San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
23 Jan 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
January 23 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General Transciption
Daly City Record
January 23, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo Coutny, California
Vol. 5 No. 43 Friday, January 23, 1914

Harry L. NELSON, aged 30, and Harriet J. HOOPER, aged 18, both of Halfmoon Bay
Clifton H. WOODHAMS, aged 23, Sacramento and Caroline M. DOXSEE, aged 21, Redwood City
Wm. W. MORGANS, aged 22, San Jose and Dorette SCHUMANN, aged 22, Berkeley
William C. FRAZIER, aged 22 and Mamie F. DANIS, aged 21, both of San Jose
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Auto Gas Engine Starter Co. vs. D.H. McEWEN. Notice of motion continued to January 22.
William S. TEVIS vs F.W. G. MOEBUS. Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
William S. TEVIS vs Lundborg Morgan Co. Order to show cause dropped from calendar.
Archer KINCAID vs Loren COBURN. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days in which to answer.
Fred MARSH vs Amelia MARSH. Defendant allowed $50 a month, $25 attorney fees and costs in the sum of $25 on account.
Mary C. AZEVEDO vs Margaret COSTA. Demurrer set for January 22nd.
San Mateo Development Co vs C.B. WASHBURNE, et al. Judgment ordered for plaintiff. H.C. TUCHSEN appointed commissioner to sell property.
The People vs Frank FOSTER. Defendant pleads not guilty. John D. GISH appointed to defend accused.
The People vs George LEMON. Defendant pleads guilty. January 20th set as day for passing sentence.
Robert KIRK vs Sarah L. PALMTAG. Judgment ordered for plaintiff as prayed for.
Edward J. GRAMZA vs Leslie Salt Works. Trial continued to February 10th.
G. BARBIERI vs A. SCHEMONI. Trial had and case submitted to the court for determination decision.
The People vs Chin QUONG. Arraignment continued to January 19th.
Joe WILSON Printing Co vs Louise MATTAI. Trial continued to January 22nd.
The People vs J. LEMON. Order made granting defendant probation for one year.
The People vs Philip SHERIDAN. Order made granting defendant probation for one year.
Mary TOBIN vs Henry Ward BROWN, et al. Complaint dismissed as to John DOEs. Demurrers submitted.
Camela BOITANO vs J. DEBENEDETTI, et al. Trial continued to January 22.
J.F. BRANDON vs Mrs. James BRAGHETTA. Notice of motion to dismiss continued to January 22nd.
Geo. C. WALSH vs Mary C. GILLESPIE, et al. Trial of case set for February 17th. Motion for leave to file amended answer denied.
James D. SKELLY vs S.H. COWELL, et al. All demurrers overruled and defendant given ten days to answer.
Maria SJHOLM vs Emelia JOHNSON, et al. Trial set for Feb. 3rd.
H.H. SELLERS vs Geo. HOWARD, et al. Trial set for February 10th.
Fannie S. CURTIS vs S.W. CURTIS. Order to show cause discharged.
The civil suit of Lititia GREGG against Marie S. MILLER and Elmer M. MILLER has been transferred from Nevada County to this county for trial. According to the complaint, plaintiff exchanged lot 34, block 19, Crocker Tract and improvements and an insurance policy for a quarter section of land in Nevada County. Plaintiff has discovered that defendants have no title to the property and now ask that the deeds so exchanged be declared null and void. The title to the property in Nevada County is vested in John CALDWELL, Superior Judge of that county, and the State of California.
The damage suit of Rosina H. TREADWELL against Dr. N.D. MORRISON of San Mateo has been transferred from San Francisco to this county for trial. The complaint was filed in San Francisco on September 25, 1913 and the case was transferred to the county last Monday. The complaint alleges that on September 28, 1912, the plaintiff fractured the bone of her right arm and called Dr. MORRISON to set the injured limb, that the work was done so negligently and carelessly that the bones were not placed in juxtaposition and therefore did not knit or heal. Some time after the bone became diseased and decayed. Plaintiff lost the entire use of her arm. She asks for damages in the sum of $50,000. Plaintiff also asks for further money in the sum of $1350 expended for surgery, medicines, etc. and for $165 for wages which she would have earned had she the use of her arm, making a total of $51,505.50. Ross & Ross are the attorneys for the defendant who is a prominent physician and surgeon of San Mateo.
Richard V. COUSINS and Arthur H. COUSINS have commenced foreclosure proceedings in the Superior Court against the Edgemar Realty Syndicate to recover the sum of $600. The promissory note secured by the mortgage was executed in San Francisco in 1911. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 10 and 31, block B; lot 21, block E, lot 5, block F, Edgemar subdivision, near Half Moon Bay.
