San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
31 Oct 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
October 31 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 31
Friday, October 31, 1913

O.H. MOHR, aged 35, and Mayme E. CAMP, aged 35, both of San Francisco
Ernest O.(?) FEILING, aged 32, and Lavina M. JAEKLE, aged 28, both of Los Angeles
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
The Troy Laundry Machinery Co. agrees to install a laundry system in St. Matthew’s Red Cross Hospital at San Mateo in 60 days for $3285
John F. BOULARD agrees to erect a five room dwelling at Daly City for A.P. MAKOWER in 90 days for $2415
Charles MILLER agrees to erect a dwelling on lot 13 block 17, Dingee Park for Mamie A. STANSBUY and her husband J.R. STANSBUY, for $2775
Cases Pending in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Richard HALE has filed a petition to terminate the homestead to his property on Heller street, Redwood City. The homestead was made by his wife in 1875. She has since died, and the purpose of the proceedings is to vest the title in the petitioner.
Geo. W. McGINN vs D.S. DORN – Demurrer sustained and plaintiff allowed 10 days to amend complaint.
Judge George CABANISS on last Thursday granted a final decree of divorce to Worthington AMES from Norma P. AMES. The interlocutory decree was granted October 15, 1912. By the terms of the latter decree the two minor children, Frances W. AMES and Edgar P. AMES, are given to for six months to the plaintiff and for the other six months they are to be in charge of the defendants. When in the custody of the father he is to correctly inform the mother of the whereabouts of the children and when they are in the custody of they defendants she is to likewise truthfully inform the father of their whereabouts. Up until their separation the AMES maintained a beautiful home at Atherton. The defendant was formerly Miss Norma P. PRESTON, daughter of the late Edgar Preston, who, in his life time, maintained a palatial residence at Portola.
Mary Costa AZEVEDO and others have commenced an action against Margaret COSTA to compel her to give an accounting of property transferred to her by Manuel COSTA, who died at Halfmoon Bay September 24, 1913. The plaintiffs and defendant are children of Manuel COSTA.
Emma C. THOMAS has brought suit against George McCARTHY, as administrator of the estate of Joseph ENRIGHT, deceased, and L.E. LINEHAN, as administratrix of the estate of Mary A. THOMAS, deceased, to quiet title to lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 block 195, Abbey Homestead Association, Colma.
Oscar HOGDON has brought suit against the Western Shore Lumber Co to quiet title to a quarter section of land near Pescadero. The property is described as follows: Section 10, township 8 south, range 4 west, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian.
H.W. SCHABERG, appraiser of the estate of Joseph D. MULLEN, deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $3578.50. It consists of household furniture, valued at $78.50; lot 5 block 18, San Mateo appraised at $1500; lot 6 block 18 appraised at $1000; and an undivided one-half interest in lot 8, block 2, San Francisco, valued at $1000.
J.P. LYNCH, H.W. SCHABERG and F.S. GRUMMER, appraisers of the estate of Joseph G. McCARTHY, deceased have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $19,487.02. It consists of fixtures and effects in connection with the undertaking business owned by the deceased valued at $2734.68; a half interest in eight promissory notes $7252.34, the McCarthy home on Baldwin avenue, San Mateo $6500 and a lot in Oakland, appraised at $3000.
Mrs. Emery BROWN and daughter of Oroville, Butte county, are visiting Mrs. J.M. PITTS
Mrs. John GUTTERSON spent Sunday in Daly City visiting her little daughter, Gracie, at Willard L. McKAY’s
Mrs. FRAZIER of Petaluma, after visiting her niece, Mrs. Cassie CAMPBELL, during Portola week, returned home Monday.
Mrs. Hazel RUSSELL, Daly City’s excellent postmistress, has taken a room with Mrs. Eloise S. d’VELEZ, during her husband’s absence at Chico.
Algert J. GREEN has returned from Modesto, where he has been employed doing the sheet metal work on a large building for the past three months.
Mrs. James CARNES was called to Oakland by the death of Robert M. MEANS, a prominent citizen of Oakland and an old friend of the CARNES family.
