San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
03 Oct 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
October 3 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 27
Friday, October 3, 1913

Various Cases Coming Before the County Tribunal of Justice for Adjudication
Frances A. JOHNSTON has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Elmer JOHNSTON, who died at San Mateo on September 14, 1913. The estate consists of an interest in the stock and good will of the Morse Pharmacy at San Mateo valued at $5000. The heirs at law are Frances A. JOHNSTON and Fannie E. JOHNSTON.
Josephine S. DUNN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Bridgett E. DUNN, who died at Colma, May 26, 1913. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $400, and real estate at Colma, consisting of a parcel of land valued $5000. The entire value of the estate does not exceed $5500. The heirs at law are the petitioner, Josephine E. (as printed) DUNN, residing at Colma, Mary F. SUNDERMANN, Colma, and Annie CLARK, and E.P. DUNN of San Francisco, children of the deceased.
Estate of Antonio DOYLE, deceased – Trustees’ report of Pope minors continued to October 4.
Estate of Sue H. VAUGHN, deceased – Final account allowed and settled petition for distribution granted.
Estate of John T. DOYLE, deceased - Trustees report and account of Pope minors continued to October 4.
Judge BUCK has granted a final decree of divorce to Laura M. ARMSTRONG from her husband George W. ARMSTONG. The custody of the two minor children was given to the mother and the defendant was ordered to pay his wife alimony in the sum of $25 a month. The ARMSTRONG’s formerly resided in this city.
J.J. COOGAN has petitioned for an order terminating the community interest of Annie I. COOGAN of lot 108 in the Gray tract. Mrs. COOGAN died two weeks ago in San Francisco.
F.M. GRANGER, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Frank M. GRANGER, deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $20,545.
Raisch Improvement Co. vs C.M. MOORSE et al – judgement ordered for plaintiff.
Redwood City Commercial Bank vs L. COBURN – demurrer on C.J. COBURN overruled and defendant given 5 days to answer.
In the matter of the Grace Presbyterian Church – Petition to mortgage real estate continued to Oct. 2
Continental Building and Loan Association vs. E.E. CRANDALL – Judgement ordered for plaintiff.
Granite Rock Co. vs. W.H. UNDERHILL. Petition for writ of mandate continued to October 9.
Thomas J. BRADY vs L.S. READING – Motion to strike out, continued to October 2.
N. BONZANI vs. J. GUERRERO – Cause set for trial November 4
Alfred C. BERNAL vs Paul M. BERNAL – Further trial continued to September 27.
Ella E. MACKEY vs. W.E. MACKEY – interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Frank H. POOR vs W.P. Fuller Co. – Trial set for October 8.
Mary TOBIN et al vs. Henry Ward BROWN – Order to show cause, continued to October 2.
Joe Wilson Printing Co. vs Louise MATTHAI – Demurrer set for October 2.
Anna WEISS has brought an action for an interlocutory decree of divorce against her husband, Bruno WEISS on statutory grounds.
Frederick HERMANN has brought foreclosure proceeding against Frank PETERSON and others to recover the sum of $660. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 10 and 11, block 51, Granada.
Clark & Henry have brought suit in the Superior Court against Mary FARRELL to recover the sum of $69, interest amounting to $15.44 and costs of suit for certain work done in front of her property in San Francisco.
Mary SWINKOSKI has commenced divorce proceedings in the superior court against her husband, Frederick SWINKOSKI, on the ground of habitual intemperance. The couple was married at South San Francisco on July 3, 1907.
Alonzo G. McFARLAND has brought suit against Nelson SAEGER and R.G. GILOGLEY to quiet title to the west half of southwest quarter of lots 1, 2, and 3, section 31, township 5, south range 4, west M.D.B. and M.
Attilio PUCCINILLI has brought suit against his wife Frances PUCCINELLI on the ground of desertion. Plaintiff asks for the custody of the two minor children. The couple was married at San Francisco in 1896. (PUCCINILLI-PUCCINELLI as printed)
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person – Petition for payment of attorney fees continued to October 2.
The following articles of incorporation were filed in the county clerk’s office during the week:
The Modern Mausoleum Company has incorporated with a capital stock of $200,000 divided into 20,000 shares at a par value of $10 each. The purpose of the company is to erect and repair mausoleums, etc. The principal place of business is Oakland and the actual amount of stock subscribed is $50 by the following stockholders, who subscribe one share each: C.L. THOMSON, L.H. LAHMAN, Felix SANTALLIER, Sam J. EVA and (nothing followed)
George EADE is expected to arrive in a few days from Chicago and will reside with his parents.
