San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
29 Aug 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
August 29 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 22
Friday, August 29, 1913

Marriage Licenses
John J. MURPHY, 21, and Anna THOMPSON, 18, both of San Francisco
William H. PURDY, 41, Santa Cruz, and Minnie L. FRANCIS, 33, Pescadero.
Floyd MENZIE, 26, South San Francisco and Beyrl NEWTON, 26, San Francisco.
Antone T. ENOS, 35, and Laura FILLIPPINI, 25, both of Pescadero.
Floyd W. BROOK, 24 and Mary V. WASHBURN, 21, both of Paso Robles
John W. STEINBROOK, 39, and Theresa B. SELBY, 42, both of Alameda
Clarence PHILLIPS 34 and Edith FINDLEY, ?5 both of Colusa.
Probate Court
George A. KERTELL has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Josephine H. WILSON, who died at San Mateo on August 13, 1913. The estate consists of lot 5, block 16, Western Addition to the Town of San Mateo and improvements. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $7,5000. The heirs at law are Arthur L. WILSON, aged 72, residing at San Mateo, Joseph BABCOCK, San Francisco and C. BABCOCK, San Francisco and Arthur H. WILSON, Sacramento.
H.L. RIXFORD has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mathias PARKHURST, who died at Woodside on September 8, 1868 (question the second 8 as in 68) An administrator of the estate was appointed but he failed to administer upon it and the present proceedings are to settle the estate and perfect title to the property left by the deceased which consists of the old Dr. TRIPP home. Gerald C. HALSEY is the attorney for the petitioner.
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. Complaint of M.J. BYNES, guardian, continued to August 25.
Estate of Mary BILLESBACH, deceased. Final account of John BILLESBACH allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Victor BURON, deceased. Petition to set aside estate of widow continued to August 28. Estate and guardianship of Bernice M. DONNELLY, a minor. Order of sale of real estate made and guardian ordered to file additional bond of $2000.
Estate of Antonia DOYLE, deceased. Trustee’s report on account of POPE minors continued to September 11.
Neil CULLEN, of the Dominion of Canada, is visiting his mother in Daly City, Mrs. Marie McEvoy.
Mrs. Fred JARVIS left Sunday for Fort Bragg in answer to the call to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. A. NICKOLSEN, who is quite ill.
J.J. BULLOCK, ex-district attorney of this county, but now a resident of Oakland was in town Wednesday on legal business. Mr. BULLOCK practices his profession in San Francisco where he is building up quite a business. (Times Gazette)
VOGLER of the old reliable Vista Grande Bakery and Grocery, is making an extensive improvement in his baking department. He can’t expect to improve the quality of his products, for they are at the top notch now, but will increase his facilities so that he can produce more, so as to meet the rapidly growing demands.
Last Tuesday, a party consisting of Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON, F.A. SMACK, G. SEILLEY, G.F. WILDE and Stephen SPONDER visited Redwood City in SMACK’s machine and appeared before Judge BUCK for the naturalization of the three latter gentlemen, SMACK and JOHNSON being the witnesses. They passed their rigid examination in fine shape and with intelligence that insures good, progressive citizenship.
About 4:30 Monday afternoon fire started in the paint shop of Victor ROSENBAUM on Los Angeles avenue and the flames spread so rapidly that the shop was entirely destroyed, notwithstanding the fire ladies responded promptly and did fine work. In saving the shoe shop of Abel AFIBISH, one side of which caught fire and was burning briskly, the fireman deserve particular praise for their promptness. ROSENBAUM’s insurance could not be learned, but AFIBISH had a policy for $800, so his partial loss is covered.
* * *
Superior Court of San Mateo Co. – Various Cases Coming Before the County Tribunal of Justice for Adjudication
Papers on appeal from the justice court of the first township in the case of Stephen PARR and others against E. ALLEMAND, et al, were filed in the county clerk’s office last Tuesday.
Judge Buck made an order on Tuesday giving Ross & Ross an allowance of $2000 on account for services rendered in the David F. WALKER Estate. Some months ago the firm was allowed $3000 on account and last week the administrator of the estate, Walter H. Linforth, was allowed $2000 on account of his services.
