San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
11 Jul 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
July 11 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 15 Friday, July 11, 1913

Marriage Licenses
John S. MacDONALD, 35, Palo Alto and Alice BURGE, 28, San Mateo
Charles B. GILSON, 35 and Eva M. TALBOTT, 34, both of San Francisco
Probate Court
Alice Hulse KINSEY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary L. HULSE, who died at Los Angeles on April 27, 1913. She was a resident of the County of San Mateo at the time of her death. The estate consists of 633 hares of the capital stock of the California Coalinga Oil Company work $65 and two parcels of land with improvements on Guerrero street, San Francisco, valued at $9,750. The property has a rental value of $1290 annually. The heirs at law at D.H. HULSE, husband, residing at San Francisco, and Alice Hulse KINSEY and Neva JOHNSTON, daughters, residing at Los Angeles. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $10,000.
Estate of Mary Ann Pennington, deceased. Petition for parial distribution granted.
Estate of Alexander M. Cox. Petition to assign estate continued to July 10.
Mrs. Perrim WOODS gave birth to a fine boy last week.
F. JARVIS, the carpenter, has returned from Mendocino county.
Mrs. F. BING, of San Jose, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.H. PARKER.
Mrs. C.P. LAMBERT of Colma, is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. E. BODINI is erecting a dwelling house on her lot near Millett’s training quarters.
Master Conne LYONS of Melrose street is away on a three weeks visit to friends in the city.
Mrs. Frank LESLIE (nee Dora MONTGOMERY) gave birth to a fine girl at her home in the city Sunday.
Mrs. H.C. ROTHWELL, who underwent an operation at a San Francisco hospital, is reported to be getting along nicely.
E. SQUIER, wife and daughter returned Wednesday from a few days outing at Tunitas, on the beautiful San Mateo county coast.
Mrs. Katarine ROWLAND has wholly recovered from her recent illness and operation and is spending a few weeks at Santa Cruz.
Little Miss Grace LUTERSOLIN, of San Francisco, celebrated her 2-year old birthday at the home of Mrs. Willard McKAY, Sunday.
Henry, the 3 year-old child of Leopold and Ludwina JOST, of Colma, died July 2, and the funeral took place Saturday. Interment Holy Cross.
Dr. R.R. CASTLE of Daly City, and his brother, C.C. CASTLE of Los Gatos, are away on a two weeks vacation to the Russian river country.
Mrs. and Henry BARNES, of Florin, after a week’s visit with their daughter, Mrs. Lena WILSON, returned home Tuesday evening via Sacramento river boat.
The proprietor of the Colma Hall, Mr. AZAVIDO, will give his second grand ball on Saturday evening, July 19, 1913. Music by Backstedt’s Orchestra. Admission 25 cents, ladies free.
The Raker bill to grant San Francisco the right to the Hetch-Hetchy water supply was taken up by the House Public Lands Committee Tuesday with a prospect of quick favorable action.
Mrs. Richard SMITH, 447 Los Angeles avenue, mother of H.H. SMITH and City Clerk SMITH, bid adieu to her many Daly City friends Thursday and departed for a three months’ visit to her former home in Toronto, Canada.
Mrs. George DOERING entertained last Sunday evening with a fine turkey dinner. Those present were Mrs and Edward FREYER, Mrs and James CALLAN, Mrs and Henry LORENZ and daughter, Irene, Mrs and C.A. LANDINI. The beautiful DOERING home at 300 Wellington avenue, was elegantly decorated with flowers and brightly illuminated, in perfect keeping with the joyfulness of the occasion.
Mrs. Eloise S. de VELEZ, the efficient teacher of the Vista Grande school, who returned last week from her trip to Madrid, Spain, has purchased the James CAIRNS home to 221 Los Angeles avenue and will make Daly City her permanent abode.
L. BOCCI, whose building on Mission, near the Italian cemetery, that had to be removed to make room for the State Highway, is undergoing a complete remodeling. The work is well under way and presents a decided improvement in appearance, being now three stories high and nicely finished.
A successful operation for appendicitis was performed at Merritt Hospital on Jack London, the novelist, who was stricken at his home near Glen Ellen on Saturday afternoon.
The total assessed valuation of San Mateo county is $30,504,715 and that of the First township is $7,810,025, which is more than one-fourth of the entire county. This is a fine showing, as not one of several dozen millionaires in the county reside in this township.
Superior Court
Boston Investment Co. vs William MURPHY, et al. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff.
J.S. KELLY vs C.H. COWELL. Order to show cause submitted on briefs.
J.M. HUDDART vs M. FLEISHACKER. Further trial continued to July 7
John D. OLESON et al vs James P. COLEMAN. Further hearing continued to July 16.
Lester BLANCHARD vs Thomas J. KELLY et al. Motion to strike out portions of second and amended complaint denied.
W.A. CALLINAN vs Gertrude E. CALLINAN. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
The People vs E.C. MARTIN. Time to plead set for Tuesday, July 8.
Beulah WIARD has commenced an action for an interlocutory decree of divorce from her husband, Lawrence WIARD, on statutory grounds.
Helen L. SAMPSON has brought suit for an interlocutory decree of divorce from her husband, Thomas SAMPSON, on statutory grounds.
