San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
06 June 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
June 6 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 10 Friday, June 6, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Harvey C. JOHNS, aged 25, Santa Clara and Jessie SPORLEDER, aged 18, Los Gatos
Albert SWEET, aged 62 and Mary SCHLUTER, aged 62, both of San Francisco
William CORRIGAN, aged 33 and Cora YOUNG, aged 25, both of San Francisco
Arthur W. SWIGLE, aged 27, and Frances GEORGE aged 33, both of Redwood City
William J. GALLAGHER aged 31, New York and Isabella C. BUSCH, aged 22, San Francisco
Probate Court
Estate and guardianship of Kate MOTZ, an incompetent person. Petition for letters of guardianship continued to June 5.
Estate of James J. McENTEE, deceased. Order to show cause granted.
Estate of L.T. CARTER, deceased. Probate of will continued to June 12.
Estate of Margaret MADDEN deceased. Account of Charles McNAMARA allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of William MORLEY, deceased. First and final account and petition for distribution continued to June 5th.
Estate of Helena P. SCARPA, deceased. M.J. SCARPA granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $3600.
John J. DOYLE and Edmund M. DOYLE, trustees of the estate of their brother Daniel H. DOYLE, have filed their annual account. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $1,217.53 and 228 shares of the capital stock of the Doyle Estate Company valued at $20,089.14, making a total of $21,406.57.
William L. DAUTERMAN has filed the last will and testament of Ursula H. HOLDING. The estate consists of personal property valued at $500 and an undivided one half interest in certain property at San Mateo which said half interest is worth $2000. The entire value of the estate does not exceed $2500. The deceased left a will bearing date of December 8, 1912. W.L. DAUTERMAN and Minnie J. GUNZENDORFER are named as executor and executrix.
H.W. SCHABERG, H.C. TUCHSEN and H.D. McGARVEY, appraisers of the estate of Jane L. KREISS, deceased, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $13,542.82. It consists on money in the hands of the executors and executrix amounting to $555.85, cash in bank amounting to $4654.59, four promissory notes appraised at $6700.25 and real estate located in Alameda county appraised at $161632.13.
LouisWEINGARTNER has accepted the position of bartender at Knowles saloon.
Mrs. Alice LICER of Stockton, a daughter of Charles MULLEN, is visiting in Daly City this week.
Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON has rented a cottage at Moss Beach, where he expects to take his Sunday outings during the summer.
Miss Violet KRAMER, the charming daughter of C. KRAMER, has returned home from a three week’s visit to her sister in the city.
It is reported that a sister of Louis WEINGARTNER has bought the T.J. MULLINs place on Santa Ana avenue, the price being $800.
Hon. John D. DALY spent a few hours in Daly City Sunday shaking hands with his many friends. Mr. Daly has entirely recovered from his recent illness and looks fine.
L.P. BEHRENS, of the First National Bank of Redwood City, will depart on June 20 for a European tour, accompanied by Mrs. BEHRENS. They expect to be absent about four months.
Miss Josephine DUNN, the highly respected young lady of Colma, is quite ill with nervous prostration, caused by the death of her beloved mother, Mrs. Bridget E. DUNN, who was laid to rest last week.
Mrs and Wm BISHOP of Patterson, Cal., spent the weeks end with the family of N. MEETH. Mrs. MEETH and Mrs. BISHOP are cousins and had not met since before they came to California, so the visit was unusually pleasant.
Mr and Mrs. Richard HARRIS and their sons, Arthur, Sidney and John attended the Sixth Annual Amador County Reunion at East Shore Park, near Stege, Contra Costa county, on the 24th ult. They report a grand time and the meeting of many old friends.
The families of Morton JOHNSON, M. LOBLAW, Jess REDDING and N. MEETH of Daly City and Mrs and William BISHOP of Patterson, Cal, who are visiting at MEETH’s spent the day on May 30 at Mussel Rock, having a most delightful time. Mussel Rock is certainly an ideal spot for a outing.
