San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
25 Jul 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
July 25 1913

Location: Daly CIty
Source: Daly CIty - Serramonte Library

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 17 Friday, July 25, 1913

Marriage Licenses
James P. COWPERWAITE, 22, Berkeley, and Mary V. RYAN, 20, Vallejo.
James A. SPENCER, 28, Ventura and Grace G. CORCORAN, 32, Washington. D.C.
Francis F. RICHARDSON, 22, and Dorothy N. BUNCH, 17, both of San Francisco.
H.J. GITTINGER, 21, and Elsie MENZ, 18, both of San Mateo.
Benjamin J. MUSICK, 31, and Vera F. CROCKER, 25, both of San Francisco.
Funeral of Veteran Paymaster
The funeral of Charles J. ROBINSON, for almost forty years a Southern Pacific employe, who died in San Mateo Monday, took place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late residence. Burial, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ROBINSON had been sick for about two months, and asthma and heart failure were causes contributing to his death.
ROBINSON was born in Aurora, Ill., December 14, 1845, and was the son of an attorney, who later became a counsel for the Central Pacific. He entered the Central Pacific shops at Sacramento in 1868, and worked his way up through the auditor’s department to the position of assistant paymaster for the Southern Pacific, which he held when he retired. He leaves a widow and three sons and three daughters.
Miss Leona COLE of San Francisco visited Miss Lilla HARRIS Sunday.
E.J. GOZZETT and family are spending their vacation at Santa Cruz.
J.S. O’BRIEN and his son, Lawrence have returned from their trip to New York City.
Mrs. Lillie Ross and little son are having a vacation in the Santa Cruz mountains.
Mrs. Robert COCHRAN, who resides on Garden street, gave birth to a fine 7-pound boy Monday.
Miss Rhoda NELSON of Hillcrest Drive returned last week from a visit to friends in Stockton.
E. SQUIER, L.L. ALLEN and J. WILSON left yesterday for Trinity county to be gone a week or ten days.
Mrs. Katie WIGHT and children, Miss Lillie WIGHT and the DELLER family are spending a few days on the beach near Mussel Rock.
Mrs. Ella NOTT, daughter of J.H. PARKER, who with her husband moved to Portland several months ago, arrived in Daly City Friday morning on a visit.
Gust JOHNSON and family and Julius NELSON and family enjoyed a fine automobile outing Sunday, in which they visited Palo Alto, La Honda, Pescadero, and Half Moon Bay.
The young lady, Miss Adele MORRIS, who died at her home in San Francisco Sunday, aged 26 years, 9 months and 23 days, was a sister of J.H. MORRIS, the city attorney of Daly City. The Records extends its sincere sympathy.
John E. SHEEHAN, son of Mrs. and City Treasurer SHEEHAN of Daly City, has returned with his bride after an extended honeymoon trip, and are living at the Dee Apartments in San Francisco, where they will be “At Home” to their friends after July 22.
The funeral of the late William JOHN, who died Tuesday at his home at 614 Melrose street, Daly City, took place Thursday morning and the remains were laid to rest in Mount Olivet. The deceased was a native of Germany, aged 76 years, and leaves a wife and several children, Mrs. Frances HAMMAN, Mrs. Dora HARBAUGH, Mrs. Kate HAMMER and Fred, Mary, Charles and Louis JOHN to mourn his death.
Speeder Jailed by Judge Davis
San Bruno, July 23 – “Justice is sometimes cruel!”” tearfully exclaimed the 18-year-old bride of Edward Levene of San Francisco, as Judge John F. Davis of the first township, sentenced her husband to serve five days in the county jail, with an alternative of paying a fine of $50 on the charge of automobile speeding.
The offender was originally arrested several weeks ago for speeding and failed to appear in court when his case was called. Judge Davis issued a bench warrant for him. Realizing the seriousness of failure to appear in court as at first directed, Levene motored down to the courtroom with his girl wife. Mrs. Levene, in the role of Portia, pleaded that the case be dropped.
Levene was taken to jail, as he did not have the requisite cash. Subsequently the fine was paid.
San Mateo Items
Mrs. MOORE of Belmont died there in childbirth on the 19th inst.
W.B. BENOIST was in town this week, shaking hands with friends.