Last Thursday Judge BUCK Granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to William G. CALLINAN from his wife, Gertrude E. CALLINAN on the grounds of desertion. The couple was married at Oakland in 1901 and in 1907 defendant deserted her husband in New York. There are no children, nor is there any community property. Mr. CALLINAN resides at Colma.
Enrico BIGGIO and family of Daly City are occupying the FOLEY cottage. Mr. BIGGIO is an expert abalone diver and he never goes after them without returning with the limit of 15.
Miss Mable L. AZAVEDO was granted her grammar grade certificate by the County Board of Education of San Mateo county. She is the first regular graduate of the Half Moon Bay Union High School, being the first to take the regular 4 year course. Out of 7 who tried the examination, only 3 passed and were awarded certificates.
Nash’s Auto Has Some Kick
County Clerk J.H. NASH has one of the small bones in his right arm broken Monday night in cranking his machine. The automobile “kicked backed.” The handle just missed his arm, but before he could recover his balance he fell forward, and his arm was caught between his body and the end of the front spring. The impact was sufficient to break the bone.
That the Vista Grande Bakery and Grocery is the place where you get the best bread, the finest cakes, the choicest of groceries for the most reasonable prices. Also handle chicks, chicken feed, kindling and coal, etc. Vista Grande Grocery & Bakery - A. VOGLER
Frank P. BROPHY and wife to Elizabeth K. SCHUMANN lot 30, blk 5, Princeton by the Sea
Same to Jeannie C. BRADLEY, Lot 31, blk 3, same map
Same to Helen WESTLAKE lot 21, block 12, samp map
The Moxey Realty Co. to Wm H. WEAVER Lot 25 blk 2, W.W.&M Sub
Pulgas Land Co. to L.J. CREGO Lot 20, McEvoy Tract
A. MEYER, et al to Bernard POPE Lot 23, 24 blk 10, San Bruno Park
Hensley-Green Co. to J. Arena Lot 29, blk K, San Buno Park.
M. CALLAH to A. ONETO Lot 31, blk 17, lots 34, 35, blk 17 $75 Lot Homestead
Hensley Green Co to Hazel KREMER et al Lots 3, 4 blk 22, San Bruno Park
Cutoff Land Co to Albert Levy Lot 8, blk 23 Dumbarton Oaks
Shore Line Investment Co to L.P. SIME Lot 8, blk 41, Granada
Jos V. COSTELLO to A.M. COSTELLO lot 21, blk 36 Easton Add Burlingame
Cal Sub Land Co to A.M. AUBERTUS Lot 30, clk 55, Redwood Park
J.A. BOYD and wife to Wm F. SULLIVAN Lot 2, blk L, Boyd & Kent Add, Redwood
E. ROPPI et al to J. FAUSTINO N 1-2 of SE 1-4 of Sec 15, Tp 5 S R 5 W
Ansel M Easton and wife to W.H. PHELPS lot 33 blk 47, Easton Add, Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co. to F. SAVILLE Lot 8 blk 67, Granada
G.H. IRVING to H.N. LANGE lot 11, blk 5, Menlo Oaks
L. CELSI to D. ARGANTE lot 5, Ocean Shore Tract
Matilda W. DEAN to J. ZURCHER Lot 15 blk 1, Htd Add, Redwood
W.C. BARRICK to L. WISNOM Lumber Co Lot 11 blk 8, Easton Add Burlingame
The Moxey Realty Co to I.M. MARTINSON lots 2, 3, 4 block 2, Reese Sub
Hensley Green Co to W. MITCHELL and wife Lots 20, 21, blk M. San Bruno Park
Burlingame Grove Co to Belle Sapiro Lot 1, blk 4 Burlingame Grove
Francis Y. YOUNG and wife to H. Taylor CURTIS, Lot 34, block 14, Wave Crest
J.C. McMULLEN et al, to A. MALERBI and wife Lot 2 blk 24, Resub, Union Park
B. STEINAUER and wife to A DUNCAN Lot 53 blk 9, Crocker Tract
K.E. MASTERS to H.C. SAWYER 24.79 acres, portion Kate JOHNSON Est. Co. at Menlo Park
Belle McArthur MIGHILL to H.J.McArthur et al Portion Sec 3 T 6 S R 4 W, Portion Sec 3, 4, T 7 S R 4 W
Julia E. PATTERSON to Jos. J. PAYNE Lots 8, 9, 10, blk 9 Miramar Terrace
Ella R. WATTS to J.R. HOWELL Lot 2, blk 13, Dingee Park
J.R. HOWELL and wife to HIRAM A. McKIM Lots 1, 2, blk 13, Dingee Park
Crocker Est. Co. to A.G. DUNCAN Lot 15, blk 9, Crocker Tract
L.J. POULSON and wife to F.N. KERHAUS Lot 9, blk C, San Mateo Heights
G.O. RICH to M. PAYSON Lots 41, 42, blk 5, Ola Vista Beach
Same to A. BREESAFERRI Lots 1, 2, blk 8 same tract
J.R. HOWELL and wife to E.R. WATTS Lot 7, blk 17, Dingee Park
Ocean View Land & Impro Co to C.W. Cook Lots 30, 31 blk 6, Vista Grande
A.m. Easton and wife to C.F. KOHL 36,37 acres Easton Add, Burlingame
M. WAGNER to Montara Realty Dev. Co. Lots 7, 8, blk 55 Montara

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