San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
18 July 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
July 18 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 16 Friday, July 18, 1913

Marriage Licenses

James G. WINSBY, aged 32, and Laura E. WAGNER, 18 both of San Jose
Stephen LIND, 34, and Nellie McDONELL, 43, both of San Francisco
Gilbert M. PICKERAGILL, 25, Alameda and Bertha A. BLODGETT, 20 or 26, Oakland
Norman H. SPICER, 24, and Emily AUNSPAUGH, 20, both of San Jose
W.K. JENKINS, 49, and Leonora A. BARRET, 21, both of San Jose


Probate Court

Agnes BETZOLD, who died on the 1st of July 1913, left an estate consisting of $700 cash and a house and lot valued at $1500. Her daughter, Agnes E. WOOD, through her attorney, James F. O’KEEFE, filed a petition for letters of administration. The heirs at law are the petitioner and another daughter residing in Mendocino county.

Estate of George SOMMER, deceased. Mary WEBBER granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $2000.

Estate and guardian ship of Joseph SOMMER, a minor. Mary WEBER appointed guardian with bond fixed at $300.

Estate of Frances C. BREWER, deceased. Petition to mortgage property of the estate granted.

Estate of Alexander M. COX, deceased. Petition to assign estate continued to July 17th.

John Harris is spending a week at Calistoga.

Mrs. U.S. MAIN and family spent Wednesday on the ocean beach.

Mrs. Mary RAMPE went to Corte Madera Saturday for a few days visit.

Mrs. Joseph DRESSER left last week for a two month’s visit in Butte county.

Mrs. Edward NELSON of San Francisco visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. FORSELL, Wednesday.

Mrs. Charles STOPHER and mother, Mrs. COURTISS, left Monday for a few weeks’ visit in Sonoma county.

Rudolph KRAMER and wife (nee Miss Annie MORAN of San Francisco) visited his parents in Daly City Sunday.

Mrs. W.A. Miller, who resides at 350 Colma street, Daly City, gave birth to a fine boy Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Arthur HEADWELL visited friends in Oakland Sunday, accompanied by her little sons, Arthur and Raymond.

Miss Margaret DAVIDSON visited a week with her uncle, J.W. MELVIN, returning to her home in Santa Rosa Monday.

J.F. PANKEWICZ, who has been in San Diego for several months, has returned and is working at his trade in the city.

Arthur HARRIS attended the fisherman’s picnic at Biggio Park Sunday and captured a ten pound gate prize of dried fish.

Miss Ester FORSELL celebrated her sixth birthday last Saturday. Several of her young friends present were from Mill Valley.

R.L. COCHRAN, the genial conductor of the United Railroads, had the misfortune of mashing two of his fingers last Monday.

Little Edward SWIFT, aged 1 year, the adopted child of Mrs. F.M. HOWARD< who resides on Orange avenue, died last Sunday.

Mrs. H. DAVEY and her two daughters, Vera and Nadine, of Placerville, is spending the week visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.J. White.

Mrs. H. ELMERS and children, Hilda, Alice, Harry and Dorris, who have been spending a few weeks in Santa Cruz, are expected home next Thursday.

C.A. ERICKSON, who lives at 513 Park avenue, was thrown from a car, Saturday evening and badly injured. He was taken to Dr. Marion’s office in the Pescaro building, where the doctor found that he had received a very dangerous cut above the eye, that might have proved very serious and even caused death had not the proper treatment been administered.

Superior Court

The suit of John H. TIMMERMAN against Bessie E. TIMMERMAN was dismissed Thursday. The case has been pending for some time.

Judge BUCK on Thursday granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Mary B. FARRELL from her husband, Bryan FARRELL. The custody of the minor children was given to the mother. The defendant was ordered to pay the plaintiff the sum of $30 a month for the maintenance, education and care of the children. The FARRELLs reside at San Mateo.

J.M. HUDDART vs M. FLEISHACKER. Further trail continued to July 22.

City and Suburban Investment Co. vs City of Daly City. Order to show cause continued to July 22.

Lillian Moore vs Jefferson MOORE. Demurrer submitted on briefs.

The People vs A.N. ROTH. Arraignment continued to August 7.

