San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
04 July 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
July 4 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 14 Friday, July 4, 1913

Marriage Licenses

George M. VICTORINO, aged 21 and Mary FERNANDIS, aged 21, both of Halfmoon Bay
Thomas G. NEGRICK, aged 33, and Jennie M. MARSHALL, aged 31, both of San Francisco
Otto MAUSERT, aged 41, Belden, Plumas county, and Clair VOIGT, aged 36, Sweetwater, Nevada
Lewis A. DAVIDSON, aged 28, Vancouver, and Elizabeth C. ZANE, aged 26, Santa Barbara
Chas. C. McILWAIN, aged 22, San Mateo and Emily A. GILLETTE, aged 16, San Francisco.
Fred G. LAMPE, aged 30, San Francisco and Mabel VECTEY, aged 21, San Bernardino
Roy T. DIXON, aged 36, and Mabel A.T. FISHER, aged 22, both of San Francisco
Richmond N. GOODWIN, aged 34, and Ethel F> FAIRMAN, aged 23, both of Redwood City.

Probate Court

Estate of Hans RASSMUSSEN, deceased. Further hearing on disposition of moneys for sale of Woodside ranch. Ordered reopened and same submitted on briefs.

Estate of Richard GEGAX, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to Aug. 7.

Estate of Lemuel T. CARTER, deceased. Will admitted to probate.

Estate of Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased. Petition for partial distribution continued to July 3.

Estate and guardianship of Carrie A. LOCKE, deceased. Florinda NELSON granted letters of guardianship with bond fixed at $4000. Guardian allowed $150 per month from March 1 for care and keeping of ward.

Estate of Antonia DOYLE, deceased. Trustees report and account of POPE minors continued to August 7. Mr. REDDING, an expert accountant, appointed to expert the books of the DOYLE Estate Co. and Cupertino Wine Co.

Estate of John T. DOYLE, deceased. Trustee’s report and account of the POPE minors, continued to March 7.

Estate of Louis FREGGIARO, deceased. Will admitted to probate. L. FREGIARO appointed executor with bond fixed at $1200. (FREGGIARO - FREGIARO as printed)

Estate of John HOGAN, deceased. Thomas HOGAN appointed administrator with bond fixed at $4500.

Estate of Hugh McARTHUR, deceased. Petition to determine inheritance tax granted. Final account allowed and petition for distribution granted.

Charles MULLEN, administrator of the estate of Josephine Elizabeth MULLEN, deceased, has substituted R.W. GILLOGLE as his attorney for and in place of W.T. MOONEY.

Judge BUCK has appointed R.F. CHILCOTT inheritance tax appraisal of the estate of Lemuel T. CARTER, deceased.

H.W. SCHABERG, appraiser of the estate of O.F. BOLLES, deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is appraised at $618.

Mary Weber has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of George SOMER, who died on June 19, 1913. The estate consists of cash in two San Francisco banks amounting to $900. The heirs at law are the petitioner, a daughter, and Joseph and George SOMER, sons of the deceased. Mary WEBER has also applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of Joseph SOMER, a minor, aged 19 years. Harry F. STYLES is the attorney for the estate.
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Mrs. A. McCLELLAN is quite sick at her home on Hillcrest Drive.
Panl SHULTZ and wife have returned to Daly City and live of Theta avenue.
Mrs. E.A. McCLEALLAN left Wednesday morning for a visit to friends in Santa Cruz.

Jas. S. O’BRIEN and young son, Lawrence, left this week for New York City, to be gone several weeks.

Daly City’s new and efficient postmistress Mrs. Hazel C. RUSSELL, reports that of the 200 boxes just installed, nearly all have been rented.

Dr. F. BUSH’s dental office is No. 420 Mission Road. Office hours 10:30 to 5:30 p.m. except Wednesdays. Evenings by appointment. Sundays 10 to 12.

Dame Rumor has it that Mrs. Bessie MULLINS and Charley ANDERSON were married about two weeks ago in San Francisco. Both have many friends in Daly City.

Last Thursday night fire destroyed the barn of John HENNESSY, the enterprising coal and grain dealer at 251 Sickles avenue, Ocean View, causing a heavy loss, including a fine team of horses.

Mrs. Eloise S. d’VELEZ, the well known and efficient teacher, returned Monday from her trip to Spain, where she went about two months ago to settle an estate in which she is the principle legatee.

Mrs. Eliza CECCONI, 221 Los Angeles avenue, who was in the last stages of tuberculosis, and gave birth to a child at 6 o’clock Monday morning, died twelve hours later, aged 29 years. The funeral took place Wednesday and the remains were laid to rest in the Italian cemetery.

