San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
24 Oct 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
October 24 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 30
Friday, October 24, 1913

Joe ROSE, aged 24, and E. RILEY, aged 18, both of San Francisco
Oliver F. BUNCH, aged 47, and Comfort POST, aged 47, both of Los Angeles
Joseph W.T. McCLEARIE, aged 35, and Anna C. ONOPIUS, aged 40, both of Santa Rosa
Oscar WEINER, aged 27, San Jose, and Elin TESCKE, aged 20, Alemeda
Henry W. ARNOLD, aged 21, and Mary SEQUERA, aged 19, both of San Mateo
Judge BUCK has selected the following to serve on the grand jury for the ensuring term. They will appear in the Superior Court on November 5. From this number 19 will be selected to serve:
First Township – Jas. CALLAN, Wm. FAHEY, Cora A. GLIDDEN, Maria S. BRAUN, D. BELLI, Julia M. HAWES, Delia F. SPELLMAN, Helen HICKEY, Henry BAKER
Second Township – Carrie A. JURY, Martha E. BILLINGS, Mary P. McLELLAN, Mary M. MILLER, Elizabeth VICKERSON, Leila R. McROSKEY, J.H. HATCH, J.E. CASEY, Wm. F. TURNBULL, W.H. ROEPKE
Third Township – Nellie O’KEEFE, Mary E. FLETCHER, Mary H. GILBERT, Dora WILSON, Augusta GEARY, Walter KNIGHT
Fourth Township – J.V. AZEVEDO, John A. FLINK
Fifth Township – Edgar SHAW, Jas. A. BELL
Various Cases Coming Before the County Tribunal of Justice of Adjudication
Caleb COAKLEY vs. Bessie COAKLEY – Interlocutory decree of divorce granted permission to resume her maiden name.
Gustav WOLF and Ernest HELD have brought suit against the East San Mateo Land Co and W.H. O’BEAR to compel the latter to execute a deed to lot 16, block 13. East San Mateo, in favor of the plaintiffs. The complaint alleges that Ernest HELD on April 12, 1909, contracted for the purchase of the lot. He was to pay $385 for the lot, $77 down and $10 a month until the balance of $318 should be paid. HELD, on October 19, 1912, transferred his interest in the property to WOLF, after paying the amount due. Both now join in the suit and ask that a deed be executed. Plaintiffs also ask damages in the sum of $500 for breach of contract.
Ernestine HUBER has commenced an action against her husband, Joseph HUBER, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the grounds of habitual intemperance and extreme cruelty. The couple was married in Alameda October 15, 1910. They have one child, Ferdinand, aged four months. Plaintiff asks for temporary alimony in the sum of $30 a month, attorney fees of $125 and $25 costs and the custody of the child. HUBER earns $2.75 per day.
C.H. MULLEN has brought suit against W.C.A. KOEHNECKE and others to foreclose a mechanic’s lien on a two-story building in Daly City for $425. Plaintiff erected the house and the amount represents the balance due him from defendants.
The trial of Loren COBURN, the aged Pescadero capitalist, who seeks to be restored to competency, began last week. He was declared incompetent by Judge DOOLING in 1910, and since that time his guardian, M.H. HYNES of San Francisco, has managed his vast estate, which is worth about $1,000,000. Mr. COBURN is making the effort of his life to be restored to competency, that he may get restored to competency, that he may get possession of his holdings gained by years of toil. He is now 87 years of age, but is still hale and hearty. He has gathered a great array of legal talent to make this contest before the Court.
Matthew C. CALLAN, administrator of the estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased, has petitioned the Superior Court to have lots 6, 8, and 9, block 20, School House Land Association, Colma, set aside to Michael CALLAN, father of the petitioner. On July 15, 1886, Michael and Mary CALLAN placed a homestead on the property. Now, as the surviving party, Michael CALLAN seeks through his son to have the title of the land vested in him. Mrs. CALLAN died in 1909.
Mrs. W.N. FLAHERTY, who returned home from Lane Hospital last week, has had a relapse and was again taken to the hospital Tuesday.
S.R. EMMONS has returned from a three week’s stay in Oakland, where he was quite ill during the time. He is now much better and thinks he will soon be well and hearty again.
Miss Elizabeth LORENZ, the esteemed teacher of the Colma school for many years, who resigned recently, was married at San Rafael October 17 to Frederick J. WALSH.
Motorcycle Policeman LOWANS, who was badly injured two weeks ago by being blocked by another machine while in pursuit of a speeder, is improving rapidly and will soon be on the job again.
