San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
27 Jun 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
June 27 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 13 Friday, June 27, 1913

Marriage Licenses

Francis SAINTILIAN, aged 32, and Lucile LARRASQUET, aged 19, both of San Mateo.
Edwin L. SANFORD, aged 69, and Ada BRUNNE, aged 42, both of San Jose.
Arthur F. FICKEL, aged 22, and Mary SPENCER, aged 16, both of Oakland
Chas. W. FISCHER, aged 27, and Juel SILK, aged 20, both of San Francisco
Martin L. PARSONS, aged 30, of Ross, Marin county, and Georgiana TOMS, aged 30, San Francisco
Edward A. MESSENGER, aged 25, and Margaret C. O’NIELL, aged 21, both of Suisan
W.E. FOSTEVIN, aged 25, and Emma B. DAVIS, aged 27, both of San Francisco
Allan A. GARFIELD, aged 40, and Lillian DORRIS, aged 29, both of San Francisco
Bartolmeo BALLATORE, aged 30, and Marie J. BESSIERE, aged 36, both of San Francisco.
P.A. POSS, aged 27, San Mateo, and Frances L. CREEGER, aged 27, Tiffon, Ohio
George SCHWOVER, aged 22, and Lucie LILLIE, aged 23, both of Valley Springs, Calavaras county
Arthur H. LANFEAR, aged 37, and Mary F. BRADY, 97, both of Redwood City. (ages as printed in paper)

Probate Court

Estate of Richard GEGAX, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to June 26.

Estate of David STAUFFER, deceased. Account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.

Estate and guardianship of Helen M. LANE, a minor. Order to show cause granted.

Estate of Ursuline HOLDING, deceased. Will admitted to probate.

Estate of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. Order to show cause granted.

Estate of John HOGAN, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to June 26.

Estate of Carl F. H. FINKE, deceased. Lena FINKE granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.

Estate and guardianship of Lawrence M. CAHILL, a minor. Fourth annual account of guardian settled and allow.

P.H. McEVOY, administrator of the estate of Edward R. HART, deceased, has filed his final account and petition for distribution.


New Building Contracts

Albert Cooke agrees to erect for Martha L. REGNER in 60 days a one-story frame residence at San Mateo for $2342.
A.B. CAVANAUGH of Millbrae agrees to erect for A.F. PLYMIRE in 70 days a one-story bungalow and concrete basement at South San Francisco for $2476.50.


Superior Court

Walter SEALY has brought action against Samuel KNIGHT to recover the sum of $825 for damages done his carriage and for the killing of his horse by the defendant. The complaint alleges that plaintiff was riding in El Cerrito Park on March 23, 1913, when he was run into by an automobile driven by an employe of Knight.

Will CALLINAN has commenced action against his wife for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of desertion.

John H. TIMMERMANN has brought suit against his wife, Bessie E. TIMMERMANN for an interlocutory decree of divorce on statutory grounds.

Marla G. BEGHIN has brought suit against her husband Guerrere BEGHIN, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty.

John KYNE vs John F. BELLO. Demurrer to amend complaint overruled and defendant allowed 10 days to answer.

Daniel P. FLYNN vs Crescent Mill and Lumber Co. Judgment for defendant, less $25.

Rebecca BELL, et al vs D.E. BLACKBURN. Judgment for plaintiff.

Jas. D. SKELLY et al vs S.H. COWELL et al. Order to show cause continued to June 25.

Sarah CHAMBERLAIN vs J.M. MOORE. Demurrer sustained

Frances S. ARNOLD vs Richard S. ARNOLD. Motion for alimony dropped from calendar.

J.B. COLEMAN vs Carrie A. ANTHONY. Demurrer continued to June 26.

Lewis G. CLAUSSEN vs E.W. HORNE. Demurrer continued to June 26.

Miller Estate Co. vs. Mark LANE. Further trial continued to June 28.

The papers in the appeal case from the justice of the peace of the first township in the suit of J. CARMODY against Gertrude SWANSON and others have been filed.

