San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
28 Nov 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
November 28 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 35
Friday, November 28, 1913

James J. REDMOND, aged 21, and Ruth M. RUFFNER, aged 18, both of San Francisco
Frank B. TURNER, aged 27, San Jose, and Margaret S. DAVIS, aged 19, South San Francisco
George M. GULDAGER, aged 49, and Susane GULDAGER, aged 38, both of San Francisco
James E. MARSHALL, aged 23, and Blanche I. MOODY, aged 20, both of San Mateo
Enrique YRIGOUEN, aged 26, and Lorenza ECHEVARRIA, aged 25, both of San Francisco.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Judge Buck has granted the petition of the San Mateo Savings and Trust Company of Redwood City to change the name of the bank to the San Mateo Savings and Loan Company.
Edythe DALY has brought suit against Arthur DALY to quiet title to lot 14, block 5, Burlingame.
George W. PENNINGTON and John PENNINGTON have commenced action against Thomas PENNINGTON, executor of the will of the late Mary Ann PENNINGTON, deceased, and Elizabeth WEST, asking for an accounting by the administrator, to the estate for all moneys handled and controlled by him belonging to the estate. Mrs. PENNINGTON died on November 12, 1912, and Thomas PENNINGTON was shortly thereafter appointed executor.
August BERG and Henry MAIER have brought suit against Allen KILGOUR to secure possession of Lot 21, block 36, Burlingame, together with improvements. The complaint alleges that the defendants have unlawfully withheld the premises since April of last year. The plaintiffs have owned the property since 1907.
Robert KIRK has commenced an action against L.P. PALMTAG to recover the sum of $1645.80 on three promissory notes. Plaintiff also asks for interest and costs of suit.
E.D. CONNOLLEY has brought suit against Peter FABER to secure possession of 250 acres of land at Portola known as the Hatfield place, leased to the defendant last December for a period of one year, said lease to expire on November 30, 1913. Plaintiff asks for the sum of $162.50 balance due to the last quarter of the rent. CONNOLLEY claims that FABER violated the terms of the lease and asks the court for restitution and possession of the property.
Pietro VIANINIO has brought suit against his wife, Louise VIANINIO, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and desertion. The parties were married at Menlo Park on March 23, 1913. There are no children as a result of the marriage, and no community property. Mrs. VIANINIO was under age at the time of her marriage and is still under 18 years. She received the written consent of her parent to marry plaintiff.
The Calara Valley Realty Company brought suit against C.B. SMITH and others to recover the sum of $729.30, a balance due on open book account. The complaint alleges that wares, merchandise, to the amount of over $900 were delivered to defendants during the four years past.
John DYRE and Jane DYER (Different spellings as printed) have applied for the adoption of Goldie FORREST, aged 11 years. According to the petition the little girl was adopted in the State of Illinois three years ago by Edward FORREST and some time after he deserted and abandoned the child, who has been in the custody of Mr and Mrs. DYER for the past eight months.
Judge Buck on Thursday granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Nora D. SCHUYLER from her husband, Samuel D. SCHUYLER, on statutory grounds. By the terms of the decree the custody of the minor child was given to the mother and she was allowed the sum of $25 a month for the minor, $75 for attorney fees and costs in the sum of $10.50. John D. WILLARD is the attorney for the plaintiff.
All papers in the suit of the City of Palo Alto against the Christie Machinery Company and others were transferred this week from this county. The case was filed at San Jose last August. According to the complain the machinery company entered into an agreement with the city to install machinery for a well, and after securing and installing a motor and pump the trustees would not accept them, declaring they were not according to the agreement. The plaintiff asks that the machinery be rejected and that it be given judgment of $1088.70, the amount paid defendant and also asks for damages in the sum of $2320.50.
The Emporium vs City of Burlingame – Demurrer continued to December 4
Arthur G. ANNESLEY vs F.M. VICTURINO et al – Demurrer continued to December 4
John ALVIS vs John PRAEDER – Trial dropped from calendar
John KYNE vs J.F. BELLO - Judgment for defendant for costs
Tony CANADAS vs H. RIDGES – Demurrer in cross complaint continued to November 28
J.F. BRANDON vs Mrs. James BRAGHETTA – Notice of motion to dismiss continued to December 18
Mary TOBIN et al vs Henry W. BROWN et al – Notice of motion to set demurrer continued to December 4
Tacoma Mill Co vs H.N. HOWE et al – Demurrer sustained and plaintiff allowed 15 days to answer complaint.