Mrs. Leon RADE, who resides on Hillcrest drive, gave birth to a fine baby girl Monday evening.
C. MUNDELIUS, the Garden street business man, who is well known in Daly City, is very ill with pneumonia.
N. MEETH, who has been in Las Vegas, Nevada, for several weeks, writes that he has steady employment.
Charley ASHTON and son, Frankie, of Ione, returned home Sunday, after spending several days with J.H. PARKER.
R.S.K. MacMILLEN and wife have returned from San Francisco and are again occupying their pleasant Daly City home.
Mrs. Frank R. SAMPSON of Santa Ana avenue spent Tuesday in San Francisco with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack SAMPSON.
Mrs. Alice KLASS, who has been spending four months, with relatives at Grass Valley, is expected to return home in a few days.
Mrs. Ella NOTT of Berkeley came over on Monday and in company with her mother, Mrs. J.H. PARKER, attended the Merchants’ Fair.
Mrs and Will WILSON and their two children left Saturday for Florin to visit Mrs. WILSON’s parents, Mrs and J. BARNES, for several months.
Mrs. E. FORSELL celebrated her thirteenth wedding anniversary last Saturday and entertained a number of friends, who all had an excellent time.
Mrs and Edward GENOCIO, after a four months’ visit in Daly City, have returned to their home at Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. GENOCIO is a brother of Mrs. PESCARO.
Fritz HANSEN left Sunday for Raymond, where he went to install some machinery for getting out rock for the new San Francisco city hall. Fritz is an expert on that class of work and of the general quarry business.
Harrold DEER and family, who have been visiting in Daly City for some time left Tuesday for Detroit, Michigan, where they expect to make their future home.
Mrs. T. ZING of San Jose, after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. O’KEEFE in San Francisco, is now with her daughter, Mrs. J.R. PARKER, in Daly City.
Miss Ruth OBEREKERCHER, a cousin of Leon BADE, the popular Hillcrest Drive groceryman, arrived in Daly City Monday from New York and expects to make this her future home.
Mrs. Hazel McLILLION and little daughter, Louise, of Eureka, after spending a month with Mrs. LOBLOW, left Monday by steamer to visit relatives in Los Angeles and Pasadena.
Harriet WEBER, a niece of Mrs. N. MEETH, who was married June 19 to George TOUCHER and then went to Racine, Wisconsin, is expected to return soon to make a permanent home in California.
Mrs. Charles P. LAMBERT of Colma, after an illness lasting about three months, is now quite well. Mrs. LAMBERT is a most excellent lady and her many friends will be glad to learn of her recovery.
Mrs. Julius NELSON of Los Angeles avenue celebrated her twenty-eighth birthday last Sunday, having a fine time with music, dancing and an elegant lunch, all of which was enjoyed by several friends who were present.
G. BIANCHI of Colma is exhibiting a great deal of enterprise in the erection of a fine two-story building on San Pedro avenue one block south of the postoffice. The building will be occupied both as a store and dwelling and will cost when completed about $3,500.
Mr. Brown: Kindly extend through the columns of the Daly City Record, any most sincere thanks to the many kind friends who attended the funeral of my devoted wife, Ella G. STALDER, and otherwise gave expressions of sympathy in our hour of greatest bereavement.
Respectfully yours,
Anna O’Brien’s Birthday
On September 23 Anna O’Brien, the eight year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs J.S. O’Brien, 515 Green avenue, had a pleasant birthday party, at which the following little friends of Miss Anna were present: Marjorie STOCKTON, Alice MATTHIAS, Pauline JOHNSON, Helen, Sarah and Ruth MORAN, Inez GLENN, Muriel B__MAN, Florence O’LEARY, Gertie and Lillie H_NDR__, Tillie FR__CES, Josephine FOLEY, … balance of list out of focus and too light to read
San Mateo Items
Emlen SCOTT, a graduate of the San Mateo High School will enter the Stanford University, where he will continue his study of agriculture.
Jack BROMFIELD, reporter of the San Francisco Call, has erected a wireless station at his home on Elm street, where he intends to become an expert operator.
Fred BIVEN won the first of the four tennis tournaments given under the direction of the San Mateo High School, when he defeated Davis in the final round.