Another little stranger arrived at the Record home Wednesday noon, October 22, 1913, weighing nine and three-quarter pounds, and her name is Tamsel BROWN. Both mother and child are doing fine.
Roscoe E. BARBER of San Francisco, formerly with the Record, spent a few hours in Daly City Sunday. Mr. BARBER now has a very responsible position with the Southern Pacific ticket department of the H.S. Crocker Co.
In celebrating the erection of his new barn, J.H. DENNIS was so pleased with his builders, Leon FELLMAN and son and Jim CALLAN, that he treated them to a fine dinner at Uncle Tom’s Cabin last Saturday evening.
Dr. Juan de VELEZ of Rio de Janeiro, after a two week’s visit with his sister, Eloise S. de Velez, one of the efficient teachers in the Vista Grande school, left Monday for Los Angeles to remain a few days and then return to his South American home.
Silvio BELLI, who for many years conducted a mercantile business at Colma, gaining a large circle of friends by his always fair business dealings, has sold his hotel at Calistoga, where he went about two years ago, and has returned to his San Mateo county home.
No School Friday
The trustees of the Jefferson school district made a trip of inspection to the various school buildings Wednesday and ordered that Friday be a legal school holiday, in order to allow the teachers and pupils to attend the great Portola celebration.
The following building contacts have been filed in the Country Recorders office:
The Vulcan Iron Works of San Francisco agrees to install a refrigerating and ice plant at St. Matthew’s Red Cross Hospital in San Mateo in 30 days for $1380
R.C. STICKLE agrees to erect for Wm. H. EDDY a one-story frame building at Lomita Park in 90 days for $2600.
Record of Census Taken 115 Years Ago Comes to Light
The earliest record census ever taken in the days of the old Spanish occupation, when California’s population was composed of more Indians than Spaniards – and when the Gringo was practically unknown.
Hidden away under a pile of musty, dusty papers in the office of the Secretary of State, Theodore KYTKA, handwriting expert, discovered the other day the original document of inhabitants on December 31, 1798 – nearly 115 years ago.
A hand-written record, on heavy old Spanish parchment paper, this venerable relic tells that 115 years ago there were exactly 2915 inhabitants in the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Presidio – 206 "Spanish and other castes" in the Presidio proper and 62 in the Villa Branciforte. The rest of the population of what is now the city and county of San Francisco, as well as the peninsula far down the coast, consisted of nine Spanish and 2638 Indians divided between the old Mission Dolores, the Mission Santa Clara, the Mission Santa Cruz and the Mission San Jose.
The population of Santa Cruz in 1798, according to the document, was 512, of which 510 were Indians. The jurisdiction of San Francisco, including the Presidio, Villa de Branciforte and Mission de San Francisco, contained 895 souls, of which 625 were Indians, Santa Clara had 1388 souls, of which only three were of pure Spanish caste, and San Jose had a population of 120, of whom 118 were Indians.
Another Pioneer Gone
W.B. KRAGER, the well known pioneer of San Carlos, passed away early last Friday morning at the Peninsula Hospital in Palo Alto. Deceased was a contractor and builder in San Francisco for more than forty years. He had been a resident of San Carlos for 25 years and was 84 years of age. He leaves a large estate, having accumulated a snug fortune in his business. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Eloper is Bigamist
Constable M. SHEEHAN has received word that Otto ZOELLNAR of San Mateo, who eloped with Miss Hirthe MEHRSTEDT of Oakland, has been apprehended in Portland, Oregon. The couple secured a license and were married there, October 13. As wife desertion is not an extraditable offense, ZOELLNAR will not be brought back to San Mateo, but will probably be tried for bigamy in Portland where that offense was committed.
San Mateo Items
Mrs. H.E. FAURE and Mrs. D.H. BUSH were Portola visitors this week.
Miss Pearl STEEL of Pescadero is visiting among her San Mateo friends this week.
Mrs. STAGG, formerly of San Mateo and now residing near Santa Rosa, is a visitor here.
Mrs. William BUSH has just returned from Michigan, where she had been visiting relatives.
Mrs. James RILEY and daughter, Bessie, spent the week end with friends in Menlo Park.
Henry HAM of the Sacramento Star was in San Mateo Tuesday on a visit to his parents, Mr and Mrs. A.L. HAM
Herbert BONNER, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert BONNER, is a pat4ient at Red Cross Hospital suffering from appendicitis.
Miss Elsie MARTIN is at the Red Cross Hospital suffering from appendicitis. She is doing as well as could be expected.
