San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
19 Dec 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
December 19 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 38 Friday, December 19, 1913

Albert F. ESCHRICHT, age 24 and Laura E. BEECHER, age 25, both of Portland.
Harold E. HANSEN, age 27, and Cassie COON, age 23, both of Belmont
Scott G. SIMONS, age 21, and Blanche LONDON, age 18, both of San Francisco
Richard McDONALD age 44 and ___lie BURKE, age 43, both of San Francisco
Philip RAINIER, age 22, San Jose, and Violet EVANS, age 21, Gilroy
Thomas F. REAGAN, age 30, and Gertrude M. REAGAN, age 23, both of San Francisco
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Carlo SIRI from Maria SIRI. The interlocutory decree was granted October 1, 1912. The custody of the minor child was reserved for future consideration.
A.F. FRENCH has commenced an action against Louise PULLMAN et al to recover the sum of $386.45 for services and materials furnished to defendants during the last two years. Plaintiff also asks for costs of suit.
Barbara MIGUEL and others have commenced foreclosure proceedings against Rosa QUARDO and Rosa QUARDO, as administratrix of the estate of John QUARDO, deceased, to recover the sum of $1060. The property of which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of three pieces of realty near Pescadero containing about 21 acres. The amount sought to be recovered is the balance due on a $2000 promissory note executed at Half Moon Bay December 1, 1906, by John QUARDO, then in life, and his wife, Rosa QUARDO. Plaintiff also asks for costs of suit, interest and attorney fees in the amount of 10 per cent of the judgment.
The E.W. McLELLAN Company has brought suit against the Sante Rozzi Company to recover damages in the sum of $3300. The complaint alleges that the parties to the suit entered into an agreement last September whereby plaintiff agreed to purchase the defendants crop of violets at Baden for 60 cents per dozen bunches. Plaintiff has carried out its portion of the agreement, but the defendant company failed to deliver the crop. The McLellean Company has a corner on all the violets grown on the peninsula, having some time ago purchased all the crops grown in this section of the State.
John E. BENNETT has commenced an action against Percy L. SHUMAN et al to secure possession of lots 75 and 82, San Mateo Park. The complaint alleges that the property was bought by plaintiff under a foreclosure sale and that a deed will be given to him by the commission on January 1, 1914. Plaintiff claims that Defendant Joseph H. DEFREES received a trust deed to the property in 1911 without consideration and that said instrument has no force or effect. BENNETT asks that an injunction be issued preventing defendants from disposing of the property and that defendant DEFREES be made to show what claim he actually has against the realty in question.
Kopp & Schick vs Mary FARRELL et al – Trial had and after argument case submitted.
Laura M. HUNTINGTON vs Oscar M. BRYANT – Order made permitting plaintiff to amend complaint.
H.C. BARKER vs City of Daly City – Motion for restraining order denied.
Tony CANADAS vs Hugh RIDGES et al – Demurrer sustained and plaintiff allow 10 days to amend complaint.
Mary A. TOBIN vs Henry Ward BROWN et al – Demurrers continued to January 7, 1914
The Emporium Co vs City of Burlingame – Demurrers continued to December 18
Mary TAYLOR vs B. TAYLOR – Notice of motion to retax costs, etc. dropped from calendar
Gustave JELINSKY vs Anna L. WOLFF – Judgment ordered for plaintiff
Margaret BROWN vs Chester W. BROWN – Interlocutory decree of divorce vacated and set aside.
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN – Trial had and matter to be submitted on briefs for decision and determination
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs W.W. GILLESPIE – Order to show cause continued to December 18; trial continued to December 18
S.BARBIERI vs A. SCHENONNI et al – Case submitted after argument for decision
People vs Dave SULLIVAN – Charge dismissed on motion of District Attorney
Catherine A. FITZBERALD, Formerly C.A. NASH, has petitioned for an order vesting in her a piece of property at Ravenswood containing 75 acres. The realty was formerly owned by Samuel NASH who deeded it to his son, Samuel C. NASH, in 1904, holding a life estate in it. Subsequently, the latter transferred it to his wife, who now desires to terminate the life estate held in the property by the elder NASH, who died subsequent to his son.
