San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
02 Jan 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
January 2 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General
Vol. 5 No. 40 Friday, January 2, 1914

Francis L. KESER, age 25, San Francisco, and Dorothy KINGSBURY, age 23, Chico
J.A. SHACKLETON, age 40, and Nellie McKEOWN, age 29, both of San Jose
George C. FISHER, age 26, and Frenie BLUMGARTNER, age 26, both of San Jose
Alden AMES, age 28, Atherton, and Madge MURRAY, age 28, Alleghany, Pennsylvania
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Herman LEVENSOHN, who was accused of failing to support his wife, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve one year in San Quentin. Sentence was suspended and in the mean time, LEVENSOHN will have to report __ (to?) Constable Parker of Daly City once a month. He is also to contribute his earnings to his family for its support. LEVEHSOHN resides at Daly City.
Selah CHAMBERLAIN, plaintiff in the ____it of Selah Chamberlain vs Jeffer___n M. MOORE, administrator of the estate of J.J. MOORE, deceased has ____ed notice of an appeal to the Supreme Count from the decision rendered by Judge Buck on June 24, 1913, in favor of defendant. The notice of appeal was filed by Arthur ___edington, attorney for plaintiff.
E.J. ALISON has brought suit for George H. IRVING, the real estate broker, against F.F. CHAPMAN to recover the sum of $1000, commission ___ the sale of 24o acres of land at ___ortola belonging to defendant.
George O. RICH, doing business under the name of the Moss Beach Lumber Co., has brought suit against __homas LILLIARD, doing business under the name of LILLARD & IRVING, to recover the sum of $549, for building material furnish defendant during the last two years.
The Bank of Italy has commenced __ action against F.W. METZGAR and __.T. METZGAR to recover the sum of __000, on a promissory note. Plaintiff also asks for interest and costs of ____.
Oscar H. HICKEI has brought foreclosure proceedings against John F. McCarthy and others to recover the sum of $300 on a promissory note ____ by a mortgage on lot 3, block ___, Burlingame. Plaintiff also asks for interest and counsel fees in the sum of $_25,
City and Suburban Co. vs Daly City – Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
Walter D. MORGAN vs Emma MORGAN – Return on citation dropped from calendar.
Continental Building and Loan Association vs A.A. LE ROUX – Action dismissed
People vs. Chin QUONG – Arraignment continued to January 6.
Barber Asphalt Co. vs I. GILLIGAN and H.M. OWENS – Judgment ordered for plaintiff
Maggie S. GERBER vs. J.W. HORN – motion to strike out denied; demurrer to answer and cross complaint overruled
Frederick HERMAN vs Frank PETER__N et al – Case ordered submitted on briefs.
J.F. BRANDON vs. Mrs. James BRA__HETTA et al – Notice of motion to dismiss continued to January 15.
H.H. SELLERS vs George HOWARD et al – Demurrer submitted on briefs
A.G. ANNESLEY vs F.M. VICTURINO – Notice of motion to strike out submitted.
Joe Wilson Printing Co vs Louise __ATTHAI – Motion to strike out portions of answer granted; demurrer to cross complaint sustained
Petition of Catherine FITXZGERALD to have vested in her the property of __amuel NASH granted.
James T. CASEY vs. A. NIERI – Judgment ordered for plaintiff
Carmela BOITANO vs Joseph DE__ENEDETTI – Trial continued to January 9
E.J. GRAMZA vs Leslie Salt Works – Trial continued January 7
The Emporium vs City of Burlingame – Demurrer submitted on briefs
Petition of San Mateo County Saving Bank for change of name granted
Auto Gas Engine Starter Co. vs ___ D.H. McEWEN – notive of motion continued to January 8.
W.S. TEVIS vs Lundborg Morgan Co. – Order to show cause continued to January 2
Archer KINCAID vs Loren COBURN – Demurrer set for January 2
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs. W.W. GILLESPIE – order to show cause continued to January 21; trial continued to January 21.
H.H. SELLERS vs George HOWARD et al – Demurrer overruled and defendant given 10 days to answer
Atherton MACONDRAY has applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of Marie Ella MACONDRAY, aged 12. The petitioner is a brother of Frederick L. MACONDRAY, who died in the Philippines some years ago, leaving the minor in the care of her mother, who has since died. The estate consists of an interest in the estate of the minor’s grandmother, Elena A. SELBY, worth $4000, and is in cash. The petition will be heard by Judge Buck on January 8.
Will of Joseph Cosgrove, deceased – Will admitted to probate and Mrs. C.B. COSGROVE granted letters testamentary with bonds fixed in the sum of $100.
Estate of A. REH, deceased – Rudolph REH granted letters of administration with bond fixed at 3000
Estate of Edw. A. GARGAN, deceased – Catherine A. BUCKLEY granted letters of administration with bonds fixed at $40,000.
