San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
26 Dec 1913
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
December 26 1913

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 39 Friday, December 26, 1913

(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Paul I. FAGAN, age 21, and Marie __ussell, age 18, both of San Francisco
Horace F. FRYE, age 22, and Hazel __. Chamberlain McDOWELL. Age 20, both of San Francisco.
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
The civil case of Ira M. Cobe vs. __n HAYDEN and others, which has been pending for a long time, has been dismissed.
William S. TEVIS, the San Francisco financier, has filed two suits _____ing for a restraining order pre__ ting the Lundborg Company, Ken- ____Morgan and the First Nation ___k of Livermore from selling $5000 ___th of bonds. The bonds were given TEVIS as security on two promissory notes which will not mature until next February. The bond are __he United Power and Light Company, San Francisco, Oakland, and San _____Consolidated Railway, Natomas ____pany and Oro Electric Company.
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
__ decree ordering the distribution of the estate of Mrs. Agnes ___ward HAYNE, who died in Italy, last _____r has been filed in the office of County Recorder. Judge Buck made ____ order after the appraiser had ____ their report showing the estate ___ be valued at $285,383.51. Mrs. HAYNE left the entire estate to her husband, Stephen Duncan DAYNE, who ___ take care of their minor daughter, Miss Agnes M. HAYNE. The estate consists of large tracts of land __ San Mateo and Hillsborough repre- ____ting the deceased’s interest in the ____rie and Howard estates.
_ulie OAKES has applied for letters __ administration upon the estate of __rick OAKES, who died at Colma of ____uary 8, 1896. The estates consists ___ lots 1 and 2, block 6, and lot 72, block 7, School House Extension tract __ Colma, valued at $2400. The heirs at law are the petitioner, wife of deceased, and James P. OAKES, Edward ___ OAKES and Annie T. HARRISON, children, and Mary L. TUOHY, and Elisie __ TUOHY, grandchildren, all residing __ Colma. Henry W. Brown is attorney for the petitioner.
_G. PLYMIRE has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary CROCKER, who died at St. __ana on September 16, 1913. The estate consists of property in Vista Grande valued at $1000. The heirs at law are two brothers and a sister residing in Oregon.
__Adelheid OTTEN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate __ Carsten OTTEN, who died at Lonita ___rk on August 19, 1910. The estate consists of an undivided one-half interest in lot 9, block 2, in the Mira ___ntez tract near Half Moon Bay, valued at $100. The total value of the estate does not exceed that amount. The deceased left a will bearing __date of December 20, 1887. The petitioner, who is the widow of the deceased, is named as sole executor and is the sole heir.
A. STURLA, R.F. CHILCOTT and Geo. WRIGHT, appraisers of the estate of Frank LIMACHER, deceased, have file their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $3020.86. It consists of money in the hands of the executor amounting to $740.86, a gold watch appraised at $5 and total real estate in about Colma appraised at 2280.
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorders office:
Martin Peterson agrees to do the ___inting on the south wing of the ____acred Heart Academy at Menl Park ____ 30 days for $2171. The wing is a __ree-story brick structure. Smyth ___ros agree to do the lathing and plas___ring in 60 days for $6868 and the __ainting and patching in 10 days for ___50. Kiernan & O’Brien agree to in__all the hot water house-heating and ___mestic hot water generating system in both the south and west wings ___ the institution in 130 days for ____271.
Frederick W. Snook & Company agrees to do the plumbing work on the new addition to the Geo. A. POPE residence at Hillsborough by March ___, 1914 for $398.
Harry GREGORY, who returned from St. Luke’s Hospital last week is improving rapidly.
Mrs. KNOTT of Oakland has been visiting her parents, the J.H. PARKERS of Daly City.
The editor is on the sick list with a slight touch of pneumonia, which accounts for a lack of local items.
Peter FOLEY, who was injured last week at the concrete bridge near Thornton, is reported to be improving nicely.
Miss Lilla HARRIS spent Christmas with friends in San Francisco, the family of Arthur COOPER, being the eighth successive Christmas spent there by her.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific’s Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. H.E. WAGNER and son, Hart, will spend the holidays at Chico with Mrs. WAGNER’s parents.
Mrs. A.E. CLINE of Farallone visited her daughter in San Francisco Wednesday and Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Jennie L. HAVICE of Montara has gone to Orland to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Hazel BUCKLIN.
Mrs. J.A. HILTON of Brooklyn, N.Y., arrived at Marine View last week and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. J.C. MORTON.
J.L. POSEY has resigned as manager of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Company, to take effect January 1, 1914. Mr. POSEY has accepted a more responsible position with a larger company.