Mrs. James KENNEDY, who recently arrived from Rocklin, Place county, has gone to the McNutt hospital for the purpose of having an operation performed.
John CARNES came down Tuesday from his ranch near Sacramento and remained a couple of days to fix up his Los Angeles avenue residence, preparatory to renting same.
Mr and Mrs. KAHN moved yesterday from 305 Wellington avenue to the beautiful new A. WINKLER residence at 220 Los Angeles avenue.
Mrs. H.F. HOWARD has returned from her summer home in San Mateo. During her absence Mr. HOWARD has made extensive improvements on their home at 305 Wellington, so that when completed it will be a model of convenience and beauty.
Mrs. H.C. ROTHWELL gave a luncheon yesterday at her home, with the following present: Mrs. Ivan EADE and her sister, Mrs. A. MAEHL, Mrs. Willard L. McKAY, Mrs. H.H. SMITH and Mrs. Clara SMITH, Mrs. Cassie CAMPBELL, Mrs. Edward FREYER.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
John KYNE is building a tank house on his property at Moss Beach
Alex BONGZANI of Hotel Princeton visited friends in Martinez last week.
The Half Moon Bay Grammar School has closed on account of the mumps.
C.M. NELSON took his athletic class of boys to the city to attend the Portola celebration.
Contractor and builder Ben CUNHA is building an addition to the home of J.C. SANTOS at Half Moon Bay.
Seventeen Portola girls from all parts of the State took lunch at Montara Inn Saturday, October 15th.
J.W. GILCREST of Half Moon Bay has been given the contract to put down a well for the Montara Water Co.
Dr and Mrs. J.C. McGOVERN of South San Francisco are at Miramar visiting Mr and Mrs. Thomas QUINLAN
Jos. DEBENEDETTI and family of Half Moon Bay motored to San Francisco last Wednesday to take in the Portola celebration
Rev. MOODY of San Jose, who preached at the Moss Beach church during his vacation at Seal Cove, has been called to Winnipeg
We are advised that the Post Office Department contemplates placing a mail clerk on Ocean Shore trains during the summer of 1914
The MEYERs store at Brighton Beach was robbed one day last week of $40. The thieves entered the store by breaking in a window in the rear of the building
The barns at Half Moon Bay belong to Mrs. P.P. QUINLAN and Mrs. L.B. BERNARD were destroyed by fire Sunday night. The loss is estimated at $1500
Horace NELSON through John L. DEBENEDETTI has leased 60 acres of his land for vegetable gardens to G.J. ROMEI of Princeton. The property is located at Purissima.
Tom BORNEMAN, foreman of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Co., has rented the Ben CUNHA property at Half Moon Bay and he and Mrs. BORNEMAN have taken possession of the same.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. S. McDOWELL of Salada Beach were in Berkeley Sunday where their little son was christened "George Scott Jr." The ceremony took place at the St. John’s Presbyterian church.
M.B. WIGGINS of Montara is to be in charge of the work of macadamizing Sunshine Valley road. The popular and efficient Supervisor Joseph M. FRANCIS has announced that the work will start within two weeks.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. MOWRY’s infant daughter has been christened and an elaborate dinner was served at the Hotel Mosconi, Half Moon Bay, Sunday to ten relatives. The dining room was beautifully decorated with white roses.
M.J. LITTLEPAGE was returned home after being in the Florence Ward Hospital five weeks recovering from a broken shoulder which was the result of being thrown from a street car at 12th and Mission streets, San Francisco.
Mrs. F.H. BALDWIN is occupying her cottage at Marine View. The many friends of Mr and Mrs. Baldwin will be glad to learn that they will be at their home here permanently. They recently lived in Bakersfield.
Joseph M. FRANCIS, Andy GILCREST, Tom JOHNSON and Fred SIMMONS of Half Moon Bay spent several days last week shooting ducks at Alvarado.
Mrs. BRANDIES of Oakland was in Moss Beach last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. SMITH.