The appraiser of the estate of Agosting DEMARTINI, deceased, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The entire value of the estate is placed at $6250.
Geo. A. McGINN vs D.S. DORN. Demurrer continued to August 28.
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN. Motion to strike out denied
Chas. CAVALLI vs L.N. SEARS et al. Notice of motion to strike out dropped and demurrer continued to August 28.
Peterson Kartschoke Buck Co. vs J.D. GRANT et al. Demurrer continued to August 28.
Gladding McBEAN Co. vs J.D. GRANT. Demurrer continued to August 28.
T.J. NEALON vs S. St. Claire. Trial set for September 11.
Mary TOBIN et al vs H.W. BROWN et al. Order to show cause continued to August 26, at 130 p.m.
East San Mateo Land Co. vs Southern Pacific Co. Motion for judgment and motion to strike out continued to August 28.
A. WIEDEMAN vs J.H. MANSFIELD. Demurrer continued to August 28.
People vs. Carl KLEVERSAHLE. Arraignment continued to August 28.
J. HAGUE vs W. HAGUE. Trial continued to August 28.
Maria SJOHNOLM vs E.J. WOHLANDER. Trial of cause set for September 3.
D. BOICELI vs Chas CONFORTI. Decree of foreclosure granted plaintiff.
E.J. GALLAGHER has brought suit against the Or__zaba Realty Company to recover the sum of $105 for laying sewer pipe in front of lots 29, 30, 31, block K, Mission Street Land Company’s tract in the first township. The price of the contract was $1.40 per front foot. Plaintiff also asks for interest, costs of suit and the sum of $1.70 for filing lien.
The Redwood City Realty Company has commenced an action against Dr. F.R. DeLAPPE to recover the sum of $300, the first installment on a contract for the purchase of $1750 worth of property at Modesto.
Estate of John T. DOYLE, deceased. Trustee’s report and account of POPE minor continued to September 11.
Estate of George HEISENBUTTEL. Order to show cause granted.
Estate pf Catherine MALONEY, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to August 28.
Estate of John MALONEY, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to August 28.
Estate of A. WILBER, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing, and Will Do
Mr and Mrs. J.F. WIENKE are home from a weeks stay at Redwood City.
Mrs Edward HYATT and family are spending two weeks at their summer home at the point. This family resides in Sacramento. Mr. HYATT is State Superintendent of Schools.
Henry BAACH, a San Francisco business man and a party of friends are going to build a club house on the Torre ranch which is to be used as a weekend house for fishing and hunting parties.
Last Sunday our townsman Sam BARNUM fell over the bluff near Hyatt Point and though no bones were broken he was badly skinned up. He says he will be more careful in the future. (Comet)
Nash Dougherty and family returned to Sacramento Sunday after a two weeks outing in Moos Beach. They reported enjoying their visit with Mrs. Dougherty’s father, Thomas NORTON, and while here made numerous friends who miss them.
M.B. JOHNSON of Montara, the man who worked so hard for the successful $1,250,000 San Mateo county good roads bond issue, is at Eureka, where he is attending a good roads convention of Oregon, Washington and California. At this meeting Mr. JOHNSON will deliver a talk on “Raising Money for Good Roads.” (Comet)
Dr. C.L. MORGAN, a member of the San Mateo County Exposition Committee, signed for 3000 square feet of space for the county exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition on Wednesday. This space was in that section reserved to a group of counties composed of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey and alameda.
Volunteer Fire Co. No. 5
Tuesday evening __e __re commissioners organized the new fire company in the Westend, consisting of the following officers and members:
Chief – L. RUPPLE
Captain – J. WRIGHT
Lieutenant – C. RHENTHART
Secretary – T.F. MORAN
Marshall – H.A. CLARK
Treasurer – C. VERHUGG
Strum’s New Theatre
This is to certify that we, the fire commissioners and chief of the Daly City Volunteer Fire Department have carefully examined H. Strum’s new theatre and found everything in perfect condition in regard to fire protection. There are plenty of exits and besides, there are the latest improved fire plugs and hose inside the building and bountiful supply of water direct from the main, so that from fire there is practically no danger.
