San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
15 Aug 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
August 15 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 20
Friday, August 15, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Lester E. MULLEN, 22 and Leora HARVEY, 21, both of Redwood City.
Caleb COAKLEY, 53, Colma and Bessie ANTHONY, 34, San Francisco.
A. BEACHAM, 23, and Adelina GRAZIANA, 18, both of Colma.
Paul CAYE, 35, Oakland and Genova GALBRAITH, 23, Vallejo.
Lester G. WEBB, 24, Half Moon Bay and Gertrude I. HANCOCK, 17, Granada
Frank J. SHEEHAN, 35, and Jeannette B. FRYER, 25, both of San Francisco.
William S. FULLER, 48, San Francisco, and Ruth WHITCOMB, 38, Redlands
James GOODWIN, 49 and Elena ROBINSON, 31, both of Redwood City
August SCROEDER, 27 and Corali F. COUILLARD, 22, both of San Francisco.
Probate Court
John F. MALONEY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of his father, John MALONEY, who died at Menlo Park in 1903. The estate consists of a piece of land and improvements at Menlo Park valued at $1200. Mr. Maloney has also applied for letters of administration upon the estate of his mother, Catherine MALONEY, who died at Menlo Park in 1904. The estate consists of cash in the Hibernia Bank amounting to $3000.
Estate of Antonia DOYLE, deceased. Trustees report and account of POPE Minors continued to August 21.
Estate of Richard H. GEGAX deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to September 4.
Estate of Mary L. HULSE, deceased. Administrator appointed with bond fixed at $3000.
Estate of Robert SESTREM. First and final account and petition for distribution continued to September 4.
Estate of Edward S. FORESTER, deceased. Petition for sale of real estate continued to August 14.
Estate of Agnes FERRY, deceased. Mrs. Agnes E. WOOD granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $1000.
Estate of Adolph KNORPP, deceased. Final account allowed and settled.
Estate of George HEISENBUTTEL, deceased. Final account allowed and settled.
Estate of Edwin DICKERMAN, deceased. Final account and petition allowed and settled.
Estate of Victor BROWN, deceased. Petition to set aside estate to widow continued to August 21.
Estate of Marie J. MOUROT, deceased. Letters of administration granted to R>F> CHILCOTT, with bond fixed at $1200.
Estate of Annie ERWIN, deceased. Andrew L. ERWIN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate of Michael MORRISSEY, deceased. P.H. MORRISSEY granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $10,000.
Estate of David F. WALKER, deceased. Second annual account of administrator allowed and settled. Petition for attorney fees continued to August 14th. Administrator allowed $2000 on account of commissions. Petition of administrator to make repairs granted. Order made allowing the claim of A.C. ELLIS for $20,000.
Estate and guardianship of William FRANKLIN, a minor. Second annual account continued to August 14.
Estate of Maggie NEEB, deceased. Sale of real property of the estate confirmed.
Estate of Annie GAUDET, deceased, Final account and petition for distribution continued to August 28.
Estate of Alexander M. COX, deceased. Petition to assign estate granted.
Estate of Mary Ann PENNINGTON. Petition for final distribution granted.
Estate of V. SEMINOFF, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Leshe W. BRADEN, deceased. Eva L. BRADEN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $200.
Estate and guardianship of Charles HUBER, deceased. Sale of real property ordered confirmed.
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. Petition for restoration of competency. Demurrer overruled and 10 days allowed to answer.
Mrs. T.J. REESE of Fresno is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. A.G. ROBINSON.
Jimmie POKET and wife and little daughter, Clara, are spending a few days at Moss Beach.
Mrs. R.H. GEGAX of 607 Vista avenue will leave Monday for Walnut Creek to visit her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Till.
Henry E. POKET, who for the past six months has been at Tiburon, returned to Daly City Sunday and will perform the duties of mixolist at his father’s saloon.
Eddie DANCLUZ, the little boy who fell from a tree back of the Colma Hotel Sunday, breaking both his arms, was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, where is getting along nicely.