Walter FAHEY, aged 81 years, who has been a resident of Salada Beach nearly 50 years, treated a large number of his friends to an elaborate Italian dinner at the Nocello ranch house. Dancing and cards also contributed to the pleasure of all.
Demented Man a Suicide
Last Friday afternoon Deputy Coroner Laying brought to the morgue the body of B. BIERDORF, who was discovered by W. BAMMANN, hanging from a tree across the road from the residence of E.W. SMITH near Holy Cross Cemetery. The body was still warm when found. The deceased had tied a bailing rope to a small limb of the tree and then slid off. When the body was examined at the morgue, nearly $400 was found nearly tucked away in his pocket. The deceased was evidently demented, as a letter found on the body would indicate this. It was written at San Francisco December 15, and addressed to a brother in Los Angeles. It was barely legible and in a rambling manner the writer spoke of being hounded. The letter contained a money order for $100 to be divided among his brothers and sisters. Deceased was a structural iron worker and a member of the San Francisco Building Trades Council. He was about 45 years of age. – Times Gazette.
George W. LOVIE has returned from the Peninsula Hospital at Palo Alto much improved and well on the road to recovery.
Florence, the nine months old daughter of Mr and Mrs. A.F. BROWN of this city, passed away last Thursday from pneumonia.
Mr and Mrs. Harry LEWIS, who have been residing in Oakland since leaving here four months ago, have returned to Redwood City to live.
Miss Ethel SWAIN, a former high school teacher here, but now connected with the San Jose high school, was a week-end guest of Miss WOLFENDEN.
Mr and Mrs. John DIELMANN have gone to their former home in Los Angeles, to spend the winter, after spending the past four months at the Sequoia Hotel in this city.
Captain John OWENS, for 50 years a resident of Portola, died at Scottsville, Illinois, November 23. Sixteen months ago he went East to spend the remaining years of his life with his brother. Deceased was 90 years old and was a member of Bay View Lodge I.O.O.F., of Redwood City for 40 years.
T.N. NICHOLS, foreman of the Redwood City Democrat, and wife departed for Los Angeles Monday to be present at a reunion of the NICHOLS family on Christmas day. Mr. NICHOLS’ aged mother, sister and other near relatives will attend. The dinner will be given at the home of Mrs. Emma STEPHENS, a sister of Mr. NICHOLS. The visitors will remain in the south for three weeks, making trips to all points of interest in Southern California. Mrs. Nichols is a prominent club woman of this city, and also takes a leading part in the affairs of the Relief Corps. Their many friends wish them a pleasant journey.
Accepts Responsible Position
Mrs. C.L. McCRACKEN, for the past three years in charge of the offices of Dr. J.L. ROSS of this city, has been appointed matron of the Red Cross Hospital at San Mateo and will begin her new duties on the first of the month. The new hospital building was erected by Mrs. Whitelaw REID to the memory of her mother, Mrs. D.O. MILLS, and her husband the late Whitelaw Reid. It is estimated that the building will cost upwards of $200,000. It will be ready for the reception of patients on January 10. The directors of the institution are composed of the wealth ladies of San Mateo. They certainly made a wise and splendid selection in appointing Mrs. McCRACKEN as matron. She has had three years of this king of work and is well equipped in every way to assume the large burdens the position will impose. Mrs. McCRACKEN’s son, Charles, who is a clerk in the First National Bank, will remain in Redwood City. Mrs. McCRACKEN is to be congratulated upon her good fortune in securing the coveted prize. – Times Gazette.
The following articles of incorporation have been filed in the County Clerk’s office:
The SHAFTER Realty Company incorporates with a capital stock of $20,000, divided into 2000 shares of a par value of $10 each. The purpose of incorporation is to engage in the purchase of real estate. The principal place of business is San Francisco. The actual amount of stock subscribed one share each:
Ellen F. SCHAFTER, William F. SAWYER and Florence H. CAVANAUGH.
The F.T.&H.C. Knewing Company has incorporated with a capital stock of $20,000 divided into 200 shares of a par value of $100 each. The purpose of incorporation is to engage in the contracting business in San Francisco. The actual amount of stock is 4f (sic) shares by the following stockholders: F.T. KEWING, San Francisco; 20 shares; H.C. KNEWING, San Mateo, 20 shares; C.N. MORTON, Alameda, 1 share
In the Superior Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California,
In the matter of the Estate of Bridget E. DUNN, sometimes known as Bridget E. DUNNE, deceased
No. 1716
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Josephine S. DUNN, administrator of the estate of the said Bridget E. DUNN, sometimes known as Bridget E. DUNNE, deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, or her estate, to exhibit and present them with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice (made December 26th, 1913) to the administrator of said estate, at the law office of Henry Ward BROWN, on Washington street, between Dunks and Briggs streets, in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California, the same being the place hereby designated by said administrator for the transaction of the business of the said estate of Bridget E. DUNN, sometimes known as Bridget E. DUNNE, deceased.