Miss Marguerite COFFEY has returned to San Francisco after the death of her sister, Mrs. COGGIN, who resided in San Mateo Park.
Mr and Mrs. Frank CAVANAUGH will leave this week to visit Mrs CAVANAUGH’s parents, Mr and Mrs. J.J. HINTZ, on their ranch near Stockton.
Dr. CHIDESTER and Thenlow MURRAY returned Saturday from the mountains where they had been hunting. Each brought back a good limit of mountain quail.
City Attorney C.N. KIRKBRIDE returned Monday from his trip to Venice, Los Angeles county, where he attended the convention of the League of California Municipalities.
Have you noticed Supervisor Wm. H. BROWN since Wednesday, behind that great big smile that has been blocking the streets of San Mateo? It’s a new daughter at his house. Both mother and child are doing fine.
Thomas Sherman GAMBLE, a native of Ohio, aged 26 years, died last Friday, October 17. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss. The remains were shipped from the chapel of McCarthy & Stead to Marshfield, Oregon, for interment.
Richard PENELLY, a native of England, died October 15. He leaves a widow and two daughters, Mrs. J.G. CAMPBELL and Mrs. E.W. SWEENTY. The funeral took place Saturday from the residence, thence to Woodlawn Cemetery, under the management of McCarthy & Stead.
George DIRRUS has brought suit in the Superior Court against Andrew S. BARRON for $5000. DITTUS was kicked by BARRON’s horse October 27, 1912, and after long treatment and operations one of his legs is three inches shorter than the other, making him a permanent cripple.
George Roy SIEGWALD of Palo Alto, who is more or less known in San Mateo, having at one time been employed at the Wilson (now Letham) candy store; was married Tuesday at the parsonage of the Congregational Church by Rev. C.H. STEVENS, to Miss Catherine WILLIAMS of Redwood City.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Miss Gladys SMITH of Los Angeles is visiting her aunt, Miss Anna G. SMITH, for a few days.
Mrs. Harry RODRIGUEZ of Santa Cruz is in Half Moon Bay visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. C.D. SMITH
Harry TEMPLE and Miss Margaret CRAIG of San Francisco spent Sunday on the rocks near the "Devil’s Stew Pot," Moss Beach.
John McCORMICK of Pescadero and the young child of Manuel SOUZA of San Gregorio, who have been very ill, are both doing nicely.
William ISADORE, who has been following the sea for 14 years, paid his sister, Mrs. Joseph MIGUEL Of MIRAMAR, a visit last week.
J.L. DEBENDETTI of San Francisco and San Mateo was in Half Moon Bay the first of the week and leased the Purissima House to John TOMEI.
Mrs. Flora CONNON of Kansas City, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. F.E. HAMLIN and is so well pleased that she will stay the winter and may locate here.
M.B. WIGGINS of Montara is at Half Moon Bay building a big septic tank at Pilorcitos Creek for Joe RUE, Andy GILCREST and Joseph DEBENEDETTI.
Carlo RAFFANTI, one of the best known vegetable growers on the Coast Side, has disposed of his interests and moved to San Francisco with his family.
Mrs. Frederike MAIER has returned from Sacramento, where she went to attend the funeral of a friend, Adolph HEILBRON, a wealthy pioneer merchant of the Capital City.
The E.B. & A.L. Stone Co. of Rockaway Beach is shipping 40 carloads of crushed rock daily to the San Francisco market. This rock is some of the best to be found in the state for building purposes.
Miss Imargard RICHARDS has the lumber on the ground and is having buildings on the ground and is having buildings constructed on her property at Montara preparing for the arrival of her Togenborg goats.
Mr and Mrs. Albert J. EVANS and Mr and Mrs. Henry J. BARTLETT of San Francisco and Oakland have been enjoying a week’s outing at the cottages. This was Mr. Bartlett’s first visit and he was delighted and expects to spend all his vacations here hereafter.
The pupils of the Half Moon Bay High School have organized a student body to have charge of student affairs generally. The officers elected are as follows: Amy SHELDON of Montara, president; Julia AZEVEDO, vice-president; Helen GILCREST, Secretary; Hazel MADONNA, Treasurer.
Miss Hedwig SUFELD, who came across the Atlantic two years ago with Mrs. Frederike MAIER, whose guest she is at present, is so enthused over out peaceful hills and the roaring breakers that she will remain in Farallone. She will be assistant housekeeper in the Robert GALLAGHER home.
