San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
05 Sep 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
September 5 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 23
Friday, September 5, 1913

Marriage Licenses
John BENNETT, 33, and Ida M. OPPENHEIM, 28, both of San Francisco
John Bartholomew, 26, San Francisco, and Margaret HUNTER, 20, San Mateo
Victor KEMPS, 24, Oakland, and Catherine GAMOU, 20, Alameda
Antone LISBON, 43, and Carrie FARRO, 32, both of San Francisco
G.B. ZANNETTE, 29, and Maria SALAMON, 22, both of San Mateo
C.G. BLOMQUIST, 25, San Mateo, and Wilhelmina LAKE, 25, San Francisco
W. BIAGIANI, 23, Sausalito, and Lena NIERI, 19, San Bruno
Frank F. CUNHA, 23, and Rose CUNHA, 20, both of Half Moon Bay
Joseph E. BOLLONG, 30, San Diego, and Hazel M. GANTS, 21, Sacramento
Frederick A. SMITH, 22, San Mateo, and Margaret H. DENAHY, 20, Burlingame.
Probate Court
C. LOPEZ has filed the last will and testament of Maria A.C. CASTRO, who died in San Francisco on August 16, 1913. The will was executed on April 9, 1912. The estate consists of real estate at San Juan, San Benito county and personal property valued at $500. The legatees under the will are Mrs. J.F. LOPEZ, Joe F. CASTRO, Alfred A. CASTRO, and Mrs. M.C. LARSON, all of South San Francisco.
Arthur W. NELSON has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Charles F. DAHLEM, who died at Redwood City on August 15, 1918.
Thomas PENNINGTON has applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of his children, Thomas E. PENNINGTON, Mary E. PENNINGTON, and Geo. J. PENNINGTON, minors. The estate of the minors consists of 370 shares of the capital stock of the George W. PENNINGTON Sons, a corporation, valued at $2500.
John KYNE of Moss Beach has filed his petition for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary KYNE, his wife. The petition states that the estate consists of two mortgages on San Francisco property in the sum of $7500, and cash in bank amounting to $2000.
Estate of Annie A. GAUDET, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to September 4.
Estate of Catherine MALONEY, deceased. J.F. MALONEY granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $7000.
Estate of John MALONEY, deceased. J.F. MALONEY granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate of Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased. Petition to remove executor continued to Sept. 4.
Estate of John R. LINABARY, deceased. Petition to set aside estate to widow granted.
Estate of Josephine H. WILSON, deceased. George A. KERTELL granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $1200.
Estate of Victor BURON, deceased. Petition of set aside estate to widow continued to September 4.
Estate of M.A. PARKHURST, deceased. H.L. RIXFORD granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate of Josephine D. M__ull e__ed ceased. Petition to sell real estate granted.
Caleb COAKLEY Seeks Divorce
From this morning’s Examiner we find the following as a dispatch from Redwood City:
Caleb COAKLEY, owner of Coakley’s roadhouse in Colma, started divorce proceedings today against Bessie COAKLEY, who he married with pomp and ceremony last month.
The wedding was performed by the seven justices of the Peace of San Mateo county. The present Mrs. COAKLEY who is wife No. 2, is charged with cruelty. She was Mrs. Bessie ANTHONY, a widow of San Francisco.
Fell Two Stories
John LUZARDI, who was employed in doing cement work on Templeton CROCKER’s new residence in Hillsborough now under construction, fell from the second story of the building Friday morning and sustained severe injuries about the head.
He was removed to the Red Cross Hospital, where is is still in a very precarious condition.
Judge BUCK has made an order setting the trial of Loren COBURN, who seeks to be restored to competency, for September 30. The case in all likelihood will be tried before a jury and it promises to be bitterly contested. The aged capitalist will put forth his final effort to gain possession of his vast estate. The court also made an order permitting M.J. HYNES, guardian of Loren COBURN, to sell a portion of the King City ranch. It is understood that the Spreckles Sugar Refinery has made an offer of $100,000 for a portion of the big holding and that it will be accepted by the guardian.
The divorce case entitled Carl BENSEN against Gerda BENSEN that has occupied the attention of the courts in various ways since 1908 was decided in favor of the defendant.
Eugene MOUROT has commenced an action again R.F. CHILCOTT, administrator of the estate of Marie J. MOUROT, deceased, to quiet title to lots 2 and 3, block 88, Eastern Addition to the town of Redwood City.
Jeanette F. KILGOUR has commenced divorce proceedings against her husband, Allen KILGOUR on the grounds of extreme cruelty and failure to provide.
Mary MADONNA has brought suit for divorce against her husband, Biaggio MADONNA, on the grounds of extreme cruelty and failure to provide. The couple was married at Half Moon Bay on October 5, 1901.
Ida P. BARSUGLIO has brought suit for divorce against her husband, A. BARSUGLIO on statutory grounds.
Addie P. TRIPP has brought suit against H.L. RIXFORD, as administrator of the estate of Matthew A. PARKHUM, deceased to quiet title to 19 acres of land at Woodside, known as the TRIPP property.
