San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
09 Jan 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
January 9 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
January 9, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 41 Friday, January 9, 1914

Edwin McCLINTOCK, aged 21, and Grace WIGHT, aged 19, both of San Jose
Louis CASTRO, aged 29, and Aneta Rae LIEBE, aged 23, both of San Jose
G.S. DEMING, aged 24, and Ellen M. DIXON, aged 24, both of San Francisco
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Walter SEALY vs Samuel KNIGHT. Trial continued to January 17.
Joe Wilson Printing Co. vs Louise MATTHI. Trial set for January 9th.
W.J. EVA vs Walter ANDERSON. Remittiting from Superior Court ordered led.
W.S. SEFIS vs Lundborp Morgan Co. Order to show cause continued to January 8th.
W.S. TEVIS vs Lundbory Morp (sic) et al. Order to show cause continued to January 8th.
D.H. and M.A. Edwards Co. vs Katz & Son. Judgment ordered for plaintiff as prayed for.
D.H. and M.A. Edwards Co have brought a suit in the Superior Court against Katz and Sons and others, to quiet title to all of block 27, Union Park near Colma.
The Halfmoon Bay Light and Power Co has brought suit against John T. MABEY to recover the sum of $1000 on a promissory note executed at Halfmoon Bay on March 6, 1913. The plaintiff also asks for interest and costs of the suit.
Mary W. GLASCOCK has applied for letters testamentary upon the estate of John R. GLASCOCK, who died at Portola on November 10, 1913. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $6000. The will left by the deceased, executed over 20 years ago, was filed for probate. By its terms the entire estate was bequeathed to his wife, who is the petitioner.
The Federal Construction Company has instituted several suits against many property owners to recover various sums for street work done in front of their property on Poplar avenue, San Mateo. The following are the defendants: William H. LIPP, $110.32; Edwin DEWS $54.22; James L. GRAY, $77.53; Margaret NELSON and others, $58.48; Jesefa NOVAK, $34.45.
Estate of David L. MAXWELL, deceased. C.B. MAXWELL granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $300.
Estate of George HEISENBUTTEL, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. Petition for restoration to capacity continued to Jan. 6.
Jefferson M. MOORE, executor of the last will and testament of J.J. MOORE, deceased, has filed his final account and petition for distribution of the estate in the county clerk’s office. The amount of money in the hands of the executor is $35,203.73, the total paid in claims amounts to $9274.26, the amount paid out in expenses of administration is $8946.56, making a total distribution of $16,220.82, leaving a balance of $16,982.91 in the hands of the executor to be distributed. The attorneys commissions are $2105.60, and the executor’s commission was a like sum.
Judge Buck has appointed James Madden of Burlingame, A.J. Cole of Easton and R.F. CHILCOTT of Redwood city appraisers of the estate of Jessie DE GEAR, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg, William Turnbull and C.W. Elfing, appraisers of the estate of Josephine WILSON, deceased.
The following builder’s contracts were filed in the county recorder’s office during the week:
Geo. B. MOORE of Mayfield agrees to erect for C.S. CRARY of Burlingame, a one-story frame building on lot 3, block 5, Burlingame in 90 days for $3410.
Selah CHAMBERLAIN plaintiff in the suit of Selah CHAMBERLAIN against Jefferson M. MOORE, executor of the last will and testament of J.J. MOORE, deceased, has filed a notice in the clerk’s office dismissing the appeal to the Supreme Court, notice of which was filed last week. The case has been settled.
Twenty-Four New Citizens
The following aliens were admitted to citizenship in the Superior Court last Tuesday. The examination was conducted by Attorney W. S. LITTLETON of San Francisco.
Mrs. Angelo SELMI has been suffering for the past week or two with lumbago.
Miss Eva REDDING and Paul MEETH, who are attending school in Santa Ross, spent the holidays with home folks in Daly City.
Julius NELSON Has returned from Portland; after a two month’s stay in the web-foot city, and says Daly City is good enough for him.
Last Friday Frank R. SAMPSON and family attended the funeral of his aged father, who died at his home in San Francisco on Wednesday, aged 81 years.
Ray GREEN, son of B.S. GREEN of the Pacific Market, Colma, was operated at Dr. Plymire’s hospital in South San Francisco last week and is getting along fine.
Supervisor and Mrs. James T. Casey’s Daughters, Elise to John F. Barrett;
Margy to Robt. D. Savage
Last Tuesday forenoon, St. Anne’s church, Colma, was the scene of a splendid double wedding, in which the charming and accomplished daughters of Supervisor and Mrs. James T. CASEY plighted their faith forever and forever under the beautiful Catholic ceremony, with Rev. Father James A. COOPER officiating.