Last Sunday an automobile returning from a funeral at a high rate of speed came to grief in Daly City by running into a rut caused by the street work that is being done. A spring was broken and one occupant, F. MARTINI by name, was so badly bruised that he had to call on Dr. MARION for temporary treatment.

Adolf FREY was awarded the contact for the improvement of the grounds surrounding the Vista Grande and Crocker school buildings, including the gardening and concrete retaining walls, and is very actively engaged in the work, so that he expects to have it almost, if not quite completed when vacation ends.

The funeral of Miss Dina LEVY, the beloved daughter of Henry and Ida LEVY, who died in a San Francisco hospital, early Tuesday morning, from typhoid fever, took place Wednesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Salem cemetery. The deceased was just past 16 years of age, a recent graduate of the schools with high honors, a most estimable young lady and leaves a very large circle of friends to mourn her untimely death.

The Supervisors
San Mateo County Solons

Professors S.P. McCREA of the Sequoia High School and Wm. J. SAVAGE of the Jefferson Schools, were unanimously elected to succeed themselves as members of the county board of education.

The case of Mrs. CEONI, 221 Los Angeles, avenue, Daly City, reported in last stages of tuberculosis and also as giving birth to a child Sunday night was referred to Supervisor Casey with power to act.

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Leading Catholic prelates and laymen from cities and towns bordering San Francisco Bay met in San Mateo Sunday to participate in the fifth anniversary celebration of San Mateo Council No. 1345, Knights of Columbus. Members of the order living on the peninsula attended in large numbers. The festivities closed at night with a banquet at the Peninsula hotel in honor of Bishop HANNA of San Francisco.
The day was filled with receptions to distinguished visitors, outdoor entertainment, the conferring of degrees and the renewal of the ties of brotherhood and friendship.
The festivities began at 10:45 o’clock, when a special train brought guests from San Francisco. Headed by the League of the Cross Cadet band, the visiting Knights and a large body of San Mateo county members marched to St. Matthews church, where high mass was celebrated. Rev. T.J. O’CONNELL delivered the sermon.
At noon a barbecue was served in the grounds of the First avenue grammar school.
The ritualistic work of San Mateo council took place in the afternoon. The second degree was conferred by Past Deputy Neal POWER and State Deputy Frank SILVA, assisted by the state team. The third degree was given also.
In the class of 68 candidates were:
Thomas A. DRISCOLL, Captain A.H. PAYSON, Christian de GUIGNE Jr., John S. GRAHAM, William H. BROWN, J.J. HASTINGS, John P. DALY, J.J. McGRATH and J. Racey BIVEN, San Mateo; Father John F. CASEY, E.S. FAY and L. COLLINS, Burlingame; Father George LACOMBE and William MURRAY, Menlo Park; Father Joseph M. GLEASON and R. V. GILCRIST, Palo Alto; Peter McCORMICK; Oakland, and Dr. A.J. McKINNON, Rio Vista.
During the afternoon the visiting ladies were given a reception.
This was Bishop HANNA’s first official visit to San Mateo.
At the banquet Joseph SCOTT, the labor leader of Los Angeles, made the address in behalf of the Knights of Columbus, Joseph S. TOBIN of Hillsborough spoke for the Catholic residents of San Mateo county.
The committee of arrangements was as follows: Joseph F. KILLELEA, James T. O’KEEFE, F. PARTMANN, J.J. HAHIR, Daniel FLYNN, George A. DELEAU, Rev. James A. GRANT, George A. GADD, J.B. RUEGG and Raymond K. O’GRADY.
The following represented officially their respective parishes at the banquet:
Judge A. McSWEENEY, South San Francisco; B. BILL, San Bruno; the Rev. J.A. GRANT, James R. MURPHY, James MADDEN and G.J. McGREGOR, Burlingame; Joseph Sadoc TOBIN and Walter MARTIN, Hillsborough; the Rev. J. DUGAN, J.E. CASEY, J.B. RUEGG, Edwin TOBIN, and R.O’GRADY, San Mateo; J. H. HAHIR, P.A. RYAN, the Rev. J.J. SULLIVAN and William KING, Redwood City; the Rev. J.B. HANNIGAN, D.E. O’KEEFE, A. GALE, James T. O’KEEFE, John MOREY and J.B. KELLY, Menlo Park; the Rev. Joseph M. GLEASON.

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Superior Court

The National Water Co. filed articles of incorporation. The company is incorporated for the sum of $20,000, divided into 200 shares at a par value of $100 each. The place of business is San Francisco and the stockholders who have subscribed one share each: Geo. A. POPE, J.D. GRANT and W.L. CULVER.