J.B. CORYELL, the Atherton capitalist and clubman, has brought suit against Cashel Bros. of Palo Alto to recover the sum of $1022 on a breach of contract.
Earl PATTERSON, charged with an assault upon William ELY at San Mateo on June 5, was found guilty by a jury in the Superior Court on Thursday of a simple assault.
Gust SODERBLUM, who has been quite ill with pneuomia, is reported to be improving.
Mrs. Emily LOCH’s new home at 703 Mission, on the site of her home that was recently destroyed by fire, is rapidly nearling completion.
Miss Charlotta BIGGIO, the charming daughter of Enrico BIGGIO, has returned from St. Luke’s hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.
Quite an excitement was caused in Daly City in the vicinity of South Park avenue Tuesday, when Catherine CASEY, the 14-year-old foster child of Mrs. RAILTON, was taken in charge and then to Redwood City before Judge BUCK of the Superior Court. It was charged that Mrs. RAILTON has been very cruel to the little girl, at times beating and chocking her, so that she ran away from home and would not return. The child’s story was verified by several neighbors and Judge BUCK took her in charge.
Charged With Murder
Fred LEVY, former timekeeper for Clark & Henry, has been charged with the murder of John ANDERSON, former gold instructor of the Beresford County Club, with whom he was hunting when latter met his death.
LEVY and ANDERSON were out hunting about two weeks ago in the hills back of the Walter HOBART estate. The following morning ANDERSON’s body was found. When LEVY was arrested he told so many conflicting stories as to the cause of his companion’s death that the police officers held him on suspicion. The officers are now working on the theory that LEVY killed ANDERSON in a pistol duel over a young woman.
Redwood City Revolvings
Auditor W.H. UNDERHILL is improving rapidly and will be at his office next week. The new of his recovery and improvement will be glad news to his numerous friends throughout the county.
Miss Ruth COWN, for the past two years principal of the Portola grammar school, has been appointed to a position of the school department of Colma. Her place at Portola has been filed by the appointment of Miss Annie COGGINS of Stanford.
Judge BUCK presided at a session of the San Benito county superior court at Hollister Monday. Judge BUCH Has been appointed by G9overnor JOHNSON to temporarily take the place of Justice M.T. DOOLING, recently elevated to the bench of the Federal Court.
A.C. HELLMAN of this city, and who maintains a beautiful home back of Wellesley Park, has purchased nineteen acres of the TRIPP property from Miss Addie TRIPP of Woodside. The land is nicely located and is just across from the old TRIPP store at Woodside. It is heavily wooded, well watered, and an ideal place for a country home. It is Mr. HELLMAN’s intention to erect a palatial residence in the near future.
Mrs. Stanley RICE, who was formerly Miss Amy JACOBUS of this city, has instituted divorce proceedings. RICE inherited a fortune from his father, the late George H. RICE of Redwood City. The suit was started in the Superior Court of Portland. RICE, who is living here, was injured recently in an automobile accident.
San Bruno Items
The benefit entertainment and dance for the local Catholic Church Saturday night was a social and financial success. Robert VALENTINE was master of ceremonies for the entertainment. An innovation was introduced by LOMBARDI and SMITH passing refreshments. Father CASEY personally thanked the ladies for their individual efforts in making the affair a success. Mesdames DONOHUE, HARRINGTON, POWERS, and SMITH were successful factors. Mrs. DONAHUE presided over the piano. The Harmony Band furnished music for the dance and was at its very best. Messrs. KANE and J.J. JONES were the ushers.
New Building Contracts
W.A. GOERICKE agrees to do the masonry work in connection with erection of two set of gates at the entrance to the estate of William H. CROCKER at Burlingame for $1700. The Rudgear-Merle Company agrees to furnish and install the two sets of gates to be of cast and wrought iron for $3750.
M.C. RENCH agrees to erect in 90 days for R. SCIARONI a two-story frame building on lot 10, blk 27, Easton, for $4100.
San Mateo Items
W.S. CASTRO and family of San Francisco spent the week end with Mr. CASTRO’s sister, Mrs. W.H. MEACHAM of San Mateo Heights.
The Palm Grill on Main street will be opened for business Saturday morning by Mrs. G.R. MAGGI.
Worthy Benefit Ball Game
The good citizens of Redwood City have arranged a benefit game for next Sunday, September 7 to assist James CRONK, a former constable of the third township, who has become blind and absolutely unable to earn a living for himself and family.
All the county and city officials are boosting the benefit because of the great sympathy and respect that is held for Mr. CRONK and his family. Mr. CRONK was constable for several years and gave the best of satisfaction, which fact is particularly manifest in the enthusiastic interest that is being exhibited in this benefit.
The tickets will be only 25 cents.
John Norton and wife of Sacramento are in Moss Beach visiting Mr. Norton’s brother, Thomas.
J.W. SMITH of Moss Beach is 93 years old says the Comet, and bids fair to reach the century mark.
While at work drilling a well near Half Moon Bay one day recently J.W. GILCREST had a number of his fingers crushed.
