San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
14 Nov 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
November 14 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 33
Friday, November 14, 1913

Ora F. IMBLER, age 27, and Frances E. NESMITH, age 25, both of San Francisco
Thomas FOGARTY, age 22, and Ros-ary PATRON, aged 22, both of Madrone, Santa Clara County
Harry SPEROS, aged 32, San Francisco, and Annie LOUSTON, aged 28, Oakland
Thomas MULLEN, aged 32, and Catherine McLaughlin, age 21, both of San Francisco
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Walter D. MORGAN has petitioned for the custody of his minor son, John MORGAN. The father and mother of the boy are separated and the child is at present in the custody of the mother, who resides in San Francisco. MORGAN recites that the boy comes to Burlingame every day to school and this is an expense that could be avoided if the youngster would reside with him at Lomita Park.
The Aalwyns Law Institute of San Francisco has brought suit against C.V. DUDLEY to recover the sum of $3800 on an open book account. The indebtedness began in November, 1911. Plaintiff has also commenced an action against Susan H. DUDLEY to recover $7628.93 balance due on an open book account dating from November 25, 1911.
John T. CASEY has brought suit against Alfredo NIERI to recover the sum of $406 on a promissory note executed in September 1909, and secured by a chattel mortgage. Plaintiff also asks for costs, interest and attorney fees.
Joe Wilson Printing Co. vs L. MATTAI. Demurrer overruled and defendant given 10 days to answer.
Granite Work Co. vs H.H. UNDERHILL. Petition for writ of mandate continued to November 18.
The Emporium vs City of Burlingame. Demurrer continued to November 13.
Margaret BROWN vs C.W. BROWN. Return on citation dropped from calendar
Ernestine HUBER vs Joseph HUBER Order to show cause continued to November 13
J.B. CORYELL vs Cashel Bros. Notice of change of venue to Santa Clara county granted.
Maggie S. GERBER vs J.W. HORN. Motion to strike out submitted
Emma C. THOMAS vs George McCARTHY et al. Judgment ordered for plaintiff
Petition to terminate homestead of Mary HADE granted
Ira M. COBE vs F.N. DOAK. Trial continued to November 13
Ann C. AZEVEDO et al vs Mary COSTA. Motion for order to inspect papers dropped from calendar
People vs O. BADINI. Trial continued to November 13
Mary A. TOBIN vs H.W. BROWN et al. Order to show cause continued to November 28
Schwerin Realty Co. vs Joseph SLYE et al. Notice of motion for judgment continued to November 13
Carmelo BOITANO vs Joseph DEBENEDETTI. Trail set for December 5.
Elmer J. CHAMBERLAIN vs J.C. LACY Trial set for November 20
San Mateo Bank vs J.S. Henderson et al. Trial set for November 13
People vs Walter MEADE. Action dismissed on motion of District Attorney
H.L. ARKINSON vs South San Francisco Mill and Lumber Co. Case submitted after argument.
The last will and testament of Dr. A.M. GARDNER has been filed for probate by Mrs. Elizabeth May GARDNER. The will was executed February 5, 1913. By its terms Mrs. GARDNER is named as executrix and is the sole legatee. Dr. GARDNER expressed his affection in the document for his daughter, Mrs. Ruby E. LYNCH and his son, Stephen P. GARDNER, and declared that his wife would provide properly for them and bequeathed his large estate to her. The value of the estate is not stated in the petition for letters testamentary, except that it exceeds $10,000. The doctor owned the greater portion of the capital stock of the Gardner Sanitarium at Belmont, besides large interests in San Francisco and other counties of the State. Deceased was a specialist in nervous diseases and was for some years head of the Stockton asylum. He died June 28, 1913, at the age of 65 years
Estate of Richard H. GEGAX, deceased. Petition for letters of administration dropped from calendar.
Estate of J.R.S. BICKFORD, deceased. Petition to convey real estate granted.
Estate of Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased. Petition for partial distribution granted.
Estate of Regina ROHNGVIST, deceased. Petition for sale of real estate continued to November 13.
Estate of Bridget CULLEN, deceased. Third annual account of the administration, C. CULLEN, settled and allowed.
Estate of John P. CULLEN, a minor. First annual account of guardian, C. CULLEN, settled and allowed.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased. Petition to set aside homestead continued to November 13.
Estate and guardianship of Ernest H.J. KRUFT. First report and account of guardian, Helen KRUFT, allowed and settled.
