San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
10 Oct 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
October 10 1913

Location: Daly City Record
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 28
Friday, October 10, 1913

Timothy BROWNHILL, aged 43, San Anselmo, and Mamie M. WHITE, aged 39, Cameron, Texas
John DIES, aged 21, Santa Clara, and Anita PERKINS, aged 19, Half Moon Bay
Gino BARDONI, aged 26, and Ida P. BARSUGLIA, aged 19, both of Half Moon Bay
Elis GIANNINI, aged 23, and Rose LEAL, aged 21, both of San Jose
Howard I. LUGG, aged 30, Newcastle, and Dorothy May HEERMANS, aged 32, Germantown, New York
Joseph H. BROWNING, aged 35, Chicago, and Henrietta BARKER, aged 20, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jean HUNTERMAN, age 27, and Fanny SCHLESINGER, aged 25, both of San Francisco.
Lester BRITTAIN, age 31, Santa Rosa, and Alva M. SOPER, age 22, San Francisco
The following building contracts were filed in the County Recorder’s office during the week:
John MOWAT agrees to erect for Ross M. WISSING in 60 days a bungalow on lot 3, block 29, Burlingame, for $2000.
The W.C. BARRICK Building Co. agrees to erect for Margaret C. BEVIS and J.W. BEVIS in 75 days a one-story dwelling in Burlingame Grove Terrace for $1130.
Willis L. GOTT agrees to erect for Lyster G. REIGHLEY in 60 days a five-room bungalow at Burlingame Terrace for $2100.
Various Cases Coming Before the County Tribunal of Justice of Adjudication
Mary TAYLOR has brought suit in the superior court against her husband, Benjamin TAYLOR, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on statutory grounds. The parties to the action reside at Woodside.
Sarah T. FOX and others have commenced foreclosure proceedings in the superior court against A.S. BARRON and others to recover the sum of $6000. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed is the BARRON ranch at Beresford. Plaintiffs ask for interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from April 1, 1913 and 10 per cent of the amount found due to be applied for counsel fees. The original amount of the mortgage was $7000.
H.W. SCHABERG, appraiser of the estate of P.A. ROUSSELL, Deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisment. The total value of the estate is placed at $4161. It consists of real estate at Belmont appraised at $3,200, cash in the hands of the executrix amounting to $161, a one-third interest in a portion of the Durham ranch valued at $600, and a one-fifth interest in a parcel of land at Mayfield appraised at $200.
Wilhelmina HAUSSLER has applied in the Superior Court for letters of administration upon the estate of Frederick HAUSSLER, who died at Redwood City on September 28, 1913. The estate consists of real estate in Redwood City valued at $7,500, promissory note worth $9,000, and other personal property valued at $500. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $20,000. The heirs-at-law are the petitioner, wife of the deceased, and Mrs. Minnie SPOERL, a daughter.
Mrs. EADE is on the sick list.
CLARK, the Colma barber, has sold his shop and moved to San Francisco.
I. POKET has returned from a three weeks absence at Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo county.
Miss Charlotte BIGGIO of Colma is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Watsonville.
Mrs. E.J. FLOOD entertained the Women’s Improvement Club at her pleasant home Thursday.
Mrs. Perim WOOD will soon move to San Francisco for the winter closing her Daly City house.
Mrs. T. ZINGG, mother of Mrs. J.H. PARKER, was taken very ill last Friday evening, but is now very much better.
Mrs. H.F. SECOR has returned from Willits, where she spent a few weeks with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ed CONNERS.
Mrs. Bertha DESMONIA of San Jose and Mrs. A.O’KEEFE of San Francisco visited their sister, Mrs. J.H. PARKER, Wednesday.
Little Grace GUTTERSON returned to her home in San Francisco Wednesday, after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Willard L. McKAY.
Francis P. O’TOOLE, after several months’ absence in Arizona and old Mexico, has returned to Daly City and will likely remain here.
All those desiring information concerning day nursery, enquire of Mrs. Mary WHITE, secretary Women’s Improvement Club, 114 Theta avenue.
Prof. W.J. SAVAGE, Dr and Mrs. W.G. BEATTIE of Colma are spending the week in Los Angeles and attending the Good Roads Convention.
Mrs. Smith, who a few weeks ago went to Canada on a visit to her childhood home, is now visiting in Michigan and will soon return to Daly City.