C.B. MAXWELL has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of David L. MAXWELL, who died at San Mateo on November 29, 19113. The petitioner is a son of the deceased residing in San Francisco.
Warren De GEAR has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Jessie De GEAR, who died at Burlingame on July 26, 1913. The estate consists of an undivided one-half interest in certain real property located at Burlingame, valued at $1000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, husband of the deceased, and Madeline DeGEAR, residing at San Francisco, and Joseph W. DeGEAR, residing at Burlingame.
J.F. DAVIS has filed the last will and testament of his wife, Ovita J. DAVIS, who died at Easton November 22, 1913. The will was executed on July 1, 1911, and by its terms the entire estate was bequeathed to her husband. The estate consists of the Davis home at Easton, valued at $4700, and household effects worth $275. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $5000. J.F. DAVIS has applied for letters testamentary. He is named as executor under the will.
Adrian BONNET has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Marin BONNET, who died November 12, 19113. The estate consists of a lot near Colma on which is located a small dwelling house, valued at about $300. The petition is a resident of Saratoga, Santa Clara County.
Alfred MATTSON, has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Matt ASPLUND, who died in Washington October 27, 1913. He was a legal resident of San Bruno at the time of his death. The estate consists of a life insurance policy of $1000 and the sum of $100 due from the Chicago, Milwakee and St. Paul Railroad Company. The entire value of the estate does not exceed $1100. The petition is a brother and the only heir.
Carrie A. JURY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Miranda E. MILLS, who died in San Mateo, December 6, 1913. The estate consists of real and personal property in San Francisco and San Mateo counties, the value of which exceeds $10,000. The personal property consists of money in bank, personal effects, etc., worth $2500. The annual income from the real estate is $4800. The heirs at law are the petitioner, a daughter, and Burleigh C. MURRAY, a son. The latter consents in writing to have his sister administer upon the estate. The value of the estate is not known, but it will exceed the sum of $100,000. Shortly before her death, Mrs. MILLS deeded a good portion of her property to her children.
Estate and guardianship of Frances E. McCLEES, an incompetent person – Petition for restoration granted; first and final account of guardian allowed and settled.
Estate of Mary CALLAN deceased – Petition to set aside homestead continued to January 8, 1914.
Estate and guardianship of William Clugg DOWNEY et al – Third annual account of guardian all wed and settled.
Estate of Adolph GARSIA, deceased, George W. SNEIDER granted letters of administration, with bond fixed at $200.
Estate of Charles P. BARBEAU, deceased – Order to show cause on sale of real estate granted.
Estate of George Horace STEELE, deceased – Will admitted to probate and Elizabeth A. STEELE granted letters testamentary.
Estate of Josephine HUTCHINGS, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Peter KEHOE, deceased – Geo. W. SNEIDER granted letter of administration with bond fixed at $200.
Estate and guardianship of Kate MOTD, an incompetent person – Order to show cause on sale of real estate granted; bond of P.E. LAMB, guardian, an additional $1000.
Estate of Mary WOODS, deceased – Jos. H. NASH granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $300.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Sarah A. THORNTON, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott appraiser of the estate of Effie M. DICERMAN, deceased.
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
James P. FLETCHER agrees to erect for Alice HAGER in 90 days a garage and kennels at Burlingame for $6000.
Collman & Collman agree to erect for William C. DUNCAN in 100 days a two-story and basement frame building in Crystal Springs Park on lot 6, block 3, for $14,802.
To Contest Father’s Will
Adrian W. SPIVALO began last Friday a contest of the will of his father, the late Caesar R. SPIVALO, a millman, who died leaving a will bequeathing a $200,000 estate to the other members of the family, but leaving Adrian out. Laura C. SPIVALO, decedant’s widow, has petitioned Judge Graham of San Francisco for a family allowance of $300 a month. Adrian also opposes this, saying that $50 a month is the largest allowance which should be made. The contestant declares that the will is not a legal one since it omits him from its provisions while remembering his mother, his brother Raymond and his sister, Laura. The testator died November 12. The estate consists of the family home, 2756 Vallejo street, San Francisco, together with the SPIVALO ranch at Belmont, a milling business worth $100,000, and various real and personal properties in addition. The will was made November 8, 1913
Master Connie RYAN has been laid up a few days with a bad cold.
