San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
17 Oct 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
October 17 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 29
Friday, October 17, 1913

Charles W. JOHNSON, aged 43, Daly City and Evelyn H. ETTRICH, aged 39, Alameda
C.T. EASTMAN, aged 28, Oakland, and Roe RUDDELL, aged 21, Alameda
James W. MURDOCK, aged 27 and Luella MILLER, aged 21, both of San Francisco
Lloyd COOPER, aged 29, and Blanche ALLEN, aged 24, both of San Francisco
Jean HINTERMAN, aged 27, and Frank SCHLESINGER aged 25, both of San Francisco
Frank BASNINI, aged 21, San Jose, and Virginia CANTAL, aged 20, Santa Clara
Bertrand H. COOLEY, age 33, and Hester J. RICKARD, aged 31, both of San Francisco
George Roy SIEGWALD, aged 22, Palo Alto, and Catherine WILLIAMS, age 22, San Francisco
William STEVENS, age 41, and Lena PARTRIDGE, age 40, both of San Francisco
Various Cases Coming Before the County Tribunal of Justice for Adjudication
In the matter of Grace Presbyterian Church – Petition to mortgage real property granted.
T.J. BRADY vs L.S. READING – Motion to strike out continued to October 23
S. CHERVIN vs S. KUSHNER – Continued to October 23
A.G. KELLY et al vs S.H. COWELL et al – Demurrer continued to October 23
H.H. SILLERS vs Geo. HOWARD et al – Demurrer continued to October 23
W.J. CALDWELL vs Lucille CALDWELL – Judgment ordered in favor of plaintiff
E.D. CONNOLLY vs M. BOZZO et al – Demurrer continued to October 23
Elizabeth CAMPBELL vs P.J. CAMPBELL – Notice of motion for maintenance continued to October 23
E.J. CRAMZA vs Leslie Salt Refining Co – Case set for trial for November 18
Ira M. COBE vs J. HAYDEN – Trial continued to October 28
Joe Wilson Printing Co. vs Louise MATTHAI – Demurrer continued to October 23
Mrs. B.A. BARNEY vs E.F. FITZPATRICK – Decree granted
Granite Rock Co vs W.H. UNDERHILL – Petition for writ of mandate continued to October 23
In the matter of the termination of the community interest of Annie COOGAN in certain property near Redwood City – Order terminating same and title vested in husband of deceased.
Mary TAYLOR vs B. TAYLOR – Continued to October 16
Royal A. CARTER et al vs Etta M. SIMPSON – Demurrer submitted
People vs Carl KLEVESAHL – Time to plead continued to October 16
Geo. W. McGINN vs D.S. DORN – Demurrer submitted
The suit of Mrs. L.H. BARNEY against her grandson, Benjamin B. STANLEY, which has been pending for some time on the calendar, has been amicably adjusted and settled to the mutual satisfaction of all.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Jennie SILVERNAIL from Goldie SILVERNAIL. The interlocutory decree was granted October 9, 1912, on the ground of extreme cruelty. The plaintiff resides in South San Francisco.
R.F. CHILCOTT, inheritance-tax appraiser of the estate of Bridget CUNNINGHAM, deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The property of the estate consists of lot 10, block 47, Eastern Addition to Redwood City, appraised at $600.
Rosa QUADRO has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of her husband, John Quadro, who was drowned at Pescadero September 29. The estate consists of four parcels of real estate in and near Pescadero, valued at about $10,000, and personal property consisting of 11 head of horses, eight head of cattle and farming utensils valued at $1500. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $13,000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, wife of the (end of column)
(beginning next column) ages range from one to 20 years, Franklin SWART is attorney for the petitioner.
Mary Silva COASTA has brought suit against her daughter-in-law, Katherine SILVA, to have the marriage of defendant and Albert SILVA, son of the plaintiff, annulled and set aside on the ground that young SILVA was not of legal age when he was married December 2, 1911. The complaint alleges that the boy will not be 21 until April 12, 1914. Mrs. COSTA was divorced from her former husband in 1911 and at that time the court awarded the custody of Albert to his mother. She has since married again. All the parties to the action reside in San Mateo.
