San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
20 June 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
June 20 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 12 Friday, June 20, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Oscar A. SAHLBERG, 20, and Lavina FOX, 25, both of Redwood City
Eldon P. FRONK, 21, and Carrie ANTHONY, 18, both of San Francisco
Richard C. MILLER, 28, Burlingame, and Elizabeth EDWARDS, 18, Oakland
Frederick A. PALLEG, 27, San Francisco and Eva B. NEWMAN, 22, San Mateo
Otis N. JOHNSON, 43, and Mary RAMSEY, 44, both of San Francisco
E.V. PARISS, 28, San Francisco, and Janet WARD, 26, Oakland
Frank A. WILLARD, 44, an Della THIELMANN, 30, both of San Francisco.
George S. KO, 24, and Crystal S. KIMLAN, 24, both of San Francisco
Probate Court
Estate of Lemuel T. CARTER, deceased. Probate of will continued to June 19.
Estate of V. SEMINOFF, deceased. First and final account and petition for distribution continued to June 19.
Estate of Antonia DOYLE, deceased. Trustees’ report and account settled and allowed.
Estate of David F. WALKER, deceased. Petition for order directing the payment of claims continued to August 7.
In the matter of the adoption of Ruth M. FORMAN. Order made permitting May FORMAN to adopt said minor.
Lena FINKE has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Carl F.J. FINKE, who died on March 13, 1910. The estate consists of certain lots in the Abbey Homestead.
Thomas J. HOGAN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of John I. HOGAN, who died at San Francisco on May 8, 1913. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $2500. The heirs at law are Thomas Thos. (sic) HOGAN, Mary HOGAN, Kate DONOVAN, Clara and Chas. F. HOGAN.
~ ~ ~
Mrs. Jas. CAIRNS is enjoying her vacation in Nevada City.
Miss Marguerite came home this week from Monterey for a visit to home folks.
Mrs. Richard Harris has bought a fine lot on Santa Ana avenue, near her beautiful home.
Charles Reardon, who lives on Manchester street, has been quite sick, but is now recovering.
Charles LaFebre of Colma, has gone to Atlanta, Georgia, to take a position with the Examiner.
Miss Ida KENNEDY, of Rocklin, is spending her vacation with relatives and friends in Daly City.
W.H. RUSSELL and son Bert, of Hartford, are visiting this week with W.A. RUSSELL in Daly City.
Ladies tailoring and dressmaking. No repairing or plain sowing(sic) – Mrs. L. GREGORY, 114 Santa Ana avenue
Mrs and Wm Morris of Vancouver, R.C. are visiting Mrs. Morris’ parents, Mrs and F. BRACKMAN on Los Angeles avenue.
Mrs. Jas. GARLAND of Lake avenue, left Tuesday for a six weeks’ outing at Sunnyvale, accompanied by her two children, Daisy and Jack.
The fire in Daly City Tuesday put the Half Moon Bay Light & Power Company’s system out of order for several hours.
Died at Colma, Sunday June 15, Miss Mary A. HOGAN, daughter of the late John and Catharine HOGAN. The funeral took place Tuesday and the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross.
G.W. HARRISON, the genial S.P. agent at Colma, is away on a two week’s vacation at Lake Tahoe, accompanied by his wife. During his absence, the station is in charge of Geo. H. KENYON< who for the part fifteen years has been in the employ of the S.P. in Nevada.
Mrs. Laura FROON, who lives on Orange avenue, Daly City, and is an employee is a San Francisco laundry, was frightfully injured Monday by having both her arms crushed between the rollers of a collar machine. She was taken to the Central Emergency Hospital first, but later removed to Mary’s Help Hospital, where she is being treated, butr it is feared that both arms may have to be amputated.
New Building Contracts
J.H. WILSON agrees to erect for J. H. HATCH in 75 days a one-story reinforced concrete store and basement at Burlingame for $9500
Geo. E. DONNELLY and Joan A. WALLER agree to erect a frame residence for L.E. MULLEN on lot 18, block 19, Dingee Park by August 6, 1913, for $2500. This does not include the exterior painting.
Log Rolling at San Mateo
Buckeye Camp No. 563, Woodmen of the World, have about complete arrangements for a large joint class initiation to be held in San Mateo on the evening of July 11, with the camps of San Bruno, South San Francisco and Redwood City participation.
