San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
26 Sep 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
September 26 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 26
Friday, September 26, 1913

John CANADAS aged 24 and Mary S. SANCHE aged 19, both of Half Moon Bay.
John H. SAWYER, aged 37, and Jeanne LAUNEY, age 34 both of San (nothing follows)
Lloyd L. ALBRIGHT, age 22, Alameda, and Edna G. COHEN, age 20, Oakland
Thos. IVERSON aged 33 and Amanda C. LLOYD, both of San Francisco.
Gilbert W. GRAY, aged 25 and Ruth TALBOTT, aged 18, both of San Francisco.
Joseph GOVAN aged 26 and Mary A. McCUNE, 23, both of San Mateo
George H. FARRON, aged 34 years and Hardell R. NEAL, both San Fran.
Archer D. TIDDY aged 21 and Ethel M. TOOTHACHER, 18, both of Burlingame.
Lester L. GERKEN, age 22, and Vera A. LENT, age 22, both of Campbell.
Eldred Weller NEWTON, age 18, and Gertrude Lillian GAGE, age 18, both of Mountain View.
Richard V. VITO, age 24, and Grace E. BRADLEY, age 18, both of San Jose
Miss Emily HESS and Mr. Philip WALLACE were united in marriage Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. HESS, the bride's parents. Rev. Father SULLIVAN was the officiating clergyntan and the ceremony was witnessed by a small company of relatives and near friends of the contracting parties. After the words were said which made the young people husband and wife, a sumptuous banquet was spread at which all made merry, and at completion of which Mr and Mrs. WALLACE left for a wedding trip to the southern part of the State.
The bride, who was born and raised in Redwood City, is too well and favorably known here to need commendation and has hosts of friends who wish her every happiness. Mr. WALLACE is the son of an Episcopalian clergyman now in the diocese of Japan, but formerly resident pastor at San Mateo. He is a contracting engineer and had charge of the street work recently done in DINGEE Park. Mr and Mrs. WALLACE will make their home in San Francisco. - Times-Gazette
Estate of Anna A. GAUDET, dec'd., - Final account allowed and settled and distribution granted.
Estate of G. DEMMA, deceased - Marie G. BIGHIM granted letters of administration with bond at $1800.
Estate of Carl F.H. FINK, deceased. First and final account allowed and settled. Petition to set aside estate to widow granted.
Estate of Marie CASTRO deceased - Will admitted to probate and Mrs. J. F. LOPEZ granted letters of administration with bond at $100.
Estate of Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased, - Petition to remove executor. Cace (sic) submitted on briefs after all the evidence being taken.
The suit brought against William H. CROCKER and his daughters, Ethel and Helen, by John PLAISTEAD, a San Jose contractor, to recover damages for injuries received in an automobile accident, was dismissed last Saturday. PLAISTEAD and his attorney, Jas. T. O'KEEFE, were in conference with CROCKER throughout the week and they agreed to drop the proceedings after securing a settlement from the banker. PLAISTEAD and his wife were run down by an automobile near Belmont on September 12, 1912, and they both received severe injuries. In the complaint it was charged that the accident was due to the carelessnes (sic) and negligence of the CROCKER girls in operating their car, which, according to the PLAISTEADs, was being driven at a high rate of speed on the wrong side of the road. The PLAISTEADs asked for $5000 damages.
An order was made conveying the sale of two tracts of land in Monterey county belonging to the estate of Loren COBURN, the millionaire landowner who was declared incompetent by the courts. The SPRECKLES sugra (sic) interests purchased the land, which will be used for the cultivation of sugar beets. The price paid was $99,316. Judge BUCK recently granted M.J. HYNES, guardian of COBURN's estate, permission to sell all or part of COBURN's Monterey ranch to raise funds to develop his extensive land holdings in the vicinity of Pescadero.
Judge BUCK has granted a decree of divorce to Helen ROBINSON from Geo. A. ROBINSON. The interlocutory decree was granted Sept. 12, 1912. ROBINSON is to pay the plaintiff alimony in the sum of $25 a month.
Judge BUCK has granted an interlocutory decree to Estella J. BLAKE. Thomas F. BLAKE, on the grounds of willful neglect and failure to provide. There is no community property and the minor child, Walter BLAKE, aged 8 months, was given to the custody of (Missing from copy)
(Missing from copy) at San Bruno, Feb. 22, 1912.