Supervisors John MacBAIN, Joseph M. FRANCIS and James T. CASEY left Monday evening via the "Owl" for Los Angeles to attend the Good Roads convention.
Master Reign ROMERO, 237 Farralon street, Ocean View, celebrated his birthday, aged 12 years. About 20 of his playmates were there to enjoy the festivities and they sure had a fine time.
Lela A. THORNTON, a nephew of Hon. R.S. THORTON, the grand old-pioneer of Colma, who has been spending a couple of weeks here, left last Saturday for his home in Providence, R.I., where he is a prominent business man.
Little Audry JOHNSON, the five-year-old daughter of Mrs and Gust JOHNSON, celebrated her birthday, Wednesday, with a host of little friends to wish her many happy returns.
Miss Ruth OBERCHERKER of New York and Mrs. BADE of Burlingame visited Mrs. Leon BADE last Tuesday to see the new baby girl. Miss OBERCHERKER will make her home in Burlingame instead of Daly City as stated in the Record last week.
Mrs. George C. LUCE, formerly of Colma, where she always had a great many friends, was married on September 11, 1913 to Robert SCHOOLER of San Francisco, where they both reside. The wedding took place at San Rafael.
Mrs. Josephine LINDSAY has returned from Providence, Rhode Island, where she went several months ago in company with her aged mother, Mrs. R.S. THORNTON, who died while there and was laid to rest in the old family burying ground in the churchyward of her native city.
Death of Mrs. Mary CROKER
Mrs. Martha JOHNSON who lives on Lake avenue received a letter last week from Mrs. George WILSON at Pritchard Hill, near St. Helena, giving particulars of the death of Mrs. Mary CROKER at St. Helena, on Sept. 2, 1913, stating that she passed away after great suffering and was laid to rest at St. Helena.
Mrs. CROKER formerly resided at Daly City and was a trained nurse. Her husband, Arthur CROKER, a carpenter, died in Daly City about a year ago. They were both highly respected and had many friends.
Menlo Park Flower Show
The Menlo Park Horticultural Society will hold its annual flower show October 31 and November 1 and 2. The display will be shown in Menlo Park and will include a tour of some of the famous estates. A large list of prizes is offered. The Menlo Park floral display is one of the most exquisite that is assembled in the State. Mrs. J.B. CORYELL, the "orchard queen," shows the noted orchid plants she has in her possession and exhibits are made from the estates of James L. FLOOD, Fred W. SHARON, Mortimer FLEISHACKER, James A. FOLGER, Timothy HOPKINS and others.
Came Around the Horn
Mr and Mrs. George W. DICKIE, Miss Anna DICKIE and Fred DICKIE arrived in San Francisco Monday from Camden, N.J. The party came around the Horn on the new steamer Congress, built for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company and which was designed by Mr. DICKIE, who is a former resident of San Mateo. The run was made in 52 days. The Congress, which is the largest coastwise passenger carrier under the American flag, will be put on the run between San Francisco and Puget South and Southern California ports.
The DICKIES arrived in San Mateo Tuesday and will spend the winter in their old home here.
There was a christening party at Colma Hall Sunday, October 5, celebrated by a dinner and dance. The happy father and mother, Mr and Mrs. Joe and Mary BASSANI. About sixty couples were present and had a splendid time and a grand feast.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing, and Will Do
J.B. LANKERSHIM, the Los Angeles millionaire, was a guest of Montara last week. He was enthusiastic about the beautiful landscape, the yellow beach and the scenic beauty of the Portola Discovery trip.
Annie G. SMITH, Notary Public, Office in Comet Building, Moss Beach.
Thomas W. GRANT, recently of Southern California, is occupying one of Thomas STEELE’s cottages.
Jury Fails to Agree
The trail of the $25,000 damage suit brought by Fred PATTISON against N.J.McNAMARA was concluded at 4 o’clock Friday afternoon and was given to the jury. After deliberating until 9:45 o’clock in the evening the jury reported that an agreement was hopeless and was discharged.
It is understood that three members of the jury held absolutely for the defendant, while nine held for the award of some damages to the plaintiff. As to the amount of damages, however, there appears to have been a hopeless difference of opinion, the estimate varying from $500 to $5000.
