San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
01 August 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
August 1 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 18
Friday, August 1, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Raymond J. MARX, 21, and Azalene E. CHOPPIN, 18, both of San Francisco
Elmer A. FLASH, 25, and Emma A. HAMMAN, 24, both of San Jose
Floyd H. RUSSELL, 30, and Mary E. WRIGLEY, 25, both of Eureka
Lewis F. BLEAZBY, 42, Detroit, Michigan, and Frances B. HAGEN, 38, Boston, Mass.
George W. GLENDENNING, 51, San Jose, and Betty DAVIS, 30, Seattle
Mrs. Peter KELLER and family have returned from Haywards.
Mrs. HOWLAND of Hanford, is visiting her mother, Mrs. DUNSTON.
Both Mrs. Geo. WIGHT and Mrs. Jasen WIGHT, of Colma, are reported to be quite sick.
Mrs. John TYDINGS returned from a week’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. SCHULTZ, in Los Angeles.
E.O. REESE and T.J. REESE of Fresno, visited their sister Mrs. A.G. ROBERTSON of Daly City this week.
Mrs. Ben HANSEN and Mrs. E. FORSELL visited their sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed. NELSON, in San Francisco Thursday.
Mrs. G.M. LIVELY, of San Carlos Avenue, has a fine nine pound boy, born Saturday, July 26, at St. Luke’s Hospital.
Miss Grace COLLINS, who is spending a few weeks in Haywards, came home Saturday and spent Sunday with home folks.
Wilford Christensen, the well known Daly City young man, was married Wednesday to Miss Florence Hartley of San Francisco.
Mrs. Laura FROOM, 801 Mission road, Daly City, who had the misfortune of having her hanes (sic) caught in the mangle, returned to her home Tuesday almost well.
Last Friday, July 25, 1913, Master Albert Fritz HANSEN celebrated his two-year birthday with a very nice party, at which the following guests were present: Sydney OLSEN, Annor HANSON, Manford HANSEN, Ordery JOHHSON, Evelyn JOHNSON, Ester FORSELL and Elsie FORSELL.
Daly City Council
The matter of recording births and deaths with city clerk was discussed, and it was said that the law was being disregarded by physicians.
New Building Contracts
W.E. TONRTELOTTE agrees to erect a pumping station at Crystal Springs Lake for the Spring Valley Water Co. on or before August 12m 1913 for $3044.
John F. BOULBARD agrees to erect for Edith M. JOHNSON, a frame residence on lot 34, block 20, Crocker Tract, for $2,453.
Charles MILLER agrees to erect for A.M. PORTER a six-room bungalow on lot 6, block 5, Dingee Park for $3323.
Death of Mrs. Angela FRANCIS
Mrs. Angela FRANCIS, mother of Supervisor Joseph M. FRANCIS, who died at her Half Moon Bay home Saturday, was one of the very first Portuguese residents, having settled at Half Moon Bay in 1872.
The old homestead was at the Oceanside where she raised her interesting family, consisting of three sons, John, Joseph M. and Manual, all of whom are prominent and successful men, and three daughters, Mrs. Lizzie SANTOS, Mrs. Mary SIMMONS and Mrs. Carrie CARDOZA. Her one great object was an ambition for the honor and success of her children, and besides, she had a pride and interest in her surroundings that solidified a very large circle of friends, so that during the funeral Monday, the business of Half Moon Bay, where the deceased has resided for the past few years, was suspended out of respect for her memory.
She was laid to rest midst the scenes she loved so well and where she spent her useful life.
Death of Mrs. R.S. THORNTON
Colma has lost a most estimable pioneer in the person of Mrs. R.S. THORNTON, a resident of that beautiful valley of gardens for nearly sixty years, who died at Riverside, Rhode Island, July 23, 1913, aged 84 years.
The deceased left Colma a few weeks ago in company with her daughter, Mrs. J.L. LINDSAY, for a visit to her native Rhode Island home. Soon after her departure from Colma she was taken ill and gradually grew worse until death ended her useful life. She leaves her venerable husband, Hon. R. S. THORNTON, aged 95 years, a daughter, Mrs. J.L. LINDSAY and granddaughter, Miss Josephine LINDSAY together with a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.
The funeral took place at Riverside, R.I., and her remains were laid to rest in the old family plot.