Willard L. McKAY and wife, accompanied by Mrs. McKAY’s sister, Mrs. Thos. SNELL, and little son, Herbert, visiting her from Philadelphia, spent the day on the ocean beach Friday.
Fred HARPER, whom we mentioned last week as having gone to the hospital for the purpose of treatment, in having both skin and bone grafting, has returned home and is doing nicely.
The quadruple political rumor is afloat that Charley BIEBEL wants another term as city trustee and will be a candidate whether he receives the Socialist nomination or not. H.F. BELLOWS, the local Socialist organizer and tattler, wants the trustees salaried in the future and will enter the race if her can complete his United States citizenship. KASSER has moved from Ocean View and wants to be city recorder, while Miss Clara A. JESS, the former recorder, is striving to be admitted to the bar with a view of accepting the city attorneyship.
Superior Court
John BILLESBECH has filed his final account as the executor of the estate of his mother, Mary BILLESBACH, deceased.
Mary A. TOBIN and others have commenced an action against Henry Ward BROWN and others to enjoin defendants from using the water of San Pedro Creek. The complaint alleges that Mrs. TOBIN and her tenants own nearly 800 acres of land adjoining the stream and are riparian owners, that Henry Ward BROWN and his wife and their tenants own adjoining lands and for some time have by means of dams, pumphead gates and machinery diverted the water of the stream to the great injury of plaintiffs.
Margaret BROWN vs Chester W. BROWN. Return on citation continued to August 14.
J.F. WIENKE et al vs J.B. SMITH et al. Trial continued to August 11.
Maria G. BEGHIN vs G. BEGHIN. Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
Granite Rock Company vs W.H. UNDERHILL. Petition of mandate continued to August 12.
In the matter of the death of Mary H. BRODIE. Petition to vest community property in husband granted.
Joseph M. FRANCIS vs Edward VASQUEZ. Order made giving judgment to plaintiff.
East San Mateo Land Co vs Southern Pacific Company. Notice of motion dropped from calendar. Demurrer withdrawn and defendant given ten days to answer.
Abbey Land and Improvement Co. vs. John Hunter, et. Al. Judgment rendered fro plaintiff.
Half Moon Bay Land Co. vs F.H. COWELL, et al. Citation order discharged.
Lester BLANCHARD vs Catherine KELLY administratix of the estate of T.J. KELLY, deceased. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer.
Geo. W. McGINN vs D.S. DORN. Demurrer continued to August 14.
Schwerin Estate Co. vs Joseph SLYE. Demurrer continued to August 14.
The People vs. Earl PATTESON . Time to plead continued to August 12.
People vs O. BANDONI. Trial set for August 25th.
People vs A.N. ROTH. Time to plead set for August 14.
Fred PATTISON vs T.J. McNAMARA and Cora A. PERKINS et al, vs. T.J. McNAMARA. August 14 appointed as time to set causes for trial.
J.E. BREADY vs J.E. BENNETT. Plaintiff having failed to file brief judgment is ordered for defendant.
The civil suit of the Barber Asphalt and Paving Co. against H.H. ZWICK has been dismissed.
San Mateo Items
A. LARSEN was in town again Monday. He expects to relocate here permanently.
Fred TEALE killed a six-foot rattler while hunting in the hills back of town last Sunday.
Mrs. E.J. TALBERT of Elm street recently started on a six weeks visit to relatives in Los Angeles.
J.A. McCORMICK, secretary of the Painters Union 913 leaves on August 26, for the International Convention, to be held in Rochester, N.Y. Mr. McCORMICK will be accompanied by his wife and they will visit Boston and parts of Canada during their absence of probably five or six weeks.
J.H. FLYNN, president of the Building Trades Council of San Mateo County, went to the Red Cross Hospital a few days ago where he was successfully operated upon for appendicitis. He is reported to be rapidly improving and his many friends will be glad to learn that he will be back on the job in a few days.
Mr. J. STAYAN, an aged messenger between here and San Francisco, died suddenly at the Red Cross Hospital Saturday morning. He failed to recover from an operation for bowel trouble. Mr. STAYAN had lived in the Homestead for many years and was well and favorably known in this community. He leaves a widow and several grown children.