John J. GOMES, manager of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Co was in Redwood City Monday transacting business for his company.
Mrs. M. SCOTT of Niles, who is spending a month at Moss Beach, is spending a few days with Mrs. Jessie PALMER of the San Gregorio Hotel.
Frank P. BROPHY, owner of Princeton By-the-Sea, has let a contract to C.C. CHRISTENSEN Of Granada to lay several thousand feet of concrete sidewalk. The work is to start at once.
The rumor has it that Geo. O. RICH and D.S. HINDS, who are in Nevada selling Vallemar and Surf Beach properties have sold over $75,000 worth of property since they left the Coast Side less than two months ago.
Such weather as the Coast Side of San Mateo is now having is the basis of California’s world-wide reputation as a place in which to make a home. It is truly wonderful. Just to live here is worth half a fortune.
Mrs. R. MARTINI of San Francisco is at the Martini ranch at Princeton visiting her son Harry and daughter Mrs. QUILLICI. Mrs. QUILLICI Has just returned from the city, bringing with her a brand new baby daughter.
Vernon E. and Mrs. THROP of Alameda, E. BEDENBACH of Emeryville, Mabel E. Van WERT of San Francisco and Wm. A. PLUMMER of Mill Valley were guests at Nyes Hotel last Sunday.
Lonora LANE, the popular Halfmoon Bay teacher, was here last week on a short vacation. The schools at Halfmoon Bay were closed on account of an epidemic of mumps.
Ray GRIFFIN entered the Lane Hospital in San Francisco last Thursday to undergo a thorough examination by specialists in hope that he may be cured of his present malady.
W.J. McGARVEY is very ill at his apartments in the Sequoia Hotel. Two nurses are in attendance. He will be confined to his bed for some time.
Mrs. W.W. BEESEON was stricken with nervous prostration in San Francisco last week and is critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.E. HAYDEN.
Mrs. E.J. ENSOR spent the past week in Santa Cruz where she went as the representative of Sequoia Chapter at the annual session of the Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.
All the business houses were closed Friday to give an opportunity to everyone to attend the Portola festivities in San Francisco. All the early morning trains took large crowds to the scene of pleasure. While the banks and courthouse were kept open very little business was done.
Tax Collector McSWEENEY returned from Pescadero and San Gregorio Friday from his annual tour of gathering taxes. He says that the property owners responded liberally, many paying both installments of taxes. Mr. McSWEENEY left Saturday morning for Half Moon Bay to gather the shekels from the farmers and other real estate owners.
San Bruno Items
Mr and Mrs. SCHRAM were aboard with their new baby a few days ago and handled it with all the experience of veterans.
Mr. GOLINZINSK, who lost his home by fire last week, received his insurance money from the London Insurance Co. Monday.
Geo. Bacon, wearing a smile that won’t come off, was visiting his old neighbors in his new auto last week.
Mr and Mrs. HAMMOND of Lomita Park have moved to Marysville to remain. He has charge of a large subdivision of small farms.
Display at California Land Shows Is Awarded Many Prizes
The varied displays in the San Mateo county exhibit at the land show were awarded twelve gold medals. It was the originality of the exhibit which earned these prizes and met with the high regard of the judges. San Mateo County Day, which was Portola Day, brought forth the record attendance of 39,000 people at the land show.
Following is a list of the San Mateo county exhibits for which gold medals were awarded:
Most varied home industry exhibit, Manufacturing exhibit, Meritorious exhibit, MacRarie & McLaren Co., exhibit of bay trees; Henry MAIER, exhibit of shrubbery; Steiger Terra Cotta Pottery Works, Pottery Ware; Leslie Salt Refining Co., unique salt display; Western Meat Co., best meat products display; E.H. RIXFORD (la Questa Wine,) meritorious exhibit, G. ROGNIER, garden ornaments in pompeilian stone works; and Shaw-Butcher Pipe Co., steel pipe.