Probate Court
Alexander L. IRWIN, through his attorney, Henry Ward BROWN, has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Annie ERWIN, who died in San Francisco on July 9, 1904. The estate consists of an undivided one-half interest in a certain lot in the Abbey Homestead Association, valued at $500. (IRWIN-ERWIN as printed)
Elizabeth MACKINTOSH, administratrix of the estate of Margaret NEEBS, deceased, has made a return of sale of the real property of the estate. The property is in two parcels and is designated as parcel Land 2 and is located in San Francisco. Parcel 1 is sold for $1150 and parcel No. 2 is sold for $600.
Estate of Alexander M. COX, deceased. Petition to assign estate continued to August 7th.
Estate of Carrie A. LOCKE, an incompetent person. Order of sale of personal property granted.
Walter H. LINFORTH, administrator of the estate of David F. WALKER, deceased, has filed his second account which shows the receipts to be $43,035.19 and disbursements $14,036.29, leaving a balance of $31,998.90 in the hands of the administrator.
But The Whip Butt
J.M. CHRISMAN was arrested Saturday at Burlingame for an assault with a deadly weapon on H.G. MAYES. Both parties are real estate dealers, and it appears that the mix-up was the outcome of rivalry. CHRISMAN attempted to strike MAYES with the butt of a heavy whip handle, but the latter took the weapon away from him and in turn became the aggressor. MAYES swore out a warrant and Constable SHEEHAN took CHRISMAN before Justice McCORMICK who released him of $500 bail, pending the preliminary examination.
Superior Court
Judge BUCK has appointed H.W. SHAEBERG inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Maggie NEEBS, deceased.
Creditors of Mrs. Lillian MOORE, widow of the late John J. MOORE, who was fatally shot by a chauffeur in a pistol duel, were disappointed Monday when Superior Judge BUCK sustained a demurrer in the suit recently instituted by Mrs. MOORE to recover $9,000 and interest on a promissory note issued by the deceased from the estate.
Amelia KLEPEN, administratrix of the estate of Herman KLEPEN, deceased has commenced foreclosure proceedings against Andrea GRECO to recover the sum of $2200. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lot 8, Reese Subdivision, Redwood Farm, Redwood City.
T.J. KNUTZEN was over from San Mateo Sunday visiting his family who are summering at Marine View.
Mrs. R. MOLL of Stockton has leased the Howard property at Moss Beach and will take possession on September 1st.
F.H. EVERITT of the Triangle Bakery was a city visitor one day this week. This bakery is located at Montara and is doing a big business.
Miss Francis MOORE, the Moss Beach school teacher, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by Miss Gertrude and Rolph DONATHAN of Oakland. They will stay here a month.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. CHAPMAN and children, Misses Agnes SCHMIDT and Reda HOY, all of Winters, are arrivals in Moss Beach and will occupy the Chapman house during the month of August.
Mr. T.C. HORIGAN was a visitor to Marine View Monday looking after his interests in the Civic Center Tract. He expressed himself as being well pleased with the progress Wm. BAKER is making on the grading of the streets.
A.M. DUNN of Wayside Press Printing Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. E.E. McCLURE of Bakersfield visited their brother Geo. E. DUNN of the Coast Side Comet last week. Mrs. McCLURE was accompanied by her children Margarette and William.
On last Sunday, Louis and Otto PAULSON surprised their friends at Moss Beach by dropping of the 12:22 train. They have been north as far as Oregon and report a most enjoyable trip. Their many friends here are glad to welcome them back and hope they will remain.
On July 23 at a special service conducted by Father A. ANDRIANO at the cottage of the Dominican Sisters at Moss Beach. Four pupils of Mrs. JORDAN’s Sunday School received their first Communion. They were Antone TORRE, Daisy and Angelena BARAZONIA and Edward DEMPSEY. The service was very impressive and the room was beautifully decorated with flowers.
San Mateo Co. Supervisors
But three of the Supervisors, BROWN, CASEY, and McBAIN were present, Monday morning at the regular meeting and immediately upon convening took a recess until 2 order to attend the funeral of Mrs. Amelia FRANCIS, mother of Supervisor FRANCIS, at Half Moon Bay.
After this intermission the minutes were read and approved.
Night Watchman Alfred GRANGER asked two weeks leave of absence. Referred to MacBain.
The license of Ubono GRANUCCI denied and the same granted in the name of BELLI.
San Bruno Items
Miss FOLEY of San Francisco is visiting Miss CRONE.