The divorce proceedings begun some time ago by Thomas J. MULLINS, against his wife, Elizabeth E. MULLINS, have been dismissed, both parties to the suit agreeing to pay their respective costs.

Judge BUCK has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Annie C. DUFFY from her husband, Henry E. DUFFY, on the grounds of willful desertion. The couple was married in this county January 22, 1910.

John ALVIS vs John PRADER. Trial dropped from calendar.

Robert WISNOM Co. vs Southern Pacific Railroad CO. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff, quieting title to certain lands in Kern county.

Born Tuesday, June 17, to the wife of G. SHOWER of Hillcrest, a fine girl.

Mrs. JARVIS’ mother, Mrs. NICKELSON, returned to her home at Fort Bragg Sunday.

Ben RAILTON has moved into Mrs. Charles MULLEN’s home on Los Olivos avenue.

Mr and Mrs. BADE of Burlingame, visited their son Leon BADE, on Hillcrest Drive Sunday.

Mrs. John TIDINGS, who lives on Code street, who underwent an operation last Thursday, is getting along nicely.

Mrs. James FOX, of Crocket, Contra Costa county, with her two children is visiting Mrs. Richard GEGAX, 607 Vista avenue.

Miss Lilia HARRIS returned home Monday from a six weeks’ visit to relatives and friends in Amador county and Sacramento.

A marriage license was issued in San Francisco Saturday for John E. SHEEHAN, 21, to Miss Evelyn HESTER, 18, both of Daly City.

Mrs. Ida COON, of Theta avenue, who was taken to the Red Cross Hospital, San Mateo, last week for an operation for appendicitis, is getting along nicely and returned home Tuesday.

Dr. G.L. MARION has moved his office from 139 Santa Ana to the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. P.D. ROWLAND, corner of Mission street and Merced avenue.

Albert HENDRICKSON, the little boy who was injured two weeks ago by having his foot crushed by an S.P. train switching at Daly City, expects to return from the hospital next Saturday.

Matt GRADY, the genial, liked-by-all gentleman who has been manager of Casey’s market in Colma for many years, has been compelled to retire on account of his health, caused by the operation he had performed some time ago. He is now in charge of a laundry route.

On Wednesday, June 18, Don FUNGE, the popular Colma horseman, was kicked by one of his animals and was so severely injured that he was rendered insensible and had to be taken to a hospital, where he remained several days before sufficiently recovered to get out again.



W.G. BAKER Is finishing his residence on Farallone Heights.

A.H. COHEN and family have gone to Salt Lake City for a visit.

Mrs. D.L. RAYNOR is visiting her mother, Mrs. LITTLEPAGE for the summer.

Miss Alice McBURNEY has returned to Los Angeles after a several weeks visit with her cousin, Miss Dora RICH.

Mr and Mrs. WEATHERWAX have moved into their home at Marine View, where they will remain throughout the summer.

Misses Marion FLY, Georgia SKAGGS, and Leah and Gertrude FERGUSON of San Francisco are visiting Mrs. Robert F. GALLAGHER at Farallone.

Alfred WILLIAMS, Vice-President and General Manager of the Ocean Shore Railroad, has leased A.H. COHEN’s bungalow at Marine View Beach for the summer.

Mrs. E.P. NANCE and son Jimmie of San Mateo visited Mrs. NANCE’s sister, Mrs. R.L. FLEMING and niece Miss Helen FLEMING Sunday. Mr. NANCE is assistant editor of the San Mateo Index.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lomita Park Fire

Tuesday afternoon Lomita Park suffered a severe fire in which the beautiful homes of Louis ROBERTS, engineer of the Spring Valley Water Works, and S.K. FRAZIER, a carpenter, were completely destroyed, both aggregating a loss of about $6000.
The fire started from the burning of grass and spread so rapidly that an appeal for aid was sent to San Mateo and Hillsborough, who responded by sending their splendid motor chemical engines that made a speed of over 55 miles an hour and arrived in time to save several other houses that would have surely been destroy but for them.
When the fire started, Mrs. ROBERTS was quite sick and had to be carried out by her husband.
Francis PENN and Chris FAGAN were overcome with smoke, but were soon revived.