The jury in the case of Frank H. POOR, against the W.P. Fuller Co. brought in a verdict last Thursday afternoon in favor of the plaintiff for $3000. The jury was not out more than 15 minutes. On July 1, 1912, Frank H. POOR was employed at the W.P. Fuller paint works at South San Francisco and was seriously injury by a falling box, it is alleged, through the carelessness of the company. A chute was located on the second ------- of the company’s building, ---- which boxes weighing 25 pounds were sent to the first floor. One of the boxes struck POOR, inflicting severe injuries. He was laid up for several months and may never regain the use of his right arm. He brought suit for $10,000. At the trial much expert testimony was presented by both sides.
M.J. HYNES, guardian of the person and estate of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person, appeared in court with his attorneys in response to a citation issued some time ago requiring him to appear and show cause why he should not pay Archer KINCAID $15,000 attorney fees for services rendered the aged capitalist and extending over five years. The attorneys for HYNES objected to the procedure, raising the point that the court had no jurisdiction. No objection was made to the claims. The court agreed with counsel and suggested that a claim be filed with the guardian, who could, if he saw fit, reject it, and KINCAID could then sue on the bill and in that way the matter might be properly determined by the court. KINCAID also agreed that the suggestion was a good one and that it would be the proper procedure. The citation was dismissed and KINCAID will at once file a claim with the guardian. HYNES promised to expedite matters to that the case could be determined shortly.
Estate of Ellen S. MacGOWAN, deceased – Petition for partial distribution continued to November 20
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person – Order made directing guardian to pay costs.
Estate of Elmer E. JOHNSTON, deceased – Frances A. JOHNSTON granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $4000
Estate of Sarah HENDERSON, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of R. GEGAX, deceased – Petition for letters of administration continued to October 23.
Estate of Robert SECTREM, deceased – First and final account and petition for distribution continued to October 23.
Estate and guardianship of Nicholas WALSH, an incompetent person – First and final account of guardian allowed and settled.
Estate of C.H. MERO, deceased – Final account allowed and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Bridget DUNN, deceased – Josephine DUNN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $1000
Estate of James J. McSWEENEY, deceased – James T. O’KEEFE appointed administrator with bond fixed at $400.
Estate and guardianship of Helen M. LANE, a minor – Sale of real property confirmed.
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
Charles MILLER agrees to erect for Grover C. ELAM in 75 days a dwelling on lot 9, block 9, Wellesley Park, for $2714. This does not include the finish hardware, hardwood floor material and interior painting.
F.W. SNOOK agrees to do the plumbing work on the new C.Frederick KOHL building at Easton for $2872.
Amerigo MICHELETTI, a young Italian resident of Colma, died at Mary’s Help Hospital Sunday morning as the result of an automobile accident on Saturday night near South San Francisco.
MICHELETTI was in a machine driven by a man named PERASSO, who resides in Athens street, and with them was Albert A. MOLFINO, an attorney.
The steering gear broke and the car ran into a ditch and was overturned. MICHELETTI’s back was broken and he lived only a few hours after being taken to the hospital. He was a native of Italy and 26 years of age.
G.F. EADE and son, Ivan, of Chico, came home Saturday on a short visit, returning Tuesday.
Al McDONALD of Eureka, Humbolt county, is visiting his sister, Mrs. E.A. COLLINS, in Daly City
Mrs. E.A. COLLINS and family have returned from Hayward, where they spent a six-weeks’ vacation
Sidney HARRIS is excavating his lot on Santa Ana avenue, preparatory to purring up a nice bungalow.
Miss Blanche CARROLL of Napa county arrived in Daly City Wednesday for a visit with her sister Mrs. _.W. MELVIN.
C.A. GONZALES, the new barber at Colma, who bought the Clark shop in the White House building, is a nice gentleman and a first class tonsorial artist.
Mrs. Louis SNOOK and son, J.H. COLE, of Beckwith, Placer county, arrive in Daly City Monday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. SQUIRE on Park Avenue.
Mrs. A. McGUE, who lives on Vista avenue, suffered a slight paralytic stroke last week, affecting the right side. She is recovering rapidly and is able to be around.
Mrs. Otto ZOELLNAR Charges Spouse With Abandonment
The long arm of the law is after Otto ZOELLNAR, who disappeared about two weeks ago. Last Friday, Mrs. ZOELLNAR swore to a complaint before Justice of the Peace McCORMICK, charging her husband with abandonment and neglect of his wife. She believes he has eloped to Honolulu with Herthe MEHRSTEDT, a young Oakland woman, whose strange disappearance has baffled the police.
