Friday by a few of her friends, including Mrs. Fritz HANSEN, Mrs. Ben HANSEN, Mrs. E. FORSELL, Mrs. Gust. JOHNSON, Mrs. CAMPBELL and others whose names we did no get.
Albert HENDRICKSON, the ten-year old boy residing at 525 Winter street, who had his foot crushed by an S.P. freight train while switching at Daly City station last Saturday, was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate two of his toes.
Little Pauline JOHNSON was given a party at her home, 130 Irvington street, last Friday in honor of her 7th birthday, at which the following invited guests were present: Mrs and C.F. QUIRLY, Mrs and J.M. PITTS, Rev and Mrs. F.C. BOREN of Oakland, Mrs and C.A. JOHNSON, Rev. C.L. DUNCAN, Herbert and Paul BOVEN and Misses Elizabeth PITTS, Alice MATHIAS, Pauline JOHNSON. (Boven and Boren as printed)
Mrs. Bridget E. DUNN, an old resident of Colma, and very highly respected, died suddenly of paralysis last Monday, May 26, aged 66 years, 2 months and 25 days, a native of Ireland. The deceased was the mother of Edward P. and Joseph DUNN, Mrs. Annie CLARK and Mrs. Chas. SUENDERMAN. The funeral took place Wednesday and a requiem high mass was celebrated fro the repose of her soul at St. Ann’s church, after which the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross.
Little Girl Died From Hydrophobia
Two weeks ago these columns contained an account of a dog that afterwards died at Colma of hydrophobia, having bitten little Jane BAKER, the 4-year old daughter of C.B. BAKER, of St. Paul Minn., who with his family are spending the summer at Moss Beach.
The child was taken to a San Francisco hospital where she received every care and the best medical skill, but the physicians were baffled and the child died last Monday, May 26.
Superior Court
Frank BELL vs. D.E. BALCKBURN. Trial set for June 17th.
Frank CONVERY vs Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Demurrer overruled
John B. COLEMAN vs Carrie A. ANTHONY. Demurrer set for June 12.
Wm. E. REILLY vs Ethel M. REILLEY. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
John M. WILSON vs Euginio DONELUZ. Demurrer continued to May 29th
Fred PATTISSON vs N.J. McNAMARA. Notice of motion to strike out denied.
Elsie R. RYLEY vs Ralph M. RYLEY. Motion to reopen case continued to May 29.
Julia PETERSON vs Louis PETERSON. Notice of motion dropped from calendar.
Cora M. PERKINS et al vs N.J. McNAMARA. Notice of motion to strike out denied.
Thos J. MULLINS vs Elizabeth e. MULLINS, order to show cause continued to June 5th.
Frances S. ARNOLD vs Richard S. ARNOLD. Motion for alimony etc., continued to June 12.
Cora P. WEINGARTNER vs Louis WEINGARTNER. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
East San Mateo Land Co. vs Southern Pacific Co. Motion to elect judgment continued to May 24.
The People vs Marsh DONAGHY. Trial set for June 3. Sheriff ordered to select 15 jurymen for trial.
A.M. ROBERTSON vs H.C. FINKLER. Motion for a new trial denied for reason that there is no motion before the court.
O.F. WESTPHAL vs H.C. FINKLER. Motion for a new trial denied fro the reason that there is no motion before the court.
Annie Christina DUFFY has brought divorce proceedings in the Superior Court against her husband, Henry E. DUFFY on the ground of failure to provide. The couple was married in the County of San Mateo on January 22, 1910. There are no children as a result of the union nor is there any community property. Defendant is a banker and earns$100 a month. Besides the decree plaintiff asks for sufficient funds to defray the expenses of the suit.
Judge Buck on Thursday granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to William E. REILLY from his wife, Ethel M. REILLY on the ground of extreme cruelty. The couple was married at the City of Danville, Illinois on February 9, 1907. There are no children as a result of the marriage. The property rights were settled out of court. The couple reside at San Bruno. Mr. REILLY is a printer by trade and is employed on the Examiner.
Judge BUCK has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Clara Palone WEINGARTNER from her husband, Louis WEINGARTNER, on the grounds of extreme cruelty. The plaintiff was permitted to resume her maiden name, Clara Palone MARAVIK.
