San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
12 Sep 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
September 12 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 24
Friday, September 12, 1913

Marriage Licenses
Arthur J.LANFEAR, Jr., 24, and Alice M. KREISS, 20, both of Redwood City
Harwood Sidney ABRAMS, 37, Ukiah and Mayde H. MILLS, 31, Oakland
E.R. BYRD, 34, and Linda K. MULLEN, 32, both of Redwood City
John J. MESQUITE, 22, San Gregorio and Lillian M. ZANONI, 21, La Honda
Joseph G. RICE, 31, South San Francisco, and Bessie FAIRCHILD, 25, Indianapolis
Carl B. SCHMIDT, 24 and Henrietta F. CARTER, 23, both of San Mateo
Probate Court
Estate of Sarah A. TEMPLE, deceased. Petition to mortgage real property granted.
Estate of Antoinette FRANCIS, deceased. Will admitted to probate and Jos. M. FRANCIS appointed executor with bond fixed at $9500.
Estate of C.F. DAHLEN, deceased. Arthur W. NELSON granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $4000.
Estate of Annie A. GAUDET, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to September 11.
Estate of Mary PENNINGTON, deceased. Petition to remove executor continued to September 11.
Estate and guardianship of Thomas E. PENNINGTON, a minor. Petition for letters of guardianship continued to September 11.
Estate of Victor BURON, deceased. Petition to set aside estate continued to September 11.
Estate of Richard GEGAX, deceased. Petition for letter of administration continued to September 11.
Estate of Robert SESTRENE, deceased. Final account and petition for distribution continued to September 11.
Mrs. MURPHY of Hillcrest tract gave birth to a fine boy last Friday.
Mrs. Maggie LOGAN has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Callie HOWARD.
Mrs. Perrin WOOD has returned from the Morton Sanitarium much improved.
Miss Virginia SANBONI is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. D. PUTNEV on Garden street.
Little Grace GUTTERSON of San Francisco is again with Mrs. Willard L. McKAY.
Charles FORSELL of Alameda visited his sister, Mrs. Julius NELSON, one day this week.
Mrs. L.A. WAGNER of Berkeley visited her sister, Mrs. A.G. TOBINSON, Wednesday.
Miss Ruth TALBOT is spending the week at Stockton visiting her brother, Bert TALBOTT and his wife.
Julius NELSON’s little daughter, Anna, celebrated her fifth birthday one day last week, fifteen of her little friends being present.
Miss EARL is spending the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. M.M. MILLETT, at 6040 Mission street. The young lady is at present attending school in Santa Rosa.
James BLANEY, a brother of Mrs. Richard HARRIS, accompanied by his wife, are spending a few days in Daly City on their return from a two weeks’ vacation in Southern California. Mr. BLANEY is a faithful employe of the Southern Pacific at Sacramento, where they reside.
Monday afternoon a cottage on Irvington street near Templeton avenue was completely destroyed by fire and another adjoining was very badly damaged, entailing a loss of probably $1800 and $1200 respectively. The fire was said to have been caused by fumigating the cottage preparatory to moving in. T
Granite Rock Co. vs W.H. UNDERHILL. Petition for writ of mandate continued to September 11.
Maria SJOHOLM vs Mrs. JAMES. Trial continued to September 11.
Mary TOBIN et al vs A. RICCI et al. Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
Jeannette KILGOUR vs Allen KILGOUR. Defendant ordered to pay attorney fees in the sum of $50.
Joseph J. BULLOCK vs May E. BULLOCK. Notice of motion to vacate order continued to September 11.
Laura HUNTOON vs Oscar M. BRYANT et al. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed 10 days to answer.
People vs BANDONI. Trial continued to September 11.
People vs Carl KLEVERSAHL. Time to plead set for September 11.
B.A. CAVALLI vs Leonard SEARS et al. Cross complaint, excepting the prayer of same is struck out. Demurrer overruled.
Mary A. TOBIN et al vs H.W. BROWN et al. Order to show cause continued to September 10.
The Congregational Ohabai Shalome, a religious corporation, has petitioned for permission to mortgage its property at Colma, consisting of 10 acres, for $8000 to the Hibernia Bank, the interest to be 5 3-4 per cent per annum, and the mortgage to run for one year.
