San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
16 Jan 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
January 16 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General Transcription
Daly City Record
January 16, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 42 Friday, January 16, 1914

Harry T. ASHFORD, aged 26, San Francisco and Minnie J. GOULD, aged 21, Redwood City
Eddie McGEE, aged 27, San Jose and Ola GODDARD, aged 25, Redwood City.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Juanita BETTS has petitioned for a change of the place of trial of the case of Mary Betts WEST against Juanita BETTS from this county to Monterey county. The ground of which she bases the request is that she resides in that county.
The civil suit of Oscar H. HICKIE against John F. McCARTHY has been dismissed.
H.W. SCHABERG, appraiser of the estate of Carrie A. LOCKE, an incompetent person, has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $40,140.10. It consists of personal property composed of two promissory notes, cash in bank and stock, etc., appraised at $2,840.10. The real property consists of a lot and improvements in San Francisco valued at $5000, a lot in Cypress Lawn Cemetery valued at $300 and a ranch at Purissima containing 640 acres, appraised at $29,000, improvements $3000.
The Loop-Wisnom Lumber Company has commenced an action to foreclose a mechanic’s lein on the home of John H. PLATTNER at San Carlos. Plaintiff also asks for interest, costs of suit and attorney fees in the sum of $150, and the further sum of $2.60 for recording lein.
The Federal Construction Company has brought suit to recover certain sums for street work done in front of their respective residences on Poplar avenue, Costa Rica avenue, Bellevue avenue, Sycamore avenue and Dorchester avenue, San Mateo: Joseph O’HARE $53, Lillian E. COPP $37.82, Ida L. VAN WINKLE $60.68, Agnes G. COUTER $47.50, Marion A. McDANIEL $37.05, M. RAINEY $56.04, Charlotte J. ADAMSON $6, John STEVENSON $75.52, Maude E. GEHRET $32,50, Richard AMPHLETT $119,20, R. PENGALLY et al $85.01, Hulda A. SCOTT $88.06, J.W. PEMBROKE $123.63, Carrie M. COOK $84,74, I.F. THEIS $69.25, M.M. BROWN $29.20, Hattie H. KOOP $148.64, Caroline V. SCHUMAN et al $63.83.
Lillian R. RAMSAY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Hugh A. RAMSEY, who died in this county on December 24, 1913. The estate consists of property in Palo Alto valued at $8500, cash in bank amounting to $622, and an automobile value at $300. The entire estate does not exceed the value of $10,000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, and Harold H. RAMSAY, residing at Redwood City, Reginald C. RAMSAY, living in San Francisco and Georgia C. ROOT residing at Los Angeles, children of the deceased.
Ida ROWAN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Margaret ROCKEFELLER, who died at San Mateo on December 30, 1913. The estate consists of two lots with improvements near Halfmoon Bay valued at $500 and cash in bank amounting to $200. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $700. The heirs at law are, Ida ROWAN, residing in San Francisco, Maude CAMPBELL, San Mateo; Edward ROCKEFELLER, Halfmoon Bay and Delia JONES, New York.
Estate and guardianship of Loren COBURN, an incompetent person. Petition for restoration ordered transferred to the Superior Court of the County of San Francisco for determination.
Estate of Mary CROCKER, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to January 15th.
Estate and guardianship of Ralph NOISAT, a minor. Order to show cause granted.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased. Petition to set aside homestead continued to February 5.
Estate of C. OTTEN, deceased. Will admitted to probate.
Estate and guardianship of Marie MACONDRAY. Atherton MACONDRAY granted letters of guardianship with bond fixed at $8000
Estate of A. DeMARTINI, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of John T. DOYLE deceased. Account and report of trustees of POPE minors heretofore filed set aside and trustees ordered to file new account and report within ten days. Former account and submission set aside. Same order made in the estate of Antonio DOYLE, deceased.
Mrs. John SCOBLE is recovering from a severe attack of bronchitis, and pleurisy in her right side at her home, Clivio cottage, Daly City.
On New Years day, while visiting friends in this city Mr and Mrs Jess SHEPHERD of Sunny Side lost their neat little bungalow by fire.
James BURNET of Los Olivos avenue is making a substantial improvement next to his own residence, in the way of an attractive cottage for a friend of his. A few more such buildings would do much to beautify our city.
Between the first and middle of December the Record stated that our postmistress, Mrs. Hazel C. RUSSEL, would soon resign, which the lady denied. It is now a definite fact that the Record was correct and the postal authorities are arranging for a civil service examination to fill the place.
The marsh near Redwood City last Saturday was the scene of a bad accident, in which Harold STEVENS, while hunting had three fingers of his right hand shot off.