R.F. CHILCOTT, appraiser of the estate of David STAUFFER, deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is place at $2501.42. It consists of money received from the estate of Benjamin STAUFFER, amounting to $2551.42 and lot 5, block 2, Pinney’s Subdivision appraised at $150.
Kopp and Schick, incorporated have brought suit in the Superior Court against Mary FARRELL and her husband, Byran FARRELL, to recover the sum of $462.92, balance due on an open book account extending over a period of four years.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F> CHILCOTT appraiser of the estate of Mary B. HANSEN, deceased.
The Daly City Post Office Name Changed
The welcome information has at last come from Washington that the citizens of Daly City have succeeded in having the name of their post office changed from “Vista Grande” to “Daly City”, an achievement that has been sought in repeated efforts since Daly City was incorporated over two years ago.
With this change also come the information that Mrs. Hazel C. RUSSELL has received her appointment as postmistress and she took charge May 20.
Mrs. E.L. LANG who resigned, did so much to the regret of the patrons of the office, for she was exceptionally efficient in her duties and gave perfect satisfaction in every way. But it seems we are most fortunate in Mrs. LANG’s successor, for Mrs. RUSSELL Is in every way agreeable and bids fair to make an excellent official.
F.E. HAMLIN made a trip to San Francisco Monday.
Frank DALRYUMPLE is working on the Fleming hotel being built.
LeRoy KENNEDY of San Francisco is visiting his father Dan KENNEDY at Marine View.
C.M. JOHNSON returned home from Nevada Monday. He reports a successful business trip.
E.H. BELLMER and family of Sacramento has leased the Howard house at Moss Beach for the month of July.
Ernest W. JAKOBS spent last weeks at Marysville as a delegate to the Grand Court of the Forresters of America.
Henry W. LAUTENWASSER, wife and two children of San Francisco visited Tom QUINLAN and family at Miramar last week.
Frank RICHARDSON spent several days last week at Salada Beach while plastering the new house being built by Contractor R. McDonald for a San Francisco lady.
Engineer Wm. ROIX of the Ocean Shore Railroad is re-furnishing the Bulletin cottage at Arlita and will occupy it with his wife soon after the first of June.
J.C. WILSON of Rockaway Beach is one of the newest commuters on the Ocean Shore. His family is spending the summer there while he is working in San Francisco.
S.L. SCHMIDT of Granada has sold his property at that place to Mrs. Sarah VROYDEN, wife of the Granada merchant Mr. SCHMIDT and family will make their future home in Sacramento.
Miss Gertrude and Leah FURGESON and Miss Georgia SKAGGS of San Francisco, nieces of Mrs. GALLAGHER, visited their aunt last week. Mrs. GALLAGHER was a city visitor Wednesday.
R.B. HILLYARD and family of San Francisco occupied the T.T. JOHNSON cottage last week. They were called back Wednesday on account of the illness of Mr. HILLYARD’s mother.
Mr. CARP is putting up a barn on his lot on 6th Street for Kent & Reef to whom he has rented the East half of his store building. Mr. KENT expects to move his store to Farallone about June 1, and it won’t be a branch store either.
C.P. MOSCONI, the popular and well liked hotel man of Half Moon Bay, who was last year elected to the office of Grand Outside Sentinel of the Nation Sons of the Golden West was promoted to the offices of Grand Inside Sentinel at the State Convention held at Oroville.
The Trustees of Daly City
Otto J. MYER applied for renewal of license.
A petition was read and filed asking the appointment of J.J. SULLIVAN as recorder.
Frankie KNOWLES again bobbed up in an effort to get the BAUER saloon license transferred to GIONI. He was represented by Frank H. GOULD, who did well, considering the flimsy grounds upon which he stood, but the trustees turned down the application by a unanimous roll call vote. Frankie was so mad he bit himself, went out the door Mutt fashion, lighting on his head and spinning around like a top, swearing eternal vengeance against the water bonding proposition.
By motion of BIEBEL, seconded by LANDINI, Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON was appointed city recorder by a unanimous vote.
