San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
07 Nov 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
November 7 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General

Vol. 5 No. 32
Friday, November 7, 1913

Matthew DEAK, aged 33, and Bertha FABIAN, aged 20, both of San Francisco.
Peter CANZINE, aged 29, and Mary CARBINI, aged 23, both of San Francisco.
Charles H. SPENCER, aged 21, and Ellen SWANSON, aged 20, both of Oakland
Philip RAHTJEN, aged 41, Belvedere, Marin county, and Mary E. FITZHUGH, aged 28, San Francisco
Caesar RODONI, aged 35, and Inez WANGSGARD, aged 19, both of San Francisco
Norman MAINWARING, aged 26, and Esther KLOCH, aged 20, both of Modesto
Berdine C. BAKER, aged 41, and Grace E. DUNBAR, aged 28, both of San Jose
Max S. SOLEY, aged 31, San Francisco, and Stella BURRIS, aged 25, San Jose
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Jefferson MOORE, executor of the estate of J.J. MOORE, deceased, has filed a petition for leave to compromise the claim of Harry C. WARREN, amounting to $1432.50, for the sum of $4000.
The case of B. CAVALLI against Leonard M. SEARS et al, which has been pending for some time, has been dismissed, the notice of dismissal having been filed in the County Clerk’s office last Thursday.
The defendants in the case of Frank H. POOR vs the W.P. Fuller Co. have filed notice that they would appeal from the verdict rendered on October 10 in favor of the plaintiff for $3000. POOR was injured by a box coming down a chute at the company’s paint works in South San Francisco on July 3, 1912. The jury brought in a verdict for $3000. POOR sued for $10,000.
The defendants in the case of the Halfmoon Bay Land Co vs S.H. COWELL et al have filed notice in the County Clerk’s office of an appeal to the Supreme Court from the decision rendered May 1 by Judge Buck.
C. MODENA and others have begun a suit against John SOUZA and other to enjoin the latter from using all the water of San Gregorio creek. Two of the plaintiffs rent land on the stream from R.C. MERRILL and other rent from John McKAY and Frank MONTEVALDO. They raise artichokes, which are irrigated with water from the creek. Since May the defendants have diverted the water to the detriment of the renters, who now seek to enjoin the defendants from using all the water. Plaintiffs also ask damages in the sum of $20,000, claiming that their crops have been damaged to that extent.
Margaret A. CHANDLER vs Asa T. WEEKS – Notice of motion to retex costs continued to November 20.
F.H. POOR vs W.P. Fuller Co. – Notice of motion to retax costs submitted.
Mary A. TOBIN vs Henry W. BROWN et al – Order to show cause continued to November 6.
Elizabeth CAMPBELL vs P.J. CAMPBELL – Notice of motion for maintenance dropped from calendar.
People vs. Fred LEVY – Information dismissed on motion of the District Attorney
Thos. J. BRADY vs L.S. READING – Motion to strike out granted.
W.D. SMITH of Alameda has filed the last will and testament of William B. KREGER, who died October 17 at the Peninsula Hospital in Palo Alto. Deceased resided in San Carlos. The estate consists of personal property valued at $5000 and real estate worth $10,000. The value of the estate exceeds $15,000. The only heir is the wife of the deceased, Martha KREGER, aged 81 years. She consents to have W.D. SMITH administer upon the estate. The annual income from the property is $900. Mr. KREGER was a contractor and builder who maintained a summer home at San Carlos for over 20 years.
Last Thursday Frank STEELE of Santa Rosa filed the last will and testament of Effie M. DICKERMAN, who died at Pescadero October 25, 1913, at the age of 63 years. The estate consists of money in bank, money loaned on mortgages, stocks and other personal property valued at $10,000 and real estate in San Mateo, Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo counties of an unknown value. The will was executed October 24,m 1913, and the subscribing witnesses were Carl J. COBURN and C.V. THOMPSON. The heirs at law are Flora G. STELLE, a daughter, and G.H. STEELE, a brother, both of whom reside in San Mateo county. All the property is left to the daughter of the deceased. Frank STEELE was named as executor. The estate is probably worth about $50,000.
Judge Cabaniss appointed Antone Sturla, E. Biggio and R.F. Chilcott appraisers of the estate of Michael MORRISSEY, deceased.
Judge Cabanisss appointed E.E. Holbrook inheritance tax appraiser to appraise the property of the estate of Maria A. CASTRO in San Benito county.
