San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
21 Nov 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
November 21 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 34
Friday, November 21, 1913

Fred CHRISTEN age 21, Colma, and Freda IMSAND age 18, Daly City
Ernest H. HUFFMAN, aged 31, Santa Cruz, and Grace CAPENER, age 19, San Jose
William K. SCHWECHTEN, aged 36, and Edith SELINER, aged 21, both of San Francisco
Geo. L. STEWART, aged 35, and Marie ANDREWS, aged 30, both of San Francisco
John T. FIBURN, aged 30, Los Banos, and Helena TOCK, aged 23, Point Arena, Mendocino County
James J. REDMOND, aged 21, and Ruth M. RUFFNER, aged 18, both of San Francisco
John DEDO, aged 25 and May ZOON, aged 24, both of Portland
Charles FANNING, aged 31, and Marie MILLER, aged 29, both of San Francisco
Carl H. WILSON, aged 21, and Lena FUMAGALLO, aged 30, both of Saratoga, Santa Clara County
Rupert KEINAST, aged 46, Stockton, and Gabrielle HENRY, aged 43, Sacramento.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
The civil suit of George McGINN against D.S. DORN, the attorney, has been dismissed.
Judge BUCK has appointed R.F. CHILCOTT, A.F. JOSEPH and C.P. MOS_NI, appraisers of the estate of Annette FRANCIS, deceased. Judge BUCK Has also appointed R.F. CHILCOTT inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Charles Bradley, deceased. Judge Buck has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Attillio PUCCINELLI from his wife, Francis PUCCELLI, on the ground of desertion, the parties to the suit are prominent residents of Colma. Henry Ward Brown is the attorney for the plaintiff.
Judge Buck has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Jeanette KILGOUR from her husband, Allen KILGOUR, on the grounds of desertion.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Mary SILVA from her husband, Manuel SILVA. The interlocutory decree was granted on October 31, 1912. The custody of the three minor children was awarded to the mother and also $25 a month for their maintenance.
Judge Buck granted a final decree of divorce to Lucy Ellen PLUMMER from her husband Charles PLUMMER. The interlocutory decree of div __12 (sic- as printed) By the nal (sic) decree the custody of the minor child, Agnes Mildred PLUMMER, aged 15, is given to the mother, and she is also given alimony in the sum of $20 a month.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Laura M. VETERAN from her husband, William E. VETERAN. The interlocutory decree was granted on June 21, 1912. By the final decree a homestead was set aside for her at San Mateo and she was permitted to resume her maiden name, Laura M. FONTES.
Frederick MARSH has commenced an action for an interlocutory decree of divorce against his wife, _ruelty. The couple was married in the city of San Mateo on October 11, 1908. There are three minor children as a result of the marriage. __f a house and lot at Halfmoon Bay. The MARSHES are prominent residents of Halfmoon Bay.
Edith M. WEEKS has brought suit against her husband, William H. WEEKS, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the grounds of desertion and extreme cruelty. The couple was married at Boston, Mass., on March 23, 1895. There are no children and no community property. The plaintiff alleges in her complaint that Weeks is receiving a salary of $350 a month. She asks for alimony in the sum of $75 a month and costs of suit. According to the complaint, plaintiff was deserted at Chapel Hill, New Jersey in 1909.
The Federal Construction Company has brought suit against A.W. WISE and others to recover the sum of $141.48 for street work done in front of their residences at Burlingame. The company has also commenced an action against C.M. WOOD and others to recover the sum of $39.21 for street work done in front of the residences at Burlingame.
Joseph M. FRANCIS has commenced action against M.M. COELHO to recover the sum of $295.66 less $78.40 due on a promissory note executed at Half Moon Bay on November 10, ’99. The plaintiff also asks for attorney fees in the sum of $100 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum.
Thursday afternoon the jury selected to try the damage suit of F. CONVERY against the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. returned a verdict for the defendant. The case was begun before Judge Buck Wednesday morning. The poll of the jury showed that three of the jurymen were for a verdict for plaintiff and nine for the company. Those in favor of the plaintiff were Thomas LEAVEY, O.E. ALGER and L. WERDER, and those for the company A. HAMMERSON, John LCAUSSEN, Edward GREELEY, W.W. BYRNE, E.O. RHODES, J.A. GENOCHIO, P. O’HEARN.
H.H. SELLERS vs Geo. HOWARD et al. Demurrer continued to November 20.
Ernestine HUBER vs Joseph HUBER. Order made directing defendant to pay $25 a month alimony (temporary) and $20 attorney fees.
Schwerin Estate Company vs Joseph SLYE, et al. Notice of motion for judgment continued to Nov. 20.