Mrs. ZOELLNAR says that her husband quit his job at the San Mateo Plaining Mill, where he was employed as a cabinetmaker, and told her that he had been discharged and was going to Bay Point to work and that she should follow as soon as he got located. He asked her if she had any money, saying be would need some for his board until he got paid, and she gave him all she had. He also collected money due them on some Richmond property, leaving his wife practically penniless.
A letter said to have been written by the MEHRSTEDT girl to ZOELLHAR. It had been sent to the planing mill, but as ZOELLNAR was not there it was delivered at the family home on Fourth avenue. This epistle, which was rather lengthy, told of the love of its writer for ZOELLNAR. It was signed simply "H", but Mrs. ZOELLNAR identified the handwriting as that of Miss MEHRSTEDT, whom she says was a frequent visitor at their home in Alameda, where they lived prior to coming to San Mateo a short time ago. This love letter decided Mrs. ZOELLNAR to all parts of the State and the authorities at Honolulu have been notified. San Mateo Index
Overrules Precedents Established by Judge BUCK
Holding that under the present laws women cannot serve on juries, Judge George CABANESS of San Francisco completely upset the precedents established by Judge George H. BUCK, in whose court he is sitting, and refused to allow women to be jurors in the trial of the COBURN case, which started Tuesday.
The long legal battle which started this week is the third fight waged by Loren COBURN, the octogenarian land owner of Pescadero, to be allowed to handle the affairs of his $1,500,000 estate. The aged millionaire, who is now in his eighty-seventh year, was declared incompetent by the courts four years ago. He appealed the case and was granted a new trial, at which he was again declared incompetent. He has now brought an action to have his competency restored.
An array of legal talent represents both COBURN and M.H. HYNES, his guardian and administrator of the estate, who is opposing the action.
When Mrs. Catherine GREEN of Daly City was examined Tuesday morning Judge CABANISS made his ruling that women would not be allowed to serve unless both counsel stipulated. Attorneys for the guardian objected and he excused Mrs. GRENN, Miss Julia IAGO of South San Francisco and Mrs. Ella TALCOTT of Daly City, the three women on the venire, from further service.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Andrew TAFT, an old-time resident of this county, died in San Francisco last Thursday at the advanced age of 86 years. He was a native of the State of New York and for many years past resided in Moss Beach. Mr. TAFT owned the stage line between Half Moon Bay and San Mateo, from 1860 to 1870 drove a stage coach himself. He was highly respected and beloved by all the old timers of the county.
An improvement and social club was organized at Salada Beach at a recent date with R. McDONALD president, C. GUSTERSON vice-president and Mrs. STRONG secretary-treasurer. This club has several improvements to make, among which are the organization of a highway-lighting district and the establishment of a water system, owned and controlled by the people.
Mrs. H.H. McCLOSKEY of Salada Beach was a city visitor last Wednesday. Attorney and Mrs. McCLOSKEY own the castle-like house on the height overlooking Salada Beach and have expended to date over $24,000 on the same, and at the present time are spending $5000 in building retaining walls and an observation tower.
Mrs. Joseph NASH of Redwood City, wife of County Clerk NASH is here visiting her parents, J.F. WIENKE and wife. – Comet
BERTINI Brothers of Colma visited Montara Sunday with a view of leasing 20 acres of land for violet gardens.
A crew of men under the management of John SWANSON Have reopened the Ransom rock quary at the tunnel.
Miss Annie SAVAGE, who is attending school in Moss Beach, is visiting her mother and friends at Half Moon Bay.
E. OLNEY of San Francisco has purchased the house at Half Moon Bay formerly occupied by Editor GARWOOD. This house is now being occupied by Mrs. OLNEY and a daughter, Margaret.
Robert F. GALLAGHER’s house at Farrallone, which is being built at a cost of over $10,000, is nearly completed. This building is one of the neatest and best built houses on the entire Coast Side and would be a credit to any community.
Rev. MOMTGOMERY, the new pastor of Trinity Episcopal church, who went to New York recently to be ordained, will arrive here with his family the first of the month. He has rented the MacBain house on Mills avenue for a long period. The Mongomerys will be a splendid acquisition to Menl Park society.