A change has taken place in the local Wells Fargo office. The agent, C.F. HADLEY, has been promoted to position in the superintendent’s office in San Francisco. The change took place on Thursday. W.E. THOMPINSON of Stockton has been appointed agent to succeed Mr. HADLEY and the office goes back to the old percentage basis. Mr. HADLEY was paid a salary, but owing to the retrenchment of the company many agencies are being put on percentage.
McSWEENEY, the popular tax collector, this week purchased an attractive building lot in Redwood Highland.
Mr and Mrs. John FEHRN returned to town Thursday after camping at La Honda since last May. They enjoyed the outing very much. Mr and Mrs. FEHRN have camped at La Honda every summer for the last ten years.
Fred Lamb, who has been dangerously ill in the Lane hospital in San Francisco, is reported to be recovering and will soon be able to leave the institution.
John QUARDOS of Pescadero, who was also well known in Half Moon Bay, lost his life at Pescadero last Sunday as he was trying to obtain some abalone.
While prying about for the shellfish, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a huge comber, which hurled him against the rocks. The unfortunate man was rendered unconscious and swept out to sea. The accident was witnessed by a number of QUADROS’ friends, who were powerless to aid him. QUADROS was married and the father of eight minor children. His body had not been recovered at the time when the news was received here on last Tuesday evening. – Review
A number of residents from Redwood went to Stanford University Tuesday to witness the inauguration of John C. BRANNER as president of the institution. The congratulatory speech on behalf of the student body was made by Earl G. BEHRENS, a nephew of L.P. BEHRENS of this city.
C.G. LANDSCHEIT, who for the last two years has been an inspector of the local Masonic district, has received from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons notice of his appointment as acting Grand Marshal to fill a vacancy due to absence from the state of Congressman KETTNER. Mr. LANDSCHEIT will officiate as Grand Marshal at the dedication of the new Masonic Temple and during the session of the Grand Lodge, both of which take place the latter part of the month.
San Mateo Items
Paul HOOTS, a former resident of San Mateo, now living in Oakland, was a visitor here last Sunday.
Albert WESTCOTT and Miss Elsie MARTIN, who recently announced their engagement, will be married in January.
Mr and Mrs. McFARLAND, who have been staying at the Hotel Peninsula, have moved into the Duram residence, which they will occupy for some time.
Mrs MILS, mother of Burleigh Chase MURRAY, has been very ill for some time at her home on A street. She is under the care of several physicians and nurses.
Thomas F. TIERNEY, a native of New York, aged 53 years, 5 months and 2 days, died last Thursday, October 2. He leaves a widow. Deceased was well known in San Mateo, having resided here for the past 12 years.
Returns After Many Years
Chas. P. WONDERLY, of the St. Louis World, is visiting Mrs. F.P. OWINGS and her daughter, Mrs. Eugenia McCLELLAN, in San Mateo. Mr. WONDERLY first came to California in 1865, and was on the ship John L. Stevens when Emperor Maximillian was taken aboard at Mazatlan and carried to Guaymas, where he was executed by the Mexicans. He is also a Montana pioneer, and attended the reunion of Montana Pioneers at Missoula last month.
In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo.
In the matter of the Estate of Annie ERWIN, Deceased. No. 1698
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Andrew L. ERWIN, administrator of the estate of the said Annie ERWIN deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased or her estate to exhibit and present them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice (made October 10, 1913) to the administrator of said estate, at the law office of Henry Ward BROWN, on Washington street, between Dunks and Briggs streets, in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California, the same being the place hereby designated by said administrator for the transaction of the business of the estate of said Annie ERWIN, deceased.
Administrator of the Estate of Annie ERWIN, deceased
Dated, October 10, 1913
Henry Ward BROWN, attorney for said Administrator, Colma, San Mateo County, Cal.
Our good natured townsman, Mr. LOMBARDI, had a teamster back his outfit off the wharf at South City last week, which put the man on crutches and the team up for repairs.
Ed PALLACE is harvesting the finest crop of potatoes we have seen this season.
Robert LYTLE has invested in a small farm in the Grass Valley section.
Warren CUSTER made the trip from San Rafael to San Jose and back last Sunday on his motorcycle. That’s what we call going some.
H.A. BEWLEY is papering his house. E.G. LIENIZ is the artist.
The transfer of LAMB’s license to the Baradat store was withdrawn by consent of Supervisory CASEY.
Mrs. ARNEY of the Fourth Addition, who broke her arm in South San Francisco last week, reports a speedy recovery, owing to Dr. PLYMIRE’s skillful attention.