Miss Elsie became the bride of John Francis BARRETT and Miss Margy became the bride of Robert Daniel SAVAGE, both gentlemen are of the highest standing. Mr. BARRETT is a successful contractor in San Francisco and Mr. SAVAGE a wealthy farmer of Half Moon Bay.
St. Anne’s church was never more beautifully decorated. The main setting was green composed of palms, ferns and ivy and here and there were sweet orange blossoms and other flowers, just enough to make the little church a bower of beauty, with the sacred altar as the center of splendor. The brides were married in their traveling suits.
St. Ann’s church was filled to overflowing with friends, mostly of Colma of course, but many very prominent people were present from all over the county, every locality being well represented owing to the extensive acquaintance of the contracting parties. It was truly a wedding where the most profound good wishes reigned supreme and ever incident was that of joy.
After the ceremony a reception was given at the Casey home and an elegant wedding breakfast served, after being blessed by that grand Reverend Father, James A. COOPER, whose sublime personality always commands respect and admiration from everybody.
Mr and Mrs BARRETT will pass their honeymoon motoring through Southern California and Mr and Mrs. SAVAGE will tour the United States, including Washington and all other prominent cities.
Deputy Recorder to be Bride
Miss Minnie GOULD, deputy in the Recorder’s office has resigned her position and her place has been filled by the appointment of Miss Georgiana GRAY Burlingame. Miss GOULD is to be united in marriage to Harry T. ASHFORD, a former Stanford student but now an engineer for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and is located at San Francisco.
Former Resident Dead
George F. KELLEY (as printed), a photographer of San Francisco and father of Edith KELLY, formerly of Redwood City but now a teacher in the High School of San Mateo, dropped dead, presumably of heart failure, while riding from San Francisco to Oakland on a Southern Pacific train. KELLY, who was about 60 years of age, had just left the home of his son, W.G. KELLY, 1627 Sonoma street, Berkeley, and carried a suit-case containing presents which he had received. His son is a traveling accountant in the employ of the Southern Pacific company. The dead man was a pioneer of the State and is survived by four children. He often visited here. – Democrat
New Deputy Tax Collector
Frank GRIFFIN, a graduate of the commercial department of the local high school, and one of the bright pupils of the class of 1912, has been appointed chief deputy in the tax collector’s office in place of Miss Elna ALLEN, who recently resigned. Owing to the vast amount of work in the office, Mr. McSWEENEY preferred the assistance of a young man instead of a woman. Besides, Mr. GRIFFIN is an expert stenographer and typewriter.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. MORTON is entertaining her sister, Mrs. HILTON, who has just arrived from New York City
Gertrude NYE, the bright, vivacious six-year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles NYE of Moss Beach, met with a distressing accident on the evening of the last day of 1913. In hurrying, child like, to put away her slippers, she ran against a pan of scalding water that her father had just lifted from the stove, dashing the merciless fluid on her face and shoulders. Her father immediately grasped her and, thrusting her under a hydrant, tore her clothes from her and applied sweet oil liberally, assisted by Mrs. NYE. The quick treatment probably saved her life or permanent disfigurement. It is regarded as miraculous that none of the water entered the eyes or ears. The little sufferer is getting along nicely – Coast Side Comet
J.C. and Claude LITTLEPAGE gave a house party from Friday to Monday at their beach bungalows, and the weather being ideal a most enjoyable time was had. Among the guests were Willis HALL, Leo V. BELDEN, Miss Frieda HILBERT, Miss Louise HEWES, Misses Mildred and Dorothy SHIRLEY. A climb to the top of Montara Mountain (directly back of Marine View – elevation 2300 feet) was made by the party Sunday morning, after which a dip in the ocean was enjoyed by all. A swimming race between Messrs. BELDEN, HALL, and LITTLEPAGE was won by the former. Mr. BELDEN is one of the crack swimmers of the Olympic Club and is an expert with the Austrian Crawl stroke used by Duke Khanamaku, the world’s champion. Mr. BELDEN considers the cove at Marine View idea for swimming on account of the calm water.
On the Rocks
Near the shores of eternity, a physical and financial wreck, in a room now far from Redwood City depot, lies one whose kindly face is not unfamiliar to many San Mateans and residents of Redwood. All who know him will be loath to realize that reference is made to “Cap” PRICE< for he was ever of a sunny, romancing nature, though it harmed no one, and led all to think he was prepared to meet any emergency. Yet he is there, without a penny, dashed hither and thither by an exhausted vitality, the ominous anguish of Time’s breakers ever signaling his fate.
Unless the many who know him respond, he will soon be compelled to go to the poor house to pass the few days that will mark his stay here. We believe he has enough friends to avert this humiliation.
Pete THORSEN of San Mateo or George STACORD of Redwood will accept contributions for his aid.