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
C.A. INGERSON agrees to do the carpentry, mill work, ventilators, stairs, electrical work, joiners and marble work on the new south wing addition to the Sacred Heart Academy at Menlo Park in 130 days for $39,900. The structure is to be a three story brick building. Frank STOCK, Peter STOCK and John STOCK are to do the tinning and galvanizing sheet iron work on the building in 40 days for $5015. R.G. GRAHAM is to do the slating work in 15 days for $910.
A. DAHLBERG agrees to erect for Mrs. A.C. WILLIAMSON of Philadelphia a two and one-half story building in Menlo Oaks, the Coleman tract, in 90 days for $4692.
C. HOLY, who was recently stricken with paralysis, is so improving that he is able to be on the street.
Mrs. Alice BALDACE, who resides on Hillcrest Drive, gave birth to a fine 9 ½ pound baby girl last Saturday.
Charles H. LAUGHLIN, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Colma, has just recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. Honeybee McKENZIE, a prominent Sacramento lady, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Daly City, visiting her cousin, Mrs. J.L. BROWN.
Supervisor James T. CASEY has sold his meat market at Colma to Ben H. GREEN, an old and well-known business man of that place, and, by the way, a former partner in the market with CASEY, so there is no doubt about his fitness for the place. The Record extends all kinds of good wishes.
During the holidays there is to be an important wedding at Colma, the principals to be Miss Margaret CASEY, the second daughter of Supervisor and Mrs. James T. CASEY, and Robert D. SAVAGE, a prominent farmer of Purissima. Both are well and favorably known throughout the county and this wedding will be of much interest to their multitude of friends.
Mrs. Dr. BEATTIE and Mrs. George WRIGHT had a runaway accident last Thursday, in which Mrs. WRIGHT was very badly bruised. While driving on F. street in Colma the clip of the shafts opened, causing them to fall and the horse became frightened, overturning the buggy, both occupants being thrown out. The horse ran away, but fortunately the ladies were clear of the buggy, so were not serious injured.
Saturday’s Chronicle contained the story regarding George FREYE, the nickelodeon operator who married Miss Alice CHISTENSEN of Daly City about three years ago, who assaulted his wife with a knife Friday and was in the act of killing her, when his sister intervened and she received a terrible slash on the are. The screams of the women brought the police, who captured FREYE and he was afterwards sent to jail in default of $5000 bonds to await his trial.
County Pioneer Passes
John LLOYD, a well known resident of this county, passed away at his home in Burlingame last Thursday night from heart failure. Deceased had resided in the north end of the county for may years and prior to that he made his home in Redwood City. He was born in the old town of Searsville 55 years ago. He learned the blacksmithing trade there from his father who conducted a shop at that point in the early days of the county. Mr. LLOYD in early life married Miss FRANKLIN, a schoolmate, who, with several children, survives him. Deceased was well known throughout the county and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a brother of Mrs. P.H. McEVOY of Menlo Park, Mrs. Chas. TOWNSEND of Redwood City and Mrs. William McDONALD of New York. He was night watchman of the city of Burlingame up until a short time of his death.
** **
Robert Sheldon Thornton, Ninety-five Years of Age, Entertains a Few Friends In Honor of His Deceased Wife – The 1850 San Mateo County Days
In conformity with an old New England custom, that grand old pioneer of Colma, Hon. R.S. THORNTON, invited a few of his most intimate friends to a dinner last Friday evening, to commemorate the death of his devoted wife, who died last July while on a visit to her childhood home at Riverside, Rhode Island, where she was laid to rest in the old family plot in the churchyard.
The date selected for this memorial gathering, October 31, 1913, was the birthday of Mr. THORNTON, he having reached the advanced age of 95 years.
Though tinged with pathos, the story of the wonderful old man told as the friends seated themselves at the bountiful table was pleasant and interesting. He recited his life work by first saying that his deceased wife had been his companion for over 64 years. They were married in 1849 and in the following year he came around Cape Horn to seek his fortune in California, engaging in the blacksmith business, that being his trade.
In 1853 he filed on his original ranch, consisting of 160 acres of Government land, which he gradually improved so that in 1855 he returned to Rhode Island for his wife and they lived on the ranch until 1866, when he built his present home in Colma, which, by the way, is the oldest house in Colma. They made an ideal home for although it is modest there is nothing lacking for comfort, while the acre and a half surrounding is a bower of beautiful flowers and foliage, with a goodly supply of fruit trees.
