San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
12 Dec 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
December 12 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 37 Friday, December 12, 1913

Robert M. CROW, age 50 and Blanch A. PERKINS, age 47, both of Heckman, Stanislaus county
Charles E. ORR, age 25, and Amelia ROMMELL, age 31, both of San Francisco
Walter O’MALLEY, age 49, and Wilhemina SCHEPER, age 43, both of San Francisco
J.A. SHERWOOD, age 29, South San Francisco and Ella AMAYA, age 18, San Jose
Louis R. EATON, age 27, San Francisco and Ella M. CLANCY, age 28, Piedmont
George M. SPORER, age 38 and Annie O. LARSAN, age 29, both of San Francisco
John W. SSHMITZ (as printed), age 27, and Ethel G. BROWN, age 23, both of San Francisco
Joseph JUDGE, age 38, Santa Rosa, and Emma MILLES, age 37, Fairfield, Neb.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
People vs Chas C. PILLING – Defendant pleaded guilty and sentenced to serve two years in San Quentin
People vs Harry DAY – Defendant pleaded guilty and sentenced to serve one year in San Quentin.
People vs Otto ZOELLNAR – Admitted to probation for period of one year.
Mary TOBIN et al vs Henry W. BROWN et al – Order to show cause dropped from calendar
Kopp & Schick vs Mary FARRELL et al – Partial trial had and further hearing continued to December 11.
People vs Martin GALFAN – Defendant pleaded guilty to charge of burglary and admitted to probation for one year
People vs D. SULLIVAN – Defendant pleaded not guilty. Case continued to December 10 to set trial.
Andrew F. BURKE vs East San Mateo Land Co. – Demurrer submitted on briefs.
Mary TOBIN vs H.W. BROWN et al – Notice of motion to set demurrer continued to January 1.
Christie Machine Works vs City of Palo Alto – Demurrer sustained and plaintiff given 10 days to amend complaint.
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs W.W. GILLESPIE – Order to show cause continued to December 10
H. C. BARKER vs City of Daly City – Motion for an injunction continued to December 10
John MEILER has brought foreclosure proceedings against Herman PARTMAN and his wife Mary PARTMAN, to recover the sum of $871.73. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 14 and 15, block 26, Easton Addition to Burlingame. Plaintiff also asks for interest, costs of suit and attorney fees, provided for in the mortgage.
Joseph BOUREQ has commenced an action against R.R. MANLEY to recover damages in the sum of $10,000 for injuries received by plaintiff when run into by an automobile driven by Manley. The complaint recites that in last April he was seated in a buggy and riding to the City of San Mateo when defendant came in the opposite direction, riding at a high rate of speed without having lamps on the machine and ran into him, throwing him to the street. He suffered severe injury, having to remain in the hospital for some time. The complaint alleges that the injuries were received by him through the careless and negligent driving of defendant. He also asks for the loss of his salary during the time he was laid up, doctor fees, medicine, nurse hire, etc., amounting to $2800, making a total of $12,800.
The papers on appeals from the justice court of the Second Township in the civil case of Charlotte WITTS vs A.C. JONES have been filed in the County Clerk’s office. The case was brought to recover the sum of $60 for rent of a house owed by her in Burlingame. Defendant proved that the landlord had violated the contract in not making certain repairs on the premises. Judge Lamb of Burlingame, before whom the case was tried, decided in favor of defendant and against plaintiff. The case will be retried in the Superior Court.
The estate of Agnes Howard HAYNE, who died in Italy July 12, 1912, was distributed Monday. The value of the estate is $285,383.51, and the husband Stephen Duncan HAYNE, is the sole heir. Mrs. HAYNES did not make any provision for her daughter, Agnes Margaretta HAYNE, and she said in her will that her husband would properly provide for the child. Mrs. HAYNE’s estate consists of 31 parcels of land which are part of the vast Howard-Bowie holdings in San Mateo and Hillsborough. El Cerrito, Mrs. HAYNE’s magnificent Hillsborough estate, is now occupied by Mrs. William S. TEVIS.
Loren COBURN, the “poor old rich man of San Mateo county,” received another setback in his fight for restoration to competency Monday when Judge George H. Buck ordered the case transferred to another county. Judge George H. Cabaniss of San Francisco, who sat for Judge Buck in the last trial, was on the bench, but the court orders were made by Judge Buck.
Estate of Effie M. DICKERMAN, deceased – Will Admitted to probate and Frank STEELE granted letters testamentary with bond fixed in the sum of $21,000.