Judge BUCK has appointed H.W. SCHABERG appraiser of the estate of Josephine D. MULLEN, deceased.
Auto Speeder Arrested
Frank FRIES, a San Francisco capitalist and director of the Beresford Country Club, was arrested in Burlingame Tuesday for driving his automobile several notches faster than the limit allowed by law. He was released on his own recognizance and will appear Saturday for a hearing.
Redwood City Revolvings
John MOLINE of Lodi has moved here and will make this city his permanent residence. Mr. MOLINE will engage in the contracting business.
Mr and Mrs. MEISNER have come here from the east to reside and have taken a house on Phelps street. They have a daughter attending the State normal school at San Jose and a son teaching in the southern part of the State.
Miss Hattie NOBS and her sister, Miss Sophie NOBS, will depart next week for Orange, Orange county, the former to resume her duties in the high school there and the latter to begin her duties as teacher in the fourth grade of the grammar school.
J.M. WHITE of San Francisco is erecting a 110 foot smokestack at the Frank tannery. It will take two months to complete the work, and when finished it will have cost $3000. It is to be built of brick and will be one of the most substantial in the state.
Joe BALBI, a vegetable gardener at the Folger place at Woodside, was arrested Thursday on a charge of insanity. He slashed his throat with a sharp knife and made an effort to commit suicide. He was taken before the insanity commission and committed to Agnews.
Mrs. Gertrude MORGAN, the popular chief deputy in the Assessor’s office has gone to Portland for her vacation.
Mrs. M.E. HANSON, Miss Bee FOX, Miss Cora LOVIE and Miss Laura HANSON Left Saturday for Lake Tahoe where they will remain at the Tavern over the holidays.
Arthur J. LANFEAR and Miss Alice KREISS of this city were united in marriage in the Catholic church last Tuesday. The pretty bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry P. KREISS residing on Phelps street. Mr. LANFEAR is a plumber by trade and is employed by Wm. JAMIESON.
Judge and Mrs. SPRINGER have arrived here from the Philipine Islands. Mr. SPRINGER was appointed a judge by the government several years ago and after a successful career on the bench resigned a short time ago and came to San Francisco to practice law. He intends to make his home in this city and is at present residing in one of the Benson cottages.
Dudley PITCHER has entered Stanford having registered on Monday in the electrical engineering department. Mr. PITCHER is a graduate of the local high school and will work his way through the university. He is employed as station agent for the Peninsular Railway at Los Altos and has so arranged his work that he will be able to attend the university. It is just such young men as Mr. PITCHER, with determination and courage, who make their mark in the world. Those born with the silver spoon in their mouths rarely become great men.
A deed was filed in the Recorder’s office Friday, whereby Francis J. CAROLAN and wife convey to W.G. IRWIN, the Honolulu capitalist, and planter, the CAROLAN home at Burlingame consisting of 21 acres and improvements. The purchaser is the father-in-law of Templeton CROCKER and is a multimillionaire. The sum of $300,000 was paid for the property.
Auto Collides With Pole
Mrs. Sam HUME, wife of a salesman for a San Francisco paint firm, was thrown out of an automobile and rendered unconscious besides being badly bruised and cut when the machine collided with a pole Tuesday night. The lights went out in a dark part of the road and HUME, who was driving, could not stop in time to prevent the accident.
(Note fold in filmed paper makes some of the transcription my best guess)
Joe FLEMING of Tobin killed a 100 pound deer in the mountains near his home one day last week.
W.G. STEWART returned from his business trip to Utah. He reports it hotter than “that” there. He and his wife leave for Alaska in the near future.
?. H. WOODWORD has closed up his business affairs in San Francisco and permanently taken a position with the Ma__e View Tavern. He is one of the bes __ __aterers in California.
Musical and dramatic entertainment to b_ _iven Saturday evening September __th, at Montara Farrallone school house Pianist Mrs. CANFIELD, of Farallon, Violinist, Mr. E.R. ROWE of Ala ____a, and Miss Beatrice JOHNS of San ___ancisco, elocutionist.