Articles of Incorporations
The following articles of incorporation were filed in the county clerk’s office during the week:
The Otto H. REICHARDT Duck Co. has incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000 divided into 500 shares at a par value of $100 each. The principal place of business is San Francisco and the actual amount of stock subscribed is $50,000 by the following stock holders: Otto H. REICHARDT, 479 shares, $47,900; Jacob WEIDENBACHER, one share $100; Eric PIETRONAVO, 20 shares $2000.
Poor Abused Hubby
The divorce suit of Carl Benson against his wife, Gerda BENSON, occupied the attention of the superior Court from Monday until Thursday evening when the case was submitted. Much testimony was introduced on both sides. Benson alleged cruelty on the part of his spouse and produced several witnesses who, in part, bore out the allegations of the complaint. Mrs. BENSON, through her attorney, John WILLARD, made a strong denial of the accusations of cruelty, by producing witnesses that swore that the husband was the party who was cruel and not the wife. After hearing all the testimony Judge Buck awarded the custody of the three minor children to Mrs. BENSON and ordered BENSON to pay his wife $40 a month pending the termination of the action. The parties own property at Richmond worth $15000. Mrs. Benson is employed as a maid at the home of M. FLEISHHACKER at Woodside.
Superior Court
Lester BLANCHARD vs Thos. J. KELLY. Motion to strike out continued to June 12.
Arthur C. SHEFFIELD vs Mary E. SHEFFIED. Notice of motion for stay continued to June 5
Annie L. TURNER vs Bernard Mattress Co. Demurrer set fro June 12th
J.F. WEINKE vs. C.B. SMITH et al. Trial continued to June 12.
Elsie R. RYLEY vs Ralph M. RYLEY. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Leroy PADGETT, et al vs E.A. HARDY, et al. Demurrer continued to June 5th
Emil PETERSON vs The United Railroads. Demurrer continued to June 12
John Wilson vs Eugenio DONELUZ. Demurrer continued to June 5
C.J. LINDGREN vs H. WILLIAMS, et. Al. Judgment for plaintiff as prayed for.
J.W. NASH vs P.P. CHAMBERLAIN, et al. Judgment for plaintiff by default.
Redwood City Commercial Bank vs Loren COBURN. Order made substituting M.J. HYNES as defendant in place of COBURN.
Estate of Mary B. HANSEN, deceased. First annual account of the executor allowed and settled. Partial distribution granted.
H.H. SMITH has begun suit against W.O. NICHOLAIDES and Frank BURGHRDT of Daly City to recover the sum of $830.70 for lumber furnished and supplied by Smith.
The defendants in the case of L. WOODWARD against the Glenwood Lumber Company have substituted A.H. JARMAN as attorney in the place of Theorore A. BELL. The notice of substitution was filed in the county clerk’s office last Tuesday.
J.F. PANKEWICW, plaintiff in the suit of J.F. PANKEWICZ against Clara Jess and others has filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from the judgment rendered by Judge Buck on May 22 in eliminating Sheriff J.H. MANSFIELD as one of the defendants in the action.
Joseph R. VIOGET has brought divorce proceedings in the Superior court against his wife, Ellen E. VIOGET on the grounds of extreme cruelty and desertion. The couple was married at San Francisco on February 7, 1907. There is no community property. Plaintiff asks for the custody of the three children who are residing with him at San Mateo.
Gustav KOSS has brought suit in the Superior Court against Lawrence MURPHY and Margaret KOSS to partition lot 38, block 3, Hillcrest. The property is jointly owned by plaintiff and Murphy and KOSS asks that it be portioned according to their respective interests and if this is not satisfactory then that the real estate be sold and the proceeds be divided.