Estate of A.M. GARDNER, deceased – Will admitted to probate and Mrs. GARDNER appointed executrix. Bond waived.
Estate of Bernard F. BURKE, deceased – Mrs. Catherine BURKE, granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $5600.
Estate of Hans RASMUSSEN, deceased, Partial distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of Kate MOTZ, an incompetent person – Order to show cause continued to December 11.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased – Petition to set aside homestead continued to December 11.
Estate of Sarah A. THORNTON, deceased – R.S. THORNTON appointed administrator with bond fixed at $2500
Estate of Amanda ROBENSON, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of William Cluff Downey et al minors – Third annual account continued to December 11.
Joseph H. NASH has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary WOODS, who died at Half Moon Bay December 21, 1913. (Date as printed) The estate consists of a parcel of land with improvements near Half Moon Bay and money loaned on a mortgage. The value of the entire estate does not exceed $10,000. The heirs at law are James WOODS, aged 80 years, husband of the deceased, living at Half Moon Bay, Mrs. P.J. MALONEY, a sister, residing at Menlo Park, another sister, residing in Ireland, and Mrs. Annie McMAHON and Julia WOODWARD, daughters of Johanna KELLY, deceased, sister of Mary WOODS. Both nieces reside in San Francisco. James WOODS, the husband, waives his right to administer upon the estate and in writing asks that the petitioner is appointed in his stead and place.
George W. SNEIDER has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Peter KOHOE, who died in this county January 4, 1913. The estate consists of money due from the Ransome-Crummey Co., contractors, as wages, amounting to $85. Mr. SNEIDER has also appliled for letters of administration upon the estate of Adolph GARSIA, who died in the county January 13, 1913. The estate consists of money due as wages from the same contractors amounting to $85.
Rudolph REH has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Amelia REH, who died at Belmont November 8, 1913. The estate consists of a lot at Burlingame and some personal property and does not exceed $2000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, a brother, and Robert REH, another brother, both residing in San Francisco, and a sister, Marie REH, living in Germany.
R.F. Chilcott, A.F. Joseph and Charles A. Mosconi appraisers of the estate Antoinette FRANCIS, deceased, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $5,500. It consists of cash in the hands of the executor, Joseph M. FRANCIS, amounting to $4500, and a parcel of land at Half Moon Bay appraised at $1000.
R.F. Chilcott, appraiser of the estate of Joseph KENNEL, deceased has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $7275. It consists of personal property apprised at $4725, a parcel of land on San Bruno avenue near South San Francisco, together with improvements, appraised at 1050, and an undivided one-half interest in a certain piece of property in San Francisco, with improvements, appraised at 1500.
H.W. Schaberg, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Louis FREGGIORI, deceased has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $2089.85. It consists of cash in the hands of the administrator amounting to $589.81, lot 3, block 2, East San Mateo, appraised at $800, lot 7, block 1, East San Mateo, appraised at $700.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Mary KYNE, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed Guy C. Calden, Ada Hull and H.W. Schaberg appraisers of the estate of William B. KREGER, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of G.J. LIGUORI, deceased.
George PAPPAS has sold his restaurant and will devote his entire time to his saloon.
John HARRIS is greatly improving the home place, 147 Santa Ana avenue, with a new coast of paint.
B.F. JARVIS has returned from a few months’ stay in Mendocino county, where he was employed at his trade, carpentering.
Mrs. Ben HANSEN, who was reported last week as having an operation performed for a serious trouble in the head, is getting along nicely.
Harry GREGORY, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L GREGORY, residing on Santa Ana avenue, is quite ill with pneumonia and was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital Monday.
H.L. CARMICHAEL, formerly in the grocery business in Daly City, has again decided to abide in this city of destiny, having moved into a cottage on Vista avenue.
John D, DALY is preparing for the removal of the candy store and Mrs. SMITH’s restaurant back 10 feet to make room for the State Highway. He will also excavate the rock on that corner.
Our local baker, A. VOGLER, proprietor of the Vista Grande Bakery and Grocery, is, giving everybody quite a treat in the way of a Christmas present by selling 30 bread tickets for $1 from December 15 to December 31.
The young ladies who attended Miss Olga OTTOBONI’s birthday party November 15, returned with a surprise party Saturday evening November 29. The evening was spent in dancing, singing and games, and proved to be an enjoyable one. Later, a grand supper was served, which consisted of many dainty dishes.