Cecil CAIRNS has been home for a few days laid up with a very severe cold.
A.J. GREEN has returned from Modesto and was on deck at the special meeting of the trustees Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. D. PERREY of New York City are visiting Mr and Mrs. J.M. PITTS and will remain during the holidays.
Dr. J.H. PLYMIRE has opened a first-class hospital in South San Francisco, with modern equipment, including a fine ambulance.
J.S. O’BRIEN is again engaged in the contracting business in Daly City, and is erecting a good building at the corner of Mission street and Templeton avenue.
Harry GREGORY, who was taken to St. Luke’s hospital last week with a severe case of pneumonia, is reported to be improving and was brought home Wednesday.
R.F. Chilcott, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of J.J. MOORE, deceased, has filed his report, showing that the State is entitled to the sum of $3775.39 for inheritance tax.
The announcements are out for the double wedding of the accomplished daughters of Supervisor and Mrs. James T. Casey, to take place at St. Anne’s church, Colma, Tuesday morning at nine o’clock, January 6, 1914.
Elise – to John Francis BARRETT
Margy – to Robert Daniel SAVAGE
John J. MEEHAN, who was proprietor of the Meehan roadhouse, opposite the Home of Peace Cemetery, which was destroyed by fire about a year ago, died at his home in Alameda, December 16, aged 67 years. Mr. MEEHAN was a good man and had many friends.
Willie FUCHS, son of N. FUCHS of Colma, about a week ago a car ran into his wagon throwing him to the ground, dislocating his shoulder and two days later he was taken with a severe case of appendicitis, necessitating his removal to St. Luke’s hospital. He suffered greatly for a few days, but is now doing well and will soon be at home.
J. PANNELLI, met with a severe accident Saturday evening. While delivering groceries his team and rig were run into by a taxi, throwing PANNELLI to the pavement and rendering him unconscious. He was taken home, when it was found that his head was badly cut and he was so bruised otherwise that he is still confined to the house.
The Saturday morning papers announced the marriage license of Frederic C. HAMILTON, aged 38, 1156 Sutter street and Catharine ROWLAND, age 29, 730 Leavenworth street. Mrs. ROWLAND was the wife of the late Dr. P.D. TOWLAND< who died in Daly City, January 15, 1912, and has a great many friends here who wish her the best the world affords.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. GANN, teacher of the Montara-Farrallone school, is planning to give a public school entertainment at the close of the season. Mrs. F.E. LITTLEELD is teaching the children their songs.
Roy W. CLOUD, County Superintendent of School, paid the Coast Side schools official visits last week. He reports the schools in this section of the county in a flourishing condition.
Misses Belle VALLEJO, Ritta HELM and Bertha HEACOCK, Half Moon Bay teachers, spent the week end in San Francisco. Miss Norma FRANCIS, daughter of Supervisor FRANCIS, accompanied them.
The Board of Public Works of San Francisco has awarded the contract for crushing 15,000 yards of brick at the old city hall to John SAVAGE of Half Moon Bay and J. BIGGIO of Daly City, the contract price being reported as $25,500. The crushed brick is to be removed to the site of the new court house to be used in the building of the foundation.
Peter Foley Barely Escaped Death
While employed on the new concrete bridge near Thornton on the new county road via School street to the ocean Wednesday, Peter FOLEY, who is well known in Daly City, came near losing his life.
He was wheeling concrete, when one of the board tipped sideways, causing Pete to lose his balance, and he fell with the wheelbarrow about 20 feet where he lay unconscious until others came to his assistance. His hand and one ear were badly lacerated and several severe bruises about the body were sustained, but he was brought to his home in Daly City and will probably be all right in a few days.