Ed. FORD, Chief
San Bruno Items
Mr. RICHARDSON has gone east to claim his share in a large estate. The family will soon follow.
J.J. FORD has moved to Stege to be near his mother for a short time.
Geo. BUCKINGHAM and his mother, of the 4th Addition, will visit his old home in Indiana next month. Glad of it, George. Hope you will both have the time of your lives.
Mrs. SIRVUS and family will soon move to San Francisco.
Rob. CRYER and daughter were visiting their old home and friends a few days ago.
Pig Rancher’s Fine and Jail
P. BANDONI, a Colma hog rancher, was fined $150 and sentenced to 10 days in the county jail by Justice J.A. McCORMICK of San Mateo last Thursday, for repeated violations of the hog ordinance. BANDONI has two previous convictions and his fines were remitted at the request of the district attorney. The court feels that a jail sentence was necessary to impress BANDONI with the fact that the law must be obeyed.
San Mateo Items
Born, August 25 to the wife of Frank MAGUIRE, a daughter
Mr. W.H. LAKE, who resided in San Francisco for a while after the death of his wife, has returned to San Mateo to live.
The new proprietors of the Central Hotel have a warrant out for the arrest of J.D. ARMSTRONG for beating them out of a board bill.
Earl PATTISON is on trial at Redwood City for beating up Wm. ELY, who was employed by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. at that place.
Mr and Mrs. W.F. BAIN are disconlate (sic) over the death of their only daughter, Avis, who died Wednesday at the Red Cross hospital. She had been sick for several weeks and an operation was found necessary, from which she failed to recover. The parents have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their affliction.
Tuesday evening a telephone call took Sheriff MANSFIELD and Under Sheriff SHIELDS to Tobin where they found San Francisco officers surrounding the DANMANN place. Information had been given the city police Tuesday that the men who had been in the College Hill fight in which a lineman was killed, were hiding at the saloon run by Wm. DANMANN and three detectives were sent out to make arrests. Permission to search for suspects was refused and the officers guarded the place until dark when they phoned to the sheriff’s office in Redwood City. Upon Mansfield’s arrival, an entrance was effected and C.C. SMITH was found hiding in a chicken house. He was taken into custody and turned over to the city officer. (Comet)
Birthday Surprise Party
Mrs. Teresa VIRENO gave her husband, Andrew VIRENO, a complete surprise on Friday evening, August 22, in honor of his 33rd birthday. On leaving his liquor store for the evening he went to his apartments in the same building where he was met by charming wife and about forty friends from Daly City, Colma and San Francisco and their greetings were so profound that Mr. VIRENO was overcome with sincere emotion. After music, singing and dancing, the party partook of an elegant midnight dinner to which all did ample justice. It was a very enjoyable affair.
New Building Contracts
John McBAIN agrees to erect for C.C. KOHL in 225 working days a residence at Easton for $67,000. Mr. MacBain will only do the carpenter work, plastering, slate roofing, brick work and excavating. When completed the building will cost about $100,000. (Note McBain and MacBain as printed.)
