San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
22 Aug 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
August 22 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 21
Friday, August 22, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Joe BALISTERI, 26 and Josephine TRAINA, 19, both of San Jose
William PIERCE, 29, New York and Elizabeth WINCKLER, 21, Spokane, Wash.
Robert H. BENJAMIN, 27, and Lulu A. SIMPSON, 24, both of San Francisco
Elmer W. GRUBER, 29, and Mamie L. CHAPMAN, 29, both of San Francisco
Gabriel DILDA, 56, and Wilhelmina MAGER, 57, both of San Francisco.
Probate Court
Estate of David F. WALKER, deceased. Petition for payment of attorney fees submitted.
Estate and guardianship of William FRANKLIN, a minor. Second account allowed and settled.
Estate of James REED, deceased. Petition for surety continued to August 21.
Estate of Charles J. BARBEAU, deceased. Charles P. BARBEAU appointed administrator with bond fixed at $500.
Joseph M. FRANCIS, through his attorney, Franklin SWART, has filed the last will and testament of his mother, Antoinette FRANCIS, who died at Half Moon Bay on July 27. The estate consists of cash in the Half Moon Bay Bank amounting to $4500 and a house and lot located at Half Moon Bay valued at $750. Joseph M. FRANCIS is named as executor and by the terms of the will the estate is bequeathed the following persons: Henrietta FRANCIS, a granddaughter is left the sum of $300; Louisa FRANCIS, a daughter-in-law, is left $200; Antoinette FRANCIS, a granddaughter is left $100; Norman FRANCIS, a granddaughter is left $100; Hattie SIMMONS, a granddaughter, is left $100 and Frank FRANCIS, a grandson, $100. The rest and residue of the estate is bequeathed to the six children of the deceased share and share alike. The children of the deceased and heirs at law are, John F., Joseph M. and Manuel FRANCIS of Half Moon Bay and Mary SIMMONS of Redwood City, Louisa SANTOS, Sausalito, and Carry CARDOZA, Half Moon Bay.
Emil LIESS has applied for letters testamentary upon the estate of Katharina SMSREITHER who died at Daly City on August 4, 1913, at the age of 64 years. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $881.02, a pair of earrings valued at $50, and money in a safe deposit vault in the German Savings Bank of an unknown amount, real estate on Wenster street, San Francisco, consisting of a three-story flat building, rented for $130 a month and valued at $20,000. The deceased left a will bearing date of July 28, 1913.
Mrs. Ethel RAILTON, after a few month’s absence at Florin has returned to Daly City.
Mrs. Lillian SCHULTZ, well known in Daly City, gave birth to a fine boy at her home in San Francisco Saturday.
Bob Nelson and W.A. RUSSELL Made a record as fishermen Saturday at Princeton, catching 55 pounds of rock code.
Willard L. McKAY had the misfortune of burning himself in a candy vat Wednesday, so that he will be laid up for a few days.
Caleb COAKLEY has leased the Ward bungalow opposite his popular roadhouse and Mrs. COAKLEY is fitting up a delightful little home.
Superior Court
East San Mateo Land Co vs Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Notice of motion for judgment continued to August 21.
The People vs A. ROTH. Time to please continued to August 25.
Alfred C. BERNAL vs Pauline M. BERNAL. Trail continued to August 28. Plaintiff ordered to file amended complaint.
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN. Notice of motion to set cause continued to August 21.
Cora M. PERKINS et al vs N.J. McNAMARA. Notice of motion to set cause continued to September 23.
Schwerin Real Estate Co. vs Joseph SLYE, et al. Demurrer set for August 21.
Mary TOBIN et al vs H.W. BROWN et al. Hearing in order to show cause continued to August 21.
Carmilla BOITANO, as administratrix, vs Joseph DEBENEDETTI. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed ten days to answer.
Lydia H. BARNEY has brought suit against Benjamin B. BARNEY to recover the sum of $8585.59 for money advanced and for the amount of a promissory note executed at Redwood City on October 17, 1012, for $3000. Plaintiff also asks for interest and costs of suit.