R.F. CHILCOTT, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Lawrence KELLY, deceased has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $16,675. It consists of money in the hands of the administrator amounting to $9575, cash in bank and promissory notes amounting to $7100.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. CHILCOTT inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of John I. HOGAN, deceased.
Eleven Women and Eight Men Gives Fair Sex Majority
The new grand jury was organized last Thursday. Out of the nineteen members, eleven are women. The following is the personel of the jury.
W.F. TURNBULL, San Mateo
Jas. A. BELL, San Gregorio
Dora WILSON, Redwood City
Diva BELLI, Colma
William FAHY, San Pedro
Edgar A. SHAW, Pescadero
Elizabeth VICKERSON, Burlingame
Delia F. SPELLMAN, Colma
Walter KNIGHT, Woodside
Mary M. MILLER, Burlingame
Augusta GEARY, Redwood City
Julia M. HAWES, South City
Delia McROSEKEY, San Mateo
J.H. HATCH, San Mateo
Martha E. BILLINGS, Burlingame
Mary H. GILBERT, Redwood City
John A. FLINT, Faralone
Mary E. FLETCHER, Redwood City
James CALLAN, Colma
Judge BUCK instructed the jury carefully as to its duties, and appointed Walter KNIGHT formen. Miss BELLI was elected secretary and L.Q. HAVENS the expert.
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
The McGilvray Stone Co. agrees to do the sandstone and granite work on the west wing of the Sacred Heart Academy at Menlo Park in 100 days for $11,850
Thomas Day’s Sons agree to erect for the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co a three-story hotel on Grand avenue, South San Francisco in 140 days for $59,600.
Mrs. T. ZINGG, mother of Mrs. J.H. PARKER, returned to her home in San Jose last week.
Mrs. Geo. FILL, daughter of Mrs. GEGAX, gave birth to a baby daughter Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Charles FISHER underwent a successful operation at her home on Park avenue last Tuesday.
Mrs. Ivan EADE’s sister, Mrs. FOX of Jackson, Illinois, arrived last week and remained several days and then went to Sacramento, where she will make her future home.
Cornelius MUNDELIUS, whom the Record recently reported as being quite ill in a San Francisco hospital, has sufficiently recovered so that he has returned home and is able to be on the street.
Mrs. H. WILCOX, daughter of Mrs and P.H. MOLLER, 6146 Mission street, Daly City, is convalescent and doing fine at St. Luke’s Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis last week.
The funeral of Charles H. CONSERVA, who died in Colma Friday, aged 58 years, took place Tuesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Mount Olivet with a large number of sincere friends to take part in the last sad rites.
Mrs. B.F. JARVIS has returned from Fort Bragg, where she has been for the past three months, and is occupying her cottage at 150 Santa Ana avenue. Mr. JARVIS will remain in Mendocino City for awhile, where he is working at his trade.
Rev. W.O. WOOLEVER, pastor of the Bethany M.E. Church of San Francisco, will until a regular pastor is appointed, hold service at the Vista Grande M.E. Chruch at 11 a.m. the first Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. the third Sunday of each Month. Also every Thursday evening. These services will begin next Sunday at 11 a.m. and everybody is invited to attend.
Last Wednesday Mrs. W.M. TALBOTT gave a luncheon to a few of her friends, consisting of her daugher-in-law, Mrs. Ernest FERGUSON, Mrs. Jess SHEPERD, Miss McDUGAL, sister of City Treasurer McDugal of San Francisco, Mrs. C.W. BUTLER and a nephew of Mrs. Talbott’s from Portland, Oregon.
Urbano GRANNUCCI, of the firm of M. Belli & Co., Colma, left last Sunday morning for Lucca per Marlia, Toscany, Italy, to be gone from three to six months. The Record joins his many friends in wishing him a safe and pleasant journey. To keep in touch with affairs of interest at home Mr. GRANNUCCI has ordered the Record mailed regularly.
About eight o’clock Friday night the paint store of H. SHAPIOR, on Knowles avenue, was discovered to be on fire, but our valiant fire laddies were there in double quick time and extinguished the flames with a chemical engine.
"The Bungalow" at Millbrae has changed hands, George VINCENT having sold to Messrs. FAPPINO and DANELS of San Francisco, who took charge Saturday. Mr. VINCENT called at the Index office Monday and said he contemplates engaging in business in one of the coast side towns.