Kenneth M. GREEN has brought suit in the Superior Court against the South San Francisco Railroad and Power Company to recover damages in the sum of $25,000 for injuries sustained on January 14, 1913 through the carelessness and negligence of the company. The complaint alleges that plaintiff on the night of January 14, 1913, was about to board a Southern Pacific train at South San Francisco when he tripped on protruding rail on the tracks of the company and projected across the track of the Southern Pacific Co and when a train approached it ran over the limb and it had to be amputated. The defendant was negligent in that it did not keep its track flush with the street as required by law. Mr. GREEN was an inmate of the Red Cross Hospital at San Mateo for a period of two months. Plaintiff also asks for the sum of $4270 expended for medicine, operations, etc., and for the further sum of $2500, this representing the sum he would have earned as an attorney, had he not been injured. He was unable to practice his profession for nearly a year. The total sum asked for is $31,770. Green, Humphreys & Green are the attorneys for plaintiff.
Guiseppe CAVALLERO has brought suit in the Superior Court against the Southern Pacific Railroad Company to recovery damages in the sum of $5000 for injuries received through the carelessness of the company. The complaint alleges that on January 13, 1913 the plaintiff was riding in a vehicle on the San Bruno road near South San Francisco and the gates on the railroad crossing at this point were kept open when a train was approaching . Plaintiff was struck and thrown to the ground. His rig was demolished and he suffered a fracture of the ankle of the right let and was confined to his home for several weeks. Besides the $5000 he asks for the sum of $150 which was paid for medical aid and medicine and also for the further sum of $30 for wages he would have earned had he not met with the mishap. John D. Williard and J.W. Coleberd are the attorneys for the plaintiff.
William HERBERT has brought suit in the Superior Court against J.H. MANSGIELD to secure possession of a Croxton automobile secured by defendant under attachment. Plaintiff asks for possession of the machine or its equivalent, to wit, $1000 and also $10 a day for every day the auto is held by the plaintiff after the filing of the suit. The suit is a friendly one to determine the ownership of the car.
Estate of Agostino DEMARTINI, deceased. Order made setting aside decree of settlement.
Estate of Mary CROCKER, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to January 29th.
Estate of Ellen S. McGOWAN, deceased. Petition for partial distribution continued to January 22.
Estate of C. OTTEN, deceased. Probate of will continued to Jan. 22.
Estate of J.J. MOORE, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Hugh A. RAMSEY, deceased. Lillian R. PORTER granted letter of administration with bond fixed at $3000.
Eliza C. HERBERT has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Raymond COMERFORD, who died on December 31, 1913. The estate consists of three separate parcels of property in the San Pedro Valley near Colma. The deceased owned a one-sixteenth interest in 35 acres at that place valued at $538, the same interest in 14 acres valued at $218, and the same interest in 75 acres worth $1234. The value of the entire estate does not exceed the sum of $5000. The heir at law is Eliza C. HERBER, mother and petitioner.
Appraisers File Reports
R.F. Chilcott, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Chas. BRADLEY, deceased, has filed his report showing the amount of inheritance tax due the state to be $689.18. The total value of the estate was placed at $58,485.93.
Mrs. Ed GOLDKUHL is moving to the city this week.
Mark LOBLAW who has been on the sick list is able to be out again.
Robbie LaFONTAIN is visiting his uncle, Charles SHA__ER in Berkeley
Mrs. John SEGALE gave birth to a fine baby girl last Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. J.H. PARKER is recovering from a serious illness that has confined her to the house for several weeks.
Mrs. Katie HAMMER of Daly City gave birth to a fine baby girl last Friday. Mother and child doing nicely
Mrs. L. KING of Sacramento is spending a few days in Daly City visiting her sister, Mrs. J. KEENAN.
Edward LASSUL, an undertaker from Burlingame, is residing in Mrs. Charles MULLEN’s old residence and expects to remain in Daly City.
Mrs. A.J. GREEN is in receipt of a letter from Oklahoma, stating that her two sisters, Alice, who is a teacher in a Convent there and Margaret Mary will visit her next year.
Harry GREGORY who has been quite ill so that at one time his recovery was considered doubtful, The Record is pleased to state that he is improving nicely and is able to be out.
John KEENAN, who is employed on the river boat “Navajo,” reported Sunday when he came home that all the Sacramento river boats had been tied up Friday and Saturday on account of the storm.
P. COUGHLAN of Winter and Vista Avenue has been suffering with a severe attack of rheumatism for the past three weeks which necessitated him being removed to a San Mateo hospital on Sunday last.
Mrs. T. SHEEHAN of 117 Irvington Street, wife of our excellent city treasurer, has been quite ill several weeks. She was a Trinity Hospital for a couple of weeks, coming home Sunday considerably improved.
Mr and Mrs. Frank BARTLETT have returned from their honeymoon trip, in which they intended touring Southern California, but are prevented from doing so by the severe storms.
