San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
13 Jun 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
June 13 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 11 Friday, June 13, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Laurence J. LEWIS, 21, and Frances E. BRENNAN, 18, both of San Francisco.
William A. ROMES, 37, Redwood City, and Bessie ARVILL, 27, Wright
Edward DILLION, 45, and Geo. E. VANCE, 35, both of Mill Valley (transcribers note- really)
Thomas C. MURPHY, 32, and Golda HAAS, 26, both of San Francisco
James F. McCLOSKEY, 35, and Helen Ruth LONG, 23, both of Lompoc, Santa Barbara county.
Frank E. JONES, 54, San Francisco, and Elizabeth J. BOOGAR, 54, Oakland
Harold H. FLOOD, 21, Petaluma and Emma J. GIRAND, 20, San Miguel
George HILL, 40, Oakland and Elva HOGAN, 25, San Jose
Mrs. F. BOTTEROP, residing at 722 Myrtle, is quite ill.
Mrs. G.T. CROOK, 108 Ellevue, gave birth to a fine girl on June 3.
Mrs. W.J. SWEENEY and son, Master Billy, have gone to Mesa Grande.
Mrs. WELCH has returned home from St. Luke’s Hospital and much improved.
Mrs. G. Ce CCONI (as printed) who resides on Los Angeles avenue is reported very ill and under the care of Doctor Marion.
Mrs. R.S. THORTON and daughter, Mrs. Josephine LINDSAY, left this week for a few weeks’ visit in the East.
Mrs. E. OTTIS, mother of Mrs. Frank R. SAMPSON, will leave on the 23rd for Kansas City, when she will join her son.
Fire Commissioners SMACK, SMITH and SECOR (S.S.S.) will leave Sunday for a week’s outing in the mountains around St. Helena and Willets.
Mrs. J.W. NICHOLSON of Fort Bragg, arrived Sunday for a week’s visit with her daughter Mrs. B.F. JARVIS on Santa Ana avenue. Mr and Mrs. Louis PODESTA, of Feather Springs, is also visiting Mrs. JARVIS.
News was received last week from Dorsetshire, England, of the death of John Charles DENNIS, on May 20, 1913, aged 65 years. The deceased was the father of John H. DENNIS of Colma. The Record extends its sincere sympathy.
Grace Presbyterian church is being moved this week to the corner of Green avenue and Hanover street, where it will be remodeled and materially improved. Rev. Dickey, the new pastor who recently came with his family from Virginia City, seems to be an earnest and energetic worker. His predecessor, Rev. Duncan, has accepted a call to San Anselmo.
The Trustees of Daly City
Renewals of saloon licenses were granted to F.A. SMACK, A. VIRENO, John and Enrico BIGGIO, I. POKET, C. MUNDELIUS, Otto J. MEYER, FAHEY bros., F.S. KNOWLES, I. IMSAND, M.M. MILLETT, Caesar EHLERS, Geo. PANIGATORIOUS. Class B licenses were granted to Julia DONOVAN and CALI Bros.
Mrs. Frank E. LITTLEFIELD has been appointed deputy postmaster of Montara.
O. Clark of San Francisco has rented the Howard House, Moss Beach for the month of June.
Loren COBURN, the octogenarian landowner of Pescadero, who is reputed to have figured in more lawsuits than any man in California, cannot go into the legal fray again. Last Monday the Supreme Court of California denied his petition for a writ of error by which the wealthy capitalist had hoped to carry his fight against being declared incompetent into the U.S. Supreme Court.
New Building Contracts
Blanchard-Brown Company agrees to do certain road work, grading and curbing for Ansel M. Easton in Easton and Burlingame hills for $16,660.
D. HOULE agrees to erect for D. SEARS in 60 days a four-room bath house at Burlingame Terrace for $1850.
Pederson and Overaa agree to erect for H.R. WILLIAMS Jr. in 90 days a one-story attic residence at San Mateo for $7323.50.
S. McCLURE agrees to erect for Mrs. Adelaide E. McDONALD in 90 days a two-story frame residence at Burlingame for $4900.
Probate Court
Estate and guardianship of Kate Motz, an incompetent person, P.E. _amb appointed guardian with bond at _,000
Estate of William MORLEY, deceased, final account and petition for distribution continued to June 12th.
Estate of Richard H. GEGAX, deceased, disposition of Kate GEGAX ordered taken and further hearing for letters of administration continued to June 12th.
In the matter of the adoption of Ruth May FORMAN, a minor. Petition for adoption dismissed.
Florinda A. NELSON has applied in the Superior Court for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of _arrie A. LOCKE, an incompetent person. The estate consists of real property in San Francisco and farming land in Purissima canyon, bringing in an annual rent of $1000, cash in bank amounting to $941.79, outstanding accounts worth $330.90. The property in San Francisco rents $35 a month. Mrs. LOCKE is aged 71 years and owing to illness has become incompetent and unable to transact her business. The petitioner is a daughter of Mrs. LOCKE.