Born – In Redwood City, December 31, to the wife of Albert MANSFIELD, a daughter
Born in Redwood City, December 28th, 1913, to the wife of Geo. A. DELEAU, a daughter
S.P. McCREA and R.W. MANTZ attended the State Teachers’ Association at Oakland last week.
Treasurer P.P. CHAMBERLAIN during the year 1913 has forwarded the State Controller the sum of $12000 as inheritance tax collected from the various estates of deceased persons in the county.
H.E. MOOTZ and wife, formerly of Stockton, but have been touring Europe for the past year, are guests of Mr and Mrs Archer KINCAID of this city. Mrs. MOOTZ is a sister of Mrs. KINCAID.
Mrs. Thomas TUITE returned from the Peninsula hospital at Palo Alto last Monday after being confined there for the past month.
Mrs. Bell WENTWORTH, who is connected with the school department of Oakland, spent New Year’s day with her mother, Mrs. James CROWE.
Mr and Mrs. Robert C. ROOT of Los Angeles are here for a few days visiting the latter’s sister, Mrs. A.M. PORTER. Mr. Root is the Pacific Coast secretary of the American Peace Association.
Miss Mayell BYRD returned yesterday to her duties as stenographer for Ross & Ross, the attorneys, after an absence of eight months. She was severely injured in an automobile accident on Roosevelt avenue eight months ago.
Kendall TOWNE, the young son of Mr and Mrs. F.K. TOWNE, met with a serious accident last Saturday while hunting pigeons on the roof of the barn at his parents’ home in Wellesley Park. The roof was wet and the boy slipped and fell to the ground, sustaining a fracture of one of the bones of the left hand above the wrist.
Guadaloupe Dev. Co to T. Mahan, Lot 30 blk 13, City of Visitaction
J.P. Swanson to A.J. Barbiere, Lots 2 to 6, blk 13, Addn, Arleta Park
W.H. Wolf and wife to J.W. Morgan Lots 27 to 34, blk 13, Wave Crest
Shore Line Investment Co to J. Young, Lot 4, blk 27, Granada
Boston Investment Co to C.V. Ross, Portion lot 1, blk 4, Burlingame Park, Sub 4
Dora L. Mahoney and husband to P. Baratteri Lot 6, Buckingam’s Sub, So San Francisco
Hensley-Green Co to A.J. Homem, Lot 44, blk 1, San Bruno
Cal. Suburban Land Co to A.E.G. Bush Lots 32, 33, blk 35, Redwood Park
Catherine Devine to Ellen A. Bonnalie Lot 18 blk 7, Burlingame Park
Claude Littlepage et al to A.L. Brown Lot 40 blk 2, Moss Beach
J.R. Cunningham and wife to Mary Manion, Lots 16, 17, blk 52, Farrallone City 1st Addn and lots 23, 25, blk 59, Farrallone City 2d Addn.
J.P. LaPoint to Cahan Sorijanian, S 1-2 lot 7, blk 1, West Redwood
D.L. Sayer to E.J. Smith Lot 34, blk 21, Montara
G.H. Gerwin and wife to W.W. Galloway and wife Lots 21, 22 blk A, Redwood Farm W.W.&M. Subdivision
C.A. Hooper & Co. to the Moxey
The Moxey Realty Co to J.J. Rear and wife. Property in Town of Redwood
Mary E. Read and husband to The Moxey Realty Co Portion blk 7, Hancock’s Addn, Redwood
Maurice Rosenthal Realty Co. to O. Grethen Park, blks 6, 7, 8, Concorrdia Land Co. Pro
J. Hayden and wife to Ira Code lots 9, 10, blk 6, lots 45, 35, blk 1, Burlingame Terrace
Hensley Green Co to E. Hendricks and wife Lots 24, blk 14, San Bruno Park
Shore Line Invest Co. to C.W. Bordenia Lots 22 blk 27 Granada
Hensley-Green Co to M. Cloney and wifeLots 59 and 60, blk 10 San Bruno Park
Bowie Estate Co et al to B. Aloise Lots 9, 10, blk 68 Santa Ynez Park
M.B. Taber and husband to H.F. Blackford Lot 20 blk 39, Lyon & Hoag Sub
G. Katz and wife to D.H. and M.A. Edwards Co. Blk 27, Union Park Land Co.
Ellen M. Mero to H.D. McGarvey Lot 5 blk 8, Eastern Addn., Redwood
J.F.McVey and wife to C.W. Wright Lots 11, 12 blk 1, Senevein Sub
Ira M. Cobe and wife to J. Hayden and wife Lot H, blk 6, Burlingame Terrace
Ansel M. Easton and wife to L.L. Roach Lot 19, blk 60, Easton Addn to Burlingame

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last updated: 21 May 2005