The Coastside towns are beginning already to made preparations for a big Fourth of July celebration next year. The ce __ __ation will last four days and the ev__ will be divided amont the various __wns along the ocean shore. A perman___ organization to have general c_ __e of the arrangements has been f_ _d. The officers are: H.C. P. MORSE, president; J.:L. PESEY, secretary; A.S. HATCH, treasurer, and an executive committee consisting of J.A. FLINK, G.E. DUNN, A.M. CROOP, John J. GOMES, W. MOWRY, Fred VALLEJO and C.P. MOSCONI.
Suicide of Alfred LEIDECKER
About six o’clock Sunday Alfred LEIDECKER purchased an ounce of chloroform from the Peninsula drug store in Daly City, saying he wanted to kill a dog. He then went to Knowles saloon, where in the presence of a dozen people he drank the chloroform and at once sank to the floor unconscious.
An antidote was administered and Dr. G.L. MARION was called, who soon had the man reviving with the assistance of those present who aided in the artificial respiration necessary, caused by repeated sinking spells. Finally he was thought to be in good condition so an ambulance was called and conveyed the patient to a city hospital. But he died an hour after arriving at the hospital.
LEIDECKER was divorced from his wife, who with four children lives with her father, Chris SAMUELSON, at 221 Peoria Street.
On February 10, 1912, the eldest child, a 7-year-old boy, was shot by Clarence H. PRENTISS, aged 17, in a shack where PRENTIS lived at 610 Green avenue. The wound was thought to be fatal and the boy was taken to the hospital, but after several weeks he recovered.
San Bruno Items
Mrs. KLEIN of Belle Air is on a visit to Denver, visiting near relatives.
Louy LOMBARDY has had another serious time with the cords of his neck.
Mrs. PFLUGER has taken a sea voyage to San Diego for the benefit of her health.
Our enterprising young farmer, Joe YARO, had bad results with the last well he bored. After much hard word and expense no water was found.
There seems to be an epidemic of boils here. Warren CUSTER returned from vacation with a beauty. Chris FAGAN has ‘em too. He says it was by gripping his automobile seat.
Fire Chief BARLETT’S vacation
Chief George A. BARTLETT of the San Mateo Fire Department, the oldest fire chief in the State in point of years in service, left Tuesday on his first vacation in twenty-six years. To roam at will, to cast line where trout are thickest and to shoulder the shotgun will be the sole occupations of the veteran fire fighter for one whole week. He will be the guest of his son at Coalinga.
During his lengthy term as head of the local fire fighting organization, Chief BARLETT has missed only two fires. He has led his men bravely and has a long list of courageous acts to his credit. He has in all, with the assistance of his men, put out 2251 fires. A coincidence was the fact that during 1906, the year of San Francisco’s big fire, San Mateo did not have a single blaze.
Chief BARTLETT was instrumental in the organization of this city’s fire department in 1887. At that time the equipment consisted of a few feet of hose and a few buckets. A year later BARTLETT was chosen chief and has never yielded office.
Mad Dog Attacks Citizen
On Monday a large, white bull dog ran amuck in the Diller addition, finally attacking Louis CASSARETTO, and tore his trousers but did no scratch the flesh. The dog was shot and his head sent to the University of California for examination. A dispatch received yesterday informed Health Officer Ross that positive evidence of rabies had been found. Times-Gazette
San Mateo Items
Ronnie PALM has purchased a beautiful little four-room cottage on C street and has been moving in.
Born of Tuesday, September 2, to the wife of W.C. PALM, a fine 9 ½ pound boy and Will is walking on all the streets of San Mateo at the same time.
Rev, E.D. TALBOTT of the University of the Pacific will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday during the absence of the pastor, Rev. W.P. STANLEY, who is attending the conference at Pacific Grove.
Westley BROWN, the ?3 (13?) year old son of Supervisor W.H. BROWN, died this Thursday morning. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o’clock from St. Matthew’s Catholic church. Interment St. John’s cemetery, San Mateo.
Mrs. Davis STOLLERY entertained a number of friends at her home on Minnie street last Friday afternoon. The diversion was new market whist. Mesdames HICKIE, HUTCHING and CUMMINGS won the prizes. Refreshments were served at 5 o’clock.