The People vs. C. MARTIN. Time to plead continued to July 17.

The People vs James COSTEGELIO. Information filed. Arraignment set for July 17th.

A.B. MILLER vs S.J. WALKER, et al. Judgment given to plaintiff by defendant.

Annie TURNER vs Berhard Mattress Co. Plaintiff allowed 15 days to file amendments to bill of exception

A.L. Stockton Lumber Company vs. P. DOYLE. San Mateo County Savings Bank given 20 days to move or plead.

Lizzie KNAPP, et al, vs. Lizzie DIGGS, et al. Temporary agreement made whereby plaintiffs and defendants are permitted to use water of the DIGGS creek 48 hours each.

The East San Mateo Land Company has commenced an action against the Southern Pacific Railway Company to recover the sum of $77,800, for nearly four acres of land at San Mateo used as a right-of-way for its tracks. The complaint alleges that the land in question was sold to the company by Alvinza HAYWARD in 1862, and according to the deed executed at that time, the property was to revert to the owner, his heirs, assigns, etc., after a period of fifty years, or when the franchise of the company would expire. The franchise expired in August 1910, and now the successors in ownership, the East San Mateo Land Co. make a demand for $77,800, the alleged value of the property at this time. A similar suit was filed some time ago by the heirs of the late John T. DOYLE at Menlo Park. They won the suit receiving something like $7000 per acre for ten acres of land located at Menlo Park.

H.C. SAWYER has brought a suit in partition against Lucius L. SOLOMONS, special administrator of the estate of Mary ADAMS, deceased. The estate owns an undivided one-half interest in twenty-four acres of land on San Francisquito creek, near Menlo Park, and plaintiff owns the other interest. SAWYER asks that the property be partitioned, but if this is not satisfactory to all concerned, that the land be sold and the receips (sic) of the sale be divided between the respective owners.

The Halfmoon Bay Power and Light Company has brought suit against A. CUCCI to recover the sum of $1000 on a promissory note executed in favor of the company, December 7, 1912.

Carmela BOINTANA, administratix of the estate of Louis DEMARTINI, deceased, has brought suit against Joseph DEBENEDETTI and others to recover the sum of $600, alleged to be due the estate from the sale of the 40 acres of land at Half Moon Bay, known as the GRAINGER ranch. The amount sued for is the balance due of the sale which was for $2500. Louis DEMARTINI died on January 22, 1912.


Mrs. HAHN and two daughters of San Francisco are occupying the Hunting House, Moss Beach, for July.

J.W. GILLCREST reports that he has drilled a well at Princeton for D.DIANDA which is a crackerjack, flowing 10,000 gallons per hour.

Thomas B. NORTON of Sacramento arrived in Moss Beach one day last week and will spend two weeks visiting his father, Thomas NORTON>

Harry WRIGHT of Rockaway Beach was in San Francisco Monday purchasing supplies for a chicken ranch he expects to establish at Rockaway soon.

General Manager of the Ocean Shore, Mr. A. WILLIAMS and family who are spending the summer at Marine View, entertained several friends from Seattle this week.

At a meeting of the county poultry association Henry BERRAS of San Jose was selected as judge for the poultry show to be held in San Mateo on December 4th to 7th, 1913.

Joseph BETTENCOURT has bought the ranch near Half Moon Bay belonging to John KENEY for $9000 and has commenced the construction of a six-room modern bungalow on the same.

Misses Annie and Helen INGRAM of Berkeley, Harry SPENCER and Paul LeFOMERY of Oakland, are visiting the P. JOHNSON family, who are spending the summer in the Coast Side Triangle.

C. RAFFANTI of Half Moon Bay, D. DIANDA of Princeton, John MAYNE of Lobitas, and the Half Moon Bay Union High School have awarded contracts to J.W. GILLCREST, the well driver to drill wells on their property.

John MAYN of Lobitos, has his threshing machine at work on the Coast Side threshing peas. The pea crop on the coast will be more than 20,000 sacks which will weigh 105 pounds to the sack and which are selling at 3 1-2 cents per pound, bringing to the growers of this crop alone $110,200

Miss Lilla HARRIS, Editor and Mrs. J.L. BROWN of the Daly City Record and San Mateo Index, Jim NANCE, assistant editor of the same papers, and his mother, Mrs. Joe NANCE of San Mateo spent the weekend visiting Mrs. R.L. FLEMING at Farallone. While there they enjoyed some excellent abalone fishing.