Otto R. REICHARDT has brought suit against Joe B. FIGUERA and others to recover the sum of $375 for rent of 18 acres of land near Holy Cross cemetery. In 1911 defendant leased the property for 5 years, agreeing to pay $37.50 a month for it in advance. The last rent paid was on July 1, 1913.
Judge BUCK has issued a citation to M. J. HYNES, guardian of the person and estate of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person, to appear in the superior court on Thursday, Sept/ 25, to show why he should not pay A. KINCAID fees in the sum of $15,000. Mr. KINCAID appeared as attorney for COBURN in the incompetency proceedings for a period of five years.
Schwerin Estate Co., Jos. SLYE, et. Al. - Notice of motion to strike out submitted on briefs. Notice of motion for judgement, submitted on briefs after argument. Notice of motion to set cause, submitted on the briefs.
Thos. J. BRADY vs. L.S. READING - Motion to strike out continued to the 25th of September.
Kopp &Sschick vs May FARELL et al. - Demurrer dropped from calendar.
Geo. N. McGINN vs D.D. DORN - Demurrer continued.
Petition of Congregation Ohabai Shalome for leave to mortgage property granted.
Estella J. BLAKE vs. Thos. F. BLAKE - Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
People vs. Spring Valley Water Co. - Demurrer continued to Sept. 30.
People vs. Carl KLEVERSHAL - Demurrer submitted on briefs.
Mary A. TOBIN et al vs Henry W. BROWN et. Al - Order to show cause continued to September 24.
Edward S. KELLY et al vs. Schwerin Estate Realty Co. - Demurrer set for Oct. 2.
Marea PIZZO vs. Matteo PIZO (names as printed) - Defendant granted 15 days further time to answer.
W.P. BENDING vs. Lubricating Products CO. - Trial set for Sept. 25.
The following builder's contracts were filed in the county recorders office during the week.
A. HESS agrees to grade and macadamize Maple avenue, Menlo Park for Frederick SHARON in 25 days. The price is 11 cents per running foot for the grading and 59 cents per running for the finishing.
W.B. EATON agrees to erect for J.R. LYNDEN in 90 days a frame structure at Burlingame for $5800.
John F. BOULBARD agrees to erect for Abraham MAKOWER in 90 days, a one-story frame residence at Daly City for $2400.
Frank L. RICHARDSON agrees to erect for Frederick MAIER at Farallon City a one-story bungalow for $1470.
Ben RAILTON has moved to the city.
Mrs. Charles REARDON, who resides on Manchester street, is very ill with asthma.
Pat BYRON has gone to Suisun, where he is employed at his trade, and will be away several weeks.
For Sale – a 1913 Indian motorcycle, fully equipped; price $220. Enquire at 145 Santa Ana avenue, Daly City.
Mrs. F.M. HOWARD and three children of 618 Myrtle left Wednesday evening for Suisun, where they will reside.
Mrs. CRAMER (formerly Mrs. Mary BALDWIN) went to a hospital Wednesday and will undergo an operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Ella G. STALDER, a resident of Daly City for several years, who was well and favorably known, died suddenly Thursday evening of heart failure. She had just returned from the city and was about to get the evening meal when she complained to her husband that she felt very bad and that she was going to die, and she passed away a few moments later. The funeral takes place at 10 o’clock from the Suhr & Co. undertaking parlors and the remains will rest in Cypress Lawn.
San Mateo Items
City Trustee and Mrs. T. MASTERSON returned Sunday from a trip to the Yosemite Valley.
J.S. FISHER is again in the Red Cross hospital and expects to undergo a serious operation.
Miss Pansy ABBOTT made a trip to San Francisco last Saturday, taking her young nephew, William Dill, with her.
Mrs. Henry THORSEN is contemplating a trip to the East in the near future. She will visit her twin sister in Washington, D.C., and friends in Chicago.
Born - September 19, 1913, a fine daughter to the wife of Frank PALIN, and that happy "dad" is thinking of leaving off in the future the last three letters of his name, Pa-lin.
Mrs. Emma WEDEMEYER, Great Pocahontas of the Degree of Pocahontas, Imp. O.R.N., will make her official visitation to Oweenee Council of San Mateo on Friday evening, September 26. After the reception a social time will be enjoyed.