Used Bad Language
P. LACAZE, proprietor of the Burlingame French Laundry, was on trial before Justice Elfving Tuesday on a charge proffered by Mrs. MORSER of using insulting language to her. It appears that the laundryman claimed the lady owed him money for washing and Mrs. MORSER countered with the charge that LACZE lost some of her clothes sent to the wash and refused to pay until they were returned.
LACAZE was persistent and dunned the lady on the street. She was equally firm in her refusal. LACAZE lost his temper and used language that would not look well in print. Hence the suit. The result was the conviction of the defendant and a fine of $10, which was promptly paid. LACAZE was represented by Attorney McCURDY and Mrs. MORSER was her own attorney.
Rabbit hunting at Miramar is excellent.
Mrs. Mary KYNE, wife of John KYNE, born at Tuam County, Galway, Ireland, died at Moss Beach, August 7, 1913, aged 68 years.
August SCHNOOR of Berkeley is at North Granada and will reside there for the winter and will complete his store and hotel building.
Walter BUNKER and family of Oakland and Prof. O’DONALD of the State Deaf and Dumb School and family of Berkeley are at Granada this month.
Enos RALSTON, a pioneer woodsman of the mountainous region above San Gregorio, has gone to Plumas county where he will spend the next year in collecting rattlesnakes for a snake farm.
Miss Lottie SHOULTS, District Deputy of Native Daughters, accompanied by Mrs. Grace GRIFFITH and Mrs. Minnie ROSS installed the officers of the Native Daughters at Pescadero Friday.
Appraisers Appointed
Estate of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. A.J. GOULSON and James McCORMICK Jr., Pescadero and H.W. SCHABERG, Redwood City.
Estate of Ellen S. McGOWAN, deceased. H.W. SCHABERG, Donald MacKENZIE and J.B. KELLY
Estate of Carl F. HERMANN, deceased. R.F. CHILCOTT, A. STURLA and W.H. ALMON.
San Bruno Items
Harry LESLIE has taken a salesmanship with Roth, Blum & Co., the packers.
Mrs. PIXLEY of this place died a few days ago in the third addition. She was a late arrival from San Jose.
Joe ZARO has a new gasoline plow that will put several horses and men on a vacation. It is the John Deere make.
The old Junction House , owned by the JENEVEIN family for 30 years, has been leased to some San Francisco parties and will be run as a public hotel. The JENEVEINS will go on a much needed vacation.
The preachers, landlords and marriage license clerks complain of the lack of matrimonial business. Perhaps the young people are observing the bored expression the married commuters carry on the trains.
It is rumored among the knowing ones that South City is thinking of changing its name to Martin City in honor of its silver-tongued orator, successful booster and all-round prime factor in changing the town from a summer cow pasture to the foremost manufacturing city on the peninsula.
Transfer of the license of Mr. LAMB from his old stand to the Barbat property is being actively opposed. Judging by the opposition signatures on the petition the Superviosors will have no trouble deciding the case on its merits. Eleven saloons are in operation here now and that seems quite enough to supply a population of 1500.
Articles of Incorporation
Court Madrone Hall Association has incorporated with a capital stock of $20,000 divided into 20,000 shares at a per value of one dollar each. The purpose of the incorporation is to erect and maintain a hall at Redwood for public purposes.
The Mateo Drug Company has incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000 divided into 1000 shares at a par value of $10 each. The purpose of the incorporation is to engage in the wholesale and retail drug business at San Mateo. The stockholders subscribe one share each: C.G. WESTLING, Henry DOWNS and Wm. M. ROBERTS.
The Ocean Shore Furniture Company has incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 divided into 2500 shares at a par value of $10 each.
Redwood City Revolvings
Mrs. J.F. JOHNSTON, her daughter, Petra and Miss Pauline Hanson have left for Alaska to be gone for a month.
John P. WELLER, manager of the Redwood City Commercial Bank, has gone to Santa Cruz with his family for a two weeks’ stay at the seashore.
