San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
05 Dec 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
December 5 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 36 Friday, December 5, 1913

(This column is very light and difficult to read)
Frank CROSETTE(?) aged 20 Los Gatos and Angela GA--- (GAUET??) aged 2?, San Mateo
Patrick H. C/G__ley aged 27 _________ Merice L. ____________-, both of San Francisco
Frank J. NA_____ aged 32, San Mateo and Ella H____ MAR____ aged 20 or 26 Redwood City
George L. _______________ Grace E. CLAYTON age 22 both of San Jose
Harry Hall GET?NELL age 2? And Eva May MAGIMSON age 2? Both of San Francisco
William J. MORAN(?) age ?? __pah and Anna M. FIELD age 18, Oakland
George M. S________ age 35(??) Annie Olive LARSAN age 29, both of San Francisco
Robert M. CROW (??) age 50(??) and Blanche A. PERKINS age 47, both of Hickman, Stanislaus County
Charles O________ age ?? and Amelia ROMMELL age 25, both of San Francisco
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
E.J. CHRISMAN vs L.C. LACY et al – Judgment ordered for plaintiff
Walter D. MORGAN vs Emma MORGAN - Partial hearing had and return on citation continued to December 27.
Schwerin Realty Co. vs Joseph SLYE et - Notice of motion for judgment denied.
City and suburban Co. vs City of Daly City – Order to show cause continued to December 27.
Nellie TUCKER vs Albert TUCKER – Petition for writ of execution granted.
Walter SEALY vs Samuel KNIGHT – Trial continued to December 29.
G. BARBIERI vs A. SCHENONI – Trial continued to December 29
The papers in the divorce suit of Paul WALPOLE against his wife, Annie WALPOLE, have been transferred from the Superior court of Sonoma county to the Superior Court of this county. The case was begun at Santa Rosa, but the defendant, who is a resident of Daly City, asked for a change of venue, and cher (sic) petition was granted. According to the complain the couple was married at Oakland in May 1900. There are no children as a result of the marriage. The husband charges his wife with desertion, alleging that she left him in 1907.
The East San Mateo Land Co. plaintiff in the case of the East San Mateo Land Co. vs. the Southern Pacific Co., has filed a notice that it will appeal to the Supreme Court from the decision rendered by Judge George H. Buck on October 30, 1913, in favor of the defendant.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. SCHABERG inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of James CROWE, deceased.
Mary Betts WEST has brought suit against Juanita BETTS to have the marriage of her son, Walter E. BETTS, and defendant annulled. The plaintiff alleges that her son and Juanita Betts were united in marriage at Hollister on January 4, 1912, that young BETTS was only 17 years old at the time of the marriage and that she did not give her consent in writing or verbally to the marriage, and therefore asks that said contract be annulled. There are no children as a result of the , neither is there any community projects.
Edward KNIGHT has brought foreclosure proceedings against the Hensley Smith Co. and others to recover the sum of $22,062.50. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of 204 acres of land in the San Pedro valley near the Pacific Ocean. It was bought by the company and subdivided. Plaintiff also asks for attorney fees in the sum of $2,206.50 and costs of the suit.
J.W. LEA___ and Co. has filed a complaint in ______ ___ against J.D. SWEENEY to recover possession of a 30 horsepower four cylinder Overland touring car of the __14 model. The complain alleges that the machine was wrongfully taken from the plaintiff, who asks the return of the auto or the equivalent - the sum of $__000. Plaintiff also asks for damages for unlawful detention in the sum of $150.
Estate of Regina ROHNGVIST, deceased – Sale of real estate confirmed.