Estate of James CROWE, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Marie BONNET, deceased - Adrian BONNET granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100
Estate of Louis FREGGIARO, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Robert SETREM, deceased – Account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Jessie DeGEAR, deceased – W.J. DeGEAR, granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $200.
Estate of Matt ASPLUND, deceased – A. MATTSON granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $2000.
Estate of David MAXWELL, deceased – Petition for letters of administration continued to January 2.
Estate of Miranda E. MILLS, deceased – Carrie A. JURY granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $9600
Estate of Patrick OAKES, deceased – James P. OAKES granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100
Estate of Mary CROCKER, deceased – Petition for letters of administration continued to January 8.
Estate of Bridget CULLEN, deceased – Petition for partial distribution granted.
Estate of Annie M. HARKINS, deceased – Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of G.J. LIGUORI, deceased – Petition to convey property granted.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg, Henry Root and Frank S. Grummon appraisers of the estate of Miranda E. MILLS, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott appraiser of the estate of G. SCRAMAGLIA, deceased.
The following building contracts have been filed in the County Recorder’s office:
D. ZELINSKY agrees to do the painting and decorating on the Beresford County Club at Beresford in 75 days for $7250.
Mrs. Geo. WIGHT of Colma sprained her ankle one day last week while getting off a car at Daly City.
Dan AZEVEDO has sold the Colma Hall Saloon to John TIEDEMAN and Charles VERNANGO and the proprietors will take possession next Monday, January 5, 1914.
The South San Francisco school losses a most excellent teacher in the retirement of Miss Grace LANE, who was married a few days ago to a Mr. FAIRRY and they at once departed for their future home, Vancouver, B.C.
Miss Nellie O’CONNOR’s efficiency as a teacher has caused her to be elected to take charge of the east side school at Burlingame, have been released by the trustees of the Miramar school to enable her to take the more lucrative position.
County Superintendent of Schools Roy W. CLOUD has appointed E,L. HOAG to fill the position of Trustee in the Hillsborough school made vacant by the death of Duane HOPKINS, who died last week. The term of Mr. HOAG will expire May 1, 1915.
When school begins next Monday, Miss Mary GARDNER, who has been taking a course in elocution during the past six months of a leave of absence for that purpose, will take charge of the class in the Vista Grande building heretofore taught by Miss Ruby TAULBEE, who resigned to become Mrs. HASTINGS.
Tuesday afternoon a serious accident was narrowly averted near E street on Mission road, Colma. Mabel, the four-year-old daughter of Angelo CEREGHINO, started to run across the street ahead of a Cemetery car and her life was saved only by the instant action of the motorman, who lowered the fender and thus saved the little girl, who was not injured.
Double Marriage Ceremony
Next Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, January 6, 1914, the double marriage of the daughters of Supervisory and Mrs. James T. CASEY.
Elise to John Francis BARRETT,
Margy to Robert Daniel SAVAGE, will take place at St. Ann’s Church, Colma. Rev. Father Cooper officiating.
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Effort to Disincorporate Daly City
During the latter part of last week many citizens of Daly City received postal card announcement that the “Taxpayers’ Improvement Club of Daly City will meet at Knowles’ Hall, Sunday, December 28, at 2 p.m. to urge the necessity of disincorporating Daly City.” This was signed by O.E. MEUSSDORFFER, chairman and W. WEISS, secretary.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Lasher GALLAGHER spent Christmas in Farallone with his parents.
Miss Edith DEMPSEY spent Christmas at the light house with her parents.
Miss Isabel SMITH, who has been visiting Mrs. J.E. McKIM, has returned to Pomona.
W.H. METCALF and family have rented the Robinson cottage at Farallone for the winter.
Ed PETERGILL is section foreman in place of Andrew MATTSON, who is on a visit to his home in Sweden.
Miss Amy SHELDON, a niece of Dr. J.S. THOMAS, spent last week at Redwood City attending the teachers convention.
Miss Alma DANNEGER of Half Moon Bay spent the Christmas holidays in San Francisco with her sister, Mrs. A.A. JACKSON
William ABBOTT of Farallone City will leave shortly for Santa Rosa, where he will take charge of the work of constructing a $20,000 jail for Sonoma county.
The Richards-Togenborg goat farm at Montara has several new kids, and they are beauties. Latin and Greek dictionaries are being searched for appropriate names.
Mr and Mrs. F.W. BLUM, recently wedded, have decided to make Salada Beach their home. This acquisition to the town is regarded as a very desirable one by the people there.
J.L. POSEY, who has resigned as general manager of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Company, to take effect January 1, will be succeeded temporarily by J. J. Gomes.
Mr and Mrs. John VAN DYCK are happier that any other family in Moss Beach. Last Friday morning at 6 o’clock a brand new son made his advent into the household. Mr. VANDYCK is wearing a smile of twice the usual magnitude.
Adolph CARLSON of San Francisco ate Christmas turkey with Mr and Mrs. C.T. NYE. Mr CARLSON was formerly in partnership with Mr. NYE. He recently returned from northern Mexico, whither he went on a scientific research. If the balance of Mexico is anything like the part he was in, he asserts, he does not want to see it.