Lydia H. BARNEY has instituted a friendly suit against E.F. FITZPATRICK, as administrator of the estate of Minnie B. STANLEY, deceased, and her son, Benjamin STANLEY, to have a certain adverse claim for over $30,000, alleged to be due from defendant to plaintiff declared null and void.
Elmer J. CHRISTMAN has commenced an action against L.C. LUCY as administrator of the estate of Jessie CHRISTMAN, to quiet title to lots 11 and 19, block 45, Burlingame.
Estella J. BLAKE has commended divorce proceedings against her husband Thomas F. BLAKE. The couple was married at San Bruno on February 22, 1912. The divorce is asked for on the grounds of willful neglect and failure to provide. The complaint alleges that the husband earns $90 a month and is fully able to provide for his family. Mrs. Blake asks the custody of the minor child, Walter J. BLAKE, aged eight months.
J.H. KRUSE has commenced an action against Annie L. RIPHENBURGH and others to recover the sum of $253.31 for building material furnished in building the Riphenburg home. The material was furnished to L.C. HERRICK.
Judge BUCK has appointed H.W. SCHABERG inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of P.A. ROUSSELL, deceased.
Judge BUCK Has appointed H.W. SCHABERG inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Agnes BETZOLD, deceased.
J.F. WIENKE has brought suit against Leon C. OSTAYEE to be released from an agreement entered into on December 17, 1909. By the terms of the agreement defendant was to purchase 27 acres of land at Montara for $2585.50 paying for it in two installments to wit, the sum of $1086.50 on December 24, 1910, and the balance, $1500 on December 24, 1212. The complaint alleges that defendant failed to make the payments as agreed and therefore plaintiff asks that he be absolved from the agreement to sell. The complaint alleges that Osteyee only paid the sum of $100 on the purchase price of the land.
Death from Exposure
The body of James McSWEENEY, who escaped from a Belmont sanitarium Monday night, was found in a cabin on the marsh near Belmont Wednesday by a searching party headed by Constable SHEEHAN. McSWEENEY was employed as a coachman by M.S. WILSON of Hillsborough. He was formerly in the saloon business in San Mateo. The body was brought to the Sneider undertaking parlors in San Mateo and an inquest was held Wednesday night. The verdict was death from exposure.
San Bruno Items
P.J. SULLIVAN has a new license in his window from Governor JOHNSON as notary public.
Bob LITTLE has a suit pending against the San Bruno Water Co. for not furnishing workman water for building purposes.
Mrs. HOLTBERG, wife of our popular butcher, has returned from Madame Julia’s hospital with a baby girl. Both parents are very proud.
New Building Contracts
H.H. SMITH agrees to erect a school building for the trustees of San Pedro district at Salada Beach in 90 days for $5926.40.
W.C. BARRICK Building Co. agrees to erect for Chas. H.McVEY and Addie McVEY in 90 days a dwelling and fence on lot 18, and a portion of lot 14, block 25, Easton for $3140.
San Mateo Items
Mrs. E.V. RICHTER leaves tomorrow for a visit to relatives in Auburn, Placer County.
W.A. SILLIMAN of Pacific Grove is visiting with his son, W.G. SILLIMAN, the commission merchant of Fourth avenue.
Mrs. DAVIS has returned to her home in Santa Rosa after a fortnight’s visit with her son, Leo DAVIS at his home on Cypress avenue.
Mrs. and J.H. COLEMAN spent last week visiting their many friends in San Mateo, returning Friday to their Low Gap Ranch, near Ukiah.
A. McILWAIN returned Friday from Watsonville, where he attended the meeting of the Great Council of the Improved Order of Red Men last week.
Miss Alice BEST left Sunday for her home in New York after a delightful two weeks’ visit with her sister, Miss Minnie BEST, during which time she was the honored guest at many social functions.
Chas. WILSON was brought before Judge McCORMICK Wednesday on a charge of drunkenness preferred by his employer, L.J. PAULSON, a dairyman. WILSON flourished a gun, but as John Barleycorn appeared to be the man behind the gun, WILSON was discharged with a reprimand.