Louis FREGGIARO has applied in the Superior Court for letters testamentary upon the estate of Louis FREGGIARIO, who died at San Mateo on June 1, 1913. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $589.85 and two parcels of unimproved property at San Mateo having no retail value. The entire estate does not exceed the sum of $2000 in value. The deceased left a will bearing date of June 22, 1911. The petitioner is a cousin of the deceased.
San Bruno Items
Tom McCONNELL of Huntington Park, president of the Shipwrights’ Union has just returned from Sacramento, after successfully lobbying the State Drydock Bill through the legislature. To say Tom is pleased is putting it mildly.
Our popular young neighbor, Mike MARTINELLI, has been taking unto himself a wife. The event was the occasion for a large jollification by his friends and neighbors. Mike is made of the right kind of stuff and all wish him a matrimonial pleasure trip.
Superior Court
Thursday District Attorney SWART moved that the charge of an assault against one William MALONEY, committed some time ago at a resort near Portola be dismissed and Judge Buck granted request. Mr. Swart said that with the evidence at hand it would be impossible to convict.
John M. WILSON vs. E. DANELUZ. Demurrer dropped from calendar.
Arthur C. SHEFFIELD vs Mary SHEFFIELD. Notice of motion for stay dropped from calendar.
Thomas J. MULLINS vs Elizabeth MULLINS. Order to show cause continued to June 19.
J.M. HUDDART vs. M. FLEISHACKER. Trial continued to June 12.
Mara A. TOBIN vs A. RICCI, et al. Order to show cause continued to September 4.
In the matter of the petition of San Mateo Polo Club for leave to mortgage real property. Petition granted.
The People vs Marsh DONAGHY. Case dismissed.
Leroy PADGETT vs E.A. HARDY, et al. Demurrer dropped.
Selah CHAMBERLAIN vs J.M. MOORE. Demurrer submitted on briefs.
Louis G. CLAUSSEN vs Ernest HORNE. Demurrer set for June 12.
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN. Demurrer set for June 12.
Kate S. HART vs J. Noble JONES, et al. Further trial continued to June 10.
James H. COUGHEY, et al, vs W.H. BIAS, et al. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiffs quieting title to certain lands near Pescadero.
Annie TURNER vs Bernhard Mattress Co. Motion for a change of place of trial denied.
The Bass-Heufer Paint Company has commenced an action against Andrew P. CHESNEY and others to recover the sum of $205 and costs for paint furnished defendants for use on the Patrick Doyle new building in the School House Extension Association, near Colma. A.L. Stockton Lumber Co. has also brought a suit against Patrick Doyle and other to recover the sum of $735.55 for lumber furnished for the construction of same building.
Minnie CROWLEY of Daly City has brought suit for an interlocutory decree of divorce against her husband, Frank C. CROWLEY on the ground of desertion.
James D. SKELLY and others have brought suit against S.H. COWELL and others to prevent defendants from using more than their share of water from the Denniston creek. Both parties to the suit are reparian owners.
The old biblical saying “That there is no rest for the wicked” was exemplified Thursday when Rupert Karl Oscar NELSON was deprived of his citizenship. NELSON was admitted to citizenship April 29. His application for a license to sell liquor at a resort known as Cypress Lodge was denied by the Supervisors. It was shown that he conducted a disorderly place and was an unfit person to conduct the resort. The government hearing of NELSON’s character at once began proceedings to have his certificate of naturalization revoked and on Thursday U.S. Attorney LITTLETON appeared in court and his petition was granted canceling NELSON’s certificate of naturalization.
San Mateo Items
Friday, June 13, 1913, Mr and Mrs. Geo. A. KERTELL will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.
“Long John” MARLEY, for a long time the popular proprietor of the Building Trades Building cigar stand, has disposed of his interests there and left Monday for a three weeks’ trip to the Yosemite, followed by the good wishes of a host of friends.
Mr and Mrs. J.J. HEINTZ are expected home this week. They have been on their ranch in the northern part of the state since the first of the year and write they will be glad to get back to civilization. Mr. HEINTZ is trying to sell his ranch as he finds he is not cut out for a farmer.
The funeral of Walter Elam LEWIS, who died last Friday, June 6, took place Sunday afternoon and the remains were conveyed via electric funeral car to Cypress Lawn where they were laid to rest. The deceased was aged 51 years, 9 months and 8 days, leaves a widow and three children. He was proprietor of the second hand store at the corner of Ellsworth and Baldwin avenues. Mr. LEWIS was a faithful member of San Mateo Lodge, 804 L.O.O.M., and the funeral was conducted with the beautiful ceremonies of that order.
Last Thursday evening Mrs. James RILEY was given a surprise party by a number of her friends. Part of the evening was passed in playing whist and part was devoted to music, both vocal and instrumental. The guests provided the refreshments which were served in the prettily decorated dining room at a late hour. Those present were Mr and Mrs. L.S. READING, Mr and Mrs. David STOLLERY, Mr and Mrs. George STOLLERY, Mr and Mrs. Charles HUTCHINGS, Mrs. Effie MORAN, Mrs. H. THORSEN, Mrs. Walter MARCUS, Miss FOX and Messrs. E. MARCUS, A. MARCUS, N. MARCUS, G. ALLERTSON, John PALMER, Winton RILEY, Percy HEUTCHING and Mr and Mrs. James RILEY.