Mrs. R. SMITH of Ukiah is spending the holidays with her cousin, Mrs. M.A. CLOUD.
Judge J.W. SPRINGER, who was to have practiced his profession here, has bought a ranch at Mountain View.
Miss Frances MURRAY, who is connected with the Abstract Title Company, left Friday for Los Angeles to spend a month with relatives.
Shortly after the first of the year, Dr. N.C. BISSELL will depart for Ripon, where he has a ranch of 160 acres of choice land which he will improve.
Miss Emma ALLEN, the efficient and obliging chief deputy in the Tax Collector’s office for the past 10 years, has resigned her position owing to ill health. Miss ALLEN will remain in Redwood City for the present. She has a host of friends who wish her every success in whatever she may engage in.
Henry S. SMITH, secretary of the State Board of Horticultural Examiners, held an examination in this city last Saturday for the position of horticultural inspector for this county. Five persons took the examination and four passed muster. From this list the Board of Supervisors will select one for the appointment. Those who passed the examination are: Newton PECK, Francis G. HUTCHINSON, W.J. HARTUNG and Henry HARMELING.
Hubert KIRKPATRICK arrived home Saturday from Alaska, where he has been employed as an electrical engineer for the Guggenheims. He will remain home for three months with his mother, Mrs. Lila KIRKPATRICK, and then return to the north to resume his work for the company at a town about 50 miles from Nome.
Sydney WILLIAMS is here from Bandon, Oregon, to spend the holidays with Mrs. G>P. HARTLEY. Mr. WILLIAMS is engaged in the lumber business and is mastering all the intricacies of that occupation. He is a graduate of the local high school and Stanford. Mr. WILLIAMS says there is at present great activity in the lumber trade in the north.
M. Wotherspoon and wife to E.B. & A.L. Stone Co., lot 2, block 23, and lot 20, block 2, Western Addition to San Mateo.
Hensley-Green Co to L. Malvar, lot 50, block 28, San Bruno Park
Hensley-Green Co. to O. Iverson, lot 51, block 28, San Bruno Park
G.W. Dickie and wife to G.W. Smith, portion block 17, Western Addition to San Mateo
W.H. Cunningham and wife to Shafter Realty Co., lot 7, block 31, Easton Addition to Burlingame
Mary A. Mansfield et al to Edw. Salz, 132.5 acres Martin Ranch
E. Salz to J.M. Praeder, 132.5 Martin Ranch
Crocker Estate Co. to H.W. Smith, lot 18, block 6, Crocker Tract
J.T. Ninch and wife to B.J. Berg et al, lot 47, block 10, Crocker Tract
Hensley Realty Co., et al to E. Gudmundson, lot 19, block 1, San Bruno Park
J.B. Cuningham et al to C.E. Wilcox lot 13 block 54 First Addition to Farallone City
San Mateo Land Association to F.T. Highland, lot 4, block N. San Mateo Heights
Ansel M. Easton and wife to W.M. Roberts, lot 6, block 1, Lomita Park
C.G. Weatherly and wife to T. Tippett, lot 1, block 8, Dumbarton
Ravenswood Investment Co to A. Benson, lot 5, block 5, Woodland Place
V. Dervin and husband to A. Locatelli, lot 34, Buckingham’s Sub
B.Calamaro to P. Ferro et al portion blocks 159. 158, and 157, Abbey Homestead
R.J. Young and wife to D.F. DeBernardi, portion lot 15, San Mateo Land Association
G. Gunsendorfer and wife to A.H. Darbee, lot 63, Villa Homestead Association
Helen F. Clark and husband to W.S. Hunter, lot 23, block 12, Vista Grande
F.M. Cook et al to F.F. Darling, lot 23, block 4, Stambaugh Street Addition to Redwood City
Shore Line Investment Co to I. Burrescia, lot 11, block 97, Granada
Hensley-Green Co to Wm Toogood, lot 12, block 9, San Bruno Park
C. Burnham to L.M. Troutt, portion Beresford Park
R. Schellens to Albert Realty Co lots 26, 27, and 28 block 1, W.W.&M Subdivision
W.H. Wolf to B.K. Smith lots 25 to 34, block 25, Wave Crest
L. Kern to L.A. Wilson, lot 5, block 19, Belle Air Tract
Ansel M. Easton and wife to C.J. Cubbage, lot 10, block 16, Lomita Park
E.W. Magruder and wife to C.W. Donley, lots 4 and 5, block 9, Lomita Park
Rosa Siraccusa to J. Catania, lot 16, block 43, Bowie Estate Addition to San Mateo
Ocean Shore Development Co to R.D. Mayes, lots 9 and 10, block 21, Marine View Terrace
B. Calamaro to P. Ferro et al, portion lots 1 and 2, block 145, Abbey Homestead.

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last updated: 21 May 2005