Addie E. Burnett to Ralph W. Burnett, lot 21, block 11, San Bruno Park
Frank P. Brophy and wife to M.V. Walbridge, lot 10, block 2, Princeton-by-the-Sea
Chas. C. Johnson to T.N. Price, lots 24 and 25, block 4, Easton addition to Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co. to Augusta Anderson, lot 9, block 87, Granada
Wilhelminie C. Brock to W.F. Dwire, lot 21, block 18, Crocker Tract
Theo. Field and wife to W. McWorth, portion lot 3, blk 13, Lomita Park
Same to Emma A. Hubles, portn lot 2 and 4, blk 13 Lomita Park
West Redwood Park Co. to Magnus Jensen et al, lots 1 and 2, blk 4, West Redwood
Helen M. Fendall and hsb to Margt C. Bevis lot 26 blk 8, Burl Grove
Hensley Realty Co to Mary A. Young et al, lots 10 and 68, block 1, San Bruno Park
Nannie Catchings to E.B. and A.L. Stone Co. lot 20 blk 1 Ocean Spray Tract
Anglo-Cal Trust Co. to W.F. Mitchell, lots 1 to 5, blk 24, lots 4, 5, 24 to 27, blk 2, Amd Belle Air Park
F.G. Mighail and wf to Geo C. Ross lot 7 blk E, Boyd & Kent Add Redwood
Ede S. Still to S.E. Barbee lot 53 blk 29 Redwood Park
G.A. Greenwalt to Wm Shumacher, lot 7, blk 3, East San Mateo
Mrs. M. McMullen to Elzie Varsi, lot 3, blk 11, Miramar Beach
Shore Line Invest Co. to Lulu A. Shelton, lot 5 blk 80, Granada
Hensely Green Co to Geo. E. Phillips, lot 37, blk 7, San Bruno Park
Addie Tripp to Belle J. Hellman, 19.27 acres portn Rancho Canada de Raymundo
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to Harry A. Bassford and wf, lots 18 and 19 blk 22, Marine View Terrace
C.E. Herrick to F.P. Brophy, lot 10 block 2 Princeton-by-the Sea
Boston Invest Co to J.J. Cochran and wf, lot 7 blk 34 Lyon & Hoag Sub, Burlingame
Ocean View Ld and Imp Co to Sarah A. Mahoney, lot 18 and 19 blk 15, Vista Grande
E.J. Cross to Julia C. Manley, portn l0t 276, San Mateo Park
Ida E. Pease to Mark Pease, lots 34 and 35, blk 4 San Bruno Park
Michael Scoortis to Jas Scoortis lot 15 blk 8 Hillcrest
Henry Goldstein to D. Goldstein lot 21 blk 4 Bernardo St. Tract
Crocker Estate Co to Wm Cinnamond lots 10 and 11, blk 7, Crocker
J.W. Marsh to H.I. Marsh, lot 9 blk 8 Salada Beach
Robert H. Smith to C.E. Linder lots 24 and 25, blk 2, Huntington Park
Cal Sub Home Co to Mrs. A.O. Varian lot 62, blk 7, Redwood Park
Andrew P. Schmidt and wf to Manuel M. Silva lot 12 blk 100, South San Francisco
Dougall, lot 34 blk 18, Salada Beach (as printed)
R.W. Walker to Sarah P. Hammond lot 16 blk 103 South San Francisco
Edwin B. Fox and wf to J.E. Sumings and wf, portn lot 7 blk 2 range
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to Mile Morgan and wf, lots 21 and 22, blk 12, Hillcrest
Ansel M. Easton and wf to R.C. Stickle, lots 17 and 20 blk 11, Lomita Park
J.B. Viera to Charlotte Barkley, lot 12, lot 81, Granada
Mary J. Bird to Walter M. Bird, lot 16, blk 3, Burl Villa Part Tract
Mary A. Smith and hsb to Lulle B. Kyle lots 1 and 2 blk 3, Burl Villa Park Tract
C.A. Hooper & Co to The Moxley Realty Co, lots 1 to 8, blk 36, Central Park
Edw P. Dunn to Josephine S. Dunn, portn lot 5 blk 12 Sch H. Land Assn
Nelson E. Sager to Carolline A. Reusche, portn sec 25, twp 5, S.R. 5 W.

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