Harold BARNESON, son of Mr and Mrs. John BARNESON, who recently returned from a trip through Europe, is a patient at the Adler Sanitarium in San Francisco. The trouble however, is only temporary, and he will be back home in a few days.
L.A. STARK, the well known plumber, has purchased the building at 1215 Burlingame avenue, Burlingame, and moved his shop from Baldwin avenue, San Mateo, to the new location. This change gives him a more central location, as his business extends from Redwood City to South Francisco.
Miss Agnes SPARROWE, who conducts an art store on Pacific avenue, is to close her business here at the end of September and to move to San Mateo, where she has secured a store in a likely location, besides when she opens her store there she will be the only one in that line of business in that thriving town. – Santa Cruz Sentinel.
Miss MISNER and Miss Irene DICKEY enrolled at the San Jose Normal last week. Miss Louise STEVENS, also resumed her studies there.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar SAHLBERG returned Friday from a two weeks vacation in Los Angeles. While away they visited many points of interest in the southland.
Mrs. W.W. HULL has closed her house at Brookdale for the summer. Owing to the fierce forest fires raging there she was compelled to close her home sooner than usual.
Auditor UNDERHILL is back at his office after an illness of nearly a month. He was greeted by all his old associates at the court house when he arrived on Monday, restored to health and looking fine.
Mrs. J. KEARSE, while on her way home Friday evening, slipped and fell to the sidewalk on Heller street. Badly injuring her knee. Fortunately no bones were broken. Mrs. KEASE will be laid up for some time.
Robert CHATHAM drove a herd of cows to Glenn county last week, that he sold for $100 per head. He had no trouble in disposing of the cattle at that price. The cattle-raising industry is sure to become the most profitable business in California. There is a growing demand for the products of the range.
L.P. BEHRENS and family arrived at New York from Europe during the week and are expected to return to Redwood City on October 20th.
Mrs. Charlotte BROWN, wife of the late J.W. BROWN and mother of Mrs. J.C. BROG of this city and Emily L. BROWN of San Francisco, a native of England, aged 69 years, died at her home in San Jose, September 19. The deceased was an old resident of Santa Clara county,. Where she was highly esteemed for her many virtues.
Mrs. Ida SEARS, one of the proprietors of the La Honda hotel, was injured in a runaway Thursday. She was out driving near La Honda with a double team and accompanied by an invalid woman. The horses shied at some object on the roadside overturning the rig and throwing the women to the ground. Mrs. SEARS was badly bruised and scratched about the face. Her companion escaped very slightly injured.
Miss Gladys UNDERHILL, daughter of Auditor and Mrs. Henry UNDERHILL, went to San Francisco Wednesday, and without informing her parents, met her betrothed, Robert VON PERT, and was married to him by Rev. J.B. ORR, of Oakland. Their engagement was announced some time ago.
John CONNER, an old pioneer of this city, suffered, an apoplectic stroke Friday morning and is very low. Owing to his advanced age it is doubtful if he will recover.
Tyler HENSHAW, 23 years of age, son of Associate Justice HENSHAW of the Supreme Court and a resident of this city, died at noon Friday of typhoid fever in St. Francis Hospital, San Francisco. A month ago young HENSHAW was married to Irene Patricia O’CONNER, who was a classmate of her husband in the University of California.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
The vegetable growers of the Coast Side have expended more that $50,000 the past year in sinking wells for water to be used for irrigation. A number of wells drilled deliver 24,000 gallons per hour and stand continued pumping.
Forest fires are burning in the Pescadero country and it is feared that over 40,000 acres of timber land will be destroyed. Also the town of Pescadero is in danger. Hundreds of fire fighters are at work.
D. DAVIS of San Francisco is purchasing 20 lots at Princeton from Frank P. BROPHY, the owner. Mr. DAVIS has parties who will build a big hotel and install all kinds of amusements for the entertainment of the many visitors to this popular resort.
J.J. GOMES of Half Moon Bay has announced the purchase of Jack HEALY’s interest in the Princeton Hotel and a 25 room addition will be added to the same by the summer of 1914. Alex BONZGANI, the noted chef will retain his interest and will give the patrons of this hotel the best cooked meals to be found anywhere on the coast.
Herr WAGNER, managing editor of the Western Journal of Education, a prominent Coast Sider, did his first journalistic work on an old Mechanics Fair Daily.
Rev. Father A. ANDRIANO of Half Moon Bay was in San Francisco the early part of the week transacting church business.