The following articles of incorporation have been filed in the County Clerk’s office:
The Union Ice Co. has incorporated with a capital stock of $2,000,000 divided into 20,000 shares at a par value of $100 each. The purpose of the incorporation is to manufacture and harvest ice and the principal place of business is San Francisco. The actual amount of stock subscribed is $500 by the following stockholders, who subscribe one share each: E.W. HOPKINS, H.L. TEVIS, F.G. DRUM, Timothy HOPKINS, and Charles A. GROW.
The Daly City Auto Club has incorporated for the mutual education and enjoyment of its members. There is no capital stock. The trustees are D.E. MULLIGAN, Colin McDONALD and Frank PREVOST, all residing in San Francisco.
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County of San Mateo
State of California
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are partners transacting business in the County of San Mateo, State of California, under the firm name and style of M. BELLI & Co.; that the names in full of all the members of such partnership, and their respective places of residence are:
Ernesta BELLI, residing at Colma, County of San Mateo, California
Evo ANTRACCOLI, residing at Colma, County of San Mateo, California
Urbano GRANUCCI, residing at Colma, County of San Mateo, California
And we further certify that there is no other partner, or partners interested in, concerned with or sharing the profits of such partnership. That our principal place of business is at Colma, in said County of San Mateo.
In witness whereof, we have rereunto set out hands and seals this 17th day of October, A.D. 1913
State of California
County of San Mateo
On this 17th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, before me, Henry Ward BROWN, a Notary Public in and for the County of San Mateo, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Ernesta Belli, Evo Antraccoli, Urbano Granucci known to me to be the persons described in, whose names are subscribed to, and who executed the annexed and foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the County of San Mateo, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Mateo, State of California
(ENDORSED) Filed in the office of the County Clerk of San Mateo County, Cal., October 28, 1913
JOS. H. NASH, County Clerk
By: E.L. FALVEY, Deputy Clerk
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record Friday, October 31, 1913, and continued five (5) times
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Notice is hereby given that all common undertakings, businesses and partnerships heretofore existing or intended to be established by or between ANDREW VIRENO and MARCELLO VERNENGO, whether conducted, or so to be under the style "A. VIRENO AND CO.," "A VIRENO’S WINE VAULTS," "VIRENO’s WINE VAULTS," or otherwise, with headquarters in Daly City, California, have been mutually dissolved this 15th day of October, 1913. ANDREW VIRENO
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record, Friday, October 31, 1913, and then on November 7, 1913.
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Crocker Estate Co. to Hugo Hultberg, lot 31, blcok 22, Crocker tract
Same to Julia Donovan, lot 1 block 1, same map
Ocean Shore Development Co. to J.C. Morton, lots 5, 6 and 7, block 27, Rivera Ocean Villa tract
F.P. Brophy and wife to A. Lambrecht lot 34, block 5, Princeton-by-the-Sea
E. Elrod to C.W. Jones, lot 5, block 3, Arleta Park
Same to A. Burghardt, lot 1 block 3, same map
J.H.T. Watkinson to H. Baker and wife, lot 23, block A, Mission Street tract
Same to Edward Ryan, lot 34, block A, same map
Oaks Co to Edith M. Hunt, lot 1, block 55, Dumbarton Oaks
P.E. Miller and wife to W.F. to W.F. Stapff, lots 27 and 28, block 37, Easton addition to Burlingame
A.B. Jardine to J.H. Bacon
Subdivision 42, Millbrae Villa tract