Mr. DRISCOLL has returned from a three weeks’ trip to Lake Tahoe and vicinity.
F. SKELLINGER of San Francisco has brought the parcel delivery business from Mr. GINNIVER.
Mrs. C. NASH and baby are up from Maricopa visiting Mrs. NASH’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. RAPP.
Mr. GAFFIGAN of the 16 mile house, is rapidly recovering from an operation for appendicitis by Dr. WARREN Last week.
Nurseryman E. W. McSELLAN’s infant daughter, born July 15, died on the 22d inst. Interment Cypress Lawn, Wednesday afternoon.
J.P. BROWN, for many years passenger agent here of the S.P., has been compelled by ill health to retire from that service.
Mrs. K. BROWN, mother of “Brownie” of Brown & McClintock, is spending a few weeks with friends in the southern part of the state.
Mr. STORROCK Jr., and wife returned Monday from Salt Lake City, where they had been called by the death of Mrs. STORROCK’s father.
Mrs. W.H. LEE, of Santa Rosa, in company with her sister, Mrs. W.H. MEACHAM, favored the Index with a pleasant call Wednesday.
Caroline, beloved wife of Chas . S. HENDERSON, died at her home in San Mateo Monday, aged 44 years. The deceased was a native of Yreka, Cal.
Mrs. E.A. ABBOTT and her daughter, Miss Pansy, have returned to their Ellsworth avenue home after a pleasant visit to Mrs. William Andrew DILL at DeWitt.
News comes from Mrs. C.W. FISHER that she, Dr. FISHER and J.G. MOORE are enjoying their trip to Lake Tahoe. They expect to return home in about ten days.
“Oscar,” the popular barkeeper at Peter THORSEN’s will start soon on a visit to his parent’s in Germany. He is undecided as to whether he will return to this country.
Mrs. William PALMER nee Rita FITZGERALD will return to her home in the southern part of the state in the near future. She came up to visit friends in and about San Mateo.
A.L. WHITNEY returned last week from a two weeks motor trip through the northern counties of this state and into Southern Oregon. He was chauffeured on the trip by Gerald COOLEY.
Mrs. W.H. BROWN and son returned last week from a sojourn in San Jose, where they had been staying for the latter’s health. The lad is somewhat improved. But not thoroughly recovered.
Mr. DOOLITTLE, former manager of the Peninsula Hotel, will return with his family in a few days from their northern outing, and will occupy Dr. MORRISON’s house on B and Ninth streets.
Mr. LANABEE, the new manager of the Peninsula Hotel, took charge on the 16th inst., and everything appears to be running smoothly under his charge. There are about 175 guests there at present.
Mrs. R.L. FLEMING and daughter, Helen, who have been spending a few weeks on the San Mateo County Coastside at Farallone City, arrived in San Mateo Tuesday, where they will remain a few days and then return to their home in St. Louis.
Mr. Larsen, former janitor of the grammar school here, returned with his wife last week from Connecticut where they went last fall with the intention of making their home. One taste of winter, however, in that inhospitable climate was sufficient to drive them back to the “land of sunshine, fruit and flowers.
Hugo D. KIEL and wife have brought foreclosure proceedings against George PEARSON and wife to recover the sum of $9000. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lot 239, a portion of lot 232, portions of the Briceland tract and fronting on Glenwood avenue, Menlo Park, and containing six and one-half acres. The note, secured by the mortgage, was executed on August 11, 1911. Plaintiff asks for attorney fees in the sum of $500, interest at the rate of six per cent per annum and $12.50, money advanced for an abstract.
Alfred BRODIE has petitioned to have absolutely invested in him, lots A, B, C, 1, 2, block C, San Mateo Heights. His wife, Mary H. CRODIE, who held a certain interest in the property, died on September 30, 1912.
William J. CALDWELL has brought suit against his wife, Lucile CALDWELL, for an annulment of their marriage. The defendant is alleged to have a husband from whom she was not divorced at the time of her marriage to CALDWELL. The parties reside at San Mateo.
The Owners Realty Company has brought suit against Phillip BELVEAL to recover the sum of $361 on a promissory note secured by a mortgage on lots one and two, Venice Beach Tract.