C.D. SMITH is about to give his cottage at Half Moon Bay a coat of new paint. – Comet. So much more thoughtful than to use old paint.
Ralph McCORMICK of Pescadero, who had two fingers shot off two weeks ago and who has been a patient at the Red Cross Hospital under the care of Dr. FERRIN of Half Moon Bay, is about to return to his home.
C.B. SMITH, who is securing subscriptions for the telephone, reports that he has 43 Coast Siders signed up for phones. Not bad for a few days’ work.
Manuel COASTA, a pioneer who came to Half Moon Bay, 45 years ago, died at his home in that place on Sept. 24th. The deceased was 85 years old and a native of Portugal. He leaves the following children to mourn his departure: Mrs. Annie AZEVEDO, Mrs. Mary AZEVEDO, Mrs. Carrie PATRICO, Mrs. Bell VALLENTINE, Mrs. Gussie PATRICO and Miss Margaret COSTA.
Miss Beatrice JOHNS of San Francisco is visiting Mrs. CANFIELD. Miss JOHNS is an elocutionist of much ability and gave some fine selections at the entertainment last week given by Mr and Mrs. CANFIELD for the benefit of the church there.
Mr. HICKMONT, the Sacramento cannery man, who was the first man to put up asparagus in any quantity, has founded an artichoke cannery at Half Moon Bay and is making a big success of it.
Dr. H.C. Morgan of Half Moon Bay was in San Francisco Wednesday buying goods for his dry goods store.
Mrs. MAIER’s house on 4th St. is progressing rapidly. The contractor, F.L. RICHARDSON, has a large crew of men at work on it and from the appearance of things, will complete the job by October 20.
With the installation of the new telephone exchange on the Coast Side, the central office will be located at the Comet Building. Moss Beach and Miss Annie Smith, the enterprising business woman who has myriads of friends, will be the chief operator.
Raising Fancy Birds as a Diversion Costly to Mussel Rock Man
When J.E. BARNES of Mussel Rock went into poultry raising as a diversion he took the work up so competently that before he, himself, was aware, he had very finely stocked poultry yards. He raises turkeys, chickens and ducks.
Many a favored guest sat down to a chicken dinner prepared by the skillful hand which directs the culinary department of the Mussel Rock establishment. Not an effeminate hand, for Mr. BARNES has not yet surrendered command of the citadel, no matter how strong the contending forces have been.
The main trouble about the chicken dinners is that it was discovered the Mussel Rock poultry feeds were not confined to the Mussel Rock table. One by one those fine fowls disappeared from their familiar haunts and them they went in flock, and the climax came when a fine prize turkey gobbler was found missing.
If the looters of the roost had let well enough alone – but here is where that laggard, Justice, begins her work. In some way the Ocean Shore Railroad chanced to see these poultry fanciers, then Constable "Duck" SULLIVAN found the bird in a refrigerator in Daly City. The last we heard of the offenders they were before Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON, who gave the fellow 60 days, with a suspension of sentence to enable him to leave town before 6 o’clock that evening. – Coast Side Comet
George E. DUNN, editor of the Coast Side Comet, has taken on added glory in the new role of life saver. Last Sunday while Mrs. Albert J. EVANS of San Francisco, who was spending a vacation in Moss Beach, was enjoying a dip in the surf, she was attacked by an octopus which fastened its tentacles about her and almost made away with her into deep water. Editor DUNN and Wm. GROSSKURTH, proprietor of the Marine View hotel, rushed to the rescue of Mrs. EVANS and, after a fierce struggle with the monster, succeeded in effecting a rescue, but not until all three persons were almost exhausted.
C.A. Hooper and Co to Moxey Realty Co. lots 27, 30, 31 to 28, blk 11 Central Park
Justin T. McCarthy to Moxey Realty Co. 18.67 acres, ptn Altschul tct
D.O. Dagget to Abbe P. Scott, lots 9, 10, 11 blk 110 South S F
J.W. Sparow to Elizabeth Sparrow portion lot 1, blk 7, Burlingame
Ira M. Cobe and wife to Lyster G. Beighly and wife, lot O, blk 2, Burlingame Terrace
Josiah R. Howell and wife to Agnes M. DuFrane, lot 10, blk 25, Dingee Park
Jas H. Brasy to Lucile Brady, portion lot 147, San Mateo Park
John J. Morey to Chas F. Langley, lot 8, block 17, Arleta Park
Robert Hayes Smith to Eleanor M. Kent, lot 25, block 5, Huntington Park
H.J. Bottolheim and wife to Archie L. Offield, portion lots 1 and 2, blk 2, Burlingame Lane Co.