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs Walter W. GILLISPIE – Order to show cause continued to December 3. Trial continued to December 3
Nora D. SCHUYLER vs S.E. SCHUYLER – Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Granite Rock Co vs W.H. UNDERHILL – Demurrer overruled
C. MODENA et al vs John SOUZA et al – Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
Estate and guardianship of Carrie A. LOCKE, an incompetent person. Petition for lease of rental property continued to December 11; notice of motion to vacate order of sale continued to December 11; Notice of motion to vacate order continued to December 11.
R.S. THORNTON has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Sarah A. THORNTON, who died at Riverside, near Providence, Rhode Island, on July 23, 1913. The estate consists of an undivided one-half interest in certain real property located in San Francisco valued at $3000, and cash in bank amounting to $921.18. The only heirs at law are the petitioner and a daughter, Josephine LINDSAY, both residing in Colma.
Elizabeth A. STEELE has applied for letters testamentary upon the estate of George Horace STELLE, who died near Pescadero on November 4, 1913. The estate consists of thirty head of cows, eight head of horses, a gasoline steam engine, cash in bank in Redwood City and Santa Cruz, 400 acres of land near Pescadero and a one-third interest in certain ranch lands near San Luis Obispo. The deceased left a will bearing date of December 28, 1907. The subscribing witnesses were R.R. MARTIN and W.W. GARDNER, both of Santa Cruz. By the terms of the will the entire estate is bequeathed to the wife of the deceased during the term of her natural life, and at death the estate is to be equally divided among the four children – Rufus STEELE, aged 16; Wilfred H. STEELE, aged 14; Ella STEELE, aged 11; and Bernice STEELE, aged 9. The estate is worth probably $50,000.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. SCHABERG, C.M. MORSE and Chas. VANDENBOS appraisers of the estate of Elmer JOHNSON, deceased.
Palms and Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shrubs and anything in this line – John WOHLERS, Nurseryman, School Boulevard, Colma.
E.J. CRANE of Menlo Park, the Democratic candidate for the Assembly at the last general election, made a pleasant call on the Index today. Mr. CRANE was recently appointed postmaster at Menlo Park by the President and will take charge as soon as his bonds are approved, the Senate having already confirmed his nomination.
Mrs. J.W. MELVIN left Monday for Napa, being joined on Wednesday by Mr. MELVIN, and they spent Thanksgiving with friends at that place.
At the Clabby-Logan fight in Daly City yesterday “Sunny Jim: COFFROTH had as special guests two distinguished gentlemen, Samuel GOMPERS, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Supervisor A. J. GALLAGHER, president of the San Francisco Labor Council. Speaking of “Sunny Jim,” the weather clerk was so unwise as to predict rain in San Francisco Thursday – evidently not understanding that the wizard COFFROTH, never allows it to rain when he has a boxing contest on.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. OLSCHEWSKY and her daughter have gone to Sacramento for a two months visit.
Mrs. W.G. STEWART has returned to her home in Alaska after a six weeks visit with her husband.
Geo. O. RICH and wife have returned from a touring trip through Nevada and are at their home in Moss Beach well pleased with their trip.
H.C.P. MORSE, of the Coastside Manufacturing Co is in the Imperial Valley visiting his brother who is in business near Imperial City.
Miss Jane DODGE of Berkeley visited Miss Morris WAGNER on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and 16th.
Hon. M.B. JOHNSON, the San Mateo county booster who has gained the admiration of every public-spirited citizen in the county, is expected to return from the City of Mexico in a few weeks. Mr. JOHNSON has been in Mexico for a couple of months looking after his large cattle interests.
C.B. SMITH of Moss Beach has the assurance that the Pacific States Telephone and Telegraphic Co. will, the weather permitting, commence at once to install a phone system connecting Princeton, Marine View, Moss Beach, Farallon, Montara and Half Moon Bay with San Francisco and the cities down the peninsula, and that the work will likely be completed in thirty days.
