San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
08 Aug 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
August 8 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 19
Friday, August 8, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Roy S. WALKER, 32, and Anna L. McGRATH, 21, both of San Francisco.
James D. BROWN, 29, and Irene B. OTTEN, 22, both of San Rafael
Frank ELLIOTT, 31, and Margaret H. SCOTT, 24, both of San Francisco
Oasis F. SILVERNAIL, 57, Cariebel, Idaho and Merilla A. COLLINS, 52, Oakland
Probate Court
Kate SCRAMALGIA has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of G. SCRAMALGIA, who died at Colma on February 11, 1912. The estate consists of an undivided interest in certain lots at Daly City valued at $800.
Annie TUSKA has applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of Walter J. TUSKA, a minor. The estate consists of a certain interest in an insurance policy on the life of his deceased father, Otto TUSKA. The insurance policy is valued at $1000.
Patrick H. MORRISSEY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of his father, Michael M. MORRISSEY, who died on December 25, 1910. The estate consists of a certain promissory note for $5000 and two lots in Edgemar tract, valued at $728. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $8000.
Eva R. BRADEN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Leslie William BRADEN, who died on July 8, 1913. The estate consists of an equity in certain lots with improvements in Redwood Farm, Redwood City, worth $1280, and personal property valued at $160. The heirs at law are the petitioner, wife of the deceased, and two children, Donald J. BRADEN, aged 4, and Lillian BRADEN, aged 1.
Charles P. BARBEAU has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Charles J. BARBEAU, who died in San Francisco on July 14, 1913. The estate consists of four lots with improvements at Millbrae valued at $4000 and personal property worth $25. The heirs at law are four adult sons, Charles F., James A., Leon J., and Frank P., all of whom reside in San Francisco, with the exception of the latter, whose residence is unknown.
Superior Court
The defendants in the suit of Annie L. TURNER and others against the Bernhard Mattress Company of San Francisco have filed notice of appeal to the Court of appeals from the decision of Judge BUCK on June 5, denying the demand and motion of defendant for a change of place of the trial of the case from this county to the Superior Court of the County of San Francisco.
Clark & Henry have commenced an action against John WURZ and wife to recover the sum of $288.25 for paving streets in front of lots 8 and 9, block 6, Western Addition to the town of San Mateo and owned by defendants. Plaintiff also asks for interest in the sum of $116.40 and costs of suit.
The American Bonding Company of Baltimore has petitioned to be released on the bond of W.H. REED, administrator of the estate of James REED, deceased. The bond is $35,000 and the company in its petition states that it wishes to be released from the responsibility on account of the future acts of administrator. The company has been on the bond since February 29, 1912. REED has been cited to appear on August 14 and relieve the company of any further responsibility.
A notice of dismissal, in so far as Richard NAHEMS is concerned, in the case of the American Land and Water Company against J.D. WILSON and others, has been filed in the clerk’s office.
Edward HILLEBRAND of Woodside has commenced an action for damages against W. Parker LYONS in the sum of $15,718.50. The complaint alleges that plaintiff on August 1, 1912, with a companion, William BENEDETTI, were driving in a buggy toward La Honda and when “Rocky Point” was reached the animal began to rear and prance at the approach of an automobile driven by LYONS. The latter continued his journey, making no effort to slow down or in any way assist plaintiff in his predicament. The horse became unmanageable and went over the grade. HILLEBRAND was badly injured, suffering a fracture of the right leg. He has not fully recovered from his injuries and my be a cripple for life. The complaint alleges that the accident was through the carelessness of defendant in not stopping his machine and rendering assistance. W. Parker LYONS was formerly mayor of Fresno and is reputed to be a millionaire. Two years ago he purchased a palatial residence at Woodside and recently sold it to a capitalist of Fresno. Mr. LYONS is now traveling in Europe.
The Continental Building and Loan Association has brought suit against Henry ZITSCHLAND and wife to secure possession of lot 3, block 15, and improvements. The association advance the money to erect the building on the property which was to be paid for by installments by defendant. He has failed in his monthly payments. Plaintiff asks for damages in the sum of $300 for the unlawful detention of premises and costs of suit. A demand for the property was made on defendant on June 26th, last.
M.J. HYNES, guardian of the person and estate of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person, has petitioned to sell the Monterey ranch consisting of nearly 10,000 acres of land. The petitioner asks that the court use its own discretion in making the order for sale, whether it is to be sold at auction, private sale or sold in subdivisions. Mr. WIDEMAN has an option on the ranch for its purchase at $326,000. Mr. HYNES alleges in his petition that it would take an outlay of $50,000 to make the property productive, and believes it would be in the best interest of the estate to sell the land.