Their whole pioneer story would be a large one, and as interesting as it would be large, including such facts as that Mr. THORNTON and Mr. CASEY, father of Supervisor James T. CASEY, worked together before Mr. CASEY was married, and there could be many interesting things enumerated pertaining to the CASEY family, when "Jimmie" was a baby boy and his growth to manhood, in which Mr. THORNTON says: "There was never a blemish against Jimmie’s good character for honesty and industry." What a grand recommendation.
After the sumptuous dinner, there was piano music, singing and many incidents of the past chatted about, including, of course, the most sacred references to the deceased Mrs. THORNTON, who was one of the grandest women that ever lived in California.
Mr. THORNTON Lives in their pioneer home, his companions being his only daughter, Mrs. Josephine L. LINDSAY, and grand-daughter, Miss Josephine LINDSAY, who are of the greatest comfort to the old man, who will no doubt under their good care reach at least the century mark.
The guests present were as follows: Dr and Mrs. W.G. BEATTIE, Mrs. J. L. LINDSAY and daughter Josephine, Steve MARINI of San Francisco, Mrs and Henry Ward BROWN, A.A. HASKINS, Wm. J. SAVAGE, Mrs and Chas. H. LAUGHLIN, Supervisor and Mrs. James T. CASEY, Mrs. Etta SMITH of Melrose, Miss Reta GOSS, Mrs and Antone STURLA, Sidney GOSS and J.L. BROWN.
The really most impressive thing of the evening was a couple of selections on the old violin by Mr. THORNTON, rendered as the guests were about to depart. Just think – there stood the old patriot who pioneered the peninsula, with the violin that he brought to California with him in 1850, wafting sweet melody from his soul. It was an occasion never to be forgotten.
Loses Suit and Cannot Handle His Own Affairs
After nine hours of wrangling, the jurors in the Loren COBURN restoration to competency case reported a disagreement and the ancient millionaire finds himself in exactly the same place that he occupied when the trial commenced nearly a month ago.
The jury disagreed in the case of Loren COBURN, "the poor old rich man," who was suing to recover competency to control his million dollars. The jury was dismissed at 9 o’clock Tuesday night after wrangling over the issue all day. Judge Cabaniss of San Francisco presided in the place of Judge Buck, who has already declared COBURN incompetent.
The jurors voted eight in favor of Coburn and four against him. One more vote in his favor would have made him victor. But now he is still incompetent under the law, and M.J. HYNES, the public administrator of San Francisco is his legal guardian.
Despite the disagreement and the weight of his 87 years, Coburtn says he will try again to establlish his right to handle his money. He has applied for a new jury trial.
It has cost him more than $100,000 already to fight the various attempts to take from him the management of his money, but he says he will go on fighting till he has exhausted every means, and all his money.
According to Louis D. FLANDERS, foreman of the jury, who voted in favor or the "poor old man," the four votes against Coburn were cast because of the testimony given by Judge BUCK, who testified to his belief in the octogenarian’s incompetency.
Judge Buck’s appearance in his own courtroom as a witness in a case which he had once decided judicially is one of the many singular features of an unusual case.
It was the longest jury trial in the records of San Mateo county. It was the most important and famous incompetency case that has been tried for many years in this State. There have been 10 attorneys more or less busy in the latest, five on each side. Matt I. SULLIVAN and John L. McNAB fought against each other in the suit.
The case began in 1908. Azio Coburn, a distant relative, of Topeka, was the prime mover in having the old millionaire brought into court to have his competency tested. Judge Buck decided against the millionaire.
The case was appealed and a new trail was granted. Again it went against Coburn. Then Coburn secured a jury trial before Cabaniss.
And now it will be tried all over again.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mr and Mrs RALSTON of Topeka, Kan., visited their uncle, W.B. KANOFF
J.V. AZEVADO of Half Moon Bay is building a garage in the rear of the Enterprise saloon
Mr and Mrs. George ROSE of Niles are guests of the latter’s parents at Moss Beach for a week.
R.F. THEILE of Roseville is in Moss Beach visiting with C.B. SMITH. Mr. THEILE owns property here.
Mrs. R. MOSS has returned to Moss Beach after a week’s stay at Stockton, where she owns ranch property
Gretchen, the year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles KREIGER, fell into a baking vat filled with water Saturday and was saved from drowning by her mother. The KREIGER are installing a bakery plant and while Mrs. KREIGER was assisting she missed the baby. After a search he found the infant in the vat and pulled her out unconscious but not too late to revive her.