Estate of Josephine H. WILSON, deceased – Order made giving a family allowance of $35 a month
Estate of Otto ANDERSON, deceased - First and final account allowed and settled
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased – Petition to set aside homestead continued to December 27
Estate of W.B. KREGER, deceased – Will admitted to probate and W.B. Smith appointed administrator with bond fixed at $10,000
Estate of Agnes Howard HAYNE, deceased – First and final account of special administrator allowed and settled and special administrator discharged. First and final account of executor allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Lydia M. BROWN, guardian of the person and estate of Frances Easton McCLEES, an incompetent person, has filed her first and final account. The statement shows that the sum of $2323.37 has been received by the guardian and that the sum of $1055.21 has been disbursed, leaving a balance of $818.16 in the hands of the guardian.
E.E. HOLBROOK, appraiser of the estate of Maria A. CASTRO, deceased, has appraised the property of the estate in San Benito county, consisting of a lot in the Jose Castro subdivision at $200. The inventory and appraisement were filed in the County Clerk’s office.
H.W. SCHABERG, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Agnes BETZOLD deceased, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $1710.71. It consists of lot 11, block 61, Eastern Addition to the Town of Redwood City, appraised at $1000, and money in the hands of the administrator, $710.71.
H.J. DOUGHERTY has applied for letters of administration, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Joseph COSGROVE, who died in San Mateo county June 11, 1906. The estate consists of a lot in the Schiele subdivision, Santa Clara county, valued at $300. A.F. COSGROVE, sole heir and son of the deceased, has consented in writing to have the estate administered by the petitioner, who is also attorney for the estate.
The sixteen year-old sister of Wm. KLOTTS, one of Daly City’s well respected citizens, arrived this week from her native town in Germany, and will make her home here.
Burton, the four-year old son of Mrs. Katherine CAIRNS, underwent an operation at Mary’s Help Hospital Monday, having the adenoids and tonsils removed. The little boy is getting along fine.
Mrs. Ben HANSEN, who resides near the west end of Los Angeles avenue, was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital Thursday to undergo quite a serious operation, affecting the head near one of her ears.
George FOWLER, the tool sharpener, whose shop is opposite the Home of Peace Cemetery, left last Friday for Portland, Oregon, in response to a call to the bedside of his mother, who is very sick.
Julius NELSON, who is well and favorably known in Daly City, has accepted a position with the Postal Telegraph and Cable Co. of Portland, Oregon, where is he is nicely situated. His family remains here, however, so we are not likely to lose him entirely. He has ordered the Record sent to his address, wishing to keep posted on affairs at home.
Mrs. B.E. GARDENIER has returned from a five months visit to her old home in Kansas City, Missouri, where she had a very delightful time with relatives and many old-time friends of childhood days. On her return she stopped two days at Denver, Colorado, where she enjoyed a splendid Rocky Mountain snow storm, it being a real novelty compared to her California home, where it never snows. Mrs. GARDENIER is one of Daly City’s most excellent ladies, who has been missed by her many friends.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Frederick NOCCELLI is building a big barn on his ranch near Salada Beach.
Mrs. Wm. FAHEY of Salada Beach visited friends in San Francisco the fore part of last week.
Mrs. George H. FLINT of San Francisco spent several days in Moss Beach visiting her husband.
A. MATSON, section foreman on the Ocean Shore, left Tuesday for a six months’ visit to his parents at Malmo, Sweden.
A. BEAL of San Francisco has purchased the Harrington house at Brighton Beach and will reside there permanently.
Mr and Mrs. E.C. GLADDEN of Sissons were in Half Moon Bay last Thursday visiting their sons, who are attending high school.
Frank BENNETT of Pescadero died Thursday, November 27. The body was taken to Half Moon Bay for interment in the local cemetery.
Conductor HOUCK, who broke his leg some time ago while at work on the Ocean Shore Railroad, has returned to his home at Half Moon Bay after spending a number of weeks in a San Francisco hospital.
Miss Grace FRANCIS has given up her position as cashier in the meat market and has resumed her studies in the stenographic course after having been out two months. She intends to make up for lost time and will finish along with the rest of the class. Glad to see you back, Grace. Half Moon Bay Review.