J.I. Mounce to J.J. Fahy, lots 15 and 16, block 14, Lomita Park
Hensley Green Co to L.G. Girard, lot 12, block G, Lomita Park
J.J. Coogan to Mrs. H.A. Tullihan, 108 Gray tract
J.E. Casey and wife to A.H. Baker and wife, lot 9, block 3, Burlingame Park
C.C. Baier to E.C. Pribor, portion lot 20, Reese tract
E.D. Swift to Isabel C. Burke et al, lot 3, block 4, E.D. Swift tract
E.H. Barber and wife to C.D. Bardwell, lots 8 and 9, block 10, Huntington Park
Moxey Realty Co to L.A. Ceconello lot 1 block 2, Reese subdivision
Same to same, lots 6 and 7 block 2, W.E. & M. subdivision
L.C. Roth and wife to C.E. Choate, lots 17 and 18 blcok 4, Redwood Park
Rebecca Peoples to Maria S. Braun portion block 58, Abbey Homestead
F.L. Keller and wife to David Cosgrove, portion lots 20 and 21, block 7, Lomita Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to same, lot 17, block 7, Lomita Park
J.H.T. Watkinson to F.L. Steele, lot 42, blcok A. Mission Street tract
R.H. Smith to G. Lyons, lot 10, block 22, Huntington Park
Ocean View Land and Improvement Co to L.D. Gandion, lots 15 and 16, block 18, Vista Grande
A.R. Jacobson to Y. Sponder, lots 41 and 42, block 10, Hillcrest
Y. Sponder to A. Geiger, same as above
W.C. Pomin and wife to Floyd Baird, west one-half of lot 17, W.W. & M. subdivision
Carl Wockbom to J.S.I. Berg et al, lot 30, block 22, Crocker tract
E.S. Karins to Thos. D. Boardman, lot 10, block 4, North Palo Alto
I. Steinhart to Ella Noble, lot 27, block D, Mission Street tract
California United Land Association to J. Vayssade, lots 16 and 17, block 6, Ola Vista Beach tract
Hensley Smith Co to J.A. Bergin lot 19 block 8, San Pedro Terrace by the Sea
Ansel M. Easton and wife to J. Schudel and wife lot 18 block 1, Lomita Park
T. Field and wife to J. Nestadt, lot 8 block 13 Lomita Park
I. Steinhart to J. Dillon, lot 29, block D, Mission Street Land Co.
Moxey Realty Co. to Lagomarsino & Bacigalupi et al, lots 8, 9, and 10, block 2, W.W. & M subdivision
Same to Lagomarsino & Pusich et al, lots 19 and 20, block 2, same map as above
West Redwood Land Co to Thompson Bros., lot 36, block 6, West Redwood
Oaks Co to A.F. Cornelius, lot 41, block 55, Dumbarton Oaks
Mary Hughes to G.E. Archer, lot 10, Crocker tract
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to F. Szasman, portion lot 11, block 1, Venice Beach
Owners Realty Co to A. Malins, lot 13 block 1, Venice Beach
Geo. A. Egan and wife to Dora L. Mahoney, lot 6, Buckingham subdivision, South San Francisco
Jas. Nelson and wife to Ulrich B. Bouche and wife, lot 32, block 32, Easton addition to Burlingame
M.W. Fehy et al to Silvio Belli et al, portion lots 1 and 2 and lot 5, block 15, School House Land Association
F.D. Murphy to W.H.G. Buck et al, lots 21 and 22, block P, San Mateo Heights
Ocean Shore Development Co. to C.V. Patterson, lot 2, block 23, Marine View Terrace
P.W. Selby to E.R. Smith lot 7 block 36, Easton addition to Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co to M. Williams lot 7, block 91, Granada
R.W. Guthrie to R.R. Read, lot 24 and portion lots 1 and 2, block 3, Burlingame Terrace
South City Lot Co to H.S. Munor lot 1 block C, Peck’s subdivision, South San Francisco
W.R. Bartley et al to D.W. Robinson, lots 1 and 2, block 13, Highland Park
Halfmoon Bay Land Co to D.W. Robinson lots 8 and 9, block 13, Highland Park
Ira M. Cobe and wife to M. Chapman, lot 4, block 11, BurlingameTerrace
The Prest-O-Lite Co to the Preset-O-Lite Co., Inc. 422 acres township 3 south, range 5 west
Catherine Lane et al to Edw. F. Fitzpatrick, 37.69 acres near Woodside.
F.A. Mero et al to Ellen M. Mero, lot 4 block 4, Redwood City, and lots 4 and 5, block 8, Eastern addition to Redwood City
Hans Plath to G. Theuergarten, lot 24, block 9, Burlingame Terrace.

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