J.R. DALY, for several years the obliging Wells Fargo agent here, will depart on the first of the month, accompanied by his family to become the agent for the company at San Rafael. The agency here will be given to Mr. WARDWELL, the local station agent, and the business of the company will be done at the depot. All deliveries will be from that place. Mr and Mrs. DALY carry with them to their new home the best wishes of the people of Menlo Park.
George LOWANS Injured
Motorcycle Policeman George LOWANS of San Mateo county was painfully injured Sunday afternoon while in pursuit of a speeding automobile on the State Highway near Millbrae. Another machine crossed his path with the evident intent of blocking his pursuit, and to avoid a collision he skidded the motorcycle to the ground and knocked insensible. He was taken to the Red Cross Hospital in San Mateo, where it was found that he had a badly wrenched back.
Tuesday morning LOWANS was removed from the hospital to his home at Colma, where he is getting along nicely though he will be laid up for some time as his back was very badly strained in the terrific fall.
Suspect May Be Deported
Fred LEVY, who is being held in the county jail on the charge of murdering John ANDERSON, may be deported to Australia and escape prosecution. The British Consulate made the offer to District Attorney Franklin SWART and, since there is little evidence with which to press the murder charge against LEVY, it is probable that the authorities will permit LEVY’s return to Australia.
LEVY went hunting with ANDERSON on the HOBART estate in Hillsborough and returned alone. He reported to the authorities that his companion was lost. The next day ANDERSON’s body with a bullet hole through the head was found by the officers. LEVY later admitted that he knew ANDERSON was dead and that he had found the body with a pistol beside it and had placed the weapon in ANDERSON’s hand. He said he did this so that he would not be suspected of killing his friend.
C.D. HAYWARD, the popular Assessor, is spending his two weeks’ vacation in the wilds of Humbolt county, whipping the streams for trout and salmon.
Mr. HANARAN, the contractor of the highway, says that the road from Redwood City to within four hundred feet of the San Francisquito bridge will be finished by November 5th. The bridge is expected to be completed two weeks later.
Tax Collector McSWEENEY has prepared his office for receiving taxes by the installation of a new cashier’s counter and otherwise rearranging his office for the convenience of the clerks.
P.J. SULLIVAN went to Santa Clara valley last week to lay in a large supply of wine for the coming year.
George BUCKINGHAM and mother have just returned from a trip to their old home in Indiana. They report having the time of their lives.
J. GONZINSKI of the Third Addition lost his home by fire last week. It was a total loss, with an insurance of $1000.
Miss LINSAY, a successful homebuilder of Lomita Park, will soon take a pleasure trip to Honolulu.
Mrs. HENSLEY was visiting her brother, A.T. GREEN, Wednesday
Mrs. Celia BRACKEN applied for and was granted dance hall license. Marshal Lucy stated that he had been assured that no tough dancing would be permitted.
Miss Julia DONOVAN, 115 Green avenue, asked for the transfer of her merchant’s liquor license to A.A. HINES, her successor in business.
Mrs. Otto GROSS applied for merchant’s liquor license for her new store at 325 Green avenue and the same was granted.