The defendants in the suit of the Halfmoon Bay Land Company against F.H. COWELL and others have filed a notice that they will ask fro a new trial on the grounds of newly discovered evidence and other grounds. The suit involves the right to water of a certain creek on the coast and was decided some time ago by Judge Buck in favor of plaintiff after a long trial.
Lillian L. MOORE has commenced an action in the Superior Court against Jefferson M. MOORE, administrator of the estate of J.J. MOORE, deceased, to recover the sum of $7000, balance due on a promissory note. The note was executed in 1908 by J.J. MOORE in favor of his wife for $9000, the sum of $2000 having been paid on the obligation. The claim was rejected by the administrator of the MOORE estate some time ago.
The suit of the Wisnom Company, a corporation, against the Southern Pacific Land Company, has been transferred from the Superior Court of Kern county to the Superior Court of this county for trial. The action was brought to quiet title to certain land in Kern county, designation as section 27. The complaint alleges that Robert Wisnom and his wife, Sarah, received a deed to the land in 1905 from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company but failed to record the instrument. On March 1912 the railroad company deeded the land to the Southern Pacific Land Co. Plaintiff contends that the instrument is null and asks the defendant to set forth the nature of his claim to the property.
Harr WAGNER moved into his new home at Montara on June 5th.
The Wilson cottage has been rented by Mr and Mrs. FOY from San Francisco.
Mrs. C.D. SMITH, daughter, Miss Edna, and son, Clarence, are at San Jose visiting friends.
Mrs. Mary HANSON, mother of Mrs. H. ROSS, has returned from a three weeks visit in Sisson.
Mrs. L.V. CARROLL and baby are in Humbolt county visiting her parents, Geo. BEDWELL and wife.
Mrs. Thomas NORTON, one of Moss Beach’s most esteems citizens, passed away at her home in Sacramento Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Harry ROSS has been elected as a delegate to the Grand Parlor of the Native Daughters which convenes at Tahoe on June 9th.
Alvin S. HATCH and wife, Harry NELSON, Dr and Mrs. Joseph A. FERRIN and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NELSON were at San Mateo Tuesday night and while there they joined the Eastern Star.
James P. SEYMOUR died at his home in Half Moon Bay Thursday of last week. Mr. SEYMOUR leaves a wife and brother behind. The departed one was born in San Francisco 42 years ago, but came to the Coast Side when a young boy. He was well like by everyone and his face will be missed on the streets of Half Moon Bay, where everyone knew and esteemed him.
The Pioneer Club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening and the following officers were elected: President, Geo. F. WATTERS; first Vice-President, A.E. CLINE; Second Vice President, Frank DALRYUMPLE, Secretary, Mrs. Wm. ABBOTT; Treasurer, Signa OLESON; Lieutenant, Mrs. F.L. HAMLIN; Trustee from Farallone, Mrs. C.M. JOHNSON; Trustee from Montara, Mrs. _ESSERT
San Bruno Items
Mrs. Geo. KOEN says her husband is improving under the care of a noted specialist at St. Mary’s Hospital. She also expects her daughter’s sight to be restored.
Miss Josie NOYER has been making daily trips to see a specialist on account of a bad case of blood poisoning on her hand.
Miss Clara HUFF journeys to Redwood daily as a deputy in the aduitor’s office.
Jack OSMER, who has been laid up with a crushed foot for two weeks, returned to work Monday.
Frank P. BROPHY and wife to B. GOW, lot 35, blk 2, Princeton By the Sea
Same to same, lot 36, blk 2, same map
R.H. SMOTH to A.F. JAMES, lot 28, 29, blk 5, lots 1, 2 blk C, Huntington Park
San Carlos Park Syndicate to J.H. PLATTNER, Lot 1, blk 17, San Carlos
The J.M. White Co. to N.R. COULTER, Portion lot 3, blk. 40, N. 23”3blk 40, Lyon & Hoag Sub
Hensley-Green Co. to D.W. SCANLAN, Lot 57, blk 1, San Bruno Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to E.D. DUNBAR, lot 33, blk 30, Easton Add, Burlingame
Ansel M. Easton and wife to A.B. PREUSS, lot 6, blk 12, Lomita Park
E.A. WILSON to W. EILSON, lot 34, blk 6, Crocker Tract
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. to E. VENTURINI S1-2 lot 17, blk 113, So. San Francisco
Hensley-Green Co. to W.N. BEAGLES, lots 10, 59 blk N, San Bruno Park
Isabel BUTLER and husband to Butler Investment Co. 72.46 acres Cooley ranch Property San Mateo Land Assn.