Hunter Dead; Companion Held
Last Friday John ANDERSON, former gold instructor of the Beresford County Club, and Fred LEVY, former timekeeper for Clark & Henry, went on a hunting trip in the hills back of the Hobart estate. LEVY returned alone and reported to the Hillsborough police that ANDERSON was lost. Later a searching party was organized and ANDERSON’s body was discovered with a bullet-hole in the right temple. LEVY told several conflicting stories, admitting that he knew ANDERSON was death when he reported him missing, and his words and actions have cast suspicion upon him. So much so that, while the verdict of the coroner’s jury at the inquest Wednesday was that Anderson died from a gunshot wound, self-inflicted, the coroner refused to approve the verdict and LEVY is being held by the authorities.
Frank DALRYMPLE of San Francisco was a Farrallone visitor Sunday.
Martini & Co. have hay balers at work baling their crop which will be about 40 car loads.
Mrs. R.E. JAMES and son, Robert, of Sacramento, are occupying the Quest for the month.
Campbell Bros. are mobbing into the Danieri building at the corner of Kelley and Main, Half Moon Bay.
Frank POSTLEWAITH who has been spending his vacation at Farallone has returned to his home in Berkeley.
Mrs. MARSH has returned to her home in Santa Clara after a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. W.M. ABBOTT of Farrallone City.
Mrs. Lizzie FRANCIS of Halfmoon Bay has been appointed deputy county coroner. Mrs. FRANCIS will also conduct the undertaking business of W.V. FRANCIS under her own name.
Mrs. G.A. LITTLE just coming out of the ocean from a swim last Wednesday ran across a very pleasant surprise on the beach. It was her brother whom she had not met for 25 years, W.E. STINCHCOMB, of East St. Louis, who comes to Moss Beach to visit her. Small wonder that he should fall in love with our beach.
Death in Auto Accident
In an automobile accident which occurred Tuesday night on the county road between Belmont and Bereford, George L. ALEXANDER, manager of the American Type Founders Co. of San Francisco, was killed and J.S. ANDREWS of San Francisco, Mrs. S.J. SMITH and Mrs. J. SPAULDING of Oakland were seriously injured.
The machine, driven by ANDREWS, collided with another one which was standing in the road and turned turtle. The members of the party were taken to the Red Cross Hospital in San Mateo in passing automobiles. Here it was found that ALEXANDER was dead, his neck having been broken. ANDREWS was seriously injured, but was able to be removed to a San Francisco hospital Wednesday. Mrs. SPAULDING had suffered a fracture of the right leg and Mrs. SMITH many lacerations and bruises.
George L. ALEXANDER was a native of Wareham, Mass., aged 48 years, and has been manager of the San Francisco establishment of the American Type Founders Co. for the past ten or twelve years.
Tin Wedding Anniversary
Mrs and Frank R. SAMPSON, 107 Santa Ana avenue, celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary last Saturday evening, August 16, and the following guests were present:
Mrs and E.G. ARCHER, Mrs and C. HURST of Alameda, Mrs and Harry HURST, B. BARRIS and Miss L. TOWNE of Dinuba, Mrs. and C.R. SMITH, Mrs and N. McMENOMY of Mill Valley, Mrs. and W. WILLIAMS, Miss Winnie WILLIAMS, Miss May SAMPSON, J.H. SAMPSON and Sid GOLDBAUM.
The entire setting was in harmony with the event, including tin dishes, platters, sups, saucers, etc., while the walls were decorated with beautiful tin ornaments. All that was not tin was the delicious edibles, which Mrs. SAMPSON is an expert in preparing.
After the dinner there was music and dancing, so that everybody present was joyously entertained until the advancing hours in the morning when the owl cars run.
Articles of Incorporation
The W.C. BARRICK Building Co. has incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000, divided into 1000,000 shares at par value of $1 each. The purpose of the company is to engage in the building and contracting business at San Francisco. The actual amount of stock subscribed is $3 by the following stock-holders who subscribe one share each: W.C. BARRICK, A.L. ROBERTS and Geo. F. CROSBY, all residing in San Francisco.