A small party consisting of Peter THORSEN and wife and Chris STADER and wife left Tuesday for an automobile trip to Boice Springs and points along the Feather river as far east as the crest of the Sierras. They are going for pleasure and their time of absence is indefinite.
Mrs. Minnie LITTLEPAGE of Marine View met with a serious accident in the rush traffic of San Francisco last Wednesday. Her shoulder was fractured and she was removed to a hospital. She is the mother of J.C. and Claude LITTLEPAGE.
Miss Mary CAMPBELL expects to erect a building on her lot on Main street, Half Moon Bay, soon, as she has purchased a popcorn crisp machine and will go into that business on an extensive scale.
Miss Gladys SMITH of Los Angeles is visiting her aunt, Miss Annie G. SMITH of Moss Beach.
Mr and Mrs. E.A. BRANDEIS, who have been visiting the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs. C.B. SMITH, in Moss Beach, have returned to Oakland. Mr. BRANDEIS. Mr. BRANDEIS, who is a newspaper man, has spent his annual vacation at the Ocean Shore for the past three years.
Wants Name Restored
Mrs. Bessie Anthony COAKLEY, whose husband, Caleb COAKLEY, owner of a well known roadhouse in Colma, instituted divorce proceedings less than one month after marriage, does not object to the action.
She is willing to permit her husband to secure a divorce from Superior Judge BUCK should her former name be restored. Legal papers to that effect were filed with the County Clerk Wednesday.
A jury of ten men and two women was selected Tuesday in the $25,000 false imprisonment suit instituted by Fred PATTISSON, chauffeur, against his former employer, Nicholas J. McNAMARA of San Mateo, which opened for trial Tuesday before Superior Judge BUCK. Following is the jury:
Orin DAVES, salesman, Portola
J.J. MAHONEY, contractor, San Bruno
L.J. FLANDERS, foreman, San Bruno
Ella H. TALBOTT, housewife, Daly City
Edward MOORE, farmer, Pescadero
Edward GREELEY, farmer, Woodside
Andrew ARMSTRONG, bank teller, Burlingame
Julia IAGO, housewife, South San Francisco
N.A. ARMOS, laborer, Pescadero
Jesse PALMER, farmer, San Gregorio
Peter LIND, butcher, South San Francisco
O.E. ELGER, retired, Burlingame
During the examination of the talesmen the attorneys for PATTISSON revealed that their case would hinge principally on the alleged fact that McNAMARA testified falsely before the Grand Jury and that this resulted in the return of the indictments against the chauffeur on a charge of stealing his auto.
McNAMARA’s defense is that, believing he was injured, he brought the matter to the attention of the proper authorities.
Miss Gladys McNAMARA was an interested spectator throughout the day’s proceedings. She will be one of the principal witnesses in the case.
Chief of Police D.A. WHITE of San Francisco appeared as a witness for the plaintiff. District Attorney FICKERT of San Francisco also was a witness for McNAMARA.
Joseph J. DUNNE, James HANLEY and Albert MANSFIELD are the attorneys for PATTISON. E.H.CUNHA, John C. QUINLAN and E.F. FITZPATRICK represent McNAMARA.
The case is the outgrowth of the disappearance of Mrs. N.J. McNAMARA from her San Mateo home and the nation-wide search instigated by her husband and Miss Gladys McNAMARA, her daughter, who had just returned from Belgium, where she spent several years at school.
Arthur V. SWIFT of the Democrat office has been under treatment at St. Mary’s hospital in San Francisco for the past week. He has been seriously ill but is reported to be recovering.
Mr and Mrs. Roy W. CLOUD left Saturday for the Shasta region to attend the annual convention of the county superintendents of the state. They expect to be gone for ten days.
Judge James HANNON, who in the last eighteen years has performed more than 2,000 marriages of eloping couples, has sustained two fractures of the right leg and contusions and abrasions of the face, hands and body when run down Tuesday in Redwood City by a motor truck. Though past his sixtieth year, Judge HANNON is recognized as one of the champion swimmers on the peninsula. He will recover.