P.J. SULLIVAN, of the Standard Grocery, had all his damaged stock replaced and building repairs of the damages caused by the B-B saloon fire. Adjusted by the London Insurance Co., J.M. Custer, Agent.
Mrs. Hyde GREEN is confined to her room by a nervous breakdown.
Hyde GREEN will open up a private real estate office in San Bruno August 1st to handle the unsold lots.
Mr. WARREN, superintendent of the West Coast Life Insurance Co., visited town on business last week, settling a death claim for Mrs. TUSCA.
Mrs. SIRVERS, an old resident of this place, has purchased property in San Francisco and will soon move to her new home.
Mr. HATFIELD, a carpenter, was badly injured last Tuesday by falling from a building.
Mrs. PFLUGER’s father likes San Bruno very much considering his short acquaintance. He enjoys the cool weather, quite a contrast to Chicago.
William Jennings MARTIN is leaving no stone unturned to have Secretary Daniels establishing a government dry dock at Hunter’s Point.
Mr and Mrs. Pierson have filed up their grounds for chickens and they surely understand the business.
Claude LITTLEPAGE, secretary of the Ocean Shore Development Co., is superintending the installation of a local water system at Marine View. $10,000 gallons a day have been running to waste from the spring in the cove at this property and the system being put in will double this amount of water and pump same to a reservoir erected on the hill near the hotel. The spring water has long been known as exceptionally pure and a chemical analysis has shown it to contain medicinal properties which are very beneficial for stomach troubles.
The follow is the list of teachers selected for the ensuing year:
Jefferson School (Colma) – Elizabeth LAWRENCE, Hazel GARCELON, Annie FOLEY, Agnes GALLAGHER, Helena HANSEN
Jefferson Hall, Colma – Rose STURLA, Manuelita KOEFORD
Vista Grande, Daly City – Hazel PROUTY, Emma CELLA, Esther TORELLO, Nora WILSON, Eloise S. deVELEZ, Ruby TAULBEE, Mary GARDNER, Alma BLAKE, Julia WITT, Mrs. Jennie JONES.
Crocker, Daly City – Clara DANGEL, Muriel R. SEIDL, Mary SAVAGE, Stella CATANIA, Mrs. A.C. HASSETT
Night School, Daly City – Julia LEONARD
Professor W.J. SAVAGE, Supervising Principle
Trustees – Gust JOHNSON, James CALLAN and Edward R. POOR
At a recent meeting of the directors, J.M. FRANCES, M.J. BETTENCOURT, C.W. BORDEN, J.V. SOUZA, M. GIRARD, horace nelson, Joseph DEBENEDETTI, Jos. FERNANDEZ Jr. and J.C. WILLIAMSON, of the Bank of Half Moon Bya, the following officers were elected: J.M. FRANCIS, President, Horace NELSON vice-president, M.J. BETTENCOURT secretary and cashier, and J.C. WILLIAMSON, treasurer. At the same meeting a 4 per cent dividend was paid on capital of $25,000.
San Mateo Items
A.H. CLANCY is in Los Angeles on a two week’s vacation.
John McCANN is off on a visit to his ranch in Mendoccino county this week.
Mrs. E.J. DOOLIN returns East next month to join her husband in New York.
Mr. Thos. SALTER, the liveryman, returned Saturday from a month’s vacation in San Diego.
Mr and Mrs. Frank BORGES moved last Tuesday into their new home on Howard avenue, Burlingame.
Jack McCORMACK, accompanied by his wife, leaves for the East next week as a delegate to the Painters Union.
John HICKEY, the Union Hotel tailor, announces the arrival of fall and winter goods of the latest styles. Suits $25
Mrs. MAGGI, having sold her restaurant to Teter & Bone, will leave next Monday for a trip through the northern part of the state.
Mrs. C.H. KIRKBRIDE who underwent an operation Monday for the removal of a pin that had lodged in her throat is rapidly recovering.
E.C. COTTIER, the local plumber, was an invited guest at the Master Plumbers picnic at Niles last Saturday. He reports a splendid time.
Mrs. William WOOD has just recovered from a serious operation at the Red Cross Hospital and returned to her home on Fifth avenue.
Miss Hazel HAGGETT arrived home from Healdsburg last week and to our great surprise will bring home a new Regal automobile from the city this Thursday.
“Long John” MARLEY, former proprietor of the cigar store in the Building Trades building, has bought out and is now running a billiard and pool room in South City.