He returned to Redwood City at once where the ugly wound was carefully dressed, but it was deemed best to take the boy to the Children’s hospital in San Francisco, which was done by Joe NASH and he will remain there for treatment until entirely well.
Young Harold STEVENS is a very bright boy and was a page of State Senate when the last Legislature convened. SO perfect was the satisfaction given, that Harold was presented with a beautiful gold watch upon which was engraved “Presented to Harold Stevens by the State Senate of California, 1912-1913.”
Changes Business Headquarters
The E.B. and A.L. STONE Company has filed a notice in the clerk’s office to the effect that the corporation has changed its place of business from Oakland to San Francisco. The usual notice was published in Alameda county and the Superior Court granted the petition. In the articles of incorporation, Oakland was named as the principal place of business.
Confidence in Supervisor BROWN
Supervisor WILLIAM BROWN has always proved himself a courteous and attentive presiding officer of the Board of Supervisors, both in his relations to his fellow members and the public who have business dealings with the board. It is greatly to his credit to note that he is so much a gentleman as not to lose his temper even though unjustly and grossly assailed as was the case at Monday’s meeting of the board. Mr. BROWN has spend his whole lie in San Mateo county and there is not one that doubts his honesty and integrity. Not an act of his since he became a member of the Board of Supervisors can looked upon with suspicion. It would take stronger evidence to impeach his character – much stronger than can ever be offered by Edward LIVERNASH of Belmont – Redwood City Democrat.
Three Passengers Painfully Hurt and Locomotives Smashed Up
Three persons were injured and two big locomotives on the Ocean Shore Railroad were badly wrecked in a head-on collision of an inbound passenger train and outgoing work train shortly before noon Tuesday. The crash came between Onondaga and Palmetto stations.
The injured are:
C.A. RASCO of Salada Beach, severe lacerations of the face and scalp, bruises about the body.
M. FLANNERY of San Bruno avenue, concussions of the hip, lacerations about the body.
John M. LEMOS, a laborer, lacerations of the scalp.
Immediately after the crash the injured men were rushed to the Central Emergency Hospital in the city for treatment.
RASCO and FLANNERY were passengers on the train, bound from Half Moon Bay to San Francisco. LEMOS is employed by the railroad and was riding on the engine of the work train.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
School opened Monday with Miss DAVENPORT as teacher at Miramar.
Mrs. Ada MOLL had returned to Moss Beach after a visit at her ranch near Stockton.
Joe MIGUEL of Miramar has planted twenty-five acres of land to early potatoes.
The dam of the John MAYN ranch at Lobitos sustained much damage during the recent heavy rains.
The Salada Beach school commenced last Monday. This building has just been completed at a cost of about $6000.
W.G. STEWART expects to make a tour of Arizona and may be away for several months. We wish him every success.
Robert SAVAGE Sr., returned Tuesday from Colma, where he attended the marriage of Miss Margaret CASEY to his son, Robert.
Geo. E. DUNN, the millionaire editor of the Comet has returned after a ten days visit in Los Angles and Bakersfield with relatives.
Geo. S. McDOWELL and family of Salada Beach spent several days the past week taking in the points of interest in Southern California.
Mrs. WEISE of Armstead, New Mexico, is delighted with Marine and has extended her visit here indefinitely with her daughter, Mrs. F. BALDWIN.
Mr and Mrs. WULLRICH of New York City, with their son and daughter, arrived in Marine View on Wednesday, and intend to make this their future home.
D.E. SIZER who, has just completed a cottage near the lighthouse in Moss Beach, has gone to South Omaha, his old home. He will be away the balance of the winter.
R. McDONALD and wife of Salada Beach entertained a large number of Brighton and Salada friends at their beautiful residence last Saturday evening . All attending this affair had the time of their lives.
All citizens, non-residents of California and aliens, must have fishing licenses to fish. Citizens of State license costs $1, non-citizens and aliens $3. All person under 18 are exempt.
John MacBAIN, supervisor of the third township with County Engineer James NEUMAN passed through town Wednesday on their way to La Honda, where they inspected bridges damaged by the recent heavy rains.
Mrs. M. LITTLEPAGE of Marine View has received a voucher for $250 from the United Railway Co. of San Francisco, payment for treatment while in a hospital in the city some months ago. She was thrown from a car in front of the Ocean Shore depot, breaking her shoulder.
Mrs. Addie PILLMAN, formerly of Modesto, has purchased the bungalow opposite the Marine View Terrace and will move into it after renovating it according to her own ideas. Mrs. PILLMAN is vivacious, has a host of friends and will be a welcome addition to our growing community.