J. TRIPLER vs McDonald Lumber Co. Motion for a new trial ordered submitted.
Mary TAYLOR vs Benjamin TAYLOR. Notice of motion for costs, etc., continued to December 11.
BUCKLEY vs BUCKLEY. Motion for a change of place of trial submitted.
Arthur G. ANNESLEY vs F.M. VICTORINO. Demurrer continued to Nov. 20.
J. CARMODY vs Gertrude SWANSON. Trial of cause set for November 27.
Tony CANADAS vs Hugh RIDGES et al. Demurrer and cross complaint continued to November 20.
People vs P. BANDONI. Trial continued to November 25.
Ira M. COBE vs John HAYDEN et al. Trial continued to November 28.
Kopp & Shick vs Mary FARRELL et al. Trial continued to Nov. 25.
Marie SJOHOLM vs E.J. WOHLANDER. Case dropped from calendar.
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN. Trial set for December 9.
Attilio PUCCINELLI vs Frances PUCCINELLI. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff as asked for.
Auto Gas Engine Starter Co vs D.H. McDWEN. Judgment ordered for his costs.
H.L. ATKINSON et el vs South City Mill and Lumber Co. Judgment for plaintiff against G.D. KOEN for $150, interest and costs and judgment; S.City Mill and Lumber Co., for costs.
San Mateo Bank vs J.S. HENDERSON et al. Decree of foreclosure of mortgage granted plaintiff.
H.H. SELLER vs George HOWARD et al. Demurrer ordered submitted on briefs.
Jeanette F. KILGOUR vs Allen KILGOUR. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased. Petition to set aside homestead continued to November 28.
Estate of Charles F. DAHLEEN, deceased. Order to show cause granted
Estate and guardianship of Bernice DONNELLY, a minor. Return of sale of real estate confirmed.
Estate of Regina ROHNGVIS, deceased. Return of sale of real estate continued to November 22.
Estate of Antonio DOYLE, deceased. Trustees’ report and account of POPE minors continued to November 28
Estate of John T. DOYLE, deceased. Trustees’ report and account of POPE minors continued to November 28.
Catherine BURKE has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of her deceased husband Bernard B. BURKE, who died recently at Menlo Park.
H.W. SCHABERG, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Bernice M. DONNELLY, a minor, has filed his inventory and apprisement. The total value of the estate is place at $3500. It consists of an undivided half interest in 409 acres of land in Mendocino county valued at $500, and one-fourth undivided interest in 1320 acres of land in the same county appraised at $3000. The sale of the property was confirmed by Judge Buck for $3625.
C. MODENA vs John SOUZA et al. Trial set for November 25
Mrs. Katharine CAIRNS is recovering from a severe case of lumbago.
Miss Grace COLLINS is now the official stenographer in Judge Ellis C. Johnson’s courtroom.
The 13-month daughter of Mrs and Wm. EHLERT died Sunday and the funeral took place Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Ben HANSEN, who has been suffering with a severe cararrhal affection and la grippe, is reported to be improving.
Margaret, the little daughter of Matt GRADY, the popular laundryman, is quite ill with what is feared to be Bright’s disease.
E.A. COLLINS, one of Daly City’s good citizens, is arranging to move his family to San Mateo next Monday, where he has been employed in the San Mateo Planing Mill
Mrs. Hazel C. RUSSELL has returned from a few days’ visit to her husband at Chico. Mrs. RUSSELL’s many friends will regret to learn that she has decided to resign her position as postmistress of Daly City.
Olga OTTOBONI’s Birthday
Miss Olga Ottoboni celebrated her twentieth birthday on the evening of November 15 and the affairs was a happy one, there being dancing, singing and a most elaborate repast, at which Prof. Wm. J. Savage made one of his characteristic good speeches, saying just the right things to please everybody present.
Those who attended were Mr and Mrs. GOOCH, Mr and Mrs. VIRENO, Mr and Mrs. BIANCHINI, Mr and Mrs. OTTOBONI, Mrs. SEMENZA, May FAROSICH, Tessie RATTO, Annie BAFFICO, Desolina BAFFICO, Louise REVEGNO, Anna PAGANININI, Mabel CORNELIUS, George FAROSIEH, W.J. SAVAGE, Antone RATTO, Joseph RESTANI, Eustace OTTOBONI and Mr. TOSSI
Cupid in the Court House
Two of the busiest county offices are those of District Attorney SWART and Surveyor NEUMAN, yet Cupid appears to have designs that will undoubtedly disarrange the tranquil smoothness with which they glide. Now, readers, this is a secret and you must not tell. The Honeybee – Miss Beatrice Fox, the very efficient and popular stenographer in the District Attorney'’ office, has captivated the heart of Neuman’s valuable deputy, C.L. DIMMITT, and there will be a wedding before many moons.