Postoffice Store Robbed of Whiskey
About 5 o’clock Monday morning a man was seen breaking into the Daly City postoffice store, taking through the hole in the glass several bottles of whiskey. The Carmen who saw him reported the burglary to the San Francisco police and a short time afterwards he was arrested and locked up.
Later in the day Constable J.H. Parker went to the city and brought the man to Judge Ellis C. Johnson’s court, where he gave the name of William YUNTZ. A charge of burglary was placed against him and he was taken to Redwood City jail to await preliminary examination at 1:30 Thursday afternoon, when he was bound over to the Superior Court.
Dastardly Incendiary Thwarted
About 10:50 Wednesday night the fine new dairy barn of Matthew CALLAN’s, on San Bruno avenue, Colma, was discovered to be on fire by Mrs. CALLAN, who at once gave the alarm.
Mrs. CALLAN was also aroused at the same time and cried out: “fire, fire, fire,” which aroused everybody in hearing, including Prof. William J. SAAVAGE, George RAVEN, Michael RAMACCOTTI, Veremund GIOLDI and all the milkers from CALLAN’s dairy and also the milkers from the French dairy across the street, who by almost superhuman efforts, succeeded in removing nearly sixty bales of hay that were on fire from the bare, thus saving the structure.
The barn that was recently built, was in two sections, and the fire was started in both, coal oil having been thrown on the hay, the smell of which was unmistakable, so that it is certain that the fire was incendiary.
A few days ago Mr. CALLAN discharged a fellow, who swore very vile threats of vengeance, so as soon as the fire was out, Sheriff Mansfield was notified and Deputy Sheriff Shields is now working on the case, with decidedly good clues to aid him and it is hoped the scoundrel may be appended.
The barn is thoroughly modern and convenient for the accommodation of the 120 cows on the dairy, is worth about $8,000 and there is $3,000 worth of hay, and other valuable property, which, with the adjoining buildings would have caused a loss of about $15,000 had the fire not been extinguished. The insurance carried was only $2000.
Mr. CALLAN is very grateful to the willing ones who is miraculously and heroically saved all this valuable property.
Mrs. F.W. GLENNAN and Mrs. WOLF who were injured in a train accident two weeks ago, are improving as well as could be expected under the circumstances. It will be some time, however, before they will be able to be about.
Miss Luella McCARTHY, a former teacher in the local grammar school, but now a physical culture teacher in the San Francisco department, is here on a visit with friends. Miss McCARTHY is soon to wed a well-known gentleman of San Carlos.
Mrs. Thomas TUITE, who was taken to the Peninsula Hospital in San Francisco last week suffering from an attack of Pleura-pneumonia, is recovering and if nothing happens she will be able to return to her home next week.
Mrs. Daniel P. FLYNN, who is at the Peninsula Hospital, Palo Alto, is improving nicely, after undergoing a capital operation there last week. If no complication arise Mrs. FLYNN will return home next week.
Joseph CRONIN, formerly of this city, was seriously injured in an automobile accident last week. Accompanied by two other young men he was riding in a machine near Edendale when an automobile coming in the opposite direction ran into them, throwing all three to the ground. CRONIN’s spine was badly injured.
John F. FEHRN was acquitted on a charge of trespass last Thursday after a brief hearing before Justice of the Peace Lampkin. It was alleged that FEHRN stood on the boundary line of the preserve of the Pelican Gun Club, of which he is not a member, and shot ducks flying over the preserve. It was admitted that his ducks fell outside the preserve boundary, and the jury took but five minutes to acquit him.
Mrs. George H. RICE, a wealthy widow and prominent clubwomen, met with a painful accident Wednesday afternoon while driving her automobile into a garage. Her right hand became pinned between the side of the door and the machine, breaking several of the small bones.
The Knights of Columbus Hall Association of San Mateo County has filed articles of incorporation in the County Clerk’s office. The association has no capital stock, as it is organized for no pecuniary profit, but to erect a hall at San Mateo for the benefit of its members. The principal place of business is San Mateo. The five directors elected for the first year are:Edwin J. TOBIN, Hillsborough; Joseph J. HAHIR, Redwood City; James T. O’Keefe, Menlo Park; Joseph B. RUEGG, San Mateo; Ambrose McSWEENEY, South San Francisco.