Dated, December 26, 1913
Administrator of the Estate of Bridget E. Dunn, sometimes known as Bridget E. Dunne, deceased
Henry Ward Brown, Attorney for said Administratrix, Colma, San Mateo County, Cal.
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record December 26, 1913
Colma Pioneer Merchandise Store
Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Clothing
Boots, Shoes and Hats
Wines and Liquors, Hay, Grain, Feed, General Merchandise
Importers of Pure Italian Olive Oil
Branch at Hillcrest, Public Tel. Station, Colma
Mary C. McKim and husband to H. Wagner lot 10 block 23 Montara
Mary C. McKim and husband to H. Wagner lots 38 and 34 block 24 Montara
Montara Realty Development Co to B.F. Frisby lot 8 block 3 Second Addition to Montara
Harr Wagner to Madge M. Wagner lot 10 block 23 Montara
R.H. Smith to Martin Burns lot 6 block 8 Huntington Park
E.M. Lapachet and wife to H. Brown lots 23 and 28 block 6 Redwood Park
I.M. Cobe and wife to H.R. Grantley lots C and D block 6 Burlingame
Shore Line Investment Co to M.A. Thurber lot 36 block 18 Granada
Estella J. Walkington to Jas. H. Taylor, lot 10, block 18, Western Addition to San Mateo
A. Malerbi and wife to C.M. Ward and wife, portion lot 2 block 24, Union Park
R.H. Smith to J. Callaghy and wife, lots 26 and 27, block 2, Huntington Park
H.D. McGarvey to D.A. Amador, lot 37 block 3 Portola Addition
M.R. Hill to F.C. Gerlach, lot 6 block 55, Farallone City
C.M. Miall to L.F. Miall lots 15 and 16 block 24, Easton Addition to Burlingame 2
C.C. Shepherd and wife to Edith G. Reynolds lots 14 and 15 block 43 Lyon & Hoag Subdivision
F.J. Alger to O.E. Alger, portion lots 12 and 13, block 9, Town of Burlingame, Polo Subdivision
Ravenswood Investment Co. to R. Farnsworth, lot 16, block 4, Ravenswood Place
F.P. Brophy and wife to J. Anderson lot 7 block 15 Princeton-by-the-Sea
Shore Line Investment Co to V. Matraia lot 7 block 46 Granada
W. Breen to P. O’Keefe lot 1 block 9 Crocker Tract
Fannie L. Baxter to Mary T. Mruphy lot 18 block 35 Redwood Park
Brighton Beach Development Co to F.F. Atkins, lot 20 to 23 block 13, Brighton Beach
D.A. Spoward Jr to W.S. Hackett lots 47 and 48 block 14 $75 lot Homestead
Emma J. Bennett to J.E. Bennett portion lots 82 and 83 San Mateo Park
Surf Beach Realty Co to Mary Conroy lot 28 block 8, Surf Beach
S. Gottfried et al to S. Gottfried lot 28, block C. Mission Street Tract
H.C. Cassen to South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co lots 20 and 22, Peck’s Subdivision, South San Francisco
R. Hannan to South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co., lot 21, block S, Peck’s Subdivision, South San Francisco
H.L. Williams and wife to J. Tuscano, lot 10, block G, Boyd & Kent Addition to Redwood
R.B. Bain and wife to L. Finzi lot 4 block 31, Easton Addition to Burlingame
E.D. Silva to C.B. Smith, 131.08 acres, portion Buri Buri Rancho
C.B. Smith and wife to J.H.T. Watkinson, 131.08 acres, portion Buri Buri Rancho
Kern-Neilan Co to E. Giovannetti, lot 36, block 20, Union Park
Kern-Neilan Co to Adolfo Consani lots 14 and 15, block 21 Union Park
Kern-Neilan Co to V. Banducci lots 16 and 17 block 21, Union Park
R. Vandeventer to Ida M. Black lot 17 block 7, Rocaway Beach
R.W. Preston to E. Preston lots 12 and 13 Block 8, Miramar Terrace
R.H. Smith to Wm Przyborowski lot 23 block 2, Huntington Park
R.H. Smith to L. Przyborowski lot 22, block 2, Huntington Park
Shore Line Investment Co. to M.C. Clarke, lot 7, block 52, Granada

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last updated: 21 May 2005