Mrs. OLSCHEWSKY of Montara goes to Sacramento for a few days. Her daughter will remain on the Coast Side this winter.
Geo. K. NAGHEL and family returned to their home in Sacramento after a summer’s outing at Moss Beach. Mr. and Mrs. NAGHEL have a very pretty home here.
L.E. FULLER, manager, and Frank EKSWARD, secretary of the San Mateo County Development Association, have resigned. Mr. EKSWARD was a faithful worker for the Association and during the good roads campaign made many friends on the Coast Side who wish him the best of luck in his undertakings. (Comet)
A.M. Parrott to DeGuigne Jr. 46.8 acres, Hillsborough
Shore Line Investment Co to Maria L. Messersmith, Lot 20, blk 30, Granada
E.G. Quinan to C.A. Wight Lot 10, blk 10, School House Land Co.
Hensely-Green Co. to Susan H. Lindsay, Lots 45, 46, blk L, San Bruno Park
R.W. Hanthorn and wife to P. Tognola Lot 12, blk 32, Ern Add Redwood
The Moxey Realty Co to J.J. Malone Lot 4, blk 1, W.W.&M Add
R.B. Smtih to J. Shevlin and wife Lots 37, 38, blk 8, Huntington Park
Margaret Fisk to W.J. Miller Lot 4, blk 211, Abbey Homestead
So San Francisco Land and Impr Co. to Hensley Green Co. Lots 43, 44 blk S, San Bruno Park, lots 35, 36, blk 15, San Bruno Park
J.E. Warner and wife to V. Rogers and wife, portion blk 19, Ern Add, Redwood
Emma Grant to Grant Company Lot 14, Villa Lots at Fair Oaks
Geo H. Irving to Ada C. Williamson, lots 9, 10, blk 11, Menlo Oaks
Harriet L. Marshall to Henry L. Hanker Lot 32, blk 117, So San Francisco
John Skelly and wife to C.G. Landscheit, Lot 315, San Mateo Homestead
C.G. Lanscheit and wife to A. Borel. Same as above
C.B. Solari et al to C. Bacigalupi 53.95 portion Patrick Brooks ranch
H.A. Hanson nd wife to Waler Jelich, Lots 6, 7. Portola Park
E.W. Hopkins to Menlo County Club, lot 8, Lee Tract
Pulgas Land Co to Jos. Sternscher, Lot 93, Gray Tract
Menlo Realty Co to Ellen Barker, Lot 12, blk12, Stanford Park
California Land Co. to Pluma Miller, Lot 58, blk 4, Redwood Park
Crocker Estate to Geo Muelier, Lot 19, blk 9, Crocker Tract
F.P. Brophy and wife to M.D. Rummelberg et al Lot 1 blk 4, Princeton by the Sea
Same to E.L. Wigger, Lot 37, blk 26, same map
Ora R. Hornhaus and husband to E.P. Montague Lot 9, blk C, San Mateo Heights
M. Kennedy to E.E. Kennedy Lot 18, 15, 16, blk 30, Montara
F.P. Brophy and wife to C.C. Brown Portion blks 4, 5, 8, 10
W.H. Crocker to J.R. Howell Lot 10, blk 32, Dingee Park
The Bank of Santa Cruz Co. to J.R. Howell 605 acres Ro de Las Pulgas
H.W. Jensen to J.R. Howell Lot 25, blk 8, Dingee Park
J.R. Howell to E.K. Wood et al 20.9 acres, 31 acres, 98 acres, Dingee Park
Shore Line Invst Co to H.H. Snyder Lot 15, blk 54, Granada
Cal Sub Home Co to E. Orlandi et al Lots 11, 12 blk 49, Farallone City
Same to P. Garone Lot 17, blk 16, same map
Lucy W. Talbert to J.W. Sparrow Lot 1_, blk 7, Property Burlingame Land Co.
Ocean View Land and Impro Co to I Oppenheimer Lot 4, Vista Grande
Geo R. Sneath to Nellie Forrest Lot 33, Lee Tract
R.H. Smith to P. Austin Lots 13, 14, blk 8, Huntington Park
C. Schofield to B.C. Murray et al Portions Sec 35, 36, 26, T5, S R 5 W, also 4 acres, 2 acres
P Rauw to Margaret Kilkenny Lot 9 blk 26, Vista Grande
Central Trust Co to L. Kelly Lot 12, blk 10, Am Bell Air Tract
Montara Realty Dev Co to G.W. Allison Lot 8, blk 6, Montara Heights
Hensley Realty Co et al to P. Tolle and wife Lot 31, 32, blk 12, San Bruno Park
Owners Realty Co to Dr. C.E. Phillips Lot 19, blk 18, City of Naples
Ocean Shore Dev Co to C.A. Bederick et al Lot 10, blk 17, Marine View
C.M. Waldt to Mrs. W.H. Miller, Lots 12, 26, blk B, Menl Villa Lots
Ocean Shore Dev Co to S.E. Faroat Lot 29, blk 10, Marine View Terrace
F.S. Barnard to Fee Title Co Lot 9, blk 10, Menlo Heights

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last updated: 21 May 2005