Ejected From Moving Train
Mr. RICHLAND who was recently injured near San Jose by the brutal action of a Southern Pacific conductor in ejecting him from the train while it was in motion, has nearly recovered from his injuries. Mr. RICHLAND, who is employed as a government wine gauger, boarded the train at San Jose, after walking from Agnew’s in order to catch it. He was rather dusty from his long hike, and this couple with the fact that he was unable to readily find his ticket, caused the conducted to class him with the genus hobo and bundle him unceremoniously from the train. He received severe gashes about the head and face in his fall, necessitating a number of stitches at the hospital in San Jose, where he was taken for treatment. One of the nurses in searching his clothing found his ticket in a side pocket of his coat. The Southern Pacific, realizing that its employe’s action was wholly unwarranted, paid the medical and hospital bills of its victim and is said to have tried to square the matter with him, but the prospects are that it will be defendant in a heavy damage suit, with a good change of coming out a loser.
Owners Realty Co. to H. L. Dunn Lot 2 blk 16, City Naples
Hensley Realty Co to W.E. Fairbands Lot 13, blk 10, San Bruno Park
Pulgas Land Co to W.L. Blackmore Lot 78 Gray Tract
J.G. Sharp and wife to Herman Eppinger Lots 205, 206, 207, 208, blk 18, Campbell Track
Wm Wilson to E.A. Wilson Lot 34, blk 6, Crocker Tract
Albert Meyer et al to H Nibolt and wife Lots 33, 34, 35, blk 12, San Bruno Park
W. Smith to Grover George et al, Lot 9, blk 19, Lomita Park
Grover George to F.E. Harmon and wife. Same as above
A.J. Rebholtz to W.A. Romes Portion blk 65 Ern Addition Redwood
Crocker Estate Co to T. Sheehan and wife. Lot 45 blk 6, Crocker Tract
Shore Line Investment Co to V.A. Davies Lot 45, blk 19, Granada
The Alberton Realty Co to K.L. Loob et al Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk 2 W.W.&M Sub
G.L. Munto and wife to W.S. Leadley Lot 18, blk 18, Wrn Add, San Mateo
R.H. Smith to Geo. B. Ehronpfort and wife, Lots 47, 48, blk 2, Huntington Park
Paul Berg and wife to R. Secker and wife Lot 17, blk 35, Wrn Add, San Mateo
C.H. Smitten to F. Hinze Lot 8, blk 5, Burlingame Park
H. Cornils and wife to Theo Person, Lot 4, blk 14, Vista Grande
Oaks Co to H.C. Tuchsen Lots 25, 26, 34, 35, blk 57, Dumbarton Oaks
H.C. Tuchsen and wife to T.C. Rice et al. Same as above
Arthur C. Fiege and wife to Emma A. Degen Lot 9, blk D, Hayward Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to J.H. Beacom Lot 6, blk 6, Burlingame Hills
Norwood B. Smith and wife to H. Thompson 3 acres Ro El Corte Madera
Tacoma Land Co to M.S. Wilson 61.79 acres Redwood
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to Frances J. Wunerlich Lot 36, blk 31, Amd Bell Air
Crocker Estate Co to John E. Carmody, Lot 52 blk 9, Crocker tract
Same to Julia Donovan. Sam map
Julia Donovan to Russel T. Ainsworth. Same property as above.
F.H. Crook et al to S.H. Williams Lot 22, blk 2, Stambaugh street, Addition
Boston Investment Co to Fred W. Meyer Lot 15, blk 48, Lyon & Hoag Sub.
R.A. Cahalan to J.L. Cahalan Lot 14, blk 10, Burlingame Land Co.
Crocker Estate Co to J.J. Moriarty Lots 11, 12, blk 12, Crocker Tract
Same to Agnes Moriarty Lots 17, 18, blk 12, same map
F.H. Cook et al to Margaret A. Harvey Lot 6, blk 2, Stambaugh St. Addition
Robert McArthur to Mary T. McArthur Lot 16, blk D, Hayward Park
Hensley Green Co to Ida Van Wingle Lot 56, blk Q, San Bruno Park
C. Hattori et al to Western Nursery Co, Lot 10, Valota Park
R. Shibuya to Shin Ishida Portion lot 47, Reese Sub.
Same to same, Lot 3B Quilotta Tract
The Moxey Realty Co to Charles Neu Lots 18 to 27, blk 16, Central Park.

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last updated: 21 May 2005