R.H. SMITH to E.L. MACKEY, lot 4, blk B, 1st Ad., Huntington Park
Louis WEINGARTENR to A. SCHULER lot 17, blk 4, Hillcrest
Emily H. FORD and husband to John MEYER, lot 5 blk E, Boyd & Kent Add
Kate KELLY to G.D. STONE, 10 acres at Portola
Owners Realty Co. to Albert RABBITT, lots 32, 33, blk 2, Oakleigh Pakr Tract
Crocker Est Co. to W. WEISS and wife, lot 43, blk 3, Crocker Tract
T.F. CASEY and wife to A. DEVINCENZI, lot 1, blk 34, Wrn add, San Mateo
A.R.H. WOLFF to M.E. HUGHES, lot 28, blk, 11, Huntington Park
H. HASSELER et al to West Redwood Land Co. Lot 22, W.W.&M sub
O.N. STEELE to N.B. SMITH et al. 400 acres Punta Del an Nuevo Ro
J. BROWN to J.H. SPARK, lot 6, blk 7, Shore Acres
C.A. CARLSON to J.E. BRADY, Portion lots 7, 8, blk 35, Ern. Ad., San Mateo
The Moxey Realty Co. to Edw. T. KELLY, Lots 2, 3, blk 2, W.W.&M Sub
Crocker Est. Co. to S.G. CROWHURST. Lot 37, blk 10, Crocker Tract
San Mateo Land Assn to B.A. SHIRLEY, Lot 6, blk P, San Mateo Heights
W.J. MORGAN to Rudolph KUHN, lots 1, 2, blk 25, Wave Crest
J.A. BOYD et al to L.J. DALY, Lot 2, blk 11, Sequoia Tract
Same to M.P. DELAHANTY, Lot 1, blk 11, Same tract
Crocker Est Co to W.S. RANDOLPH and wife, Lot 44, blk 10, Crocker Tract
C.A. MEYERS to M.V. McGUIRE, Lot 1, blk 4, Lomita Park
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. to South City Lot Co. Lot 22, blk C. Peck’s Sub.
W.M. Roberts to D. NOLLER and wife, same as above
F&A Levy Co. to A. FRYBERG Lot 6, blk 3, Miramontes Tract
K.H. LIST and wife to John MEYER. Lots 2, 3, and portion blk 27 Ern Add, Redwood
J.E. JUNT and wife to Mildred E. STAR Lot 37, blk 15, Wave Crest
Levy Bros et al to K.E. DAVERY et al. Lot 9, blk C, Millbrae Park
E.W. MAGRUDER and wife to Jas. HACKETT Lot 7, Redwood Farm
W.F. EBENER and wife to E.J. LONG, Lot 1 blk 1, W.W.&M Sub
Hensley-Green Co. to W.M. ROBERTS. Portion lots 2, 3, blk 2, Lomita Park
J.A. BOYD et al to M. TAMBUROVICH Wy 1-2 lot 6, Boyd & Kent Add
Crocker Estate Co. to W. MUNRO and wife Lot 1, blk 11, Crocker Tract
Same to Felix BUCHIGANI and wife Lots 16, 17, blk 6, Same map
John A. BOYD et al to Carroll O. STOUT Lots 9, 10, 11, blk 2 Sequoia Tract
John K. HOWARD et al to T.F. CASEY Lot 1, blk 34, Wrn Add, San Mateo
W.F. CARPENTER and wife to C. D. REID. Lots 60, 61, blk 6, Belle Air Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to M.F. MANGAN Lot 24, blk 50, Easton Add
Hensley-Green Co. to Louis LAUTEN. Lot 19, blk M, San Bruno Park
H.C. SAWYER to Mary E. FITZHUGH 52.87 acres, Portola
Anglo-Calif Trust Co. to M.R. BECK, Lot 8, blk 19, Hillcrest
Oaks Co. to W.J. DOUGHERTY Lots 21, 22, 23, 24 blk 66 Dumbarton Oaks
Halfmoon Bay Realty Co. to T.F. WISE and wife Lot 8, blk 9, Venice Beach
Boston Invest Co. to W.R. HOAG Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, blk 3, Burlingame Park
Shore Line Invest Co. to Fannie L. GELLERT S 1-2 lot 23, blk 30 Granada
M.V. FISHER and husband to F.J. TETREAU Lot 65, blk 14, Belle Air Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005