Fined and Sent to Jail
P. BANDONI, a wealthy hog rancher of Colma, was taken to the county jail Tuesday of last week to serve a term of ten days and also to pay of fine of $150. BANDONI has been fighting for several months against the enforcement of the ordinance abolishing hog ranches, but finally surrendered and was sentenced by Justice of the Peace McCormick of San Mateo. He is reputed to be work $50,000, all of which he gained in the traffic in hogs. – Redwood City Democrat.
The following building contacts have been filed in the County Recorder’s Office:
S. McCLURE agrees to erect for D. A. READE in 60 days a one-story frame building on lot 10, block 26, Second Addition to the Town of Burlingame for $1420.
William S. LEADLEY agrees to erect for W.O. BOOTH and wife in 60 days a one-story dwelling on lot 24, block 29, Western Addition to the Town of San Mateo for 2800.
Hog Raiser Paroled
P. BANDONI, the wealthy hog rancher of Colma, who was sentenced to 10 days in the county jail for violating the county health ordinance was paroled Tuesday after losing 50 pounds during his eight days incarceration. Mrs. BANDONI, who had been a constant visitor at the jail, pleaded with the authorities for her husband’s release and the officers who sent BANDONI to jail for persistently refusing to move his hogs were finally moved by the woman’s tears and ordered her husband’s release.
Pioneer Woman Passes
Mrs. Miranda E. MILLS, one of the wealthiest woman of San Mateo county, died here Saturday morning . Deceased was a native of Vermont and came to California in 1850. She was 81 years of age. Mrs. MILLS is survived by a son, Burleigh Murray MILLS, of Beresford, and a daughter, Mrs. Carrie A. JURY, of San Mateo. The funeral was held Monday.
Killed by Train
Benjamin CASTRO, a gardener employed on the Robert OXNARD estate, was killed by a Southern Pacific freight train at Redwood City early Wednesday morning . He was crossing the tracks at Jefferson street, when the rear end of the train, which was being switched, backed into him. He was a native of Guam, 43 years old, and leaves a widow and four minor children.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Miss Daisy McCORMICK of Pescadero is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Joseph AZEVEDO.
Mrs. E. SUTHERLAND, who has been residing in Los Angeles, has returned to Moss Beach to remain.
G.W. BAKER has been plowing the Jakobs ranch at Farrallone preparatory to planting it to potatoes.
Miss Josie MOWRY visited her cousin, Mrs. BLOOM, at the St. Rafael Hotel in San Francisco last week.
Miss Marianna GAY and sister, Mrs. Hattie S. BIGELOW of Moss Beach, are spending several days in Berkeley.
H. HILLARD and family of Cincinnati, Ohio, have leased the Mrs. L.V. Banning property at Brighton Beach for the winter.
C.A. GUSTAFSON of Salada Beach, who recently was laid up with broken ribs, is again a commuter on the Ocean Shore.
Mr and Mrs. BRANDIES of Oakland visited Moss Beach last week. Mrs. BRANDIES is a daughter of Mr and Mrs C.B. SMITH.
Miss Gladys SMITH of Los Angeles, niece of Miss Annie G. SMITH of Moss Beach, left here Wednesday to visit friends in Oakland.
Mr and Mrs. T.B. HART, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. H.C. WAGNER, at Salada Beach, have returned to their home at Chico.
Montara is becoming the Gretna Green of California. A couple came all the way from Sacramento to be married by Rev. Dr. Hoskinson on Saturday, November 28.
M.B. JOHNSOS, who has spent three months in Mexico on the Vera Cruz Cattle Company’s plantation, has returned. It is understood that he will devote most of his time from now on to “Good Roads.”
D.E. SIZER of Omaha, Neb., is building a cottage to the north of the STEELE property, Moss Beach. Mr. SIZER and family will make their home there just as soon as the residence is completed.
Mrs. James MORAN, once a resident of Half Moon Bay, died in San Francisco Friday, November 28. The MORANS were among the first settlers. Deceased was the mother of Gussie and Victor GUERERO.
On account of the steady increase in the number of school children during the past few months, the trustees of the Triangle district will have to secure another teacher for next year. There are 60 children in the Montara district.
C.M.L. NELSON, a recent arrival in Montara, is instructing boys and girls in physical culture, conducting charmed with the Coast Side and expresses a determination to remain here permanently if his business interests justify it.
Miss Rose CARDOZA was married in San Francisco last Wednesday to Joseph BERGLUND. Mrs. BERGLUND is one of Half Moon Bay’s most popular and highest esteemed young ladies and has the best wishes of a large number of friends.