Dr. H.W. TAGGART is reported as improving from his illness. He is at St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco.
Frank DURHAM has returned to his home in Verdi, Nevada, where he is engaged in farming. Mr. DURHAM was called here recently on account of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Martha DURHAM, who is now greatly improved.
The home of Dr and Mrs. J.L. ROSS was the scene of a pretty party on Friday night, when Miss Blanche ROSS entertained a large number of her schoolmates, in honor of her 12th birthday. Games and dancing furnished the diversions, and a supper of dainties with a beautiful birthday caked, closed the affair.
Judge James HANNON appeared on the street Friday for the first time since he was struck with an automobile and fractured his leg, He was greeted on all sides by his many friends, who are glade to see him out again.
Ulysses GOVAN, of Atlanta, Ga., is trying to locate his father, Ulysses GOVAN, Sr., who once lived in Redwood but later moved to Mayfield. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Mr. McGOVERN(sic) Sr., will kindly notify this office.
Wilbur DOXESE, treasurer of the Christian Endeavor Society, entertained the members of the society at his home Saturday last in honor of the anniversary of his birth. The occasion was a very enjoyable one. About twenty-five persons attended.
E.G. HAMILTON, the local collector for the telephone company, has resigned his position and has accepted the position of assistant jailor under Sheriff A.B. LANGFORD of Santa Clara County.
George W. LOVIE was operated upon at the Peninsula hospital at Palo Alto last Monday by Dr. ROSS, Dr. WILLIAMS and Dr. CHAPIN. The operation was a very serious one, and was successfully performed. Mr. LOVIE is improving nicely and will recover, although it will be some little time before he will be able to leave the hospital.
Heirs Sue for Accounting
The estate of John T. DOYLE, the pioneer lawyer whose shrewdness in making the Southern Pacific take a 50-year lease through his Menlo Park estate instead of a bill of sale just netted his heirs $100,000, is the center of an interesting contest which started Monday before Judge George H. Buck. A.H. REDINGTON, attorney for John D. POPE and Emilie POPE, who as DOYLE’s grandchildren, received a portion of his estate, is suing John J. DOYLE and Edmund DOYLE, sons and trustees of the DOYLE fortune, for an accounting.
Irregularities in the accounting of the $500,000 estate are charged. L.S. READING, a public accountant, has been ordered by Judge Buck to audit the books and file his report with the court.
Shore Line Invest Co to C. Embring and wife, lot 4, blk 56, Granada
Central Trust Co of Cal to J.F. Curran Lot 9 blk 6 Hillcrest
Rockaway Beach Co to C.P. Jones, lot 31 block 11, Rockaway Beach
George H. Irving to R.W. Blosser and wife, lot 14, blk 5, Menlo Oaks
Bowie Estate Co et al to C.T. Wheeler, lot 4, blk 2, Central Addn. San Mateo
Phebe M. Rideout to J.E. Barry, Blk 8, Menlo Oaks
J.E. Barry to Martha F. Sell Same as above
The Moxey Realty Co to M.C. Jarvine Lots 9 to 32 blk 2, Reese Sub
Oaks Co to L. Humme Lots 15, 16, blk 63, Dumbarton Oaks
So. San Francisco Land and Imp Co to A.T. Smith Lot 39 blk 118 South San Francisco