The Manufacturers Mercantile Co. has brought a suit against Wesley RIPHENBURGH and others to foreclose a mechanic’s lien on a building located on lots 6 and 10, block 2, in the northern portion of the county for $134.

Alfred C. BERNAL has brought suit against his wife, Pauline M. BERNAL, for an interlocutory decree on the grounds of desertion. The plaintiff is a practicing attorney residing at Daly City and is attorney propria persona in the suit.

The Joe Wilson Printing Co. has commenced an action against Louise MATTHAL to recover the sum of $94 on a promissory note executed on June 28, 1912, and secured by a mortgage on lot 8, block 133, Abbey Homestead Association.

The Peninsula Water Co., vs G.R. BORDEN et al. Action ordered dismissed.

Sarah RICHARDS vs. Louis RAISING. Decree of Foreclosure granted plaintiff. The property on which the mortgage is foreclosed is lot 23, block 14, Vista Grande.

Lester BLANCHARD vs T.J. KELLY. Motion to strike out denied. Motion to strike out portions of second amended and supplemental complaint submitted.

J.F. WIENKE vs C.B. SMITH. Trial continued to August 7.

John B. COLEMAN vs. Carrie A. ANTHONY. Demurrer sustained and plaintiff given ten days to amend.

Louis G. CLAUSSEN vs Ernest W. HORNE. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed ten days to answer.

Arthur L. Turner, et al vs Bernhard Mattress Co. Motion for a change of venue denied.

Lillian L. MOORE vs J.M. MOORE, Demurrer continued to July 10

J.L. ROSS vs. Edward HILDEBRAND et al. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed thirty days to answer.

M.G. BEGHIN vs G. BEGHAN. Order to show cause continued to July 3.

The People vs Spring Valley Water Co. Defendant granted 30 days further time to plead

Levy Bros vs Manuel BARTAO et al. Judgment ordered for plaintiff. Attorney’s fees fixed in the sum of $75.

Halfmoon Bay Land Co vs S.H. COWELL. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court upon representation made by the clerk that the original complaint in said action is missing from the files and the attorneys for plaintiff and defendant being present in court and agreeing thereto, it is hereby ordered that a copy of said complaint be furnished said clerk by john PARTRIDGE to be filed in the place and stead of the original above mentionee.

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San Bruno Items

Jack OSWELL of Huntington has recovered from his accident and resumed blacksmithing in South City.

Mr. MADSEN of the Third Addition has been serious ill, but is now able to be about.

Mr and Mrs PIERSON, opposite the postoffice, are building a new fence around their well cultivated home that is both useful and ornamental.

Miss SPOTSWOOD of Huntington journeyed to the city to enjoy her birthday this week.

Mrs. J.O’CONNOR and daughters paid Mr. O’CONNOR’s parents, who live in Oakland, a visit this week.

It is wonderful some of the interesting talks some of our citizens could make if they would. For instance, Geo. SNEATH might tell of the early days of the Jersey farm; the SILVEYS could tell how they have seen their holding grow from a cow pasture to the dignity of city lots; Mr. LOMBARDI might tell how it feels to butt into a Southern Pacific engine; Joe SMITH might tell the public how to farm for both pleasure and profit; Andy BURK might tell his secret of how to be a good fellow to all comers, and Doc. SMITH might tell us how to be a successful mixer, and so on.

New Building Contracts

The following builders’ contracts were filed in the county recorder’s office during the week:
Vincent J. DONOVAN agrees to do the painting on the new St. Matthew’s Red Cross hospital at San Mateo by September 1 for $2900.

J.J. HEAPHY agrees to erect for P. LIBEROPULOSIN in 90 days a one-story frame building in Burlingame for the sum of $3250.

Caldwell & Wisnom agree to erect for Estelle V. HANSEN in 125 days a two story reinforced concrete building at Burlingame for $13,600.

Pedersen & Overaa agree to erect for Isabel K. RIXON in 60 days a one-story frame residence at Burlingame for $s,462(sic)