Miss Nasari VARGUS, 88 years old, a native of Mexico, who has resided at Half Moon Bay for the past 50 years, died last Monday. The remains were laid to rest by the Native Sons and Daughters of the town. She leaves a sister of the advanced age of 98 years at Half Moon Bay to mourn her loss.
Chas. M. Johnson has returned from Goldfield and reports that the property owners of this section there are greatly enthused over the boulevard that is to be built down the Coast Side from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. Many of them have announced their intention of building at Farallone in the spring.
County Clerk Joseph H. NASH, accompanied by Mrs. NASH, paid a visit to Mr and Mrs. WINKE, the parents of the latter, and to his brother Frank, all of Moss Beach, last Sunday. On his way back to Redwood City Monday they stopped long enough in Half Moon Bay to give "Joe" an opportunity to cross palms with his many friends here.
San Mateo vs. San Bruno
The San Bruno baseball team will be here Sunday to play the San Mateo nine. The game will be called at 2:30 p.m. at the Corporation Yard. Sharon and Larrecou will constitute the battery for San Mateo, while Russell and Lewis will work for San Bruno.
Judge F.W. HENSHAW and Guy P. HULL spent the week end on the coast on a quail hunting trip, returning Sunday with the bag limit. Both are expert shots.
L.P. BEHRENS and family, who have been traveling in Europe, returned home Sunday. They left last June and have made a tour of Europe and the United States.
Rev and Mrs. KIRTLAND of Lodi are here as the guest of Mrs. F.H. THORPE. They expect to remain for a week. Mr. KIRTLAND has recovered from his recent illness.
Donald MacKENZIE is putting the finishing touches in the Treasurer’s office at the courthouse. The new vault is almost ready for use and the office is being put in first class condition.
Fred READ has resigned his position at mail messenger at the post office to take the situation as driver for Wells Fargo. His place at the post office has been filled by the appointment of Joseph MAJOURAN.
Frank MARCUS and Guy HALL shot 33 sprig on the Oakwood Gun Club preserves Wednesday morning. They enjoyed good sport, the birds flying well and strong. The ducks are in splendid condition, fat and plump.
A.B. NICHOLS, the Wells Fargo driver, has resigned his position to accept a clerical situation in the main office in San Francisco. He came here from Niles two years ago and during his residence here has made many friends.
Captain HASTINGS made an exhibit of his Rhode Island Red chickens at the San Jose Poultry show and won the third cockerel and third pullet prizes. The captain is a raiser of fancy poultry and has a fine hennery in Redwood Highlands.
H.O. HEINER and T.C. McGOVERN returned Friday from the McGOVERN ranch on Higgins creek, between Half Moon Bay and Purissima, where they went in pursuit of the wary quail. Both secured the limit. They report the birds plentiful on the coastside.
Percy WEEKS, proprietor of the Woodruff Hotel at LaHonda, pleaded guilty to a charge of selling liquor without a license before Judge Lampkin last Thursday and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50. WEEKS was arrested three weeks ago on information secured by a detective who was hired to trap him.
Four-year old Ruth STEVENS,, daughter of Rev. C.H. STEVENS of the Congregational Church here, owes her life to the pluck of Adrian CARLETON, a senior in the Sequoia Union High School. The child fell into 10 feet of water in Redwood creek and was being carried under a bridge when CARLETON plunged into the water and dragged her to safety.
Commends Women Election Officials
Women make the best election officials, according to District Attorney Franklin SWART, after canvassing the returns of the school bond election held in Burlingame October 14. The District Attorney and the School Board went over the returns Tuesday and did not find a single inaccuracy. This is the first clean record SWART says he has found in the many elections since he has been in office, which he attributed to the women on the election board.
The four women who officiated are well known Burlingame club women, and it was their first experience on election boards. Mrs. Martha m. KREFT and Mrs. Lillian MacBAIN acted as judges in Precinct No. 1 and Mrs. Virginia POHL and Mrs. Medora ROLLINS officiated in Precinct No. 2.
Society Leaders Back From East
Mr and Mrs. Fritz KING have returned to California after an extended trip through the East. They visited relatives in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Annapolis. The KINGs returned to San Francisco last week and after a short stay at the Palace Hotel came to their home here, where they will spend the winter. Mr and Mrs. Boswell KING and William KING, who is a student at the University of California, visited their parents over the week end. While in the East Mr and Mrs. KING were entertained by their son and daughter-in-law, Ensign and Mrs. Starr KING, who are stationed at Annapolis.