T.J. Churchill and wife to S.P. Hicks, lot 13, Baldwin & Howell’s subdivision, San Mateo Park
S.P. Hicks and wife to R.M. Smith, same property as above
J.H. Skinner to A.B. Savage, lot 1 block M, San Mateo Heights
Ansel M. Easton to City of Burlingame 1.3 acres, Easton addition to Burlingame
A. Niemietz to H McElearney, lots 19 and 64, block L, San Bruno Park
W.F. Rippon to E.L. Rippon, lot 6 block 2, Burlingame Park
W.B. Dowling to Ella E. Dowling, lot 3, block 14, Burlingame Park
John Ballod to Anna Ballod lot 4 block 29A, Howard addition to San Mateo
Kern Neilan Co. to L.T. Kibler, lots 35 and 36, block 1, $75 Lot Homestead
Ocean Shore Development Co. to W.A. Porter lots 14 and 16 block 19, Marine View Terrace
Crocker Estate Co. to J. Hass lots 16 and 17, block 13, Crocker Tract
R.H. Smith to E.B. Keifer, lot 39 block 4, Huntington Park
Susan H. Lindsay to Anna L. Featherstone, lots 45 and 46, block L, San Bruno Park
F and A Levy Co. to Annie M. Rone, lots 18 and 19 block I, Miramontes Tract
California Banking Co. to T. Field, portion lot 3, block 13, Lomita Park subdivision 3
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Dr. F.S. Carpenter, lots 18 and 19, block 25, Easton addition to Burlingame
Redwood Highlands Co to Floyd L. Baird and Earl D. Baird lots 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16, block 4, Redwood Highlands
Susan Hayward et al to Cypress Lawn Improvement Co., lot 4, block 167, Abbey Homestead
Mary R. Mattos to Manuel Bennett, lot 4, Coreia’s addition to Pescadero
Bessie Carrick to L.W. Schweitzer, portion lot 13, block 18, Burlingame Land Co
Ansel M. Easton and wife to C.A. Meyers, lot 1 block 15, Lomita Park
P. Taminelli and wife to E. Galli, lot 36, block 118, South San Francisco
H.D. McGarvey to A. Campagne, portion lot 11, block 7, Eastern addition to Redwood
F.J. Duart and wife to Adolph Gehringer et al, lot 13, block 5, Vista Grande
H.A. Sala and wife to A.G. Sala, lots 17 and 18, block 12, East San Mateo
Levy Bros to L.L. Bousolin, portion block 33, Eastern addition to San Mateo
Hensley Green Co to H.A. Miller, lots 16 and 17, block 9, San Bruno Park
F.L. Baird et al to H.A. Norman, lot 18, block 4, Dingee Park
Josephine K. Lamb and husband to City of Burlingame, portion lot 8, block 5, Town of Burlingame
L. Tournahu and wife to Fred A. Cunningham, portion lots 1 and 2, block 128, South San Francisco
F.A. Cunningham and wife to L.Tournahu, same as above
Arthur G. Duncan and wife to S.L. Clonsky, lot 33, block 2, Crocker Estate Tract
Samuel Clonsky and wife to A.G. Duncan, lot 35, block 23, Crocker Tract
Pulgas Land Co to M.W. Morrison, lot 123, Gray Tract
Viola L. Elson to Mamie Monges, portion lot 16, villa lots at Fair Oaks
J.P. Britt to J.H. Hatch, portion block 11, Town of Burlingame
Chas W. Iverson to C.J. Field, lot 5 block 3, Lomita Park
C.J. Field and wife to J.M. Reynolds and wife, same as above
Ella Roberts and husband to G.S. Haly and wife, lots 3, 4, and 5, block 56, Montara.
J.P. Slack to G.S. Haly and wife, lots 3, 4, 5 asnd 6, block 56, Montara
M. Usitalo to O. Porss, lot 3 block 63 Granada
Noble Jones Co to C.G. Johnson, lots 37 and 38, block 29, Vista Grande
C.A. Hooper & Co. to C. Ludwig, lots 14 and 24, block 3, Jefferson avenue addition to Redwood
H. Dernham and wife to C.E. McFarland, 3.24 acres, Highland Park
San Carlos Park Syndicate to Southern Pacific Co., lot 4, block 12, Town of San Carlos
H.A. Hornlien to Annie J. Campe, lot 36 and south ½ of lot 35, block J, Hayward Park
Bowie Estate Co. to H.W. Lascolle, lots 13 and 14, block 1, Central addition to San Mateo
R.M. Barron to W.H. Eddy, lot 5, block 11, Lomita Park
Halfmoon Bay Land Co. to G.A. Clausser, lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 12, lots 5, 6, and 7, block 13, lot 2, block 15, Highland Park, Halfmoon Bay
M.J. Bernardo to C.M. Doxsee, lots 22, 23, and 24, block 10, lots 4, 31 and 32, block 27, lots 2, 3, 41 and 46, block 2, lots 1, 2, 10, 26 and 27, block 13, Bernardo Station Tract
C.M. Doxsee to H. Schuldt lots 22, 23, and 24, block 10, Bernardo Station Tract
Albert Meyer to F.A. Winterberg, lot 21, block A, Fair Oaks Acres
J.W. Williams and wife to H.P. Williams, lot 63, block 4, North Fair Oaks
F & A Levy Co to J.C. Osfield, lot 6, block 2, Miramontes Tract

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