Margaret BROWN vs Chester W. BROWN. Return on citation continued to August 2.
The People vs E. MARTIN. Passing of sentence continued to August 2 at request of defendant.
Lillian EAST vs George F. EAST. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Geo. E. DUNN vs Hazel DUNN. Order made modifying decree of divorce in the matter of the custody of child. Defendant to have child when she wishes, but not for more than one week at a time.
Lester D. DANZ vs J.H. MANSFIELD. Demurrer overruled and defendant granted 10 days to answer.
O. BOZIO vs Emma C. NILSEN, et al. Decree of foreclosure granted.
Mrs. J. SCOBLE has returned to Daly City after a two months’ absence.
Mrs. C.A. McCLELLAN returned Saturday from a few weeks stay in San Jose.
Mrs. Thos. SNELL and son Herbert, of Detroit, Michigan, are visiting Mrs. Willard L. MCKAY.
Mrs. Charles TUTTLE; (Nee Bessie RESAQUE) who resides in Sacramento, is visiting Daly City friends.
Mrs. Madge SPAULDING, after spending about four weeks visiting Mrs. J. M. PITTS, returned to her home in Petaluma Sunday.
Mrs. Louis PETERSON and three little sons, of Needles, California, while en route to her father’s ranch at Madrone, stopped a few days in Daly City last week on a visit to Mrs. J.M. PITTS.
The funeral of Mrs. Katharine Margaretha SAMSREITHER, a native of Baden Germany, aged 64 years, 10 months and 28 days, who died in Daly City Monday; took place Wednesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Cypress Lawn.
Fred HARPER who fell from a roof about two years ago and sustained injuries that has required the using of crutches ever since, went to the hospital Saturday for treatment that in part will be grafting skin to the injured leg. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery.
The case of John Roy RITCHIE, charged with disturbing the peach while in custody of Constable J.H. PARKER, was tried and convicted last week before Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON and on Monday sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and 60 days in jail. The jail sentence was paroled, pending good behavior.
Ed. CROOP, Geo. WEYMOUTH, Eddie COOK and GREEN returned Tuesday from a five days’ fishing and hunting expedition at the Geysers, near Oescadero. Jerrold COOLEY took them both ways in his auto.
Capt. BARNENON’s son Harold, who has been on an European trip with his parents left them in Paris recently to return home to resume his position as football captain of the San Mateo High School.
New Building Contracts
The Judson Manufacturing Company of San Francisco agrees to do the structural iron work and cast iron work for the southern wing of the Sacred Heart Academy at Menlo Park in 90 days for $13,344. Herman GRUSSEL agrees to do the excavating work for the same structure in 60 days for $3610. Herman GRUSSEL also agrees to do the artificial stone work on the same building in 60 days for $1350.
W.C. BARRICK agrees to erect a building, shed and fence for H.R. HICKS in 90 days on lot 33, Easton for $3600.
E.W. DEMARAIS agrees to erect for Edward REARDON in 60 days, a two-story frame building in the Crocker Tract for $2150.
San Mateo Items
Ben RACE is laid up with a sore hand.
Mr. Chas. BROWN of Beresford has gone for a three weeks’ trip to Barttett Springs.
Stewart REYNOLDS has gone to Andover to finish his education at the celebrated preparatory school of that place.
Thos. ALTON, a graduate of the High school here will enroll as a Stanford student at the next semester in September.
Mrs. John McRAE and her two daughters returned recently from a trip to Canada, where they went to look after property interests.
The preliminary examination of J.M. CHRISMAN for assault with a deadly weapon is set for one o’clock tomorrow (Friday) in Justice McCORMICK’s Court.
Prof. Otto. JOHNSON, former principal of the San Mateo High School, was recently married to Miss JENNINGS, a former teacher in the grammar school here.
Mr. RICHLING of Fifth avenue, San Mateo, was hit and badly injured by a switch engine at San Jose Sunday, and is now in the O’Connor sanatorium there.
Mr. PECK who has taken Mr. GLASSCOCK’s place as teacher of history at the High School, will also act as football coach for the team at that school.
Steve MERECH, evidently a hobo, was arrested last week by Constable SHEEHAN, charged with stealing wines, hams and bacon from box cars of the Southern Pacifica.
Larry BARTON, of the Crystal Springs road, only 16 years of age, has passed the civil service examination as wireless operator, and is now eligible for service on any wireless equipped craft.
The case of P. BANDONI of Colma, charged with maintaining a public nuisance by keeping more than four pigs, comes up before Justice McCORMICK tomorrow (Friday) at 2 p.m.
Miss Rose HALLORAN, whose parents removed recently to San Francisco, still commutes from the city in order to continue her studies at the High school here, preferring it to the city school.