Frank Vallejo, deputy sheriff and motor cycle office, has by perseverance and some pretty clever sleuth work succeeded in bringing to book the speed maniacs who run down Dennis Donovan and A. Ritz of Half Moon Bay near the Hovious ranch as they were coming home from Pescadero a week ago last Sunday. Vallejo traced them to Oakland by means of a registered letter. The men are in the employ of the Standard Oil Company have put up a check for $200 to insure their appearance in Justice Pitcher’s court to a misdemeanor charge. Half Moon Bay Review
Miss Dollie BACON has gone to Portland to make her home there. She is much missed by her many Redwood City friends.
Mrs. J.E. ENSOR, Past Matron of Sequoia Chapter, Eastern Star, was notified last week by the Worthy Grand Matron that she had been appointed district deputy for the coming year.
Mr and Mrs. O.P. BYERS of San Jose were in Redwood City Thursday visiting friends. Mrs. BYERS lived in Redwood for most of her life and before her second marriage, was the widow of S.H. CRONK.
Judge J.C. SPRINGER, a graduate of Stanford, and for many years a judge in the Philippines, will open a law office in this city. He has leased the Wentworth residence for his family. He will have offices on Broadway.
John D. GISH, the well known attorney, has opened an office in Redwood City. Mr. GISH has practiced in the courts of San Francisco for many years, making a record as a lawyer of ability. He maintains a fine home at Woodside.
Mrs. ABBOTT, who has been at the Hotel Sequoia for the past two months with her brother, A.J. FROMM, left last week for Japan, where she will remain until February. Mrs. ABBOTT has traveled extensively and is accompanied on this trip by a lady friend from New York.
North Fair Oaks Land Co to Maria Richardson lots 21 and 22 block 20, North Fair Oaks
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Jos E. Derham, lot 9 block 11 Lomita Park
Owners Realty Co to Marie E. Nagan lots 22, 23 and 24, block 1, Oakleigh Park tract
F.M. Cook et al to Harry T. Kolp lot 10, block 1 Stumbaugh Street Addition
Ocean Shore Development Co to Joel Kloss lot 22 block 10 Marine View Terrace
Geo H. Irving to C.C. Bradford lot 10 block 3 Menlo Oaks
Geo Hahn and H.W. Berkhardt to G. Hirt lot 7 block 20 Resum Union Park
R.H. Smith to G.B. Fitzgerald, lots 40, 7 and 41, block 6, Huntington Park
Milton S. Brown to Sadie Dixon lot 14 block 124 South San Francisco
R.H. Brown and wife to R.J. Loughery lots 3 and 4 block 3, Wellesley Park
Thos. A. Fultonn and wife to John McConvey lot 15 block 1, Central addition to San Mateo
Bowie Estate Co. to same, lot 16m block 1 same map
C. Walther and wife to Luigi Boitanon southwesterly portion lot 50, San Mateo Park
Hensley Smith Co to J. O’Croum lot 19 block 19 San Pedro Terrace
Burlingame Grove Co. to A. Kreft, lot 30, block 17, Burlingame Grove tract
Edna Albrecht to Eliza Albrecht to 28 block 17 Crocker tract
Eliza Albrecht to Mary Ballser et al lot 28 block 17 Crocker tract
San Mateo Land Association to Mary R. Nelson, lot 7 block 9 San Mateo Heights
Ernest R. Lilienthal and wife to Bank of South San Francisco, portion lots 1 and 2 block 125 South San Francisco
Same to W.H. Coffinberry, portion lots 1 and 2 block 125 South San Francisco
Doyle Estate Co to J.E. Fitzgerald lot 9 Ringwood Park, Menlo
M. Benntee to Mary R. Mattos lot 4 Forreia’s addition to Pescadero
H.D. Newhouse to Peter Harvey lots 35 and 36 block 2, North Millbrae
P. Thompson to Emmie C. Thompson lots 34, 39 an 40 Burlingame Heights
P. Thompson to Emmie C. Thompson lot 2 block 10; lot 10 block 1, and lot 1 block 4, Easton Addition to Burlingame
F.S. Barker to Rauer’s Law and Collection Co., lot 40 block 78 Montara tract
Redwood Highlands Co to Lulu L. Murch, lots 19 and 20, block 78, Montara tract
Frank L. Keller and wife to Jas H. Lyons Sec. Ld Tp 3, R. 6 W, M.D.M. 62 acres
Jennie Bickford to D.C. Scanlan; portion lots 4 and 6 block 4 Burlingame Land Co
John A. Boyd and wife to O.H. Mennet, lot 10, block H, Boyd & Kent addition.

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last updated: 21 May 2005