San Mateo Investment Co. to Victor Patterson, portion block 31, Eastern Addition to San Mateo
M.V. Stutuar and wife to heirs of Thos. Ambrose, lot 7, block 44, East Addition to San Mateo
Shore Line Investment Co. to H.B. Scott, lot 3, block 77, Granada
H. de W. Kittle to H.S. Hutchings, lot 17, block 24, Eastern Addition to Burlingame
Hensley Green Co. to A. Marshall Jr., lot 37, block 1, San Bruno Park
Shore Line Investment Co to Marion E. Dawson, lot 10, block 58, Granada
A.L. Pierce and wife to Anne S. Von Krazmer, lot 12, block 10, Belle Air Park.
A.G. Stoll to G.M. Hunken, undivided one-half interest in lots 9 to 13, block 55, lots 32 and 33, block 52, and lots 25 and 26, block 54, North Fair Oaks
H.M. Marwell and husband to M. Almon, lot 186, West End Homestead
Ocean Shore Development Co. to F.W. Newman, lot 19, block 19, Marine View Terrace
Ocean Shore Development Co. to N.R. Spangler, lot 9, block 23, Marine View Terrace
Isaac Voorhies to Katherine B. Mix, lots 41 and 42, block 59, Dumbarton
A.G. Loughery et al to J. Johnston, lots 18 and 19, block 3, subdivision A, Wellesley Park
P.F. McKinnery and wife to J. Capella and wife, north one-half of lots 1 and 2 block 7, Range C., Mezesville
R.H. Smith to W.H. Adamey and wife, lot 32, block 4, Huntington Park
Anglo- California Trust Co to C.P. Weeks, lots 7 to 11 and 28 to 31, block 25, lots 30 to 33, block 4, Am. Belle Air Park
C.G. Johnson to W.E. Vail, lots 37 and 38, block 29, Vista Grande.
Beatrice E. Gilligan to C. Ggodley, lot 48, block 9, Crocker Tract.
Half Moon Bay Land Co to W.J. Bockwitz, lots 1 and 2, block 14, Highland Park
J.T. Hinck and wife to S.R. Davis, lot 47, block 4, Hillcrest
Pulgas Land Co to E.W. Magruder north one-half of lot 9, Gay Tract
Ole Johnson and wife to S. Pond, 31.98 acres, Pulgas Rancho
R.J. Young and wife to D.F.DeBernardi, portion lot 15, San Mateo Land Association
Atlas Land Co to F.A. Dole, lot 17, block B, Redondo Beach
Hensley-Green Co. to C.O. Myers, lot 9, block 6, San Bruno Park
J.E. Hunt to W.J. Morgan, lots 5 and 6, block 8, lots 10, 11, and 12, block 15, lots 39, 40, and 41, block 15, Wave Crest.
W.J. Morgan to Dalton Investment Co., portion blocks 12, 11, 14, 8, 13 and 15, Wave Crest
Nellie B. Smith and husband to A.W. Gunn, portion Western Addition to San Mateo
L. Centlivre to C.F. Centlivre et al, lot 6, Half Moon Bay Colony Tract
A.G. Stoll to A.A. Cavagnaro, undivided one-half interest in lots 9 to 14, block 55, lots 32 and 33 block 52, lots 25 and 26, block 54, North Fair Oaks.
Ocean Shore Development Co to W.H. Gerlach, lot 8, block 24, Marine View Terrace
Ira M. Cobe and wife to R>D> Farmer, lots A, 7 and 8, block 7, Burlingame Terrace
K. Melrose and wife to C.K. Melrose, portion lots 18 and 19, San Mateo Park, subdivision 1
R.H. Smith and R. Goldschmidt, lots 4 and 19, block 2, Huntington Park
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to P.J. Pratt, south one-half of lot 17, block 127, South San Francisco
Etta M. Kelting to W.G. Kelting, lot 7 block 7, Wellesley Park
R.H. Smith to C. Dearr and wife, lots 35 and 36, block 8, Huntington Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005