Three Baby Prize Winners
Since July 7 a very interesting baby contest has been in progress at the Grandview theatre and on Wednesday evening the closing of the contest was witnessed by a very large audience. The cash prizes consisting of $15, $10, and $5 were awarded as follows:
First prize – Billy SANDERS
Second prize – Clara POKET
Third prize – Rosie BIERNSTEINE
The Montara-Farallone School opened Monday. The new teacher Mrs. McGANN is on deck and is giving good satisfaction.
Mrs. F. MAIER has returned to her home in Sacramento, but will again return to Farrallone to superintend the building of a bungalow.
Geo. RICH, D.S. HINDS and G.W. STEWART have returned from a several weeks business trip to Alaska. They sold several hundred lots on the Coast Side to Alaskans.
M.B. WIGGIN, the Montara concrete contractor has just received a carload of cement and will lay several thousand feet of cement sidewalk for the Montara Realty Development Company.
Mrs. M.M. CORNING and daughter, Miss May from Goldfield were in Farallone this week. Mrs. Corning is the owner of two bungalows and several lots in Farallone and is contemplating another new bungalow on one of the vacant lots soon. She is spendidly pleased with prospects of development in the Triangle and expects to locate here before the Fair.
F.E. LITTLEFIELD, A. GIBBY and Sam BARNUM are treating the Moss Beach school to a coat of paint which is making a great improvement on the appearance of the building which has already been much admired on account of its location and architecture. The school work began last Sunday with Miss Fannie MOORE in charge. Miss MOORE’s work is universally well received.
G.A> DENNISON, well and favorably known to the Coast Side by his connection with the Ocean Shore Land Co., is chief of the Horticultural Department of the Panama Pacific Exposition. Mr. DENNISON is a very capable thorough and conscientious worker and is sure of making a great success of his department. He has offices in the Panama Pacific building in the city.
With five justices of the peace performing the ceremony and fifteen police officers and county officials standing by as witnesses, Caleb COAKLEY, wealthy proprietor of a road house in Colma, who was divorced recently and Mrs. Bessie ANTHONY, a dashing widow of San Francisco, again set sail on the billows of married bliss Saturday afternoon. It was the tightest knot ever tied in San Mateo county and the most unique wedding ceremony in the history of California.
The marriage was solemnized in the parlors of the Sequoia hotel at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon and the ceremony was read in chorus by Justice of the Peace H.H. LAMPKIN of Redwood City, Justice of the Peace Ellis JOHNSON of Daly City, Justice of the Peace, John F. DAVIS of San Bruno, Justice of the Peace, Joseph A. McCORMICK of San Mateo and Justice of the Peace John PITCHER of Halfmoon Bay. Every one of the five justices implanted a smacking kiss on the blushing cheeks of the bride.
As far as the 20 officials were concerned, the wedding was an impromptu affair. Sheriff J.H. MANSFIELD and District Attorney, Franklin SWART had called a conference of the justices of the peace and police officers of the county to discuss closer co-operation in criminal matters. The meeting was in progress when COAKLEY and his bridge to be arrived. The official wedding was quickly arranged.
Justice of the Peace John PITCHER of Half Moon Bay, who is 86 years of age, was master of ceremonies, and as he said the words of the marriage ceremony his fellow justices repeated the words in chorus.
Following the wedding, COAKLEY invited everybody to join him and his bride in the banquet hall of the hotel. The 20 officials united in pledging a brimming cup to the happiness of the couple.
COAKLEY is 53 years of age and is well known in political circles. His bride is 34 years old and before her first marriage was Miss Bessie KELLY, a social favorite of San Francisco.
Among the witnesses at the wedding were Supervisory John McBAIN, Constables James PARKER of Daly City; James WALLACE of South San Francisco, Ferguson OWEN of Burlingame, Michael SHEENAN of San Mateo, Martin WALSH of Menlo Park and Fred SIMMONDS of Half Moon Bay, Sheriff J.H. MANSFIELD, District Attorney Franklin SWART, Under Sheriff John J. SHIELDS, Jailer Ollie PARKR, Chief of Police George E. JONES of Burlingame, Chief of Police James COLEMAN of Redwood City, Motorcycle Policemen Michael BROWN, George LOWANS, James LOGAN, Fred VALLEJO, Maurice SHEEHAN and Abe SEGAR and Marshal Gerald CONENS and Deputy Marshal Claude M. HERSHEY of Hillsborough.