Every day some of my friends ask me why I am not going to be a candidate again for Sheriff at the next primary election. It seems that some parties are circulating reports that I am not in the race. I am in the race, and will be a candidate next fall. I thank my friends for their past support, and hope my conduct of the office will merit their support in the future.
Very truly
J.H. MANSFIELD, Sheriff San Mateo County
Ocean Shore Vice-President Dead
Alfred WILLIAMS, vice-president of the Ocean Shore Railway, died in a Seattle hospital last Friday night from the effects of an operation.
Mr. WILLIAMS, whom it was stated in these columns last week as being re-elected vice-president of the Ocean Shore, was a railroad man of considerable experience in the Northwest, having been associated in the construction of two Alaskan railways, the White Pass and Yukon and the Cooper River and Northwestern. He was fifty-six years old.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
The OLESONS have purchased the Ralph CURRIER place at Montara.
Mrs. E.M. JOHNSON entertained the Farallone Philo Club Thursday evening.
Pat CARDOZA, wife and baby visited Mr and Mrs. John OLESON of Farallone Sunday.
Miss Erma DONOHUE, daughter of the agent at Tobin, visited the ABBOTTs at Farallone last week.
Mr and Mrs. Weiser of San Francisco visited Mr and Mrs. W.B. SCOTT of Farallone over Sunday
A. RITZ, the harness maker at Half Moon Bay, was in San Francisco buying goods for his store last week.
Dr. J.S. THOMAS has about completed a new barn at his place at Montara. F.E. LITTLEFIELD is in charge of the work.
TOMEI Bros., who recently leased a part of Horace NELSON’s ranch at Purissima, are building two buildings on the same.
George M. HAVICE Jr. was given the contract to do the landscape gardening around the residence of Harr WAGNER, of Montara.
John VAN DYKE of the Ocean Shore Furniture Co., Moss Beach was doing business in the city the fore part of last week for his company.
C.A. ROSCO of Brighton Beach has decided to engage in the growing of mushrooms on a large scale and he is preparing a number of buildings for the same.
R. McDONALD of Salada Beach was in the northern part of the state last week looking after ranch property. Mrs. McDONALD, who has been in a city hospital for the past two weeks, has returned home.
W.J. FAIRBURN on Montara reports that he planted a 10 cent package of pumpkin seed, from which he harvested 150 pounds of pie fruit and from one sack of potatoes planted he received seven. This speaks well for the soil of Montara.
At a recent meeting of the Salada Beach Improvement Club the following officers were elected: President, R. McDONALD; C.A. GUSTAFSON, vice-president; George HUTLEY, inside sentinel; Mrs. Geo. ROSS, Geo. S. DOWELL and J.E. MEYERS trustees
New Officers Elected
Dr. C.L. MORGAN, President, and J.J. GOMEZ, General Manager of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Co., have resigned, and John C. McELROY and J.L. POSEY were elected to the above offices. Mr. GOMEZ, the originator of the company and who has been working night and day on its development, resigned so that he could give his undivided time with J.L. DEBENEDETTI and sell the remaining $20,000 of the $100,000 capital stock.
Seaside Native Sons Celebrate
The Native Sons of Seaside Parlor, No. 95, of Half Moon Bay, celebrated their 27th anniversary by giving an elaborate banquet one night last week. C.P. MOSCONI acted as toastmaster and presided in a very able manner. Dr. BROOKE, Rev. ANDRIANO, Rev. Geo. CONA, Mrs. W.A. BROOKE, Alvin S. HATCH and others made short and interesting talks. The evening passed away quickly and those present had a most delightful time.
Other Coast Side Notes
Mrs. Frank FURTARDO of Miramar is around again after a long sickness.
Mrs. BENNETT and children of Miramar are visiting relatives in Bakersfield
J.R. TERRY of Half Moon Bay has purchased a ranch at Knight’s Landing and will move there at once.
King PRARA and bride (Josie CARDOZA) have moved into the Manuel FRANCIS cottage at Half Moon Bay.
Rudolf SEMLER has become the coal merchant for the Ocean Shore and has arranged to ship in several carloads.
District Attorney Names Deputy
John D. GISH has been appointed deputy district attorney by Franklin SWART. He has the distinction of being the first deputy district attorney in San Mateo county.
Mrs. James BROWN and Miss Eva DIGGS, of San Francisco, were weekend guests with their sister, Mrs. E. PITCHER.
Constable M.H. WALSH has appointed T.F. HIGGINS a deputy constable. The certificate of appointment was filed with the county clerk last Tuesday.