J.P. AHLERT has brought suit against Aleck E. CURLETT to recover the sum of $420.67, balance due for plumbing done on defendant’s house at Atherton in 1911. Plaintiff also asks costs of suit and interest from December 8, 1912 at the rate of 7 per cent per annum.
Josephine A. PHELPS has brought suit against Frederick DAUGHDAY and others to quiet title to 2542 acres of land, with exceptions, at San Carlos.
Mabel S. MAGGI has filed divorce proceedings against her husband George R. MAGGI. The couple was married in San Francisco on September 21, 1903. There is no community property, but there is a minor child, Frederick A. MAGGI, aged 8 years, whose custody the mother seeks. Plaintiff asks for cost in the sum of $25, attorney fees in the sum of $100 and alimony amounting to $40 a month. Wilful neglect and failure to provide are grounds upon which the divorce is sought.
The People vs Earl PATTERSON. Information filed and arraignment set for July 19.
Schwerin Estate Realty Co. vs Joseph SLEY, et al. Defendant granted 5 days further time to answer.
The People vs E. MARTIN. Time to plead continued to July 19.
The People vs J. CASTILEGO. Arraignment continued to July 19.
Estate of Alex M. COX, decease. Petition to assign estate continued to July 18.
R.F. CHILCOTT has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Marie J. MOUROT, who died in Redwood City on September 14, 1911.
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Camp Fire Girls’ Club
A Camp Fire Girls’ Club has been organized at the Presbyterian church in the Crocker Tract, known as the “Anance Chapter.” They meet every Friday afternoon at 2”30. All girls from 11 to 18 years of age are cordially invited. Lessons are given in cooking, sewing and physical culture in preparation. The officers are as follows:
Guardian – Mrs. Dickie
President – Miss Edith Landini
Secretary – Miss Lillian Moeller
Chaplin – Miss Elizabeth Pitts.
Miss Hazel MADONNA who was thrown from her horse Wednesday and seriously injured, is reported to be doing nicely.
J.J. SULLIVAN, John BIGGIO Jr., P. FOLEY and Judge E.C. JOHNSON of Daly City, are in Moss Beach taking in the abalone tides this week.
A.H. SMITH, the new High School principal, spent several days in town this week. Mr. SMITH comes from Lincoln, Placer county.
The contractor has been busy the past few weeks building streets in the Moss Beach –Marine View Civic Center Tract, owned by LITTLEPAGE, COHEN & HORIGAN. This property is located between the two above-mentioned places and will become the business center on account of its situation and the lay of the ground.
Frank ROFE, president, and George HILBUER, superintendent of the Ocean Shore Furniture Co., a San Francisco incorporation with capital of $25,000 arrived in Moss Beach and took possession of the Moss Beach Planing Mill, and will manufacture desks, dining tables and kitchen furniture.
Articles of Incorporation
The South City Lot Company has incorporated with a capital stock of $35,000 divided into 350 shares at a par value of $100 each. The purpose of the incorporation is to subdivide and sell a tract of 70 acres of land near South San Francisco, and the principal place of business is San Francisco. The actual amount of stock subscribed is $300 by the following stockholders who subscribed one share each: E.C. PECK, Wm. T. GARRETT and Lester PERRY.