J.S. Courreges to L.B. Parker Lot 22, blk 53, Dumbarton
H.A. Lund and wife to W.J. Schorgi Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 to 26, blk 4, San Bruno
Hensley-Green to Wm. L Meuser Lot 8, blk 2, San Bruno Park
W.L. Meuser and wife to H.H. Heuser, Lot 7, blk 22, San Bruno Park
Shore Line Investment Company to C.D. Carpenter Lot 6 and 7, blk 84, Granada
F&A Levy to P.R. Serpa Lot 21, blk 2, Miramontes Tract
Hensley Realty Co et al to Hensley-Green Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, blk 8, San Bruno Park
J.H.T. Watkinson to A. Kornblum Lot 43, blk C, Mission St. Tract
Henrietta Ganz to Kenneth McLeod and wife Lot 27, blk 13, Crocker Tract
J. Noble Jones Co to Kaoru Okamura Lot 34, Reese Sub
Simon Meyer and wife to J.H. Claffe Lot 2a, blk 2, Town of Burlingame
G. Guido to A. Borteli Wy 1-2 lot 13, So. San Francisco
Shore Line Investment Co to S. Inderkum Lot 2 blk 64 Granada
A.H. Sanor et al to Annie T. Higgins et al Portion Sec 10 and 9, Tp 6 S R 5 W
Guadaloupe Dev Co to G.B. Wilson Lot 17, blk 7, City of Visitaction
Emma C. McBain to Anna J. McComb, Lot 9, blk M, Hayward Park
Shore Line Investment Co to Mary J. Kennedy Lot 6, blk 23 Granada
Ansel M. Easton and wife to E.G. Meyer Lot 6, blk 54, Easton Add, Burlingame
F.P. Brophy and wife to Grace Kermody, Lot 23, blk 4, Princeton By the Sea
Ruth A. Garnet er al to The H.E. McLune Co. Lot 9, blk 2, Montara
R.H. Smith to Thos. Allen and wife, Lots 15, 16, blk 1, Huntington Park
Hensley Green Co to Serina Atkind Lot 41, blk 18, San Bruno Park
Rockaway Beach Co to M. Thomas Lot 40, blk 13, Rockaway Beach
W.E. Wright to J.C. Smythe Lots 21, 24, 45 to 48, blk 52, North Fair Oaks
Rockaway Beach Co to F.D. Sheppard Lot 11, blk 2, Rockaway Beach
Montara Realty Dev Co to R.W. Barrett Lot 9, blk 6, Montara Hgts
Ansel M. Easton and wife to City of Burlingame Lots 12, 15 blk 56, Easton Add, Burlingame
H. Sutliff et al to P Rosco Lots 6, 7, 10, blk 21, School House Land Association
E.M. Suahy et al to J. Oakes Lots 1, 2 blk 5, lot 72, blk 7, Same tract as above
J.V. Azevado to Hazel Ferrin Lots 3, 4, 9, 10, blk 19 Spanishtown
Crocker Estate to Jno J. O’Brien Lot 20, blk 15, Crocker Tract
Shore Line Investment Co to J.C. Mount Lot 25, blk 28, Granada
Menlo Realty Co to Mary Hooker Smith Lots 14, 15, blk 9. Stanford Park
Shore Line Invst Co. to S.D. Riddle Lot 18, blk 38, Granada
C.H. McVey and wife to The E.C. Barrick Building Co. Lot 9, blk 21, Easton Add, Burlingame
J.P. Neuman and wife to P.P. Blank Lot 5, blk 123 South San Francisco
G.W. Morrow to J.P. Culverton Lot 16, blk 55, North Fair Oaks
Cal. Sub Home Co to M. McDonald Lots 5, 6, blk 22, Farallone City
F.E. Stewart and wife to Evelyn Otto Lot 15 blk 29, Crocker Tract
Mary Atlas and husband to C.L. O’Dell Lot 21, blk C, Mission Street Tract
Rona Ennice to F.M. Field and wife Lot 4, blk 4, Lomita Park
B.G. White and wife to Georgia M. Sperry Portion Sub 1, White Oaks Tract, near Redwood
Ocean Shore Lane Co to N. Rasmussen Lot 7, blk 34, Salada Beach
H.D. McGarvey to A. Schaper S –2 Lot 11, blk 7, ern add, Redwood
Owners Realty Co to Mrs. J. Turner, Lots 24, 25, blk 4, Oakliegh Park
Same to N.J. Lougren Lots 1, 2 blk 9, Venice Beach
Oaks Co. to A.G. Bosco and wife Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, blk 66, Dumbarton
Crocker Estate Co to N. MacDonald Lot 36, blk 7, Crocker Tract
Farrallon Home Realty Co to Al Van Dornum Lot 17, blk 43, Farrallon Heights.

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last updated: 21 May 2005