Ansel M. Easton and wife to C.A. Nealon Lot 27 blk 4, Easton Add, Burlingame
J.W. Forbes to W.H. Davis, Portion lots 7, 8, blk 4, Abbey Homestead Assn
G. Rix to The Family, 3.65 acres, near Portola
Crocker, Est Co. to H.F. Flynn Lot 35, blk 4, Crocker Tract
Hensley Green Co to G.L. JAGLA lots 30, 31, blk K, San Bruno Pk
Ocean Shore Dev Co to J.B. Draper Lot 26, blk 10, Marine View Terrace
Pulgas Land Co to F. Stone, N 1-2 lot 102 Gray Tract
Co-operative Land and Trust Co to A.L. Newbauer Lot 8, blk 6, North Palo Alto
J.R. Howell and wife to A.M. Schully and wife Lot 1, blk 25, Dingee Park
Myra Keegan and husband to L.B. Owens, Lot 1, blk L, Hayward Park
Shore Line Investment Co to C. Mills, Lot 26, blk 17, Granada
Emma Morgan to C.V. Heegaard and wife, Lot9 blk 20, Lyon & Hoag Sub, Burlingame
Crocker Est Co to Edith M. Johnson Lot 34, blk 20, Crocker Tract
Shore Line Investment Co to G.H. NESCHE Lots 3, 4 blk 39, Granada
Ethelyn F. King to Layton J. King, Lot 11, blk 9, Miramar Beach
Oaks Co. to I.C. Scharff, Lots 15, 16, blk 54, Dumbarton
Crocker Est Co. to J. Matthews Lot 34, blk 22, Crocker Tract
L. Figoni and wife to South San Francisco Land and Impro Co. W 1-2 4, blk 87, South San Francisco
J.P. Lucau and wife to F.A. Cunningham, Lot 1 blk 123, South San Francisco
Boston Investment Co. to Duncan MacLachlan, Lot 22, blk 30, Lyon & Hoag Sub
N. Finn to G.S. Fall, Lot 20, blk 16, Vista Grande
L.C.J. Perry to D. David Lot 1 blk G, W.W. & M. Sub
Anglo-Calif Trust Co to J.A. Hamilton and wife Lot 11, blk 13, Belle Air
Crocker Estate Co to C. Wickbom Lot 30, blk 22, Crocker Tract
Hensley-Green Co. to E.R. Walbridge Lot 53 blk 12, San Bruno Park
Crocker Estate Co. to J. Huber, Lot 7, blk 1, Crocker Tract
Ansel M. Easton and wife to J.P. Jensen and wife Lot 18, blk 7, Lomita Park
D.V. Lier and wife to J. Eisenberger and wife Lot 21, blk 15, Vista Grande
Mary Hurrell and husband to F.A. Borgess and wife Lot 3, blk 5, Burlingame Park
A. Mortenson and wife to O. Andreoni and wife, Lot 24 blk 97 Martin’s Sub, So. San Franicsco
M.H. Norberg to E.L Norberg Lot 12, blk 29, Lyon & Hoag Sub
E.L. Norberg to M.H. Norberg Lot 11, blk 29, Lyon & Hoag Sub
B. Goldstein et al to A. Joel Lot K blk 5 Prop Burlingame Land Co.
Anglo-Calif Trust Co. to J. Wilson Lot 21, blk 33, Belle Air
H.S. Warn to Maude K. Worn, Lot 7m blk D, Hayward Park
Crocker Estate Co. to E.Lang and wife, Lot 4, blk 18, Crocker Tract
J.J. McGillan to C.E. Adair Lot 16, Burlingame Heights
Harr Wagner and wife to Montara Realty Dev Co Lots 1 to 10, blk 8, lots 18, 19 blk 6 Montara
Montara Realty Dev Co to C. Canjazan, Lots 1, 2, blk 32 Montara

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last updated: 21 May 2005