Mrs. R.L. FLEMING and daughter, Helen, after spending a few weeks visiting in San Mateo and other parts of the county, left Monday morning for their home in St. Louis.
Mr. Ed LEALE, chief engineer of the tug Hercules, and his brother Fred, who is acting as oiler on the same vessel, during their vacation visited their mother on First avenue last week.
Bartley SCANLAN, son of V. SCANLAN the butcher, had one of his fingers badly mashed while playing with a meat chopping machine in his fathers shop last Friday. It was dressed at the Red Cross Hospital.
Died July 29th in Belmont, Joseph P. PARKER, a scholar aged 19 years. Remains at funeral parlors of McCarthy & Stead, Baldwin avenue. Services at St. Matthew’s Church at 10 a.m. Thursday, July 31st. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.
Civic Betterment League New Officers
At the regular meeting Tuesday evening the following officers were elected:
President – Julius NELSON
Vice President – F.A. HANSEN
Secretary – T. SHEEHAN
Treasurer – R.R. CASTLE
Sergeant-at-Arms – E. FORSELL
Executive Committee – H.H. SMITH, Gust JOHNSON, Ellis C. JOHNSON, J.L. BROWN, Gus SODERBLOM, W.M. TALBOTT.
The meeting was of particular interest in the discussion of the waiting station, water bonds, street improvements and other matters of public interest.
It was decided to hold a smoker next Tuesday on account of the installation of the new officers, and there will be plenty of “dogs” and “nice pure water” to drink.
Constable Parker Shoots Assailant
Sunday evening about 7 p.m. Colma was the scene of some excitement, caused by the shooting of a San Francisco tough named PARKER, by Constable J.H. PARKER of Daly City.
The trouble started when a fellow who givens his name as John Roy RITCHIE and another man who is unknown, began fighting. Constable PARKER interposed to quell the disturbance, where RITCHIE, who is a giant blacksmith helper, stuck him a terrific blow, knocking him down. He instantly regained his feet however and placed RITCHIE under arrest.
About a dozen pals then interfered, using the most abusive and indecent language and undertook to rescue RITCHIE. The officer drew his gun to protect himself. More Barbara Coast’s choicest language were then indulged in by the gang and finally the fellow PARKER attempted to strike the officer and at the same time made a motion as if to get a gun, but was too slow, for he received a hot in the right shoulder and the ball glanced down breaking his arm.
RITCHIE and the rest then seemed to realize who they were dealing with and there was a magnificent view of a dozen pairs of hands pointing heavenward.
The wounded tough was sent to St. Luke’s Hospital, where he is getting along nicely, while RITCHIE spend the night in the Colma jail where he remained until the next morning when he was taken before Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON at Daly City. He pleaded “not guilty,” and in default of bail was sent to Redwood City for safe keeping until the trail takes place.
No complaint has as yet been made against PARKER for interfering with an officer.
Motorcycle Accident
Last Thursday morning, Jimmie DALZIEL of Burlingame, ran into a post with his Yale motorcycle and was seriously injury. (sic)
Jimmie had take a friend of his to work and was trying to get back home in order to get to work by eight o’clock, when his presto tank slipped over to one side and made his handle bars so he couldn’t control them and he hit the first thing he came to which was a pole.
Jimmie DOUGLAS of Burlingame, saw the accident and took him to the hospital, and he would not stay here so he was removed home where Dr. MORRISON and OLDFIELD attended him and pronounced a broken leg but when the X ray was used they found that the bone was only bruised. He was unconscious from eight o’clock in the morning until four in the afternoon. His face was also bruised in several places. He is now on the road to recovery and we all hope he is around again soon. The motorcycle received very little damage.