Livernash Bobs Up
The inflammatory de NIVERNAIS, born LIVERNASH, long quenched, blazed out like a beacon light down the peninsula the other day. A belated capitalist now, with property to be enhanced by good roads, he demands that the highway down the peninsula be built on the east side of the railroad track. Colonel LOVELAND, John A. BRITTON, George HOLBERTON and hundreds of other public spirited citizens have long been agitating in favor of a road on the west side, not to improve anybody’s property, but to avoid a crossing. They obtained rights of way in the neighborhood of Redwood City to ensure the building of a straight road on one side of the railroad. But now comes the inflammatory de NIVERNAIS or LIVERNASH in a terrible fury, and with his bad manners, charging that the Southern Pacific is behind the project and accusing a citizen of Redwood City of having been seduced by the octopus. It used to be a terrible thing to have LIVERNASH point the finger of accusation at you, but that was when he was a salaried agent, of a powerful newspaper and a professional agitator for organized labor. When he moved into nobility by changing his name he lost his vogue and the virulence of his venom. – Town Talk
Allison GREEN was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 in the justice court Thursday for violating the speed limit.
Elna ALLEN, who has been spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. McCLOUD at Burlingame, has returned to this city.
Gus DEBENEDETTI, a clerk for John LOWN, was married in San Francisco last Monday to Maud ADAMS of Oakland. The young couple will make their home in Redwood City.
The many friends of Mrs. F.W. GLENNAN will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly recovering. She sat up Saturday for the first time since she was injured in a railroad accident six weeks ago.
The numerous friends of our old citizen, John CHRIST will undoubtedly be pleased to learn that he has had a pleasure very seldom allotted a man of his years, in the form of an unexpected visit from his brother, who has arrived from Hamburg, Germany on a visit.
Miss Minnie GOULD, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles GOULD of Redwood Highlands was married Sunday to Harry T. ASHFORD of San Francisco. The wedding was solemnized at her parents’ house, the Rev. David Crabtree of the Episcopal church officiating. After a wedding trip the young couple will make their home in San Francisco.
The great register of the county, was cancelled on the first day of the year. Those desiring to vote at the fall election will have to register now or later. County Clerk NASH has appointed registration deputies throughout the county and from now on registration of voters will go on in earnest. Only twenty voters registers at the clerk’s office up until late last evening. Of those eight were Democrats, five progressives and seven Republicans. Throughout the Sate the Republicans are leading in registration.
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to G. Chisbra Sy ½ lot 15 blk 119, So San Francisco
H.D. McGARVEY to R.L. Shelton and wife. Lots 58, 59, blk 1, McGarvey Sub of Lots 57 etc. Reese Subdivision
Shore Line Investment Co to W.M. Sutton Lot 21, blk 34 Granada
Same to Pear H. Arlin Lot 19, blk 16, Granada
Hensley-Green Co to F.E. Caeir, Lots 65, 66, blk 10, San Bruno Park
Same to Ella J. Neunaber Lot 14 blk 15 San Bruno Park
Cal Cub. Land Co to Angeles Delbos Lots 18, 19 blk 25, Redwood Park
W.E. Echwarz to M. Ferre Lot 7, blk 15, Tobin Park
J.A. Boyd et al to D.A. Pollock Lots 5, 6, blk 3, Sequoia Tract
G.R. Sneath and wife to P. Morazzini Lot 9, blk 124, South San Francisco
A.M. Easton and wife to Evelyn P. Terry Lots 9, 10, blk 54 Easton Addition, Burlingame
A.M. Easton and wife to M.G. Sharpe. Lots 10, 11, blk 10 Easton Addn, Burlingame
G.E. Sexton and wife to O. Van Baven Jr. Lot 2, blk 56, Dumbarton Oaks
J.A. Keane to F. Marty Lots 20, 21, blk 12, Crocker Tract
Calara Valley Realty Co to C.M. Doyle Lot 25, blk 16, Vallemar
A. Savio et al to Rena Savio. Lots 9, 10 blk 6, San Bruno Park
H.G. Haustein and wife to T. Madgwick and wife. Portion lot 5 blk 4, School House Homestead Association
Emma E. Harrigan to A.L. Harrigan. Lot 2 blk E. Hayward Park
Shore Line Invest Co to J. Buckley and wife Lot 1, blk 94, lots 4, 5 blk 49, Granada
F.H. Mighall and wife to C. Vailgren Lot 23x Portola Park
C.H. Chiossi to W.E. Schwarz, Portion blks 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, Tobin Park
Hensley Green Co to C.W. Langer, lot 54, blk 27, San Bruno Park
Ravenswood Invest Co to J.G. Stitch et al Lot 30, blk 14, Woodland Place

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last updated: 21 May 2005