A.M. Easton and wife to Ada S. Buck, Lot 17, blk 37, Easton Addn to Burlingame
Shore Line Invest Co to P. Sullivan, Lot 6 blk 96, Granada
West Redwood Land Co to E.J. Sprenger et al. Lots 9, 10, blk 3, West Redwood
H.F. Sundeen et al to C.A. Wolf and wife Lot 13, blk 14, Vista Grande
J.C. Evans and wife to W.F. Hoffman Lot 21, blk 29, Lyon & Hoag Sub
Crocker Estate Co to W de Ronden-Pos Lot 1, blk 27, Crocker Tract
Moxey Realty Co to C.A. Rudorff Lots 7, 8, blk 1, Reese Sub
W.B. McAllister to John Bennett Lot 2 blk 19, Lyon & Hoag Sub
N.F. Brahan and wife to same, Lot 1, portion 2, blk 14, Town of Burlingame
West Redwood Land Co to G.S. Matthews and wife, Lot 5 blk 3, West Redwood
F.H. Richardson to Mary E. Richardson Lot 13, blk 16, Millbrae Villa tract
Jas Curran and wife to E. Bianchi Jr. and wife Lot 1 blk 2, Sweeney Addn, Redwood
Hensley-Green Co to F.S. Durden, lot 55 blk 30, San Bruno Park
R.P. Brophy and wife to H. Rowen, Lot 1, blk 15, Princeton-by-the-Sea
West Redwood Land Co to T.J. Henry Lots 45 to 48, blk 5, West Redwood
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to Mrs. C.H. Doggett, Lot 15, blk 32, Belle Air Park Addn
Same to Mrs. Clara Loveland Lot 9 blk 15 per same map
Kerrn-Neilan Co., Inc to A. Gambogia Lot 8 blk 24 and lot 52 blk 23 Union Park
A. M. Easton and wife to Mary G. Wright, Lot 5, blk 22, Easton Addn, Burlingame
Montara Realty Dev. Co. to A.P. Cadenasso Lots 40, 41, 32, blk 29, Montara
Edw. F. Fitzpatrick and wife to Catherine Lane et al, 37.36 acres, Ro Canada de Raymundo
B. Reges to J. Castro and wife Lot 7 blk D, Boyd and Kent Addn, Redwood
Guadaloupe Dev Co to F. Duhine, Lot 1 blk 4, City of Visitation
Burlingame Grove Co to Chas A. Franklin and wife Lot 1 blk 7, Burlingame Grove Tract
Chas H. Kendrick to Elizabeth S. Hill Lots 1, 2, blk 3, Mirimar
L. Wallman to J. Wallman Lot 475, San Mateo City Homestead
Ira M Cobe and wife to H.W. Zwick Lot W blk 8, Burlingame Terrace
Geo. H. Gerwin and wife to A.H. Mesick Lot 17 Blk A. W.W.&M Subdivision
Hensley-Green Co to R.C. Connelly Lots 39, 50, blk 11, San Bruno Park
Same to A.A. Walsh and wife Lots 51, 52, blk E. same map
R.H. Smith to L.W. Beauchamp and wife Lots 10, 11, blk 5, Huntington Park
Oaks Co to R.L. Wilson and wife Lots 2, 3, blk 45, Dumbarton Oaks
Oaks Co to Annie Watson Lot 4, Blk 54 per same map
Hensley-Green Co to W.W. Oliver, Lot 11, blk 22, San Bruno Park
The Alberton Realty Co to A. Annovassi Lots 2, 3 blk 12, No. Palo Alto
Same to David E. Pound Lot 1, blk 12, same tract
J.H.T. Watkinson to L. Linhares Lot 15 blk A, Mission St. Tract
P. Signorelli and wife to A. Cattaneo Lot 11 blk 119, South San Francisco
H. Law and wife to H.E. Law 40.33 acres El Corte Madero Ro
R.E. Moody to J.B. Coryell Lot 24, section 2, tp 3, S R 5 W
J.B. Coryell and wife to Southern Pacific Co Lot 24 sec 2 tp 3 S R 5 W
Same to same Lots 22, 23 sec 2 and lots 17 to 22, 31, 32, sec 3; lots 1, 2, 16, sec 10; lots 10 to __, 3 S R 5 W
R. Wolff to P. Anzenhofer, Lots 1 to 4 blk 1, Maps S.P. Collins and others, 23 lots of land
C.W. Morrow et al to Mary Lighfoot Lots 30, 31, blk 53, No Fair Oaks

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last updated: 21 May 2005