By the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William TEAL, W.P. DAVIDSON is made a great-grandfather at the early age of 58 years. Mrs. Teal is the granddaughter of Mr. DAVIDSON and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DAVIDSON, and all four generations are native Californians and all reside in San Mateo.
Marriage Knot “Busted”
Caleb COAKLEY, the wealthy Colma inn-keeper, who earning the distinction of being the most married man in California by being married by five Justices of the Peace in a single day, is ready to cast off the honor, and has started suit to be divorced from his wife, to whom he has been married just a month and two days.
On August 2d COAKLEY and Mrs. Bessie ANTHONY went to Redwood City to get married. It happened that District Attorney Franklin SWART had called a convention of the peace officers of the county on this date and five Justices of the Peace, H. LAMPKIN of Redwood City, J.A. McCORMICK of San Mateo, Ellis C. JOHNSON of Daly City, John F> DAVIS of Burlingame and John PITCHER of Pescadero were present. COAKLEY could make no choice, so all five magistrates pronounced the ceremony while twenty chiefs of police, deputy sheriffs, constables and traffic offices stood as witnesses.
But all that was a month ago, COAKLEY now charges his wife with extreme cruelty. COAKLEY obtained a divorce from his first wife only three months before he married Mrs. ANTHONY. She was a matron on a Pacific liner. – Chronicle
John L. Davidson and wife to L. Wunderlich Lots, 1,2, 3, blk 14, $75 Lot Homestead
C.J. Field and wife to Fred J. Williams and wife. Lot 27, blk 3, Lomita Park
Hensley Realty Co et al to R. Wolf and wife Lot 7, blk 75, San Bruno Park
W.W. Rednall and wife to G.F. Harder Lot 18, blk 2, Crocker Tract
Lucie Sargent to F.H. Pelle S1-2 lot 3, blk 30, Lyon & Hoag Sub.
Sidney Hamilton to J.H. Rippe Lot 266, San Mateo Park
Boston Investment Co. to Wm V Killilea Portion blk 9, Burlingame Land Co.
H.E. Callender and wife to W.L. Clayton Portion lot 6, blk 6, Burlingame Land Co.
West Redwood Land Co to M.V. Lausier Lot 43, blk 3, West Redwood
R. Carstairs and wife to H.F. Clark Lot 23 blk 12, Vista Grande
Crocker Estate Co to J. Schulz Lot 33, blk 13, Crocker tract
L. Gregg to Arthur G. Duncan Lot 33 blk 13, Crocker Tract
H.L. Marshal to Abbie P. Scott Lot 39 blk 117, So. San Francisco
Abbie P. Scott and wife to H.C. Sawyer Same as above
Montara Realty Dev Co. to Mrs. B.T. Wilson Lot 4 blk 77 Montara
Ocean Shore Dev Co to Mrs. B.A. Uhlenkamp Lot 10 blk 23, Marine View Terrace
Burlingame Grove to Hattie Hall Lot 3 blk 4, Burlingame Grove Co.
R.H. Smith to Adolf Osinski Lot 52 and Nw 1-2 51, block 2, Huntington Park
L. Henderson to Alice Henderson Lots 47, 48, blk 3, Dumbarton Tract
E.D. Swift to Abbie E. Magorty, Lot 4, blk 4, Swift Sub.
Shore Line Investment Co. to Stella W. Duffie Lot 7, blk 25, and portion 9, blk 25, Granada
Same to same Lot 8 portion blk 25, Granada
Half Moon Bay Land Co. to W. Naylor Lot 8, blk 12, Highland Park
W. Kettlewell to James F. Kane et al Lot 1, blk 4, Central Addition, San Mateo
Oaks Co. to Margaret Corbett Lot 27, blk 61 Dumbarton Oaks
Glucksman-Levy Co to Fannie C. Alexander Lot 13 blk 2 Concordia Land Co.
M.D. Levenson to Ethel R. Levenson Lot 7, blk 22 Easton Addition, Burlingame
Chas. A. Lytle to L.M. Pfluger Lot 48 Blk I, San Bruno Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005