Building Trades Council Officers
On Thursday evening July 31, 1913, the Building Trades Council of San Mateo County, met at the Labor Temple in San Mateo and elected the following officers for the ensuing term:
President – J.H. FLYNN
Vice President – Patrick KEARY
Recording Secretary – Edward BRADY
Secretary Treasurer – Charles H. MORRISON
Business Agent – A.S. BROWN
Civic Betterment League Installation
The Civic Betterment League officers for the ensuing term were installed as follows:
President – Julius NELSON
Vice President – F.A. HANSEN
Secretary – T. SHEEHAN
Treasurer – R.R. CASTLE
Sergeant-at-Arms – E. FORSELL
Executive Committee – H.H. SMITH, Gust JOHNSON, Ellis C. JOHNSON, J.L. BROWN, Gus SODERBLOM, W.M. TALBOTT.
Realty Transfers
Geo. H. Gerwin and wife to L.S. Morgan Lot 6 blk A W.W.&M Sub
A. Easton and wife to S.G. Borland Lot 17, blk 23, Easton Addn, Burlingame
Rockaway Beach Co. to A.E. Hewett, Lots 26, 27, 28, block 12, Rockaway Beach
Emma H. Dorward to Jno Carnegie and wife Lot 28, blk 6 Crocker Tract.
Amanda Rockhill to Clara F. Dwyer Lot 52, blk 4, San Bruno Park
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. to Henesley-Green Co. Lots in blocks 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, San Bruno Park
R. Kuhn and wife to C.G. Cooper Lots 1, 2, blk 25, Wave Crest
Same to C.G. Cooper Portion blk 4, abbey Homestead
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to W.A. Rattenbury Lot 22, blk 23 Marine View Terrace
A. Fancher and wife to E. Elwell Lots 40, 41, blk 7 Wave Crest
Geo R. Sneath to Ella Wilson Lot 39 Lee Tract
Shore Line Invest Co to Ernest Coutoren Lot 21 blk 18, Granada
Same to L.E. McClaskey Lot 16, blk 34 Granada
Mary S. Whalen and husband to A. Bormuth et al Lot 15 blk 1, Marine View Terrace
F. Malmstron and wife to C.J.A. Mattson Lot 10, blk 11, Crocker Tract
Hensley-Green Co to Mary A. Copple Lots 27 to 30 blk 9, San Bruno Park
J. Getterley to A.L. Burgan Lot 5, blk 2, lots 4, 5, and 6, blk 3, Vista Grande
F.H. Mighall and wife to B. Pasquale Lot 1 blk 32 Eastern Addition, Redwood
Hensley-Green Co to M. Drescher Lots 41, 42, blk San Bruno Park
James Barine et al to E.S. McAtee Lot 32, blk B, Peeks Sub, So San Francisco
S. Chamberlain to E.M. Chamberlain Lots 4, 5, 6, J.J. Moore Ranch
North Fair Oaks Invest Co to W.E. Wright, Lots 21 to 24, 45 to 48, blk 52, North Fair Oaks.
The Nobles Jones Co to C.G. Johnson Lots 24, 25 blk 4, Easton Addn, Burlingame
Albert Meyer et al, to H.H. Velleno and wife Lots 28, 29 blk 3, San Bruno Park
Hensley-Green Co to N. Dresceer Lots 32, 33 Blk E San Bruno Park
S. von Linderman to C.G. Cooper Lot 1, blk 40, Abbey Hmstead
L. Mayrhofer to M.A. Perrier Lots 12, 15 blk 3, Vista Grande
J.H.T. Watkinson to B. Walder, Lot 26, blk C. Mission St. Tract
G. Duboic to H. Pelikan Lot 1, blk 19, Wave Crest
T.E. Parker et al to Mrs. D. Harsmon Lots 23, 24, blk 51, Farallone City
San Carlos Park Syndicate to S McLean, Lot 1, Block 12, San Carlos
G.S. Fall and wife to M. Muller Lot 2 blk 14, Vista Grande
Masson Invest Co to H. Murphy Portion lots 20, 22, 24, 26, blk 11, Baden W of R.A.
F & A Levy & Co. to M. Ramos and wife Lot 16 blk 1, Miramontes Tract 3
Same to Thos Bettencourt Lot 17, blk 1, same map
R.M. Smith and wife to Masson Invest Co. Lots 11, 12, 13, 39, blk 31, lots 13, 14, blk F., lot 8, 9, blk G., lots 32, 33 blk 1, lots 51, 52, blk N. San Bruno Park
Shore Line Invest Co. to Jno H. Johnson and wife Lot 2 blk 52 Granada
Boston Investment Co to Clarence C. Cary Lots 1 to 4, blk 5, Burlingame Park 4
Owners Realty Co. to C.H. Cobb Lots 2, blk 1, Venice Beach
Same to A.J. Cobb Lot 3, blk 1, Venice Beach
Shore Line Investment Co. to G.W. Hall, Lot 5, blk 16, Granada

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