Daly City suffered from a destructive fire on Tuesday morning in which half a dozen homes were destroyed at a loss of about $10,000.
The fire started about 7:30 a.m. in the beautiful cottage on the corner of Mission street and Alpha avenue, caused by the explosion of a gasoline stove. The ELLISONS were away on a vacation and the house was being cared for by the son-in-law and daughter, V.A. BRINK and wife. Mr. BRINK generate the stove and then went to the A. SEMI grocery store across the street, when he heard the explosion. He returned instantly and grabbed the hose, but the same was dry, thus preventing him from extinguishing the blaze, which he says he could easily have done if he had water. Fire Commissioner SMACK rushed across the street and he also states that the fire could have been extinguished easily if there had been any water at hand, but it spread rapidly and the cottage was soon enveloped in flames.
The entire volunteer fire department responded and at once went to work to save if possible the adjoining property but the fight was too uneven and the flames soon spread to the house of Mrs. Emily LOCHT, and soon that was a seething furnace. The firemen then directed their attention to the beautiful home that is owned by Miss Jennie JONES and the Misses Julia and Susie LEONARD, teachers, and so effectively did they work that the building was saved, although not without considerable damage. Finally the LOCHT building fell and the victory was son, thanks partially to the one little 1 ½ inch stream of water from the Vista Grande school building that in itself was so weak that it supplied very little water at the top of the JONES-LEONARD building.
In the meantime, the BRINK cottage took fire and thus the flames were connected with the large house of Charles F. JOHNSON, to the east and the same was soon burning briskly and set fire to the William WESTON cottage and then to two refugee shacks occupied by Jack OYPANCBAL the milk man, where the fire stopped on account of a number of sheds having been torn down to save the only remaining cottage in that direction.
A large number of people gathered during the conflagration and everybody worked with willing hands to save the contents of the buildings so that nearly all the furniture in most of the buildings was saved.
A large force of men were working on the reconstruction of the United Railroad and Division. Superintendent ALLEN commendably ordered his men to assist the fire fighters, which they did with good effect. (Note – as printed)
The losses and insurance are as follows:
N. ELLISON, loss $3500; insured $2500
V.A. BRINK, $350; no insurance
Wm WESTON, $1500; insurance expired May 23
Mrs. Emilie LOCHT, $2500, insurance $1000
Chas M. JOHNSON, $3500; insurance unknown
Jack OYPANSCBAL $350; no insurance
JONES-LEONARDS $500; insured $2500
The fire was indeed a fine object lesson for the support of the water bonds and many people who had previously opposed the bonds, unhesitatingly declared that they will vote YES at the election Saturday, June 21. Just think, reader, over one-tenth of the amount of the proposed bond issue was lost by fire because of no water supply. That can never happen under municipal ownership.
REALTY TRANSFERS (Note – Different format – No lot/block of tract locations)
F.A. Levy & Co. to H. GRIMSHAW
Owners Realty Co. to Rose Mulligan
Hensley Green Co. to Wm. Duncan
Owners Realty Co. to A.F. IBURG
Hensley Green Co. to L.H. TRAEGER
The Moxey Realty Co. to B.E. SEGUIN
Same to J.E. ALBERA
Halfmoon Bay Land Co. to Wm. COUGHRAN
G.H.S. HARDING and wife to H.C. HINDS
Shore Line Investment Co. to C. DOMMER
Anglo-Calf Trust Co. to J. STEIN
Crocker Estate Co. to K.U. ZAFF
Stanley E. KOHL to C.G. COOPER
C.B. SMITH and wife to Geo. O. Rich and wife to W. ROGERS
Hensley Realty Co. and A. MEYER To M.M. MOORE
A.W. LEHRKE and wife to L.V. ROBERTS
Paul ARATA and F. LAGOMARSINO to County of San Mateo
Ansel M. Easton and wife to T.J. FEELEY
Owners Realty Co. to W. JUGE
J.R. HOWELL and wife to W.R. REDWOOD
C. McCOUGHERN and wife to W.E. PIPER and wife
Crocker Est. Co. to J. IMSAND
L. JOHNSON and wife to T.T. JOHNSON
R. MARTIN to the Noble Jones Co.
So. S.F. Land and Impr. Co. to Hensley Green Co.
Masson Investment Co. to M. LEVY
Ocean Shore Land Co. to W.Y. WRIGHT
J.R. RODGE and wife to R. ALBERTSEN
Anglo-Calif Trust Co. to J. GIBSON
Hensley-Green Co. to C. MAXWELL
F.J. JORDAN et al to J.E. HOLST
Atlas Land and Contn Co. to Ora L. HEDGE
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to H.P. NEWMAN
G.H. GERWIN to Jas. D. FAY
B.B. DELFINO to So. S.F. Land and Impr. Co.
G. FIGONI et al to San Francisco Land and Impr. CO.
J.F. LANE and wife to R. SHIBTA
L. ROSA and wife to A. LUCCHETTI

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last updated: 21 May 2005