R.C. MOSHER and wife to Sherry Freitas Co. Lot 4 blk 5 Fronada (sic)
Ocean Shore Dev. Co to J.H. PETERSON Lot 16 blk 4 Marine View Terrace
So San Francisco Land and Imp Co to D.F. LEVY Lot 23 blk 83 South San Francisco
Calara Valley Realty Co to C. RYAN Lot 9 blk Vallemar
Jno A. BOYDET et al to A. ABERADO Lot 38 blk 2 Sequoia Tract
Moss Beach Realty Co. to E.L. ALEXANDER Lot 31, 32 blk 23 Moss Beach Heights
Albert SALA et al to Harry SALA Lot 17, blk 2, East San Mateo
J.P. KING and wife to C.N. KIRKBRIDE Lot 9, blk P San Mateo Heights
S. SAMBISE et al to A. VOLONTE Lot 4, blk 119 So San Francisco
Jane S. MAGINNIS and husband to S. MCCLURE, Portion lot 9, blk 7, Prop Burlingame Land Co
Guadoloupe Dev Co to Jno. G. EPPLER, lot 10 blk 13, City of Visitacion
Ocean Shore Dev Co to F.B. BALDWIN Lot 5, blk 15, Marine View Terrace
An M. Easton (sic) and wife to Geo. N. BURGESS Lot 29 blk 40 Easton Add Burlingame
Same to Same Lot 30 blk 40 same map
C.H. CASTLE to V.N. CASTLE Lot 1 11 blk 4 Arleta Park
Shore Line Investment Co to M. PAGE Lot 27 blk 22 Granada
Hensley-Green Co to Laura M. McMAHON Lot 17 blk 9 San Bruno Park
Shore Line Investment Co to J.P. DAVIS Lot 2s blk 25 Granada
Guadaloupe Dev Co to A.A. GARDIHER Lot 2 3 blk 11, City of Visitacion
L.S. BROWN and wife to Elizabeth PRITCHARD, Lot 26 W.W.&M Sub
Farallone Home Realty Co to E.P. COOKE Lots 14, 16, blk 43 Farallon Heights
S.D. Le YOE to Ida N. De YOE Lot 7 blk 5 Miramar Terrace
J.T. MABEY and wife to L.C. LEET, Lot 27 blk 89, Granada Subdivision 8
Hensley-Green Co. to Maria MARTINELLI Lot 12, blk 6, San Bruno Park
Same to Cora E. MISTER Lots 18, 19, blk 2 San Bruno Park
M. COUSINS and wife to P.KIRSCHCAUM Portion blk 31, Frn Ad San Mateo
Wm Manchester to A. PAOALE Lot 20, blk 66, Dumbarton Oaks
Ocean Shore Land Co to the B. BRAKE Lot 11, blk 13, Revised Salada Beach
The San Varlos Park Syndicate to Portola Cade Co. blk 17, Town San Carlos
Hensley-Green Co. to George Summerfield. Lots 17, 18, block 29, San Bruno Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to S.E. CAPMAN Lots 16, 17, 18, blk 5 Easton Add, Burlingame
J.H.T. Watkinson to Wm. F. Carroll and wife Lot 31, blk C. Mission St. Tract
Ernest O. REGENBURGER and wife to Homdstead Realty Co. Portion of blk, L, I, O, P, Q, N, Mission St.
Crocker Est. Co. to A.G. Duncan, Lot 13, blk 6, Crocker Tract
Montara Realty Dev Co. to S. ELBERG and wife. Portion blk 18, Montara Sup and Am.
Mary N. LANDSALE and husband to Elmer DUNBAR. Portion lots 1, 2, blk 2, Easton Add, Burlingame.

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last updated: 21 May 2005