Cal Sub Home Co to Jas W. Creighton Lot 22, blk 43, Farrallone Heights
F.J. Rogers to J.J. Graham Lot 19 blk 3, Easton Add, Burlingame
H.D. McGarvey to E.W. Magruder Lots 66, 70 blk 1, McGarvey Sub
R.H. Smith to C.E. Camp and wife Lots 44, 45 blk 6, Huntington Park
H.D. McGarvey to W.F. Weitzenberg Lots 1 to 12, blk 3, McGarvey’s Sub
H.W. Regan and wife to R.F. Coyler and wife Lot 8, blk 8, Burlingame Park 2
Ellwood Varney to Mabel B. Varney, Five acres, Martin Tract
Shore Line Investment Co. to H. Arnold Lot 12, Blk 49, lot 10, blk 66, Granada
Anna M. Ishan to W. Isham, 21.18 acres, San Perdo Rancho
L. Phelps to H.R. Hicks, Lot 33, blk 47, Easton Add, Burlingame
Alice P. Baker to L. Glanville, Lot 14, blk 30, Easton Add, Burlingame
H.R. Charles to S. McClure, Lot 17, blk 27, Easton Add, Burlingame
C.A. Page to May D. Jerone, Lot 3, blk 18, Easton Add, Burlingame
Marion A. Gerguson to C.E. Reinhard Lots 72, 73, blk 8, lots 2 to 5 blk 9, San Bruno Park
J.R. Howell and wife to Wm W. Slater Lot 19, blk 25, Dingee Park
Wm. W. Slater to Frances A. Slater, same as above
H. Wagner and wife to C. Wittwer 1.43 acres, 4 acres Halfmoon Bay Col. Tract
O. Nelson to B. Nelson Lot 11, blk 34, Lyon & Hoag Sub Lot 3 blk 12, lot 9, blk 29, lots 12, 13 blk 15 Easton Add, Burlingame
Edw Ild and wife to Thos T. Wiseman et al Lot 2, portion 3, blk 42 Bowie Estate, Ern Add, San Mateo
R.E. Smith to C.W. Cary and wife, Lot 3, 4 blk 4 Huntington Park
Mary A. Dorksen to C.H. Cummings Lots 3, 6, blk 3, Lomita Park
D. David and wife to L.C. Perry Lot 22, 23 blk 31, Belle Air Park
W.D. Read and wife to M. Curran Portion blk 2, Ern add, San Mateo
Atlas Land and Con. Co. to Mrs. S.E. Cheetham Lots 20 to 23 blk 1, Bernardo Station Tract.
M.J. Machado to F. Johnson and wife Lot 5 blk 24 Wrn Add, San Mateo
Bayside Co. to J.O. O’Brien Lots 46, 47, Taylor Add, San Mateo
Hensley-Green Co to Caroline Reitz Lots 31, 32, blk Q, San Bruno Park
Minnie C. Killela and husband to O.F. Anderson Lot 4, blk 21, Wrn. Add, San Mateo
Geo H. Irving to Florence L. Obermeyer, Lot 16, blk 2, Menlo Park
F.W. Ruhnow to Mildred A. Rehnow Lot 16, 17 blk 30 Arleta Park
K.S. Keohsbeyan to K.S. Cashin Lot 24, blk 45 Granada
R.H. Smith to F. Bertschi Portland lots 16, 15, blk 9, Huntington Park
Johnanna Kavanagh to M.B. Johnson Lots 18, 19, blk 12, Montara
Montara Realty Dev Co. to H. Wagner Lots 21, 22, blk 33, lots 15, 17, 51, 52 to 54 block 25, lots 25 blk 11, Montara
The Moxey Realty Co to Carl E. Nelson Lot 9 blk 1, Homestead add Redwood
W.D. Clark et al to F.W. Sharon Portion Martin Tract
R. Tiffin and wife to R.F.Harrison Portion lots 473, 474, San Mateo Park
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to P. Miller et al Lot 19, blk 21, Marine View Terrace
H. Williams to E.O. Parrott Lots 32 to 37 blk 13, Bernardo Station Tract
E.O. Parrott to B.R. Parrott Same as above
Matilda Hamlin and husband to Cal. Sub. Home Co. Lot 31 blk 31 Farallone City
J. Jacobson to I. Jacobson Lots 27, 28, blk 4, Pilarcitos Park
Geo Rich to F. Guis Lots 47, 48, blk 5, Ola Vista Tract
Hensley Smith Co. to H.J. Griss Lots 71 to 73 blk 16, San Pedro Terrace
J.H.T. Watkinson to Rose D. Smith Lot 72 blk A, Mission St. Tract
Sam Neel to Grace Neel Lots 3, 4 blk 4, Kelly Ave Tract
J.H.T. Watkinson to Congregation B’nai Israel Lot 14, blk A, Mission St. Tract
Annie L. Cunningham et al to J.L Ginier et al Lot 24, blk 128 South San Francisco
A.S. Hatch and wife to H. Wagner Lots 9, 10 blk 34, Montara
Chas G. Cooper and wife to H.D. Newhouse Lots 1, 2, blk 4 North Millbrae
J.A. Doyle to Grace Doyle et al 8.71 acres San Mateo Park
Owners Realty Co. to Ethel Doig Lot 26 blk 4, Oakleigh Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005