Rev. David CRABTREE, rector of St. Peter’s Church, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week at Salinas, where he was in attendance at the convocation of the San Jose district of the Diocese of California.
A.L. FULTON, who has been manager of a dredger on one of the rivers near Redding all summer, returned during the week. He was accompanied by William FITZPATRICK, who was also employed on the dredger. Mr. FULTON reports a successful run, having taken out large quantities of gold from the river bed.
Moxey Realty Co to Albert L. Morreggis, lots 1, 3, and 14, block 45, Central Park
Ocean Shore Land Co to Geo. A. Beck, lot 7, block 21, Salada Beach
R.E. Starkweather to A. Vogt, lots 8 to 12, block 14, Arleta Park
Shore Line Investment Co. to S.L. Schweitzer, lot 16 block 47 Granada
Shore Line Investment Co to Elizabeth S. Curtis, lot 5, block 48, Granada
H. Wagner and wife to Mrs. H.L. Capen, lot 39, block 2, Montara
Anna Stapleton to C. Rarby, lot 21, block K, San Mateo Heights
R. Ruhl to C.R. Chapman, lot 10, block 5, Dingee Park
R.H. Smith to F.F. Wilson, lots 21 and 21j, block 5, Huntington Park
W.J. Morgan & Co to Viola Clark, lots 40 and 41, block 14, Wave Crest
J.J. Rauer and wife to Berkeley Bank of Savings, lots 40 and 41, lots 12 and 13, block 10 University Heights.
Brighton Beach Land and Amusement Co to G.R. Magee, lot 24, block 23, Brighton Beach
California Suburban Home Co to _. Cuiffo et al, lots 7 and 8, block 33, Farrallone City
Hensley-Green Co to E.C. Brose, lot 51 block 17, San Bruno Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to A. Paulson, lot 4, block 41, Easton addition to Burlingame
Owners Realty Co to S.P. Knight, lot 49, block 7, Ocean Shore tract.
Owners Realty Co to Pauline lot 8, block 7, Ocean Shore tract
Maria DeLa Bolcoffff (as printed) to H.B. Patterson, portion Maria DeLa Bolcoff 10.84 acres
Redwood Highlands Co. to J.J. Hahir, lot 18, block 17, Redwood Highlands
A.R. Pearson to C.B. Rich, lot 28, block 10, Surf Beach tract
F.P. Brophy and wife to Harry R. Lawrence, lot 10, block 7, Ocean Boulevard tract
Martin Bonsdordd to J.T. Hinch, lot 47, block 4, Hillcrest
Schafter, portion blocks 8, 12, 14, 16, and 18, Wave Crest
John A. Boyd et al to Violet B. Fowler, lot 38, block 1, Sequoia tract
Geo. S. Fall and wife to J.B. Printz and wife, lot 3, block 14, Vista Grande
N.F. Brahan and wife to E.F. Hobson, portion lot 2, block 14, Town of Burlingame
Hensley Green Co to A.P. Willits et al, lot 51, block 8, San Bruno Park
Clement W. Hill and wife to R.C. MacArthur, portion block 22, Town of Burlingame
Pulgas Land Co to H. Schmitz and wife, portion lots 25 and 26, Gray tract
A. Fancher and wife to J. Reid, lots 36 to 39, block 7, Halfmoon Bay Wave Crest
Moxey Realty Co to Miss M.B. Brown, lots 29 to 38, block 11, Ocean Park
Ocean Shore Development Co to Miss I.M. Smith, lot 20, block 21, Marine View Terrace
Ocean Line Investment Co to Alice Lonnefelt, lot 7, block 40, Granada
Ocean Line Investment Co to P. Grandjean, lot 11, block 28, Granada
Dr. M. Thrasher to Elmo T. Houk southwest quarter of northeast quarter, section 3, township 8 south range 3 west
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. to South City Lot Co., lots 14, 30 and ‘1(as printed), block U, South San Francisco
Guadalupe Development Co. to Mary E. Driesch, lots 10 and 11, block 15, City of Visitaction
Ocean Shore Development Co to G.H. Rohbacher, lots 3 and 4, block 4, Marine View Terrace
M.G. Martin and husband to W.J. Martin Co., lots 15 and 16, block 140, South San Francisco
W.J. Martin & Co to South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co., lots 15 and 16, block 140, South San Francisco
Marie C. Uhlenberg and husband to J.R. Howell, lot 2 block 2, Dingee Park
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to A.M. Fisher, lot 2, block 133, South San Francisco
C.J. Robinson to Mamie F. Robinson, lots 4 and 17, block 32, Western addition to San Mateo
Boston Investment Co. to R.D. McElroy, lot 5, block 2, Burlingame Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005