Charles DeYoung Laid to Rest
With imposing rights the body of the late Charles DeYoung was taken to its last resting place Saturday morning. 10 prominent business men of the city acting as pall bearers. Requiem high mass was said by Bishop Edward J. HANNA, assisted by Fathers RAMM, SEANON and WALCH, at St. Mary’s cathedral, San Francisco, interment following at Holy Cross cemetery, where Father RAMM paid a final tribute to the late publisher.
G.W. Casher to Orlando Bandoni, lots 14, 15, 22, 23, and 24, block 13 same map. (First entry)
C.E. Gardellas and wife to G. Bergstrom, lot 4 block 5 Burlingame
Fred I. Kromer et al to M. Meyer, lots 3 and 4 block 22, San Bruno
Morris Meyer and wife to Ruth M. Mayer, lots 3 and 4 block 22, San Bruno Park.
August Davidson and wife to Annie Casey, portion block 33, Eastern addition to San Mateo.
E.P. Ghilardi and wife to G. Vuani et al, lot 9, block 99, and portion lot 10, block 99, South San Francisco
Della Foley to Martha Steiner, lot 9, block 16, Vista Grande, and lot 22, block 32, Dumbarton.
Ansel M. Easton and wife to P.E. Taber, lot 1, block 37, Easton addition to Burlingame
T.E. Miller and wife to F. Trautman, lot 12, block 4, Vista Grande
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Mary B. Mangan, lot 24, block 50, Easton addition to Burlingame.
R.I. Gaster and wife to Harry B. Harman and wife, lot 23, block 18, Vista Grande
Peter Barbet to Louise Pee Lamousi, lot 11, East San Mateo
San Mateo Improvement Co to Bertha M. Smoot, lot 29, block M, Hayward Park
Wm. S. Slade to Peter Faber, 585.34 acres, Corte Madera Rancho
Chas. Carlson et al to Allen E. Pleton, lot 4 block 14, Crocker tract
Thos. M. Elrod and wife to E.F. Bush, lot 11, block 10, Brighton Beach.
Jos. D. Hagerty and wife to Frederico Mutto, portion lot 20, block 4, School House Land Association.
Henry B. Osgood and wife to Isabella A. Miller, lots 6, 7, and 8, block 14, and lot 25, block 12 Dumbarton
Mary J. Lindsay to Ellen Hedge, lot 6, block 20, Western addition to San Mateo
Crocker Estate Co. to John D. Daly, lots 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14, Crocker Day subdivision
Andrew Ecklund et al to Mortimer Savage, lots 1 to 9, block 14, Montara
Katherine E. Masters to H.C. Sawyer 23.79 acres at Menlo Park
Mary M. Wilson to Elizabeth A. Wilson, lot 4 block 6, Crocker tract
Ocean Shore Land Co to Rosina Whitaker, lot 11, block 27, Rev. Salada Beach
S.S. Battin to Secala Battin, lot 282, San Mateo Park
J.N. Jones et al to Emilio Lastretto, portion lot 7, Reese Subdivision
Hensley Green Co to John Ivancovich, lot 7, block G, San Bruno Park
F.W. Metzer to W.T. Metzer 2 acres near Spanishtown
Rockaway Beach Co to Charles Pickard, lot 12, block 9, Rockaway Beach
Thos. J. Brady et al to J.L. Grary portion lot 151, San Mateo Park
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to C.C. Conrad and wife, lot 10, block 102, South San Francisco.
Geo. M. Shaw to Pennie C. Plumbe et al, lots 22 and 24, block 23, Huntington Beach
J.W. Moore to E.H. Werder, lots 14 and 15, block 62, Dumbarton Oaks
Varney-Green Land Co to Alice J. Daniels, portion lot 18, San Mateo Land Association
Violet Cleaver to Fee Title Co lot 19, block 15, Central Park, Redwood
Ella George to the Moxey Realty Co, lot 1, block P, Reese Subdivision
Chas. R. Richards to the Moxey Realty Co., lots 2, 3, and 4, block 1, Reese Subdivision
Hensley Green Co to R.H. Abbey, lots 10 and 37, San Pedro Terrace
Geo. F. Hilton to A. Varni, lots 47 and 48, block 31, Boulevard Park
V. Lagomarsino et al to L. Powell, lot 6, block 32, City Extension Homestead
Same to same, lot 5 block 32, same map
J.R. Carlisle to Orlando Bandoni, lots 34 and 35, block 13 $75 Lot Homestead Association.

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