** **
In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo
In the matter of the Estate of John I. HOGAN, Deceased No. 16900
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Thomas J. HOGAN, administrator of the estate of the said John I. HOGAN, deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, or his estate, to exhibit and present them with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice (made October 24th, 1913) to the administrator of said estatae, at the law office of Henry Ward BROWN, on Washington street, between Dunks and Briggs streets, in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California, the same being the place hereby designated by said administrator for the tranaction of the business of the said estate of John I. HOGAN, deceased.
Dated, October 24, 1913
Administrator of the Estate of John I. Hogan, deceased
Henry Ward Brown, Attorney for said Administrator, Colma, San Mateo County, Cal.
E.B. Rippon et al to M. Jorgensen, portion block 4, Brighton Beach
M.J. Bernardo and wife to F. Schneider, portion blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, Bernardo Station Tract
E. Richardson to R.E. McGlynn and wife lot 12, block 16, Millbrae Villa Tract
A.C. Lund and wife to F.A. Dixon, lots 29, 30, 31 and 32, block 2, Redwood Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Mrs. F.W. Weihe, lot 20, block 24, Easton Addition to Burlingame
Sophia T. Hooper to H.C. Beatty, 100 acres near Woodside
Edwin A. Bias to San Mateo Savings Bank, lot 9, Baldwin & Howells subdivision, San Mateo Park
Hensley Green Co to G.H. Erickson lots 37 and 38, block 15, San Bruno Park
T.C. Fry to W.D. Randall, lots 1 and 2 block 53, Redwood Park
J. Mazzetti and wife to C. DeLucca lot 49, block 97, Martin’s subdivision, South San Francisco
Geo. H. Irving to Mary Kingsford, lot 13, block 5, Subdivision Menlo Oaks
Ocean Shore Development Co to L.P. Dickenson, lot 11, block 5, Marine View Terrace Tract
Owners Realty Co to H.S. Williams, lot 15, block 18, City of Naples
Shore Line Investment Co to C. Dunfield, lot 3, block 95, Granada
Hensley Realty Co. to G.A. Johnson, lots 10 and 12, block 5, Town of Baden
A.E. Wyant to Mrs. Minnie L. Wyant lot 10 block 3, Mirimar Terrace
Maud P. Geiser et al to E. Paynter lot 4 block 14, Burlingame Grove
Same to C.M. Paynter lot 4 block 4 same tract
Oaks Co to F. Menghelli lot 6 block 63 Dumbarton Oaks
Same to J. Gianini lots 18 and 19 block 58 Dumbarton Oaks
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. to Union Ice Co., 1 acre portion Buri Buri Rancho
Crocker Estate Co to H. Simons, lots 35 and 36 block 22 Crocker Tract
Rockaway Beach Co. to S. Tofaneli, lot 15 block 22, Rockaway Beach
Same to H.Y. Hasham lot 10 block 2 Rockaway Beach
Same to W.L. Corbier lot 11 block 5 same tract
West Redwood Land Co to Mike Farnsworth Lot 30 blk 2W Redw
J.W. Winniams to J. Mattenberger Portion Sec 26 tp 7 S.R. 3 W
F. Mattenberger to David Abbugi same as above
Atlas Land Co to A. Ormonde lots 14, 15, blk B, Redondo Beach
Same to S. Lague and wife lots 6, 7, blk 11, Bernardo Sta. Tract
M.J. Hynes, Admr to E. Lewis, Portion lot 41, blk 4, Castle Tract, Homstead Assn
M Almon et al to P.J. Kennedy portion lot 22 blk 3 School House Extension Land Assn
Lillie E. Brown to H.T.M. Mouptfleisch lot 2 block 3 Shore Acres Sub
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to South San Francisco Lot Com., lot 1 block C, Peck’s subdivision, South San Francisco
Rockaway Beach Co to Wm. Ehlers and wife, lot 23 block 8, Rockaway Beach
Same to Mary J. Richards lot 22 block 8 Rockaway Beach
Chas M. Johnson and wife to A.C. Lillard lot 10 block 4 Farrallon City
Hensley Green Co to Mordien Knudsen lot 18 block N San Bruno Park
J.A. Sequera and wife to H.W. Arnold portion block 34 Western Addition to San Mateo
Brighton Beach Land and Amusement Co. to W.H. Martin, lot 17, block 32 Brighton Beach
Clara L. Bull and husband to A.B. Jardine portion Millbrae Villa tract
Lona Finke to Luigi Baggio et al lots 8 and 9 and portions of lots 3 and 7, block 71, Abbey Homestead

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