The “San Mateo Log-rolling” as it is known, and which, in the vernacular of the Woodmen of the World, means the introduction of a large number of new members at one time, was officially launched last Saturday night in I.O.O.F. hall with a grand smoker and entertainment. Mr. Peter Gilroy, Deputy Head Consul of the Order, delivered an eloquent and interesting address upon the success of the Order during its twenty-three years of existence.
The famous Uniformed Drill Team and Staff Officers of Golden Gate Camp No. 64, of San Francisco, have been invited, and will be present and confer the Protection Degree upon the big class of candidates. Mr. T.J. Van HOOSER, the District Manager who is in charge of this campaign, will devote most of his time to the local camp during the next thirty days.
Beautiful Graduation Exercises
Last Friday the Crocker Tract School was the scene of one of the most elaborate and beautifully arranged graduation exercises ever held in Jefferson School District. The floral decorations were particularly fine, giving exquisite effect, such as is seldom seen or even possible, while the pupils and efficient teachers in charge were all elegantly attired, thus completing the setting to practical perfection.
The people in that portion of the city have taste commendable and their entertainments of any kind are always first class, but in this instance they surpassed even themselves, and the other schools that joined certainly have cause to be proud that they did so.
The following is a complete list of the graduates of the Jefferson School District:
Emily Roth
Emily Bocci
Lena Gotelli
Joseph Martinelli
David Belli
Winifered Cootage
Palmeira Ferrechio
Reta Gass
May Bono
Arthur Dalton
Martha Frahm
Irene Ver Linden
Carla Bradtberg
Ida Hesselein
Chas. D. Glenn
Helen Pfefer
Vere de Rondon Pos
Alfred Allsebrook
Carl Emil Hansen
Lucile Hassett
Loretta O’Brien
Vernon Gregg
Edith Landini
Harry Mullen
Emile Hansen
Gladys Smith
Sarah Rosenberg
Walter Cruchoff
Ben Atlas
Max Atlas
The honor of being the highest in the county has fallen to Emily Roth of the Colma school.
Superior Court
C.C. WELLS vs. Chas. F. WELLS. Judgment given plaintiff
Leoni PHELPS vs William H. PHELPS. Interlocutory decree of divorce given plaintiff.
Mullen Estate Co. vs. Mark LANE. Trial set for June 20.
Joseph VIOGET vs Ellen VIOGET. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff
Lester BLANCHARD vs Thos. J. KELLY. Motion to strike out continued to June 26.
Frances S. ARNOLD vs Richard S. ARNOLD. Motion for alimony continued to June 19.
John B. COLEMAN vs. CLARICE A. ANTHONY. Demurrer continued to June 19.
Lester Danz vs J. H. Mansfield, Demurrer submitted.
Annie TURNER vs Bernard Mattress Co. Demurrer overruled and defendant given 10 days to answer
E. PETERSON vs. United Railroads, Demurrer submitted on briefs.
J.L. ROSS vs Edward HILDEBRAND, et al. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer
Emma STEFFEN vs Joseph STEFFEN. Demurrer submitted
J.F. WIENKE vs. C.B. SMITH et al. Trail continued to June 19.
Bank fo Half Moon Bay vs Samuel A. PHILLIPS. Decree of foreclosure granted.
Laura M. HUNTOON et al vs Oscar M. BRYANT et al. Demurrer set for June 19.
Daniel P. LYNN vs Crescent Mill and Lumber Co. Trail set for June 17
John KYNE vs J.F. BELLO. Trial set for June 17
John ALVES vs John PRAEDER. Trial set for June 18
The Schwerin Estate Realty co. has brought an action again Joseph SLYER and others to quiet title to certain lots in the Schwerin Addition to Visitaction Valley.
L.M. PFLUGER has commenced an action against James G. Young to abrogate a certain agreement of sale entered into last April. Defendant agreed to sell certain property of plaintiff at Belle Air Park, but has failed to do so.
Judge Buck has dismissed the case of the Peninsula Water Company against George R. Borden and others.
George S. GOULD has been appointed to appraise the property of the estate of Anna MASSEN, deceased, located in Monterey county.
Charles F. WELLS has been appointed special administrator of the estate of Charles C. WELLS, who died February 21, 1912.
Ella MACKEY has brought suit against her husband, William E. MACKEY, for divorce on statutory grounds.
Maria PIZZO has commenced an action against her husband, Matteo PIZZO, for divorce on statutory grounds.
