San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
19 Sep 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
September 19 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 25
Friday, September 19, 1913

Marriage Licenses
William FRYSON, aged 38, and Amanda WEBB, aged 39, both of San Jose
William NASH, aged 21, and Elsa KUNZ, aged 18, both of San Jose
Addison A. BAUGH, aged 32, Marysville, and Evelyn M. KING, aged 21, San Francisco
Erick J. LINDEN, aged 49, Portland, and Laurie A. BURKE, aged 39, Redding
David D. WONDERLICH, aged 24, and Ella P. RUSSELL, aged 29, both of Sunnyvale
Philip B. WALLACE, aged 34, San Francisco, and Emily HESS, aged 20, Redwood City
Building Contracts
The following building contracts were filed in the County Recorders office during the week:
Bates, Borland & Ayer agree to do certain street work at South San Francisco for the town council for the following figures: Oil macadam pavement, nine and four-tenths cents per square foot; concrete, $10 per cubic yard; concrete curbs, 35 cents per lineal foot; curb reinforcement, 24 cents per lineal foot; concrete gutters, 15 cents per square foot; cast iron in center basins, inlets, etc. four and one-half cents per pound; corrugated iron for culverts, 7 x 24 inches $1.90 per lineal foot; broken rock around pipe basin, $2 per cubic yard.
The Fibrestone and Roofing Co. agrees to complete the treads, risers, nosing, strings and fascia at all interior stairs, all floors, etc., of St. Mathew’s Red Cross hospital at Sam Mateo for $2150. The work is to be finished in 40 days.
Loren COBURN, millionaire land owner of Pescadero, an incompetent, was this week sued for $998 on the charge of stealing and carrying away lumber from the premises of the late Jacob MILLER within the last two year. Catherine MILLER, wife of Jacob MILLER and executrix of the MILLER estate, instituted the suit.
John B. CLARKE and his wife, Hattie M. CLARKE, have begun an action against Chas. P. NOTT to recover damages in the sum of $20,000. The complaint alleges that on September 10, 1912, Mrs. CLARKE was standing on the sidewalk near the South Pacific depot at San Bruno when she was run down by a horse belonging to defendant and severely injured. The animal was tied to a balustrade of a stairway alongside FONTE’s blacksmith shop at San Bruno and becoming frightened broke away and ran down the street with a portion of the balustrade striking Mrs. CLARKE violently and knocking her to the sidewalk. She was severely injured and was confined to her bed for a period of 18 weeks. She has not fully recovered from the shock and may never regain her former strength. The complaint alleges that the balustrade was weak and insecure. Plaintiff alleges the injury to Mrs. CLARKE occurred through the carelessness of defendant. Mrs. CLARKE asks that she be allowed her doctor bill of $165 and bill for medicine amounting to $20 besides damages in the sum of $20,000.
George HOLDING has brought suit against William L. DAUTERMAN and others to quiet title to lot 42, block 8, Western addition to the City of San Mateo.
Wm. RAZETO has commenced an action against G.B. FIGARI to recover the sum of $863.15 on three promissory notes executed during the past two years.
Dr. John R. McMURDO has brought suit against Johannes G. JOHNSON, administrator of the estate of Annie O’TOOLE, deceased to recover the sum of $500 for professional services rendered the deceased during the two years last past.
Anne RAMEY has brought suit against John L. FAVORS, administrator of the estate of J.H. FAVORS, deceased, to recover the sum of $650 for services rendered the deceased as an attendant. The services were given between June 15, 1911, and November 15, 1912. J.H. FAVORS died November 30, 1912.
H.W. SCHAHERG and James McCORMICK, Jr. appraisers of the estate of Loren COBURN, are now engaged in appraising the properties belonging to him, having just returned after examining the 10,000 acre ranch in Monterey county and also his holdings in Merced county, and will next go over the 10,000 acre ranch at Pescadero and the extensive timber lands in that locality.
Thos. J. BRADY vs L.S. READING – Motion to strike out continue to September 18.
LEIDECKER vs PRENTICE – Demurrers sustained and defendant allowed 10 days to answer
J.J. BULLOCK vs Mary E. BULLOCK – Notice of motion to vacate order continued to September 13. Notice of motion to modify decree continued to September 13.
Beulah WIARD vs L. WIARD – Interlocutory decree of divorce granted to plaintiff.
The people vs Carl KIEVERAHLE – Time to plead continued to Sep. 18.
People vs. O. BANDONI – judgement of lower court affirmed, defendant to appear Sept. 15 for sentence.
Jeanette F. KILGOUR vs Allan KILGOUR – Trial set for Sept. 25.
Estate of Annie GAUDET, deceased – deceased Final account and petition for distribution continued to Sep. 18.
Estate Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased – Petition to remove executor continued to September 17.
Estate and guardianship of Thos. E. PENNINGTON, et all, minors – Thos. E. PENNINGTON granted letters of guardianship with bond fixed at $8,000.