Miss Eleanor FALVEY, deputy county clerk, accompanied by her mother, has gone to Los Angeles to spend her vacation. They will witness the ceremony attending the taking by Miss Marie FALVEY of the final vows as a sister of Notre Dame.
Margaret Grant and husband to K Anderson Lots 5, 6, blk 5, Vista Grande
Robert H. Smith to A.J. Regnier Lot 31 blk 3 Huntington Park
Same to L.C. Price, Lots 30, 31, blk 16 same map
Shore Line Investment Co to F.D. Gordon Lot 29 blk 43 Granada
Helen H. Mawell and husband to M. Almon Lots 3, 4, blk 187, Abbey Homestead
Anglo-California Trust Co. to Louise Falk Lot 9, blk 2 Hillcrest
Wm. Brunnenkant and wife to M.M. Hearne Lot 40, blk 5, San Bruno Park
Frank P. Brophy and wife to N. Boyle Lot 33, blk 13, Princeton by the Sea
Atlas Land and Impr Co A.A. Morey Lots 11, 12, blk 3, Redondo
So. San Francisco Land and Impro Co to Hensley Green Co Lots 41, 42, blk 3 San Bruno Park
Hensley Realty Co et al to A. Siebecker Lot 11 blk 10, San Bruno Park
H.T. Blackwood and wife to Marin Realty Co, lot 9 Sub., Menlo
J.W. Reeves et al to E.R. Taylor Lots 78, 79. blk 1 Newport Terrace
Hensley Green Co to A.T. Green and wife Portion blk 2, Lomita Park
W.R. Spencer to Carl J. Deisz Lot 7, blk R San Mateo Heights
Alfred Green and wife to P.T. Green Lots 57, 58, blk M, lots 13, 14, blk C, San Bruno
J.A. Boyd and wife to H.L. Williams Lot 10, blk C, Boyd & Kent Add Redwood City
C.C. Bonnette and wife to J.C. McMullen et al Lot 1, blk 21, lots 6, 7, 8, blk 21, Resub Union Park
Carolilne E. Thompson and husband to A. Bader and wife. Portion lot 1, blk 20, Wrn Add, San Mateo
Anna C. Murphy to Katherine L. Murphy Portion blk 67, Ern Add Redwood
Hensley Realty Co to F.A. Nelson and wife Lots 1, 2, blk 2 San Bruno Park
Same to Catherine Steinbruck Lots 6, 37, blk 10, same map
R.H. Smith to M. Grant Lot 19 blk 3, Huntington Park
Rockaway Beach Co to D. Smith Lots 19, 20, blk 22, Rockaway Beach
Cal United Land Assn to same Lot 1blk G. Ola Vista Beach
Hensley Green to Lessie Park Lot 53, blk 28, San Bruno Park
Same to Clara Kruschel Lot 52, blk 26 same map
Same to Alexander Scholtz and wife Lots 18, 19, 20, San Bruno Park
G.H. Locht to E. Locht Lot 6 blk 18, Vista Grande
Hensley Green Co to Hensley Smith Co. BLks 14, 20, 16, 22, 23, 16, 17, 18, 31, C. F. G. I. K. M, O, Q, San Bruno Park.
J.H. Warkinson to C.A. Iverson Lot 77, blk C, Mission Tract
W. Nahems and wife to Howard Thompson Three acres portion El Corte Madera Rancho
Louisa Martinez de Faber et al to N.B. Smith 3 acres same tract
Mary C. Greer and husband to same, same as above
Owners Realty Co to Mrs. E.M. Watson Lot 56, 37, blk 4, Oakleigh Park
Same to Ira Grug Lot 19, blk 13 Venice Beach
The Moxey Realty Co to Iver Anderson Lots 30, 31, blk 2 W.W.&M Sub
Anglo Calif Trust Co to T. Pickett Lot 11, blk 11, Amended Plan, Belle Air
R.R. Wolf to Alice M. Wolf Lot 3, blk 2, Burlingame Park
E.W. Magruder and wife to J. Devine Lot 59, McEvoy Tract
Matt Realty Co to James Reilly Lot 6, blk 4, Venice Beach

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last updated: 21 May 2005