Hensley-Green Co. to M.P. SCHELL lots 16, 17, blk 30, 3d Add, San Mateo Park
C.A. Hooper Co to Moxey Realty Co. Lots 15, 16, 17, blk 4, Central Park
R.B. TEDFORD to Geo. E. SHELFORD N 1-2 lots 1, 2, 3, block 2, Central Park
H.D. McGARVEY to J. JOHANSON lots 72, 73, blk 1, McGarvey Sub
Cal. Sub. Home Co. to N. CAPRILL et al Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, block 17 Farallone City
Hensley-Green Co. to C. MAXWELL Lots 52, 53, blk 1, San Bruno Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to J. B. OGHORN, lot 2, blk 18, Easton Add, Burlingame
E.D. CONNOLLEY to Margaret W. CONNOLLEY Portion sections 11, 12, T 7 S R 4 W
Jas O’BRIEN and wife to Henry J. FREDERICKS, Lot 81, blk 21, Crocker Tract
Oaks Co. to Mary E. KEATING Lot 2, blk 55, Dumbarton
H. FRIEND and wife to J. KURANSKY and wife, Lot 9, blk 3, Vista Grande
Glucksman Levy Realty Co. to C. R. QUAINTANCE, Lots 49, 50, block 4, Concordia Land Co.
Calif Home Bldg Co. to E. SANI and wife, Wy 1-2 lot 3, blk 191, So San Francisco
B.E. GONIN et al to County of San Mateo, Portion lots 85, 86, Garden Valley Homestead
C.W. MELVIN and wife to C.N. Kirkbride, 19-100 acres San Mateo
Frank P. BROPHY and wife to W.I. NORTON, Lot 25, blk 19 Princeton by the Sea
J.W. B. BLACK to A.F. BOHIS, Lot 13, blk 3, Arleta Park
Anglo Cal Trust Co. to Arthur L. MORRILL, Lots 13, 11 blk 17, Am Belle Air Park
L.S. BEAN and wife to E.W. McLELLAN Co, Portion blk 32, Town of Burlingame
Edw. B. HILDEBRAND to P.E. HILDEBRAND s1-2 of NE 1-4 section 14 T 7, S R 4 W, and 4.11 acres portion San Gregorio Ro.
J.T. T. WATKINSON to E.E. LOOMIS and wife, Lots 12, blk D, Mission St. Tract
Hensley-Green Co. to Jos. STEELE lot 21, blk N, San Bruno Park
Ocean Shore D&V Co. to H. POST Lot 5 blk S, Rivera Ocean Villa
Redwood City Realty Co. to J.B. LEONARD, Lots 8, 11, blk 1, Menlo Grove
Anton JENSON and wife to C. HUTCHINGS, lot 5, blk D. Hayward Park
Shore Line Investment Co. to T.T. ERICKSTAD, lot 4, blk 77, Granada
F.J. MARGRAF and wife to F. GUIDO Lot 1, blk R, San Mateo Heights
Anna D. FORSTER to Grace R. DAVIS, Lot 16, blk 59, Easton Add, Burlingame
Levy Bros to Jess PACHECO, Lot 3, Levy’s Add, Pescadero
Montara Realty Dev. Co. to Salma E. SELANDER,
R.J. YOUNG and wife to Richard W. BARRETT, Portion lots 11, 12

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last updated: 21 May 2005