Estate of BURON, deceased – Petition to set aside estate to widow granted.
Estate of Richard H. GEGAX, dec. – Petition for letters of administration continued to October 9.
Estate of Robert SESTREM, dec’d – First and final account and petition for distribution continued to Oct. 9.
Estate of Antonio DOYLE, dec’d – Trustees report and account of POPE minors continued to September 22.
Estate of John T. DOYLE, deceased, Trustees report and account of Pope minors continued to September 22.
Estate of Katharine SAMSREITHER, deceased, - Will admitted to probated and Emil LIESS granted letters testamentary.
Estate of Mary KINE, deceased – John KYNE granted letters of administration, with bond fixed at $6,000.
Estate of Maggie NEEBS, dec’d. – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of J.J. McCARTHY, deceased Petition to assign estate to the widow.
Hottest Days of the Year
Last Monday was the hottest day of the year and in San Francisco the mercury pointed at 94 degrees at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, giving San Francisco a taste of how it feels when the mercury rises to the top.
The next warmest day of the current year was July 11, when the mercury rose to 90 degrees. September appears to hold the record for warm days. On Sept. 11, 1912, the mercury rose to the same degree as Monday. Other warm days were: Sept. 15, 1901 93 degrees; Sept 7, 1904, 100, and the following day 101, the warmest day on record in San Francisco.
Mrs. L. PENBROOK of Napa is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lottie WHITE on Theta avenue.
W.A. RUSSELL and L.C. EADE left for Chico this week where they will engage in the well-drilling business.
For Sale – A 1913 Indian motorcycle, fully equipped, price $220. Inquire at 145 Santa Ana avenue, Daly City.
Mrs. J.L. BROWN and Baby Ralph of Daly City, visited San Mateo Sunday to see the new linotype put in operation, and this is the first paragraph set by the machine.
Rev. F. WITTCAMP of the M.E. Church left Monday for Pacific Grove to attend the annual conference. He will then go to New Jersey to complete his course in college. Mr. WITTCAMP has been with this church but a year, but during that time has endeared himself to the congregation, who very much regret his departure.
Miss Olive BARRETT, formerly a deaconess of the Daly City, M.E. Church, after an absence of three months in the East, returned last week and visited the church, Sunday. Miss BARRETT is a very sincere devotee to duty and because of her earnestness has been assigned to work at Salt Lake and will depart for the “Zion City” in a few days.
Little Evelyn CURRIE, aged five years, celebrated her pink birthday a few days ago at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Carmel McGUE, 513 Vista avenue. The following guests were present: Anita PERLEY, Viola SHERON, Margaret POWERS, Eeda MAINE, Minnie KARREW, Annie VAN HUSTON, Anita SHEPARD, Evylin SMITH.
Owners of pleasure craft plying on Redwood creek, have completed the organization of a boat club, a move which has been under consideration for some weeks past. The officers of the new organization are as follows: Wm. WILLIAMSON, commodore; Geo. H. HANSON, vice commodore; Carl MABEE, secretary-treasurer, and an executive committee composed of the delegates selected by the Redwood City Board of Trade.
R.F. CHILCOTT left Sunday for Los Angeles to attend the annual convention of the abstractors of the State. Mr. CHILCOTT is chairman of several important committees and has attended three conventions of the abstractors.
Mrs. J.N. WINTER is attending the national convention of the Women’s Relief Corps at Chattanooga, Tenn as representative of George S. Evans Relief Corps of this city. Mrs. WINTER expects to be absent for three weeks. The president, Mrs. Geraldine FRISBIE, will remain in the east for three months winding up the affairs of her administration. Mrs. FRISBIE was the first woman of California to be elected to that position.
Major McCONNELL says we don’t need incorporation. We are good enough as we are, he says. Look at Hunter’s Point in San Francisco, it’s the same now as twenty years ago.
A fire destroyed the up-to-date residence of the SILVA family on the Mission road Friday, Sept. 12. The building was a total loss, but the furniture was saved.
Frank JACKSON, one of our most promising young men, a clerk at Mrs. PETERSONS’ store, was beaten up at the firemen’s picnic by some drunken toughs.
A. MATTSON is surely some auto driver. After navigating the San Pedro Mountains trail, he has a license to drive anywhere.
Mrs. GREEN, our postmistress, has been confined to her bed for several days, but is now at her post again.
Mr. SPOTTSWOOD of Huntington is noted for his good nature and smiling countenance, but you ought to see him now, since the arrival of that new boy.
The FLANDERS family is visiting friends in Petaluma.
Mr. DOYNE of the fourth addition has got recovered from a bad case of la grippe and returned to his position with the Western Meat Co.
Archie MOORE will soon move to San Francisco for a while.
Miss VENERABLE of the third addition is attending college in the city.
Young VALENTINE is a pupil of the San Mateo high school with a four year’s course ahead of him.