Five of the Eight Supervisors Elected Are Union Labor Men
The following were the votes polled by the candidates in the election in San Francisco Tuesday:
Total votes cast 72,574
J.J.SULLIVAN (Elected) 39,322
William P. CAUBU 31,075
E.F. BRYANT (Elected) 37,590
J.O. LOW 32,852
Fred SUHR Jr. 41,232
James E. POWER 39,972
John O. WALSH 38,230
Con DEASY 36,443
Charles A. NELSON 34,886
Ralph McLERAN 33,417
Edward L. NOLAN 32,574
Fred L. HILMER 32,354
Joseph J. PHILLIPS 32,054
Edwin G. BATH 32,045
Daniel C. MURPHY 28,992
John T. BURNS 28,217
Guido E. GAGLIERI 27,912
Byron MAUZY 27,883
George A. CONNOLLY 26,033
Adolph KOSHLAND 25,817
Eight new Supervisors, a Tax Collector and a Police Judge were elected Tuesday by the voters of San Francisco in the regular fall municipal election.
One of the features of the election was the decisive defeat of J.O. LOW, the incumbent, for Tax Collector by Edward F. BRYANT. LOW was appointed to the office when David BUSH died and on his showing in the primaries was expected to succeed himself. Bryant, who beat him by about 5000 votes, has been prominent in Union Labor politics.
John J. SULLIVAN won easily over William P. CAUBU for the place on the police court bench. His plurality was about 8000. Sullivan succeeds himself.
Four present Supervisors were defeated for re-election. They are Dr. Guido E. GAGLIERI, Adolph KOSKLAND, Bryon MAUZY and Daniel C. MURPHY.
The three Supervisors who were reelected are Fred L. HILMER, Ralph McLAREN and Edward L. NOLAN. Dr. A.H. FIANNINI of the board did not seek re-election.
Of the eight new Supervisors elected five received the support of the Union Labor forces. They are Con DEASY, Charles A. NELSON, James E. POWER, Fred SUHR, Jr., and John O. WALSH.
San Mateo Poultry Show
The second annual poultry show of the San Mateo County Poultry Association will be held in San Mateo December 4, 5, 6 and 7. A long list of cash prizes and cups are offered as awards for the various exhibits. Entries for the show close November 25. Henry BERRAR of San Jose will be the judge and T.L. GREEN will be superintendent of the show.
The officers of the San Mateo County Poultry Association are: C. STADER, president; L.G. GREEN, vice-president; Arthur R. SCHROEDER, secretary; T.L. GREEN, treasurer; C.W. HANSEN, Fred WEST, Fred CLARK, Joseph H. TAYLOR and L.C. VANNIER, executive committee.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
LeRoy KENNEDY of San Francisco is at Marine View and will spend the winter visiting with his father, Dan KENNEDY
Mrs. John CUNHA attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe BROWN, at Oakland the fore part of last week.
Mrs. M.E. WARD of Livermore has arrived in Salada Beach and will spend the winter visiting her daugher, Mrs. M.H. LAWSON.
George DEBENEDETTI of San Bruno visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph DEBENEDETTI, at Half Moon Bay Saturday and Sunday.
E.J. O’BRIEN, brakeman on the Ocean Shore Railroad, and Miss Ethel AERN of San Francisco, were married at the home of the brides parents on Thursday, October 30, 1913. The happy young couple has the best wishes of a large number of friends, both on the Coast Side and in San Francisco.
Eugene VALENTINE has recovered from the blow on his head sufficiently to return to San Mateo Union High School again.
Mrs. Joe GARCIA, wife of our local business man, is out taking as much exercise as possible after her long illness.
Robert VALENTINE, our ambitious young business man, doesn’t mind walking out to the dredger working on the waterfront through all kinds of obstacles to get the business.
Americus MONTUSSA, the gate-ender here, has sent his wife to Italy for her health.
Joe ELLSWORTH has a round with his teeth that put him out of business for a few days with a very large jaw.
Joe ZARO has acres and acres of vegetables growing and hundreds of acres plowed ready for seeding.
L.E. BURKE, wife and daughter have gone to New Mexico after a residence there of three months.
Mrs. William SHAW of San Francisco was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H.S. JOHNSTON of Ivy Cottage, this week.
Mrs. W.H. LIPP, Jr. will depart during the month for her girlhood home in Denmark to visit her aged parents and to view once more the scenes of her childhood. Mrs. LIPP will not return until spring.