San Mateo Land Assn to M.R. Va_dney, Lot 29, blk R, San Mateo Heights
North Fair Oaks Investment Co to Gerald C. Halsey, Lot 35 blk 53, North Fair Oaks
Hensley Green Co to E. Jacobs Lot 3 blk B, San Bruno Park
Same to W.B. Genealy Lots 14, 68, blk 10, San Bruno Park
Atlas Land and Construction Co to Mrs. E.G. Codben et al Lots 17 to 20, blk 2, Redondo
Ira M. Cobe and wife to John W. Engle, Lot U, Burlingame Terrace
Frank Storti to Clementina Storti Lots 8, 9 blk G, Boyd & Kent Addn, Redwood
Theo Moss to F. Ctorti and wife, Lot 7 same map
F.F. Brophy and wife to C.V. Bregard Lot 19, blk 6 Princeton By the Sea
Ira M. Rothwell and husband to Blanche McCalvy Lot 25, 26 blk 10, lots 56, 57, blk 15, San Bruno Park
Fred A. Cunningham and wife to E. Bonetti Portion lots 1, 2 blk 128, South San Francisco
Anglo-Cal Trust Co. to L.A. Rimassa lot 9, blk 33, Belle Air Park
Shore Line Investment Co to P.H. Lindquist Lots 18, 19 blk 9 Granada
Wm H. Howard Estate Co to A.D. Silva Lot 17, blk 50 Howard Addn No 1, City of San Mateo
Ansel M. Easton and wife to A Byrne Lot 17, blk 18, Easton Addn, Burlingame
G.W. Carlson et al to T.W. Swam and wife, Lot 3 blk 14, Crocker Tract
Hensley Green Co to O. Boneson Lot 22, blk 11, San Bruno Park
P. O’Keefe to Sm Breen Lot 1 blk 9, Crocker Tract
Annie Jannsen to F. Grassi et al Lot 1 blk 7, Town of San Mateo
J.R. Hillman and wife to Foothills Dev. Co. Portion lots 19, 17 Mezes Ranch, Belmont
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Asa Hull Lot 1 blk 28, Easton Addn, Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co to J. Patterson Lot 13, blk 77, Granada
Pulgas Land Co to A.F. Duarte Lot 31, portion 32, Gray Tract
R.H. Smith to S.J. Mooney Lot 47, blk 16 Huntington Park
Shore Line Investment Co to E. Adelung Lot 20 blk 31 Dumbarton
M.B. Bullen to Annie Shannon Portion lot 20, Burlingame Heights
C.O. Schade Portion lots 19, 20, blk 3, Miramontes Tract
American Real Estate Co to W.R. Becerudge, Lot 7, Visitaction
Crocker Estate Co to C. Rasmussen Lot 36, blk 14, Crocker Est Tract
Redwood City Realty Co to C. Miller, Lot 75, Wellesley Park
Chas Miller and wife to Redwood City Realty Co Lot 17, blk 2, Wellesly Park
Hensley Green Co. to Robert M. Smith, Lots 11, 12, 13, 39, blk 21, lots 13, 14, blk F, lots 8, 9, blk G, lots 31, 32, blk 1, lots 51, 52, blk N, San Bruno Park
Hensley Smith Co to Evelyn Selbie Lots 30, 31, 32, blk 19, San Pedro Terrace
Frank P. Brophy and wife to E.P. Mercer Lot 32, blk 6, Princeton By the Sea
L.R.A. Whalen to Mary S. Whalen Lot 16, blk 1, Marine View Terrace Tract
E.W. Magruder and wife to J.B. Hurd and wife Lots 32, 32, W.W.&M. sub
S. Meyer to E. Meyer Lots 9, 10, blk 22, Montara
C. Bonz and wife to A.M. Waignwright Lot 2, blk 2, W.W.&M Sub
Alfred Stevenson to H.A. Fuller Lots 8, 9, 10, blk 9, Arleta Park
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to M. Orelli Lot 13, blk 23, Marine View Terrace Tract
Same to Mrs. L. Vorozza Lot 14, blk 23, same map
Same to M. Orelli et al Lot 3, blk 24, same map
Same to W. Orelli et al Lot 17 blk 23 same map
Same to F.P. Orelli et al, Lot 4, blk 24, same map
Boston Investment Co. to Max Horn Lot 18 blk 36 Lyon & Hoag Sub. Burlingame
American Real estate Co. to W. Davies and wife Lot 15, blk 13, Vistacion
T.H. Cavanaugh and wife to A.G. Duncan Lot 41, blk 10, Crocker Tract
Crocker Estate Co. to C.G. Bryant and wife, Lots 3, 31, blk 2, same map
James P. Burke and wife to E.L. Swift Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 blk 16 Arleta Park
John Morley to B.A. Barteaux and wife Lot 18, blk 43, Bowie Estate Ern Addn, San Mateo
George C. Ross and wife to J.R. Hillman Portion lots 19, 17, Mezes Ranch, Belmont
Anna V. Nathorst to Madeline Houpin Lot 9, Portola Terrace
Ansel M. Easton and wife to H.N. Stenson Lot 3, blk 6, Burlingame Hills

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