Mrs. PFLUGER has just returned from San Diego, whither she went on a pleasure and health vacation.
Judge BUCK has appointed the appraisers in the following estates:
Estate if Helen M. LANE, a minor, R.F. CHILCOTT
Estate of Annie ERWIN, decease, R.F. CHILCOTT, A. STURLA and A. STAMPANONI.
Estate of Charles F. DAHLEN, deceased H.W. SCHABERG
Estate of Mary L. HULSE, deceased, R.F. CHILCOTT, J.M. DUKE and W.R. BARTLEY
Death of Charles de Young
Charles de Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. de Young, and publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle died Wednesday night at the country home of the family in San Mateo after battling for more than a months against typhoid fever.
The illness that resulted in the death of Mr. de Young is believed to have been caused by drinking water from a tap while he was taking part in the recent tournament of golf and other sports at Del Monte.
White Slavers Sentenced
DIGGS and CAMINETTI were sentenced by Judge VAN FLEET Wednesday, the former to two years in McNeil’s Island and $2000 fine and the latter to eighteen months in San Quentin and $1500 fine.
Hensley Realty Co et al to Ida Hammersmith, lots 71 and 72, block 3, San Bruno Park
Elmer E. Dakin and wife to Geo. E. Waddell, lots 16 and 17, block 1, Co-operative Land and Trust Co. tract, North Palo Alto
Hensley Realty Co et al to Sadie H. Reed and husband, lots 41, 42, 73 and 74, block 1, San Bruno Park.
Sadie H. Reed and husband to John B. Wolters and wife same as above
Henry D. McGarvey to Geo. M. Dennis lots 20 and 21, McGarvey’s subdivision
Hensley Green Co. to Henry L. Whitehead and wife lots 43 and 44 block 1, San Bruno Park
John McHenry and wife to Christian de Guigne Jr. 42 acres San Mateo Ro.
Dagmar Alix Frisselle to Frank Bradford, lot 4 and portion of lot 3, block 40, Lyon & Hoag subdivision
Frank Bradford to John F. Denman same as above
Walter Mandelberg to John J. Sanderson lot 40 and southerly ¼ of lot 41 block D, Mission street tract
Frank P. Brophy and wife to Louisa E. Fortado lots 18 and 19 block 1, Brophy’s Beach
Butano Land and Development Co to Wm. T. Satterwhite lot 15, block E., Butano Falls tract.
John J. Reilly and wife to Barbara J. Bird, lot 23, block 54, Bowie Estate Eastern addition San Mateo
Conrad Bontz and wife to Anna M. Johnston lots 18, 19 an 20, block 1, W., W. & M. subdivision
Crocker Estate Co. to Peter W. Jacobson lot 3 block 22, Crocker tract
Annie F. Mighall to Jose F. Fonsecat lot 6 block 3, Boyd & Kent addition
John A. Boyd and wife to Joseph Ballas and wife lots 4 and 5 block K
John E. Battey to Annie M. Cunningham lot 18 block 10, South San Francisco
Camillo A. Pistolesi and wife to P. Ann Mason, portion block 1, Burlingame
Clotilde Durand to Eugene E. Grey lots 1 to 4, $75 Lot Homestead
Frances Sultze to Thos. Moncrieff, lot 2, Husing subdivision
J.F. Guthrie and wife to Frances Sultze same as above
Albert M. Gault and wife to Mabel A. Gentry lot 69 block 1 San Bruno Park
Ralph O. Sylvester and wife to John J. McCarty lot 19 block 6 Crocker tract
Varney & Green Land Co. to Chas H. Trolliet et al, lots 9 and 10, clock B, San Carlos Park
Same to same, lot 21, block 2 Coleman tract, Menlo
J. Chas. Green Co. to Chas. H. Trolliet et al, lots 20 and 21 block 5, Ravenswood.
Boston Investment Co. to Frank Eckelman lot 16, block 41, Lyon & Hoag subdivision
West Redwood Land Co. to J.A. Olsen lots 27 and 28 block 6 West Redwood
Crocker Estate Co. to Matthew Brem and wife lot 40, clock 10, Crocker tract.
Nevada Gypsum Co. to Jewett W. Adams et al, lot 16 block 14, Vista Grande
Redwood City Realty Co. to Jernnie S. Jones, lot 77, Wellesley Park
Helen Rosenberg and husband to Chas J. Blumenthal lot 14 block 2 Crocker tract
Chas J. Blumenthal and wife to John Lorber same as above
Hensley Greet Co. to S.M. Parsons, lot 36 block 28 San Bruno Park
Letitia Gregg to Marie S. Miller, lot 34, block 13, Crocker tract
Alice Coffin to H.C. Hillyer lots 5, 6, and 7, block 5, Burlingame Park
Moss Beach Realty Co to Carl B. Nichol, lots 2e and 30 clock 29 Moss Beach Heights
Redwood City Realty Co to Albert J. Martens and wife, lot 3 block 7 Wellesley Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005