J.J. RAUER et al to Sydney HARRIS, lot 16, blk 2, Hillcrest
Arthur L. WHITE to Geo. L. PERHAM lot 5 blk 5, Easton Ad., Burlingame
M.A. GRAINER et al to M.E. OLNEY, blk 1, Spanishtown
Hensley-Smith CO. to M. DeLANO lot 12, blk 18, San Pedro Terrace
Same to Nettie Duncan, lot 14, blk 18, same map
Crocker Est. Co to M. BROWN, lot 16 blk 11, Crocker Est
Hensley-Smith Co. to T. KASHOW et al., lots 25 and 29, blk 4, San Pedro Terrace
W. LYFORD to F.F. GRIFFIN et al. lot 17, blk 61, Dumbarton
F. WAGNER to J.W. KEYSTON, lots 35 and 36, blk 11, Arleta Park
W.H. HOWARD Est. Co. to Carrie Station, lot 1, blk 46, Howard Ad, City San Mateo
C.G. IRVING to Geo. H. IRVING, portion blks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, Menlo Oaks
Bank of Halmoon Bay to H. WILLIAMS, lots 32 to I, block 13, Bernardo Station
R.H. SMITH to Freda TRENKNER, lot 49, blk 9, Huntington Park, 1st add
L.M. EDGERLEY, lots 39 to 31, San Mateo Homestead, Husing Add
C.M. EDGERLEY and wife to G.E. WEINER, lots 39 to 41, same map
Montara Realty Dev Co to E.H. JAMES, lots 5 and 6, blk 30, Montara Am and Sup
Isaac N. RACKERBY and wife to J.N. WEST et al, lot 1, blk 1, S.S.&M, Sub
West Redwood Land Co to George R. McLEAN, lot 1, block 1, West Redwood
O. McNally et al to H.FRIEND, lot 11, blk 30, W.R.N. Add, San Mateo
Hensley-Green Company to Timothy FEENEY, lot 16, blk 21, San Bruno Park, 3d add
Same to W.R. BINNEY, lots 22 and 23 blk F, San Bruno Park
Same to Alice C. PFENDNER, lot 26, blk O, San Bruno Park
Cutoff Land Co. to Carrie WILSON, lots 14 and 15, blk 1, Dumbarton
H. RUDOLFF to Marie THOMAS, lot 12, blk 17, City of Visitacion
Hensley-Green Co. to George J. McCORMICK, lot 17, blk A, San Bruno Park
W.D. GRADY to E.N. COSTIGAN, lot 31, blk 1, Burlingame Park Sub. 4.
J.C. GRAHAM to C.B. MOSS, lot 2, blk 18, North Fair Oaks
Hensly-Green Co. to M. DAPAVO, lot 7, blk 1, San Bruno Park
C.N. KIRKBRIDGE to W.L. SAVAGE, lot 9, blk 9, San Mateo Heights
Amy L. CALDWELL and husband to M. BOEPPLE and wife, portion lot 11 to 13, blk 41, Dowle Estate
E.F. FITSPATRICK et al, Sec 22, 23, 26, 27, 35, 34, Twp 7, S. R. 4 W
Shore Line Investment Co. to G.P. ROBERTSON lot 28 blk Granada
Tacoma Mill Co. to Tacoma Land Co. 46.32 acres, portion Sec 22, Twp 7, S.R.4W., D.
R. Morrell et al to J. BURKE, lot 4, blk 5, Burlingame Villa Park
A. LARGOMARSINO and wife to J.LARGOMARSINO, portion lot 30, Villa Homestead
A.M. Easton and wife to E.T. RYAN, lot 19, blk 32, Eaton Add, Burlingame
Anna DOETTGEE to Marie LEEDS, lot 13, blk 13, Venice Beach
So. San Francisco Land and Imp Co. to South City Lot Co., lot 9, blk B, South San Francisco
California Sub. Land Co. to Matilda HAMLIN, lot 29, blk 31, Farallone City Resub.
Ocean Shore Development Co. to E.L. TIPTON, lot 21, blk 10, Marine View Terrace
R.A. GRIMES to Margaret RATTIGAN, lot 13, blk 16, Granada
J.A. FINK and wife to H.C. BENNETT, lot 1, blk 15, Farallone City
Anna MERIEIRDIERKS et al to A. STORHMAIER, lot 16, blk 7b, Wrn Add, San Mateo
J.E. HARTLEY to D. GIANNECCHINI et al, to Jos. S. BETTENCOURT, 53 ars near Spanishtown
Oaks Co. to Ellie F. TUNISON, lot 28, blk 64, Dumbarton Oaks
Guadaloupe Dev. Co. to W.J. Vanes, lot 8, blk 11, City of Visitaction
Nellie L. MIRAMONTES to Christopher MIRAMONTES, lot 1, 2, and 3m blk 10, Redwood
K. MAGNESON to E.H. BARBER, lots 8 and 9, block 10, Huntington Park
South San Francisco Land & Impr. Co. to A. GIADDI, lot 19, blk. 102, South San Francisco
California Suburban Home Co. to W.W. Brown, lot 2 blk 44, Farrallone Heights
D.E. BAIRD to Frank M. CALE, portion Parc 2, Corbitt Sub.

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last updated: 21 May 2005