At this time, when the automobile boulevard is uppermost in our minds, we are again reminded by M.B. JOHNSON’s return from Mexico City that it was he, more than anyone else, who pushed to success the boulevard bond proposition. - Coast Side Comet
Dr. J.S. THOMAS, pastor evangelist of the Presbyterian Church for Northern California, has accepted the pastorate of the Montara church. Dr. W.S. HOSPINSON will preach each Sunday morning until Dr. THOMAS completes his present work, which will be in about 90 days.
Miss Catherine MURPHY left last Monday for Portland, Oregon, to stay during the winter with her sister, who has been a resident of the northern city for several years.
The appointment of J.W. HERD as postmaster of Oil Center was not confirmed by the U.S. Senate at Washington last Saturday for some unknown cause. It is just possible that Senator Works had some one else in mind for the place. Mrs. HURD was formerly Miss Emma CLARK of Redwood City. (HERD/HURD as printed)
Miss Mina FINGER, a former resident of Redwood City, and a pioneer of the county, passed away at the home of her son, Henry FINGER, at Santa Barbara on Thursday of last week, aged 87 years. Deceased was a resident of Redwood over fifty years.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah A. Thornton, deceased
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the estate of said deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased , to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at his residence, in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California, the same being his place the transaction of the business of said estate in the said County of San Mateo, State of California.
Administrator of the Estate of said deceased
Dated. Redwood City, Cal., December 11, 1913
Edward F. Fitzgerald, Attorney for said estate
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record December 12, 1913, and continued 5 times.
S.D. Haynes to J.H.P. Howard, portion lot 1, Bowie Estate
A.G. Sala et al to K. Anderson, north one-half lot 10, block 10, East San Mateo
G.J. Batz and wife to K. Anderson, lots 13 and 14, block 8, Miramar Terrace
D.M. Weaite et al to Netta Clinton, lot 24, block 12, Vista Grande
Hensley-Green Co to Hannah Durant and husband, lots 56 and 57, block B, San Mateo Park
Mrs. Kate Ryan to J. Cullen, lot 8, block 4, Vallemar
Mrs. Kate Ryan to J. Cullen, lot 9, block 4, Vallemar
A. Violetti to Ambrose Galli et al, north one-half lot 4, block 125, South San Francisco
H. Knighthart to Ella Hansen, lots 18 and 19, block 2, Ola Vista Beach
F.W. Birlem to Edna K. Kirlem, lot 34, block K, Hayward Park
A.J. Williams to Sophie Nelson, portion block 23, Abbey Homestead
California Suburban Home Co. to L. Santner, lot 7, block 22, Farrallone City
F.P. Brophy and wife to O.W. Spears et al, lot 4, block 1, Princeton-by-the-Sea
M. Cohen to Sam Aftergut Co. portion Rancho Canade de Guadalupe Visitacion
Crocker Estate Co to T.H. Inch, lot 47, block 10, Crocker Tract
George H. Irving to P.A. Pfluger and wife, lot 1, block _, Sub. Menlo Oaks
Hensley Realty CO et al to Louise Dininger, lot 27, block 1, San Bruno Park
Maggie A. Gerber and husband to A. Crane, lots 26 and 27, block 7, Vista Grande
Moxey Realty Co to Peal I. Hoak, lots 34 and 35, block 5, Central Park
Farallone Home Realty Co to D. Paddu, lot 18, block 21, Farrallone City
F.P. Brophy and wife to E.R. Exell, lot 25, block 2, Princeton-by-the-Sea
Pulgas Land Co. to H.R. Norback lot 19, Gray Tract
E. Schmeling to O. Dettbarn and wife, westerly one-half lot 20, block 21, Belle Air Park
Farallone Home Realty Co to E. Gargarino, lots 9, 10, 11, block 1_ Farrallone City
Shore Line Investment Co to G.H. Brigham, lot 7, block 64, Granada
Dorothy Dimmler to H.L. Long, lot 4, block 4, City of Naples
Dorothy Dimmler to U.L. Steward, lot 5, block 4, City of Naples
C.M. Umbach and wife to M. Schmidt, portion Volata Park
E.G. Reynolds et al to F. Olcose, lot 3, block 6, School House Homestead Association
O.P. Byers to L.B. Winiger, lot 8, block 1, Town of Mezesville
G. Summer to George Summer, portion lots 132 and 133, Visitaction Valley
G. Summer to Jos. Summer, portion lots 34 and 133, Visitaction Valley

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