Oaks Company to Myrtle Hogan, lot 34, blk 58, Dumbarton Oaks
Hensley Green Co to Mussa Coggins, lot _, blk 3, San Bruno Park
Wm S. Slade to Walter Slack, 132 acres portion EL Corte Madera rancho
Oaks Co to John Welsh and Ellen Welsh, half lot blk 53, Dumbarton Oaks
Harold W. Law and wife to Hartland Law, et al, 2 acres El Corte Madera Rancho
Cornelia McVickar to J.B. Miller, lots 12 and 13, blk 12, Easton Addition to Burlingame
Pulgas Land Co to John Casman, lot 74, Gray tract
Cutoff Land Co to R.L. Simpson, lot 39, blk 9, Dumbarton
Hirman D.Haskins to H.E. Hallet, lot 9, Portola Park
A. Hoss to P.J. Kennedy, lot 29, blk 3, Sch H HD Assn
Adley Huber et al to P.J. Kennedy lot 29, blk 3, same map
Frank S. Rose and wife to W.M. Denning, lot 16, blk R, San Mateo Heights
Annie E. Reighley to Edward G. Mills, et al, lot 6, blk 2, Burlingame Vila Park
Edward G. Mills et al to Mary E. McCurdy, same property
Montara Realty Dev Co to Isabel McDonald lot 41 blk 31 Montara
B.F. Lee and wife to Norman Ellsworth, 40 acres portion Sec 23, T8 S, R3 W
Pulgas Land Co to Nellie S. Snow, lots 34, and 35, Gray tract
Crocker Estate Co to Walter Hanschen, lot 2, blk 2, Crocker Estate Tract
C.E. Herrick to Frank P. Brophy, lot 18 blk 6, Princeton By the Sea
Frank P. Brophy and wife to Freda Swanson, same as above
Centennia B. Mott et al to Isabella T. Barte, lot 6, blk 37, Burlingame
Guadalupe Development Co to Edw G. Schulze, lot 5 blk 23, City of Visitaction
George S. Rice and wife to E.P. Stott, portion lot 4 blk 2 Robinson Sub. Redwood
E.P. Stott to Arnie Petra Rice, same
Pulgas Land Co to Loy Friedman N ½ ;lot 29, Gray tract
Anglo Cal Trust Co. to Jos E. Ellsworth, lots 37, 38, 40, blk 6, Am Belle Air
J.F. Wienke et al to Lillian Roden, lot 18, blk 3, Wienke Addn, Montara
The Moxely Realty Co to Chas E. Richards, lots 1 to 10, Central Park
C. Saricusa and wife to J.E. McCUrdy, lot 1, blk 29, East San Mateo
Hensley Smith Co. to Clara Frederickson, lots 7 and 8, blk 18, San Pedro Terrace
Fannie C. Clark and husband to C.C. Boyton, lot 12, blk 12, Burlingame
Montara Realty Development Co to Lillian H. Sanders lots 1 and 2, blk 15 Montara
Same to Wm F. Utter, lot 52, blk 1, Montara
Ocean Shore Development Co to F.H. Baldwin, lot 6 blk 15, Marine View Terrace
Thos D. Evans to L.L. Baird et al, lot 19, blk 4, Dingee Park
Anglo Cal Trust Co. to N. Sanbrailo, lot 46, blk 6, Hillcrest
Richard Syhius and wife to H.R. Peters, lot 4 and portion lot 5, blk 52, Eastern Addn, Redwood
G.Guido et al to G. Chiabra, portion lot 14, blk 119, So. San Francisco
Fred W. Kimble and wife to Flora L. Cleman, 2.30 acres Hillborough
J.W. Morgan to J. Meister and wife, lots 17 and 18, Wave Crest
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Geo. J. Asmussen, lot 13 blk 22, Easton Addn, Burlingame
R.H. Smith to N. Cella, lots 1 and 17, blk 8, Huntington Park
Thos Tuohy to Julia Oakes, lots 1 and 2, blk 8, Huntington Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Lucy L. Dunne, lot 28, blk 50 Easton Addn, Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co. to F.W. Hodgins, lot 1, blk 85, Granada
Same to Same, lot 9, blk 89, Granada

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