Harold PETERS, fireman at Frank’s tannery, is elated over the arrival of his wife from Germany. She came here Thursday. Mr. PETERS has provided a nice home for his helpmeet, having recently bought the R. SVIHUS home on Phelps street.
Miss Louise PITCHER, who graduated from the Children’s Hospital in San Francisco last April as a trained nurse, spent all of last week here with her mother, Mrs. John PITCHER.
Miss Edna HAYWARD, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C.D. HAYWARD of this city, returned from a tour of Europe during the last week. She was gone three months. The young lady enjoyed the trip exceedingly during her travels seeing the greater portion of the continent.
A pleasant surprise part was tendered Rev and Mrs. C.H. STEVENS last Thursday evening in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of their marriage, at the Congregational parsonage. About fifty friends assembled and the evening was passed in music and social converse. After light refreshments had been served, the surprised couple were presented with some hand-painted china. As the party broke up the pastor and his wife were the recipients of many kind wishes for many more anniversaries.
Anglo Cal. Trust Co to Mary A. Gair Lot 4 block 29 Am Belle Air Park
F. Poohm to T. Pohm Lot 10 blk 19 Hillcrest
East San Mateo Land Co to J.A. McCormick and wife. Lot 27 blk 3 East San Mateo
Armitage Orphanage of S.F. to A. Borel 27.26 acres Pulgas Ro
Oaks Co to M.W. Bean Lots 11, 12 blk. 59, Lots 52, 53, blk 61, Dumbarton Oaks
Ella E. West to G.W. Ames Lot 14, blk 20, Burlingame
The Alberton Realty Co to A. Cesana Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 blk 1 W.W.&M. Sub
Ocean Shore Dev. Co. to P.E. Alexanderson Lots 9, 10 blk 22, Marine View Terrace
B. Epp to J.J. Gaehwiler Lot 3 blk 28, Vista Grande
L. Tully to A.L. Pierce et al Lot 21 blk 10, Am Belle Air
F.S. Goularte et al to J. Davis 102.40 acres Alex Moore Ranch
Hensley Green Co. to Ella J. Brann Lot 24, blk 23, 3d Add, San Bruno Park
H.S. Wheeler and wife to Sadie M. Abbott Portion Lot 24 Hanneman’s Seaside Park Tract
San Mateo Invest Co. to H.F. McGee Lot 14 blk 8, Polo Field Sub. Burlingame
H.D. McGarvey to I. Guardino Portion Lot 4, blk 7, Ern Addn, Redwood
Same to A. Senseri Portion Lot 13 blk 8, Ern. Addn. Redwood
Ocean Shore Land Co. to Sarah J. McChesney Lot 7 blk 4 Salada Beach Rev
S.E. Schuyler to Norah D. Schuyler Lot 5 blk 31 Lyon Hoag Sub, Burlingame
L.B. Williams to M. Kelly Lots 14, 15 blk 4, Lipton by the Sea
Glucksman-Levy Realty Co to T.K. McFarland Lot 5 blk 2, Concordia Land Co.
Mae E. Green and husband to The Harrison Corporation Lots 21, 22 blk B San Mateo Heights
Ansel M Easton and wife to Mrs Mary Ward Lot 11 blk 35 Easton Addn Burlingame 2
Redwood Highlands Co to Ross Riley Lots 7, 9 blk 20 Redwood Highlands
So. San Francisco Land Improv. Co to Hensley Green Co Lot 44 blk 1 San Bruno Park
Hensley Green Co to G. Ghiglieri Lots 39, 40, 41, blk K, San Bruno Park
C. Bontz and wife to Osabel A. Walker Lots 13, 14 blk 1 W.W. M Subdivision
Hensley Green Co to B.C. McDougall Lots 20, 21 blk 20 Union Park
J.H. McPherson and wife to Redwood Highlands Co Lot 9 blk 21 Dingee Park
Redwood Highlands Co. to M.A. McPherson Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 blk 29, Redwood Highland
James Brown to J.S. Miguel Lots 1, 3 blk 7 Shore Acres Sub.
Mrs. F. Sherwood to same Lot 2 blk 7 Shore Acres Sub.
Will Add Value to Municipal Bonds As They Are Exempt
The new income tax adds value to State and municipal bonds, as incomes derived from these are exempt from taxation.

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last updated: 21 May 2005