Death of Mrs. John F. DAVIS
Ovita Josephine, wife of Judge John F. DAVIS, died at her home in Easton, Saturday, November 22, 1913, aged 27 years, 1 month and 11 days.
The deceased was a most estimable young lady, a native of California, and the daughter of George W. and Elizabeth D. LEATHE, and her death will be mourned by many sincere friends.
The funeral took place Tuesday morning in San Francisco from Gray’s chapel, Geary and Devisadero streets.
Never before in the history of Redwood City has there been so many mushrooms brought to town as there were this week. The warm rains have caused a great growth of the fungi on the foothills near town.
There was a big flight of canvas-back ducks from the north to the local marshes during the week, affording hunters good sport. Many big bags have been brought to town.
Mrs. HAYDOCK Of San Carlos entertained a number of her friends last Thursday afternoon. Among those present were Mrs. R.H. McGOWEN, Mrs. L.C. VANNIER, Mrs. C.R. RICH of Belmont, and Mrs. Fred LIPPMAN, Mrs. A.F. BROWNE and Mrs. J. CLARKE of San Carlos.
Mrs. Mary Eleanor McLEA, daughter of Mr and Mrs. B.A. CHEW, died at her home in Alviso last Monday. She was well known in Redwood City, having spent a portion of her girlhood here. Her father, who was a son of the late Mrs. A.A. Titus, was also raised in this city. The deceased was a native on Monterey, aged 26 years. The remains were interred in Lone Tree Cemetery, Hayfards (as printed), on Thursday.
The annual banquet of the Redwood Parlor, N.S.G.W. took place at the Forester’s new hall Thursday evening. About seventy-five native sons from all the peninsula towns were seated at the festive board. A.S. LIGOURI was toastmaster and many witty speeches were made. H.W. SCHABERG gave a splendid address on the old history of the parlor that was very interesting. The other speakers were Fred LIPPMAN, W.J. PLUMP, J.H. NASH, John KELLY, Geo. BOGLE, Judge LAMPKIN, John COATS and D.R. STAFFORD and Will BARG.
Double Engagement Announcement
A San Bruno correspondent of the Times-Gazette has the following interesting in which two of Colma’s fairest daughters figure as prospective brides.
Rumor, which seems to be pretty well confirmed, is circulating in the social circles of the north end of the county, that a double engagement of more that usual interest is soon to be announced. The rumor affects the two handsome and engaging daughters of Supervisor Jas. T. CASEY. According to the report, Miss Elsie, the elder of the two daughters, is preparing to make formal announcement of her engagement to Frank BARRETT, a prominent contractor of San Francisco. At the same time Miss Margaret, who is also a strong social favorite of this section, will make known her engagement to Robert SAVAGE, a well-to-do farmer of Half Moon Bay and brother of William J. SAVAGE, principal of the Colma Vista Grande schools.
In the Superior Court of the State of California, in, and for the County of San Mateo.
In the matter of the Estate of Giovanni SCRAMAGLIA, sometimes known as John SCRAMAGLIA, deceased.
No. 1699
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Kate SCRAMAGLIA, Administratix of the Estate of Giovanni SCRAMAGLIA, sometimes known as John SCRAMAGLIA, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said Giovanni SCRAMAGLIA, deceased, or his estate, to exhibit and present them with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice (made November 28th, 1913) to the administratrix of said estate, at the law office of Henry Ward Brown, on Washington Street, between Dunks and Briggs streets in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California, the same being the place hereby designated by said administratrix for the transaction of the business of the estate of said Giovanni SCRAMAGLIA, sometimes known as John SCRAMAGLIA, deceased.