Jonathan HOGUE has commenced an action against William E. HOGUE as administrator of the estate of Annie M. HOGUE, deceased to quiet title to lot 20, block 2, Burlingame Park, and lot 26, block 10, Burlingame Terrace.
Jennie ROBART has brought a suit against T.J. DALE to recover the sum of $800 and secure possession of her ranch in the Alpine district.
Daniel BOICELL has begun foreclosure proceeding against Charles COFIORI and others to recover the sum of $2000.
San Bruno Items
Archie MOORE came home from the country Saturday to visit his family for a few days.
R.G. SNEATH has commenced the shipment of hay for his dairy cows.
Miss Mooney, a resident of the fifth addition, has an eight-hour posting in San Mateo, of which she is very proud.
The two-story residence of Mr. YOUNG Near the station, occupied by Mr. MAUER and Mr. WRIGHT, was burned to the ground Tuesday evening with all outbuildings. No insurance.
Mr and Mrs. FOSTER of Los Angeles are visiting Mrs. FOSTER’s sister, Mrs. DUNN of Bell Air.
REALTY TRANSFERS (Note – Different format – No lot/block of tract locations)
F. MARXIOTO and wife to May ALOISE.
Shore Line Investment CO. to H. YOST
Chas. H. FINGER and wife to Thos. T. WINSOM
T. CROWLEY et al to A.P. MAKOWER, Lot 23, blk 17, Crocker Tract
H.D. NEWHOUSE to Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
A.M. Easton and wife to W.A. MACDONALD
Anna D. ROLLER et al to Edw. P. HEALD
F.P. BROPHY and wife to T.L. CRAWFORD
W.F. EBNER and wife to Milton H. HUGHES and wife
Shore Line Invest. Co. to J. JOHNSON
Bank of Halfmoon Bay to Jno. A. BETTENCOURT
South San Francisco Land & Impr. CO. to Hensley Green Co.
Hensley Green Co. to Ole MONSEN and wife
Patridge Realty CO. to P. FERRO
Ira M. COBE and wife to F.A. TAYLOR
Same to J.J. SOARES and wife
Oaks CO. to W.F. LOTZIN
Rockaway Beach Co. to Paul S. DOYLE
W.N. EVANS to H. WITTS, Lot 50, blk 9, Crocker Tract
Ansel M. Aston and wife to Bertha J. GOLDMAN
J.W. SHIRLEY et al to M.C. CALLAN. Portions blks 50, 51, Abbey Homestead
C.N. CURRY et al to Jos. Ellsworth
Cutoff Land Co. to V.N. IVEY
Ocean Shore Dev. Co. to H.B. ROBBENS
Rockaway Beach Co. to M.H. MORTON
Ocean View Land and Impr. Co. to. L.W. BEECHER. Lot 3, blk 16, Vista Grande
Ravenswood Investment Co. to G.S. JORDAN
Ocean View Land and Impr. Co. to V. BERTON
C.T. MALONEY and wife to V. BERTON
The Noble Jones Co. to Kate S. HART
R.W. BARRETT and wife to L.H. DELANO
Cal. Suburban Home Co. to L. BOLOGNA
Union Park Land Co. to L. GOTELLI and wife.
Vernon YOUNG et al to M. BAYLEY
J.R. CUNNYHAM et al to F.H. RYAN
Ocean View Land and Impr. Co. to Geo. D. EOANOU. Lot 2, blk 18, Vista Grande
Crocker Estate Co. to Chas. H. REYBERG et al. Lot 27, blk, 11, Crocker Tract
Shore Line Investment Co. to W.G. HIND
Anglo-Calif Trust Co. to Johnathan SHIMMON
Hensley Realty CO. et al to Jas. REILLY
Same to J.W. PEARSON
Ansel M. Easton and wife to C.K. READ
Same to Martha BASSECK
A.M. BACON and husband to J.S. MAGINNIS
F. MONTEVDO et al to F. MASQUITE et al.
Butano Land and Dev Co to G.F. HOWELL
A.M. Easton and wife to M.J. PERRY
Anglo-Cal Trust Co. to N.E. HARDIES
C. BONTZ and wife to M. MIRAGLIA
John J. CARDY and wife to Jacob KARN and wife
Glucksman Levy Realty CO. to J. SCHMOR et al.
S.H. BROWN and wife to Arthur G. DUNCAN. Lot 42, blk 7, Crocker Tract

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last updated: 21 May 2005