Miss Irene LOGAMARISNO, one of our fair maidens, was married to Elmer ROLAND last Sunday in San Francisco. Heartiest congratulations are extended to the young couple by a large number of friends.
Be sure to register. Judge Ellis C. JOHNSON can be found at his court room during the day and on every evening, except Sunday, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the City Hall, to register all who are eligible.
Mrs. F. ZING, mother of Mrs. J.H. PARKAR of Daly City, will celebrate her ninetieth birthday next week at the home of her oldest daughter, Mrs. A. O’Keefe, 358 Richland Avenue, San Francisco, and it is being arranged for a reunion of her nine children at the same time.
The north-west corner of Mission and Los Angeles Avenue is to be improved with a fine building to take the place of the peanut stand. The building will be build by J. SHANNAN, the work to commence in about three weeks, and will be occupied by J. PANELLI’s Grocery Store.
The heavy rain Wednesday night resulted in quite a flood on Mission road between the entrance of Cypress Lawn Cemetery and Holy Cross, where in some places the mud was over a foot deep on the tracks so that the car service was badly crippled. In fact, there was but one San Mateo car south of the place and the service was badly cripple, necessitating the transfer of passengers nearly all day.
Xavier SIMON, one of the school boys in the eighth grade of the Crocker Tract school, disappeared from his home on the day preceding the opening of school. He was a good boy at school so that did not cause him to go away. Up to the present not a word has been heard from him and not a trace has been found. What became of him is a mystery.
Last Sunday Edward KAHL, aged seventeen, one of our bright young men was prematurely called to his long home. Although employed but a short time he had already gained a reputation for reliability and was earning good wages. He was one of the best of the recent graduates of Jefferson school. The sympathy of the entire neighborhood is extended to the bereaved family over their great loss.
Everyone sympathizes with Mr and Mrs. Thomas SPELLMAN over the accident that befell them in their automobile which ran over and killed a school boy in San Francisco last Thursday evening. How said it is to think that this accident should happen to people who are always very careful and how much sadder it is that a bright young boy should lose his life. The deceased was a member of the BACIGALUPI family and a relative of the BELLI family of Colma.
For Coroner and Public Administrator
Walter A. STEAD of San Mateo and Burlingame herby announces his candidacy for the office of Coroner and Public Administrator or San Mateo County, subject to the will of the voters at the Fall election.
If elected, he promises to bury the County’s dead for $1.00 each instead of $16.00 as at present charged, and none will be buried in the Potter’s Field.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. P.E. LITTLEFIELD on Montara is on the sick list.
The heavy rains of the past week did considerable damage to early planted potatoes and peas.
A.B. McFADDEN, of Seattle, is at Salada Beach visiting his daughter, Mrs. George S. McDOWELL and grandson, George Jr.
Frank T. HANCOCK, a carpenter of Napa, who has been here several times, is now located at Granada, which he hopes to make his permanent home.
The telephone wire between Half Moon Bay and Pescadero were out of commission three days this week, due to unusual severity of the weather.
L.F. BREIDENBACH, whose business interests keep him in Stockton all the time, excepting when we have the best abalone tides, spent a few days in Moss Beach last week.
T. Louis CHIOSSI of San Francisco and E. BIGGIO of Daly City were week end visitors in Moss Beach and returned to their homes well ladened with the delicious abalone.
Miss SILBIE, leading lady with Essany Motion Picture Company at Niles has had carpenters at her cottage at Tobin making some notable improvements.
W.S. FULTON, a carpenter of San Francisco, tried his luck at fishing for abalones here last Sunday, but did not meet with the success he anticipated. The frijole banquet he enjoyed after fishing, he admits, eased his disappointment some, even if he had to do some lively scratching to keep pace with BREIDENBAH and the scribe.
C.B. SMITH, who performs the dual duties of official rain gauger and depot agent for the railroad, recorded last Monday’s downpour as 2.35 inches, which, with the rain that has fallen since, brings the season’s total to 19.25 inches – regarded by every one as sufficient for present needs. If put to a vote no doubt a dry proposition would have a unanimous support.
Judge Geo. H. Buck has been presiding in the Superior Court at Lakeport during last week.
H.S. PATTERSON, auditor and expert for the State Board of Control was in Redwood Thursday on official business.
Mrs. R.M. SMITH, who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. CLOUD, for the past month, left for Medford, Oregon on Monday.
Chas. STONE has resumed his duties as station agent for the Southern Pacific Company after having spent two weeks with Mrs. STONE, in visiting points of interest in the southern part of the state.
DIED – In Redwood City, January 12, 1914, Harriet Mabel, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Valentine PEASE, a native of Redwood City, aged 8 months and 21 days.
Miss Mamie YOUNT of this city, went to Los Gatos last Wednesday to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Etta BALDWIN and Ernest CALDWELL. Miss YOUNT acted as bridesmaid.

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last updated: 21 May 2005