Dated: November 28th, 1913
Administrator of the Estate of Giovanni Scramaglia
J. McLaughlin to Abbey Land and Improvement Co., lot 1, block 112, Abbey Homestead Association.
Continental Building and Loan Association to J.P. Dunn and wife, lot 50 and portion lot 49, Am Belle Air Park
F.P. Brophy and wife to C. Carroll, lot 22, block 3, Princeton-by-the-Sea
F.P. Brophy and wife to H.E. Getz, lot 17 block 4, Princeton-by-the-Sea
F.P. Brophy and wife to D.A. Nathan, lot 5 block 8, Princeton-by-the-Sea
F.P. Brophy and wife to V.J. Drougard, lots 33 and 44, block 14, Princeton-by-the-Sea
F.P. Brophy and wife to Emily Bowen, lot 54, block 13, Princeton-by-the-Sea
Henry Pausmann to Anna Pausmann, lot C, block 11, Prop. Burlingame Land Co
R.W. Barrett and wife to Hilma Carlson, lot 4, block 2, W.W.&M Sub
California Suburban Home Co to G. Triglia, lot 10, block 30, Resubdivision Farralone City
San Mateo Land Association to M.E.Moran, lot 5, block A, San Mateo Heights
Sarah J. Lamb and husband to T.J. Lyman, lots 35 and 36, block H. San Bruno Park
Calara Valley Realty Co to C.W. Farr, lot 20, block 9, Vallemar
John A. Boyd et al to Kate Tosney, lot 30 block 4, Sequoia tract
C.H. Taylor and wife to A.L. Douthit, lots 29 and 30, block 18, Crocker tract
Ira M. Cobe and wife to Lizzie McAdams and Mary McAdams, lot 21, block 12, Burlingqme Terrace
D.S. Dorn to C.A. Dorn et al, lots 1 and 2, Qyillota tract
J.A. Hooper to M. Schmidt et al, lot 15, Volata Park
Pulgas Land Co to R.T. Richart, lot 104, Gray tract
Angela DeMartini and husband to F. Oleese, lots 21 and 23, Wellesley Park
Shore Line Investment Co to A. Verdier, lot 3, block 15, and lot 4, block 17, Granada
Hensley Green Co. to M.R. Fanner, lot 10, block 24, San Bruno Park
V. Gieldi and wife to L. Blaettler, lot 20 block 4, Hillcrest
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to G. Bertucelli, portion lot 4 block 124, South San Francisco
Peter Faber and wife to A.P. Knepper, 30.56 acres, portion EL Corte Madera Rancho
Redwood City Lumber Co. to Redwood City Realty Co., lot 8, block 2, W.W.&M Subdivision
South City Lot Co. to H.C. Cassen, lot 30, block U, Peck’s Subdivision, South San Francisco
R.H. Smith to W. Johansen, lot 9, block 2, Huntington Park
R.H. Smith to O.A. Osborne, lot ‘0 (as printed) block 2, Huntington Park
C.M. Grellman and wife to H.J. Ohlsen, lot 271, San Mateo Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to F.F. Hermans, lot 14, block 3, Lomita Park
N.A. Lecatza to Chas. More, lot 51, block D, Mission Street tract
H.D. Garvey to T. Tuite, lot 3, Oakwood Park Extension
H.D. Garvey to T. Tuite, lot 23, Roussel tract
Montara Realty Development Co to S.M.. Beebe, lot 47, block 31, Montara
Montara Realty Development Co to C.F. Roberts, lots 46, 47, and 48, block 25, Montara
Montara Realty Development Co to Mary Keating, lots 1 and 2, block 3, Montara
Shore Line Investment Co to C.H. Perfontaine lot 2, block 19, Granada
Hensley Realty Co et al to W.F. Tolchard, lots 6 and 7, block 9, San Bruno Park
Harriett K. Hobart to John O’Mara, lots 20 and 21, block 1, Belle Airr Park
Shore Line Investment Co to J. Logan, lot 24, block 4, Granada
Boston Investment Co to F. Geiser, and wife, lot 14, Lyon & Hoag Subdivision
C.B. Smith et al to Mrs. M.B. Acton, lot 29, block 9, Burlingame Terrace
Shore Line Investment Co to W.F. Korts, lot 16, block 82, Granada
D.P. Flynn and wife to O.M. Carrington, lot 7, block 1, Robinson Subdivision
Co-operative Land and Trust Co. to Albertson Realty Co., lots 1, 2 and 3, block 12, North Palo Alto
Shore Line Investment Co. to C.W. McElroy, lot 17, block 36, Granada
Ansel M. Easton and wife to J.M. Landis, lot 2, block 12, Lomita Park
W.R. Bartley et al to G.J. Campbell, portion blocks 3, 5 and 6, El Mar Beach.

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last updated: 21 May 2005